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The Legend of Spyro series should have never been made [CLOSED]
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#101 Posted: 06:24:55 13/09/2010
Quote: Aura24
Quote: Darby
Haha, right. Okay, i won't post here anymore, seeing as it's pointless. Have fun bashing TLoS then.

I agree. Bashing on a 2006-08 Spyro game trilogy, that already happened.

Yet you go and bash ETD, which was made right back in 2002?
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#102 Posted: 06:28:21 13/09/2010
How was I bashing ETD? All I said was that Activision wouldn't make a remake a Spyro game that old, since they're not the kind of game company you would expect a Spyro remake since they're money-driven.

If I was bashing, I would've said how ETD was bad and all other things. But I didn't.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 06:34:41 13/09/2010 by Aura24
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#103 Posted: 06:35:51 13/09/2010
No, what I mean is, TLOS fans are now complaining that we are bashing a game made back in 2006-2008, yet they're aloud to bash a game made right back in 2002, and they're still not over it.

Quote: Spyroo
Quote: darkdragon50
^I agree.

I'm a fan of tLoS, but I don't mind if people don't like it. Its their opinion and if people don't like it, just leave it be. Let them talk about how tLoS is bad. I honestly don't care.


Honestly, you Legend fans are making yourselves look just as whiny by actually bothering to come here :/

And seriously - If you're still here, how about sticking up for ETD once in a while? No? Well that's typical -_-

This. Is it really that hard just to not click on this topic?
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#104 Posted: 06:40:13 13/09/2010
Quote: DarkCynder_543
No, what I mean is, TLOS fans are now complaining that we are bashing a game made back in 2006-2008, yet they're aloud to bash a game made right back in 2002, and they're still not over it.

Well, the LoS and ETD are both from different universes, not to mention different game settings.

And most of the new Spyro fans who began liking Spyro for the first time probably started with the LoS trilogy, and they liked it, but when they saw the old Spyro games, according to some, they didn't like them because of the graphics, childish atmosphere, or predictable platforming.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:44:29 13/09/2010 by Aura24
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#105 Posted: 06:48:54 13/09/2010
I personally don't see how the old Spyro is childish. Yes, it's friendly enough for little kids to play it, but adults can play it too and find it fun, and a 16 year old who plays the games can not find anything corny in it, because the first three Spyro game's storylines aren't that deep, and certainty not dramatic, so there isn't anything corny to lookout for in the games. Plus, a lot of the mini games are hard, and some are even hard for a 16 year old. Everyone finds the Agent 9 levels hard, and I can't find any posts saying that the yeti boxing match is easy. When I played the games back when I was four, I found them hard, and I couldn't get through them. The people who say it's childish usually don't even bother to play the game, and simply think it's childish strait away because it doesn't have blood, you play as a young dragon and little kids can play it.
Also, lol TLOS has much more predictable platforming. You just press the circle button. Simple.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#106 Posted: 06:52:57 13/09/2010
The Old Spyro games had predictable plots after Ripto's Rage, like saving various inhabitants within other worlds that reside through portals and other things that continued on from that game. The fans probably found it a little tiring after playing through several games after the second one that they wanted something different for Spyro.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:55:44 13/09/2010 by Aura24
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#107 Posted: 07:15:17 13/09/2010
And TLOS isn't predictable? Just about every single game has the same storyline. It's about a special guy who has to save the world from some strong dude, who plans to rule it. We all knew that Spyro would become Cynder's boyfriend from the start. I knew that Igitnus would die. I just had a feeling that he would. Dark Spyro.... has been done before, many times. Dark and Light Jak anyone? And the whole, "OMG I HAVE TO SAVE TEH WORLD IT'S MAH DESTINY!" line has been done many times before.
TEN is the same as ANB. Same combat system. Just a little harder, and more emo.

I never expected Bianca to go on the good side. She seemed to evil to do so at the beginning, until she started showing hints. I never knew that The Sorceress wanted to kill the baby dragons just for their wings. I never knew that Hunter and Bianca would become boyfriend and girlfriend, until that cut scene in Midday Gardens, which showed hints of it happening. The original games were different to most games, which usually have a similar plot to TLOS. Spyro wasn't "chosen" to fight the evil. He just happened to be unlucky. You go to different worlds, and the levels are inside portals. I haven't seen any game, besides Spyro, that uses portals to get everywhere.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#108 Posted: 11:34:16 13/09/2010
Quote: Aura24
The Old Spyro games had predictable plots after Ripto's Rage, like saving various inhabitants within other worlds that reside through portals and other things that continued on from that game. The fans probably found it a little tiring after playing through several games after the second one that they wanted something different for Spyro.

