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is cynder the last female dragon? [CLOSED]
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5750
#101 Posted: 23:10:17 07/01/2011
Aha! So you do! smilie
Mmmmm, but what's with all that stuff on Herpy, maybe you're right and it is aimed at reptile lovers.. if you see what I mean smilie I always avoid that site. It kinda scared me when I came across it the first time! smilie And I suppose that makes sense. I never stick around on the pages long enough to notice anything artistic.. I'm blinded by the what the picture is of in general! smilie
What'd be that comment? smilie
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#102 Posted: 23:25:20 07/01/2011
I hear that bioligists even reside on that site....but take "reptile lovers" in whatever way you like!smilie

The first time I actually came across VG porn....I laughed my head off!smilie
I just couldn't believe it actually existed!smilie

Well, the pic was of Malefor raping Cynder(that pic is what tougened me up for all these dirty was stuck in my head for like two weeks after I saw it!smilie). Among all the pervy comments and what not, someone said "the art is quite good, but the symbollism is amazing." I fully agree with his/her comment.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#103 Posted: 00:33:54 08/01/2011
Quote: Darby
Pervy=Sonicbrawler! smilie

He ain't the only one Darby, he ain't the only one.

Quote: sonicbrawler182
However, I feel I should say this:
In real life, I don't go hitting on every girl I meet or anything like that. I just make jokes, that's all. And....OK, I do see some fictional characters as attractive....but lots of people do....

True. I'm not perverted. Many women know me as the kind guy whom is more likely to be an actual friend than someone whom goes googly eyed like most of the people at school.

If I'm attracted to a fictional character, then I can't do anything about it. It's just how the world goes. It floats my boat, so I won't fight it. But I always have a grip on reality.

As of right now, the only fictional character I'm attracted to is Cynder.

Quote: sonicbrawler182
I'll admit....I like SOME of it. But remember, Herpy isn't actually a porn site, it's for reptile lovers. Basically, as long as the art has a reptile, it's all clear for that site. And even if I don't like what a picture potray(Little Spyro "doing" little Cynder, for example), I can stiil appreciate the art techniques used. Remember, Renaissance artists and what not do "dirty" art, but it's not always for the artist's arousement. It could be for someone else's arousement, because they think certain cartoon characters look funny in sexual activity, or they just want to challenge themselves. Heck, I could one day end up wanting to challenge myself.

Exactly. I'm a snake lover. I find them facinating, and I wish to one day conquer my fear so I can get one, and even though I'm not a member there (though I've been thinking aobut joining), I feel as though I fit in with the rest of the site. It's not all porn. It's just simply liking reptiles and you can go. There are people there that NEVER step foot in the gallery, and you need a seperate account for the gallery compared to the forum.

I go there to read some discussions, and look at Cynder art. I'm fine with the art. But RL pictures of reptiles mating is disgusting if you ask me, mostly because artwork is fictional, the pictures are real.

And what do you mean by challenge yourself?
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5750
#104 Posted: 01:52:57 08/01/2011
Quote: sonicbrawler182
I hear that bioligists even reside on that site....but take "reptile lovers" in whatever way you like!smilie

The first time I actually came across VG porn....I laughed my head off!smilie
I just couldn't believe it actually existed!smilie

Well, the pic was of Malefor raping Cynder(that pic is what tougened me up for all these dirty was stuck in my head for like two weeks after I saw it!smilie). Among all the pervy comments and what not, someone said "the art is quite good, but the symbollism is amazing." I fully agree with his/her comment.

Dirty biologists..? smilie
Are.. Are you talking about the button smasher one!? I doubt you are, but that's one of the pictures that deeply disturbed me! O.o

Quote: CAV
He ain't the only one Darby, he ain't the only one.

Heh.. Are you referring to yourself? Or me? ..Or both? smilie

Quote: CAV
Exactly. I'm a snake lover. I find them facinating, and I wish to one day conquer my fear so I can get one, and even though I'm not a member there (though I've been thinking aobut joining), I feel as though I fit in with the rest of the site. It's not all porn. It's just simply liking reptiles and you can go. There are people there that NEVER step foot in the gallery, and you need a seperate account for the gallery compared to the forum.

I go there to read some discussions, and look at Cynder art. I'm fine with the art. But RL pictures of reptiles mating is disgusting if you ask me, mostly because artwork is fictional, the pictures are real.

And what do you mean by challenge yourself?

