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Both Old and New Fans [CLOSED]
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#301 Posted: 00:49:16 30/10/2010 | Topic Creator
This mixture Spyro would definitely be a Spyro both Old and New Spyro fans really need.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:54:30 30/10/2010 by Aura24
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#302 Posted: 01:28:46 30/10/2010
Frankly, I'd rather they did some different designs. The "realistic" DotD Spyro is one of the ugliest things I've ever seen; at least ANB Spyro was kind of cute (in that ugly baby animal way). I liked that AHT had it's own take on Spyro that was different from Insomniac. I'm hoping they'll design him to fit whatever game they're making.

Even if your're right,he got bigger in size somehow. So you could assume he would have sharper claws and sharper teeth,I don't even think animals have to be that old to be able to hurt you,my cat accidently scratched me bad onced and he wasn't even full grown at the time.

No, he didn't. Compare him in both games standing next to an adult dragon: in ANB/TEN and in DotD he always only comes up to Ignitus' shoulder. He's the same size, they just changed the design and it's one of the umpteen million things about DotD that's screwed up and confused this fandom pointlessly. And I already conceded the point that little Spyro would scratch a baddie, but I still think it's pretty silly looking no matter how much you want to defend it.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#303 Posted: 01:35:57 30/10/2010 | Topic Creator
Quote: Spyroo
Quote: Aura24
I wouldn't be surprised if they merged the Old Spyro design and the New Spyro's into one.

That would be pretty cool to see, imo.

Quote: Aura24
Quote: Spyroo
Quote: Aura24
I wouldn't be surprised if they merged the Old Spyro design and the New Spyro's into one.

That would be pretty cool to see, imo.

The Spyro's horns would be a mix between Old and New Spyro's, he would still be purple, his eyes would be purple, but his orange ridge of spines from his head to his back would be a mixture as well.

Quote: DarkCynder_543
Quote: Aura24
I wouldn't be surprised if they merged the Old Spyro design and the New Spyro's into one.

The image I get from that is Spyro's Shadow Legacy design with a TLOS Spyro's muzzle, wings, spikes/spine and tail blade, and the horns going further back a little.

Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
I think of the classic Spyro's muzzle and crest, with a little red in them, horns the face forward when down but which are thick, yellow and ribbed like new's, new Spyro's wings, old Spyro's tail spike, and either Spyro's belly.
He would be funny and make wise cracks at the villains, be kind and polite to his friends, listen impatiently to the elders because he's just eager to get going, smart, easy going, determined... Anything else?
Also what Aura said.

We shall call this Spyro, Mixture Spyro. smilie Created by fans who like both series of Spyro.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#304 Posted: 01:39:41 30/10/2010
Before I begin with my unrelated point; where the heck is this "dragons use their claws for this and that" coming from? I don't think we've seen one yet to verify.

Anyway, I'm not sure whether a mix would unify or, if done badly, make the gulf between the two sides WIDER. You've seen how Sonic 4 Episode 1 fared, it's mixing people up all over the place, and critics love it while fans hate it ala Sonic Heroes initially (FYI Heroes is getting a renaissance like AHT has. And Sunshine, too. The period between 2002 and 2004 must be the new mid-late nineties.

And my completely unrelated point is explaining the two years between 2008 and 2010 that I skipped before, so switch your head off now if you don't want to see TL; DR.

In 2008, I was a lot more of a Sonic/Crash fan, while other franchises were a footnote, Yes, I clearly did follow Spyro, but all the twisted interpretations and giddy fan**** was reserved for those two series alone. At this time, there were eight characters that I mainly concerned myself with for reasons that would make this essay a thousand words longer; Sonic, Knuckles, Vector, Espio, Crash, Crunch, Dingodile and Komodo Joe. So, there I was, making up stories and stuff about these characters while trying out various past Mario titles due to having a Gamecube. Some of the earlier ones I got were squibs (Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour anyone? ¬¬), but then Mario Party 5 managed to get me engaged with Bowser due to his contrasting personality. He wasn't what I expected from someone who was a king, even if he was an evil one. Far more hands on than most for a start. So, he began to be integrated into my musings, but that was it for a while.

One day (DON'T ASK ME FOR AN EXACT DATE), I decided to go on a bit of a Spyro binge for old time's sake. I played through AHT a bit more, getting to Stormy Beach this time around from Coastal Ruins, and also played through the original trilogy and ETD. Somewhere along the line, I must have thought "Hey, the other guys have foils, why not have Bowser try to force this Gnasty guy to be his". And I left it at that and continued musing with my main eight characters. Just speculating about their futures, their personalities, their relationships to other characters...

