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I'd like to understand this.. [CLOSED]
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#101 Posted: 01:09:25 02/04/2010
Quote: IsisStormDragon
Quote: Wild
Why does all this conversation make me want to write a nice Spyro fanfiction? o3o

It kinda does the same for me. O_O

I should get back into writing fanfictions. I think it's all this thinking and stuff that's giving me 'muse' or something, and my feelings towards the concepts in this topic.


LOST has some pretty strong female characters, even if sometimes there aren't many at all.
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#102 Posted: 01:14:32 02/04/2010
Makes sense. smilie
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#103 Posted: 04:18:34 02/04/2010
Because you can mess around with the timeline.
Malefor0001 Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#104 Posted: 06:51:36 02/04/2010
I am a strict Spyro fan so I have this to say. First off, I like both the series but in my opinion I do prefer the first trilogy. Most people may prefer the original to the LoS because:

  1. It was a more fun, more magical experience.
  2. LoS focuses more on Malefor.
  3. Loads of the Original Characters, like the Professor and Bianca, were removed.
  4. The Portals that lead to other worlds - it removed the other worlds and protals.

Don't think I hate LoS, but thats What I think...
“The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century!”
Apoc Gold Sparx Gems: 2941
#105 Posted: 03:00:25 03/04/2010
Quote: Aqua-Dragoness
Then why is your username Cynder13 instead of Spyro13? smilie

Example of forum PWNage!
DarkSpyro's resident "cool person" except there's nothing cool about me.
I've been here since god knows when and ask any old heads about me.
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#106 Posted: 21:51:22 03/04/2010
Now to Play some starcraft
Cokuruscana Red Sparx Gems: 70
#107 Posted: 17:36:55 04/04/2010
I'm more attached to the original Spyro series.

However, I did like the first two game of LoS. I thought, though it wasn't pleasing playing-wise, it had a good storyline and solid characters. Though I do like the general idea of DotD, I felt it was a bit of a ... fanservice. It was a bit of a let-down to me, and was way too predictable.
Tales of Flames and Embers is currently in progress.
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#108 Posted: 01:19:19 05/04/2010
she isn't lying. and what the heck are you saying this here for?! This a Spyro "FAN" site! If you dis the purple dragon or Cynder's, or just spyro's games, games your are going to get yelled at! Secondly There is nothing wrong at all with Spyro's games!!!
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#109 Posted: 02:09:18 05/04/2010
Hey! I'm sure he/she wouldn't be here if they weren't a fan of Spyro. You can be a Spyro fan without liking every game, or every character, or everything about every game/character you DO like. And when did shorty accuse Razz of lying? Or were you saying that Shorty isn't lying about Razz? Anyway, I think Razz was being sarcastic. From what I can tell from my conversations with Razz and the way women are portrayed in her art, she does not think women are weak or need men. Yes, I would definitely say Razz was being sarcastic. Or ironic.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#110 Posted: 07:43:46 05/04/2010
I Love how you guys complain about these small things
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#111 Posted: 14:21:40 05/04/2010
I think my post could be classified as clairification or correction, but call it what you will.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#112 Posted: 23:24:24 05/04/2010 | Topic Creator
i don't think the makers intended it to be a sexist game at all.
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#113 Posted: 00:34:14 06/04/2010 | Topic Creator
I doubt barely anyone did. I think they did a great job with it, but that's just me.
spyrathedragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#114 Posted: 01:14:27 06/04/2010
Quote: Aura24
As much as Spyro has changed throughout the years, I still like playing BOTH the Old Spyro and the New Spyro. Some fans, old Spyro fans, criticize the new Spyro because of his "looks", the little mistakes made in DotD, and the "dark and serious" atmosphere of the trilogy.

I always wondered, instead of whining and complaining about the changes in our favorite game series that usual happen in every other game franchise, why not just say they're BOTH Spyro series in their own universes and move on?

