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wats everyonbe got against TEN? [CLOSED]
Doppel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1244
#51 Posted: 05:37:28 26/09/2009
We are going offtopic here...

I played the NES, but retro gaming isn't my thing.
Stormy Gold Sparx Gems: 2624
#52 Posted: 05:43:22 26/09/2009
Eh, that's still off-topic, but this topic is so far gone by now I don't expect it really matters. smilie

I have this Mario game from 1989; it's pretty awesome.

I've lost most of my other retro stuff though. ): I used to have Tetris and a bunch of other pre-1990 games.

Edit: Markup fail.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 05:46:13 26/09/2009 by Stormy
Doppel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1244
#53 Posted: 05:46:56 26/09/2009
Hah, I loved that GBO cart.
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#54 Posted: 05:56:25 26/09/2009
Quote: Stormy
Quote: BlackDragonAJ89
Well, ever played an 80s or older game, something like a Commodore 64, Atari 2600, original NES, Game & Watch, Odyssey, or anything made before 1990 at all?


But now I have four questions for you regarding your question.

  1. When did you ask this question?
  2. How was I supposed to know to answer it if you never asked it?
  3. How is it relevant?
  4. Are you going to even bother to respond to any of my other, more important rebuttals? If not, I don't think this is worth my time anymore.

Well, if you've played the real classics (anything before 1990), then you'd know that the old Spyro games are incredibly medicore.

Did Spyro create any new genres or game types? No. It was basically Banjo-Kazooie with a dragon in it.

Did Spyro bring out an original concept? Nope. It was basically Sonic's personality applied to a dragon who goes around just attacking things and collecting gems to defeat the big bad.

Was the story memorable? What story? It was an excuse plot in every game just to collect the eggs.

Indeed, gaming in the 90s was incredibly crappy if that was considering to be "revolutionary" for it's time. As for everything on your list, I suppose I should just let yourself guide you there, for my question was just simply how far you're wanting to refuse the reality.

Now as for you Doppel, I can see not liking the 90s games, for pretty much everything in that time period was a cliche storm (or else a rip off of somebody else), but 80s gaming is something different. The 80s might have had the crash, but as a whole, the arcade and computer scene were still going strong, it was just the home consoles got messy because companies thought they didn't have to respect the creators. Besides, a lot of the better ideas were created in this time, and many game genres (such as the platformer, stealth game, simulation game, strategy game, and RPG games) were created, most of the companies that formed after the crash were smaller and more artistically oriented, and if you had the money and some kind of network, you could have multiplayer gaming. Plus, there's the arcade (something the 90s destroyed), in which people actually still played the fighting games for fun.

As for 90s gaming though, Sonic screwed up everything. Soon it was about commercialization and graphics and nothing about gameplay. Heck, the whole Spyro franchise was born out of executive meddling because Sony wanted to cash in on the kiddie market considering that they heavily appealed to the adult crowd (Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, GTA). Pokemon was horrible then (and those stupid movies), and Mario lost his dignity with the Super Mario Bros. movie.

So you should give the 80s some respect. Indeed, most of the stuff has dated, but we wouldn't even be discussing this had it not been for that decade. Same with the 60s and 70s too.
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
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Stormy Gold Sparx Gems: 2624
#55 Posted: 06:00:37 26/09/2009
Well, if you've played the real classics (anything before 1990), then you'd know that the old Spyro games are incredibly medicore.

Did Spyro create any new genres or game types? No. It was basically Banjo-Kazooie with a dragon in it.

Did Spyro bring out an original concept? Nope. It was basically Sonic's personality applied to a dragon who goes around just attacking things and collecting gems to defeat the big bad.

Was the story memorable? What story? It was an excuse plot in every game just to collect the eggs.

Indeed, gaming in the 90s was incredibly crappy if that was considering to be "revolutionary" for it's time. As for everything on your list, I suppose I should just let yourself guide you there, for my question was just simply how far you're wanting to refuse the reality.

You are arguing based on your opinions again and ignoring everything I said in my other post.

Why do you care what I consider a good game? What on earth does your opinion about the quality of Spyro 1-3 have to do with anything we were discussing?

You tell me that I've been telling you that I don't know what good gaming is (which I did not do), and here you are doing the exact same thing to me. Double standards much?
Doppel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1244
#56 Posted: 06:04:09 26/09/2009
A good game for me is something hard and of good length.

I've been playing Portable2 for more than a year and I'm still 36.2% complete. smilie
Stormy Gold Sparx Gems: 2624
#57 Posted: 06:08:58 26/09/2009
Quote: Doppel
A good game for me is something hard and of good length.

