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The Legend of Spyro series should have never been made [CLOSED]
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#151 Posted: 22:29:56 15/09/2010
Because it's true.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#152 Posted: 22:39:14 15/09/2010
Quote: crazyspyrofan
We havent been whining.We've been sticking up for a series we like.If we disagree with your opinions we have the right to say what we think.

I also still agree that this topic is pointless.People may say that it was friendly at first,but it was bound for a flame war from the start.It shouldnt have been created.

AS. DO. WE and everyone else here. That was the point with this whole topic to begin with. But. . . alas, people didn't see it that way. Some of you saw it, as a hate topic - WITHOUT. ANY. VALID. PROOF .

That's why some of us here, are agitated, because there was no need to call this thread a hate topic. There's no need for that! Absolutely no need. But here it is. Its over there, its over here, its almost everywhere on this topic. Oh well, it happened, nothing we can do about right? smilie . . . smilie

To be honest, no one here is in any way have the authority to say that a topic is pointless, is nothing but a hate topic, or to blindly accuse of the OP of creating a hate topic WITHOUT. ANY. VALID. PROOF .

*sigh* You guys have done nothing but bash and ruthlessly accused this thread of being pointless and a hate topic. You never gave this thread a chance. You never stop to think that maybe I'm hurting or misunderstanding the OP of this topic. You guys never did, and don't say to me, or to anyone else here that you did, cause if you did you would have actually participated in the thread.

I'm not taking sides, I'm not trying to be a MOD, I'm sick and tired of people coming in here and saying this topic is pointless. You guys are the trolls. You guys are provoking flames, you guys are the ones that should leave. If this thread is so pointless, THEN GET OUT! It has no use to you right? Then why are you here? To "defend" something? What are you here to defend? Huh? Seriously what are you here to defend? You guys defended NOTHING. All you guys have done was unjustly accused this thread of being pointless. Denying people to express themselves. Just wanting to cause argument. . . Thank God you guys aren't MODS.

Heck! If I'm wrong then here's your chance to prove me wrong. In fact, I. TRIPLE. DOG. DARE. YOU! to prove me wrong. If not then shut-up! Leave, buzz off, hit the road Jack, there's the door, C-ya later.

Geeze! Sick and tried of this BS. smilie
Everyday that you wake up . . . is a good day.
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Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#153 Posted: 23:38:04 15/09/2010
i'm tired of all the flame wars myself. now, i'm a fan of tlos but i'm not going to say it's better than the oringinals. in fact, i can't say that. the only oringinal i played was ETD. and i played it after tlos. i enjoyed tlos, and when i heard how much people preferred the oringinals, i decided to try them for myself. i did enjoy ETD, but it was completely diffrent from tlos. it had it's good moments, and others i found wern't quite as good. but that's my opinion. if you ask me, the games are too diffrent to really be compared to each other. when i played ETD, i saw characters that i'd never seen before. i saw a world completely diffrent from tlos. it wasn't bad, it just wasn't what i was used to, since i played tlos first. now i may try other oringinals, or i might not. that's my choice. i'm saying the oringinals are bad, and i'm not saying tlos is better. i'm just a fan of tlos, and i'm not familiar with the classics. now, if i played the classics first, or in my case, at all, then i might have a diffrent opinion, but i don't. i really don't understand why we have to start flame wars over which series we think is better. i mean, we're all spyro fans here, arn't we? why can't we just repspect the fact that some of us are going to prefer one series over the other? personally, i don't wish tlos had never been made. without tlos, i probally wouldn't be here now. maybe that's a good thing, but then i wouldn't have as many friends as i do right now. and i wouldn't be writing stories, and i'd probally wouldn't be on the computer much at all. a lot of things would change if i hadn't joined this site, and i joined because i was a fan of tlos.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#154 Posted: 01:17:07 16/09/2010
Zackeio, I'm sorry I've made you so mad....I honestly do not like making people mad. And yeah, I guess we've all went too far, and I really shouldn't have commented here if I knew this was going to get this far. And yeah, I actually did come here to "defend" TLoS. From the title, I assumed it was going to be bashed, and that...I just hate. A lot. But I guess it's your opinion, so I'll just stay out of it from now on...I apologize for making you so mad, really... smilie I was just meaning to share how I saw it, but I guess that doesn't belong here...I'm not a troll, I promise you that, so don't call me one, and I don't like making people mad. I'm sorry. Before it got any worse I just wanted to apologize for making you mad, but I guess I was asking for it. smilie
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:24:40 16/09/2010 by Darby
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#155 Posted: 02:28:58 16/09/2010
The people in this topic all need hugs.



