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is cynder the last female dragon? [CLOSED]
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#51 Posted: 19:24:39 02/01/2011
lol, it appears I'm not the only one who watches Family Guy!smilie

There are a lot of "subliminal messages" in LoS. Technically, it's only a subliminal message if it is there intentionally, and I doubt most, if not all the "messages" were not there on purpose. Honestly, I can look at anything from a more "dirty" perspective.

I would like more female characters too, I guess, but I will be happy with just good ol' Cynder!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#52 Posted: 01:17:29 03/01/2011
Yes, Cynder's awesome enough. But I'd love to see more females. smilie And yeah, I tend to do the same - Look at things with a "dirty" mind. smilie
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#53 Posted: 01:19:35 03/01/2011
LOL, I thought you hated Cynder(except ANB Cynder)!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#54 Posted: 01:41:11 03/01/2011
LOL, I don't hate Cynder. I just don't like that she looks so... Sexist. smilie But yeah, I love ANB Cynder the most. smilie
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#55 Posted: 12:27:47 03/01/2011
I wouldn't call it sexist, as she just looks good. You said that boys always "check you out", am I right? Well, you might as well call your parents sexist for creating you the way you are!smilie
(not meant to be an offense, just a witty statement:3)
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#56 Posted: 20:06:01 03/01/2011
Lawlz, very witty. smilie And I guess she's not sexist. She's just, as you put it, looking good. smilie
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#57 Posted: 20:27:56 03/01/2011
LOL, yeah.
I find it strange how everyone comments on how Cynder is "idealized" in DotD, yet nobody comments on Spyro, the Guardians or even Hunter.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#58 Posted: 06:25:43 04/01/2011
Yeah, Spyro seems just as bad as Cynder in ways. People just don't notice because Cynder's a female, I guess. And even Sparx seems a bit "idealized" in some ways. *shrugs* Just IMO.
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#59 Posted: 12:16:04 04/01/2011
Yeah, even Sparx does!
And we have to remember - they are dragons.....thay may seem idealized to US, but to each other, Cynder's body shape could be completely normal, and may not be considered uber-sexy. Same goes for the male dragons. Just thought I'd point that out...
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#60 Posted: 17:26:04 04/01/2011
Yeah, I never thought of it that way... Maybe Spyro and Cynder have normal male and female body shapes for dragons. So they don't see each other as being sexy at all. Kinda wierd way to look at it. smilie
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#61 Posted: 17:39:30 04/01/2011
Well, it's obvious they are sexually attracted to each other, as they can be seen "checking each other out", in DotD, and Sparx did call Cynder sexy in ANB. But her DotD form may not be considered extremely attractive to the dragons, just "average". While I will admit I find Cynder very attractive(*shot*), Spyro might just see her as "kinda cute" or something. Their relationship seems to be mostly about the strong bond they share, rather than lust.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#62 Posted: 06:18:00 06/01/2011
Yes, there seems to be no lust or true sexuality between Spyro and Cynder. It's more like two teenagers who have a crush on each other. And I did think about Sparx saying Cynder is "sexy". I think that was more for comedy than anything else.

And don't worry, I think Spyro's kinda attractive (*shot*) smilie
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#63 Posted: 12:17:08 06/01/2011
I would call it "true love" or "soul mates" between these two. They just didn't put much sexual stuff in it, for obvious reasons. The closest thing we got to it was when they hugged each other!smilie

Just played that part in ANB! Hilarious!smilie
Also, after seeing ANB Cynder on a 37" HDTV.....that figure is WAAAAAY more suggestive than the DotD one. I thought she literally had breasts when she came out of the lava!smilie

I knew I would talk to someone who thought that some day!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#64 Posted: 17:21:33 06/01/2011
Yay, finally someone who agrees with me! smilie