And some while later, it just...clicked. Out of the blue with no warning. It dawned on me that these guys could make for good talk. So I researched them, got enough knowledge on the series to be able to pass myself off as a devoted Mario fan (For the record? Not interested in Mario. Mario and his human/toad friends are boring as bland-flavoured cardboard. Yoshi's cute, so he gets a free pass) and they stuck.

By 2010, things have changed; Sonic and Knuckles have gone off the radar due to the former having a big personality change while the latter hasn't been utilised too often as of late and Crash, Crunch, Dingodile and Komodo Joe have been forcibly halted due to the Crash franchise coming to an end (for now...), although Crash and Crunch have also had enough personality change for them to be pretty much off the radar too. That leaves just two pairs left that I'm really interested in; Vector and Espio (and boy, could any Sonic fan tell you that. Ask Iceclaw) and Bowser and Gnasty. As such, a lot of games from both franchises with those two have managed to eclipse previous decade-long favourites due to having a vested interested in playing more and getting to know the intricacies of the games (I'm looking at you, StD/AHT/Super Mario Sunshine).

So...that's why Year of the Dragon is pretty much knocked off my favourite game slot. Poor YotD, I do love you still, really!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:40:05 30/10/2010 by Burning Gnorc
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#305 Posted: 01:41:21 30/10/2010 | Topic Creator
Uh, what's this got to do with liking both series of Spyro, Burning?
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#306 Posted: 01:45:16 30/10/2010
I said it was unrelated, but it was continuing and expanding on the Spyro bio I did earlier in the thread. That at least mentioned me not minding LoS for all sentence. [Edit; For referennce, it was this one.]

Honestly, it's more of a case of "loving one, not minding the other" for me. Not exactly liking both series, but it's a step up from the usual reaction of "liking one, downright hating the other".
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:47:33 30/10/2010 by Burning Gnorc
crazyspyrofan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1042
#307 Posted: 02:43:16 30/10/2010
Quote: Razz
Frankly, I'd rather they did some different designs. The "realistic" DotD Spyro is one of the ugliest things I've ever seen; at least ANB Spyro was kind of cute (in that ugly baby animal way). I liked that AHT had it's own take on Spyro that was different from Insomniac. I'm hoping they'll design him to fit whatever game they're making.

Even if your're right,he got bigger in size somehow. So you could assume he would have sharper claws and sharper teeth,I don't even think animals have to be that old to be able to hurt you,my cat accidently scratched me bad onced and he wasn't even full grown at the time.

No, he didn't. Compare him in both games standing next to an adult dragon: in ANB/TEN and in DotD he always only comes up to Ignitus' shoulder. He's the same size, they just changed the design and it's one of the umpteen million things about DotD that's screwed up and confused this fandom pointlessly. And I already conceded the point that little Spyro would scratch a baddie, but I still think it's pretty silly looking no matter how much you want to defend it.

Is silly supposed to be a bad thing?

Before I say this,I am not flaming,I'm complementing. There were some aspects in the original series that were silly,but they were still reasonable.That's one of the things that makes the original games fun.

TBH,I don't see what's so silly about Spyro scratching a enemy,He's not a hatchling,he's a Pre-Teen/Teen whichever.So I found it realistic that he could fight.
"This twisted game needs to be reset,"-Solo Wing Pixy,Ace Combat Zero.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#308 Posted: 03:14:02 30/10/2010
What was silly about LoSpyro fighting the way he did (for me, at least) is that he looks like a baby animal. He's got big eyes, a pudgy body, a big head, and tiny legs. He makes me think of a puppy. Seeing a puppy just going to town on an enemy that's three times his size in a game where everything is so over-the-top serious is just laughable for me (and I did laugh, a lot smilie).

And of course there are silly things in the older Spyro games, but they fit the setting a lot better (since those are silly, light hearted games). You never see iSpyro scratching anything with his tiny feet because he uses the weapons we all think of the most when we think dragons: fire and big stonkin' horns.
crazyspyrofan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1042
#309 Posted: 03:33:25 30/10/2010
Oh,you're reffering to ANB and TEN Spyro,yeah he is a little pudgy,but I like that design. He was kind of the opposite of pudgy in DoTD though.

