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Create your own Spyro character! [CLOSED]
Spyzilla Yellow Sparx Gems: 1903
#351 Posted: 16:38:03 11/01/2009
appearence:looks like Spyro with black under belly
info:Izzy is a crazy psyco who hates every thing.she is Sinndyirs older sister
nickname: Princess of Darkness
from:a small hidden cloacked village in the valley of Avalar
lives:in a cave under a water fall in the valley of avalar
People should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#352 Posted: 23:44:50 14/01/2009
Name: Ruuko
Sister: Cynder
Quote: I know I might die if I do somthing, but I love her and I can't stand back and let her die! You can't stop me!
Colour: Jet black
Wings: Black. Shaped like Terrador's
Inside wings: Blue
Chest: Blue
Tail: Half the size of Cynder's. Has two large fangs on the end of his tail. White.
Claws: Long, sharp white claws. Stained with blood at the ends
Eye colour: Amber eyes with green around the puple
Horns: They go diaginal then they go up. They are big and long. There white. Stained with blood at the ends
He has a scar on his left, front leg.
Age: 16
He is very powerful but is a bit slow.
Personalty: He may seem evil but he is not. He is a bit of a troble maker and loves to kill. He is angry all the time and always likes to dig his claws into a jucy sheep. Thats why his horns and claws are stained with blood.
The Doom Song
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Please read my story!
Apieceofmeat700 Ripto Gems: 132
#353 Posted: 22:04:50 15/03/2009
HERE IS MIIIIIIINE!!!! NOOOOO DONT THROW THAT PIE AT ME!!!!.....cough.....okay done being hyper now...i think...

[User Posted Image]

DaystarIronwing Red Sparx Gems: 29
#354 Posted: 01:05:34 16/03/2009
Name: Daystar the Dragon

Gender: Male

Age: Spyro's age in Gateway to Glimmer

Clan: Magic Crafter (a la old school Spyro)

Backstory: Daystar was one of the eggs Spyro rescued from the evil Sorceress of the Forgotten Worlds. Years after the fact, the younger hatchlings are brimming with magic, but Daystar can't use magic. He can glide, hover, charge, breathe fire, swim, and dodge roll, but he can't use magic. This upsets him. A lot.

Love Interest: Vivian (Peacekeeper).

Other friends: Hunter, Elora, Moneybags, and Sidos (a red robed thief).

Image: //
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:30:23 16/03/2009 by DaystarIronwing
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#355 Posted: 06:07:19 16/03/2009
Name: Shadowclaw
Gendar: Male
Age: 12
Side: Good/Evil
Clan: ShadowClan
Shadowclaw is an poisonus ShadowClan dragon. He lives in ShadowClan, with his mother, (Poisonheart) father, (Razorclaw) sister, (Moika) and many more dragons. Shadowclaw is red and black, with dark red eyes.
Friends: Fearclaw, Rayheart, Kai, and Moika.

If you want to know more about Shadowclaw, and his pals go onto Fandom, then click on Shadowclaw: The Poison Moon.
AKOB Green Sparx Gems: 180
#356 Posted: 18:28:05 17/03/2009
[User Posted Image]

