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Anyone else not a Cynder fan? [CLOSED]
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#1 Posted: 00:20:42 18/10/2010 | Topic Creator
I'm aware that this could start up a flame war or whatever, but I like to give you guys some credit. We're all allowed to have and share our opinions.

This isn't really a bash thread (though if you want to give your reasons for not liking her, go ahead). I'm legitimately curious about other not Cynder fans.

Myself, I used to like her (I was kind of the original Cyndork and I pay for my crimes daily D: ). There are aspects of her I still like (all of them relating to the Krome games), but overall, I've stopped liking her in part because of her extreme fans, mostly because DotD ruined what little there was to like for me, partly because she's freakin' everywhere now if you look up anything anywhere about Spyro, and in part because I've just stopped caring about the LoS games.

So, anyone else kind of sick of her?
Aqua-Dragoness Gold Sparx Gems: 2851
#2 Posted: 00:23:40 18/10/2010
*raises hand*
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#3 Posted: 00:35:58 18/10/2010
Um... I'm sort of half and half. You see, I LOVED evil Cynder (it's what my username is based off of), and I thought she was the coolest character in the entire series. As for TEN Cynder, I don't like her at all. Her appearance and voice just aren't right. And with DotD Cynder; I liked her appearance, but her voice and personality weren't great.

So yeah, sorta mixed.
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#4 Posted: 00:37:49 18/10/2010
I am too, if I'm honest. The only personality for her I truly like was that shown in the short TEN clip.

I'm really tired of seeing her everywhere though, I really am.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#5 Posted: 00:40:10 18/10/2010
I'm a Cynder fan, but definitely not a "Cyndork" or whatever you want to call those crazy - sick fans.
I'm just curious - not trying to start any argument at all, but how can you not like a chartacter, just because of the fans? I mean, I know there's some really annoying people out there that like Cynder, but that doesn't change the character itself. So basically, it's just because everyone associates her with Spyro everywhere you go, so it's annoying? And the rabid Cyntards? I can understand that..
And, I know DotD may have ruined her for many people.. That was a major change in both design and her personality. So for the next game, I'm hoping they improve her so those who don't like her can at least tolerate her. She's just changed in every game, so I really don't know what kind of character she is, so I can't really decide whether I like her personality or not.

But anyway, I guess you can say I am a Cynder fan. I can understand why people dislike her, but I like her nonetheless. I don't find it tiring seeing her everywhere personally.
Just wanted to throw my two cents in there.. :3

I hope this topic doesn't turn to an argument. So far so good though :3
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 00:46:40 18/10/2010 by Darby
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#6 Posted: 00:41:59 18/10/2010
I'm sick of her!! I've been sick of her ever since LoS!! smilie
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#7 Posted: 01:17:59 18/10/2010 | Topic Creator
I still kind of like evil Cynder, too. She was voiced by Cree Summer; that alone does it for me. smilie

Darby: I've got more reasons than just her fans to dislike Cynder, but some her fans are outright terrible people. Once you've been harassed (publicly and privately), cursed at, other people have been yelled at because you weren't doing something a specific fan wears on you. The way I've seen some Cynder fans treat nice people who were doing art/stories for fun is terrible, and the way a lot of them are constantly at each others' throats is just appalling. When Cynder's fans start treating everyone around them like garbage (and many of them do), it starts to taint one's impression of the character until you can't even see her without thinking of her obnoxious fans. That's how a person can grow to hate a character just for their fans.
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#8 Posted: 01:24:47 18/10/2010
Hear hear! smilie
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#9 Posted: 04:22:22 18/10/2010
tl;dr: No, I'm not a Cynder Fan.

*deep breath*
There certain aspects that I do like about her. . . and then there aspects that I don't like about her.

Most the stuff I do like about her, are stuff yet to be tapped into or seen from her. This is the potential of being a great villain, or anti-hero. She seems to fit that role very well no matter what universe she might be put in The Realm of Dragons. going strictly based of what she has gone through, anti-hero seems to be most logical of choices. . . no logical isn't that right word. . . I guess the right word would be it would, most fitting for her to go down that path, IMO any way. This is what I do like about her. In my mind she's mischievous, honest, ornery, tenacious, confident, opinionated, strong willed, stubborn, hard headed and above all not a D.I.D or Mary Sue, at least not my choice.