I predicted the ending of DOTD from 3/4 play from ANB. I knew Spyro would end up with Cynder, I knew Malefor would be defeated, I knew there would be at least one random death in the game - There was no other twist in the game, except that they all came back to life just like in kiddie films.

And as far I knew, fans wanted something LIKE the originals, not unlike them. The complaints from future games was that they weren't close enough to the originals.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#109 Posted: 11:41:43 13/09/2010 | Topic Creator
LoS was a cliché mess, most of the plot twists were easily predictable and all done before.

Quote: Aura24
The Old Spyro games had predictable plots after Ripto's Rage, like saving various inhabitants within other worlds that reside through portals and other things that continued on from that game. The fans probably found it a little tiring after playing through several games after the second one that they wanted something different for Spyro.

The classics were never about the storyline, its like criticizing Mario for using the same storyline
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#110 Posted: 11:51:17 13/09/2010
The classics didn't really have a storyline. Well, it did, but the storyline wasn't that deep. It's more about collecting treasure, getting the collectibles you need, helping other animals and moving on to the next level, in a fun sort of way.

IMO, the classics weren't predictable at all. Not to mention it's very original. I've never picked up a game were the main character isn't chosen to save the world, and was just unlucky. The dragon you play as is the complete opposite of what you expected him to be. Dragons are big, fierce, and they can fly, while Spyro is small, cute, and he can only glide. He's best friends with a CHEETAH and a DRAGONFLY! You don't see many dragons hanging out with cheetahs and dragonflies. Plus, the cheetah falls in love with a rabbit, which is an odd pairing, because cheetahs would usually just eat the rabbit. Spyro befriends a mountain kangaroo who lives with goats, a FLYING penguin with rocket launches on his shoulders, a freaking yeti with a large vocabulary and has a younger brother who is bossy and mischievous, a monkey with a gun.... how original can you get?

TLOS isn't original at all. Spyro is special now. He is chosen to save the world (not exactly chosen, but you know what I mean). He gets a girlfriend along the way, who was originally a villain. He has an annoying sidekick, and his girlfriend is a marry-sue. It has a large storyline, which is just lame and boring. Not very original. I've played many games with a similar storyline, and it just gets old.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:02:14 13/09/2010 by DarkCynder_543
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#111 Posted: 11:59:36 13/09/2010 | Topic Creator
Spyro was just like any other platformer at the time, the storyline just give a reason for the protag to be collecting stuff. For platformers it was never about the storyline, its all about the level design and creativity. Which the classics done amazingly
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#112 Posted: 12:21:46 13/09/2010
Yeah... that's the good thing about platformers. They don't focus on the storyline but the game-play. :D
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#113 Posted: 12:44:47 13/09/2010
Quote: Aura24
Quote: DarkCynder_543
No, what I mean is, TLOS fans are now complaining that we are bashing a game made back in 2006-2008, yet they're aloud to bash a game made right back in 2002, and they're still not over it.

Well, the LoS and ETD are both from different universes, not to mention different game settings.

.....Why does that make any difference? Bashing is bashing.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#114 Posted: 19:55:03 13/09/2010
Quote: DarkCynder_543
Quote: Aura24
Quote: Darby
Haha, right. Okay, i won't post here anymore, seeing as it's pointless. Have fun bashing TLoS then.

I agree. Bashing on a 2006-08 Spyro game trilogy, that already happened.

Yet you go and bash ETD, which was made right back in 2002?