And there are many reasons why Cynder in DotD is unfavored. Mainly because of the fantards drooling over her DotD design and bothers other fans about how "sexy" she looks. And her attitude suddenly changed in DotD, making her from remorseful to sudden change of spunk.

I kinda miss the old Spyro, it was light, fun, and spunky! x33

Quote: Zackeio
Closet sexist themes

This is, stupid! I’m not even female I find this to be so sexist. This makes me wonder how girls can like TLOS!? It gives females no or very little justice. Oh in case you haven’t figured it out by now, this little section is about Cynder or the Mary Sue of DOTD.

Cynder is the only female dragon in this entire universe… how!? How is that possible? This immediately and has proven to itself, makes the notion that Cynder and Gary are to be a couple… what!? Now I’m sure TLOS fans will bring up The Lion King, which mind you yes it was a good movie, but I did find that part to be… freaky. Now back on track here, how is it possible that there is only one female dragon in this universe? And how sexist is that that all the Guardians are Males… what? Oh come on, if you’re going to have Guardians one or two of them should be female. Nope, they’re all male, and they are the only dragons next to, Malefore, the Chronicler, and some NPC dragons which make no appearance in the first two games, that are here. My point is that, Cynder from the start, of this trilogy was nothing more than Gary’s squeeze toy.

As an example: When Gary first fought her, and she pretty much open up a can of butt whopping on him, Gary says that there is something familiar about her. Later when he actually defeats her; she converts to her true self… ugh! That’s just one thing that I realized… here’s another. Not only is Cynder the only female dragon in this world but she’s evil as well. Oh yeah, taking something out of the book of Genesis are we? Come on, I’ve heard that one before… don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that female characters don’t make a good villain (Kerrigan, Vertigo, The Sorceress, Maleficent, etc) but when she’s the only female in the entire world you just got to stop and think that this is so wrong. Gary who is male is beating up some female and then she later submits to this all male society… what!? NO! NO! NO! That is so------------------ wrong!

Activision didn’t even give Cynder another female character to bond with, or share female things with. This is so sexist, if not just stupid. She’s has no one to share about female things with, no one… and don’t give me this crap that the elders will provide information for her, or the Chronicler would do that. NO! In fact that’s disturbing if they did know, they don’t have estrogen pumping throughout their entire body on a daily basis, they wouldn’t know what that feels like, and frankly I don’t even want know … scary!

And it doesn’t stop there… oh boy. When Cynder is starting to leave the Temple, Gary tries to stop her, or tries to reason with her. Gary gives no indication of being concerned for what Cynder is feeling. All he says is that he doesn’t want her to leave. What? Oh yeah smooth move, why don’t you, I don’t know, say why she’s uncomfortable here, or say that she’s free to do as she wants. Personally if I was her friend I would say my two cents and let her choose what to do. If she’s feels that it’s best for her to leave, then I would suggest tagging along with her because I’m concerned for her here. This shows that despite what happened, someone actually cares for her, and is willing to support her (and yes me being a guy I can see how a female can take this the other way). I wouldn’t say that I don’t want her to go and provide no reason why.

It gets much worst in DOTD. In the start the game, Cynder decides to let Spyro lead, I ask, why? Cynder you lead an army that literally took over the four islands. Why are you submitting to Gary? Sure he defeated you, yeah big whoop-dee-do, and you submit to it what he says so easily. That drives me nuts! Why is she forced to be Gary’s side kick!? Now do you understand why I call her Mary in this game? But it doesn’t stop there; when the Golem comes after Gary and Mary for the last time in the first level, the Golem grabs Mary… *sigh* it be better if the Golem grabbed Gary! Yeah! That would’ve of been badass! Also just to show how inconsiderate Gary is towards Mary, when they are escaping, Hunter, Sparx, and Gary just jet out there leaving Mary behind to deal with Golem trying to grab her again! What the heck!? Honestly! Chivalry is DEAD in this game.

