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What Flaws Are In This Game? [CLOSED]
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#1 Posted: 06:16:40 15/05/2010 | Topic Creator
I've heard many people online (and even here) state that this game has flaws. Now, I don't think this game has any flaws in it. But, I will respect your opinions and would like to know why you think this game has flaws in it.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
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Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#2 Posted: 17:45:36 15/05/2010
I can assure you, an answer you'll get is "This game is a flaw." smilie But there were a few flaws such as plot holes and graphical glitches. But honestly, no games perfect.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#3 Posted: 18:22:07 15/05/2010
The producers' idea of having Spyro and Cynder suddenly become teenagers was ONE of the major flaws in DotD.

If they still looked like TEN forms, then it would've made perfect sense for them to not fly over the building to get to Hunter if they were still young dragons. And also, they wouldn't resort to bringing buckets of water to put out the fire like young dragons would if their elemental powers aren't strong enough. If you look closely, they didn't even grow an inch during those three years trapping in the Time Crystal.

If they were really teens, they would've just flown over that building to get to Hunter, and they could've just used Cynder's wind to blow out the fire to save the Moles.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#4 Posted: 19:15:57 15/05/2010
The flaws that exisited were huge.

How did Cynder get her jewlery back after she was frozen with it off?
How did they grow inside the crystal?
Why did Malefor tell Spyro that there were many purple dragons when Ignitus said there were two? Why would he bother to lie after Spyro had been told the opposite by a trusted elder? Who is REALLY telling the truth?
If Spyro was 'taken over' by his dark side after Iggy's death, how and why was he able to change back so easily?
If Malefor 'took control' of Cynder before the final battle, how and why did she change back so easily?
How did the room with the crystal change from a cave with no clear path, buried in rock to a big, open room (bigger than the room in TEN, I think) with a clear path?
Why would Malefor have his minions free Spyro and Cynder then chain them together when he could have left them in the crystal while he carried out his plan?
Why wait three years to summon the destroyer when he could have done it shortly after his resurection?
The chain passes through things, right? So how were the cheetahs able to bind Spyro and Cynder with that clasp or whatever that held the chain? Is it Malefor's device?
Why did Prowlus, the Kane clone, accuse Hunter of bringing the dragons when he and the cheetahs knocked them out and brough them to the village? Okay, not a huge plothole, but still, annoying.
Why was Ignitus killed by the wall of fire? He's a FIRE dragon! Also, why walk through the fire when they could have FLOWN?
Why and how was Ignitus revived and turned into the Chronicler?
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#5 Posted: 19:19:52 15/05/2010
Well, about the Belt of Fire part, the fire wasn't just a regular fire. It was probably created from the dark fire magic of the Destroyer that was used to split the world apart, that not even a Fire Dragon can survive a minute in there I guess.

And yes, another flaw that Spyro and Cynder couldn't fly over the Belt of Fire if they were still young. They would've flown over it if they were really teens. And making them teenagers was a big mistake made if they won't clearly fly over things in the cutscenes.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#6 Posted: 19:24:22 15/05/2010
Yep, but would it really have been so hard to just include a few more sentences to the cutscene before the Belt of Fire?

Iggy: These flames...They're unlike anything I've ever seen.
Spyro or Cynder: There's evil/darkness in them... I can feel it.
Iggy: Yes. They burn from depth of the underworld, no doubt. Still, I should be able to guide you through the flames. Stay close to me.

Even the first line would have pretty much filled part of the 'Iggy's death by fire' plothole.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#7 Posted: 19:30:56 15/05/2010
And Ignitus being the Chronicler would explain him narrating the beginning of ANB and the intro of DotD. His spirit was chosen by the Chronicler to be the next one.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#8 Posted: 19:40:30 15/05/2010
All games have flaws in them. Even the highest rated ones, no game out there is perfect.