I'd go on there, but dA seems to have all I'm looking for, while on Herpy, for me, it's hard to get past those pictures.. Since I've never stuck around on that site, from a few seconds on there it seems like it's a site dedicated to that stuff.. so I don't think I'm going to give it a second chance.. smilie

And he had been talking about how artists may do that art to challenge themselves.. so I assume I know what he meant.. smilie

This discussion has turned interesting. O.o Should this conversation even be aloud? D:
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#105 Posted: 14:19:31 08/01/2011
Are.. Are you talking about the button smasher one!? I doubt you are, but that's one of the pictures that deeply disturbed me! O.o

I'm not talking about that one, but I have seen it. It's weird.....especially how there is a triangle button icon in the middle!smilie

Heh.. Are you referring to yourself? Or me? ..Or both?smilie

I think he's referring to a little portion of all of us in this planet. Everyone acts like a bit of a perv sometimes, whether they realise it or not!smilie

True. I'm not perverted. Many women know me as the kind guy whom is more likely to be an actual friend than someone whom goes googly eyed like most of the people at school.

If I'm attracted to a fictional character, then I can't do anything about it. It's just how the world goes. It floats my boat, so I won't fight it. But I always have a grip on reality.

I don't get to be around girls my age that often, because I go to an all-boys school AND live out in the country, but even I don't go googly eyed like all the other guys. Although in my mind I might find them attractive, I don't stare at them or anything. I have had attractive girls put make-up on me in preperation for a musical, and even in the musical, my charcater was a kind of horny seebee, but I don't actually feel horny on-stage despite the female actresses looking attractive - I just act horny on-stage!

Yes, there is a difference between being attracted to it, and thinking it's real. As long as you can seperate reality from fiction, it's safe to be attracted to fictional characters, IMO.

Also, can we be blamed for it? I mean, the creators are the ones who make the characters attractive, and I know for a fact that the human characters are made attractive intentionally. Also, inter-species stuff is thrown in our faces all the time. For example, in Epic Mickey, there is a human pirate in love with a lactose intolerant have a choice to help get them together, or make the cow(female) hate the pirate(male). I helped them get together, and they kiss. Not just a litlle innocent kiss on the cheek, but a good ol' snog......and there are millions of other examples out there across the media.

I like the Spyro art on Herpy, especially since most of it is actually of Cynder. There is one absolutely adorable pic of her on it. The pic is actually called "Sexy Cynder", but I just said "D'AWWW!!" when I seen it! It's my avatar on dA!smilie

And he had been talking about how artists may do that art to challenge themselves.. so I assume I know what he meant..smilie

Yep, it is an accomplishment if you can draw sexual stuff well. That's why I say "they challenge themselves".

This discussion has turned interesting. O.o Should this conversation even be aloud? D:

Was it not interesting before?smilie
In all seriousness, I don't see why not. We are the only ones talking right now(maybe we drove people away!smilie), and it was bound to turn into this at some point. And if anyone is reading our posts and has a problem with them, then:
[User Posted Image]

Phew, long post is long!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5750
#106 Posted: 15:35:58 08/01/2011
Haha, exactly! Ahhh, it's really... *shudders*

Heh, and that's very true about every single person, even if they try to hide it..

Yeahh, there's guys like that at my school, that go all googly eyed and stuff, and they're usually the ones I can't stand. And there's girls who are total sluts who do the same as well, and are just.. urghh, can't stand them! smilie

And you're right about the species thing. Another example might be Elise and Sonic.. and there's plenty more I can't think of right now. But it's not meant for real life, of course. That's wrong. Isn't it legal to get married to your pets somewhere?.. Or am I crazy? smilie

Ahh, and I've seen your avatar around. I think I've seen it on dA. It's a really great picture, but I thought it just looked so innocent, not "sexy" smilie

Hehe, and that's true. It's been interesting from a looong time ago.
Heh, driving people away? Pshh... (Yes I think we might have) smilie
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#107 Posted: 16:04:47 08/01/2011
Quote: Darby
Heh.. Are you referring to yourself? Or me? ..Or both? smilie

I was referring to myself.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#108 Posted: 18:52:08 08/01/2011
Hold on now, I think you misunderstood me on the inter-species thing!smilie
I still think it's wrong to be attracted to(or maybe just to have intercourse with) real animals with non-human characteristics. Animals would not understand or want what's going on, and therefore, it would be rape. What I meant is, how can we be expected to not get attracted to fictional or more specifically, anthro characters, if they are a big part of our lives AND if they are made to be attractive? Also, if these characters were real, they would understand the concepts of sex more. If Cynder were real, and you asked her to have sex with you, and she agreed, then it's not really wrong, as you have her consent. It's only ever wrong if one mate doesn't agree to it, in which case it's rape. That's how I see it anyway. looks KIND of sexy I guess, as it IS Cynder!smilie
But yeah, she looks so cute and innocent in it, and she has tears in her eyes!:3

Funny thing is....I didn't start all the "Cynder's sexualization" stuff!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#109 Posted: 22:04:11 08/01/2011
If Cynder were real, and you asked her to have sex with you, and she agreed, then it's not really wrong, as you have her consent.

