
Spyro: Season of Ice


13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Is anyone..........stuck? [CLOSED]
Azul10166 Green Sparx Gems: 397
#1 Posted: 17:03:42 30/05/2010 | Topic Creator
Is anyone stuck in this game? I have a hard time finding fairies.... (This is to see if people are stuck, or I just suck at this game)
Okami FTW.
Along with Spyro and some other things... smilie
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#2 Posted: 21:36:05 30/05/2010
I strongly dislike the difficulty. I am currently in Market Mesa and haven't played for a while.
Azul10166 Green Sparx Gems: 397
#3 Posted: 12:19:35 31/05/2010 | Topic Creator
Quote: GamingMaster_76
I strongly dislike the difficulty. I am currently in Market Mesa and haven't played for a while.

I die most of the time and then I have to start all over. I just like ones that are on the PS2 or Wii..... But I also like games on GBA.
Okami FTW.
Along with Spyro and some other things... smilie
ravenouscynder Ripto Gems: 864
#4 Posted: 15:21:01 06/06/2010
i got to the spring place but it was too hard so i started the game over again.
Whitedragon Ripto Gems: 963
#5 Posted: 19:12:30 07/06/2010
I completed when I was about five, I can't remember though smilie and im restating it, im having trouble in the winter zone looking for faires.
ravenouscynder Ripto Gems: 864
#6 Posted: 17:33:27 13/06/2010
i got sooo stuck in spring world place.
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#7 Posted: 18:10:37 24/06/2010
I found my copy earlier, and turned it on to see why I stopped playing. Yeah, getting hit back by a bee over 10 times and restarting from the beginning was my reminder.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
RubyWings91 Blue Sparx Gems: 738
#8 Posted: 17:14:13 02/08/2010
I found my copy earlier, and turned it on to see why I stopped playing. Yeah, getting hit back by a bee over 10 times and restarting from the beginning was my reminder.

The ones your supposed to get to the flowers, right?Those bees got me too, I was never able to get the one where you had to get a bee to chase you up to the flower in the bottom left side of that honey feild. The speedways also get me. If it weren't for these things combined, I'd have already completed this game by now, because they were the only things that still kept faries.

I played for so long I found the limit in the maximum number of lives Spyro could pick up (99).
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:15:02 02/08/2010 by RubyWings91
Jade Wolf Green Sparx Gems: 420
#9 Posted: 17:48:13 02/08/2010
I haven't played this game in ages. Couldn't say...
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#10 Posted: 10:22:12 17/10/2010
I got another copy a while ago, and I've played about 2 times. So far I've finished Ant Farms, Mermaid Cost, and Autumn Fairy Homeworld. I don't play much, because I need to finish the other portable games on my doubles and I play other games.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9659
#11 Posted: 07:18:43 19/12/2010
I don't really like this game, it's kind of boring and confusing.
Glen Yellow Sparx Gems: 1846
#12 Posted: 02:31:33 08/01/2011
I still wonder why i have this game i got near the end but i ended up needing all the fairies and it felt like such a chore and i got bored.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9659
#13 Posted: 18:09:35 09/01/2011
Quote: Glen
I still wonder why i have this GOON i got near the end but i ended up needing TO FART and it felt like such a chore and i got bored.

LOL!!! Glen will like this one.
RubyWings91 Blue Sparx Gems: 738
#14 Posted: 21:44:37 01/04/2011
I've never beaten the game but I've gotten up to 92 fairies. I played it so long that I even unintentionally found out the maximum number of lives Spyro could hold: 99.
Ahaila Yellow Sparx Gems: 1966
#15 Posted: 10:45:10 14/07/2011
I got stuck too. I can't find some diamonds and fairies.
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