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Cynder X Sparx! [CLOSED]
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#51 Posted: 20:59:42 22/10/2009
Yes it is! Will you write it?
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#52 Posted: 21:16:02 22/10/2009
This topic has become kinda...18+

Even though I'm not 18.



Fairy lights....and that idea could be a good fanfiction, but it will take a skilled writer.
Adria Emerald Sparx Gems: 4196
#53 Posted: 21:30:37 22/10/2009
Quote: Razz
It was started with and still has the intent of being a clean topic for fans of a possible Sparx/Cynder romance, but I forgot that 98% of the Spyro fandom is composed of under-20s. smilie

As for fairy lights, think gems. That's all I'm saying. And, yes, I drew that, too. smilie

I saw something like that somewhere. xDDD
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#54 Posted: 23:17:48 22/10/2009 | Topic Creator
It was probably drawn by me. smilie

And, goodness, no, my mature work is definitely NOT on dA. Most of my viewers are under 18 there, which would make me posting that kind of art there illegal. It's also in violation of dA's TOS. I host my adult stuff elsewhere (no, I will not give anyone here a link; them's the brakes, kids).

So, uh, can we get BOT? I'd rather not talk about Cynder unless its in the context of the best crack pairing this side of AHT and all the 18+ stuff is not appropriate for this site.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#55 Posted: 02:33:24 23/10/2009
Oh, so what?! Dark52 sucks as an admin; he won't do a thing! And if it drives the annoying immature kids away, so much the better.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Lord_of_Sheeps Gold Sparx Gems: 2352
#56 Posted: 02:41:21 23/10/2009
Hey now, don't insult the admin or do you want to get the ban hammer?
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#57 Posted: 05:47:25 23/10/2009 | Topic Creator
Hey, SpyroLUVA, none of that here, please. Despite what you may think, dark52 is one of the best forum admins I've ever seen. And he not only maintains this forum amidst constant howls of abuse from whiny kids who aren't getting their way, he also runs one of the only reliable Spyro news sites on the entire Intarwebs and has to live the life of a responsible adult. Just because you object to the way a site is run doesn't mean it's being run badly.

Ahem. Anyway. Can we please get back on topic? If this sort of thing is going to keep up, I'm happy to shut this monstrosity down and re-start a thread elsewhere.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#58 Posted: 07:40:21 23/10/2009
Geez, I didn't expect to see an outburst about dark52 from you, SpyroLUVA. That was uncalled for.

Cynder and Sparx's offspring would be a dragonfly/dragon mix, like the character in one of Razz's pictures as the result of Cynder x Sparx. Or probably a mutation of the two, I dunno. :3
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#59 Posted: 08:11:56 23/10/2009 | Topic Creator
Or fairies. smilie I actually thought up a fun mythology around the re-making of the world that happened at the end of DotD, but then I remembered what trilogy it was for and decided it really wasn't worth my time investing such originality into what amounts to cardboard.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#60 Posted: 21:01:14 23/10/2009
I'm just saying, if he can't be here to police more actively and effectively, he could hand the job off, in part, to someone with more free time who he personally knows and trusts. I'm not blaming him for being absent, he has a life of his own outside teh intarwebz, and that is just fine.

I'd aactually like to hear that mythology Razz, if you're willing to tell, maybe applying it to a different world.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
spyro_madgirl Blue Sparx Gems: 594
#61 Posted: 10:45:51 24/10/2009
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
Yes it is! Will you write it?

I always come up with these ideas and I should write them but I can never be bothered... I'm terrible. smilie Maybe one day I'll get round to it, and I'll let you know if I do. smilie
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#62 Posted: 11:03:07 24/10/2009

And it is this way... HOW ABOUT REVERSE smilie
Keep smile
spyro_madgirl Blue Sparx Gems: 594
#63 Posted: 11:07:43 24/10/2009
Quote: matesds

And it is this way... HOW ABOUT REVERSE smilie

Then poor old Sparx would suffocate. smilie
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#64 Posted: 15:08:38 24/10/2009 | Topic Creator
SpyroLUVA: Maybe dark52 doesn't have anyone he trusts to run this site personally. I've offered to help him mod it myself and he politely declined. And many of the members do a decent job policing their own threads. Now let's stop bashing and get BOT.

SpyroMadgirl: I'm the same way. smilie

Matesds: Not necessarily... I, uh, drew that, too. smilie

Okay, but really, quit it guys. Kids game, kid-heavy forum. Can we talk about the steamy romance now and not their bedroom lives?
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#65 Posted: 15:25:58 24/10/2009
Quote: Razz
Matesds: Not necessarily... I, uh, drew that, too. smilie

Wait... Thou drew... Cyn' 'n' Sparx... In...


also, non-capital "m" in username is not typo please smilie
Keep smile
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:27:38 24/10/2009 by matesds
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#66 Posted: 15:36:36 24/10/2009 | Topic Creator
I'm a grammar nut. I like to capitalize names. smilie

I drew it twice and might draw it again if I feel so inclined, but I hate to bring the Cyndorks back to my door. They scream and cry and throw a fit whenever I draw her.

