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Not a LoS fan? Let's talk about it! :) [CLOSED]
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#1 Posted: 03:30:13 29/10/2010 | Topic Creator
Alright, this seems like a thread that should exist.

LoS fans: this isn't a thread to bash you or your opinions. We know you like the new series and we don't think less of you, nor do we think you're wrong for disagreeing with us.

Total Spyro franchise fans: same as above. It's pretty cool that you can like every single game in the series; not everyone has that kind of stamina.

All that being said, this isn't a thread for you guys. This thread is for those of us who never thought much of LoS or may have recently decided we don't really care for it or just for folks who feel a need to nitpick games they like. Whether you dislike the series for it's content or it's fans, or a potent mix of both, this thread is for you! Come, rant and rejoice!

I'd start, but my list of complaints about LoS is very long. smilie From the opening line of ANB I thought it was overwrought and way too serious for a game about a little purple dragon. I did, in fact, start laughing while the opening credits were rolling (the games are so serious, it comes out the other end). So, yeah, even when I was a die-hard LoS supporter, I didn't exactly love these games.

The short list is what I have nice to say about them, and here it is:
* good orchestral music and one good vocal song (This Broken Soul)
* nice art, character design and scenery (ANB and TEN)
* nice scenery (DotD)
* Cree Summer, Mae Whitman, Kevin Michael Richardson, and Billy West did a good job as undirected voice talent

So, how about you? If LoS as a whole is too big a topic to tackle, feel free to take a specific part of it that's really on your nerves right now and tear it apart.
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#2 Posted: 04:01:22 29/10/2010
Well all my complaints are here in this thread Click Post #44-49.

However. . . LOS did bring us more traffic, introduced a new gameplay style that hasn't been done before according to Spyro, you get to fly outside of Speedways (however this actually was a bad thing IMO smilie ), Co-op (DOTD) and a whole bunch of new enemies and characters that were introduce. That's all the good things a I can say about it, at the moment.

The thing is though, is that LOS has such a horrific execution that - unfortunately - makes the whole game end up in a flop. I said it a lot of times but a reboot was not what Spyro needed nor was it needed to make TLOS. They could have easily taken one of the Origin games and made that epic. I feel that the Origins left a lot of substance behind for such a thing to happen. But for one reason or another, the developers thought the bright colors of the Origins was too kiddie. . . . Riiiiiight smilie. I'm sorry but if you were to up the graphics, put more realistic sounds, and maybe change the character models a smidge Spyro The Dragon could be a very dark and scary game.

It could just be like a fairy tale. . . Not Disney Fairy Tales, actually Fairy Tales. Actual Fairy Tales are freaking. . . well, lets say that their not your Disney classic films. smilie

All I'm saying is that just because the environment is all bright and colorful doesn't mean you can'y have a serious dark gloomy story like. . . apparently, TLOS had.
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Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#3 Posted: 04:10:35 29/10/2010 | Topic Creator
I agree with you that keeping the franchise alive was one of the few good things about LoS. The fighting style and flight mechanics, though... Well, if there's one thing I think is really inappropriate, it's thinking that God of War is a good game to rip off when you're making a series for kids about a baby dragon. smilie

I love that the LoS creators said from the start that they wanted to make something like a Pixare movie while they ignored everything that makes a Pixare movie what it is at every step of the way.
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#4 Posted: 04:17:31 29/10/2010
Quote: Razz
I agree with you that keeping the franchise alive was one of the few good things about LoS. The fighting style and flight mechanics, though... Well, if there's one thing I think is really inappropriate, it's thinking that God of War is a good game to rip off when you're making a series for kids about a baby dragon. smilie

I love that the LoS creators said from the start that they wanted to make something like a Pixare movie while they ignored everything that makes a Pixare movie what it is at every step of the way.

They said that? Really? Come on. . . you've got to be joking. Did they know how long it took them to rendered a single frame from Toy Story? 16-18 hours, just to render a frame
. I don't know if the developers were biting off more they can chew, or Sierra was just greedy.

I'm sorry but stuff like Toy Story, Incredibles, Antz, are planned out and deliberated for months, before they actually get into the 3d modeling.

I mean I remember one article saying that they tried to make it look like a Epic movie, and we all know where they got their biggest influence from.
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Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#5 Posted: 04:24:15 29/10/2010 | Topic Creator
Yes, they really did. Multiple times. D: Frankly, they forget that it's not the art quality and big production values that make a Pixare film what it is: it's the heart and soul of the film, something that LoS doesn't have at all.