I liked when they added the extra elements into the original games. IMO it's really fun to freeze the enemies before you kill them.
"This twisted game needs to be reset,"-Solo Wing Pixy,Ace Combat Zero.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#310 Posted: 03:39:25 30/10/2010 | Topic Creator
You lose your baby fat when you grow older X3 Like how ANB Spyro is a little pudgier than his teen form.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
crazyspyrofan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1042
#311 Posted: 03:51:26 30/10/2010
Yeah,It's not hard to notice how skinny Spyro is in DoTD compared to his TEN and ANB forms.
"This twisted game needs to be reset,"-Solo Wing Pixy,Ace Combat Zero.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#312 Posted: 03:53:34 30/10/2010
You also loose your baby fat when you hire a new company to redesign your cast unnecessarily. Seriously, can we drop this? Nothing you say will change my opinion on this (because I've heard it all before over the course of two-odd years).

I don't actually remember any of DotD Spyro's attacks since I never used them. smilie I guess one of the only nice things I can say about Cynder in DotD was that her attacks were actually plausible-looking (and made sense what with her being a killing machine and all smilie).
crazyspyrofan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1042
#313 Posted: 03:55:20 30/10/2010
I didn't even know we were still argueing. I thought we had moved on to discussing Spyro's different designs.
"This twisted game needs to be reset,"-Solo Wing Pixy,Ace Combat Zero.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#314 Posted: 04:12:32 30/10/2010 | Topic Creator
Yeah, I thought so too.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#315 Posted: 04:21:17 30/10/2010
The reference to his teen form threw me off. Sorry. smilie

Though, now that I think about it... Why does everyone call DotD Spyro a teen when his closest-to-official age that we were ever given was him being 13 in TEN? Doesn't that make him a teen regardless? Granted, his age is never given in any of the games, we're just guessing that he's a young dragon.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#316 Posted: 04:40:02 30/10/2010 | Topic Creator
Maybe because his DotD design is slimmer, and his voice is deeper too.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:00:05 30/10/2010 by Aura24
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#317 Posted: 05:14:04 30/10/2010
It is? He sounded the same to me in DotD.
Phantom Platinum Sparx Gems: 5241
#318 Posted: 05:16:15 30/10/2010
/\ Yeah, like exactly the same. He obviously hasn't hit puberty like the other characters.
Falling Chandeliers
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#319 Posted: 06:40:28 30/10/2010
It was the same, I think. Same VA, who didn't alter his voice at all for the part.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#320 Posted: 13:18:12 30/10/2010
For Spyro's design in the next game, they should take this sort of approach:

In this upcoming game, Link is the same basic build and face proportions as Twilight Princess Link, but the game is cel-shaded like in Wind Waker. This sort of approach for Spyro could be excellent. Keep him (and Cynder) a teen, but give the game a similar art style to AHT or ANB/TEN. Also, give him the "scale pattern" of iSpyro. Maybe give him a little more muscle around the legs too. Something along these lines could be brilliant. Personally, if the game is on Xbox 360/PS3, then maybe stick with a realistic style, or give it a slight watercolour effect. But seeing as we only know Spyro's Kingdom is on Wii and DS at the moment, then this would be a good design direction, IMO.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#321 Posted: 14:55:04 30/10/2010
Quote: Razz
It is? He sounded the same to me in DotD.

He did have the same voice in ANB, TEN, and DotD. But it's odd, because in ANB he's so tiny, and in DotD he has the same voice, but his design is larger, so it might seem like his voice is deeper. I don't know, that's what it seems like to me. But if he had grown in age by DotD, I think his voice would have been noticeably different and deeper. But he didn't age. It was just the change in companies (Krome to EL) and they redesigned him..
But, the thing that confuses me there is that Sparx was stuck in the Crystal too, and his voice was wayyy deeper, and he had that line- "Voice keeps changing", so he obviously seemed to age. But, I just shrugged that off. I think they were just trying to make a reasonable explanation for why he has a new voice actor with such a deep voice.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#322 Posted: 16:50:45 30/10/2010
Quote: Aura24
Quote: Spyroo
Quote: Aura24
I wouldn't be surprised if they merged the Old Spyro design and the New Spyro's into one.

That would be pretty cool to see, imo.

Quote: Aura24
Quote: Spyroo

That would be pretty cool to see, imo.

The Spyro's horns would be a mix between Old and New Spyro's, he would still be purple, his eyes would be purple, but his orange ridge of spines from his head to his back would be a mixture as well.