The aspects about her that I don't like is how her creators perceived her after, well actually, how they made her to be to begin with. I liked the most in ANB, and I can tolerate her in TEN but truthfully this is where I start to not like her anymore. TEN and on, she's literally just a piece of meat to bad guys to lure Gary into their clutches in way or another. Gary being so naive and stupid goes straight for her, and then WHAM, SMACK, BIFF your in a trap! This is one of the reasons why I can't stand her. Another is due to her fanbase, mostly, if not completely, the ones that lust and fantasize over her. Its no different from Kyrstal in Star Fox. . . and ugh! - No different from Zig Zag smilie

In DOTD, she's literally just a sex doll that some way, some how, has abilities like Gary, and can wiled four breaths. . . great. Again this is mostly due to the developers but since they decided to let Cynder be this way, its all fair game for me to dislike her in such a manner. I dislike how they decided to abandoned everything that she wanted to do in TEN just to be Gary's main squeeze, just like Krystal in Star Fox Assault. . . bleh!
Everyday that you wake up . . . is a good day.
My Gallery
S240sx24 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1970
#10 Posted: 04:59:30 18/10/2010
want me to answer why cynder is a sex doll as you call her, well for one the actress who plays her doesnt help the cause either, look up cristina ricci's name and google image her and you'll maybe see why this could be one reason why cynder is used in such a way. Usually i have this saying and it does have sense to a certain point, your character you play as a animated film reflects how you kinda are in real life. not as an actor but a voice actor for a character in a animated or video game character, maybe not like if i play a bad guy im a bad guy but some traits are rubbed off from that character. Just something i kinda notcied with the voice actors that i have watched.
please let me know what you think about my art, I'd really appreciate it.
Cynder_fan Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#11 Posted: 11:16:44 18/10/2010
I am, but I'm not a huge fan. I will happily point at some flaws in her, but still. In my mind, she's better than Spyro in DotD though... though DotD was bad anyway XP
Local technician who comes up with rediculous ideas
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#12 Posted: 20:02:47 18/10/2010
I'm a fan, but I know her character isn't perfect. I admit that she's got some flaws. I don't like the Cynder fans that are completely obsessed with her, and act like she's the world and that she's perfect. Because, well, she isn't, obviously.
And I hate those perverted fans who draw naked pictures of her, or pictures of her and Spyro.. um.. doing the deed?
Just disgusting.
There's a particular artist over on DeviantArt who I'm sure you're familiar with. He draws & requests those disgusting pictures of Cynder with his dragon character, which is basically himself in dragon form.
It just disgusts me. He trashes out anyone who doesn't support the couple, or whoever doesn't like Cynder. That's a perfect example of some of the rabid Cynder fans out there. He claims he loves her, which is totally and completely wrong considering one, she's a dragon, two, she's fictional, and three, she's just a bunch of pixels on your t.v. screen..
I don't blame her DotD design though, even if it was.. suggestive. I would say her adult corrupted form was more suggestive. Hence, Sparx's line thinking she was "sexy". But I liked her adult form nonetheless.
People can make anything innapropriate, even if it's not intended to be that way.

ANYWAY, sorry for going off topic. But that right there.. ^ I guess that explains how you can get sick of a character just because of the fans.