Oh, not months. Years. It takes at least four years to bring an animated film from idea to finish, and that's just the quick ones. Many Pixar movies are in the works for as long as a decade before they see the theaters.

Yep. New Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. Oh, and God of War, mustn't forget that. Of all things, that's the franchise LoS rips off the most (and it's just pathetic once you realize it and start making the comparisons).

Oh! Real quick before I forget, here's one that's DotD-specific:

Everyone praises this game for being more "realistic" (anyone who knows a single thing about anatomy was trying to claw their eyes out the first time they saw Gary and Cynder's designs for this game, btw). They claim that the characters were re-designed almost entirely so it would make sense for them to fly...BUT THEY COULD ALREADY FLY IN THE PREVIOUS TWO GAMES! ANB had flight levels that worked 100% better than the "free flight" in DotD, and we see Spyro flying constantly in cutscenes in TEN. *headdesk*

Also, for the record, during the scene in Warfang where you can't fly over some rubble because it's on fire? Yeah, fire creates UPDRAFTS that all animals who fly use to get higher up in the air. *headdesk x 3*
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#6 Posted: 04:34:01 29/10/2010
Not to mention that how inconsistent LOS can be at times. If you check out a user on youtube with the name "Spyro0and0Cynder" channel, they have a video showcasing a lot of inconsistencies in one scene. Its the scene where Mary is beating the living crap out of Gary in DOTD. I can't believe how many there are in that one scene. I mean come on, even if I did like TLOS that would still drive me a little batty.

The biggest mistake they made was trying to make this into an epic film and yet have a player control the characters. That was stupid, they should have made TLOS a movie from get-go instead of wasting their time with trying to make it into a video game.

Oh, and lets not forget on how completely hands off these games are. Especially DOTD. . . and I died so many times trying to figure out how to kill the Elites, and the all the game tells me is that I should find them and kill them. . . yeah, thanks a lot smilie .
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Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#7 Posted: 04:39:41 29/10/2010 | Topic Creator
I've seen that video! smilie It's just sad (and insulting; did they think the kids playing the game would be too stupid to notice?).

Honestly, I think that's part of why the movie was canceled. All it was the same stuff we saw in the games, only with a consistent graphical style and nobody controlling the player character. Funny enough, if you put ANB and TEN's cutscenes in order and watch them, you actually get a decent (if mediocre) fantasy flick. It's actually pretty sad, when you think about it, that the gameplay is 100% not necessary to tell this story.

Heh, I just turned on the cheats from the start. I've hated the gameplay in the series from day one; I wasn't about to waste my time struggling to play through a story I already knew the ending of. smilie
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#8 Posted: 14:09:11 29/10/2010
Another reason why I don't like LOS. Its basically an interactive movie, and your only true objective is to get to each main point in the game just to watch a cut-scene and go through this monotonous nonsense every-time the cut-scene ends. I'm not joking, I've realize that every-time a cut-scene ends, the player has to defeat this, or find that and defeat this at the same time. Gah. . .

Maybe if they were actually making a game I would have enjoyed it, but seriously, they should have just made it a movie from the start. Heck, who knows I've might have actually enjoyed it. . . maybe.

Oh yeah, and lets not forget that they completely and unnecessarily changed Spyro's personality into Gary smilie.
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ignitusforever Ripto Gems: 1788
#9 Posted: 16:19:34 29/10/2010
Hmm, what don't I like about TLOS...
Weak Story

Weak Character Personailtes-They were all serious and noble all at the same time. Cynder's personailty wasn't even permanet, it changed with each game.

Very Poor replay value- DOTD's replay value isn't exactly any great shakes either, once you've upgraded to a high level. TEN had some bonuses you could go after once you completed the story, yes, but then you have to go through the entire story over again, through all the things I labbeled stupid and wrong in TEN, just for some bonuses that unlock some lousy concept art and movies I could look up on the internet. Yay.....

Flawed and boring Gameplay- Where do I start? It seems like all throughout ANB and TEN you fight your way through crowds of enemies with the same moves and the same enemies throughout the entire game, and I am usually bored out of my skull before long. And then the checkpoints are so far back that I am practically almost at the beggining of the level in some of these stages! And then when it's not rip your hair out hard, it's way too easy, and I am still bored beyond tolerance! And once you figure out the pattern and what elements to use, Malefor in much to easy to beat in DOTD, considering that the entire trilogy was building up to this entire fight! Can you get more anticlimatic!?