I've drawn more clean art of them, though, and I'm considering drawing some more and writing a story. We'll see if I have time.
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#67 Posted: 16:07:15 24/10/2009
*wakes up*
*reads topic*
smilie do not nosebleed do not nosebleed do not nosebleed do not nosebleed Do Not Nosebleed Do Not Nosebleed DO NOT NOSEBLEED!

*Curiosity takes over*
How did he fit in?
Keep smile
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#68 Posted: 16:37:52 24/10/2009 | Topic Creator
*siiigh* smilie I'll PM you, maybe. If you're under age, though, I'm not linking you to anything.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#69 Posted: 21:40:57 24/10/2009
I'd actually like to see your nesty Sparx X Cynder art Razz, if you're willing to share.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Adria Emerald Sparx Gems: 4196
#70 Posted: 21:42:20 24/10/2009
Anywho. *waves hands* Away from perverted thoughts and back to Razz's topic.

Same with NEW_SpyroLUVA. *puppy dog eyes* I'm 18... D:

Sparx and Cynder is a very interesting couple. xD I wouldn't mind seeing picture of the offspring some day. Heck someone should make a club for them. It's a kick ass pairing. xDDD

What will be next though? ._. Hunter x Zoe. *shot*
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 21:49:32 24/10/2009 by Adria
spyromaster900 Blue Sparx Gems: 751
#71 Posted: 21:42:35 24/10/2009
who wouldn't want to see a picture that realy relates to this topic
my greatest friends~ GoldenDragon,dark52,and GamingMaster_76!!!smilie ( it depends on which attack you want to use in order to rule all) from nicholas
Zithdaitoh Diamond Sparx Gems: 9603
#72 Posted: 21:44:17 24/10/2009
The people who don't like that sort of thing, perhaps?
OBSERVE MY WRATH: OOPS. *tree blasts off*
"You think you have authority over me? How foolish."
*looks at Platinum Sparx status* I feel old.
spyromaster900 Blue Sparx Gems: 751
#73 Posted: 21:46:02 24/10/2009
good point.nope great point. its up to Razz's choice to put it or not. later!! smilie
my greatest friends~ GoldenDragon,dark52,and GamingMaster_76!!!smilie ( it depends on which attack you want to use in order to rule all) from nicholas
Zithdaitoh Diamond Sparx Gems: 9603
#74 Posted: 21:48:04 24/10/2009
It won't be put on here. I'm sure of that.
OBSERVE MY WRATH: OOPS. *tree blasts off*
"You think you have authority over me? How foolish."
*looks at Platinum Sparx status* I feel old.
spyromaster900 Blue Sparx Gems: 751
#75 Posted: 21:48:56 24/10/2009
ok then. talk on this tommorow ppl LATER
my greatest friends~ GoldenDragon,dark52,and GamingMaster_76!!!smilie ( it depends on which attack you want to use in order to rule all) from nicholas
spyro_madgirl Blue Sparx Gems: 594
#76 Posted: 21:56:25 24/10/2009
There are some pairings I'm into for the romance of it... but sometimes the more... erm... physical side of it interests me. smilie

But I'll shut up for the sakes of the little ones. smilie
Zithdaitoh Diamond Sparx Gems: 9603
#77 Posted: 21:57:34 24/10/2009
Yes, for people under 18. Like me. I'm two years short.
OBSERVE MY WRATH: OOPS. *tree blasts off*
"You think you have authority over me? How foolish."
*looks at Platinum Sparx status* I feel old.
spyro_madgirl Blue Sparx Gems: 594
#78 Posted: 22:01:08 24/10/2009
As am I... but still. smilie
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#79 Posted: 23:59:22 24/10/2009 | Topic Creator
Okay, okay. smilie Some of you can PM me with your birth years and I'll hook you up with a link if your legal. But if you are not, you're not getting anything. I have SOME morals. smilie And, no, I will never post anything like that to these boards and I will report anyone who does so. Not only does it break the rules of this site, it could get us all into serious trouble and it is very much not allowed here. If dark52 wanted to make a "We Love Spyro a Little Too Much" board here (provided it was allowed by his service provider) he probably would have done it already.

I was actually tempted to start a Sparx/Cynder club on dA, but I don't have the time (already running my own gallery and the Elora club as it is). Also: Gina.
Adria Emerald Sparx Gems: 4196
#80 Posted: 00:04:53 25/10/2009
Gina's adorable. :D