And that's a good thing.

Quote: looks KIND of sexy I guess, as it IS Cynder!
But yeah, she looks so cute and innocent in it, and she has tears in her eyes!:3

What are you talking about?

Funny thing is....I didn't start all the "Cynder's sexualization" stuff

We both did, by looking at little tidbits in DotD.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#110 Posted: 22:07:33 08/01/2011

A pic of Cynder on Herpy....

Actually, Queen_Cynder started it!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#111 Posted: 22:14:48 08/01/2011
Which picture of Cynder on Herpy. There's 200+.

Yeah.....but then we continued it.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#112 Posted: 22:22:56 08/01/2011
This one...
[User Posted Image]
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#113 Posted: 22:50:34 08/01/2011
I didn't see that on Herpy. *is on there now*
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#114 Posted: 22:52:05 08/01/2011
It looks cuter in full size!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#115 Posted: 22:59:40 08/01/2011
Like I said, I didn't find it.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#116 Posted: 23:07:52 08/01/2011
I tried to link you to it, but it seems dark52 has prevented any Herpy URLs from being used in posts....
Just search up "Sexy Cynder" on Google Images and it should come up as the third pic....
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5750
#117 Posted: 23:40:51 08/01/2011
Do you look up sexy Cynder often? smilie
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#118 Posted: 23:42:46 08/01/2011
I look it up whenever I need to post that pic...which that much!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5750
#119 Posted: 23:57:39 08/01/2011
Haha, well you had to search for SOMETHING to find it in the first place! ^.^ smilie
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#120 Posted: 13:26:48 09/01/2011
What? I got curious when everyone was whining about dirty Cynder pics....smilie
.....Then I got impulsive....smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#121 Posted: 14:45:05 09/01/2011
Quote: sonicbrawler182
I tried to link you to it, but it seems dark52 has prevented any Herpy URLs from being used in posts....

Yeah he did. I was going to post a picture of a cute Cynder that topped all of the cute Spyros, but the only place I was able to find it was Herpy, and I spent half an hour trying to get it to work. smilie

Can't really blame him I guess. But it should a program thingy that filters mature images, that way I can post clean images like what I was going to post without any problems.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:46:27 09/01/2011 by CAV
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#122 Posted: 14:50:26 09/01/2011
You can post the thumbnails from Google images. That's what I did.

And pretty much any teen Cynder pic is cuter than any Spyro pic for me!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#123 Posted: 14:58:30 09/01/2011
Oh, so you can. Mkay well then OFF TO THE TOPIC!

EDIT: The thumbnail still claims Herpy...I guess I'll have to save the picture, upload it to photobucket, aye....
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 15:00:25 09/01/2011 by CAV
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#124 Posted: 15:02:25 09/01/2011
Remember, not the actual thumbnail from Herpy, but the one in a Google Image search. Just put the pictures name in a Google Imaged search and try to find it.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#125 Posted: 15:22:00 09/01/2011
So, why are we trying to dodge filters, again?
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#126 Posted: 15:25:27 09/01/2011
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Remember, not the actual thumbnail from Herpy, but the one in a Google Image search. Just put the pictures name in a Google Imaged search and try to find it.

Mkay then.

Quote: Burning Gnorc
So, why are we trying to dodge filters, again?

Because I want to post a clean picture but I can't just because it's on Herpy.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#127 Posted: 15:25:44 09/01/2011
To show completely innocent pictures(like two Herpy pics I already posted)....
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#128 Posted: 16:33:46 09/01/2011
It's been done.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#129 Posted: 05:50:20 10/01/2011
Quote: Queen_Cynder
I know... They should bring back Sheila, Bianca, Zoe, and Ember!

And Flame, even though he's a boy and a red look-alike of Spyro. *people ruin it there... :/*
I think a good finale to the end of the Spyro trilogy would be:
All the characters...looking at the players (or the screen...whatever)...and saying an amazing speech, or something that touches Spyro players hearts. Just something amazing, emotional, and totally awesome. smilie
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#130 Posted: 05:53:03 10/01/2011
Quote: sonicbrawler182
What? I got curious when everyone was whining about dirty Cynder pics....smilie
.....Then I got impulsive....smilie

Ever think about something mature?
Ahhaa, don't answer that one.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#131 Posted: 14:03:10 10/01/2011
Quote: Spyro-Gamer
Ever think about something mature?
Ahhaa, don't answer that one.