Oh, oh there’s more! Before the dam level, Mary gives out plan to Gary; Gary likes the idea, but its Gary, who explains this plan to the rest of the group… why!? Honestly why!? Why didn’t Gary just encourage Mary to say this to the rest of the group!? It gets worse from here.

When Gary and Mary defeat the Destroyer, it’s Gary who gets the praise. Towards the end of the game it’s Gary who has the most concern for not Mary, what the heck!? They completely ignored her presences in these parts. Man if I were Mary I’d be PO’ed right now! Oh but there’s so---- much more!

Before this, and mind you this is what really ticked off, when Gary and Mary met the hermit in Avalar, the hermit goes off putting down Mary that she will concede and be the dark master puppet again. Pretty much saying that since she’s a girl she has no power (I know that’s not what he really meant, or did he?). Gary makes a very weak attempt to protect her during this, and Mary doesn’t do much good for herself either. This is suggesting that Mary is too weak willed or doesn’t love herself enough to really stand up for herself, just what must female characters do in a male targeted series… *rolls eyes*. And lastly, this is what just makes literally throw my game controller across the room.

When Mary concedes to Malefore’s powers, Mary asks Gary why he isn’t fighting back. Gary says that Malefore has left nothing left for him to fight for. STOP! Ok, if this is a fight of who gets to mate with the female, then honestly Gary, you’re a wuss! But guess what Mary somehow breaks out of Malefore’s powers and goes to Gary’s side…. Why!? Gary wouldn’t fight you to save you from Malefore; he just sat there and gave up! What feelings does she have for him? How can she have feelings for him? I don’t know any woman who would fall in love with Gary… Just ugh!

That’s all the reasons why I dislike TLOS, well no not really, I could have added more but I think 6 pages worth of ranting is good enough. Also again, I’m not saying my opinion has to be law, I’m not saying I’m right; this is all what I FEEL. Don’t bother trying to convince me otherwise; honestly I don’t need a helping hand with that department.

Too long to read.
Who the crud is this "Gary"?
Yeah, the chronicler could have been a female. Since we girls have a better view of "destiny" and "memorys" and blah blah blah.
There could have also been two girl guardians and two boy guardians.
I bet the creators were all men, that's why... >.>


Lolno. PHAIL.
Lovatic for life. <3
The Peace Keepers
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#115 Posted: 06:42:10 06/04/2010
I keep hearing from some fans that they hate the new Spyro games because Spyro is emo, in their opinion. I guess that if Spyro's "emo" in their theory, then I guess anyone who care about others and their well being is emo as well right? Which means, in this conclusion, that they're unknowingly insulting a lot of people who care about others.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:54:59 06/04/2010 by Aura24
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#116 Posted: 12:14:39 06/04/2010
I never said Spyro was emo. I think he's mopey and bland, not emo. Aura, why did you think that by calling Spyro emo ppl were reffering to his capacity to care? I don't think they were coz it is perfectly possible to care and still have a warrior's attitude. Correct me if I'm wrong, but an emo is a sad, maybe over emotional person (a brief definition, but I think I get the gist), it does not mean caring person, as far as I know.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
darkspyro199 Gold Sparx Gems: 2102
#117 Posted: 13:00:15 06/04/2010
I like both series's but the first one I like better because it's the original

1YOTD <- My top 2
Been here 13 years now... D: Man I'm old.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#118 Posted: 15:07:17 06/04/2010
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
I never said Spyro was emo. I think he's mopey and bland, not emo. Aura, why did you think that by calling Spyro emo ppl were reffering to his capacity to care? I don't think they were coz it is perfectly possible to care and still have a warrior's attitude. Correct me if I'm wrong, but an emo is a sad, maybe over emotional person (a brief definition, but I think I get the gist), it does not mean caring person, as far as I know.