Name: La Promise
Age: 14
Allignment: Good
Species: Dragon
Powers: Arrows, Fire breath
<---- The new victim
Caroline and Mathieu forever.
Plasticboyfan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1170
#357 Posted: 10:00:40 18/03/2009
Name: Azizi
Species: Robot
Sex: Male
Alignment: Bad
Colours: Golden yellow, Cooper, Light green.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:26:36 03/09/2009 by Plasticboyfan
chosen4566 Blue Sparx Gems: 653
#358 Posted: 14:27:32 03/04/2009
name:Le vizle
alignment:good (sometimes) evil (sometimes)
description:spyro sized, green, yellow robot the evolves into a dragon or vampire that looks like spyro except his eyes are gold and is very very very harmless (not most of the time)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:37:19 18/07/2009 by chosen4566
makutasia Red Sparx Gems: 15
#359 Posted: 23:09:39 14/04/2009
man do i suck
makutasia Red Sparx Gems: 15
#360 Posted: 23:11:52 14/04/2009
C1nder Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10286
#361 Posted: 22:17:50 07/07/2009
Name: Shivernal
Gender: Female
Appearance: Snow white dragon with a blue stomach. Has one long horn on the top left hand side of her head. Her other horn got knocked of in a battle. On the tip of her tail there is an icicle for a spike.
About: The Dark Master has captured her as an egg and is using her to put a deep freeze on the whole world. Shivernal is actually Cyril's daughter.
Personality: She is stubborn and selfish, but she really is just angry because the Dark Master wont let her go. She tries to escape, but her plans always fail.
Breath: Ice breath (duh!)
Age: 12
Celtianna Yellow Sparx Gems: 1708
#362 Posted: 20:32:07 08/07/2009
NAME: Cloudy
SPECIES: Sky dragon
GENDER: Female
LOCATIONS: In the moon temple high up in the sky.
While Spyro and Cynder find their way to Celestial to find the stone, They encounter Cloudy the sky dragon who will halp them retreive the stone from dragon city. During their visite inside the moon temple, they descover that Cloudyhad been keeping all the stones for years that passed by.
When Spyro and Cynder discover that, Cloudy refuses to give back the stone from the dragon city.

BREATHS: Wind, fear, fire, light and beam.
BODY: White
CHEST: Royal blue.
QUOTE: "Must he go through this fight for the stone?"
The DoomSong Yellow Sparx Gems: 1120
#363 Posted: 23:06:43 22/07/2009
Name: Latibule
Apperencesmilieark grey not quite black under belly and inside wings silver.

Horns and spines white and like cynders only with a turn at the top.

Powers:Sword, shadow breath.


Other info:Was taken from her tribe by the light dragons (not spcificly light dragons just any dragon who hates darkness or shadow) She was originaly fully black but was used as a test for the light dragons transforming spells(a spell that turns anything dark to light) it fail and only managed to turn her slightly lighter.She ran off during an attack from the wyvverns.Latibule is now wandering from place to place.She dosent know her parents.

That was a lot of typing my fingers hurt.
And I don't even care if he's a bit of a moron.
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#364 Posted: 23:41:34 24/07/2009
Name: Darkflower
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Species: Purple Dragon
Colours: She has a purple body, with a black belly, wings, horns, and spines.
Other info: Darkflower is Spyro and Ember's 'mistake daughter'. Darkflower hates her mother, but is always on Cynder's and her father's side. She wants to be a great purple dragon like her father had once been, and tries her hardest to be the best purple dragon there ever was. Since she is the first female purple dragon.
Powers/breaths: Fire, eletricity, ice, earth and Conxeity
Side: Good
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:42:37 24/07/2009 by Skyqueen
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#365 Posted: 02:20:56 25/07/2009
Err, I sort off changed my character a bit, so I will post it again.