Umm, i never bashed ETD..
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#115 Posted: 22:28:19 13/09/2010
Most TLOS fans have. Just look in the ETD board.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#116 Posted: 22:33:30 13/09/2010
It wasn't just most of the LoS fans, DarkCynder. Old Spyro fans bashed ETD too.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
S240sx24 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1970
#117 Posted: 23:13:23 13/09/2010
Ok ok enough of the arguements sheesh. would you guys calm down. Heres my take on it, yes TLOS games storyline was more in depth and yes it was abit predictable, but the fighting i liked alot, wished it was less of the fighting and alittle more puzzles but also freeroam & god make it longer! Now the old games were a bit more fun, but got tiring real fast, trust me i have all the originals and they did get boring fast. Plus they were hard when I was 11 but now 8 years later their easy, and the storyline was flat. ETD was abit better, sure more characters were inculded and more advance fighting was included so if there was some way to include both then it would be a good game. So guys a game will come and we'll see what happens.
please let me know what you think about my art, I'd really appreciate it.
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#118 Posted: 23:38:32 13/09/2010
Quote: Aura24
It wasn't just most of the LoS fans, DarkCynder. Old Spyro fans bashed ETD too.

ETD, is the worst Spyro game do to technical mishaps. I believe its the only Spyro game that was never truly finished; hence the backlash it received from all corners of the Spyro fandom. However, OSF's bashed or ridiculed it for not just the technical issues, but also for the probable fact that:

[A] Insomniac didn't make the game
and or
[b] The story was a bit. . . haphazard (I say probable because I'm don't get into this stuff so easily smilie ).

Quite frankly some OSF's have made it loud and clear that because Insomniac didn't make the future Spyro games is why they have come to the conclusion that these new Spyro games are. . . rejects, for lack of a better word.

Keep in mind though, we're all still human and we are know to make mistakes do to either inflated ego's, fear, or just being stubborn. Not all OSF's are. . . ruthlessly predictable in criticizing or judging on new Spyro games. I said so before, I prefer ETD over TLOS any day, and I've stated my reasons. This does not mean that all OSF's will see eye to eye with me and that's fine, they have a different outlook on life and the future of Spyro.

Now, the reason why people "bash" TLOS, well, I'll admit - to my observation - some of it is because of the two other reason why they didn't like ETD. People like myself don't like it, because we - or I - felt that it has unnecessarily strayed from its origins. If someone can truly, give me a logical reason why abandoning ones origins to make something better is needed then I'm all ears. But, be warn, I will challenge it to the fullest extent of what I know and feel about that subject.

All in all, I'm saying this: Just because one person in each "demographic" within the Spyro's fanbase is being an acrimonious and abrasive jerk doesn't mean one should condemn the whole group. We all have our different reasons to. . . express our distaste of both old and new Spyro games. Doesn't mean it always have to end with pointless squabbling and flamming.
Everyday that you wake up . . . is a good day.
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Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:39:20 13/09/2010 by Zackeio
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#119 Posted: 06:21:06 14/09/2010
Quote: Aura24
It wasn't just most of the LoS fans, DarkCynder. Old Spyro fans bashed ETD too.

I know that. I'm just saying that TLOS fans are going mad that we're bashing a game made back in 2006-2008, but they're aloud to go and bash an original Spyro game that was made way back in 2002. Typical really, I mean, ETD would have been a great game if it weren't for Universal.

Quote: Aura24
It's obvious what's going to happen next on this topic. Old Spyro fans would agree with Blackholes, ranting and flaming on the LoS, while fans who like both Spyros will argue against the whining of the Old Spyro fans about ranting on change. It's like a neverending cycle, just waiting to be continued...

Whining? Lol it's TLOS fans are doing the whining. They can just simply leave this topic and never post in here. But no, they had to rush in and complain.

Quote: Aura24
Different game company, DarkCynder. This is Activision we're talking about. Not the kind of game company who would do remakes, especially if they're money-driven.

Once again, read my post again.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:31:59 14/09/2010 by DarkCynder_543
Malefor0001 Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#120 Posted: 17:49:42 14/09/2010
Okay - Everybody shut the Hell up
I am a big tLoS hater but this is stupid. We all have different opinions on tLoS and originals, and I don't mind what people think. Everybody just stop arguming and Flaming. It is:
A) Pointless, we're arguing like little stubborn brats who crave only ouyr opinions.
smilie Silly. Everybody has an opinion. This is not an argument but a debate.
C) Ridiculous how people are complaining how tLoS and Originals suck. Most Sypyro fans like the originals. Without them, we would not have tLoS. Without tLoS, newer Spyro fans would not have haerd of the series unless more games were made.
Lets get along!
“The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century!”
banderi Green Sparx Gems: 173
#121 Posted: 17:51:39 14/09/2010
^Totally, totally agreed
Malefor0001 Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#122 Posted: 17:52:56 14/09/2010
Quote: banderi
^Totally, totally agreed

Thank you.
“The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century!”
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#123 Posted: 00:33:51 15/09/2010
That's what I've been saying. This topic is stupid and pointless, just asking for an argument. So if you bash a game, you should expect it's fans to defend it...
crazyspyrofan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1042
#124 Posted: 00:42:43 15/09/2010
Quote: Darby
That's what I've been saying. This topic is stupid and pointless, just asking for an argument. So if you bash a game, you should expect it's fans to defend it...