Yes, Cynder in ANB seems MUCH more suggestive! I was trying to download a clip and WOW, she is really suggestive. smilie It's kinda creepy. And yeah, the closest thing to a sexual relationship was a hug. smilie
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#65 Posted: 17:31:56 06/01/2011
On what?smilie

I don't find it creepy, just funny....and eye candy!smilie

Here's how I see it:
ANB Cynder: Huge chest, really curvy
DotD Cynder: Moderately sized chest, really curvy, butt looks bigger
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#66 Posted: 04:19:38 07/01/2011
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Here's how I see it:
ANB Cynder: Huge chest, really curvy
DotD Cynder: Moderately sized chest, really curvy, butt looks bigger

Either way cuts it for me. /brick'd
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#67 Posted: 04:29:13 07/01/2011
Yes, I agree... And really, what's the point in giving a dragon a large chest? smilie
And DotD Cynder seemed to have a really large butt... But I've never played all of it, only seen the cutscenes and such, so I may be wrong.

And I was using a program called "Any Video Converter"...
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#68 Posted: 11:59:20 07/01/2011
Well, the large chest could indeed be just muscle. Spyro's chest got larger too. But for Cynder, they just "shaped her in a certain way", if ya catch my drift.

No, you're right about her having a huge butt!smilie
I can never ignore it while playing!smilie

And when I said "On what?smilie", I was referring to this:
Yay, finally someone who agrees with me!smilie

"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#69 Posted: 15:49:45 07/01/2011
I never paid attention to her butt, until now that it's been mentioned...

Quote: Queen_Cynder
But I've never played all of it, only seen the cutscenes and such, so I may be wrong.

Kinda, kinda not. There are times where's it's noticable, and times where you can't tell at all.

And for the record, she looks black in the game.

Note that what I say is valid, as I'm playing it right now just to answer this question.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:52:58 07/01/2011 by CAV
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#70 Posted: 15:53:17 07/01/2011
This conversation has turned into one about Cynder's smexualization!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#71 Posted: 15:57:25 07/01/2011
Well, she's the only female we ever see in LoS. It was bound to happen.

And a question was asked. I popped in the disk, went to the Valley of Alivar (since I have more freedom to roam around), and I observed non-pervertedly. And with that I was able to answer the question.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#72 Posted: 15:59:21 07/01/2011
Oh, it turned into this before I even found this topic!smilie
In the 360 version, she looks kind of purple, but I like that vague purple colour on her anyway.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#73 Posted: 16:03:21 07/01/2011
The Wii port has her looking black.

Oh, and take this for what you may:

She uses her back/butt (mostly her butt) for her downward slam attack that deals a load of damage if you just so happen to hit someone with it.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#74 Posted: 16:04:57 07/01/2011
She does!?
Reminds me of Brawl taunts!smilie

I also know two little tidbits like that, but people will take it the wrong way.smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#75 Posted: 16:06:12 07/01/2011
She does look black.

What tidbits?
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#76 Posted: 16:19:55 07/01/2011
I was referring to the move!smilie

OK, I'll let them out, but I found these by complete accident:

1) In the first attack of her jumping combo, her chest could be just a modeling error, and could be only on 360/PS3. I found this when I was practicing my "Cynder's Goin' Up" glitch.

2) Do you know that animation they do when you swiftly turn while running? When Cynder does it she bounces her butt up. Pause the game while she does this and it looks like she is "showing off" to you. I noticed this when I coincidentally paused the game during this specific animation. I don't know if it happens on the last gen versions, as I noticed that animations are actually a bit stiffer in those.

Also, a non-suggestive one:
I once got the camera inside Cynder's head, and her eyes are actually two huge spheres!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#77 Posted: 16:49:53 07/01/2011
Yes she does. Check it out. And look carefully.

Chest jiggling? Seriously? Let me see if the Wii version has that.

And I didn't notice the other thing either.

To add to the tidbits:

When you stop flying, she will start to slowly fall down, and she will raise her tail up showing you her backend. Ergo, she is showing off again. I tested this with Spyro just to see if it was the same, and it isn't. Therefore, the developers did this intentionally.