Name: Ruuko
Brother/Sister: Cynder (his sister).
Age: 13 in the first two storys. 16 on the last two storys.
Quote: *Spoiler!* I-I will do it.... I will find it... If that is what I need to do to gain your trust Spyro. I won't let you down. And I won't let you down Cynder..... Before I go, I wan't to say that I'm sorry for what I did in the past.... I didn't know that Gaul and Malefor were only using me. I'm sorry for not believing you as soon as you said it..... Forgive me?
Colour: Jet black
Wings: Black. There narrow but long like Spyro's.
Inside wings: Blue
Chest: Green.
Tail: It is long. It is not as long as Cynder's though.
Tail blade: It is shaped like a V. There green.
Claws: Long, sharp white claws. Stained with blood at the ends
Eye colour: Amber with green around the puple
Horns: He has two big horns that are shaped like original Spyro's. He has two more smaller horns underneath them. There green.
Scales: They start from the top off his forhead and go right down to the end off his tail. The scales on his head are connected like original Spyro's scales. There blue.
Shape off head: Like Cynder's but not too "girly".
Body: Is shaped like Spyro's. He is not thin in the stomach and his chest doesn't go out like Spyro and Cynder's.
Personalty: When he was evil, he was ruthless and the only characters he cared and admired was Cynder, Malefor and Gaul. He was a bit hotheaded too. When he was not evil anymore, he was more caring, his ruthless personality still came out sometimes, but not all the time. He is not hotheaded anymore too and is loyal to Hawkfire.
The Doom Song
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Please read my story!
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#366 Posted: 22:22:17 25/07/2009
Name: Lucky
Gender: Female
Age: 7
Species: Poison/Earth Dragon
Colours: Lucky has brown eyes, and a light green body with dark green wings, horns, belly and the tip of her tail
Quote: ". . .I was never meant to be born. I'm just a useless runt. . ."
Other Info: Lucky is Spyro's and Cynder's youngest daughter. She hatched two weeks after her two older brothers hatched, Shadowtail and Iceflame. Spyro and Cynder were about to give up on her egg, and at the last moment, she hatched. So they called her Lucky, because it was very lucky that she hatched. But she has been weak, and very small ever since. Shadowtail and Iceflame are twice her size, making her seem very weak and small. But Lucky is then believeing that she wasn't meant to be born, because she hatched late. So she leaves, thinking that she doesn't belong in the world.
Personality: Lucky is kind, caring, and likes to help others. But she can also be a bit sensative and angry, espically when her brothers call her; 'Runt' or 'Baby'.
Breaths/Powers: Poison and Earth
Side: Good
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#367 Posted: 03:15:07 26/07/2009
Oh and his elements are Shadow and Fire. :3
The Doom Song
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Please read my story!
Cynder1996 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3333
#368 Posted: 15:19:37 03/08/2009
Type: was wind but gaind shadow,poison,plant,earth,water,fire and fear
And just to annoy u know who here is a picture if her
[User Posted Image]aint she great
my dragons
I stalk Slenderman.....
Plasticboyfan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1170
#369 Posted: 19:15:43 03/08/2009
Name: Adiemus
Species: Western Dragon
Sex: Female
Age: 434
Elements: Fire, Wind, Laser, Water, Earth, and Electricity.
Colours: Maroon red skin, Black and Blue wings, Blond crest, Red tip, Light
gray horns, Purple eyes, and Orange belly.
Alignment: Neutral

Adiemus is the Dragon of Darkness, and she is also the queen of
the Dragon Forest.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:19:35 16/08/2009 by Plasticboyfan
Whitedragon Ripto Gems: 963
#370 Posted: 21:39:56 04/08/2009
Name: Szarotka (Pronouced Sza-Rot-Ka)
Gender: Female
Apperence: Szarotka looks very much like Spyro, she is a young small white dragon with light grey horns and some azure blunt spikes coming from the back of her head to her tail. Szarotka has grey and navy blue wings too, along with her grey tipped claws. Her belly is grey too.
Attitude: Szarotka has a young spirt and she always keeps on trying. Although she can be a bit naughty and rude to the wise old dragon types and does tease them sometimes, but she is the supportive type.
Elements: Szarotka's main element is ice and her other element is eletric.
Age: Tens years old in dragon years.
Species: Ice Dragon
It would be cool to roleplay with these characters. Also stay tuned for a picture.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 21:48:33 04/08/2009 by Whitedragon
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#371 Posted: 08:10:21 05/08/2009
Quote: Cynder1996
Type: was wind but gaind shadow,poison,plant,earth,water,fire and fear
And just to annoy u know who here is a picture if her
[User Posted Image]aint she great