Useless Special Attacks- In ANB and TEN, it seems like the furies are absoultley no use to me. No matter how much I upgrade it, the furies don't do enough damage to the bigger enemies, or they get out of the way in time, and then I am dead. Or in the VERYYY long time it takes for the fury to do something either then to look pretty, the enemies attack me, I SOMEHOW take damage, and I am dead. The fury bar isn't even filled up when I respawn either! What a rip!

Comic Relif- TLOS takes itself way to seriously, and does anyone notice that a character that does bring comic relif is often labbeled crazy or inmature by the rest of the cast?

I think it's safe to say that DOTD takes care of most of these issues, but DOTD alone has it's own problems. Like hollow voice acting, *Cough* Cynder *Cough* a stupid and weak romance, and to easy gameplay once you've upgraded high enough. And the worst part was re vamping Hunter into the typical Gary Sue that is bassically everyone in TLOS.
And the music..ugh.. the music... I swear some of the music in this game was composed by a roaring soap opera lady! Go to The Destroyer level in DOTD and try telling me that's good music!

So summing it up, I hate almost everything about this seris!
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#10 Posted: 16:30:53 29/10/2010
Quote: Hey hoo, the point of this post is up here! This is Burning Gnorc, hijacking the quote and pointing out that the username is ignitusforever
So summing it up, I hate almost everything about this seris!

I guess 'most' is the word. smilie
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#11 Posted: 20:43:12 29/10/2010 | Topic Creator
Yeah, LoS really should have just been a movie from the start.

Oh, gawd, I can't stand Gary. He's such a kicked puppy and the wussiest "hero" of all time. It makes me sick that kids are expected to look up to that. >(

As regards character personalities: I realized pretty early on that they each only have one characteristic. smilie Ignitus: old mentor. Spyro: nice guy "hero". Sparx: comedy relief. Cynder: girlfriend. Part of what killed DotD in the end (it hit a moment of wretched depression that it never recovered from) was that Sparx was gone and he was literally the only light in the game.

I'll admit that ANB and TEN had some replay value for me, mostly because I love the fights with Dark Cynder and Gaul and there are a few comedy/story moments I thought were cute. I also liked that we got 200 pieces of concept art that we could look at as long as we wanted. DotD...I couldn't replay it. I tried, but the minute Cynder opened her mouth I had to turn it off. And the bonus movies you get are garbage.

Here's some tips to make the games playable:
ANB - use the invincibility and infinite magic cheats smilie
TEN - beat the dragon challenges and use the dark fury on everything
DotD - use the invincibility cheat

It takes all the cheating gameplay mechanics away from the game, mostly (though you can still die pretty easy in TEN by being knocked off things >( ).

I dunno, I thought the furies were good for a laugh. smilie If you don't take the game seriously (or patronize it the way it patronizes its players) it becomes one of the funnier things you can play. smilie
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#12 Posted: 20:53:37 29/10/2010
Making fun of LOS is the only reward it gives you. Its very easy to poke fun at the characters and the story itself. I just wish LOS wasn't a reboot to our beloved Spyro the dragon.

Gary.. . ugh Gary. I would have turned off the game as soon as Gary was trying to be heroic. But I'll admit the fight with Cynder in ANB, Sparx's line before they go into the Well of Souls to encounter Gual, and the Catacombs - Twilight Falls, is the only true thing that I can tolerate from LOS as a whole.

Cynder to me is the hardest, if not the most entertaining Boss to fight. I even realized that she has the most moves at her disposal than Gual and Malefore. I mean sure she's easy to figure out but if you dilly-dally she'll get the upper hand eventually.

Oh, and lets not forget the small time window of the double jump in TEN. I have the Wii Version and the time window for the double jump is so small. I recall practicing for like 10 min just to understand how short it was so I wouldn't die constantly at the Jelly Fish part of this horrid "game".
Everyday that you wake up . . . is a good day.
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Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#13 Posted: 21:29:20 29/10/2010 | Topic Creator
Making fun of it and taking the things it implies as literal so you can reveal how atrocious and disgusting it actually is at it's core (mmm, dragon elitism, racism, and genocide smilie).

I think I would've liked LoS a ton more if it hadn't been a Spyro series. Frankly, it should have just been Cynder's game (I feel the same way about Star Fox Adventures, too; Krystal was a lot more fun to play).