No, I didn't mean you, SpyroLUVA. I mean that some fans, old Spyro fans, don't like the caring attitude of the new Spyro and call him emo, since they prefer the spunky personality of the old fans.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:11:06 06/04/2010 by Aura24
shadow5222 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#119 Posted: 15:22:08 06/04/2010
i love both but a just love the old a tiny bit more u know?
Where are those irons???????? :::smilie
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#120 Posted: 19:33:51 06/04/2010
Quote: Aura24
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
I never said Spyro was emo. I think he's mopey and bland, not emo. Aura, why did you think that by calling Spyro emo ppl were reffering to his capacity to care? I don't think they were coz it is perfectly possible to care and still have a warrior's attitude. Correct me if I'm wrong, but an emo is a sad, maybe over emotional person (a brief definition, but I think I get the gist), it does not mean caring person, as far as I know.

No, I didn't mean you, SpyroLUVA. I mean that some fans, old Spyro fans, don't like the caring attitude of the new Spyro and call him emo, since they prefer the spunky personality of the old fans.

Fair enough. But still, why would you assume they were talking about Spyro being caring when they call him emo? Old Spyro cared; he was always helping and he was anything but emo.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#121 Posted: 19:59:55 06/04/2010
Yeah, but the Old Spyro didn't lose his will to fight when his only companion had been turned against him before the final battle. It's usually the Cynder fantards and some old Spyro fans who call Spyro emo, only because of the way he lost his will to fight Malefor after Cynder turned evil.

Spyro probably knew that he would be fighting a losing battle if he took both Malefor and Dark Cynder head-on, and didn't want to fight. The way he said "Because you left me nothing to fight more.." to Cynder, could be mean that since he lost his father-figure and temporarily his closest friend, Spyro probably went to the conclusion that everyone he knows and loves were going to die, leaving him the only one to fight Malefor.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#122 Posted: 20:23:24 06/04/2010 | Topic Creator
Spyro, "Emo"?

I don't think so.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#123 Posted: 21:33:20 06/04/2010
Quote: Aura24
Yeah, but the Old Spyro didn't lose his will to fight when his only companion had been turned against him before the final battle. It's usually the Cynder fantards and some old Spyro fans who call Spyro emo, only because of the way he lost his will to fight Malefor after Cynder turned evil.

Spyro probably knew that he would be fighting a losing battle if he took both Malefor and Dark Cynder head-on, and didn't want to fight. The way he said "Because you left me nothing to fight more.." to Cynder, could be mean that since he lost his father-figure and temporarily his closest friend, Spyro probably went to the conclusion that everyone he knows and loves were going to die, leaving him the only one to fight Malefor.

There are other reasons than that to call Spyro emo, even if that's not the word I'd use. Some situations that make me call him a wimp are when he feels guilty for "letting" Malefor rule the world. I mean come on Spyro, you were asleep! You had to go to sleep to survive being crushed. Also in the arena and well of souls where he wouldn't fight Cynder. I know, she didn't want to fight either ut if he at least swung a paw or looked like he was ready to beat on her, rather than just yielding he would look way tougher than he did.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#124 Posted: 21:46:53 06/04/2010 | Topic Creator
He felt guilty because he knows that he is the only one that could possibly stop Malefor, and the others were left helpless while he was in the crystal.
And I don't think it makes him a wimp for not fighting Cynder. He could have just gave in to the pressure and fought her, but he actually cares about her, so he refused. Maybe it would make him look tougher, but the key word there is LOOK tougher. That doesn't nesessarily mean sqinging a paw would make him be tougher. He's obviously has emotions, but I don't believe that makes him a wimp. In the cutscene with Malefor, he did not give in to him. He kept refusing Malefor's attempts to make him give in, and it seems he stood strong up until Malefor turned Cynder dark. She was the last thing he had worth fighting for, and it was gone. Sure, he wasn't so strong there, but he wasn't a wimp in the series. If he was, he would never had made it far.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:47:24 06/04/2010 by Darby
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