You posted that picture just to annoy some off us?! -_-

And yes, you can post fanart on a topic like this. So you didn't annoy me. >:D
The Doom Song
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Please read my story!
CyndersHope Green Sparx Gems: 167
#372 Posted: 20:06:59 06/08/2009
Name: Flamefrost
Species: Fire dragon
Gender: Female
Colouring: She is a fire dragon se she is a deep glittering red with tan belly scales and tan and tail tip.Her tail tip is shaped like a flame and herhorns are positioned like cynder,straight and her horns are white.Shehas the exact same structure as cner.
Personality: She is very respectful and true to others.She will go to watever legnth to please other dragons and make spyro pround.she wishes to be as good as spyro some day and be a leader like ignitussome day to.
Special Features: Only fire.Out of 1-10 her fire level would be about an 8 or 9.
History:as a young whelpling,she was trained by ignitus.Her orange and redegg survived the raid by gaul.Hers was hidden in a frn ouside of the temple.Then Terrador found the egg later on and gave it to ignitus.Hehad trained her and showed her how o use he fire properly.She then tried to kill herself when she found out ignitus had died butterrador and the other elders had stopped her and kept he rin the dragon city dfor a while for her to recover.During the attack at the dragon city she was one of the young inhabitants in the upper part of the city so she had to b moved away with all the other dragons and was safe all in the end.she lives peacfully among the dragon city with the others,helpin rebuild dragon city after the golem attck.
Lives:In the dragon cit.Th upper part with all the other inhbitants.
A Golden strong female trained by Terrador capable of fire but the colour gold and a fury attack that lets out an explosion of golden water.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:09:30 06/08/2009 by CyndersHope
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#373 Posted: 20:50:35 06/08/2009
I don't get it? Why do people need their dragons to have loads of elements? Havning one or two is enough for me.
DARK CINDER Ripto Gems: 1062
#374 Posted: 20:59:33 06/08/2009
Quote: Tango
I don't get it? Why do people need their dragons to have loads of elements? Havning one or two is enough for me.

because it makes them more like spyro and cynder smilie and it makes them look like like "the best" wich is pointless
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#375 Posted: 21:08:15 06/08/2009
Quote: Tango
I don't get it? Why do people need their dragons to have loads of elements? Havning one or two is enough for me.

because it makes them more like spyro and cynder smilie and it makes them look like like "the best" wich is pointless

Heh. The most elements one of my charactors has ever had was 3. She lost the 3rd one and hardly uses the others. She liked close combat. smilie
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#376 Posted: 00:00:30 07/08/2009
Name: Thor
Genger: Boy Dragon
Color: Dark Silver
Quote: "Never say Never"
Personality: Caring,Allways carefull,Looks out for his team/friends,Doesnt like to figth,Quiet,Shy,Sneaky,Smart,and goes with wath he belevies in.
Past:Born from an egg. Trained for climing and outdoor training. Ended up being the best undercover worker.

Body:same as spyro only wings are a little bit bigger.
claws:Sharp and color white.
Horns: Spyro's horn but a different color...white
Wings color:silver
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:05:16 07/08/2009 by wspyro
xx chloebabez Yellow Sparx Gems: 1087
#377 Posted: 01:42:21 07/08/2009
name ~ comet
gender ~ male
species ~ dragon
age ~ 15
body colour/appearence ~ red/orange with green spikes running down from head to tail
wings ~ shaped like teen spyros but with no spike in the middle.
wing colour ~ light blue
inside wing colour ~ light green
tail ~ a blue flame
horns ~ a lot like original spyros, only brown
claws ~ white. small but sharp they give a fair amount of damage
frase ~ ''you cant tell me what to do!''
element ~ fire, red convexity, fear
light or darkness ~ light
attitude ~ smart witted, wise cracking and charming. but has a heart of gold.
reputation ~ causing trouble, arguments, annoying others and is volteers younger cousin.
more info ~ comet is humourus and a close friend of sparx, but he always seems to be annoying spyro and cynder. comet is one of the main characters featured in my story in fandom.
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 01:55:27 07/08/2009 by xx chloebabez
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#378 Posted: 23:55:36 14/08/2009
Quote: Tango
Quote: Tango
I don't get it? Why do people need their dragons to have loads of elements? Havning one or two is enough for me.

because it makes them more like spyro and cynder smilie and it makes them look like like "the best" wich is pointless