Still, I'm hoping she can re-gain some fans in the next game, which she's most likely going to be in.
S240sx24 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1970
#13 Posted: 20:06:37 18/10/2010
yeah i know who your talking about and its nero. yeah he asked me to draw him a request of those two but i dont like it, so i didnt do it. But unfortunatly theres those freaks who do picture them spyro and cynder doing some weird stuff to eachother, i dont mind at all those two together but man dont go over board with it, please.
please let me know what you think about my art, I'd really appreciate it.
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#14 Posted: 20:15:45 18/10/2010
Yeah, Fergil-love-Cynder
He crosses way over the line, and he's always causes drama! Though it's rather entertaining to watch how seriously he takes this "nero x cynder" couple..
but yeah, I enjoy seeing Spyro x Cynder pictures, since I support the couple and the characters, but when it gets to being innapropriate.. not so much..
Soo yeah, sorry for going off topic there.
S240sx24 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1970
#15 Posted: 01:46:35 19/10/2010
yeah no big darby, i love drawing those two together when i can i mean spyro& cynder. I made up my own character Tundra but i dont plan on making him do innapropriate stuff, nope thats not what i made him for. but anyways some fans take her way past the point of innapropriate.
please let me know what you think about my art, I'd really appreciate it.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#16 Posted: 05:19:28 19/10/2010 | Topic Creator
The NeroxCynder dude gives me the absolute creeps. I don't care if people are drawing adult art of her (the DotD version was practically made for that purpose; I mean, c'mon, she's wearing bondage jewelry *eye roll*), but the ones who are so obsessed that they think they love her...ew. He's got a massive gallery of nothing but Nero/Cynder commissions on another site and it's the creepiest thing. D:

As for what little there is to like in Cynder, I'm kind of in agreement with some of you above. I liked the possibilities and the things that were hinted at with her in ANB and TEN. The only nice thing I can say about her in DotD is that she's easy to draw, but that's not exactly going to please most of you here because there's really only one thing I use DotD Cynder for when I draw... >D
Cynder_fan Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#17 Posted: 15:39:41 19/10/2010
Hmm... I don't like the sound of NeroXCynder, but TBH, if someone drew or showed my art like that, I wouldn't care much. I mean, people are like it, you can't change it, only loave it. Not saying it's right, not saying it's wrong.
Local technician who comes up with rediculous ideas
Apoc Gold Sparx Gems: 2941
#18 Posted: 16:43:20 19/10/2010
What do I think of Cynder...Edward Carnby >>>>>>>>>>>>> Cynder
DarkSpyro's resident "cool person" except there's nothing cool about me.
I've been here since god knows when and ask any old heads about me.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#19 Posted: 20:55:15 19/10/2010
I liked Cynder as a villain and i still wish she'd go back to being that way. In TEN I thought she was a little dull at first but towards the end she showed potential to be a strong female character, while at the same time remaining hustifiably regretful about her past yet gradually getting over it and letting her true toughness and courage show through.

In DotD though... Ugh. There was no call for her change of personality. She was stuck in the crystal for three years and so couldn't have grown emotionally and thus should have stayed the way she was in TEN in terms of personality. The personality they so suddenly gave her wasn't even a good one. A little more confidence is fine as Cynder grows up, but when they were trapped unconcious in the crystal it was (in thier minds) like going to sleep for the night. So upon waking up Cynder should have been exactly like she was when she went to sleep in TEN, then developed her newfound confidence-with-a-touch-of-attitude personality over the course of the game. And no matter how much she changed, no matter how much time it took, she should never have become so snappy or failed to say much of meaning.

On the positive side of things though, she is not beyond improvement. The largest problems with her came from her new design; it attracted WAY too many perverted fans, her VA; no emotion as many said, her dialougue; the fault of the writers/producers. Also, if they replaced her personality and did a total overhaul on her look once they can do it again.

I'm optimistic about Cynder, the next game, and Spyro's future in general.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#20 Posted: 00:55:54 20/10/2010
Yeah, NeroxCynder creeps me out too. Honestly though, I keep an eye on his dA page, simply to get some entertainment out of seeing what.. drama.. there is. Trust me, you'll always find something.

I actually agree with NEW_SpyroLUVA. Cynder does have potential, she's not totally ruined. They can still fix her personality from what it was in DotD. In every game in the trilogy, she had a different design and personality, so it's hard to know what kind of character she really is. I'd like it if they fixed her personality.. She shouldn't totally depend on Spyro, considering she was Cynder, the terror of the skies at one point.. She should be more sensitive than she was in DotD. I want to see her be. regretful, for what she's done. She didn't seem to show any regret for what she did in DotD. But really, most of the characters lacked any sort of emotion in DotD I'll have to admit. Yes she did show it in the end. "Spyro, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." but the voice acting took away from that. As for her design, if they just made it less suggestive, I would be pleased.

