

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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your opinion [CLOSED]
waytodawn96 Green Sparx Gems: 399
#1 Posted: 01:30:18 11/12/2010 | Topic Creator
this may seem a little late (no duh) but what do you think happend after DoTD?
Is it possable to go to bed dead and wake up alive???! smilie I'm Random and proud of it!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:31:03 11/12/2010 by waytodawn96
Spyros Dagger Yellow Sparx Gems: 1495
#2 Posted: 01:39:38 11/12/2010
Spyro and Cynder began repopulating the dragons.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6147
#3 Posted: 01:57:20 11/12/2010
I think Spyro and Cynder found another peril and had to stop it. I also think they broke up.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#4 Posted: 02:10:25 11/12/2010
Nothing. They got the happy ending, they live on, and have a child eventually. There most likely would've have been minor threats, but nothing to really make a game.

I can make more thoughts when there are more replies.
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#5 Posted: 02:35:54 11/12/2010
Well its unpredidctable
looks like ive got some things to do...
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#6 Posted: 02:37:27 11/12/2010
I think they reside now in the spirit realm, just like the Chronicler, and are the heart of the new world. They will never age and won't die until their world comes to its inevitable end. Either way, I don't think they have any more adventures since that would just be more cliche than even LoS can handle (I mean, come on, the world was already half destroyed; give it a rest).
SpyroPurple Blue Sparx Gems: 652
#7 Posted: 03:49:30 11/12/2010
awwwe come on razz, you honestly believe no good can come from another TLOS game if it was made? I mean even if insomniac fought and lost an arm and a leg to do so...
"May the ancestors look after you...may they look after us all."
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#8 Posted: 04:02:23 11/12/2010
Ignitus died in a fire. LoS is officially the worst thing ever made now, especially DotD. Nothing can salvage it (and I don't think Insomniac would fight for Spyro now even if they were paid just to try, the franchise is that wretched these days).
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#9 Posted: 04:50:22 11/12/2010
They can improve it from where it left off, you know. Just because DotD ruined it for you doesn't mean they can't turn it around.
I know nothing will change your opinion on DotD, let alone TLoS, but it's done with. I'm done trying to make excuses for the obvious mistakes. smilie
If it's in the same Universe, do you think you would hate it, because of what happened within that Universe? I mean, the next game could be a completely amazing game in the Legend Universe, for all we know.

On topic, for what I think happened afterwards..
I have two ideas.
One, Spyro pulled the Earth back together. Obviously. But when the Earth tore apart, it tore and crumbled at the edges so that it couldn't be fit back like a perfect puzzle piece(Therefor destroying the volcano entrance). Spyro would therefor have to pull it together until him and Cynder are trapped. This would mean they would die. But they didn't die. So Spyro pulls the Earth back together, leaving it open just enough for him and Cynder to be released. That would be why the world looks like the Floating Islands when the Guardians come out of the cave.
From there.. well, I'm guessing that's where the next game would take place. smilie
Doubt that made sense, but hey, it's an idea

Other idea..
Simply, Spyro pulls the Earth back together, him and Cynder escape through the volcano entrance, and they survive.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6147
#10 Posted: 04:59:26 11/12/2010
I think your's sounds the best, Darby.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#11 Posted: 04:59:59 11/12/2010
Ignitus. Died. In a fire.

Think about it. Let that sink in real good. Got it? Noticed how much of a gaping, nonsensical, lazy piece of "writing" it is? That's how stupid Activision thinks you are. And since we all bought their last steaming waste product, they are going to try to sell us another one if they can.

I'm done giving the Spyro franchise a free ride, and DotD is why. It is the biggest pile of crap and poor writing I have ever seen in a game (and I play mediocre games for fun). There's a difference between a mediocre game and a festering hot turd. Guess which one DotD is? I might play the next Spyro game, but I'm not buying it new and I'm not going to look at it before I see what kind of reception it's getting because DotD screwed up that badly.

And I already said what I think happened after DotD. Frankly, I hope that's the end of LoS. It's a decent end for a mediocre-at-best series and trying to salvage it at this point is, well, pointless.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6147
#12 Posted: 05:00:51 11/12/2010
Yes, DotD was real bad. No doubt.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#13 Posted: 05:28:34 11/12/2010
Gamewise, DotD was good IMO. ETD is where the crap hit the fan. Play through it again, glitches and all, and come back to see me when you survive.