Quote: DarkCynder_543
Quote: Aura24
I wouldn't be surprised if they merged the Old Spyro design and the New Spyro's into one.

The image I get from that is Spyro's Shadow Legacy design with a TLOS Spyro's muzzle, wings, spikes/spine and tail blade, and the horns going further back a little.

Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
I think of the classic Spyro's muzzle and crest, with a little red in them, horns the face forward when down but which are thick, yellow and ribbed like new's, new Spyro's wings, old Spyro's tail spike, and either Spyro's belly.
He would be funny and make wise cracks at the villains, be kind and polite to his friends, listen impatiently to the elders because he's just eager to get going, smart, easy going, determined... Anything else?
Also what Aura said.

We shall call this Spyro, Mixture Spyro. smilie Created by fans who like both series of Spyro.

Except I don't like both series. I just see somethings in LOS that maintain potential.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#323 Posted: 21:55:30 30/10/2010
Sparx's voice changed because they hired a celebrity black guy with a deep voice, nothing else.
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#324 Posted: 00:52:32 31/10/2010
Which means, unlike Spyro, Sparx has reached puberty. smilie
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#325 Posted: 02:20:56 31/10/2010
Puberty? His voice was so deep I thought he was in his late-20s/early-30s! smilie
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#326 Posted: 04:05:33 31/10/2010 | Topic Creator
There's this question that's been on my mind for a while... What did fans of both Old and New Spyro fans ever do to deserve to be like outcasts of the Spyro community?
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#327 Posted: 04:50:55 31/10/2010
The same things fans of LoS only and Classics only did to get themselves outcast: have a different opinion than someone else. smilie
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#328 Posted: 06:51:15 31/10/2010 | Topic Creator
No, I mean other fans who like one side of the series flames fan who like both series, because they like both Spyros instead of one. It's like 'you're either with us, or against us' kind of thing.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#329 Posted: 13:57:13 31/10/2010
I honestly have not seen fans who like both series getting flamed.

It really depends on the individual, and how they approach it - If they keep sticking up for one series in particular and not the other, then yes, they do get flamed.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#330 Posted: 15:12:06 31/10/2010
Quote: Aura24
There's this question that's been on my mind for a while... What did fans of both Old and New Spyro fans ever do to deserve to be like outcasts of the Spyro community?

I'll give it a shot then:

People who like both sides of the factions despite the current standpoint - as you say - "you're either with us or against us", people who like both are enigmatic in this situation. Because of this, it can cause some contemptible backlash on those types of people. I guess you might say that those who choose this side instead of the other, might see people who like both as hypocritical. Its like saying, "I like North Dakota just as much as I like South Dakota despite their contrast". In that sense there is no compromise between the two and if someone who likes both of them despite that, both sides can view that person as either: naive, blind, hypocritical, unaware, or someone who just doesn't get it.

People have a million and one plus more reasons to perceive, dislike, and like something or action or lifestyle. If you really want to know why fans who like both are being treated like outcasts then you're going to have to ask both sides of each party and ask other "outcasts" want they feel on it.

Personally I don't care. Yes, I can agree that those who like both are bit out there, but that's not because of contemptible reasoning. Personally I don't comprehend on how anyone can like both sides of the Spyro games, since their so distinct from one another, but at the same time there's so much substance out there I don't even know about, let alone comprehend. IMO, you like what you like, and you hate what you hate. What you like has its ups and downs, and vice-versa of what you hate. Whether or not if one is willingly to change is up to that individual.

But anyway, that's what I think.
Everyday that you wake up . . . is a good day.
My Gallery
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#331 Posted: 15:32:48 31/10/2010
Quote: Aura24
There's this question that's been on my mind for a while... What did fans of both Old and New Spyro fans ever do to deserve to be like outcasts of the Spyro community?

I too have NEVER seen such a thing happen, nore have I met more than a few who follows the 'you're either with us or against us' standpoint. Most people I meet will not like or dislike someone bacause they like or dislike one side of the series. I've only seen a few people get p*ssy with someone who is on the opposite side of the fandom and even then the things they say are so juvenile they don't bear thinking about.

One thing that I HAVE seen though: People who like both sides of Spyro saying that those who only like one Spyro are not 'true' fans. Who is ANYONE to say who is and isn't a true fan?
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#332 Posted: 17:04:21 31/10/2010
I like both sides of Spyro because I play all types of videogames. The classics speak to the side of me that likes games such as Mario or Sonic, while LoS speaks to the side of me that likes Final Fantasy or Zelda. I'm just an enthusiastic gamer overall, really!
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:14:46 03/11/2010 by sonicbrawler182
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#333 Posted: 08:41:25 03/11/2010
IMO, it's good to like both side. Because that way, there is no worries, such as wanting to know which universe the next Spyro game will be in.