Anyway, for me, aside from the list that NEW_SpyroLUVA posted, the following are also there:

Some annoying 2 player glitches.
Not everyone experiences them, granted, but I've done so on both the PS2 & the Wii. Randomly placing me outside the level barriers for no reason (I dread seeing the 'Loading' in-game because of it), getting trapped under the floor, screen disappearing and showing me outside the level from a distance below (?!), etc.

Annoying camera. I can let this slide though, a lot of games have this.

Free-flight with a side order of 'limitations'. How many wind currents are there in this game?
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7911
#9 Posted: 20:00:54 15/05/2010
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA

How did Cynder get her jewlery back after she was frozen with it off? TO LOOK GOOD.
How did they grow inside the crystal?
Why did Malefor tell Spyro that there were many purple dragons when Ignitus said there were two? MALEFOR IS OLDER THAN HIM SO KNOWS MORE. Why would he bother to lie after Spyro had been told the opposite by a trusted elder? HE WAS MISTAKEN. Who is REALLY telling the truth? MALEFOR.
If Spyro was 'taken over' by his dark side after Iggy's death, how and why was he able to change back so easily? HE LOVES CYNDER SO HE LISTENS TO HER MORE.
If Malefor 'took control' of Cynder before the final battle, how and why did she change back so easily?
How did the room with the crystal change from a cave with no clear path, buried in rock to a big, open room (bigger than the room in TEN, I think) with a clear path? YOU CAN BUILD A LOT IN 3 YEARS.
Why would Malefor have his minions free Spyro and Cynder then chain them together when he could have left them in the crystal while he carried out his plan?
Why wait three years to summon the destroyer when he could have done it shortly after his resurection? HE IS EVIL SO LIKES TORTURING AND SUFFERING, HE WOULD BE WEAK CAUSE HE HAS BEEN A SPIRIT FOR AGES.
The chain passes through things, right? So how were the cheetahs able to bind Spyro and Cynder with that clasp or whatever that held the chain? THEY STOLE IT FROM HIM. Is it Malefor's device? YE
S. Why did Prowlus, the Kane clone, accuse Hunter of bringing the dragons when he and the cheetahs knocked them oUt and brough them to the villAge? HE MEANT HELPING THEM.
Why was Ignitus killed by the wall of fire? IT IS TOO HOT FOR ANY LIVING CREATURE. Also, why walk through the fire when they could have FLOWN? HIGH ALTITUDE.
Why and how was Ignitus revived and turned into the Chronicler?

Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7911
#10 Posted: 20:04:55 15/05/2010
It would not let me type any more letters in to the other post so the answer to the last question is: you obviously did not listen to Iggy at the end of the game.

more to the high altitude one: low oxygen and pressure pains.
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#11 Posted: 20:14:01 15/05/2010
There was one New_SpyroLUVA mentioned.... The one about them growing in the crystal and Cynder suddenly getting her jewelry back? There was a topic about that. They were just testing out different looks for Spyro and Cynder I thought. They hadn't really grown, they just wanted to try out a new design and they needed to give them bigger wings for the "free-flying" ability. Wasn't that right?
But some of the plotholes did bug me, such as the one New_SpyroLUVA mentioned, about the path directly to the crystal they were trapped in. And really, just why did Malefor's minions release them. It would have been easier for them just to leave them. That way, Malefor could carry out his plan. However, if they didn't, there really wouldn't have been another Spyro game, because Spyro and Cynder would be trapped forever unless someone else, an ally, freed them. But still, it would've been reasonable for the grublins to leave them.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#12 Posted: 20:56:35 15/05/2010
Quote: Ice Dragoness
It would not let me type any more letters in to the other post so the answer to the last question is: you obviously did not listen to Iggy at the end of the game.

more to the high altitude one: low oxygen and pressure pains.

I gess that second one kinda makes sense.