I've been playing Portable2 for more than a year and I'm still 36.2% complete. smilie

Never heard of that game. What is it?

I pretty much just play Pokemon nowadays tbh. I don't really consider myself a "gamer."
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#58 Posted: 06:11:56 26/09/2009
What Pokemon game do you play? (let me guess, Red/Blue/Yellow)
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
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Stormy Gold Sparx Gems: 2624
#59 Posted: 06:19:51 26/09/2009
Quote: BlackDragonAJ89
What Pokemon game do you play? (let me guess, Red/Blue/Yellow)

(Ugh, dodging the actual debate topic again. I will not be distracted so easily. T_T)

I've actually played R/B/Y for a total of five minutes, but I wish I did own them, along with Gold/Silver/Crystal. ):

I got into playing Pokemon games around when Diamond and Pearl came out, but my first game was Sapphire. So I have that, Platinum, and LeafGreen, and I'm waiting for HeartGold and SoulSilver to be released in the US.

Edit: Redundant post was redundant.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:20:54 26/09/2009 by Stormy
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#60 Posted: 06:58:10 26/09/2009
I see... I got started with Ruby.

So at least you can accept new Pokemon games... That's giving you some good marks (considering how horrible of a start they got).
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
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Doppel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1244
#61 Posted: 07:00:29 26/09/2009
Stormy: It's DJMAX: Portable2.
okami12 Gold Sparx Gems: 2205
#62 Posted: 11:17:44 26/09/2009
Quote: Akame
Quote: Cynder_543
You just press the same button over and over again, making it too repeative and boring. It is too dark and dramatic, it's the opposite to what Spyro really is. And the main character doesn't want to have fun at all, that is defiantly NOT the Spyro I know off. And he doesn't even have a personality. Not to mention his eyes are too big and 'googly'... The music is too dramatic and it is like playing through ANB again but the levels are different. Then there is the fantards that are too obsess in TLOS. There immature, and if you say one little thing about the game, they go crazy. There like Twilight fan girls. Then there is the SxC fan that go crazy over them being together, and then there is the Cynder fantards that drool all over her! There is more too why I hate it, but this is all I'm saying. But I will tell you one thing, I'm starting to like other games like Pokemon and Zelda more then Spyro because off what it has turned into.

Excactly XD. It was just so... Urgh!

Yes this game suck it is the worst spyro game also WHY IS IT SO DARK were the HELL is the sun
Stormy Gold Sparx Gems: 2624
#63 Posted: 13:41:15 26/09/2009
Quote: BlackDragonAJ89
I see... I got started with Ruby.

So at least you can accept new Pokemon games... That's giving you some good marks (considering how horrible of a start they got).

Of course I can "accept" the new Pokemon games. I "accept" all games for what they are, yes, including Eternal Night and other games that I didn't like. I just happened to not like it very much. Don't try to bring up this "YOU CAN'T ACCEPT CHANGE YOU ONLY LIKE CRAPPY 90s GAMES!!!!1" bull**** on me now.

Are you implying that I'm getting "bad marks" for liking Spyro 1-3 and disliking LoS? Do you always judge people based on their video game preferences?

Also, I would appreciate if, when you have no counterarguments, you would at least acknowledge that I have a point instead of trying to change the subject and completely ignoring the fact that my post existed. Just one of my pet peeves.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 13:47:33 26/09/2009 by Stormy
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#64 Posted: 17:29:39 26/09/2009
You act like none of your posts can interconnect with each other.

My assumption is that it isn't so much about gaming tastes, but about ego. Anytime somebody says "I think the originals suck, I like Sierra's better" or "there were better games than those", you get angry about it because it cripples your ego. I've noticed the same thing with New Spyro_luva. It seems if we're not preaching about the originals as much as you guys are, we're idiots, or else fan-tards.

Plus, the problem with Sierra games is just simply lack of money (Gary Oldman charges a lot of money for his services) and man-power. If they had more money, the could have more people work into making the game longer (without padding), make more levels, improve enemy programing, etc.

Insomniac apparently wanted nothing to do with dragons, so they went out of there way to make it as over-the-top as possible (Ted Price states that he got tired of working with the game simply because he couldn't make it a shooter like Jak & Daxter and Ratchet & Clank), which is why the game came out being unoriginal (I could have actually made a better game than they did).
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
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Stormy Gold Sparx Gems: 2624
#65 Posted: 20:12:45 26/09/2009
Quote: BlackDragonAJ89
You act like none of your posts can interconnect with each other.