I agree.
"This twisted game needs to be reset,"-Solo Wing Pixy,Ace Combat Zero.
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#125 Posted: 03:27:43 15/09/2010
I totally agree. I personally like the orignal games more, but I like both... And you don't see me bashing anything, do you? This topic just wasn't needed. All it's done is brought war to darkSpyro. smilie
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#126 Posted: 03:30:13 15/09/2010
Quote: Queen_Cynder
I totally agree. I personally like the orignal games more, but I like both... And you don't see me bashing anything, do you? This topic just wasn't needed. All it's done is brought war to darkSpyro. smilie

There will always be disagreements between Spyro fans. If the fanbase like both series of Spyro, then there wouldn't be any wars or anything.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:31:54 15/09/2010 by Aura24
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#127 Posted: 03:31:45 15/09/2010
*sigh* i know...
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#128 Posted: 03:39:56 15/09/2010
Quote: Aura24
Quote: Queen_Cynder
I totally agree. I personally like the orignal games more, but I like both... And you don't see me bashing anything, do you? This topic just wasn't needed. All it's done is brought war to darkSpyro. smilie

There will always be disagreements between Spyro fans. If the fanbase like both series of Spyro, then there wouldn't be any wars or anything.

However, that would mean all of us are singled minded. And that's no good (Virtual Points for those who can guess that easy quote) smilie .

I've said it before, and *sigh* I'll say it again. The people who post here, is why this topic is in the state that its in. For those of you who can like both types of Spyro I salute you. I don't know how you can like TLOS, and I probably never will, but even I, someone who greatly prefers the Origins of Spyro (Original Trilogy) over TLOS can. . . agree that TLOS brought something good, and in that sense defend it under that logic.

Whether or not people want to set aside their differences, their egos, and or pride about it is matter that none of us can control. As you said Aura, disagreements are bond to happen, however, how one responds to such disagreements is the deciding factor of whether or not the topic will go up in flames, or simply be a heated yet controlled argument.

By the by, arguments usually, lead to a conclusion on both sides of the party, while squabbles and or flamming don't. . .
Everyday that you wake up . . . is a good day.
My Gallery
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#129 Posted: 03:44:57 15/09/2010
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#130 Posted: 04:52:59 15/09/2010
Quote: Zackeio
Quote: Aura24
Quote: Queen_Cynder
I totally agree. I personally like the orignal games more, but I like both... And you don't see me bashing anything, do you? This topic just wasn't needed. All it's done is brought war to darkSpyro. smilie

There will always be disagreements between Spyro fans. If the fanbase like both series of Spyro, then there wouldn't be any wars or anything.

However, that would mean all of us are singled minded. And that's no good (Virtual Points for those who can guess that easy quote) smilie .

Not single minded, Zackieo. Open-minded. A fan who only likes one side of the franchise is single-minded, no offense. But a fan who likes both series of Spyro can put in ideas that has qualities from both the Old and new Spyro games, combining them into something both fans of each side can enjoy and recognize.

For example, the new Spyro can use cannons to shot down aerial projectiles as a challenge, save inhabitants of different areas of the world in a similar fashion to the Old Spyro going to different worlds through portals and save the people there from enemies ruining their lives. He could also do aerial speedways to win items that are key to completing the game, or do sidequests after the storyline's completion. You know, a Spyro game that can be familiar and enjoyable who like both series of Spyro. And the characters who have been redesigned for the LoS universe can have their old-counterpart personalities, since Malefor is sealed away for good.

Or the Old Spyro still has his Dragon-Kata moves from Shadow Legacy, that similar to the New Spyro's melee moves. Some characters from the new games like Cynder would make a re-appearance as a villian or an anti-hero in the Old universe. And Sparx can both talk and do his kazoo voice like his AHT version.

