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A Silly Favor to Ask [CLOSED]
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#1 Posted: 10:31:58 16/11/2010 | Topic Creator
This is reposted from my journals on dA/FA but I figured that a Spyro fansite would be an appropriate place for such a post. I'll also post the things folks have done on those sites (well, the appropriate ones, anyway smilie) if said folks are okay with it.

Okay, this is kind of a silly/strange thing to ask for, but I feel like all kinds of crap right now and could use some frivolous cheering up. I can't offer anything in return, but if you should feel up to it, would any of you consider drawing/writing about/sculpting/doing anything you can think of involving Elora the faun?

I'm a wreck just now and this goofy obsession of mine has been cheering me up a little. No one is obligated to do anything and I certainly won't think less of anybody for doing nothing (hey, you're busy folks too, and not all of you like Elora). smilie

So, yeah. If you're up for it, do an Elora thingy for me. smilie If not, s'all good and I love you for reading this me anyway. smilie

Edit: Just to clarify, a lot of you guys seem to think I want a masterpiece of art here and that's absolutely not the case. I love it when people create things, no matter what the medium, be it writing, sculpture, dance, music... Anything! And some of my favorite artists in the world think they can't draw. I love it when my little brother gives me goofy sketches he doodled in class (I have them in my original art book, even) and the stick figure doodles friends have given me over the years. You don't have to be a great artist to draw, and you certainly don't even have to draw at all to put a smile on my face.

So if you aren't drawing anything just because you think you can't, do yourself a favor and give it a shot. It doesn't matter what you draw, just do it. smilie And if you don't like to draw, create in whatever way makes you happy. All art, no matter how it's made, is beautiful and all people deserve a chance to make it.
Cynder_fan Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#2 Posted: 10:57:33 16/11/2010
Sorry to hear you're not feeling great, wish I could help :\
Local technician who comes up with rediculous ideas
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#3 Posted: 11:01:45 16/11/2010 | Topic Creator
You already have. smilie And if you're up for it, anything creative involving Elora is something I never say "no" to. smilie
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#4 Posted: 11:08:04 16/11/2010
A Spyro X Elora story I literally just came up with:

Spyro, Flame and Hunter were having a bit of fun on the beach. Spyro and Flame were wrestling and Hunter was practicing his archery skills. It was a good time. Suddenly, Spyro stopped wrestling Flame. He seen Elora coming down. He ran into his house nearby, and within a second he was back with some kind of box.

"Hey guys!" said Elora. "Yo, sup Elo!" replied Hunter. "Oh nothing, just came down to say hi!" said Elora cheerfully.
Spyro couldn't wait any longer.
"Hey Elora, can I talk to you over there for a second?"
"Oh my gosh, Spyro, I didn't even see you there! I'm so sorry! Yeah, sure we can talk.", giggled Elora.

They walked under a palm tree. "So, what's going on?"
Hunter and Flame were eavesdropping.
"I made this for you last night...". Spyro showed her the box.
"Oh, you do lovely work Spyro! I never knew you were such a good craftsman!", said Elora excitedly. She continued,"How did you do it in such dark conditions?".
"I asked the fairies to help light up the place."
Hunter and Flame started laughing.
"HE ASKED THE FAIRIES!". Spyro got annoyed and walked over to them.
"A HUNDRED fairies!". Elora was giggling. She opened the box.
"Oh, you even got me some gems! I could use these for crafting jewellery!" said Elora.
"Either he found them lying around randomly, or he stole from the dragon treasurey!" Flame whispered to Hunter.
"So, Elora, do you want to do something tonight?"
"Oh, sorry, I'm not free tonight. How about tomorrow night, at 7?"
"Ok, that's cool!"
"Well, I've gotta go. See you tomorrow night Spyro! You'll suprise me, won't you?"
"Don't worry, I'm full of suprises!"

Spyro started chasing Flame and Hunter after Elora left. Elora actually was free tonight, but she thinks it's cute watching Spyro get all anxious! She'll hold out for her love just a little longer....

OK, finished! So, what do you think?
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#5 Posted: 13:40:31 16/11/2010 | Topic Creator
Aww, that was really cute. smilie It's so light-hearted and fun, which is just what I needed. Thank you very much. smilie
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#6 Posted: 16:02:57 16/11/2010 | Topic Creator
Here is a very lovely bit of Elora art by celpendragon on FA. smilie
Faun Yellow Sparx Gems: 1291
#7 Posted: 17:09:29 16/11/2010
I already left you a comment on DA with some Elora art. smilie I hope you feel better soon.
meguca /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#8 Posted: 20:57:32 16/11/2010
Yay, glad you like it! That's my first fanfic ever! I never thought I would be able to make a Classic Spyro fanfic. Maybe I should put it on dA.

