

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Shibaru Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#351 Posted: 08:15:34 30/06/2011
Ramune bottle
G3MINI, Biggest bubbleton on Mixer.
Hi Lindsey. - Taylor Swift
Asdra#7043 on Discord
Blayze Gold Sparx Gems: 2299
#352 Posted: 08:18:09 30/06/2011

I'm wearing lots of belts..... for no reason at all ~Jinx
Shibaru Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#353 Posted: 08:19:20 30/06/2011
EarthBound cartridge
G3MINI, Biggest bubbleton on Mixer.
Hi Lindsey. - Taylor Swift
Asdra#7043 on Discord
wakapro77 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#354 Posted: 11:15:16 30/06/2011

hence, the yiffening shall come

I submit my art on my tumblr. PM me for the link.
Shibaru Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#355 Posted: 16:29:29 30/06/2011
nail polish
G3MINI, Biggest bubbleton on Mixer.
Hi Lindsey. - Taylor Swift
Asdra#7043 on Discord
SpyroVSGanon100 Ripto Gems: 94
#356 Posted: 16:30:37 30/06/2011

With the almighty spoon.
Shibaru Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#357 Posted: 16:40:48 30/06/2011
Mr. Saturn's nose
G3MINI, Biggest bubbleton on Mixer.
Hi Lindsey. - Taylor Swift
Asdra#7043 on Discord
Coocie2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4249
#358 Posted: 19:48:12 30/06/2011

a fork :v
not yr babe
Shibaru Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#359 Posted: 19:56:25 30/06/2011
a... I dunno what this is but it was the first thing I saw
G3MINI, Biggest bubbleton on Mixer.
Hi Lindsey. - Taylor Swift
Asdra#7043 on Discord
Kitty Platinum Sparx Gems: 5106
#360 Posted: 19:58:38 30/06/2011

My knuckles.
BeanyBeans Emerald Sparx Gems: 3061
#361 Posted: 20:02:07 30/06/2011

my penis
My avatar: Halo 5
Shibaru Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#362 Posted: 20:08:17 30/06/2011
G3MINI, Biggest bubbleton on Mixer.
Hi Lindsey. - Taylor Swift
Asdra#7043 on Discord
SpyroVSGanon100 Ripto Gems: 94
#363 Posted: 20:09:37 30/06/2011

With the Trident of POWER!!!
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#364 Posted: 20:10:46 30/06/2011

A penny.

Quote: BeanyBeans

my penis

LordRattler Ripto Gems: 1058
#365 Posted: 20:11:38 30/06/2011

My cellphone.
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#366 Posted: 20:13:22 30/06/2011

A spoon.

Quote: LordRattler

My cellphone.

Does it have pony stickers? ;D
LordRattler Ripto Gems: 1058
#367 Posted: 20:14:03 30/06/2011
Quote: semp123

A spoon.

Quote: LordRattler

My cellphone.

Does it have pony stickers? smilie

Nope. But it did get drenched once in Sprite...

Freaking sprite is after my electronics.
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#368 Posted: 20:16:39 30/06/2011
You need to be more careful with Sprite, like me.
Shibaru Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#369 Posted: 20:16:47 30/06/2011
A paintbrush
G3MINI, Biggest bubbleton on Mixer.
Hi Lindsey. - Taylor Swift
Asdra#7043 on Discord
SpyroVSGanon100 Ripto Gems: 94
#370 Posted: 20:17:03 30/06/2011
Sprite killed my fish once...
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#371 Posted: 20:19:58 30/06/2011
Do tell.
SpyroVSGanon100 Ripto Gems: 94
#372 Posted: 20:21:20 30/06/2011
Quote: semp123
Do tell.

I was a kid.... and i put the fish in a bottle of sprite.... not much to tell.
But it was a pretty big fish...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:21:47 30/06/2011 by SpyroVSGanon100
Shibaru Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#373 Posted: 20:24:15 30/06/2011
Quote: SpyroVSGanon100
Quote: semp123
Do tell.