They don't, because you keep bringing up different topics and trying to distract me from what we're actually talking about. Games from the 80s being better than games from the 90s has nothing to do with the reason you originally attacked me, which, if you look back, you'll remember it was because I didn't like the new games:

Quote: BlackDragonAJ89
^LOL Spyro fandumb is dumb.

Doesn't anyone actually, you know, just play all the games and enjoy them as is and accept the short comings? I mean, it's only 11 years-old franchise for crying out loud!

Notice you started off with that, and now you're trying to enforce on me that 80s games are superior to all, I have no idea what true gaming is (something you accused me of saying to you, by the way), and that I'm apparently a fantard who goes around preaching how wonderful the originals are (I never said anything about Spyro 1-3 until you brought it up) while simultaneously mindlessly bashing LoS with no reasoning behind it, which I do not do.

My assumption is that it isn't so much about gaming tastes, but about ego. Anytime somebody says "I think the originals suck, I like Sierra's better" or "there were better games than those", you get angry about it because it cripples your ego. I've noticed the same thing with New Spyro_luva. It seems if we're not preaching about the originals as much as you guys are, we're idiots, or else fan-tards.

I didn't do that. Point me to a post in this thread where I did anything even remotely close to that. That's right, again, you're accusing me of things I never did in this thread. I didn't even mention anything about the original games at all before entering this argument with you. I repeat, all I said were some reasons I didn't like TEN. You are putting words into my mouth; stop it.

I never said anyone who doesn't like the originals is a fantard, nor will you ever hear me say it. You know why? Because I don't think that. How many times in this thread have I said I don't care if you think the originals are bad and Los is good? Oh, right, you wouldn't know, because you completely ignored the post where I said it five hundred times.

Initially all did was state my opinion, and you called me "dumb" for not blindly following the Spyro franchise wherever it goes. Now here we are talking about how superior you think your taste in gaming is to mine, which again has absolutely nothing to do with anything. And you still never responded to anything in this post:

Quote: Stormy
Well let me see, anytime anyone who says the originals are inferior to Sierra's games, you (referring to the Insomniac version fans) attack them explaining that they have no idea what a good game is

Again, show me where. I don't do this. I simply state reasons I don't like LoS games and reasons I like the old ones.

and think that they're too immature and have no sense of humor

An opinion, yet again. You're perfectly free to disagree.

(or else compare them to Twilight fans, or something else up and coming),

I'm comparing the rabid fans to Twitards, not all LoS fans. You know, the ones who go bat**** insane when you say anything negative about LoS or Cynder.

and when you're not attacking anyone,

Woah, woah, woah. Time out. Who's attacking whom here? Last time I checked I was simply stating my opinion and started getting flamed for it, then I backed myself up. Unless you're talking about me "attacking" the game itself. =/

you're still painting up the first games as if they're the greatest thing made, completely unaware that there were in fact, better written and created games made at that time and before hand.

Ugh, how many times do I have to say it? Your. Freaking. Opinion. If you don't think they're great, I don't care, but it's not going to stop me from giving reasons why I like them.

It seems that people have very valid reasons to hate the originals, and as I've found doing the research on these things, people don't mind the changes (as long as it's still a platforming game and not a racing game or a party game) and don't mind the story, darker atmosphere, and soundtrack.

Cool. I have no problem with this.

The originals have dated very poorly, mostly because of how typical it was even in its day, a professional game creator has said this, several other people in the gaming community said it.

They've gotten very good reviews from most gaming sites I've seen, and I've heard them described as revolutionary the way the 3D worlds were set up. But either way, it's irrelevant. If you think they suck, that's OK with me.

It's not so much the fact that if you play them or not, but it's more the fact when people act like its modern day gold awarding.

Who cares? It's their opinion, and they're entitled to it. If you said Eternal Night was the best game ever made and the originals were complete piles of crap, would I be calling you "dumb"? Hell no.

Face it (going with the whole history will dump it track here), are people going to care about some average quality game from 1998 in 2019? 2029? 2040? No, it will eventually be forgotten because of how unmemorable it was, it's just simply human history. Granted, there will be some people who will bug us about it, just like those baby boomers of the 50s did about their childhoods (and completely forgetting the major problems of the decade), but eventually they died off, in which the real truth eventually came out.

How is this at all relevant? When did anyone say people would care about any Spyro games in the year 2019?

Now I really don't care all of what you have to say about my thoughts, after all, if I am such an idiot with all these things I have discovered about the truth about what really happened behind the scenes of the games, you shouldn't respond, because I'm just some stupid guy who has no idea what "real" gaming is.