Heh. The most elements one of my charactors has ever had was 3. She lost the 3rd one and hardly uses the others. She liked close combat. smilie

Same here. My character doesn't use his elements often. He likes to use combat. He was only going to have fire breath, but his exposer to the dark side made him able to learn shadow as well. But he isn't that good with shadow then he thought. So at the end, he just uses his fire breath.
The Doom Song
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Please read my story!
SpyroCrazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1648
#379 Posted: 19:00:51 16/08/2009
Name: Tessina

Gender: Female

Species: Dragon

Side on: Neither

Element: Fear

Type of dragon: Fear, Ex-Fire Dragon.

Apperance: Very dark red scales, unbelievabley thin and bony, frisky with black boned wings and dark red wing-skin. White claws and eyes with a black slit for a pupil. Inky black horns and spikes.

Age: 14

Personality: Angry, anti-social, strong, fierce, nasty, but all this adds up to how hurt she is.

Likes: Crawling into tight spaces and sleeping so she can pretend that
everything is OK.

Hates: Thinking about her family, the Guardians, Spyro, Cynder, and anyone who dare question her past or correct her.

Quote: 'Shut up and go, or things will get nasty.....and you won't like that *clinks claws*'

Nickname: B**ch, though she doesn't choose to be called that, she's just called it more than her own name by her enemies.

Lives: Black Bay, a small cove of sand where a little craggy cave is located beneath a large cliff. She likes (as Tessina goes) to sit at the edge of the rock and watch the black rolling waves. It helps her forget the dreadful past that turned her into a fear dragon.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:41:51 14/09/2009 by SpyroCrazy
Plasticboyfan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1170
#380 Posted: 19:27:44 16/08/2009
Name: Elixar
Species: Reploid
Sex: Male
Alignment: Good
Weapons: XL620 Laser buster [right-arm weapon], Red moonlight
laser blade [left-arm weapon], XG115 Rocket launcher.
Personality: Adventerous, Natural, and Optimistic.
Colours: Green, Gray, and Teal.
Appearance: Created and modified by a Master Robot Designer,
Dr. Angelo.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:20:45 11/04/2010 by Plasticboyfan
Doomdrao Platinum Sparx Gems: 6759
#381 Posted: 12:59:36 03/09/2009
Name: Equinox
Species: Dragon
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Element(s): Lunar (moon element)
Personality: Shy, sensitive, caring
Appearance: (only has one wing and his left eye is blind) [User Posted Image]
I'd wait a fresh minuteMe, To a Co-Worker about Greggs Bakery Steak Bakes
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:01:56 03/09/2009 by Doomdrao
CyndersHope Green Sparx Gems: 167
#382 Posted: 22:55:45 09/09/2009
grr my oter dragon i dont care aout anymore so heres my new an lovely better one.lolz! smilie

Name: Kari
Elemental power:Fire but its not as red like fire.more on the gold side.Her fury is a explosion od goldn water that drounds any ememy.
Colour: Her main color is a deep gold.
Wings: Big and bold.they are dark gold outlined.She has a ig claw tear through them from a fight.
Inside wings: Pale gold.
Chest: Lighter gold.
Tail: Big,strong, ad 300 times more powerful than cynders.Her tail tip has a star.
Claws: Thy are long yet dull.The are dark grey.
Eye colour: They are a glowing bright blue.has no pupils.
Horns:They are exactly like cynders but dark grey.
Age: 11
Short Discription: She is a strong,powerful,and determined gold dragon.
Personalty: She is strong loyal fast thinking and a good leader.She can break the rules but not very often at all.She is flirty but puts herself before any dragon execpt her fater figure,Terrador.
History:Whenshe was a shining gold egg in the teple, terrador alwasy looked after her an was trained by him.Thats why she is known as warrior.When she turned 3 she went back to her parents and was raised in dragon city in their house.Her parents dies at her ge of 8 and she lived in the house alone fending for herself.She goes out sometimes to look for terrador and visi but she wasdevastated wen her house was destoyed by the golem.There she met up with terrador and was takento a safe place with all the others.Shje helped repar the city and now lives peacfully again seeking out a love life. i am NOT a good artist and this is a rough draft anyways and i only had friken markers.grr.lolz!so no ride comments.
A Golden strong female trained by Terrador capable of fire but the colour gold and a fury attack that lets out an explosion of golden water.
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 23:00:37 09/09/2009 by CyndersHope
undertow25 Green Sparx Gems: 324
#383 Posted: 23:53:59 10/09/2009
Name: Eltanin
Gender: Male
Relatives: Is not related to anyone in canon.
Age: 42
Colour: A light shade of black/dark gray
Chest: Bronze
Outside wings: Black
Inside: Bronze
Eye Colour: Brown
Horns: A dark yellow
Element: Non-elemental dragon
Tail: Long, but thin. Ends in a bronze tail spike
Lives: Underground, hiding with the remaining dragons