Yes, that's all I care to contribute. Actually...

Both Original and LOS fans need to let...this...go. smilie Arguing over this just isn't worth it.
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#156 Posted: 02:37:14 16/09/2010
Quote: Darby
Zackeio, I'm sorry I've made you so mad....I honestly do not like making people mad. And yeah, I guess we've all went too far, and I really shouldn't have commented here if I knew this was going to get this far. And yeah, I actually did come here to "defend" TLoS. From the title, I assumed it was going to be bashed, and that...I just hate. A lot. But I guess it's your opinion, so I'll just stay out of it from now on...I apologize for making you so mad, really... smilie I was just meaning to share how I saw it, but I guess that doesn't belong here...I'm not a troll, I promise you that, so don't call me one, and I don't like making people mad. I'm sorry. Before it got any worse I just wanted to apologize for making you mad, but I guess I was asking for it. smilie

smilie . . . . *deep breath* smilie

Allow me to explain why I was mad, so that you and maybe others can understand. My rage, here on this thread, was fueled through disbelief. I couldn't believe, that you guys, would stoop to such a level without first having some sort of evidence to prove it. Even now, I'm still angry that it actually happened smilie . I just never thought, I would see this kind of. . . crap, from people like you. . . the thought never crossed my mind. But seeing it. . . just was inconceivable to the point that it was just disgusting! To be honest with you, I literally expected this from OSF's not TLOS fans, not from you guys.

I say that, because I can understand that if OSF's felt victimized for not having a Spyro game that we enjoyed in our youth that it might fuel anger and rage. That they might lash out people who actually like TLOS. I can understand that. . . I'm not saying its excusable. Far from it, its just that's what I can understand. . . its why I said that OSF's are in the wastelands, do you remember that? It not only meant that our beloved Spyro as OSF's new him as was disappearing, but how I thought how the current owners treated us. You guys have it good, especially if you're new to the franchise. TLOS is fresh and new to you, but OSF's like me, its not. Its just a horrid reminder of what Spyro is heading towards. I can't speak for every OSF here, that's just how I feel is what's happening to Spyro.

I never blamed, accused, or bashed you guys for liking TLOS. I may have said some things that may have gone too far on TLOS, but not on its fans, that I couldn't back up through observational truth. But still my rage here. . . is inexcusable. I can't say that you guys deserved it. . . I can't make the call smilie . I, I just couldn't understand where this crap was coming from!? Honestly what the heck was going on there? I don't post in the TLOS threads, because I respect you guys despite my different opinions on TLOS. I leave you guys in your own board, and to be frank so should any other OSF. But here, in a board where OSF, and TLOS fans can come together to chat about stuff. . . there was just no need for what happen here in this thread. I just couldn't understand how an OSF like myself can let your opinions stand, yet still get accused of being a troll, tyrant, or even a Spyro Hater just because I see things differently. That's why this OSF gets upset when this stuff happens. Its just. . . not fair, to put it bluntly. We've been called haters just because we're expressing our opinions. I can understand showing distaste to people who express themselves in a unholy matter, but if their not then whats with the hate smilie ?

smilie *sigh*

I'm not saying you TLOS fans should yield to OSF whining and complaining, as such OSF shouldn't yield to TLOS whining and complaining. I'm just saying, listen to what they are saying and you'll see who's just full of crap, and who actually knows what they are talking about. You can tell the difference between a troll and user who has an opinion if you just slow down and listen to them.

One last thing: To you, and to those that I may have hurt through my rage. . . I'm sorry smilie . Getting mad is not something I do often and I can honestly say to you all, I don't like getting mad. The folly and shame is mine and I ask for you to forgive me for such an unruly manner.
Everyday that you wake up . . . is a good day.
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IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#157 Posted: 03:02:55 16/09/2010

I really didn't want to say anything else, but I feel the need to say this.