1. Caps don't help your arguement.
2. Don't answer for someone. It will only make things worse.
3. If we were looking for mature pictures of Cynder, then that means we were thinking about something mature.
4. Take this statement seriously: "Whatever float one's boat."
5. If you go to other topics, you'll see how serious I am. Don't be too quick to judge.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#132 Posted: 21:06:58 10/01/2011
Spyro-Gamer, you don't even know us well. We will find Cynder attractive if we want to. If you have never met someone attracted to a fictional character, then you must be new to the internet.

Also, we were having a mainly mature, serious discussion on this topic.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5750
#133 Posted: 22:07:46 10/01/2011
Quote: Spyro-Gamer
Quote: sonicbrawler182
What? I got curious when everyone was whining about dirty Cynder pics....smilie
.....Then I got impulsive....smilie

Ever think about something mature?
Ahhaa, don't answer that one.

You've just joined this site and you're not coming off as a nice person.. There's a better way to handle it. Either don't talk in caps and call people immature, or ignore the conversation if you don't like it.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#134 Posted: 22:19:18 10/01/2011
Also, you double-posted, Spyro-Gamer.

Now where were we....
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#135 Posted: 22:20:03 10/01/2011
But you don't want to do that do ya?
Wait, don't answer that.


I'm gonna be called such an ass.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#136 Posted: 22:23:34 10/01/2011
EPIC WIN!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5750
#137 Posted: 22:46:49 10/01/2011
I don't care what you'll be called. I laughed smilie
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#138 Posted: 16:14:40 11/01/2011
Quote: Darby
I don't care what you'll be called. I laughed smilie

I laughed while writing it down.
dragonboy135 Blue Sparx Gems: 824
#139 Posted: 21:19:42 11/01/2011
ive just been reading this entire topic from top to bottom and i have to say that you have a very valid point, cynder is,unfortunatly (and fortunatly!) good-looking.
is it possible that you can move the world... is it possible to jump the stars...... is it possible... that im thinking? smilie OMG thats new!!!
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#140 Posted: 22:14:30 11/01/2011
She's only sexually attractive to some people(like me!smilie), but others would just see her as "cute" in a "puppy dog" kind of way.
And a very small amount of people think she is downright ugly.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5750
#141 Posted: 01:39:36 12/01/2011
There's people like you who find her.. yeah, attractive smilie Then there's the people who take it wayyy too far (No one on this site! That I'm aware of.. smilie) Then there's those who think she's cute or pretty if you will, and then those people that think she's either funny looking, even like a parrot, and then those who think she's downright ugly like you said. Yeahh, the opinions on Cynder are really mixed smilie
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#142 Posted: 15:43:34 12/01/2011
People that take it way too far end up in mental institutions. These are the people that don't have a grip on reality.

I'm attracted to Cynder, but at the same time I know about real women in the real world. I'm not lost. I just have my little escape pod from the real world. And it's called darkSpyro. smilie
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#143 Posted: 10:51:14 15/01/2011
People who take it too far are the kind that pushed Razz out of the Spyro fandom. I don't know if she sees me as one of those(she still reads topics, so she could of seen "those" topics....including this one!smilie), but meh.

I'm attracted to her, maybe even obsessed, and wish I could some day meet a girl like her.....but I know she's not real, and although I would love to meet a girl like her, I'm not counting on it. Cynder is just one of those things I love to fantasize about. Besides, I'm not sure if I could ever be romantically involved with anyone, for certain reasons(not dirty ones, or that I have a mental or physical disability, just personal reasons)....
"My memories will be part of the sky."
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#144 Posted: 10:56:20 15/01/2011
If Cynder really is the last one... I'd cry at what Spyro has become.

Jk, but it would still be one of the worst descisions of the franchise.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#145 Posted: 11:07:02 15/01/2011
Personally, I don't care if they don't add more female characters, although it would be cool....

And your comment broke a long chain!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#146 Posted: 23:43:59 15/01/2011
This thread will now be about 12 year old's and other boys coming of age looking up dragon porn.

This is just great...well I'm off to find DBZ hentai.
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5750
#147 Posted: 00:20:37 16/01/2011
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#148 Posted: 00:27:56 16/01/2011
I'm 15, CAV and Darby are 14, and Darby is a girl.....

OMG, DBZ Hentai.....*gets a mental image of naked Broly and has simalar reaction to this video*
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5750
#149 Posted: 00:37:47 16/01/2011
Stewieeee! smilie
Reaction from 10 on made me lol so muchsmilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:38:27 16/01/2011 by Darby
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#150 Posted: 01:10:16 16/01/2011
"You can't hurt anyone....anymore..."smilie

Seriously though, I don't want to imagine what sort of stuff artists have done with Broly....thank god there are no pics of him raping Cynder!smilie
....And now that I have said that, somebody will do it! D:
Oh noes! I'm so sorry Cynder! D:
"My memories will be part of the sky."
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