*pms slyly*

Edit: I really hate smilies sometimes. >.> and spelling. xD
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:10:17 25/10/2009 by Adria
spyromaster900 Blue Sparx Gems: 751
#81 Posted: 01:08:52 25/10/2009
shoot no pics 4 me so HALLALOUYA!!!!smilie
my greatest friends~ GoldenDragon,dark52,and GamingMaster_76!!!smilie ( it depends on which attack you want to use in order to rule all) from nicholas
spyromaster900 Blue Sparx Gems: 751
#82 Posted: 03:13:19 06/11/2009
this has become a dead topic. smilie
my greatest friends~ GoldenDragon,dark52,and GamingMaster_76!!!smilie ( it depends on which attack you want to use in order to rule all) from nicholas
Zithdaitoh Diamond Sparx Gems: 9603
#83 Posted: 04:27:45 06/11/2009
Then why bump it? I think what you said there was a little pointless.
OBSERVE MY WRATH: OOPS. *tree blasts off*
"You think you have authority over me? How foolish."
*looks at Platinum Sparx status* I feel old.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:28:09 06/11/2009 by Zithdaitoh
spyromaster900 Blue Sparx Gems: 751
#84 Posted: 21:37:43 06/11/2009
thanks for pointing that out
my greatest friends~ GoldenDragon,dark52,and GamingMaster_76!!!smilie ( it depends on which attack you want to use in order to rule all) from nicholas
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#85 Posted: 08:23:26 13/11/2009 | Topic Creator
It's not really that dead. I'm all for talking about the best LoS pairing ever if anyone else wants to (provided we can keep it clean this time smilie).
spyromaster900 Blue Sparx Gems: 751
#86 Posted: 21:45:01 13/11/2009
good point
my greatest friends~ GoldenDragon,dark52,and GamingMaster_76!!!smilie ( it depends on which attack you want to use in order to rule all) from nicholas
Zithdaitoh Diamond Sparx Gems: 9603
#87 Posted: 21:53:47 13/11/2009
I'll let you know if I think it's going a bit too far.
OBSERVE MY WRATH: OOPS. *tree blasts off*
"You think you have authority over me? How foolish."
*looks at Platinum Sparx status* I feel old.
Light dragon Green Sparx Gems: 457
#88 Posted: 23:24:25 14/11/2009
This is pointless. For all Ive seen sparx doesnt trust cynder and cynder finds sparx annoying.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#89 Posted: 23:41:19 14/11/2009 | Topic Creator
Oiy. Read the other posts in the thread and you'll see some of the reasoning behind liking the pairing. Not everyone has to worship Cynder/Spyro.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#90 Posted: 08:39:16 22/11/2009 | Topic Creator
Live, crack topic, live!

Okay. I do genuinely want to write some crack-tastic Sparx/Cynder stuff and I did have some ideas of how to do it in the past but I forgot all of them during the stress of moving and stuff.

So, uh, does anyone just want to throw a word or phrase at me and see what comes of it? smilie I'll be keeping the ficlets as close to canon as possible (because I did recently re-watch all the LoS cutscenes and there is a way to interpret everything as Sparx/Cynder smilie). I want to try my hand at a little bit more experimental fiction anyway.

So, yes. Please throw some words/phrases my way if you want to see Sparx/Cynder crack drabbles. smilie
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#91 Posted: 15:33:19 22/11/2009
"Will this be on Friday?"

Dunno more smilie
Keep smile
Ghakimx Emerald Sparx Gems: 4064
#92 Posted: 15:41:44 22/11/2009
"And this makes moving homes a cakewalk."
Whitedragon Ripto Gems: 963
#93 Posted: 21:07:16 29/11/2009
I think it could be Spyro X Sparx...

Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#94 Posted: 01:21:11 30/11/2009 | Topic Creator
There's definitely evidence for that crack pairing, but that's not what we're here to discuss. smilie
Ghakimx Emerald Sparx Gems: 4064
#95 Posted: 01:23:05 30/11/2009
Oh, so we're not here to discuss that Cynder x Sparx is a crack pairing? OK bye.
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#96 Posted: 01:25:29 30/11/2009
How do they have intercourse, explain that.
Ghakimx Emerald Sparx Gems: 4064
#97 Posted: 01:27:48 30/11/2009
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#98 Posted: 01:33:25 30/11/2009
This is appauling, please keep these kinds of things either in your head or on the furry (or 'scaly', whatever) communities as they certainly cause discomfort for such members as myself and dingodile555 although there are dudes like a certain ass-ass-in who get their jack off this kinda wack u know wha mean.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#99 Posted: 01:41:08 30/11/2009 | Topic Creator
Oiy, guys, it's been said countless times on this thread already. This is a KID friendly forum about a KIDS game. Discussions of intercourse are not permitted here.

This is a topic to explore and discuss a silly relationship that does have fans. Not everyone likes Spyro/Cynder (which, if you think about it for more than five minutes, is just as wrong as you claim this is). We have a right to discuss these things in a clean, friendly and open environment.

If you had bothered to read any of the previous posts in this topic, you'd know that I am encouraging a clean discourse, discouraging discussion of adult topics (which is what you immediately jumped to; kinda says more about you than any of us), and have posted nothing but clean art and encouraged the posting of such.

If you don't like Sparx/Cynder, this topic, as stated in the VERY FIRST POST, is not for you and we respectfully ask that you either a) keep it to yourself, b) don't read this topic at all, or c) start your own topic about your preferred pairing.
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#100 Posted: 01:44:38 30/11/2009
I know, but I find it repulsive and it must be conquered.
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