Jeeze, Gwenio, harsh much? Like I said, there are other books (we've seen them and the Chronicler described at least two of them in great detail in TEN). I didn't make up this theory just based on that one bit, either, I used information from the whole of LoS and DotD. I don't particularly enjoy just being spoon fed a bland story like what we got in LoS, ergo I combine gameplay mechanics with story information to create something that is plausible and interesting to my mind. It's cool if you don't like it, but telling me I'm "wrong" for that reason doesn't invalidate my ideas or make me want to agree with you.
Thanks, Darby.It's from a pic of Skylanders Elora as envisioned by Mischef/Lord of Sheeps.
It is directed towards people that did not pick up on even the fact that they are not dead. The last bit about not being other books is to point out something beyond the most obvious. There other books, but they are not mentioned and only the 'Book of Death' is present in the cutscene; therefore, it is reasonable to assume that it was the only one to have been checked.