Background: His story takes place during the events of the LOS, though he is not a key player in it, he's just in the background. Many of his brothers have gone to fight, but because he is not an elemental dragon and not as strong, he was forced to stay. He is in charge of leading the citizen dragons to safety, though he does have help. Most of the dragons that were left behind are either female, or non elemental.

Personality: Courageous and strong willed. He sets his mind on something, and does it. He doesn't tolerate soppiness and inconvenient emotions. He's very tough, and strict, but it's a tough love thing. He's brutally honest, and will tell anyone exactly what is on his mind. He has a caring side, and would do anything for his friends, even if it means dying for them. He does brood too much, and can sometimes get lost inside his whole mind. Overall, he is a good leader, he's not a guardian or anything but he can handle leading a large group of people in the right direction.

Quote: "The lazy will daydream, the strong will make it happen."
Plasticboyfan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1170
#384 Posted: 18:08:40 14/09/2009
Name: Utility
Species: Furdragon
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Eyes: Bleeding Red
Fur: Ocean Blue
Tummy: Gray
Mane: Cool Green
Wings: Blue
Alignment: Good
Elements: Metal, Oxygen, Fire, and Nuclear.
Quote: "Don't have a grasshopper, dude!"
Personality: Dorky, Cowardly, and Snoopy-ish.
Live: somewhere in the abandoned old Dragon Highway.
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#385 Posted: 18:51:24 14/09/2009
Quote: Plasticboyfan
Name: Utility
Species: Furdragon
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Eyes: Bleeding Red
Fur: Ocean Blue
Tummy: Gray
Mane: Cool Green
Wings: Blue
Alignment: Good
Elements: Metal, Oxygen, Fire, and Nuclear.
Quote: "Don't have a grasshopper, dude!"
Personality: Dorky, Cowardly, and Snoopy-ish.
Live: somewhere in the abandoned old Dragon Highway.

I officaly, no really officaly hate you now... Thats my Dragon... smilie

Edit: Well, some of it is based off my Dragon and they have the same name...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:01:41 14/09/2009 by bionicle2809
Plasticboyfan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1170
#386 Posted: 13:43:06 19/09/2009
Quote: bionicle2809
Quote: Plasticboyfan
Name: Utility
Species: Furdragon
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Eyes: Bleeding Red
Fur: Ocean Blue
Tummy: Gray
Mane: Cool Green
Wings: Blue
Alignment: Good
Elements: Metal, Oxygen, Fire, and Nuclear.
Quote: "Don't have a grasshopper, dude!"
Personality: Dorky, Cowardly, and Snoopy-ish.
Live: somewhere in the abandoned old Dragon Highway.

I officaly, no really officaly hate you now... Thats my Dragon... smilie

Edit: Well, some of it is based off my Dragon and they have the same name...