Also, in my Character Themes thread, I posted one for Elora a while ago. Check it out, and check out the other songs there too if you want!
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:30:55 17/11/2010 by sonicbrawler182
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#9 Posted: 00:38:19 17/11/2010
i might do somthing.....
looks like ive got some things to do...
BlackNight12 Gold Sparx Gems: 2343
#10 Posted: 21:01:52 17/11/2010
I'm sorry your feeling bad Razz. your my favorite artist on Devient Art. I think all the the art you draw is amazingly done and your style and how you put it all together is just awesome and very interesting. I love to draw as well and I wish I had the kind of skill you have! so of course I will gift you with some Elora goodness! smilie

I know it's early for christmas, but let's give it a go anyway!

"An Early Christmas"

Spyro was looking around for sparx when he bumped into Elora.
"Oops, my bad! sorry, Elora!"
Spyro said as he continued to look around.
"No problem,spyro!" she said."Are you lookin' for something?"
Spyro looked over at Elora.
"Yea, I was looking for sparx, actually! Have you seen him?"
" Uh huh, he's over there with Hunter! not sure what he's doing though."
Spyro and Elora walked over, quite confused at what they saw.
" Hey sparx, What are you guys doing?"
"putting up Christmas decorations. You guys wanna help?"
Hunter said as he got off the ladder he was standing on.
"Isn't it a little Early for Cristmas, Hunter?"
Elora responded to what Spyro had said.
" Aw, come on Spyro it's never too early to get in the christmas spirit."
Spyro responded.
"Alright! Let's put up some Christmas decore guys!"

So they starting putting up some lights and a tree and Elora made some Ginger bread cookies for the boys.

"Want a cookie Spyro?"
Elora asked, Handing over one of the cookies she baked.
"Awesome! Of course, Elora!"
Sparx flew over to spyro.
"hey, spyro! Christmas is great! you know, now that we're in the Christmas spirit it would be
a perfect time to ask Elora out to a romantic Christmas dinner!"
Spyro responded quickly to what Sparx had said.
"Hey, hey Sparx! Quite down, will ya?"
Sparx thought of something just then and quickly snatched up Spyro and Elora's Ginger bread cookies!
they shouted and quickly began chasing sparx!
Elora had grabbed Sparx! The chase didn't last very long but Sparx was still trying to get away.
"Hey guys, look up!"
They looked up and saw they were underneath the mistletoe.
"Haha! go on Spyro give Elora a kiss!"
Spyro then reacted.
"Sparx! Ah, just Ignore him Elora we don't have to..."
But before he could even finish Elora had leaned over and kissed spyro on the cheek.
that was the most Spyro could get out as his face turned red.
"Haha, lets go guys! I bet dinners almost done."
Sparx said flying off.
"Yea, come on Spyro!"
Elora said to the still confused purple dragon.
"Uhh... yea...lets go!"
Spyro had shaken it off. then Elora had grabbed spyro by his paw and pulled him over as they walked over to have
their early christmas dinner.

There ya go, Razz! I hope you liked it and I hope you'll get feel better soon! smilie
Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble! - Taylor Swift
Cynderfyre Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#11 Posted: 22:24:59 17/11/2010
I've never actually thought much about Spyro x Elora until now, but I decided to write a little Elora story. It's not that good, it was quite quick to write but I enjoyed writing it.


The sun had almost vanished behind the jagged distant mountains, it's rays glinted off the snow peaks. Winter clouds began to spread across the sky, bringing with them a harsh, chilly wind, which had driven most of the inhabitants of Winter Tundra inside to the castle. Inside one of the highest towers, surveying the beautiful landscape, was a pretty faun, alone in her quiet room, beginning to slip into an idle daydream.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, making her jump. She took a moment to wonder who might be looking for her at this time of night, then walked over to open it. Surely Hunter would be asleep at this time? Or had he forgotten where he'd left the keys again? Perhaps it was Zoe... no, the knock was too loud for that of a small and gentle fairy.
She opened it slowly. What was on the other side was the one thing she had least expected to see- a basket of white snowdrops, their stalks bound together by an untidy silver bow which had obviously been made by the type of hands not designed for that sort of thing. She took the basket by it's handle and pulled it inside the room quickly, slamming the door behind her. Her heart was racing with excitement and suspense. Could this be...?
She began to unpack the contents of the basket. Most of it was under layers of snow, it was clear that the sender had walked through a snowstorm to reach her. Underneath the snow was a box of varied chocolates- not heart shaped, but it looked delicious- and a soggy, crumpled piece of paper. The writer's hands clearly weren't adapted for writing,, but they had still made the effort to try. Deciphering the words was quite tricky, between the fact that it was incredibly scribbly and the fact that the wet snow had made some of the ink run. But after about fifteen minutes, she seemed to have cracked it. She leapt out of her seat, the note clutched in her hands, a rather shocked expression on her face.
"He... he...?"
And a broad smile appeared on her face. Her eyes lit up with joy, and she lunged at the nearest mirror to tidy her hair a little. Once her appearance was sorted, she dashed for the door, grabbed the handle and yanked it open. She couldn't get out of that room quicker. Snow was beginning to drift down, and a thick blizzard was due, but did she care? Not at all. Her purple dragon was waiting for her.
She felt unusual. She'd never acted so strangely before, or felt so rushed or excited. But that's what love does: the most strange and most wonderful things.
Sitan ali dinamitan
Poppy Ripto Gems: 1021
#12 Posted: 23:18:37 17/11/2010
Care for some Elora faun-art(bad joke), Razz? 83