Ignitus dying in a fire was rather idiotic. But it's not the first time anyone has screwed up with the storytelling and the laws of physics.

Quote: Razz
Ignitus died in a fire. LoS is officially the worst thing ever made now

I'd highly digress with that. I mean, Game Party is out there, so is Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Biodome, Twilight, Disney Channel, games based on movies, Sonic 06, Superman 64, Air Buddies. Must I continue?
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 05:36:46 11/12/2010 by CAV
Phantom Platinum Sparx Gems: 5241
#14 Posted: 05:37:30 11/12/2010
They get captured by aliens.
Falling Chandeliers
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#15 Posted: 05:47:20 11/12/2010
Lady Gaga as at least creative (and I like her), and I've read Twilight: it's better written than DotD at it's hacky best (though it still sucks). When I decide to hate something, I make sure I know what I'm talking about.

As for EtD vs. DotD, I actually have wanted to replay EtD. I couldn't even replay DotD when I liked it. And EtD is actually written better (at least that plot made some sense; DotD has more holes than moldy Swiss cheese).
SpyroPurple Blue Sparx Gems: 652
#16 Posted: 07:43:20 11/12/2010
wow, i thought i saw you post before on here how you liked TLOS, just not DOTD?
"May the ancestors look after you...may they look after us all."
crazyspyrofan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1042
#17 Posted: 07:55:10 11/12/2010
I understand that DotD has a few mistakes, but isn't it going a little too far saying that it's the worst game ever? Maybe I'm missing something here, becuase I haven't noticed the infinite plot holes and failures that some people claim that are in it. On the other hand, maybe I'm just an easy to please fan. Either way, I haven't seen anything THAT bad in DotD yet. Atleast nothing bad enough to make me despise it. Oh well, everyone has their own opinions.....................

On topic now, What happened after Dotd? So many possibilities, well as for directly after DotD I agree with the theory that Spyro and Cynder escaped and got back to their friends. Farther than that, I can't really say.
"This twisted game needs to be reset,"-Solo Wing Pixy,Ace Combat Zero.
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#18 Posted: 08:57:32 11/12/2010
Nothing, it was just novell in insomniac universe, where Cynder is Spyro's sis' (Spyro's egg was stolen, and because thieves are fastest, ninja class, travelling few continents wouldn't be a prob with infinite FJ)
Keep smile
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#19 Posted: 11:00:45 11/12/2010
Hopefully no event were to occur. I just hope they either died or lived happily ever after. I didn't like TloS, if another game in that series were to be made I wouldn't play it.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#20 Posted: 13:35:53 11/12/2010
Although I do notice the plotholes in DotD, they don't take away from the experience at all for me. If it was a movie, then it might, but this is a game, and I bought it for the gameplay. The storyline is secondary to the experience of nearly any game to me. Besides, DotD's plotholes don't compare to the amount and significance of those in Sonic 06. In fact, here is an entire video dedicated to the plotholes in Sonic 06. I realise that I have been bringing Sonic 06 up a lot, so I might as well show you what I mean! The first one alone is worse than all of DotD's plotholes combined! The amazing thing is that you do not even need to know a thing about Sonic to understand this (this is not my video, and there are one or two uses of bad language, for those who strongly detest bad language):

As for the Ignitus thing, I don't get the fuss. If he was MADE of fire, then we'd have a plothole, but he's made of flesh and bone, just like you and me, thus he burns. We don't know how intense the fire is. That's just the way I see it though. I realised the irony of a fire guardian dying from a fire on my first playthrough, but I didn't see it as a plothole - I just found it ironic, and said "Heh....Funny...".