Wen you don't move at all and you focus on Cynder, there are moments where she starts shaking her butt.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#78 Posted: 17:02:32 07/01/2011
I always noticed she looked extremely curvy during that animation, but I never noticed the tail thing.

Yeah, she waves her butt about while standing.....not to mention shakes it while walking.
And Spyro doesn't have anything like this.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#79 Posted: 17:08:43 07/01/2011
The chest jiggling and the showing off while turning thing doesn't happen on the Wii. Looks like it's only for 360 and PS3.

I noticed it only now. Shows how little I cared for these things when I played the game. And even then I was still attracted. But I cared more about moving on in the game.

Exactly. And when she bits her wing, she waves it faster.

As for walking, she kinda shakes it. Otherwise not really.

And no, Spyro doesn't have any of this because it would just be plain wrong.

But at the same time, I have an explination that could kinda debunk this:

When it comes to humans, females have wider hips becase they give birth. Because of the wider hips, their midsection sways more than a male's. Maybe, just maybe, the same concept goes for dragons in the Spyro universe.

Just a nerdy thought.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#80 Posted: 17:15:14 07/01/2011
I also care about progressing through the game more, but now that I'm finished....smilie

Yeah, but that's because she's tugging at it, probably not done for the player's arousement.

On 360, she shakes it about a bit

I meant Spyro doesn't have anything even for the girl players!smilie

That is true, but it's not like the developers HAD to do it with Cynder. Dragons are fictional creatures, so they can do what they want with their design. They just chose to give it tons of sexual appeal.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#81 Posted: 17:24:46 07/01/2011
You got me there. I'm done, so I may as well look for all those glitches people keep talking about.

She's tugging at her wing, but when why is her butt waving faster when she does it?

I'll have to look again.

Once again, refer to my explination why it would be wrong for Spyro to have anything regarding that.

Yeah, but at the same time have some sort of relivence to reality. And if all they wanted to do was sexual appeal, well I can't blame them, cause it worked. But for someone to buy the game just for that is sad.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#82 Posted: 17:36:49 07/01/2011
The only games I can think of that people would buy JUST for sexual appeal are:
Dead or Alive: Xtreme
Rumble Roses
A lot of "obscure" Japanese games, to say the least.....

I've clocked in over 100 hours across all the save files I have ever used in DotD, so I do a LOT of fooling around!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#83 Posted: 17:47:45 07/01/2011
Dead or Alive is a great fighting series. It's a shame that they have to milk the fact that they have more women in the game then men. Dead or Alive: Extreme should not exist. It's a reason why some people hate the series, when they are actually good fighting games.

I only clocked 13 hours on my one save file. What the heck would you do in those 100 hours??
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#84 Posted: 17:59:28 07/01/2011
I have Dead or Alive 4, and I didn't really like it, but the 360 controller isn't great for that kind of game anyway.

Well, on my first playthrough, my file was deleted twice, and then the time I finally beat it, it was a 10-12 hour playthrough. Then I did a co-op playthrough of a round the same time. Then I went through it again, but defeated the elite enemies properly(without fury). Other than that, I do an awful lot of messing around or just replaying levels.....and I only got the game in the Summer!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#85 Posted: 18:10:35 07/01/2011
I rented Dead or Alive 4, and it's the best in the series. The 360 controller actually works well for the game, just like how Dead or Alive 3 worked well on the orginal Xbox. Can I have your copy? smilie

I simply did a co-op playthrough. Then I would replay some stages now and then.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#86 Posted: 22:03:58 07/01/2011
I played through all the stories, but I just don't really like it. I prefer Tekken.

But we're going off topic!
So....Cynder may be the last female.....there will be blood.....
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#87 Posted: 22:08:35 07/01/2011
Like I said, can I have your copy? I can never find a good copy of the game.