This argument happened from poor judgment, yes, but from both sides, in my opinion. BH_W is known to flame for fun ( meaning no offense to her), so the way she worded this topic was close to how she words her flaming. Sure, the topic title and post may SEEM obvious, but it's not to some people. Some could take it the wrong way, like what happened here.

As for the LOS fans who came in here guns a-blazin' someone with a scary short temper, I understand why they did this. They have had to put up with a lot of genuine bashing and whining, to the point to where it doesn't take much to light the fuse and set them off. I can't speak for every LOS fan, but that seems to be the case here.

Still, it's inexcusable what happened, but again, there was poor judgment from both parties.

...I hope I didn't offend anyone...
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#158 Posted: 03:30:49 16/09/2010
Quote: IsisStormDragon

I really didn't want to say anything else, but I feel the need to say this.

This argument happened from poor judgment, yes, but from both sides, in my opinion. BH_W is known to flame for fun ( meaning no offense to her), so the way she worded this topic was close to how she words her flaming. Sure, the topic title and post may SEEM obvious, but it's not to some people. Some could take it the wrong way, like what happened here.

As for the LOS fans who came in here guns a-blazin' someone with a scary short temper, I understand why they did this. They have had to put up with a lot of genuine bashing and whining, to the point to where it doesn't take much to light the fuse and set them off. I can't speak for every LOS fan, but that seems to be the case here.

Still, it's inexcusable what happened, but again, there was poor judgment from both parties.

...I hope I didn't offend anyone...

Even still smilie . . . One should hope for the best in people. Even if they are know to cause ruin or discord. Their still human, still alive, a chance to change for the better. Saying that they never will, is a horrible thing to say. I can't excuse BH_W previous mis-endeavors here. Nor can I vouch for her. But just because the OP is know to be a jerk, doesn't mean the thread should be condemned as well. There are people here that actually want to discuss this topic in a proper manner.

One should still pay respects for others, even if one has acrimonious tidings to the one who made it. It may sound ludicrous to others. . . but we all make mistakes, we all have faults. I'm not saying those who do evil should go unpunished. Trust me, they'll get whats coming them. But one should not be so harsh and cold to judge.

I apologize if my, defending of this topic has seem cold to others that have been hurt by the OP, for I didn't know what she was capable of. Even still, she has the right to make a legitimate topic like everyone else here. If you wish to be the bigger man, then don't stoop to her level. Said this before, let the fools run straight into danger, it will be their own undoing.

Now then: Let's leave this topic as is, and hopefully no more pointless squabbling.
Everyday that you wake up . . . is a good day.
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banderi Green Sparx Gems: 173
#159 Posted: 05:59:50 16/09/2010
Quote: DarkCynder_543
To the people who are complaining that "it's already been made", then why don't you go and tell that to the ETD haters? Because I don't see it happening.

Quote: Spyroo
Quote: crazyspyrofan
We havent been whining.We've been sticking up for a series we like.If we disagree with your opinions we have the right to say what we think.

I also still agree that this topic is pointless.People may say that it was friendly at first,but it was bound for a flame war from the start.It shouldnt have been created.

That's true, but - There would be no war if TLOS fans just let it go.

Or, even better - They got involved instead of arguing. Like say, 'Well, I disagree. TLOS should have been made because....' rather than 'Stop bashing a game that's already happened'.

Excatly! This topic could have been mature, but no, TLOS fans just had to rush in and automatically assume that we're flaming. >.<

Okay, probably you're right, but you know TLoS fans can not see while EtD fans make negative comments about TLoS; TLoS fans are wrong rushing in and making war, but also EtD fans are wrong making negative comments. AND vice versa.

"If you accuse someone to be wrong, you're wrong."
You can not get someone to change their minds, and if he's wrong, stop flaming or whatever, is pointless. Try to see what you did wrong, and adjust it.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:04:01 16/09/2010 by banderi
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#160 Posted: 06:45:34 16/09/2010
Zackeio = win. I agree. This topic was all peaceful until TLOS fans came rushing in. You guys could have handled it maturely, but no, you had to be all whiny and accuse us for trolling without any proof. You say that this topic should be closed because of the trolling, but did you even THINK that you're the one who caused it all!? Seriously guys, just grow up. You didn't have to assume we're flaming because someone doesn't agree with your opinion. And like I said before, if you complain that we shouldn't bash a series that was made and done a couple of years ago, then try defending ETD for a change, because that game is still getting bashed, and it was made about 8 years ago.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#161 Posted: 10:20:22 16/09/2010
Quote: banderi
Quote: DarkCynder_543
To the people who are complaining that "it's already been made", then why don't you go and tell that to the ETD haters? Because I don't see it happening.