Now you may disagree with this, but I don't mind. At least I showed some of you how open-minded some fans who like both series of Spyro are who conjure up great ideas from their experience playing the both Old and New Spyro games.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 7 times - Last edited at 06:26:53 15/09/2010 by Aura24
S240sx24 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1970
#131 Posted: 06:49:30 15/09/2010
Guys enough really? were gonna argue about this again? Thats how the spyro forums died alot of arguing was going on there. Listen this topic is pointless all it leads to is bashing its like politics its all screwed up so I think this topic ought to just be closed, instead of bringing us together its only seperating fans really, if you dont like something then respect other peoples opinions and move on, I like TLOS but i respect those that dont like it, we all have different tastes, but when you open a hate topic on a certain series of the game your only gonna get a hate war. we all weather old or new spyro love spyro our little purple dragon. I know i'd have a war if I started a old spyro hate topic then we start round one again. So guys lets relax and let this go if you have a opinion then say it without starting a war.
please let me know what you think about my art, I'd really appreciate it.
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#132 Posted: 07:28:57 15/09/2010
This is just pointless. All was said in this topic was, "discuss". Nothing else. People shouldn't have jumped to conclusions strait away, saying that Blackholes is flaming, just because what she said doesn't agree with your opinion.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
banderi Green Sparx Gems: 173
#133 Posted: 07:54:21 15/09/2010
Then, close. Other solutions?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:54:36 15/09/2010 by banderi
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#134 Posted: 08:04:17 15/09/2010
It doesn't need to be closed. People just need to stop whining and complaining. If you hate this topic that much, then turn your chair around and don't even look at the screen.

Besides, this topic was made by Blackholes_Wolf, and I really doubt that she will close the topic. It doesn't need closing anyway.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 08:06:27 15/09/2010 by DarkCynder_543
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#135 Posted: 08:13:14 15/09/2010
And yet, another topic like this will be created in the future, and the cycle will repeat itself over series differences...
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:13:35 15/09/2010 by Aura24
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#136 Posted: 08:41:12 15/09/2010
Not if people stop whining and complaining. We all have our own opinions.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#137 Posted: 08:54:34 15/09/2010
But some fans take it way too far.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#138 Posted: 09:54:41 15/09/2010
I honestly don't see how we're going to far. We're just giving our opinions. TLOS fanbase is just overreacting , choosing to be whiny and thinking we're only making topics to flame them.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#139 Posted: 12:47:16 15/09/2010
Quote: Aura24
But some fans take it way too far.

The only people who cause the arguments are the TLOS fans who stick their nose in. Really, if you like TLOS, why not just ignore them? Isn't that the mature thing to do?

If anything, TLOS fans take it too far because they don't know when to leave a topic.
Maybe classic fans do take it too far, but ya know what? It's because they love Spyro as he was. There's nothing wrong with supporting a CHARACTER because they aren't naive enough (no offense, this doesn't apply to all TLOS fans) to follow Spyro just because it's a 'name'.

Ugh, I was starting to like TLOS a little, but the fans are really starting to drive me to hate it again, even though I shouldn't.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#140 Posted: 20:43:50 15/09/2010
Quote: Spyroo
Quote: Aura24
But some fans take it way too far.

The only people who cause the arguments are the TLOS fans who stick their nose in. Really, if you like TLOS, why not just ignore them? Isn't that the mature thing to do?

If anything, TLOS fans take it too far because they don't know when to leave a topic.
Maybe classic fans do take it too far, but ya know what? It's because they love Spyro as he was. There's nothing wrong with supporting a CHARACTER because they aren't naive enough (no offense, this doesn't apply to all TLOS fans) to follow Spyro just because it's a 'name'.

Ugh, I was starting to like TLOS a little, but the fans are really starting to drive me to hate it again, even though I shouldn't.

Sure, you're supporting a character you like. I like Original Spyro too. Does that mean you have to bash the other? No. And you want to know why i defend TLoS? Because it's a character I like. There's nothing wrong with supporting a game I like. Simple. You're calling us immature for disagreeing with you? I'm doing the same exact thing you are, supporting a game I like, but since I don't have the same opinion, you turn this whole thing on us. (not just you, but a lot of the people that have posted here) And it's stupid to blame fans for making you hate a game. If you really did like a game, then you wouldn't let some "immature" little "whining" fans change that.
Quote: DarkCynder_543
I honestly don't see how we're going to far. We're just giving our opinions. TLOS fanbase is just overreacting , choosing to be whiny and thinking we're only making topics to flame them.