I didn't say you were an idiot either. Or that you don't know what "real" gaming is. Please stop putting words into my mouth.

As for Doppel, well, he's just Doppel.

Well, at least we agree on something.

Plus, the problem with Sierra games is just simply lack of money (Gary Oldman charges a lot of money for his services) and man-power. If they had more money, the could have more people work into making the game longer (without padding), make more levels, improve enemy programing, etc.

Irrelevant. Don't care.

Insomniac apparently wanted nothing to do with dragons, so they went out of there way to make it as over-the-top as possible (Ted Price states that he got tired of working with the game simply because he couldn't make it a shooter like Jak & Daxter and Ratchet & Clank), which is why the game came out being unoriginal (I could have actually made a better game than they did).

Also irrelevant. We're not debating which series is better here. As I have already stated a hundred times, I don't care what you think about the old games. I'm simply defending myself and my right to having an opinion without being stepped on by hypocritical trolls like yourself.

TL;DR, it is you who is doing the attacking, my friend. I noticed you tend to get very needlessly defensive when someone says something negative about TLoS. This thread is a good example, and I could find tons more. Basically, you're accusing me of doing things that are actually being done by you.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:15:42 26/09/2009 by Stormy
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#66 Posted: 20:19:47 26/09/2009
I read some of these posts and I'll read the rest later. Both Stormy and AJ make perfectly valid and agreeable points.

I wasn't born before the 90's and I don't know where to get the retro stuff. I have however played old roms on emulators on the computer. They were fun but not great. I don't think any game prior to the 90's were the 3D platformers I love so dearly.

AJ's point about baby boomers illustrates his point well, but it was totally irrelevant. Stormy is right in saying that LOS will most likely be forgotten long before that time by everyone other than the ppl who played and like them.

No one is an idiot for thier opinion and we are all entitled to our opinions. Many ppl have valid reasons to dislike the old, and many have valid reasons to dislike the new. Both opinions are fine. If I had my way, all classics fans would play all the new games and all LOS fans would play all the old games, and both parties would "study" the games to some deagree so that both groups could make an educated decision on which ones they like better and discuss thier choice intelligently with knowledge on both eras.

I never said old Spyro was flawless or that they were the best games made, the best games of the time, or the best games of thier genre. That is a matter of opinion. I will not say that old Spyro is the best anything because I haven't played many different kinds of games or many different franchises of the 3d Platformer genre.

I have never said all LOS fans are immature, without a sense of humor, stupid, or without any idea of what a real game is, or what a good game is. Nor will I ever say this.

Why would you bother telling us to aprreciate the 80's and so on? I thin kwe all already do, even if we don't say it. Were it not for past decades we wouldn't have anything! No cars, no games, not our countries, no appliances, no nothing! I realize that video games were born in the 80's and that's when everthing new and revolutionary was made in terms of games.

Stormy is right though, you are putting word in the mouths of classics fans and placing too much importance on a person's knowledge on games and their history and thier preferences when it comes to games! There are so many more important things which better define a person's character and intelligence. I won't deny that I (or anyone else) argue overzealously when it comes to Spyro, games, or other petty unimportant things, but honestly ppl, IT'S NOT SRSBSNS! (serious business)

As for AJ's last post:

What?! When have I been egotystical about old Spyro? When have I called a person dumb or a fantard for liking LOS or not liking the oldies?! I call VICIOUS fans fantards, fans who shout thier opinions in your face with no justification for it. I am like Stormy though, in that I don't care about ppls opinions on games, it doesn't change my opinion on them. The thing that makes me think less of a person is how the present thier opinion. If a person is unwilling to listen to others or simply repeats what they think with no intelligent expansion on the thought or never responds to anyone's counter arguements, then and ONLY then will I consider them childish or foolish.

Do understand me better now AJ? Will you stop accusing me of being egotystical or power tripping about old and new now? Will you stop making be look bad by claiming I call ppl idiots/fantards just because they don't like old Spyro? Will you stop portraying me as some brat who can't accept change or a different opinion? I'ts all untrue, innacurate, and uneccessary.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
ignitusforever Ripto Gems: 1788
#67 Posted: 20:24:00 26/09/2009
Way off topic here!
Stormy Gold Sparx Gems: 2624
#68 Posted: 20:27:05 26/09/2009
Again, I agree with you completely, NEW_SpyroLUVA. Glad to see I'm not the only one who doesn't appreciate having words being put into my mouth.