As for the next game, Spyro "pulls a Sonic" and decides to put together "a planet-sized jigsaw puzzle"!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 14:43:42 11/12/2010 by sonicbrawler182
spyrocrash Platinum Sparx Gems: 5012
#21 Posted: 15:30:08 11/12/2010
Spyro and Cynder get their happy ending and if another evil rises they'll be their to stop it.
CleoTheGood Blue Sparx Gems: 624
#22 Posted: 16:16:19 11/12/2010
I do not know, and I do not care smilie I just cannot wait until the next Spyro comes out and we actually get to see what happens and we don't keep on guessing like morons that Spyro and Cinder reproduce.
~Cleopatra The Good~
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#23 Posted: 17:16:10 11/12/2010
Sonicbrawler's got a point. Ignitus is made up of flesh and bone, like any other dragon. He was weak, and obviously couldn't fight the intense heat of that fire. I never thought that Ignitus should have been able to control it, because it wasn't a fire of his making. That's just how I see it. Not trying to change your opinion, because one, I know for a fact I can't do that, and two, I hate it when people do that to me. I just don't let the mess ups in DotD influence my opinion on the trilogy, I guess. I don't consider myself stupid for liking the trilogy, even if you do. None of the mistakes I've noticed are enough to make me hate the game, or trilogy, for that matter. But I guess you do have a good point there, Razz. I just wanted to share how I saw it.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#24 Posted: 20:51:12 11/12/2010
Spyro and Cynder are also made of flesh and bone, aren't masters of fire, and they were just fine in the center of the planet (which is much hotter than any exterior flame can ever be). Ignitus' death is a load of bull, just like the rest of the game.

And, yes, DotD is the worst thing I've ever played. I've actually wanted to replay EtD, but I could never make it through a second playthrough of DotD. Kya: Dark Lineage is the only game I've never finished and it was still better than DotD (it at least made an attempt to be original in some way).

Like I said, it's cool if you guys want to like DotD, but there is nothing any of you can ever say that will justify this miserable excuse for a "story" to me any longer.

And I do like LoS, but I count DotD as a really bad fanfic that was tacked on to it.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#25 Posted: 21:03:24 11/12/2010
I don't try to justify anything like this to anyone really, I'm just showing where I stand.smilie

Urgh...the fact that people keep using the word "fanfic" makes me want to write down all these ideas I've been having!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
sillyworld Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#26 Posted: 01:43:02 12/12/2010
Quote: Spyros Dagger
Spyro and Cynder began repopulating the dragons.

CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#27 Posted: 05:59:31 12/12/2010
Quote: Razz
Lady Gaga as at least creative (and I like her), and I've read Twilight: it's better written than DotD at it's hacky best (though it still sucks). When I decide to hate something, I make sure I know what I'm talking about.

As for EtD vs. DotD, I actually have wanted to replay EtD. I couldn't even replay DotD when I liked it. And EtD is actually written better (at least that plot made some sense; DotD has more holes than moldy Swiss cheese).

Lady Gaga is anything but creative. Take a close look at her lyrics, and tell me if anything makes sense. It makes DotD's storytelling look like a masterpiece. And Twilight is just crap storytelling. Worse than DotD, I don't know, but it was definately enough for me to burn the book. Said and done.

I replayed DotD 3 times. I never even finished ETD. I just couldn't play it without getting sick (literally, I got sick). ETD is written better, but it doesn't excuse every other problem the game has.

Quote: Razz
And, yes, DotD is the worst thing I've ever played. I've actually wanted to replay EtD, but I could never make it through a second playthrough of DotD. Kya: Dark Lineage is the only game I've never finished and it was still better than DotD (it at least made an attempt to be original in some way).

Like I said, it's cool if you guys want to like DotD, but there is nothing any of you can ever say that will justify this miserable excuse for a "story" to me any longer.

I have played much worse games than DotD.

Sonic 06
Superman 64
Game Party
Bionicle Heroes (I actually thought it would be decent)

I don't want to change your opinion. Rather, I think it's fair that you hear from someone that likes DotD that isn't screaming and jumping all around the place.

Quote: sillyworld
Quote: Spyros Dagger
Spyro and Cynder began repopulating the dragons.


Well, with all the disgusting images on the internet, it actually wouldn't surpise me if that happened after DotD.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:01:31 12/12/2010 by CAV
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#28 Posted: 15:37:06 12/12/2010
When parodies of Lady Gaga's songs are better than the real thing, you know there's a problem!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9329
#29 Posted: 16:04:16 12/12/2010
I heard of Lady Gaga, I think it's a load of c**p, but I prefer old music, like Rock and Roll, and the Beatles and stuff, lol.
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#30 Posted: 17:01:16 12/12/2010
Lady Gaga is.. wierd. Some of her songs are.. catchy, but I'm really not a fan smilie
I think your's sounds the best, Darby.

And thanks Bolt, glad it made sense to you! smilie
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#31 Posted: 17:05:38 12/12/2010
Lady Gaga=Fail
LittleKuriboh=EPIC WIN!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#32 Posted: 17:09:28 12/12/2010
Quote: SuperSpyroFan
I heard of Lady Gaga, I think it's a load of c**p, but I prefer old music, like Rock and Roll, and the Beatles and stuff, lol.