If she's the last female, there won't be blood.............only rape.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#88 Posted: 22:13:28 07/01/2011
It's actually my brothers!smilie
He doesn't play it though....

That's WHY there will be blood!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#89 Posted: 22:20:47 07/01/2011
So can you ask him if I can have it. smilie

No there still won't be blood. There will be another bodily fluid, but not blood.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#90 Posted: 22:24:01 07/01/2011
How would I even deliver it safely!?smilie

Have you seen some of the pictures and situations she's been put in on certain sites?
Because they depict that there will be blood....
Not to mention all the males fighting over her....
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#91 Posted: 22:27:35 07/01/2011
So I read that whole convo about Cynder being a little nasty in DotD thanks to the developers.. I won't think of her the same! D: Haha, just kidding, but.. just.. smilie
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#92 Posted: 22:30:53 07/01/2011
There is a good chance it was unintentional. After all, maybe it's just me being pervy again!smilie
[User Posted Image]
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#93 Posted: 22:34:14 07/01/2011
Quote: sonicbrawler182
How would I even deliver it safely!?smilie

Have you seen some of the pictures and situations she's been put in on certain sites?
Because they depict that there will be blood....
Not to mention all the males fighting over her....

I dunno. Come to America and hand deliver it. smilie

Yes, but there tends to me more of the other bodily fluid than blood. Especially when there's only one guy.

Quote: Darby
So I read that whole convo about Cynder being a little nasty in DotD thanks to the developers.. I won't think of her the same! D: Haha, just kidding, but.. just.. smilie

You're welcome. smilie
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#94 Posted: 22:36:07 07/01/2011
If only I could fly....

And that's very true....
But who rapes her more.....the dragons or us fans?smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#95 Posted: 22:42:27 07/01/2011
Pervy=Sonicbrawler! smilie

And that's a good question. From what I've seen though - FANS D: smilie
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#96 Posted: 22:43:51 07/01/2011
"You know me.....never a dull moment!"smilie

From what I've the same time.....
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#97 Posted: 22:45:12 07/01/2011
Haha, woo, I actually know where that's from! Aaaand it definitely fits you! smilie

Heh... Oh. That's.. Disturbing? smilie
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#98 Posted: 22:49:56 07/01/2011
However, I feel I should say this:
In real life, I don't go hitting on every girl I meet or anything like that. I just make jokes, that's all. And....OK, I do see some fictional characters as attractive....but lots of people do....

For some reason, that sort of stuff doesn't disturb me. Not saying I enjoy all of it or anything, it just doesn't freak me out.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#99 Posted: 22:56:19 07/01/2011
Yeah, I understand that. I'd say it's normal to crack jokes like that! smilie Especially for you.. smilie And I mean, we've all had our fictional "crushes" smilie Pshh.. Some people just take it a little far! smilie

Maybe that's because you like it? Ha, naww, kidding. But I mean, it doesn't disturb me too much either, I guess. It's just someone's.. art, I guess? However, I do try to avoid it as much as I can ^.^
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#100 Posted: 23:05:17 07/01/2011
YAY!! I'm not seen as a threatining pervert!smilie
Seriously, I would probably be terrible at that....too much work!smilie

I'll admit....I like SOME of it. But remember, Herpy isn't actually a porn site, it's for reptile lovers. Basically, as long as the art has a reptile, it's all clear for that site. And even if I don't like what a picture potray(Little Spyro "doing" little Cynder, for example), I can stiil appreciate the art techniques used. Remember, Renaissance artists and what not do "dirty" art, but it's not always for the artist's arousement. It could be for someone else's arousement, because they think certain cartoon characters look funny in sexual activity, or they just want to challenge themselves. Heck, I could one day end up wanting to challenge myself.

Also...the comments on Herpy pics are often funny. Although, I seen one amazing comment on a certain Cynder pic....
"My memories will be part of the sky."
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