Yellow Sparx
Gems: 1733
#4 Posted: 03:16:42 15/09/2010
What I think the definition of Spyro splits into two categories: Genre of the game and Character personality.
These are what define Spyro to be Spyro, IMHO. He started out as a very energetic kid dragon, who didn't like doing chores, or going to school, or doing anything responsible (just like a kid would behave). Yet, he was always eager to kick, roast, and charge bad guy booty when he got the chance. At this time, he didn't do it because it was the right thing to do, he did it because it fit his needs, and it just so happen to help everyone else around him. Now, we can say that Spyro felt some responsibility fall upon him, when the dragons where trapped in STD, and especially YOTD, but judging by his character in the Origins of his games, he would've probably had some fun with elders before releasing them, or do some speed runs or whatever.
This is what I grew up with, and honestly this is how I recognize Spyro to be. Others who are new and play LOS, will follow the same logic. They played LOS first and recognize Spyro to be like Gary (TLOS Spyro). However, Gary and Spyro are not the same dragon just because they share the same name, both are purple dragons, and both were destined to be something great. Their personalities are so different that its not even a 180° from each other. Because if it was, then that would mean that Gary is Anti-Spyro while Spyro is Anti-Gary. To me, both Gary and Spyro's personalities are of two different spectrums of character.
As such, they are not the same dragon, nor character. Although both might share some traits, such as willing to help those in need, both take different approaches in doing so. Spyro wouldn't act all serious, and "destiny driven", he would do it his own way, or do so with some feeling. Gary would do it because he is suppose to do it, not because he feels the need to do it, or does it because its the right thing to do. Now that can be argued but I'll leave it at that for now.
Now for Game genre. . . This is too easy to tell that TLOS is not Spyro the Dragon. Both are two completely different genres, both have different ways to obtain the goals, finish the level, and how to play the game. While the Origins of Spyro (First trilogy in case those of you who are lost) had you collect, and explore through a simple, yet at times very challenging, atmosphere of enemies, puzzles, and platmforming. While LOS simply has you on a path that you can either go forward or back, and fight waves, after waves of enemies in order to advance.
The Origins did have you fight enemies with the clever idea of having enemies be gems, or spirit particles, something that you needed to collect to advance. Now if your aiming for 100% then you need to get all of these little suckers, if not, no prob, you can skip them and come back later. Because of that fact, the enemies couldn't be too hard (aimed at kids). They had to be simple yet at times funny to kill. In LOS you can only do that so rarely. Now true, you can run away and come back, but you can't advance until you defeat all the waves of enemies. IMHO, The Origins made Spyro lovable, and for those of us who been with him for that long, and we see TLOS, we take a step back and are dumbfounded and puzzled by the title on the front cover.
Spyro in terms of game wise, is no longer Spyro if what made him lovable is no longer recognizable or simply there to be there. If it has no heart, no soul, no feeling, no essence to it, then its just another cookie cutter game with a beloved and well know character slapped in there for no good reason but to try to make a quick buck. Because of that fact, I will not buy a Spyro game just because Spyro or "Spyro" is in it or is on the title. I don't have any of his GBA games because I don't like hand-held games to begin with, and simply put. . . well I don't like they way it looks (Story or purpose of the game) and . . . I just don't like hand-helds.
I don't think it will be wise to follow Spyro wherever he goes. For I loved Spyro because he gave me something that I can cherish as a part of my childhood. But for those who have control of Spyro no longer rekindle or bring that back, or do better for Spyro, then I see no need to give them what they want, money. Its the simple, Supply and Demand. I demand Spyro go back to his origins, then I'll supply you the goods to keep making them. If my demands are not met, then I'll go elsewhere. That simple.
Everyday that you wake up . . . is a good day.
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