Yeah, same here smilie
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
Faun Yellow Sparx Gems: 1291
#33 Posted: 17:28:31 12/12/2010
I love Lady Gaga. smilie
meguca /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#34 Posted: 17:32:16 12/12/2010
It won't let me post my ideas!
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#35 Posted: 17:34:53 12/12/2010
How comez?!
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#36 Posted: 18:29:34 12/12/2010
Quote: sonicbrawler182
When parodies of Lady Gaga's songs are better than the real thing, you know there's a problem!smilie

Very much agreed.

I feel like making a list of artists I like and artists I hate. I'll do that on my profile, eventually.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#37 Posted: 18:35:46 12/12/2010
I mean seriously, the music is actually kind of upbeat and catchy, yet she/he decides to attach lyrics about love to it? The tunes are much better with comediac lyrics!smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#38 Posted: 19:02:46 12/12/2010
My ideas:
They are reunited with Sparx and the Guardians, and help people rebuild.
They meet more young dragons capable of breeding. This NEEDS to happen, else future generations will be forced to use incest to survive, or die out.
Malefor could return to give us a good ending to what was basically a good trilogy in the first place.
I don't see what they can do after ultimate evil that wouldn't be silly by comaprison. Unless they go into space/other dimensions and save other planets.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 19:06:00 12/12/2010 by NEW_SpyroLUVA
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#39 Posted: 19:06:56 12/12/2010
They could have threats to face, but maybe not villains per se(like global warming!smilie)
"My memories will be part of the sky."
SequoiaDragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3930
#40 Posted: 20:24:45 12/12/2010
I quite like the idea of video game protagonists facing a conflict that isn't necessarily a bad GUY, but a bad EVENT or force (like global warming, as you say smilie). Not that I don't have my fair share of game concepts that involve a bad GUY... (facepalm)

Anyway, I do have an idea of what happens after DotD, and you can see some of that idea in my signature link... even though that story's closed by now, and it's only part of my idea anyway... smilie
My book Harahpin is now on sale! smilie
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#41 Posted: 20:28:29 12/12/2010
It could also be some a villain who is defeated at the half way point, and the villain creates the disaster, and the rest of the game revolves around that.

Also, they could do something like in FFXIII.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#42 Posted: 20:37:15 12/12/2010
What would that be?
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#43 Posted: 20:40:23 12/12/2010
Rather than have the heroes fight a villain the whole time, have the heroes become despised by the public and become fugitives. The villain could be introduced really far into the game.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#44 Posted: 21:36:53 12/12/2010
Either that or they could just be public enemies #1 and# 2, never to have justice served again.

They will constantly escape the public, and finally get killed in the 3rd game.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:37:55 12/12/2010 by CAV
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#45 Posted: 21:49:37 12/12/2010
Hm, that sounds kinda cool, but I can't see it happening to Spyro. Cynder maybe, people have a hard time trusting her for good reason, but Spyro has been a good, friendly, heroic guy since day one. He's the legendary dragon prophesized to be the savior of them all and he lived up to that destiny (at least it seems that way so far). The only way I could see him being a fugitive too is if he just stuck with Cynder the whole time, which unfortunately is pretty likely.

Actually, I'd like to build on that idea if you don't minds SB.
The heros do become despised and run in the start, but after suffering too many injustices they become indignant and enraged and begin to fight back when the people start using ample force to fight them. The reason they become despised is not because they did anything wrong or becasue of unwarranted mistrust, but because the villain has taken control of the people and used thier bodies to drive Spyro and Cynder off, and then attack them, delivering one too many injustices.

It could be that this is the return of Malefor. Given that he died/was pulled into the earth in DotD, he was bonded with the planet and his evil and with that his power was dispered across the globe. That being the case he was then able to take partial control of people, making them feel fear and hatred towards Spyro and Cynder for no reason, and thus making them compelled to fight them and drive them away. However, Malefor is still fairly weak, and thus cannot hold them in his controll for very long. After the fianl attack which ends S and C's patience, the people are freed, ralize what they've done, but before they can appologize, Spyro and Cynder have begun thier vengeance. People try to appologize as they fight for thier lives but even when the guardians try to explain, Spyro and Cynder, through thier own fear and pain, will not stop long enough to hear, else they be harmed again, and only fight them off. And so Malefor has sucessfully tricked Spyro and Cynder into exacting the revenge he failed to get during his life.