Opinions are opinions, and I'm not out to change anyone's, nor, apparently, is NEW_SpyroLUVA. All either of us did was say our opinions, and here's the result. How did it come to this? Because you apparently got butthurt over me not liking TEN and for some reason decided it would be a good idea to flame me for it. I'm not going to sit there and take your insults, or anyone else's, without defending myself.

Also, something I wanted to add in my last post, but it was over the character limit:

If you're going to accuse me of saying something, point me to where I said it. Quotes, links, I don't care, as long as you give me proof rather than claiming that I said something that I can never remember saying in my life.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 20:31:00 26/09/2009 by Stormy
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#69 Posted: 20:35:48 26/09/2009
Uh, for the record Stomy don't accuse others of having Butthurt! It's hypocritical because you got made at AJ for mud slinging. Glad we can agree though.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#70 Posted: 21:03:13 26/09/2009
^LOL Spyro fandumb is dumb.

Doesn't anyone actually, you know, just play all the games and enjoy them as is and accept the short comings? I mean, it's only 11 years-old franchise for crying out loud!

Remember this post Stormy? Had you not exploded on it, none of this would have happened.

This is why I am putting the ego damper on you at the moment because for most of the people who are here, they would have known better to just simply blow it off than to completely throw a temper tantrum over a simple wise-cracking comment.

Thing is I've played the games, done research on the games, and gone through them again, so I do know what I am talking about. Considering I'm planning to work in the game industry, I need to know what I am going to be going against.

But this whole thing has gone complete absurd though. Most of us who come here just simply want to discuss gameplay experiences and share fan work, but obviously, there has to be "sides" (Insomniac vs. Sierra), constant degrading, and nobody just being a fandom, but a fandumb.

As for me, I'm just thankful that somebody actually gives a crap to make video games today and not give up because of how idiotic everyone can act.
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
Visit my DA pagesmilie
Stormy Gold Sparx Gems: 2624
#71 Posted: 00:14:21 27/09/2009
Quote: BlackDragonAJ89
^LOL Spyro fandumb is dumb.

Doesn't anyone actually, you know, just play all the games and enjoy them as is and accept the short comings? I mean, it's only 11 years-old franchise for crying out loud!

Remember this post Stormy? Had you not exploded on it, none of this would have happened.

Exactly, that's the post I've been referring to this whole time. I took it as an insult because not only was its logic flawed, you were calling me "dumb" for having a different opinion than you.

You still haven't pointed out where I've done this, though:

My assumption is that it isn't so much about gaming tastes, but about ego. Anytime somebody says "I think the originals suck, I like Sierra's better" or "there were better games than those", you get angry about it because it cripples your ego. I've noticed the same thing with New Spyro_luva. It seems if we're not preaching about the originals as much as you guys are, we're idiots, or else fan-tards.

The problem I had with the italicized post was that you were doing exactly what you described in that post, only with TLoS.

You are stubbornly ignoring whenever I point out any fault you had in this, and it's annoying me very much. This is not all my fault, though I do take some of the credit for being my usual overdramatic self.

This is why I am putting the ego damper on you at the moment because for most of the people who are here, they would have known better to just simply blow it off than to completely throw a temper tantrum over a simple wise-cracking comment.

I agree, I may have blown it a bit out of proportion. However, you could have just as easily decided to blow off my retort; you made just as big a deal about it as I did, I think.

Thing is I've played the games, done research on the games, and gone through them again, so I do know what I am talking about. Considering I'm planning to work in the game industry, I need to know what I am going to be going against.

Not sure what you're trying to say here. Is it more of this "you're the video game expert, so you know what's a good game and what's not better than I do" stuff?

But this whole thing has gone complete absurd though. Most of us who come here just simply want to discuss gameplay experiences and share fan work, but obviously, there has to be "sides" (Insomniac vs. Sierra),

Yes, it is stupid that it has to turn into a flame war. But it wouldn't have come to that at all if you hadn't brought the original games into the picture in the first place, because I hadn't mentioned them before. So you're the hypocrite again for starting that, then saying you want it to stop.

constant degrading, and nobody just being a fandom, but a fandumb.

I hope you're including yourself in that for the above reasons.

As for me, I'm just thankful that somebody actually gives a crap to make video games today and not give up because of how idiotic everyone can act.

Thank you for yet another insult. So much for not wanting to fight.

Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
Uh, for the record Stomy don't accuse others of having Butthurt! It's hypocritical because you got made at AJ for mud slinging. Glad we can agree though.