Uhmm, wow, i really don't see how we're whining? I'm just annoyed with these stupid topics. And I'm pretty sure if we went around making hate topics on the Original Spyro, you'd be pretty annoyed. Why? Because it's stupid and pointless. And don't say "well if you don't like it then don't post here." Like I said, if you're going to bash a game, expect it's fans to defend it.
We get that you hate TLoS. It's kinda obvious. But do you really need to bash it? It just starts arguments. TLoS happened, too bad. Nothing you can do about it now. That's pretty much all I've been saying. smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:50:26 15/09/2010 by Darby
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#141 Posted: 20:49:57 15/09/2010
^Exactly! Why bother bashing something you don't like, especially when it already happened?
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#142 Posted: 21:00:49 15/09/2010
Quote: Malefor0001
Okay - Everybody shut the Hell up
I am a big tLoS hater but this is stupid. We all have different opinions on tLoS and originals, and I don't mind what people think. Everybody just stop arguming and Flaming. It is:
A) Pointless, we're arguing like little stubborn brats who crave only ouyr opinions.
smilie Silly. Everybody has an opinion. This is not an argument but a debate.
C) Ridiculous how people are complaining how tLoS and Originals suck. Most Sypyro fans like the originals. Without them, we would not have tLoS. Without tLoS, newer Spyro fans would not have haerd of the series unless more games were made.
Lets get along!

Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#143 Posted: 21:22:29 15/09/2010
Quote: Aura24

Not single minded, Zackieo. Open-minded. A fan who only likes one side of the franchise is single-minded, no offense. But a fan who likes both series of Spyro can put in ideas that has qualities from both the Old and new Spyro games, combining them into something both fans of each side can enjoy and recognize.

For example, the new Spyro can use cannons to shot down aerial projectiles as a challenge, save inhabitants of different areas of the world in a similar fashion to the Old Spyro going to different worlds through portals and save the people there from enemies ruining their lives. He could also do aerial speedways to win items that are key to completing the game, or do sidequests after the storyline's completion. You know, a Spyro game that can be familiar and enjoyable who like both series of Spyro. And the characters who have been redesigned for the LoS universe can have their old-counterpart personalities, since Malefor is sealed away for good.

Or the Old Spyro still has his Dragon-Kata moves from Shadow Legacy, that similar to the New Spyro's melee moves. Some characters from the new games like Cynder would make a re-appearance as a villian or an anti-hero in the Old universe. And Sparx can both talk and do his kazoo voice like his AHT version.

Now you may disagree with this, but I don't mind. At least I showed some of you how open-minded some fans who like both series of Spyro are who conjure up great ideas from their experience playing the both Old and New Spyro games.

Hold on now. . . I disagree, that its only a fan that likes both the Origins and TLOS that can put ideas from both to make one game that the fans can enjoy. I think it is actually the understanding of both sides of the story and then coming up with a solution to satisfy the needs of both sides. You can be a TLOS die-hard fan and think that the series can use more elements from the Origins and vice versa. I said this the first time I posted here. I don't like TLOS because of how it was executed (and changing Spyro's personality smilie ) NOT because of the idea.

I'm not saying that you're accusing me of this, just saying that this. . . endeavor, doesn't have to fall on the shoulders of fans who simply like both games. Also if you recall Aura, me and FeatherDragon where doing the same thing in Cuzzberry's thread back a few months ago. Both of us regard the Origins more so than TLOS, but even we understood that it would be. . . common sense to add elements from TLOS to help satisfy the needs of both fans, or change them so they fit inside the Origins universe. Some OSF actually enjoyed the beat'em up style in TLOS, but wish it wasn't so often or mundane (Don't quote me on that cause I'm not 100% sure smilie ).