Well, not the same we have. Yours is a normal dragon, and mine is a
Plasticboyfan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1170
#387 Posted: 13:57:38 19/09/2009
Name: Lust
Species: Western Dragon
Age: 10
Sex: Female
Skin: Ice Blue
Eyes: Electric Blue
Wings: Red and Pink
Tail: Water Blue
Tummy: Violet Red
Alignment: Good
Elements: Water, Ice, Wind and Laser.
Personality: Sweet, Poor, and Brave.
Live: in the Blue Forest.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:10:09 15/10/2009 by Plasticboyfan
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#388 Posted: 14:02:29 19/09/2009
Quote: Plasticboyfan
Quote: bionicle2809
Quote: Plasticboyfan
Name: Utility
Species: Furdragon
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Eyes: Bleeding Red
Fur: Ocean Blue
Tummy: Gray
Mane: Cool Green
Wings: Blue
Alignment: Good
Elements: Metal, Oxygen, Fire, and Nuclear.
Quote: "Don't have a grasshopper, dude!"
Personality: Dorky, Cowardly, and Snoopy-ish.
Live: somewhere in the abandoned old Dragon Highway.

I officaly, no really officaly hate you now... Thats my Dragon... smilie

Edit: Well, some of it is based off my Dragon and they have the same name...

Well, not the same we have. Yours is a normal dragon, and mine is a

Mine is a Wyvern...
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6147
#389 Posted: 04:51:45 20/09/2009
Dragon Species: Wyvern
Colour: Black & Purple
Elements: Crystal Shards, Darkness, Mist
Gender: Female
Home: Cave near the Dragon City
Quote: Remember, the True Dragon can never die!
Description: Shards is a brave 10 year old wyvern who was found by the Elders. She is the dragon who always gives hope to the Dragons who don't believe. Shards wants to know where she came from, like Spyro did when he was young. She always believes...

[User Posted Image]
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:52:13 20/09/2009 by Bolt
shadowcynder Green Sparx Gems: 137
#390 Posted: 13:42:39 20/09/2009
I created one dragon toosmilie...

Name: Sharon or called too for Cher.
Colour: white and dark purple with white eyes.
Elements: shadowsfire and dark fury.
Personality: serious, warrior, fair, strong and haven't fear, love aventures.
Side: good.
Age: 18 years old.
Nickname: Dark Knight.
Live: somewhere in Valley Of Avalar
Obs: she have the same appearance of Cynder, but more older.
Storie: after lost your family in one of the Dark Master's attack, she was created by Ignytus in Dragon City, after complet 18 years old, she traveled and lived in Valley Of Avalar.

I maked she's imagesmilie
MORE ONE IN MY LIST!!! spyro and cynder - poker face
toadodile5 Green Sparx Gems: 287
#391 Posted: 23:46:08 07/10/2009
u all made dragon >.>

Species:Cat (like hunter smilie)
Attributes: Ice Shadow Fire and Lunar.
Description: may be young but is a powerful Sorcerer.
Always hangs around in the darkest spots of the Valley of Avalar
Live: Hunter's tribe in the Valley of Avalar
Weapon: Lunar staff

Toad's da name,
Plasticboyfan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1170
#392 Posted: 16:23:49 16/10/2009
Name: Kitty
Species: Western Dragon
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Horns: Platinum
Wings (outside): Midnight Blue
Wings (inside): Sunset Orange
Skin: Dark Green
Eyes: Teal
Tummy: Red
Elements: Fire, Fear, Water, and Nuclear.
Info: Has a crush on Utility.
Quote: "I'm the ladydragon's meow!"
SpyroCrazy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1648
#393 Posted: 21:10:53 17/10/2009
Name: Koli
Species: Catknight
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Purple fur, clawed, black-boned wings, with a deep shade of plum-purple inside. She has bright scarlet eyes and long, powerful legs with hooked claws to grip onto surfaces. Upon her head there are two large thin ears, with a shell of crimson inside.
Powers: Amazing combat and agility, sharp claws and powerful legs for kicking. Great at climbing.
Reletives: Kyte, who is her cousin. She has a foster mother and father, and a girly 'sister', though they aren't proper blood relations.
Likes: Kicking people around and play-fighting with her cousin. She also loves leaping across the contry along with Kyte, down cliffs and climing trees.
Hates: Being stuck at home with her irritating 'sister'. Having to get to know people and being told what to do.
Quote: "Never play it safe - ever!"
PrincessCynder Green Sparx Gems: 422
#394 Posted: 21:42:39 17/10/2009
Name: Zanca
Species: Dragon
Loves to fly, a bit shy.Wants to be like her idol Cynder. Attacks with her claws while in flight. Shes a light dragon (Cynders dark) Her powers are Poison ,Fear ,electriciry and water.
Join KHDownloads and Serebii forums and be my friend!
Plasticboyfan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1170
#395 Posted: 22:27:39 04/01/2010
Name: Cygnus
Species: Dragon
Skin: Black
Age: 13
Elements: Blood, Laser, Water, and Nuclear.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:33:35 11/02/2010 by Plasticboyfan
icedragon333 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6076
#396 Posted: 16:38:01 05/01/2010
name: tyarath
species: dragon but unlike any dragon seen before
gender: male
age: unknown
place of origin: unknown but appered after a white explision
color: blue underside and white scales
elements: darkness, light, convexity, divine fire and lava
quote: everything happens for a reason