Quote: Spyroo

That's true, but - There would be no war if TLOS fans just let it go.

Or, even better - They got involved instead of arguing. Like say, 'Well, I disagree. TLOS should have been made because....' rather than 'Stop bashing a game that's already happened'.

Excatly! This topic could have been mature, but no, TLOS fans just had to rush in and automatically assume that we're flaming. >.<

Okay, probably you're right, but you know TLoS fans can not see while EtD fans make negative comments about TLoS; TLoS fans are wrong rushing in and making war, but also EtD fans are wrong making negative comments. AND vice versa.

"If you accuse someone to be wrong, you're wrong."
You can not get someone to change their minds, and if he's wrong, stop flaming or whatever, is pointless. Try to see what you did wrong, and adjust it.

Woah, what? How come everytime this topic comes to a close someone has to start it up again? Ugh....

Anyhow. There's nothing wrong with negative comments. In fact, often I like to debate TLOS's negative points, and sometimes, TLOS fans have helped me see through that negativity - So is that wrong? Hm?
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
banderi Green Sparx Gems: 173
#162 Posted: 10:30:39 16/09/2010
Negativity is always negative. smilie
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#163 Posted: 10:32:16 16/09/2010
Quote: banderi
Negativity is always negative. smilie

Sometimes, it's needed though.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
banderi Green Sparx Gems: 173
#164 Posted: 10:57:27 16/09/2010
Quote: Spyroo
Quote: banderi
Negativity is always negative. smilie

Sometimes, it's needed though.

Not with negativity. You can explain something withouth showing negativity in your sentences.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 10:57:53 16/09/2010 by banderi
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#165 Posted: 11:23:51 16/09/2010
Quote: banderi
Quote: Spyroo
Quote: banderi
Negativity is always negative. smilie

Sometimes, it's needed though.

Not with negativity. You can explain something withouth showing negativity in your sentences.

Well, not really. Because at the end of the day - It will still be negative. It can be worded nicer, but negative is negative.

If everything had no negativity, then every movie, every game, etc. would get 100%.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#166 Posted: 12:22:13 16/09/2010
Ugh... can we just drop this subject and handle the topic in a mature way? >.<
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#167 Posted: 12:37:01 16/09/2010
Great idea smilie
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#168 Posted: 20:07:00 16/09/2010
Let's just stop all of this. I know that people may have been insulted, as I was...smilie, so it's gone way too far, and I know I'm part of the blame. I apologize for ever posting here, I'm sorry. smilie
So please, don't accuse me of being a troll, or anything, because I'm not, even if I came off that way. I know what I did wrong smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:10:39 16/09/2010 by Darby
sillyworld Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#169 Posted: 23:42:13 16/09/2010
Quote: Malefor0001
Quote: Blackholes_Wolf
They should have stopped making games after Shadow Legacy

IMHO, Spyro died when Insomniac sold the Series

DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#170 Posted: 10:28:26 17/09/2010
^ Saddle, only a few people on this site agree. D:

They should have stopped it after YOTD. I mean, it even said, "WE HOPE YOU'VE ENJOYED THE SPYRO TRILOGY" in the credits apparently. And what's more sad is the fact that at the end of the epilogue, it says, "Goodbye, we will miss you". Spyro has been going down hill ever since. ;__;

EDIT: lolwut, I just realized I wrote 'saddle' instead of sadly. Rofl epic fail on my part.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:21:11 27/01/2011 by DarkCynder_543
banderi Green Sparx Gems: 173
#171 Posted: 13:40:48 17/09/2010
Quote: sillyworld
Quote: Malefor0001
Quote: Blackholes_Wolf
They should have stopped making games after Shadow Legacy