[User Posted Image]

It's not the best thing ever(and I made her look like a cat). But I do hope you feel better soon. :)
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#13 Posted: 01:19:21 18/11/2010 | Topic Creator
BlackNight12: Just keep practicing with art and you'll get better at it. smilie And that was a great story! smilie Now that it's not Halloween anymore, Christmas stories are all good. smilie Thank you so much!

Cynderfyre: That was really lovely and well done. smilie Thank you!

Poppy: Always. smilie If ever there was a creepy, obsessed Elora fan, it's me. smilie I gushed all over this on FA, but thank you yet again! smilie

And here's some more art and stories by folks:

Elora by BuckyWhitetale13 on FA

Elora and Spyro by Wyrmlover on FA

Elora by Knightmare on dA

Portal Malfunction (story) by Balkatu on dA

Elora and Spyro by our very own Faun on dA

And, again, thank you all so very much for helping me out like this. I'm still going through a lot of bad stuff and these little stories and bits of art have really been helping me keep my composure and cheer up when I need it. *hugs to all*
Cynderfyre Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#14 Posted: 17:21:19 18/11/2010
Thanks, always happy to help :)

And I hope you feel better soon.
Sitan ali dinamitan
Faun Yellow Sparx Gems: 1291
#15 Posted: 17:31:59 18/11/2010
*hugs* I really hope you feel better soon. I'm going to try to draw some Elora/Spyro art that is not chibi. So I'll show you that when It's done. smilie
meguca /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
waytodawn96 Green Sparx Gems: 399
#16 Posted: 18:15:04 18/11/2010
Quote: Razz
Here is a very lovely bit of Elora art by celpendragon on FA. smilie

LOVE IT!!! Elora/Cynder FTW!!!
Is it possable to go to bed dead and wake up alive???! smilie I'm Random and proud of it!
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#17 Posted: 03:34:25 19/11/2010 | Topic Creator
...Whuh? That's me she's holding (I use a green rat as a avatar sometimes).
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#18 Posted: 02:59:24 27/11/2010
sorry you're feeling bad, Razz. i could possibly write a story, but i'm not realy familiar with Elora, and i'm usually busy.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#19 Posted: 03:18:44 27/11/2010 | Topic Creator
Thank you. smilie

Don't feel like you've got to do anything if it'll stress you out. I'm feeling somewhat better now that I've started to process this whole thing (or, at least, I have more good days than bad now). smilie
SpyroPurple Blue Sparx Gems: 652
#20 Posted: 07:03:07 27/11/2010
Awwe im srry ya feel bad, and currently have a fanfic on the way, except blacknight bet me to it, but oh well i guess.
"May the ancestors look after you...may they look after us all."
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#21 Posted: 07:21:20 27/11/2010
Yeah, hope that you'll get better smilie You're good for the fourms here (and contrast greatly with some of the not-so-levelheaded members of the site). I might take some time out of writing my novel to write a Spyro x Elora fic for you since it's the only art I can do anything with (I drew a person who looked like a tin-can once smilie )
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:21:54 27/11/2010 by cornys
SpyroxCynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1906
#22 Posted: 12:14:15 27/11/2010
No art, at the moment, but remember that scene in Ripto's Rage...

Spyro: What are you some kind of goat or something?
Elora: I'm a faun you dork!

that cracks me up all the time.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. - Dr. Seuss
Faun Yellow Sparx Gems: 1291
#23 Posted: 17:26:55 27/11/2010
If I can find some way to get it on the computer, I've done a little sketch of Elora for you. smilie
meguca /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#24 Posted: 18:21:59 27/11/2010 | Topic Creator
Quote: cornys
Yeah, hope that you'll get better smilie You're good for the fourms here (and contrast greatly with some of the not-so-levelheaded members of the site). I might take some time out of writing my novel to write a Spyro x Elora fic for you since it's the only art I can do anything with (I drew a person who looked like a tin-can once smilie )

I am?! smilie Man, I always thought I was being just a jerk here. I guess it depends on the day and the topic (I've at least learned how to avoid topics I know will make me mad smilie).

Thank you guys so much. smilie
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#25 Posted: 04:42:52 30/11/2010
I hope you get better. I haven't got much Elora art at the moment, and don't have any finished, but I have some Spyro art I'll put up for you within the next few days.
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