background: one year after DoTD he appered after a white explosion above the former burned lands and thats all we know.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:17:08 08/01/2010 by icedragon333
HarryPotter Green Sparx Gems: 388
#397 Posted: 08:29:42 16/01/2010
Name: Sunset Greyback
Species: Dragon
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Elements: All
Looks: A orange dragon with blackish grey horns, hair color is yellow and red, red underbelly and wings, her tail is like Spyro's, she has a necklace with a orange gem in it.
Boyfriend: Quill
Harry Potter fan, and Spyro, and Lord of the rings.
Avatar made by Eva
Dark Cynder_27 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6041
#398 Posted: 12:17:00 16/01/2010
Name: Luci (Daggeress) Maywhile
Species: Dragon (human sometimes)
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Elements: Earth, Light, Fire & Wind
Appearance: Green scales, red underbelly, Blue eyes, Swirly blue double horns, a purple strip where her spine is, light purple wing webbing, club tail. A dagger on her side.
Spyrobaby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4263
#399 Posted: 12:27:13 16/01/2010
My new reference:

Name: Shadlin
Age: 25
Gender: female
Image: [User Posted Image] By Sharon_spirit
Homeland: Now lives in Dragon City
Personality: Usually very friendly. She's quite serious, but if it's the right time, she is very funny. That's what makes her a great dragon to be with.
Background: As an egg, some grublins killed her parents and her egg landed in The valley of Avalar. The cheetahs claimed her as their own. The rest would spoil my story
The darkness only stays at nighttime, in the morning it'll fade away. Daylight's good at arriving at the right time, it's not always going to be this grey~
ShadowDragon91 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1427
#400 Posted: 21:44:33 18/01/2010
Name: Kaiya

Species:Were Dragon

Gender: Female

Appearance: Blue Fur with Black markings. Thick, Black, Straight Horns; Five Fingers with White Hooked, Scythe like Talons. Two small Saber like Fangs that poke out of her mouth when closed. Front and back legs are Black. Ice Blue eyes. A long, Whip like Tail with a black tail tip that has Sharp grooves that can cut through flesh. She even has whiskers in her Adult form. Black Bird-like wings. Thick leaf shaped ears.

Abilities: Can control and manipulate the element of fire but her type of fire is blue. Super Strength (But there is a limit to what can she do). Able to spit twin jets of acid (called Were Dragon's Venom) from her two front fangs and Faster Speed. Kaiya can also use her sharp serrated fangs and claws to slice through an enemy's flesh in quick rapid succession. Furthermore, her abilities get stonger as she ages.

Personality: Very Quiet, Serious, Calm and Somewhat Cold Yet kind and gentle to others

Um...What do you guys think?
It is not wise to meddle in the affairs of dragons, fore thou art crunchy, and taste of chicken...
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 17:13:27 11/05/2010 by ShadowDragon91
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