There's a lot of underlying things that the games don't state explicitly that I liked, but I think that was me making excuses for it while simultaneously writing some of the grimmest fanfic the world would have ever seen had I continued with it. smilie

I actually liked Billy West as Sparx on the whole. He made Sparx the annoying little stink that the script says he is while also making some of those horrible lines actually funny with his delivery. Of course, I have a major voice crush on Billy West, too, so take that as you will. smilie

I liked Dark Cynder's fight mostly for her model. The way she moves and fights is the only time in any of the LoS games where I felt like I was watching a dragon fight. I liked Gaul's fight, too, but that was mostly because a) voice crush on Kevin Michael Richardson smilie and b) he has a nice butt and isn't wearing any pants. smilie I don't know how many times I died because I kept slowing down time to look at his butt. smilie

It's not much better on PS2. D: I'd make the jumps but slide off the jellyfish because of the platforming bug. >(
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#14 Posted: 21:42:06 29/10/2010
That's nice to hear that the PS2 version is just as bad as the Wii version smilie . Oh and those wretched dogs, that can lunge at you from 50 yards away, the fact that the enemies can still hit you when your down (dazed) and the fact that the some enemies are just a pain in the rear to kill, makes TEN very, very, frustrating smilie.

Gual isn't bad, just boring IMO. Don't get me wrong if you get hit once from that jumping sword attack that he does your dead on the spot. But to me, meh I just want him dead so I can be done with that game. Too bad too, he does seem interesting as a character, and I have to admit I want to know what wen down between the Apes and Dragons before Malefore showed up.

Billy Wests was the Sparx IMO. I think its because he knows what he's doing.

Dark Cynder I'll admit I feel "in love with her" as soon as she did that Tail slap move. IMO, it adds so much to her personality. I don't know how or why but it does. Plus she's swift and light on her feet, which makes a bit hard. I figure that if she was a boss in Original Spyro games she would be really hard. The reason being is because she's not only strong but quick and agile like Spyro. I think the player will have a hard time with her if she was a boss in his games. Oh yeah, she moves like Nightmare in "How to Train Your Dragon", great movie BTW.

I also agree about SFADV (Star Fox Adventure), it would have been better if Fox was marooned on Sauria instead of it being a mission from General Pepper. Or even better just its own game. smilie
Everyday that you wake up . . . is a good day.
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Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#15 Posted: 22:04:34 29/10/2010 | Topic Creator
ANB/TEN are both obnoxious cheaters when it comes to gameplay. Beating up on the player like that is just lame and uncool, and they did it all in the name of making the game "challenging".

Yeah, once you figure out his fight, it's pretty easy. As for what went down with the apes and dragons, we'll never know (it's far too interesting a topic for these games to tackle, after all). My theory was that the dragons were quite arrogant and wanted all the other races to worship them (sort of) but the apes insisted on equality, which was okay (the apes built all the dragon buildings, etc) until Malefor showed up and decided it was best for all dragonkind if the apes were wiped out. Big war ensues in which a genocide is attempted and, for the most part, successfully carried out. Then a banished Malefor shows up and completes the genocide as a way to trick Gaul into serving him and building him an army out of gems and bits of enslaved ape spirits. And that's Hand of Darkness and the prequel, Inferno, very briefly summed up. smilie

I really just hated how arrogant and smug all the dragons are and how every single other species they encounter is licking their boots. Frankly, I think the apes' dragon hate is justifiable, considering what the dragons have done to the world at large.

Dark Cynder is the only reason I even picked up LoS, I'm not gonna lie. smilie The games looked insipid, but I liked her character design and I have a giant crush on Cree Summer (her voice in ANsmilie. smilie I still think she's cool, too.

Krystal was fun to play as and I was really angry that I had to play as clunky, fugly Fox McCloud. I never finished that game.
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#16 Posted: 22:31:12 29/10/2010
SFADV - Beat the game like 3-6 times you're not missing much smilie

Cree Summer was just awesome for Dark Cynder. . . just freaking Awesome. .. I'm still peeved that she only got like 6, 7 lines out of ANB. . . Such a waste on good talent like that is not excusable.