So yeah, there are some things I can complain about for Cynder's character, but I still like her. She has room for improvement to become a better character. And as said above, I'm also optimistic about the next game, and Cynder's character. Hey, I'm even optimistic about Cynder and Spyro's relationship improving.
ignitusforever Ripto Gems: 1788
#21 Posted: 01:53:50 20/10/2010
I would like her if it wasn't for ever changing personailty, design for
horny teenagers
in DOTD, hollow voice acting in DOTD, messed up history and eligid romance with Spyro.
crazyspyrofan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1042
#22 Posted: 01:56:29 20/10/2010
I'm a Cynder fan as well,but I'm not one of the insane ones.

The perverted Cynder fans just creep me out. Why would anybody want to draw that kind of artwork? They also annoy me becuase they give all normal Cynder fans a bad name,thanks to them a lot of people think most Cynder fans are drooling,perverted,idiots.When really,it's the other way around.Most Cynder fans are decent people.

Also becuase of the perverted fans,people get the idea as if Cynder was only designed to be a target for pervs. Which I beleive was not intended. Spyro is primarly a kids game and I seriously doubt they had any mature intentions when they made Cynder's design.

All in all,I liked Cynder as a character. I do wish they would of spent more time devolping her personality though.
"This twisted game needs to be reset,"-Solo Wing Pixy,Ace Combat Zero.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:58:17 20/10/2010 by crazyspyrofan
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#23 Posted: 04:05:05 20/10/2010 | Topic Creator
The perverted Cynder fans just creep me out. Why would anybody want to draw that kind of artwork?

For the lulz. Well, that's why I do it, anyway. smilie You guys are being pretty hard on the pervs. Yes, some of them are legitimate creepers, but a lot of them are just doing their jobs. Much of the pervy Cynder art is paid for by the creepers (and some of it is done in retaliation to the Cyndorks).

I'm pretty certain DotD Cynder was designed with horny teenagers in mind. You don't give a character bondage jewelry and a figure like that just so she looks cool. >.> I've always thought that particular design was a bad idea (oddly, she looks a lot better in the concept art; I'm not sure what went wrong when they put her in the game (besides everything *rimshot* smilie)).

I liked evil Cynder, too. DotD would have been a lot better if she'd at least had some doubts or, better yet, outright betrayed Spyro and you got to fight her again (fights with Cynder in the first two games were the best parts for me). She could still have been redeemed and that would have given any potential relationship between the two a lot of interesting twists instead of making so horribly obvious. (I don't believe in SxC anymore, unless it's Sparx/Cynder. smilie)
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#24 Posted: 04:06:20 20/10/2010
hey im a cynder fan! i dont care what people say
looks like ive got some things to do...
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#25 Posted: 05:01:40 20/10/2010 | Topic Creator
Then you should probably go to a different topic. This is for the people who are tired of Cynder.

Why is it always Ember? I guess that's one good thing about liking Elora best; no one remembers her (or that she's the only person to ever kiss Spyro or do something nice for him). smilie
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#26 Posted: 06:44:56 20/10/2010
Probably because it was never reciprocated on Spyro's side, it was only Elora who ever showed interest (yeah, I'm a such a great Spyro/Elora supporter, eh...). It wasn't for Ember's love, but she's comparable to Amy Rose in regards to her personality and view on relationships (until SL, anyway).
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#27 Posted: 08:42:42 20/10/2010 | Topic Creator
It's debatable whether Spyro reciprocated to Elora or not (the epilogue in RR shows them on the love boat ride together, though he had an ADD moment and missed his chance for another kiss smilie ; YotD leaves things pretty open for the two of them, she's at least willing to give him another chance).

I always thought Spyro was terrified of Ember. smilie And SL does pretty much put the nail in the coffin for Ember/Spyro as a canon ship. Honestly, I think the fangirls just love Spyro/Ember and Spyro/Cynder so much because they enjoy playing matching games where two alike characters are paired up. Always struck me as dull, but that's just me.

...Wow. That was rather a tangent, wasn't it?
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#28 Posted: 17:19:25 20/10/2010
Well, it's bit harder in my case...

In my Multi'verse, there are several versions of Cynder...