IMHO, Spyro died when Insomniac sold the Series


Ironically, is the same thing that I agree with Tomb Raider series, and noone agrees with me. Now, when I like also the new serie, I find people that dislike this.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:41:00 17/09/2010 by banderi
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#172 Posted: 23:38:34 17/09/2010
Because most Spyro fans hate the new and love the old, first three Spyro games, thinking the rest are ****. On this site, it may not seem like it, but that's because this site is full of 8-10 year olds who weren't there when the first Spyro game was made.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
sillyworld Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#173 Posted: 22:29:08 21/09/2010
Quote: DarkCynder_543
^ Saddle, only a few people on this site agree. D:

They should have stopped it after YOTD. I mean, it even said, "WE HOPE YOU'VE ENJOYED THE SPYRO TRILOGY" in the credits apparently. And what's more sad is the fact that at the end of the epilogue, it says, "Goodbye, we will miss you". Spyro has been going down hill ever since. ;__;

I couldn't have said it any better!
ShadowDragon91 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1427
#174 Posted: 23:29:04 24/09/2010
Wow, I honestly think this is much worse than the Love and Hate for the Twilight series.
It is not wise to meddle in the affairs of dragons, fore thou art crunchy, and taste of chicken...
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#175 Posted: 23:35:34 24/09/2010
The fight is dieing down....
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
ShadowDragon91 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1427
#176 Posted: 23:40:15 24/09/2010
Quote: ShadowDragon91
Wow, I honestly think this is much worse than the Love and Hate for the Twilight series.

Also, I have to agree with Darby and Aura24 here on this topic. The whole hating of the TLOS series is kind of getting old. I do NOT hate the Originals so don't you dare start attacking me. I loved the Originals as well. Heck, I love both of the series. Also, we know that you guys hate the TLOS series. We get it. And please get over it and move on. Same with the Twilight Haters too. I may be more of a TLOS fan but I just don't go and whine and shove it in you Original fans faces and say"IT IS GREATEST GAME IN THE WORLD!!! THE ORIGINALS SUCK!!!"

But then again, I am probably going to get flamed anyway.
It is not wise to meddle in the affairs of dragons, fore thou art crunchy, and taste of chicken...
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:51:23 24/09/2010 by ShadowDragon91
crazyspyrofan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1042
#177 Posted: 23:42:25 24/09/2010
^Most likely.I will proboly get flamed just for coming back to this topic.
"This twisted game needs to be reset,"-Solo Wing Pixy,Ace Combat Zero.
Fasuhn Green Sparx Gems: 211
#178 Posted: 23:44:55 24/09/2010
...people. Please stop posting on this topic.

I, for one, hate these kinds of topics. They are begging for trouble and flaming and generally bad things. I'm not even going to bother giving my two cents' worth on this issue because it will just add fuel to the fire.

For the love of Spyro, please, let this topic die. I don't know why it had to be bumped at all. :|
If you have a good dad, give him a hug for me, another for yourself, and a third one because he deserves it. Treasure him. You're lucky.
ShadowDragon91 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1427
#179 Posted: 23:50:01 24/09/2010
Quote: Fasuhn
...people. Please stop posting on this topic.

I, for one, hate these kinds of topics. They are begging for trouble and flaming and generally bad things. I'm not even going to bother giving my two cents' worth on this issue because it will just add fuel to the fire.

For the love of Spyro, please, let this topic die. I don't know why it had to be bumped at all. smilie

I whole heartedly agree, as for this, for the last time that I will be posting on this topic.

See all of you guys later *Leaves*
It is not wise to meddle in the affairs of dragons, fore thou art crunchy, and taste of chicken...
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#180 Posted: 00:45:57 25/09/2010
Guys, the flame war stopped. Why did you had to bring it back up again? READ. THE. WHOLE. FREAKING. TOPIC. FIRST. BEFORE. POSTING.

Quote: ShadowDragon91
Quote: ShadowDragon91
Wow, I honestly think this is much worse than the Love and Hate for the Twilight series.