I have to agree with you there on the dragons. I think Original Spyro would have been vexed by them too, which would have made LOS even better smilie . But yeah, it was quite apparent that dragons were arrogant by not only The Guardians but with Gary's attitude as well. I mean he just up and abandons his life style from his dear loving parents just be a real dragon. . . yeah way to show loyalty there goof-ball.
Everyday that you wake up . . . is a good day.
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Kimbia28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1890
#17 Posted: 23:43:33 29/10/2010
Can't say much besides that I fully agree with u guys *_*

Speaking of plotholes...there is one thats been bugging me ...
In DoTD after the Destroyer somehow stil lives even tho they broke the heart-thing and he completes the ring of fire thing
Ignitus says :'there is nothing more that can be done.'
Orders everybody to ge to shelter(aka to the underground)
first of all, isn't that dangerous??when the Destroyer get back into the volcano,the world splits apart and gets destoyed,and probably starting with the damn underground!Wouldn't the walls shatter and just trap/smash them all inside?Any explanations?
Another sends them all to 'shelter',except himself Spyro and Cynder,which he tells they need to confront Malefor...
Ok...why go and try defeat Malefor when the world is already breaking apart??!What will you accomplish?
Ignitus said theres nothing more that can be done!
They could've just gone and tried using some magic bs to like, move to another planet/dimension or some ****,I dunno!and leave the suicidal maniac Malefor to blow up,THE END.(yes I know they couldn't do that,I'm just sayin'...)

But why would Ignitus possibly think that Spyro and Cynder would be able to defeat Malefor on their own?
Just becouse Spyro is a purple dragon?
well he is,but he's still a freaking kid!So is Cynder!They have been frozen for 3 years(seriously?...geez DoTD Hunter where the hell were you?stuck in traffic?the catacombs aren't far away from the dragon city...and Spyro and Cynder couldn't really move from their place either...)

And Malefor was born like 10 generations before Spyro(cus of the purple dragon phropecy thing),so he has quite the experience,he mastered all the elements,kicked the elder's asses etc.
And those two can just beat him like that?! give me a break!

I could go on listing the plotholes...but damn..when you pay closer attention to the cutscenes,most of them don't make sence.
Quoting RAzz:
''It's just sad (and insulting; did they think the kids playing the game would be too stupid to notice?).''

exactly!They just wrote and made the overall game poorly and lazy IMO, and made people pay attention to what they wanted them to pay attention to...that is the graphics.
and it worked.
'oh its flashy,it's pretty,aah beautiful landscapees aahh,yep the game rox...'
Sure, pretty graphics are always nice,but that doesn't mean that the game is instantly good.

And the story,being extremly linear,get just easily ruined by even the smallest plotholes.If you get what I mean :l
There's alot more stuff that bugs me except from the story,but It's late here,so I'll probably post some more stuff later. smilie

sorry for the grammer/spelling errors.. :c
Apoc Gold Sparx Gems: 2941
#18 Posted: 00:43:13 30/10/2010
I still want to pick up the LoS series and give them a bash, make a Let's Play out of them and rate them afterwards, from what I've seen it doesn't look too bad but I might get horribly bored like I did with Spyro 1
DarkSpyro's resident "cool person" except there's nothing cool about me.
I've been here since god knows when and ask any old heads about me.
spyro16 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1710
#19 Posted: 01:12:49 30/10/2010
I can't say much about disliking the LoS trilogy but the few things I do dislike about the trilogy are the plot holes in DotD, a bad beginning for ANB, and I can't really think of anything for TEN and I can't say anything about the classics either but I am a classic and LoS fan so I could go both ways.
Slendy's Shadow
i love smilie smilie and smilie
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#20 Posted: 01:23:46 30/10/2010 | Topic Creator
The complete unquestioning of the purple dragon's power (even though the only purple dragon they supposedly know about was a monster) really bothered me. For one, he's just a kid, and for another thing, apparently every other purple dragon in history was a monster (maybe; the games are really unclear on this).

Yeah, they were so busy trying to fill all the cliches of a dull-as-dirt, generic epic story they forgot that the ones people like usually require a decent story.

You ought to give them a try, Apoc. Everyone should judge for themselves. smilie However, don't pay more then $10 for any of them if you can help it.
Apoc Gold Sparx Gems: 2941
#21 Posted: 02:34:01 30/10/2010
Quote: Razz

You ought to give them a try, Apoc. Everyone should judge for themselves. smilie However, don't pay more then $10 for any of them if you can help it.

I can hire them for quite cheap, but Amazon sells them for a hefty sum even though they got crap ratings
DarkSpyro's resident "cool person" except there's nothing cool about me.
I've been here since god knows when and ask any old heads about me.
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#22 Posted: 09:43:26 31/10/2010
Quote: Razz
Yeah, LoS really should have just been a movie from the start.