There is Cynder, DOTD-like design, Arrogant Wise Girl, Older than Spyro, they are 12 vs. 17, so, if she even sees any of these... Fanworks, She would think things not nice about it... She is bit harsh at everyone, but if she finally solidly befriends someone, there is only a small step from her taking that one as she had adopted hir... And after that, don't tryto attack them...
Then, there is Shinshi, TEN-like design, energic, cute Cirn- I mean (9- Just 9 YO. Her idol is Nanny, and wants to help her so much it's serious!

Oh, and some more, 'cuz of malfuctionated time machine, universe-obliterating kabooms and clone labs...
Keep smile
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:25:14 20/10/2010 by matesds
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#29 Posted: 19:32:49 20/10/2010 | Topic Creator
You're not alone here, man. smilie I've got several versions of her, too, from the evil-for-love Ash (AHT Cynder who loves Red), to the twisted daughter of Gaul (my take on ANB/TEN Cynder) and a whole host of inbetweens.
DeathStar Yellow Sparx Gems: 1539
#30 Posted: 19:57:56 20/10/2010
I'm not a total fan that says she's smexy or anything. I think Cynder and Ember would make good friends. Well, it's my opinion. So don't take the Mick.
"oh sweet sweet sounds of 80s synthesizers, alleviate me...."
Apoc Gold Sparx Gems: 2941
#31 Posted: 22:21:21 20/10/2010
Quote: matesds
Well, it's bit harder in my case...

In my Multi'verse, there are several versions of Cynder...

There is Cynder, DOTD-like design, Arrogant Wise Girl, Older than Spyro, they are 12 vs. 17, so, if she even sees any of these... Fanworks, She would think things not nice about it... She is bit harsh at everyone, but if she finally solidly befriends someone, there is only a small step from her taking that one as she had adopted hir... And after that, don't tryto attack them...
Then, there is Shinshi, TEN-like design, energic, cute Cirn- I mean (9- Just 9 YO. Her idol is Nanny, and wants to help her so much it's serious!

Oh, and some more, 'cuz of malfuctionated time machine, universe-obliterating kabooms and clone labs...

That is awesome
DarkSpyro's resident "cool person" except there's nothing cool about me.
I've been here since god knows when and ask any old heads about me.
crazyspyrofan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1042
#32 Posted: 23:13:30 20/10/2010
Quote: Razz
The perverted Cynder fans just creep me out. Why would anybody want to draw that kind of artwork?

For the lulz. Well, that's why I do it, anyway. smilie You guys are being pretty hard on the pervs. Yes, some of them are legitimate creepers, but a lot of them are just doing their jobs. Much of the pervy Cynder art is paid for by the creepers (and some of it is done in retaliation to the Cyndorks).

I'm pretty certain DotD Cynder was designed with horny teenagers in mind. You don't give a character bondage jewelry and a figure like that just so she looks cool. >.> I've always thought that particular design was a bad idea (oddly, she looks a lot better in the concept art; I'm not sure what went wrong when they put her in the game (besides everything *rimshot* smilie)).

I liked evil Cynder, too. DotD would have been a lot better if she'd at least had some doubts or, better yet, outright betrayed Spyro and you got to fight her again (fights with Cynder in the first two games were the best parts for me). She could still have been redeemed and that would have given any potential relationship between the two a lot of interesting twists instead of making so horribly obvious. (I don't believe in SxC anymore, unless it's Sparx/Cynder. smilie)

I still doubt the part about Cynder being designed to look sexy. If what she wore was really bondage jewelry and her figure was clearly designed to look pervy then I'm sure the people who gave the game it's rating would of picked it up and labeled it on the game.
"This twisted game needs to be reset,"-Solo Wing Pixy,Ace Combat Zero.
minredd Blue Sparx Gems: 698
#33 Posted: 00:20:26 21/10/2010
I don't really see it bondage jewelry, I saw it more as prisoner wear. Not a sexual thing. Not every master/servant thing is sexual.

I like Cynder, but that might just be because there's not a whole lot I don't like. I like Ember, Elora, Hunter, Spyro, Sparx, the guardians, the Chronicler... It's an odd thing for me to find something I don't like. The great exception to this is Twilight.