You've got a point there; that was indeed hypocritical of me. I got carried away, sorry.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:22:09 27/09/2009 by Stormy
shadowcynder Green Sparx Gems: 137
#72 Posted: 00:48:14 27/09/2009
Quote: xx chloebabez
TEN was the least fave of my TLOS games. It was just a little too difficult and confusing, the story didnt really interest me, and it was too dark. Although it was an alright game, i personally like DOTD better.

Agree...but I still playing TEN and of course the game what I most playied...DotDsmilie...
MORE ONE IN MY LIST!!! spyro and cynder - poker face
Doppel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1244
#73 Posted: 01:09:08 27/09/2009
TEN did connect ANB and DOTD together, so it's good stuff.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#74 Posted: 01:20:56 27/09/2009
All Stormy's points are good ones AJ. No I don't just say that because we both preffer the old over the new.

You could have ended this with your sresponse to her retort to the "fandumb is dumb" comment, though Stormy did over do it in the first place. You do seem to be acting like you are always right because of your knowledge on games, but the fact is only an indevidual can decide for themselves wich games are better. To them, the games they like are the best. However there are facts, in the form of sales rates and ratings and reviews from professional game critics which officially state which kinds of games do better on the market, but not which ones are just plain better.

Your italicized post was also hypocrital AJ.

As I said before EVERYONE on this site had argued over something at some point, and those who haven't probably will. I've done it, you've done it, Stormy's done it, we've all done it!

Also, what is your response to the last paragraph in my long post above?
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#75 Posted: 02:33:13 27/09/2009
Well I'm not trying to say I'm right or anything like that. I did point out that my comment was not in best intentions, but I didn't expect things to get out of hand.

And to put it this way, I will admit that I tend very opinionated and get heated on matters, although it's probably just because I'm so used to being on Gamespot/GameFAQs for a good two and a half years in which I built myself up to having to put up with some real stupidity. Hence why I make assumptions about people being egotistical and "not knowing what real gaming is" and all that. Of course, it didn't help that there were others like that on there (as well as those who were decent people, mind you).

As for the you post from whenever, whenever I mention "everyone", I do include myself. Indeed, I have convinced myself that I am rather knowledgeable and genre savvy when it comes to games, due to both experience and research, but I get over-confident in some areas, and then there's some places where I don't want to be proven right (like with Brawl, but that's a different story).

As for bringing up Baby Boomers of the 50s, it was just something I could think of that could resemble a nostalgia filter we all know and get tired of eventually. I do believe that there's a very harsh nostalgia filter being applied to the Spyro series, considering how young the series is and that there was so much executive screw-overs on it. Granted, I was using the wrong examples, so I'll take the blame for that.

As for the whole history thing, it's for the whole franchise. If we were to go back to 1998 to an internet forum, there would be people there who'd say it was a crappy idea and that something like Super Mario 64 or any SNES game was better (again, nostalgia filter), mostly coming from the 18+ crowd who thought dragons are for babies. Today, nobody likes any of it really because it's not Halo, Final Fantasy, plus the battles of Insomniac vs. Sierra. If my theory is correct, and nobody makes another Spyro game within 5 years, nobody will remember the entire series by 2025, just because people think of unfortunately, the Hollywood stereotype that dragons are only for killing and can't make a game character. Hopefully that explains that.

As for everything else, well sorry for being all that. My mind is over-running half of the time so I tend to carried away with things.
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
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NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#76 Posted: 14:04:18 27/09/2009
I'm the same sometimes AJ.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Stormy Gold Sparx Gems: 2624
#77 Posted: 21:51:08 27/09/2009
OK, fair enough. Just remember, not all original fans are fantards who can't accept others' opinions, though I have met a few that are that way. There are extremists on both sides of pretty much everything. -.-
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#78 Posted: 05:33:18 28/09/2009
Sooooo..... Has the fight ended? *climbs down tree*
The Doom Song
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Light dragon Green Sparx Gems: 457
#79 Posted: 14:45:39 28/09/2009
people only complain because they find the game to hard.
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#80 Posted: 15:51:59 28/09/2009
Quote: Cynder_543
Sooooo..... Has the fight ended? *climbs down tree*

Yes the fighting is done.
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
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PrincessCynder Green Sparx Gems: 422
#81 Posted: 16:31:45 28/09/2009
I kinda liked it at the beginning but then at the dark wood place it just lost it.......

I still like atari 2600, nes,snes,megadrive,saturn c64 amiga vectrex acorns and N64 aswell
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NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#82 Posted: 19:50:11 28/09/2009
TEN was meh in my opinion, but Dark Spyro and the battle with Gaul was good. Too much like ANB though.

