Prologue: The Hiding
Pearl Cave, Mexico
A White dragon padded through the dense undergrowth, the full moon was high in the sky and stars were littered through. The night was met by a foreboding stench of death and horror. Many times, an owl could be heard hooting though the woods. Nothing moved, it seemed the earth itself was still.
Eventually, the dragon came upon a grey cliff wall; it was decorated with intricate lines and patterns so faint they were almost invisible to the eye. The dragon sniffed, no-one was approaching. He was safe. The wind began to pick up and brush softly against the deep green leaves of the forest, the trees knew what was happening, they could sense the terror.
The moon was directly above him now, and the lines on the cliff face started to glow silver. It grew brighter and brighter until the very light from the patterns illuminated the entire clearing around him. The lines began to move outwards, forming the shape of a perfect circle. The rock crumbled as the moon proceeded to shine, and it revealed a massive room, The Pearl Cave otherwise known as. Within there was a circle of creatures, one each representing each race; Griffons, Elves, Dwarves, Minotaurs, Centaurs and Air, Water, Fire and Earth Dragons.
“Greetings Whitecraft, you have come far to meet us here, thank you.” said a glittering blue water dragon.
“Thank me, you should not. I come here because I must.” Whitecraft responded. “We are here to discuss the two urgent matters that the world is facing. We all know the age of Alaria is ending, we all know that if we do not do some thing we will all perish. We can’t stop it, but we can escape a worse fate.”
“Firstly the humans have destroyed us; there numbers are just too many. If we try to fight, we will all die!” growled the dwarf present holding a war-axe to big for him.
“A solution must be found. And surely with the world’s greatest minds we can find one!” The heads were turned to the slim figure of an elf. She had hers eyes fixed on them challengingly.
“Only when we unite shall we find an answer!” yelled the dwarf. It was then Whitecraft let out a deafening roar, silencing everyone instantly.
“Dwilburn! Lilmandel! Teshirl!” his gaze landed on the water dragon, dwarf and elf in turn. “Then let us unite on this dark night and triumph!” he roared ferociously. Nods were littered through the circle. “To do this we must look at what we have, what we can use, and what will be most effective in hiding us from the humans.”
Lilmandel the elf spoke up. “The elves control one great forest in the south of America that is dreadfully feared by humans. We have made sure that they never return from going into it. It also has a series of tunnels under the roots of our trees it, large tunnels that could even conceal you Dragons. If we cut off most of the entrances we could use it as our home temporarily.” She drew an arrow to her bow carefully, as if she expected attack.
“Yes and the dwarves can easily dig deep underground and live in peace. Yes, that should work. What about the Griffons?” Dwilburn craned his short head towards the proud griffon that had his head held high.
“I’m afraid it will be hard for us to hide. The only chance we have would to go in deserts or mountains. Many of us can’t stand the cold, so that’s not possible. As for deserts, it’s the same with heat. We might as well die.” He muttered hopelessly, his head now hanging low in shame.
“No Iruil, none of you will die. Use Atlantis.” said the earth dragon. Iruil lifted his gaze to the earth dragon.
“Atlantis? That god-forsaken place hasn’t been used in a hundred years! It since has been overrun by deep sea monsters! We might not return if we inhabited that place!” responded Iruil alarmed. He clicked his beak in frustration and stamped in the floor giving an air of command.
“It is your last hope I’m afraid. And surely the mighty race of Griffons can kill a few sea monsters!” proclaimed Dwilburn mockingly, raising his hands as if he were preaching. Iruil screeched in anger and flexed his claws.
“Of course we can! I guess we have to live there then.” mumbled Iruil solemnly. The cave rumbled and shook, a storm was mustering outside the cave. Everyone was silent and thinking hard. The one who had not spoken before, the centaur stepped forward and began to speak.
“And what of my kind?” growled the centaur, narrowing his eyes. “Have you not thought of those that have preserved history since the beginning of time and recorded the happenings of the world! Without us, history would be forgotten! For without looking to the past we cannot prepare for-.”
“We have not forgotten your kind master Heralm.” Whitecraft said quietly. “We are perfectly aware of your influence upon this world. I have a solution already prepared for you and your kind. Ever since I knew that this was inevitable I have been laying enchantments upon a certain spot in the north of Asia. These enchantments will hold as long as at least one centaur is within the enchantment’s boundaries. They will deflect humans and make it look unwelcoming and dangerous to human eyes. This will hopefully keep them away.” Heralm smiled gratefully.
I couldn't fit all of it in, so I'll post the rest if you want more.