I was a kid.... and i put the fish in a bottle of sprite.... not much to tell.
But it was a pretty big fish...

I lol'd
G3MINI, Biggest bubbleton on Mixer.
Hi Lindsey. - Taylor Swift
Asdra#7043 on Discord
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#374 Posted: 20:26:29 30/06/2011
I did too.
SpyroVSGanon100 Ripto Gems: 94
#375 Posted: 20:28:45 30/06/2011
Stupid Grouper would not die fast enough.
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#376 Posted: 20:30:10 30/06/2011
You tried to kill him?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:30:24 30/06/2011 by semp123
SpyroVSGanon100 Ripto Gems: 94
#377 Posted: 20:30:42 30/06/2011
Quote: semp123
You tried000 to kill him?

I tried to kill many things.
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#378 Posted: 20:31:11 30/06/2011
SpyroVSGanon100 Ripto Gems: 94
#379 Posted: 20:32:19 30/06/2011
Quote: semp123

Animals wern't the only things on the menu either.
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#380 Posted: 20:33:10 30/06/2011
Humans as well?
SpyroVSGanon100 Ripto Gems: 94
#381 Posted: 20:35:21 30/06/2011
Quote: semp123
Humans as well?

Of course i was like 6 at the time.
But i got over that scary ****.
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#382 Posted: 20:36:47 30/06/2011
...That's a nice story..
SpyroVSGanon100 Ripto Gems: 94
#383 Posted: 20:37:56 30/06/2011
Quote: semp123
...That's a nice story..

Tried to kill a Gator once.... let's just say that i did.... but it was a ugly situation.
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#384 Posted: 20:38:26 30/06/2011
Oh boy.
SpyroVSGanon100 Ripto Gems: 94
#385 Posted: 20:39:38 30/06/2011
Quote: semp123
Oh boy.

Fasinating story i tell you.
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#386 Posted: 20:41:40 30/06/2011
Tell me it sometime.
SpyroVSGanon100 Ripto Gems: 94
#387 Posted: 20:41:58 30/06/2011
Quote: semp123
Tell me it sometime.

I will.
BeanyBeans Emerald Sparx Gems: 3061
#388 Posted: 20:43:10 30/06/2011
Quote: semp123

A penny.

Quote: BeanyBeans

my penis


if i used my penis then i would get like every std possible
My avatar: Halo 5
wakapro77 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#389 Posted: 21:09:07 30/06/2011

my face.
hence, the yiffening shall come

I submit my art on my tumblr. PM me for the link.
Kitty Platinum Sparx Gems: 5106
#390 Posted: 23:38:48 30/06/2011

A crayon.
miniquiny999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4402
#391 Posted: 17:25:07 04/09/2011
my nose
my tunge
my fist
im not dead but only in theory since i never use this heckin site anymore. send me a pm if you want i'll try to get back to ya this century
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#392 Posted: 17:25:52 04/09/2011

Bag full of candy.
miniquiny999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4402
#393 Posted: 17:32:20 04/09/2011
km imj nb,o[ jkiojm quin yo9o99o
my dogs paw
im not dead but only in theory since i never use this heckin site anymore. send me a pm if you want i'll try to get back to ya this century
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#394 Posted: 17:34:03 04/09/2011

My earphones.
miniquiny999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4402
#395 Posted: 17:35:19 04/09/2011
mk ki9mnkasjkh ho i iomoo
my teeth
im not dead but only in theory since i never use this heckin site anymore. send me a pm if you want i'll try to get back to ya this century
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#396 Posted: 18:47:56 04/09/2011

miniquiny999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4402
#397 Posted: 18:49:16 04/09/2011
pencinil sharpener
im not dead but only in theory since i never use this heckin site anymore. send me a pm if you want i'll try to get back to ya this century
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:49:49 04/09/2011 by miniquiny999
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#398 Posted: 18:55:42 04/09/2011

(Toe, took a while)
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#399 Posted: 19:04:03 04/09/2011

Mountain Dew bottle.
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#400 Posted: 19:33:01 04/09/2011

(Not telling...)
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