Yes noone's fighting anymore. I wonder though, how far the fight would have gone between AJ and Stormy if I hadn't stepped in and pointed out flaws and good points on both sides, and acted as a sort of mediator.

NOTE: I don't take all the credit for ending the fight.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
SpyroCrazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1648
#83 Posted: 20:04:13 28/09/2009
In the LOS series, TEN was my favourite.

People complain about it being too hard, repetitive and boring. I thought it was brilliant; a great plot with hilarious script (Sparx). Cynder was a creepy weirdo in this though. It is no where near as repetitive as ANB, which you really did repeatedly fight things, especially in Concurrent Skies. TEN wasn't perfect, I grant you that, but it was an enjoyable, suspensful game with new exciting experiances: New breath struture, a new, darker plot, meeting new minor and main enemies, seeing what happened to Cynder, (though that was pretty boring) and it had a new, weird character named the Chronicler. Exciting new levels were displayed, and the Celestial Caves were awesome, along with the dream worlds. You found out more about Malefor too, also, you must admit that TEN had the strongest finalie ever out of the LOS series (apart from you SxC mental lovers who are obsessed with the end of DOTD).

Seriously, the ending was brilliantly crafted, but DOTD was shoved together in a stupid clieche. The whole game was a let down after the exciting end of TEN.

End of rant.
Stormy Gold Sparx Gems: 2624
#84 Posted: 20:30:18 28/09/2009
Quote: Light dragon
people only complain because they find the game to hard.

Didn't I refute this already? Although some people do, not everyone thinks it's too hard; there are lots of other perfectly valid reasons to dislike it. Look back on the first page; Cynder_543's post summarized it perfectly.

Like I said to Doppel, if there was an easy game that you didn't like, would it be fair to say you hated it because it was too hard? No, it wouldn't.

And also, I wasn't trying to "fight," though it did get heated and probably came off that way. Initially I was defending my opinion, but I tend to get into it when I debate and always like to be right. Luckily NEW_SpyroLUVA was reasonable about everything.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:32:47 28/09/2009 by Stormy
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#85 Posted: 02:07:25 29/09/2009
Quote: BlackDragonAJ89
Quote: Cynder_543
Sooooo..... Has the fight ended? *climbs down tree*

Yes the fighting is done.

Good. Now lets shake hands, eat cake and then get back on topic. =D
The Doom Song
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Please read my story!
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#86 Posted: 01:39:07 30/09/2009
Quote: Cynder_543
Quote: BlackDragonAJ89
Quote: Cynder_543
Sooooo..... Has the fight ended? *climbs down tree*

Yes the fighting is done.

Good. Now lets shake hands, eat cake and then get back on topic. =D

Good idea smilie
TheWereCat Yellow Sparx Gems: 1000
#87 Posted: 13:56:55 03/10/2009
Quote: Doppel
People hate TEN because...


IGN gave TEN a bad rating because of it's difficulty, and a few people from SF "reviewed" TEN and they ranked it low because of it and even one that I know of had headaches playing it.

Wait, wait- HARD? i completed it in a week- dotd was far harder!!
"It's time to call in the big guns."
Own:smilie smilie smilie smilie
ignitusforever Ripto Gems: 1788
#88 Posted: 22:07:45 03/10/2009
People complain about it being too hard,repitive, abd boring.

Thats because it IS too hard,repitive and boring! smilie
BEST FAN EVER Gold Sparx Gems: 2194
#89 Posted: 23:39:57 03/10/2009 | Topic Creator
I didn't find it too hard. You've just gotta know how to play Spyro to complete it. Repetitive? the most repetitive game ever was ETD. a complete copy of YOTD. Just dragonflies, not eggs. And YOTD was mint as.
I believe in Jesus Christ my Savior. If you do too and aren't scared to admit it then copy and paste this in your signature.
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#90 Posted: 01:05:28 04/10/2009
Quote: TheWereCat
Quote: Doppel
People hate TEN because...


IGN gave TEN a bad rating because of it's difficulty, and a few people from SF "reviewed" TEN and they ranked it low because of it and even one that I know of had headaches playing it.

Wait, wait- HARD? i completed it in a week- dotd was far harder!!

