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sonicbrawler182's art thread [CLOSED]
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#1 Posted: 15:22:24 30/12/2010 | Topic Creator
Just thought I would make an art thread for myself.
Here is my dA gallery:

And here are the "arty" Spyro related pictures I made(You might want to zoom out):
[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6267
#2 Posted: 20:49:31 30/12/2010
Nice pics. I've seen the first one somewhere (not in your avatar). But they are very good. smilie
Do you use Gimp?
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#3 Posted: 21:23:39 30/12/2010 | Topic Creator
Yeah, I use GIMP. But the second one was done on paper.
The first one is a "work in progress".
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6267
#4 Posted: 21:30:08 30/12/2010
Yes, I know the second one was done on paper, it is very good. It reminds me of the Vally of Avalar/Morning Springs (Is it that? I forget what it was, haven't played YotD in ages). The first one looks like it is finished though, it is very good. smilie
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#5 Posted: 21:33:16 30/12/2010 | Topic Creator
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6267
#6 Posted: 21:35:41 30/12/2010
Your welcome. Maybe you should try drawing scales?
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#7 Posted: 21:39:24 30/12/2010 | Topic Creator
Meh, I dont want her to look super realistic. She looks smexier this way!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6267
#8 Posted: 22:42:34 30/12/2010
I don't think she does. smilie
I think it's kinda hard to make scales, but it's worth it in the end.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#9 Posted: 22:48:58 30/12/2010 | Topic Creator
Yeah, but it's just that I don't want it on this particular picture. It doesn't go well with the style I'm going for.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7911
#10 Posted: 23:05:33 30/12/2010
Lovely! smilie
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#11 Posted: 23:09:40 30/12/2010 | Topic Creator
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6267
#12 Posted: 02:27:18 31/12/2010
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Yeah, but it's just that I don't want it on this particular picture. It doesn't go well with the style I'm going for.

Okay, you can do whatever with you pictures. smilie
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
Epic7 Red Sparx Gems: 25
#13 Posted: 00:23:01 03/01/2011
Why is cynder so sad
I got the password to my old account. I am Spyro_987
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#14 Posted: 01:08:51 03/01/2011 | Topic Creator
I have had many ideas for the background and for why she is actually sad. I initially just made her sad as without the tears, she looked emotionless, but I have a couple of reasons for why she might be, and it will have to do with whatever background I choose.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
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