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"Would you Prefer Walk, or Fly?", [CLOSED]
ElectricDragons Ripto Gems: 1138
#1 Posted: 06:58:07 06/02/2010 | Topic Creator

Hello my friends. would you prefer walk or flying?
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#2 Posted: 08:40:23 06/02/2010
flying. duh. XP
ravenouscynder Ripto Gems: 864
#3 Posted: 11:31:19 06/02/2010
its so obivous that everyone wants fly. when i started it for the first time the only thing i did for the next 20 mins was fly about the place. smilie
ElectricDragons Ripto Gems: 1138
#4 Posted: 11:36:47 06/02/2010 | Topic Creator
duh i know that, i just want posts.
ravenouscynder Ripto Gems: 864
#5 Posted: 11:57:15 06/02/2010
dumbass.....>.> >.< <.<
Kimbia28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1890
#6 Posted: 12:54:54 06/02/2010
Quote: ravenouscynder
its so obivous that everyone wants fly. when i started it for the first time the only thing i did for the next 20 mins was fly about the place. smilie

You know not everyone has the same oppinions ,tbh I prefered to run around in dotd cos the flying mechanic was flawed and I hated how you can't go up or down but just foward with that air spin thingy ,imo it was a bit pointless at some points they give you platforms but you know you can fly over them so you just skip it all and it's just stupid, and I could never land precisely where I wanted to at some points becouse of the damn wind and controls(it's like they are trying to force you to just do normal platforming via running/jumping across some platforms and not to fly over them so they added the stupid wind to blow you away if you try to fly ,even tho the game is supposed to be FREE FLIGhhhTT ALL TEH TIME ZOMG (the flying controled better in levels in old Spyro games lulz =/ )

And you can skip ALOT of enemies with flying (which is good becouse I don't want to spend 8 minutes button-mashing enemies around) but still it's kinda cheap that you can skip it, SO that means the level design should have been designed better for this kind of stuff...
But thats just me
(rant over lol )
ravenouscynder Ripto Gems: 864
#7 Posted: 14:09:46 06/02/2010
you do know if you skip you can go back and kill them just by turning around and go back to where they were....,.>.>
Cynder13 Blue Sparx Gems: 721
#8 Posted: 23:40:27 06/02/2010
rather fly
I believe in Jesus Christ my Savior. If you do too and aren't scared to admit it then copy and paste this in your signature.
Apoc Gold Sparx Gems: 2941
#9 Posted: 23:56:58 06/02/2010
Flying makes it easier
DarkSpyro's resident "cool person" except there's nothing cool about me.
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wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#10 Posted: 21:32:07 08/02/2010
Walking. Flying sometimes makes the character not follow my directions.
Dragon Lover Emerald Sparx Gems: 4710
#11 Posted: 21:41:25 08/02/2010
I prefer running but sometimes I fly when I don't feel like prolonging the time it takes to get somewhere. smilie Kimbia28, I think they made it to where you couldn't fly in certain areas so they would make the game longer. I too get annoyed at the fact you are perfectly eligible to fly places yet there's some invisible force field keeping you back. smilie
JAK Emerald Sparx Gems: 3034
#12 Posted: 22:24:25 08/02/2010
Falling with Style. smilie

I prefer Flying. But the diveing really helps for the mobility.
Don't mess with JAK
Dragon Lover Emerald Sparx Gems: 4710
#13 Posted: 22:28:33 08/02/2010
Quote: JAK
Falling with Style. smilie

I prefer Flying. But the diveing really helps for the mobility.

Yeah, I agree.
Kimbia28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1890
#14 Posted: 14:22:46 10/02/2010
Quote: Dragon Lover
I prefer running but sometimes I fly when I don't feel like prolonging the time it takes to get somewhere. smilie Kimbia28, I think they made it to where you couldn't fly in certain areas so they would make the game longer. I too get annoyed at the fact you are perfectly eligible to fly places yet there's some invisible force field keeping you back. smilie

I agree it's obvious they did that cos they wanted to make the game longer.Like in Avalar you fly around and there's these platforms with cystals and whatnot on them, so your trying to fly up but you can't and you gotta climb some vines and then jump over to the platforms (thats ok with me) BUT then invisible wind just blows you off as your about to land on the platform,etc...

And it also makes plotholes like in dragon city when that building collapses and Hunter tells you that you can't go through this way...I mean really isn't it obvious that they could just fly over it ??then why add flying at all ? I know it's necessary but they could have made it a lot better D:

Quote: ravenouscynder
you do know if you skip you can go back and kill them just by turning around and go back to where they were....,.>.>

Yes I know that ,but why would I wanna go back and kill them if I decided to skip ,I didn't say I can't turn around while flying .
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:35:11 10/02/2010 by Kimbia28
Dragon Lover Emerald Sparx Gems: 4710
#15 Posted: 15:28:30 10/02/2010
Quote: Kimbia28
Quote: Dragon Lover
I prefer running but sometimes I fly when I don't feel like prolonging the time it takes to get somewhere. smilie Kimbia28, I think they made it to where you couldn't fly in certain areas so they would make the game longer. I too get annoyed at the fact you are perfectly eligible to fly places yet there's some invisible force field keeping you back. smilie

I agree it's obvious they did that cos they wanted to make the game longer.Like in Avalar you fly around and there's these platforms with cystals and whatnot on them, so your trying to fly up but you can't and you gotta climb some vines and then jump over to the platforms (thats ok with me) BUT then invisible wind just blows you off as your about to land on the platform,etc...

And it also makes plotholes like in dragon city when that building collapses and Hunter tells you that you can't go through this way...I mean really isn't it obvious that they could just fly over it ??then why add flying at all ? I know it's necessary but they could have made it a lot better D:

Quote: ravenouscynder
you do know if you skip you can go back and kill them just by turning around and go back to where they were....,.>.>

Yes I know that ,but why would I wanna go back and kill them if I decided to skip ,I didn't say I can't turn around while flying .

I agree. Why make them eligible for flight at all? I got so mad when the 'invisisble wind' blows you right off the platform... smilie
Shanon_Heart Red Sparx Gems: 50
#16 Posted: 14:20:28 11/02/2010
When I have patience I walk, the flight is too much superficial.
I prefer the flight of Drakan's game.
Picture made by Cynder_and_Spyro_fan from DevianTART.
Don't use it without her permission!!!!
nintendofreak Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#17 Posted: 15:43:51 11/02/2010
I usually walk unless i'm at a point that requires flight.
Dragon Lover Emerald Sparx Gems: 4710
#18 Posted: 16:55:37 11/02/2010
Wait, you guys actually walk? Or do you run?
Shanon_Heart Red Sparx Gems: 50
#19 Posted: 17:56:11 11/02/2010
I just not like fly... tooo noob that flight smilie
Picture made by Cynder_and_Spyro_fan from DevianTART.
Don't use it without her permission!!!!
shadowdragon5 Blue Sparx Gems: 820
#20 Posted: 02:22:23 12/02/2010
no doubt flying. u get advantages with the ability 2 fly
Aww, I wanted to explode.
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