Although, I may also like her for the potential. I guess in my mind she's more then we saw, a deeper character. She was a little quick to be snippy in DotD, but that could have been from doubt. When I get scared I tend to get very angry, even to the point of threatening people.

Hm... Not sure where this post went. But yes, obsessive people scare me, that goes for every fanbase I'm in. But I usually like almost all the characters, just like the only video game I didn't like was Avatar: The Game.
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#34 Posted: 02:01:00 21/10/2010
Quote: minredd
I don't really see it bondage jewelry, I saw it more as prisoner wear. Not a sexual thing. Not every master/servant thing is sexual.

True, but really, you can clearly see Cynder is meant to be an attractive game character. Otherwise, why not just give a character like Terrador female eyes and make him smaller and be Cynder? Because that wouldn't attract everyone.

Krome Cynder was cute, but DOTD Cynder..... Eh, yeah, no.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
Kimbia28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1890
#35 Posted: 09:55:38 21/10/2010
had potential...
but was badly executed IMO.

I think she should've just remained an evil adult dragoness... :l
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#36 Posted: 13:17:48 21/10/2010 | Topic Creator
Honestly, she should have been the series villain. Malefor was a crappy villain from the start.

I still doubt the part about Cynder being designed to look sexy. If what she wore was really bondage jewelry and her figure was clearly designed to look pervy then I'm sure the people who gave the game it's rating would of picked it up and labeled it on the game.

They don't rate games based on intent. DotD has the story and actions of a kids' game (supposedly), ergo, that's what it's rated for. However, it was designed by adults who knew exactly what they were doing.

Word of God says that Cynder was wearing the bondage jewelry as a way to deal with her past, which is pretty dumb story-wise, but which also suggests hugely that she likes being imprisoned/in bondage. smilie

But, again, the biggest evidence is her figure and the massive increase in nasty Cynder porn that coincided with the release of DotD.
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#37 Posted: 14:13:36 21/10/2010
Quote: Razz
Honestly, she should have been the series villain. Malefor was a crappy villain from the start.

They don't rate games based on intent. DotD has the story and actions of a kids' game (supposedly), ergo, that's what it's rated for. However, it was designed by adults who knew exactly what they were doing.

Word of God says that Cynder was wearing the bondage jewelry as a way to deal with her past, which is pretty dumb story-wise, but which also suggests hugely that she likes being imprisoned/in bondage. smilie

But, again, the biggest evidence is her figure and the massive increase in nasty Cynder porn that coincided with the release of DotD.

One could say that her shackles are a metaphor to how she might feel. Although she has been, liberated from the Dark Master control - thanks to Gary - she still feels his influence tugging at her chains.

However her physique is definitely the main reason for all his lust, lewd, and depraved works of Intellectual Property spawned by her "many fans".
Everyday that you wake up . . . is a good day.
My Gallery
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#38 Posted: 14:23:19 21/10/2010
Quote: Apoc
Quote: matesds
Well, it's bit harder in my case...

In my Multi'verse, there are several versions of Cynder...

There is Cynder, DOTD-like design, Arrogant Wise Girl, Older than Spyro, they are 12 vs. 17, so, if she even sees any of these... Fanworks, She would think things not nice about it... She is bit harsh at everyone, but if she finally solidly befriends someone, there is only a small step from her taking that one as she had adopted hir... And after that, don't tryto attack them...
Then, there is Shinshi, TEN-like design, energic, cute Cirn- I mean (9- Just 9 YO. Her idol is Nanny, and wants to help her so much it's serious!

Oh, and some more, 'cuz of malfuctionated time machine, universe-obliterating kabooms and clone labs...

That is awesome

Wow, didn't expected... I mean.... MANY THANKS!!! smilie
Keep smile
DarkCynder10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3346
#39 Posted: 15:35:50 21/10/2010
Well, I still like Cynder, but my love for her was kind of worn out. I've been really looking into the changes of the games, and I really miss the old ones. smilie After listening to some STD soundtracks, I was thinking one thing: NOSTALGIA!!! MEMORIES!!! I WANT MY CHILDHOOD BACK!!!!

So, seeing how Cynder is one of the darker Spyro characters, causing the series to get all dark and depressing, I haven't liked her as much as I used to.