It was a Expansion...Console fanboys don't like expansions So most console fanboys will go ape crazy over it
Feral_Miskunn Blue Sparx Gems: 976
#91 Posted: 11:16:22 05/10/2009
the time aspect really anoys me, a good concept but flying would get you up there easier plus the quills are so BLOOMING anoying! i am missing three and i completed the game like 12 times looking for them! everytime... three quills! plus i found it hardest of the three when i started it...

ah well, its ok really
jus not perfect smilie
like the game but i dont rhapsodise like i do for the other ones...
Faith Hope Love and the greatest of these is Love
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#92 Posted: 21:27:28 05/10/2009
All LOS games are too easy. Both ANB and TEN were repetetive. Just a button mashing fest.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Doppel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1244
#93 Posted: 22:37:09 05/10/2009
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
All LOS games are too easy. Both ANB and TEN were repetetive. Just a button mashing fest.

If it's so "easy" then try playing TEN from start to finish in less than 12 hours. Do not skip cutscenes. I did that.
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#94 Posted: 23:04:05 05/10/2009
It's the absolute scum of the earth. Don't see how people can find it fun. But different people have different opinions.
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#95 Posted: 23:06:04 05/10/2009
I didn't find it too hard. You've just gotta know how to play Spyro to complete it. Repetitive? the most repetitive game ever was ETD. a complete copy of YOTD. Just dragonflies, not eggs. And YOTD was mint as.

Actually I know "how to play Spyro" but I don't have the patience to go through TEN because it's just unfun and tedious. It's nothing like Spyro. At least ETD was a Spyro game it's actually fun at times, but TEN is the same button mashing frustrating crap all the way through.
Ghakimx Emerald Sparx Gems: 4064
#96 Posted: 23:15:57 05/10/2009
Yeah, that's just it.


Play a fighting game, man.
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#97 Posted: 02:14:05 06/10/2009
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
All LOS games are too easy. Both ANB and TEN were repetetive. Just a button mashing fest.

Well if you have the GBA version is really hard in the hardest level. Even tough it was not worth it to beat it at the hardest level.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:14:17 06/10/2009 by wspyro
BEST FAN EVER Gold Sparx Gems: 2194
#98 Posted: 07:10:27 06/10/2009 | Topic Creator
Quote: dingodile555
I didn't find it too hard. You've just gotta know how to play Spyro to complete it. Repetitive? the most repetitive game ever was ETD. a complete copy of YOTD. Just dragonflies, not eggs. And YOTD was mint as.

Actually I know "how to play Spyro" but I don't have the patience to go through TEN because it's just unfun and tedious. It's nothing like Spyro. At least ETD was a Spyro game it's actually fun at times, but TEN is the same button mashing frustrating crap all the way through.

ETD? That game nearly ruined the entire Spyro franchise! I found TEN great. Its only button mashing if you make it so. And you obviously did. if all you need to do is button mash, a six year old should be able to get on it, no training needed and complete the game no probs. Go try it, and if thats true, then its button mashing.
I believe in Jesus Christ my Savior. If you do too and aren't scared to admit it then copy and paste this in your signature.
Stormy Gold Sparx Gems: 2624
#99 Posted: 23:23:15 06/10/2009
Quote: dingodile555
I didn't find it too hard. You've just gotta know how to play Spyro to complete it. Repetitive? the most repetitive game ever was ETD. a complete copy of YOTD. Just dragonflies, not eggs. And YOTD was mint as.

Actually I know "how to play Spyro" but I don't have the patience to go through TEN because it's just unfun and tedious. It's nothing like Spyro. At least ETD was a Spyro game it's actually fun at times, but TEN is the same button mashing frustrating crap all the way through.

ETD? That game nearly ruined the entire Spyro franchise! I found TEN great. Its only button mashing if you make it so. And you obviously did. if all you need to do is button mash, a six year old should be able to get on it, no training needed and complete the game no probs. Go try it, and if thats true, then its button mashing.

Well actually...

Last level of TEN, I decided I'd hand off the controller to my little sister (11 at the time). Little sister barely ever plays video games because my mom goes insane when she finds out, and she's never played anything like TEN before. So I give her the controller and tell her to kill the swarm of enemies. I didn't tell her any of the controls or how to do anything, and she was able to kill them all by essentially pressing random buttons. She didn't even take that much damage.

Of course, maybe my little sister's just a combat game prodigy, but not likely. =P

Seriously though, I button-mashed through TEN, too. If you can get through the game by button-mashing, it doesn't matter that you don't have to button-mash. In fact I think it's a good indicator that something might be wrong with their gameplay if it was meant to be complex and difficult and people just get though it by mindlessly pressing buttons.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:29:04 06/10/2009 by Stormy
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#100 Posted: 00:19:45 07/10/2009
^VERY good point!
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
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