Oh, gawd, I can't stand Gary. He's such a kicked puppy and the wussiest "hero" of all time. It makes me sick that kids are expected to look up to that. >(

As regards character personalities: I realized pretty early on that they each only have one characteristic. XD Ignitus: old mentor. Spyro: nice guy "hero". Sparx: comedy relief. Cynder: girlfriend. Part of what killed DotD in the end (it hit a moment of wretched depression that it never recovered from) was that Sparx was gone and he was literally the only light in the game.

I'll admit that ANB and TEN had some replay value for me, mostly because I love the fights with Dark Cynder and Gaul and there are a few comedy/story moments I thought were cute. I also liked that we got 200 pieces of concept art that we could look at as long as we wanted. DotD...I couldn't replay it. I tried, but the minute Cynder opened her mouth I had to turn it off. And the bonus movies you get are garbage.

Here's some tips to make the games playable:
ANB - use the invincibility and infinite magic cheats :D
TEN - beat the dragon challenges and use the dark fury on everything
DotD - use the invincibility cheat

It takes all the cheating gameplay mechanics away from the game, mostly (though you can still die pretty easy in TEN by being knocked off things >( ).

I dunno, I thought the furies were good for a laugh. :D If you don't take the game seriously (or patronize it the way it patronizes its players) it becomes one of the funnier things you can play. :D

That part nearly made me throw my controller at the PS2 (the "I love you" part also made me nearly do this). I still don't see a reason why he had to stay behind. It was obvious that Cynder replaced him. Heck, she seemed to replace him throughout the whole game. And Cynder replacing Sparx..... that was a wrong move. It made me wounder if the producers thought that Sparx was getting in the way of SpyroxCynder, so they decided to kick him out....
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#23 Posted: 10:13:51 31/10/2010 | Topic Creator
I suspect that Cynder wasn't just any old Mary Sue. Maybe she was the producer's Mary Sue. Or at least someone on that team. Too many things fell into place like a bad fanfic: no other girls (no competition), everyone just forgives her despite her past misdeeds, everyone feels sorry for her, everyone trusts her despite her doing nothing to earn it and being very suspicious, and anything that might be considered competition (including brothers/best friends who have no romantic potential) is systematically removed from the story. I call BS on this one.
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#24 Posted: 10:34:57 31/10/2010
Well, I'm sure if Cynder appeared in Orig Universe, she wouldn't be such a sue... One of reasons why I don't like TLOS as much... Though... Never played any game beyond YOTD { smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie } <-- all of these combined
Keep smile
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#25 Posted: 13:05:41 31/10/2010
Quote: Razz
I suspect that Cynder wasn't just any old Mary Sue. Maybe she was the producer's Mary Sue. Or at least someone on that team. Too many things fell into place like a bad fanfic: no other girls (no competition), everyone just forgives her despite her past misdeeds, everyone feels sorry for her, everyone trusts her despite her doing nothing to earn it and being very suspicious, and anything that might be considered competition (including brothers/best friends who have no romantic potential) is systematically removed from the story. I call BS on this one.

That's something I've always thought. And it's always bugged me smilie
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
Apoc Gold Sparx Gems: 2941
#26 Posted: 17:42:30 01/11/2010
The LoS fans are cool at least but people often mix fanboys with fans which is quite sad. Because fans are not like fanboys, also fanboy is a gender neutral term, it doesn't matter what you have between your legs if you're crazy about something like a movie or a videogame, etc you're a fanboy.
DarkSpyro's resident "cool person" except there's nothing cool about me.
I've been here since god knows when and ask any old heads about me.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6147
#27 Posted: 07:30:11 07/11/2010
I like both sagas equally, but the Legend series seemed to bring a whole lot of arguments. LoS is better, no the Originals are! That's what it brought. It is kinda hard to like when it causes soo much arguments. And then DotD came...

I feel really stupid asking this but, what is a Mary/Gary Sue or whatever it's called? I've never really found out.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#28 Posted: 08:16:42 07/11/2010
A Mary-Sue is someone who is perfect in every way. They have no faults. DOTD Cynder is a good example of a Mary-Sue.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6147
#29 Posted: 08:44:54 07/11/2010
I get it, thanks. So that's a Gary Sue but a male right?
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#30 Posted: 10:33:46 07/11/2010 | Topic Creator
Yep, a Gary Stu is just a male Mary Sue. Examples of both are characters like Bella Swan, every dragonrider of rank in the Pern novels, Eragon, and LoS Spyro. A character doesn't have to be perfect to be a Sue (there are many degrees), but being obvious wish-fulfillment for someone and being treated as extra special by other characters when they are not (or at least don't warrant such a high degree of praise) also makes someone a Sue.
Malefor0001 Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#31 Posted: 18:09:18 08/11/2010
Quote: DarkCynder_543
Quote: Razz
Yeah, LoS really should have just been a movie from the start.