NOTE: Given Malefor's weakness, he would only be able to controll the people where S and C are; they would travel all across the globe seeking refuge, but meet only Malefor's pawns.

The Guardians figure this out, and so set out to far off regions of the world, thereby preventing Malefor from controlling them all at once. From thier separate locations they communicate with Spyro and Cynder via the crystals. They tell them what happened and that Malefor is part of the world becasue there is no vortex of sorts (ie. The Well of Souls) which draws in Malefor's entier being and trapps it there, preventing his evil from spreading across the earth.
The only way to save the world, is to reenter the earth's core and create thier own vortex at its heart where Malefor was trapped. There's a problem though: The world in in one whole now, and the only way to get to the center is to go down into a volcano. This is where the Chronicler (Ignitus) comes in. During the conversation from the corners of the globe, Spyro and Cynder learn what them must do: Seek out the Chronicler and ask him to find the fire sheild ability in one of his tomes, and learn how to reproduce it (this is Spyro's job).
They meet the Chonicler, who they now learn is Iggy! They learn, is that Iggy did not actually die in the fire. His sheild faded because he was quietly distraught and wasn't focused, and when he shot them out of the fire, Iggy was transported to the Chronicler's Lair before he could meet Spyro and Cynder again. He apologizes for not explaining sooner and putting Spyro through so much pain, and explains that he is bouned to his cave and that some strange darkness was clouding his meditation pool (a side effect of Malefor's bonding to Earth), and so he couldn't speak to him.
And so Iggy teaches him the sheild, and S and C proceed to enter the planet once more. Once they do this, Cynder uses her power of darkness to draw Malefor's being into a vessel: her body. Meanwhile Spyro focuses all his elements into one force which he uses to contact Convexity. Once he does, he uses his fury breath to open the vortex, and near the same time when her master's elements are so close he can feel and feed off of them, he reagains a sizeable amount of his power, and Cynder grows into her corrupt form. They must get Malefor's being into the vortex to release it, exit and close it again before it escapes and the portal grows too large to fix and engulfs the world. So Spyro must act fast. He fights Dark Cynder forcing her into Convexity. While there he fights her with an ending similar to that of ANB.
They exit the portal, but how do they close it? This is the only thing I can't think of right now.smilie

So, what do you think? Sorry, I know it's long!
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9329
#46 Posted: 21:55:04 12/12/2010
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
Hm, that sounds kinda cool, but I can't see it happening to Spyro. Cynder maybe, people have a hard time trusting her for good reason, but Spyro has been a good, friendly, heroic guy since day one. He's the legendary dragon prophesized to be the savior of them all and he lived up to that destiny (at least it seems that way so far). The only way I could see him being a fugitive too is if he just stuck with Cynder the whole time, which unfortunately is pretty likely.

Actually, I'd like to build on that idea if you don't minds SB.
The heros do become despised and run in the start, but after suffering too many injustices they become indignant and enraged and begin to fight back when the people start using ample force to fight them. The reason they become despised is not because they did anything wrong or becasue of unwarranted mistrust, but because the villain has taken control of the people and used thier bodies to drive Spyro and Cynder off, and then attack them, delivering one too many injustices.

It could be that this is the return of Malefor. Given that he died/was pulled into the earth in DotD, he was bonded with the planet and his evil and with that his power was dispered across the globe. That being the case he was then able to take partial control of people, making them feel fear and hatred towards Spyro and Cynder for no reason, and thus making them compelled to fight them and drive them away. However, Malefor is still fairly weak, and thus cannot hold them in his controll for very long. After the fianl attack which ends S and C's patience, the people are freed, ralize what they've done, but before they can appologize, Spyro and Cynder have begun thier vengeance. People try to appologize as they fight for thier lives but even when the guardians try to explain, Spyro and Cynder, through thier own fear and pain, will not stop long enough to hear, else they be harmed again, and only fight them off. And so Malefor has sucessfully tricked Spyro and Cynder into exacting the revenge he failed to get during his life.

NOTE: Given Malefor's weakness, he would only be able to controll the people where S and C are; they would travel all across the globe seeking refuge, but meet only Malefor's pawns.