About the first thing you said, you mean about a dragon binding itself with nature? It doesn't really fit; Iggy wasn't bound to nature just brought back to life. About him being worthy of being the Chronicler, I'm not totally satisfied with that; Iggy died, he should stay dead. Also, about the stransfer of power from the Chronicler to Iggy, what happened to the Chronicler?
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#13 Posted: 20:57:22 15/05/2010
The Chronicler passed on, passing his duties to Ignitus.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7911
#14 Posted: 21:08:04 15/05/2010
The Chronicler is allready dead. A ghost, ooooooh!
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#15 Posted: 21:09:10 15/05/2010
Ah yeah. His spirit passed on.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7911
#16 Posted: 21:46:45 15/05/2010
Oh yeah. Answers to SpyroLUVA's questions *flaws* are in my previous post in her quote in capital letters so you can see them.
Cynder_Rox Gold Sparx Gems: 2322
#17 Posted: 23:50:46 15/05/2010
ANY game you play is bound to have flaws, that is common sense. But the amount of flaws one game contains is how the majority of the public determine if it is, in their opinion, flawless or not.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#18 Posted: 00:12:33 16/05/2010
Quote: Ice Dragoness
Oh yeah. Answers to SpyroLUVA's questions *flaws* are in my previous post in her quote in capital letters so you can see them.

Alright, but I think they could have explained some of that better.

Love is a stupid reason for such massive abounts of evil to be thwarted in mere seconds.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Phantom Platinum Sparx Gems: 5241
#19 Posted: 00:44:28 16/05/2010
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
Quote: Ice Dragoness
Oh yeah. Answers to SpyroLUVA's questions *flaws* are in my previous post in her quote in capital letters so you can see them.

Alright, but I think they could have explained some of that better.

Love is a stupid reason for such massive abounts of evil to be thwarted in mere seconds.

Well, I think I can explain this in a song:

Loooooooove neeeeeeever diiiiiiiiiiiies *pelted with fruit* Alright, alright.
Falling Chandeliers
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5350
#20 Posted: 09:18:47 16/05/2010
There are thousands of plot holes in the story. And the flying was one flaw because it was terrible.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
EternalSpyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#21 Posted: 09:34:11 16/05/2010
Relise that there were ideas in the game (fly anytime) that were in a Spyro game for the first time. The flying could have been improved a little but It was good for what it was.
As the Night of Eternal Darkness apporaches, Spyro is haunted by .... Maps of the U.S. and Canada, and traffic capability for just $216.76 from
ashleigh Ripto Gems: 3782
#22 Posted: 10:31:41 16/05/2010
there is flaws it is in the Xbox 360 and the PS3 the Wii and the PS2 and the DS don't have them
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:39:49 27/05/2010 by ashleigh
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#23 Posted: 11:57:05 16/05/2010
So you mean flaws that only the Nintendo DS has?
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
KHRoxas Blue Sparx Gems: 637
#24 Posted: 14:01:36 16/05/2010
There are a few graphical problems in the game, I noticed most of them yesterday when I finally found my game of it.

Like in the PS2 version, there's a crunched up Sparx in the Valley of Avalar.

But there are other things I wish they might have tested out, glitches. There are so many of them. Even though lots of games have glitches, seems like this one had more than any game I've ever played.

New Spyro_LUVA pretty much summed 'em up for all I was thinking.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:02:28 16/05/2010 by KHRoxas
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7911
#25 Posted: 18:18:25 16/05/2010
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
Quote: Ice Dragoness
Oh yeah. Answers to SpyroLUVA's questions *flaws* are in my previous post in her quote in capital letters so you can see them.

Alright, but I think they could have explained some of that better.

Love is a stupid reason for such massive abounts of evil to be thwarted in mere seconds.