I wish I was one of those fans, I really do, but it's just the fact that TLOS is so different to the originals.... and some of its fans.... it just bugs me too much, to the extent that I just can't like it. smilie

I'm trying to get myself into AHT again, and be a fan of it, like I was about a year ago, but once again, I just can't bring myself to like it. It's the fact that they changed all the character's personalities, and even screwed up with some (like Bentley), changed their roles in the game (I'm looking at you, Moneybags), and some don't even appear at all, and they all have annoying voices, well most do. It just all bugs me. I can accept change, but not the type were you feel like you're playing different game. I hate that feeling. smilie
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#334 Posted: 17:30:41 03/11/2010
Quote: sonicbrawler182
I like both sides of Spyro because I play all types of videogames. The classics speak to the side of me that likes games such as Mario or Sonic, while LoS speaks to the side of me that likes Final Fantasy or Zelda. I'm just an enthusiastic gamer ovreall, really!

I agree. The difference between the series doesn't bug me at all, really. I enjoy both types of games, and having my favorite character, Spyro, in both genres, is great.
Quote: DarkCynder_543
IMO, it's good to like both side. Because that way, there is no worries, such as wanting to know which universe the next Spyro game will be in.

I wish I was one of those fans, I really do, but it's just the fact that TLOS is so different to the originals.... and some of its fans.... it just bugs me too much, to the extent that I just can't like it. /shrug

I'm trying to get myself into AHT again, and be a fan of it, like I was about a year ago, but once again, I just can't bring myself to like it. It's the fact that they changed all the character's personalities, and even screwed up with some (like Bentley), changed their roles in the game (I'm looking at you, Moneybags), and some don't even appear at all, and they all have annoying voices, well most do. It just all bugs me. I can accept change, but not the type were you feel like you're playing different game. I hate that feeling. :\

Being a fan of both, you can still worry what the next game will be like, and what Universe it takes place in. I'm very anxious to find out this info. ^^;
I can understand why you don't like it, since it's a completely different type of game in every way, than the Originals. For some, they like it that way, but to some fans who grew up with the Originals, it's hard to see how different Spyro is. I'm sure many original fans were mislead into thinking the Spyro they knew and loved was back in TLoS, just because "Spyro" was in the title. To me, I don't like comparing them. The only similarity is the color and the name. I like both equally.

I myself still consider AHT an Original Spyro game. It's one of my favorites, really. Instead of finding the voices annoying, I liked them, and I loved the character personalities. But that's just me, I guess. The game just seemed so lighthearted and kid friendly.
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#335 Posted: 19:01:15 03/11/2010
Loved the personalities, didn't like Spyro's voice, doo dee dah, etc. I'm a stickler for lighthearted and comedic games though, which is why the plot for LoS didn't interest me.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#336 Posted: 20:22:47 03/11/2010
I am eagerly awaiting the announcement of what universe Spyro's Kingdom might be set in. Personally, I think they should continue in the LoS universe, as the reboot was meant to re-establish Spyro's identity. There is no point in confusing the general public. However, they could also start making HD remakes of the Insomniac trilogy. They're doing it with Sly Cooper, so why not Spyro?
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#337 Posted: 20:26:07 03/11/2010
Because it's Activision?
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#338 Posted: 20:30:07 03/11/2010
I think it'd be awesome if they remade the Insomiac trilogy, and I'm speaking as someone who never played 'em. It would most likely please the Original fans, as well as fans of both who miss Old Spyro ( I know I do).

Spyro's Kingdom, just from what little I've seen, seems likely to take place in LOS, but it's too early to make any judgments right now. On one hand, they have some plot points in DotD that needed more explanation ( more than two Purple Dragons, yada yada), and then Shadow Legacy apparently had a cliffhanger that needs to be explained ( I say apparently because I haven't beaten Shadow Legacy yet). I expect it to hopefully tie up the loose ends of either game. I really hope it's not a reboot, though that's still a possibility.
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#339 Posted: 20:33:17 03/11/2010
I don't recall any cliffhangers in SL.
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#340 Posted: 20:34:38 03/11/2010
The Sorcerer escapes, and the elders say he'll be back.