Also, I have to agree with Darby and Aura24 here on this topic. The whole hating of the TLOS series is kind of getting old. I do NOT hate the Originals so don't you dare start attacking me. I loved the Originals as well. Heck, I love both of the series. Also, we know that you guys hate the TLOS series. We get it. And please get over it and move on. Same with the Twilight Haters too. I may be more of a TLOS fan but I just don't go and whine and shove it in you Original fans faces and say"IT IS GREATEST GAME IN THE WORLD!!! THE ORIGINALS SUCK!!!"

But then again, I am probably going to get flamed anyway.

Just stop and read the whole freaking topic! The flame war is dieing down! There was no need to bring it back up again! >.<
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:46:56 25/09/2010 by DarkCynder_543
ShadowDragon91 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1427
#181 Posted: 00:48:23 25/09/2010
I did, I am just saying my opinion about this topic.
It is not wise to meddle in the affairs of dragons, fore thou art crunchy, and taste of chicken...
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#182 Posted: 00:52:32 25/09/2010
But there was no need. The flame war started to die down. There was no need to bring the subject back up again. Absolutely no need.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#183 Posted: 00:53:00 25/09/2010
Quote: DarkCynder_543
Guys, the flame war stopped. Why did you had to bring it back up again? READ. THE. WHOLE. FREAKING. TOPIC. FIRST. BEFORE. POSTING.

Quote: ShadowDragon91
Quote: ShadowDragon91
Wow, I honestly think this is much worse than the Love and Hate for the Twilight series.

Also, I have to agree with Darby and Aura24 here on this topic. The whole hating of the TLOS series is kind of getting old. I do NOT hate the Originals so don't you dare start attacking me. I loved the Originals as well. Heck, I love both of the series. Also, we know that you guys hate the TLOS series. We get it. And please get over it and move on. Same with the Twilight Haters too. I may be more of a TLOS fan but I just don't go and whine and shove it in you Original fans faces and say"IT IS GREATEST GAME IN THE WORLD!!! THE ORIGINALS SUCK!!!"

But then again, I am probably going to get flamed anyway.

Just stop and read the whole freaking topic! The flame war is dieing down! There was no need to bring it back up again! >.<

Yeah, this. Just to state an opinion, flame, complain, etc. just let this topic die, there was no need to bring it back in the first place. smilie
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
Fasuhn Green Sparx Gems: 211
#184 Posted: 01:29:43 25/09/2010
Quote: Fasuhn
...people. Please stop posting on this topic.

I, for one, hate these kinds of topics. They are begging for trouble and flaming and generally bad things. I'm not even going to bother giving my two cents' worth on this issue because it will just add fuel to the fire.

For the love of Spyro, please, let this topic die. I don't know why it had to be bumped at all. :|

If you have a good dad, give him a hug for me, another for yourself, and a third one because he deserves it. Treasure him. You're lucky.
ShadowDragon91 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1427
#185 Posted: 02:09:07 25/09/2010
Quote: DarkCynder_543
But there was no need. The flame war started to die down. There was no need to bring the subject back up again. Absolutely no need.

It is not wise to meddle in the affairs of dragons, fore thou art crunchy, and taste of chicken...
crazyspyrofan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1042
#186 Posted: 02:25:02 25/09/2010
Just great,now that the first flame war has died there's another arguement started over this topic being bumped.

I guess posting here will just make it worse.I'll stop now.
"This twisted game needs to be reset,"-Solo Wing Pixy,Ace Combat Zero.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:25:25 25/09/2010 by crazyspyrofan
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#187 Posted: 02:28:34 25/09/2010
It's were just saying your opinion.
Eternaly Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1092
#188 Posted: 02:31:00 25/09/2010
they the only ones i like!smilie
crazyspyrofan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1042
#189 Posted: 02:33:19 25/09/2010
Quote: Darby
It's were just saying your opinion.

Well yeah........but some people get mad if you post on a topic that had a big agruement on it.
"This twisted game needs to be reset,"-Solo Wing Pixy,Ace Combat Zero.
StartheDragon77 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1860
#190 Posted: 02:42:12 25/09/2010
No body accepts anything these days. Not even something new. *sigh* This is always going to be a war.
From the day of my birth I was destinend to conquer darkness with a powerful gem. This is my destiny for I am Star the green dragoness.
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#191 Posted: 02:52:51 26/09/2010
Not if someone bumps it. I have a feeling that a random n00b might, however. D:
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
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