Oh, gawd, I can't stand Gary. He's such a kicked puppy and the wussiest "hero" of all time. It makes me sick that kids are expected to look up to that. >(

As regards character personalities: I realized pretty early on that they each only have one characteristic. smilie Ignitus: old mentor. Spyro: nice guy "hero". Sparx: comedy relief. Cynder: girlfriend. Part of what killed DotD in the end (it hit a moment of wretched depression that it never recovered from) was that Sparx was gone and he was literally the only light in the game.

I'll admit that ANB and TEN had some replay value for me, mostly because I love the fights with Dark Cynder and Gaul and there are a few comedy/story moments I thought were cute. I also liked that we got 200 pieces of concept art that we could look at as long as we wanted. DotD...I couldn't replay it. I tried, but the minute Cynder opened her mouth I had to turn it off. And the bonus movies you get are garbage.

Here's some tips to make the games playable:
ANB - use the invincibility and infinite magic cheats smilie
TEN - beat the dragon challenges and use the dark fury on everything
DotD - use the invincibility cheat

It takes all the cheating gameplay mechanics away from the game, mostly (though you can still die pretty easy in TEN by being knocked off things >( ).

I dunno, I thought the furies were good for a laugh. smilie If you don't take the game seriously (or patronize it the way it patronizes its players) it becomes one of the funnier things you can play. smilie

That part nearly made me throw my controller at the PS2 (the "I love you" part also made me nearly do this). I still don't see a reason why he had to stay behind. It was obvious that Cynder replaced him. Heck, she seemed to replace him throughout the whole game. And Cynder replacing Sparx..... that was a wrong move. It made me wounder if the producers thought that Sparx was getting in the way of SpyroxCynder, so they decided to kick him out....

I hate that.Sparx is a classical and legendary character and they decided to replacehim with Cynder, whom alot of the original fans hate. I turned the system off when it said that "love" line.
“The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century!”
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#32 Posted: 11:46:29 19/11/2010 | Topic Creator
Just giving this topic a bump. It seems like a lot of LoS-hateres are invading topics for LoS-lovers. As bitter and spiteful as I am about this series, I still don't think it's right to pee all over their fun (had that done to me by LoS fans and spreading the hate doesn't solve the problem). So. This is a topic all about bashing LoS and bringing those of us who can't stand it together. Come, bask in the warm glow of your fellow not-LoS-fans. smilie
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#33 Posted: 13:54:56 19/11/2010

Perhaps they wouldn't spread the hate if you didn't give them a reason to.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#34 Posted: 16:40:12 19/11/2010 | Topic Creator
Oh, please. Have you seen the "Who loves DotD" topic? Have you noticed that it was crawling with anti-LoS fans long before I showed up? How about the "Fans of Both Series" topic? Same thing.

Just because I'm actually giving non-LoS fans an appropriate place to speak out where they won't get flamed or upset anyone without warning doesn't mean I'm spreading the hate. It was here from the moment they released Spyro's new design for ANB, long before I even know the new games existed, and it's not going to leave anytime soon.
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#35 Posted: 16:47:19 19/11/2010
No, it won't leave, but it's not exactly mature to make a whole topic on a forum dedicated to it either. It is NOT an appropriate place, not on a forum.
Faun Yellow Sparx Gems: 1291
#36 Posted: 16:54:17 19/11/2010
I've never liked LoS, and some people can't accept that. This topic gives people a place where they can say what they actually think, without being flamed or having to hide their opinion. Razz is right, there are topics for people who love DotD and for people who like both series, so I really don't see the problem with this topic.
meguca /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#37 Posted: 17:06:57 19/11/2010 | Topic Creator
How exactly is a topic expressing dislike for something not appropriate for a forum? Where do you live that forums aren't a breeding ground of argument and dissent? I made this thread in an attempt to stop some of the constant fighting between these two sides of the fanbase.

Frankly, I don't think it's right that you and several other forum members are constantly trying to stop other people from expressing how they feel about this. Nobody can voice a single complaint about LoS on these forums without having half the members jump down their throats and the other half try to set fire to the first group with their minds. It's stupid. How is it wrong to give the haters a place to talk freely when the lovers have more than their share of topics about what they like?