I'd honestly love a remake of the original trilogy more than anything else. They'd look so amazing on the latest consoles, methinks.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#341 Posted: 20:34:46 03/11/2010
Hmm... Well, I have seen some people say it seemed likely the Sorcerer would be back... I'll have to beat it and find out...

EDIT: Like little ninja Spyroo here. smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:35:18 03/11/2010 by IsisStormDragon
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#342 Posted: 20:35:40 03/11/2010
It does sound that way, I expected the next game to involve him again D:
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#343 Posted: 20:36:22 03/11/2010
That's not a cliffhanger, that's a plain sequel hook. He could have been back after 100 games, for all we know.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#344 Posted: 20:57:36 03/11/2010
Well, a remake of the original trilogy would make tons of money. Combine that with Spyro's Kingdom sales, and you have got a winner.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#345 Posted: 11:47:50 04/11/2010
Quote: Darby
Quote: sonicbrawler182
I like both sides of Spyro because I play all types of videogames. The classics speak to the side of me that likes games such as Mario or Sonic, while LoS speaks to the side of me that likes Final Fantasy or Zelda. I'm just an enthusiastic gamer ovreall, really!

I agree. The difference between the series doesn't bug me at all, really. I enjoy both types of games, and having my favorite character, Spyro, in both genres, is great.
Quote: DarkCynder_543
IMO, it's good to like both side. Because that way, there is no worries, such as wanting to know which universe the next Spyro game will be in.

I wish I was one of those fans, I really do, but it's just the fact that TLOS is so different to the originals.... and some of its fans.... it just bugs me too much, to the extent that I just can't like it. /shrug

I'm trying to get myself into AHT again, and be a fan of it, like I was about a year ago, but once again, I just can't bring myself to like it. It's the fact that they changed all the character's personalities, and even screwed up with some (like Bentley), changed their roles in the game (I'm looking at you, Moneybags), and some don't even appear at all, and they all have annoying voices, well most do. It just all bugs me. I can accept change, but not the type were you feel like you're playing different game. I hate that feeling. :\

Being a fan of both, you can still worry what the next game will be like, and what Universe it takes place in. I'm very anxious to find out this info. ^^;
I can understand why you don't like it, since it's a completely different type of game in every way, than the Originals. For some, they like it that way, but to some fans who grew up with the Originals, it's hard to see how different Spyro is. I'm sure many original fans were mislead into thinking the Spyro they knew and loved was back in TLoS, just because "Spyro" was in the title. To me, I don't like comparing them. The only similarity is the color and the name. I like both equally.

I myself still consider AHT an Original Spyro game. It's one of my favorites, really. Instead of finding the voices annoying, I liked them, and I loved the character personalities. But that's just me, I guess. The game just seemed so lighthearted and kid friendly.

That's exactly how I felt. I grew up with the originals, and I think STD was my very first game. They play an important role in my childhood. I was excited about TLOS: ANB, because I thought it was a prequel to STD, but when I found it wasn't a prequel, but a complete reboot, I realized it all made sense, because just about everything about ANB is so different to STD, and I thought, "WTF.... why did this happen...? Why did they do a reboot...? WHY!?". That's why I don't like TLOS, because it grabbed about a quarter of my childhood and flushed it down the drain.

What I always wanted was a Spyro game that stays true to the originals, not changing personalities or screwing up with other characters, and give it more of a plot, and possibly darker storyline. I would like to see how Insomniac Spyro, and all his kick ass friends, would handle a situation were the villein has taken over the land, has destroyed it to the point where it's completely covered in evil (towns has been taken over by evil, areas destroyed, etc) and the villein is nothing like the previous villeins Spyro has ever faced before.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#346 Posted: 03:47:46 06/11/2010 | Topic Creator
You can't expects games to stay the same forever.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#347 Posted: 05:30:07 06/11/2010
I dunno... It's worked just fine for Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Tetris, God of War, Half Life...
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#348 Posted: 06:05:03 06/11/2010
^ Exactly.... some of the most best selling games are always the same...
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#349 Posted: 06:26:31 06/11/2010 | Topic Creator
Does it really matter if Spyro didn't continue on as a platformer and moved on to action genre when the LoS was made? I don't mind the change, but I know it aggravates some fans out there.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 06:32:14 06/11/2010 by Aura24
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#350 Posted: 10:51:25 06/11/2010
It kinda does really, especially when some people don't like the action games out there. It's kinda obvious on that, everything was switched - It took me a long time to get used too as well.
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