It would not let me type anymore in ;-;
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#26 Posted: 23:18:31 16/05/2010
I said THEY should have explained that stuff more.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#27 Posted: 00:45:21 17/05/2010 | Topic Creator
Well, despite these "flaws" people think, I believe that this game is still fun to play. It's not boring the first time around because you want to know the story, and it's fun finding all of the objects at times. But thank you for your opinions, though. Keep them coming!
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
P.M. me if you want me to add you.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#28 Posted: 12:08:55 17/05/2010
^I agree that it was fun the first time and until you find everything, but after that I don't see the point. It's wierd, everything you do in that game has to be done in order to progress at all and IMO it makes it feel like I, the gamer, am just a catalyst who only moves the plot forward. Like they didn't make the game to be fun, but ONLY to finish the trilogy. Do you know what I'm getting at? The first two games' replay value largely came from the fact that I didn't know the story's end yet, but of course that's gone in part because of the end of the story. It would have been better if the game had some side quests that you could comple or not and still reach the end of the game.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:17:16 17/05/2010 by NEW_SpyroLUVA
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#29 Posted: 07:40:53 19/05/2010
Loooooooove neeeeeeever diiiiiiiiiiiies *pelted with fruit* Alright, alright.

Bolt Hunter Gems: 6267
#30 Posted: 09:00:44 19/05/2010
^ Yes that was funny! xD

And there were thousands of flaws and glitches in this stupid excuse for a game! I did make a topic about all the mistakes and things that don't make sense too- and I was surprised to see so many mistakes!!

Here are some more:
In one of the first cutscenes Spyro says "who is he" and his mouth doesn't move.
When Spyro & Cynder first get chained up, Cynder slides past Spyro!
In the bit with the crystal bit and the Chronicler comes up, Spyro's there but when it changes, he's not!
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
no wings5 Blue Sparx Gems: 804
#31 Posted: 00:31:46 14/06/2010
No no flaws flaws. Golem can suck it though. I think it itz a bit too challenging. Aura24 I'm your #1 fan!!!!
every saint has a past,
every sinner has a future.
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#32 Posted: 00:37:56 14/06/2010
1.There are major flaws...
2.The Golem was easy and awesome...
3.I know I'm not Aura24, but that just freaked me out...
TheFlyingSeal Diamond Sparx Gems: 8752
#33 Posted: 00:44:20 14/06/2010
I remeber a comic called "Dawn of the Dragon is: Serious buisness." by Shalone Howard or ShaloneSK in Deviant art. I can't give you the link because every time I go there I get serious viruses. Those viruses couldn't even make me go on the internet and so I had to erase the memory of my computer! So if somebody can get the comic without viruses affecting your computer, be my guest. She also made other DotD comics secretly talking about the games flaws in her own rules.
Adria Emerald Sparx Gems: 4196
#34 Posted: 01:51:12 14/06/2010

TheFlyingSeal Diamond Sparx Gems: 8752
#35 Posted: 01:52:41 14/06/2010
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#36 Posted: 01:54:56 14/06/2010
TheFlyingSeal Diamond Sparx Gems: 8752
#37 Posted: 01:56:49 14/06/2010
I like the invisble walls and the Dragons Rule part. smilie
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#38 Posted: 01:58:59 14/06/2010
Isn't wind technically meant to stir up fire? (That's what I heard smilie)
Adria Emerald Sparx Gems: 4196
#39 Posted: 02:01:58 14/06/2010
If the wind is strong enough it may put out the fire. If it's at the right angle too.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:03:01 14/06/2010 by Adria
pie1 Blue Sparx Gems: 774
#40 Posted: 02:23:35 28/07/2010
Quote: Ice Dragoness
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA

How did Cynder get her jewlery back after she was frozen with it off? TO LOOK GOOD.
How did they grow inside the crystal?
Why did Malefor tell Spyro that there were many purple dragons when Ignitus said there were two? MALEFOR IS OLDER THAN HIM SO KNOWS MORE. Why would he bother to lie after Spyro had been told the opposite by a trusted elder? HE WAS MISTAKEN. Who is REALLY telling the truth? MALEFOR.
If Spyro was 'taken over' by his dark side after Iggy's death, how and why was he able to change back so easily? HE LOVES CYNDER SO HE LISTENS TO HER MORE.
If Malefor 'took control' of Cynder before the final battle, how and why did she change back so easily?
How did the room with the crystal change from a cave with no clear path, buried in rock to a big, open room (bigger than the room in TEN, I think) with a clear path? YOU CAN BUILD A LOT IN 3 YEARS.
Why would Malefor have his minions free Spyro and Cynder then chain them together when he could have left them in the crystal while he carried out his plan?
Why wait three years to summon the destroyer when he could have done it shortly after his resurection? HE IS EVIL SO LIKES TORTURING AND SUFFERING, HE WOULD BE WEAK CAUSE HE HAS BEEN A SPIRIT FOR AGES.
The chain passes through things, right? So how were the cheetahs able to bind Spyro and Cynder with that clasp or whatever that held the chain? THEY STOLE IT FROM HIM. Is it Malefor's device? YE
S. Why did Prowlus, the Kane clone, accuse Hunter of bringing the dragons when he and the cheetahs knocked them oUt and brough them to the villAge? HE MEANT HELPING THEM.
Why was Ignitus killed by the wall of fire? IT IS TOO HOT FOR ANY LIVING CREATURE. Also, why walk through the fire when they could have FLOWN? HIGH ALTITUDE.
Why and how was Ignitus revived and turned into the Chronicler?


Not to be the annoying jerk to burst your bubble icedragoness but I doubt cynders jewelry was there because she wanted to look good, probably the creaters of the game thought that no one would really pay attention to something like that and put it in.

Ignitus is always right, there is only two purple dragons CURRENTLY in exsistence, Malifor was talking about the past purple dragons that were alive.

and love conquers all. End of story.
Oh it's not cheating! It's creative stratagy!
flyleaf Green Sparx Gems: 143
#41 Posted: 14:13:30 30/07/2010
^I'm sorry but that is soooo cheesy. I mean,"loe conquers all", i'm not saying it's a bad way to end it it's just been used too many times.
Just keep looking awesome...
pie1 Blue Sparx Gems: 774
#42 Posted: 15:31:39 30/07/2010
^ well then.
Oh it's not cheating! It's creative stratagy!
flyleaf Green Sparx Gems: 143
#43 Posted: 15:43:03 30/07/2010
Nothing against you pie1, i'm just stating my opinion...
Just keep looking awesome...
ashleigh Ripto Gems: 3782
#44 Posted: 13:32:35 02/08/2010
some how I think this game did rip off some stuff from doom 3 it just look like it whan I was playing it
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#45 Posted: 17:40:07 02/08/2010
The only real flaws are in the plot, the actual gameplay itself is fine... Not saying it's like the most perfect gameplay, I mean that it's not got any glitches or problems (well, it does for the PS2)
pie1 Blue Sparx Gems: 774
#46 Posted: 11:37:43 03/08/2010
^ your right, all the flaws everyones been saying are in the story that's going on during gameplay, not the actual...well...gameplay.
Oh it's not cheating! It's creative stratagy!
Malefor0001 Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#47 Posted: 20:30:03 03/08/2010
For me? This:

  • They grew up inside the Crystal
  • Cynder mysteriously got Jewlry
  • Why the F would Malefor order his minions to release Spyro anyways?
  • Earth Sucked, so did Electricity and the Fury didn't feel the same.
  • Malefor's Apperance was small -n I wanted more than a Boss.
  • Free-Fly wasn't what I expected
“The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century!”
ravenouscynder Ripto Gems: 864
#48 Posted: 20:41:44 03/08/2010
say feck instead of F is closer to a swaer
pie1 Blue Sparx Gems: 774
#49 Posted: 02:25:15 04/08/2010
The question about Malefor realeasing spyro and cynder, I'm guessing that he wanted them to whitness his victory and didn't expeced them to kick his butt.
Oh it's not cheating! It's creative stratagy!
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