The Guardians figure this out, and so set out to far off regions of the world, thereby preventing Malefor from controlling them all at once. From thier separate locations they communicate with Spyro and Cynder via the crystals. They tell them what happened and that Malefor is part of the world becasue there is no vortex of sorts (ie. The Well of Souls) which draws in Malefor's entier being and trapps it there, preventing his evil from spreading across the earth.
The only way to save the world, is to reenter the earth's core and create thier own vortex at its heart where Malefor was trapped. There's a problem though: The world in in one whole now, and the only way to get to the center is to go down into a volcano. This is where the Chronicler (Ignitus) comes in. During the conversation from the corners of the globe, Spyro and Cynder learn what them must do: Seek out the Chronicler and ask him to find the fire sheild ability in one of his tomes, and learn how to reproduce it (this is Spyro's job).
They meet the Chonicler, who they now learn is Iggy! They learn, is that Iggy did not actually die in the fire. His sheild faded because he was quietly distraught and wasn't focused, and when he shot them out of the fire, Iggy was transported to the Chronicler's Lair before he could meet Spyro and Cynder again. He apologizes for not explaining sooner and putting Spyro through so much pain, and explains that he is bouned to his cave and that some strange darkness was clouding his meditation pool (a side effect of Malefor's bonding to Earth), and so he couldn't speak to him.
And so Iggy teaches him the sheild, and S and C proceed to enter the planet once more. Once they do this, Cynder uses her power of darkness to draw Malefor's being into a vessel: her body. Meanwhile Spyro focuses all his elements into one force which he uses to contact Convexity. Once he does, he uses his fury breath to open the vortex, and near the same time when her master's elements are so close he can feel and feed off of them, he reagains a sizeable amount of his power, and Cynder grows into her corrupt form. They must get Malefor's being into the vortex to release it, exit and close it again before it escapes and the portal grows too large to fix and engulfs the world. So Spyro must act fast. He fights Dark Cynder forcing her into Convexity. While there he fights her with an ending similar to that of ANB.
They exit the portal, but how do they close it? This is the only thing I can't think of right now.smilie

So, what do you think? Sorry, I know it's long!

Good effort, but to me, it just sounds too crazy.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#47 Posted: 21:57:11 12/12/2010
I was thinking maybe that many of the world's populace still despise Cynder for what she done when she was corrupted. She eventually is driven off by a mob one night. Spyro goes searching for her and finds her, but when he does, they are taken by a tribe and brought to their settlement. This tribe wants to kill Spyro, as they feel that the purple dragon will only be a threat and turn out like Malefor. They escape with the help of the Guardians. However, the world's populace are still after Cynder, and are now after Spyro, as they feel that the two dragons are a combined threat. Also, there are now shadow dragons and other creatures terrorizing the world, and the public blame Spyro and Cynder.

The Guardians work to prevent Spyro and Cynder from being caught, and Sparx acts as a messenger(but decides to hang around with Spyro from time to time). Spyro and Cynder are trying to figure out what the cause of the evil creatures are.

I have more, but that's all I'm saying for now.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
BlackNight12 Gold Sparx Gems: 2343
#48 Posted: 21:59:36 12/12/2010
^reminds me of pokemon mystery dungeon blue/red. smilie
Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble! - Taylor Swift
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9329
#49 Posted: 21:59:39 12/12/2010
Quote: sonicbrawler182
I was thinking maybe that many of the world's populace still despise Cynder for what she done when she was corrupted. She eventually is driven off by a mob one night. Spyro goes searching for her and finds her, but when he does, they are taken by a tribe and brought to their settlement. This tribe wants to kill Spyro, as they feel that the purple dragon will only be a threat and turn out like Malefor. They escape with the help of the Guardians. However, the world's populace are still after Cynder, and are now after Spyro, as they feel that the two dragons are a combined threat. Also, there are now shadow dragons and other creatures terrorizing the world, and the public blame Spyro and Cynder.

The Guardians work to prevent Spyro and Cynder from being caught, and Sparx acts as a messenger(but decides to hang around with Spyro from time to time). Spyro and Cynder are trying to figure out what the cause of the evil creatures are.

I have more, but that's all I'm saying for now.

I don't like it, sounds too serious, like a World War.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#50 Posted: 22:05:33 12/12/2010
While it is serious, there would be a lot of banter between Spyro and Cynder, as well as Sparx. And Cynder would give cheek to their enemies too, while Spyro tries to keep her calm, leading to funny reactions from said enemies.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
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