You may not see eye to eye with me, and I can't hold a grudge or show any acrimonious resolve towards you for thinking in such way. You perceive things differently then me, and I can accept that. Just keep in mind, that there are some OSF and TLOS fans (I'm sure of) that see that this pointless squabbling has gone too far. Both sides are willing to incorporate elements from both games to help quell the annoyance that is. . . now apart of the Spyro Fandom.
Everyday that you wake up . . . is a good day.
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Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#144 Posted: 21:46:43 15/09/2010
Quote: Darby
Quote: Spyroo
Quote: Aura24
But some fans take it way too far.

The only people who cause the arguments are the TLOS fans who stick their nose in. Really, if you like TLOS, why not just ignore them? Isn't that the mature thing to do?

If anything, TLOS fans take it too far because they don't know when to leave a topic.
Maybe classic fans do take it too far, but ya know what? It's because they love Spyro as he was. There's nothing wrong with supporting a CHARACTER because they aren't naive enough (no offense, this doesn't apply to all TLOS fans) to follow Spyro just because it's a 'name'.

Ugh, I was starting to like TLOS a little, but the fans are really starting to drive me to hate it again, even though I shouldn't.

Sure, you're supporting a character you like. I like Original Spyro too. Does that mean you have to bash the other? No. And you want to know why i defend TLoS? Because it's a character I like. There's nothing wrong with supporting a game I like. Simple. You're calling us immature for disagreeing with you? I'm doing the same exact thing you are, supporting a game I like, but since I don't have the same opinion, you turn this whole thing on us. (not just you, but a lot of the people that have posted here) And it's stupid to blame fans for making you hate a game. If you really did like a game, then you wouldn't let some "immature" little "whining" fans change that.

I have not bashed TLOS.
I'm not calling you immature for disagreeing. I am calling some immature for not 'getting over it'. If you care so deeply about TLOS, why not go complain to classic fans elsewhere too? Why must it be 'just because this is in front of me'.

And if you read my post PROPERLY, you would see that I didn't say that I was. Read my posts more carefully, next time smilie

And I say it once again - If you don't like a topic, DO. NOT. ENTER. IT. Seriously.

This started off as a friendly debate. Then came the TLOS fans, and changed it into a war, claiming the series was being bashed before even having a chance to do so. It's quite stupid how these things always turn out now.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:53:07 15/09/2010 by Spyroo
crazyspyrofan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1042
#145 Posted: 22:12:45 15/09/2010
We havent been whining.We've been sticking up for a series we like.If we disagree with your opinions we have the right to say what we think.

I also still agree that this topic is pointless.People may say that it was friendly at first,but it was bound for a flame war from the start.It shouldnt have been created.
"This twisted game needs to be reset,"-Solo Wing Pixy,Ace Combat Zero.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:12:58 15/09/2010 by crazyspyrofan
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#146 Posted: 22:17:37 15/09/2010
Quote: crazyspyrofan
We havent been whining.We've been sticking up for a series we like.If we disagree with your opinions we have the right to say what we think.

I also still agree that this topic is pointless.People may say that it was friendly at first,but it was bound for a flame war from the start.It shouldnt have been created.

That's true, but - There would be no war if TLOS fans just let it go.

Or, even better - They got involved instead of arguing. Like say, 'Well, I disagree. TLOS should have been made because....' rather than 'Stop bashing a game that's already happened'.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#147 Posted: 22:20:20 15/09/2010
To the people who are complaining that "it's already been made", then why don't you go and tell that to the ETD haters? Because I don't see it happening.

Quote: Spyroo
Quote: crazyspyrofan
We havent been whining.We've been sticking up for a series we like.If we disagree with your opinions we have the right to say what we think.

I also still agree that this topic is pointless.People may say that it was friendly at first,but it was bound for a flame war from the start.It shouldnt have been created.

That's true, but - There would be no war if TLOS fans just let it go.

Or, even better - They got involved instead of arguing. Like say, 'Well, I disagree. TLOS should have been made because....' rather than 'Stop bashing a game that's already happened'.

Excatly! This topic could have been mature, but no, TLOS fans just had to rush in and automatically assume that we're flaming. >.<
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:25:56 15/09/2010 by DarkCynder_543
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#148 Posted: 22:23:56 15/09/2010
Fans are going to bash ETD, DarkCynder. You can't stop it.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#149 Posted: 22:26:24 15/09/2010
And fans are going to bash TLOS. You can't stop it.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#150 Posted: 22:27:13 15/09/2010
Ahh, re-arranging words. Typical..
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
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