But I'm not saying I love her or hate her. She's OK.
( ૭ ಠ___ಠ)૭
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#40 Posted: 19:52:21 21/10/2010
Quote: Kimbia28
had potential...
but was badly executed IMO.

I think she should've just remained an evil adult dragoness... :l

I agree, it was her best form. When Spyro said he saw something familiar in her eyes I thought she was his mother. That would have been way better, becasue one burning question that I've always had since STD was who are/were Spyro's parens and where are they? And much to my suprise, that question hasn't been answered in this prelude esque reboot. Not to mention the whole leading male saves leading/only female and they fall in love is way too overdone.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#41 Posted: 19:58:08 21/10/2010
But she couldn't have been his mother, considering they were born from the same clutch of eggs or whatever. I always thought all of the female adult dragons would have been killed off to prevent the birth of a purple dragon as well as all of the eggs being smashed. Either that or they simply weren't included.

I still consider Cynder one of my favorite characters. I don't find her as bad as people say she is IMO, but there are still things I can criticize of course.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#42 Posted: 20:04:50 21/10/2010
But the audience didn't learn that she was part of the same egg batch till AFTER Spyro said that he saw something familiar.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#43 Posted: 20:10:21 21/10/2010
Ohh yeah, that's true. I haven't played ANB in a while.. smilie
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#44 Posted: 22:02:06 21/10/2010
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA

I agree, it was her best form. When Spyro said he saw something familiar in her eyes I thought she was his mother.

That could have had potential to be a real tear jerker there, if executed right.

I know many people cried at DOTD's ending, but I was just kinda..... 'Eh? Was that it? WHY DID THEY CRY AT THAT?!' But of course, that was just me. I knew they wouldn't kill them off, they'd want more games probably.

I really wish Cynder had stayed evil too.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
crazyspyrofan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1042
#45 Posted: 22:06:30 21/10/2010
I still like Cynder as a character overall,but when I go back and review the game I wish that they would of spent more time devolping her personality.
"This twisted game needs to be reset,"-Solo Wing Pixy,Ace Combat Zero.
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#46 Posted: 09:43:09 22/10/2010
I suppose my opinion is mixed. I always say I hate Cynder, but when I say that, I'm ALWAYS referring to DOTD Cynder. I'm a fan of Krome Cynder, liking Cynder in ANB a lot. She was a kick ass villain, and I miss her that way.

I also really like Cynder in that TEN clip. She was so bubbly and had a good attitude. This made me love TEN Cynder, because, to me, that's who she really is, and she's only covering up that personality because she felt guilty at the beginning of TEN. And she showed most of that personality at the very end of the game, being very brave and all. If Krome finished DOTD, then I'm sure Cynder would have had the personality she had in the TEN clip and at the end of TEN, finally letting her pass go, knowing she has a world to save, and letting her personality shine, which makes a lot of sense.... But instead, she turned all sassy in DOTD, and snapping at everyone for no reason, and that's one of the main reasons I hate DOTD Cynder, and is my least fave character in the whole Spyro series.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#47 Posted: 14:33:50 22/10/2010 | Topic Creator
Having Cynder be Spyro's mother would have been really impressive and a lot less cliche. That's a pretty cool idea, really.

I didn't cry at the end of DotD. I believe my exact words were "Ha! I knew it." followed by "Hey, it's that horrible song from the credits of Eragon". smilie

I did cry at the end of TEN, mostly because the song is beautiful, but also because it ended on such a downer and with so much possibility.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#48 Posted: 02:21:04 23/10/2010
That song was featured at the end of Eragon.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#49 Posted: 18:00:43 23/10/2010 | Topic Creator
As much as it sounds like it, they really are two different songs. The two songs at the end of Eragon are "Once in Every Lifetime" and "Keep Holding On". But "Guide You Home" sounds an awful lot like "Keep Holding On".

Edit: Hahaha! smilie My husband and I were just talking about the songs, so I put "Guide You Home" on so he could hear it. I put "Keep Holding On" on next and he didn't realize I'd changed the song. smilie

Oh hohoho, DotD, I didn't think my respect for you could drop any farther. Turns out it can! smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:20:18 23/10/2010 by Razz
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