Some people like to complain. If you don't like it, go to one of the hundreds of other threads that are about something else.
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#38 Posted: 20:10:49 19/11/2010
It's wrong because THIS ISN'T THE PLACE FOR HATE. If you're in a topic that asks for your honest opinion, yes. On a different forum especially in mind for haters, yes. But on here in it's own topic is not going to stop the fighting, it's going to encourage more hate and friction. I would say the same if it was an anti-classic thread, anti-mid thread, whatever. And if someone went into a classic love thread with anti-sentiment, I would also tell them off. But at the moment, I am addressing this.
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#39 Posted: 20:25:04 19/11/2010
As far as I know, this topic has cut down rapidly on the hate appearing on other topics. Back when I first joined, the hate for LoS was unbelievable. It's gone down from when I joined an awful lot.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#40 Posted: 20:32:01 19/11/2010
The thing is I haven't seen any hate on either side aside from in this topic. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place, but if there's no hate to begin with, making a ground for hate isn't going to have any effect anyway.

And if I am looking in the wrong place, then that means this is in the wrong place, which...also nulls its effect.
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#41 Posted: 20:35:51 19/11/2010
Nope, like I said, when I first joined, I couldn't walk into a topic without hearing someone say 'Legend games suck, the gameplay is crap, the story is rubbish,'etc. and posting large reasons of hate on an unrelated topic.

It's only starting to calm down now.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#42 Posted: 00:18:57 20/11/2010
So, people can make topics about loving TLOS, but can't make a topic about hating it? smilie

Some people, like me, want a break from TLOS. But we can't because we can never have a topic about Spyro without Cynder or TLOS poking it's name in there at least once. Yet the originals never get mentioned.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#43 Posted: 00:20:12 20/11/2010
Well, yes, basically. It wouldn't be allowed on any other forum.
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#44 Posted: 01:03:40 20/11/2010
I don't see why we can't make a hate topic. It attracts haters to that topic, and leaves every other topic alone. We need a hate topic, because at the moment, there is no place for the haters to go. They're all getting swarmed with TLOS and Cynder, and they can't talk about the original games without it turning into a TLOS topic eventually.

I remember a topic on a different forum. I can't remember the name though. It just randomly went on it once, and I can't remember how I found it.... It was an original Spyro topic, made to get away from TLOS, but it soon turned into a TLOS topic anyway, because it got swarmed with DOTD fans coming in and posting every second.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:07:32 20/11/2010 by DarkCynder_543
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#45 Posted: 01:10:48 20/11/2010
But this topic is about hating LoS, not loving the Classics, so you are still talking about it, therefore, not getting a break from it. I'm not saying having a hate topic is wrong, but if you want a break from LoS, make a topic about loving the Classics or just go play the Classics! You know you want to!
"My memories will be part of the sky."
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#46 Posted: 01:52:55 20/11/2010
But it still a get away from the TLOS fans. But apparently not. Because we're not aloud to hate the game, and we're not aloud to make a topic about it, apparently. smilie

THIS is what annoys me.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#47 Posted: 01:59:32 20/11/2010
I think you should be allowed to make a topic about it, but ranting on it isn't a way of escaping the series, it's just a way of venting your feelings.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#48 Posted: 02:04:33 20/11/2010
I really don't see what's wrong with making a hate topic. It's.. it's for them to let out frustrations about the games, which they don't get to do on other topics, because doing so causes arguments between them and TLoS fans. I think it's a good idea to have a seperate topic to.. dislike TLoS. TLoS fans get every other topic, don't they? I don't hate TLoS, I enjoy them as much, if not more, than the Original series, but I'm just saying think Original fans should be able to say their opinions somewhere without starting an argument, which happens everywhere else they post their hate for TLoS. Up until now this topic has been a good way for Original fans to talk about what they actually want to talk about, without starting an argument. If they didn't have this topic, they'd have nowhere else to go without someone jumping on them for hating TLoS.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#49 Posted: 02:11:44 20/11/2010
It's funny, I am always defending LoS haters on these topics, even though I don't agree with all their opinions. It is unfair that they can't talk about their hate without being disturbed.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#50 Posted: 02:18:31 20/11/2010
Yeah, haha, I don't always agree with their opinions, considering I'm a TLoS fan as well as an Original fan, while they're original fans, and they don't always agree with mine, but you've got to respect everyones' opinion.. They've got every right as do TLoS fans to say their opinions. It is unfair they have nowhere else to go.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:19:28 20/11/2010 by Darby
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