Quote: sonicbrawler182But the gameplay WAS great. The graphics were a bonus, and show that a lot of effort was put into the game. The Valley of Avalar is like a fun little sandbox to mess about in for me.
Also, the story DOESN'T have to be good. Not all games are story driven, or some just have simple storys(like the Original Spyro games). Although, I liked the LoS storyline.
I loved the TLoS storyline and the classics were fun 2. Also, I think(for the graphic part) that Spyro is more realistic in the LoS games and same w/ the enemies. This is just my opinion so don't hate me for being an LoS fan over the classics.
I agree w/ the story part....it doesn't have 2 be a PERFECT story for it 2 be good. At least it has a story plot holes or not. Its still a good game.
Quote:I just think that you're just bigging up TLOS to be honest. It is really nothing special. The gameplay WAS rubbish, I couldn't get any enjoyment out of it at all, and no, it doesn't feel like there was a lot of effort that had been put into the game, it felt like it was rushed, and that the attitude was "Oh that will do, can't really be bothered with it, we will get these all star voice actors, that will make it seem better, and we will try and make it like a Lord of the Rings/God of War style so everyone will love it, and change it to combat style instead of platforming" Oh yeah, like that made it anymore interesting.
I wish they just left it as it was, if this rubbish was going to come out of it, and all it's done really is torn the fanbase apart, they are idiots.
I don't believe he's trying 2 make LoS look bigger than what others think it should be. It's his own opinion.
I think it's special but that's only my opinion.
2 me the gameplay was better than the classics(no offense)
Compared 2 ETD there was a lot of effort put in2 these games whether you believe it or not.
ETD was rushed yet rarely no one has very many complaints about it.
I don't really care if the worlds most famous voice actor voiced any of the characters. I like the LoS games either way.
Not 2 go against you in any way but if you don't like DotD and think it's a complete failure then why are you posting in a topic for users who like it?