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NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#1 Posted: 01:22:40 29/08/2009 | Topic Creator
Spyro is supposed to be epic, right? Well here’s how defines epic:

Surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size

Heroic and impressive in quality

When it comes to surpassing the ordinary, the Legend of Spyro falls short. I can’t say how many stories there are which feature a hero to be who has no idea he’s a hero, what he’s destined to do, and who becomes insanely powerful and defeats some kind of lord of darkness, but there are a lot. Not to mention the fact that as many people have said the Legend of Spyro is cleche.

As far as impressive in quality goes, the Legend of Spyro did have some good aspects despite its many downfalls. For example the game looked nice, with many interesting landscapes, but the linear style of the last two games took away from this as you were not allowed to thoroughly explore each level or revisit your favorite areas. These problems were significantly improved upon in Dawn of the Dragon. However, I am not particularly fond on the new design for Spyro.

As for heroic, that requires a longer explanation. I’ll try and explain as simply as I can, but I find it difficult to do so. Classic Spyro’s physical abilities were limited at best, at least by the standard set by the New Spyro. Regardless, he was more than capable of getting the job done, and he did so with a * smirk, unbreakable spirit, fiery air of defiance, and a bold and s p u n k y attitude. Spyro faced some really nasty villains back in the day, and they tried their best to get the better of him, but when it came time for any one of them meet face to face Spyro never faltered from their threats. When Red compared Spyro to himself in A Hero’s Tail saying he fought like Spyro when he was Spyro’s age, the purple spitfire responded with the snappy comeback I just hope I don’t fight like you when I’m your age. Spyro was never too shy to taunt his adversaries with a jeering “Bring it on!” either.

Now I'll adress New Spyro. First, let me say this: It's not just what a hero accomlishes or how powerful they are, it's the content of thier personality and character that makes a hero truely inspiring.

New Spyro just doesn’t measure up to the attitude of the old. As I’ve said many times before the New Spyro is wishy washy, and I will now try to expand upon the statement. Spyro doesn’t show the emotion you would expect of him, considering the fact that he goes through some very emotional situations throughout the Legend Series which warrant an array of different emotions. The reasons for this are the voice of Elijah Wood, the dialogue, and Spyro’s relationship with Cynder.
Although Elijah Wood is a professional actor, his voice does not possess the power or confidence which suits a hero as powerful as Spyro. Also, Spyro sounds sort of docile right up until Ignitus’ death and the confrontation with Malefor. True he talks like he’s bearing his soul some of the time but Elijah’s voice sounds as though Spyro could be saying something totally insignificant.

As for the dialogue, a lot of things Spyro said were weak in a sense. For example, I think Spyro could have said something a lot better than “I wouldn’t miss it Gaul” when he finally came face to face with the Ape King in the Well of Souls. I also find the way he pleas with Cynder not to fight in the arena and the Well of Souls to be somewhat pathetic. I also dislike the way Spyro looks injured and defeated when he is attacked by Cynder in the Well. True she his him in the side, but a blow to the ribs from a dragon his size shouldn’t have hurt that much, but that’s beside the point. Spyro’s reaction to the confrontation with Malefor was also quite a let down. For starters, Malefor claims that he and Spyro have more in common than just their color, to which Spyro responds I’m nothing like you! When he said this, Spyro sounded like the statement hit him hard, like he couldn’t believe his own words. Yes, I do realize Spyro was concerned about being like Malefor when they were leaving the Ruins of Warfang, but it seemed as though Ignitus put those fears to bed. I also remember that Spyro’s dark side arose after Ignitus’ death but he still conquered the evil with Cynder’s help, but it also seemed very easy for him to do so; there was no struggle and he caused no damage. This leads me to believe that there is no chance Spyro will ever be like Malefor, and he need not fear such an occurrence. What’s more is, I believe Luke Skywalker said something similar to that during his fight with Darth Vader. A little predictable considering Mark Hamil voiced Malefor. When Spyro was told the true nature of the purple dragon he still sounded like he couldn’t believe himself when he said I don’t believe that.

The biggest let down of Spyro’s whole attitude and the entire LOS series is Spyro’s overpowering love for Cynder. It is the focal point of almost every big event in the entire trilogy. Spyro expressed his love in what I might call the worst way possible. He stands beside her and watches helplessly as she becomes evil and stand around while she pounds on him. When asked why he won’t fight back, Spyro meekly responds, you’ve left me nothing to fight for. Really? Nothing to fight for? Not your friend and brother, not your mentors, not the planet itself, not all innocent beings on earth, not future generations, not life as they know it? After seeing Spyro’s soppy display the grip of the single most powerful evil being on earth is broken and Cynder easily and flawlessly changes back to normal, and she’s once again all pure and happy and good, la dee da dee da.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#2 Posted: 01:22:59 29/08/2009 | Topic Creator
Considering how easily she changed, it would make sense if she was totally if not partly in control the whole time. I know, I know, just bear with me here. Let’s say that when Cynder was corrupted she was made completely, 100% irreversibly evil. Although Spyro made Cynder small again he failed to completely eradicate the evil in her, because despite his power he was not powerful enough to break such a powerful spell. When she was brought home, she was still evil, two faced, and ultimately back stabbing. (Don’t hate me; no harm will come to her) And throughout the series, she’s been betraying Spyro the whole time and playing him for a sucker. This explains why she ran off in TEN; to lead Spyro to the well of souls where he somehow helped free Malefor. When Spyro met Cynder in Fellmuth Arena that was a fluke; she was captured by pirates on her way back to Gaul, then captured by Gaul’s dreadwings and taken to him. She calls for help to keep Spyro chasing her. As for the cutscene in which Cynder yells at Gaul you can’t go through with this, lets say Cynder was led to believe that she and Gaul would work side by side without Malefor, but he betrayed her and decided to free Malefor and have her enslaved again. Although she is still evil Spyro did grant her her freedom from Malefor, and that will be taken from her if Malefor is resurrected. This being the case, Cynder decides to work with Spyro to destroy Malefor so she can later take the world for herself. Remember what I said about the ease with which Cynder was freed from Malefor again in his lair? Let’s say when Spyro used his fury it left something in her that slowly weakens Malefor’s spell but never breaks it. As we all know purple dragons can control four elements. I’m thinking that on top of the usual four, purple dragons can control the dark energy that turned Cynder evil in the first place (possibly the convexity energy seen at the end of TEN and ANB ), some use it for good, others for evil. Spyro of course uses it for good which is how he manages to weaken Malefor’s spell. But as I said it is unbreakable. Sometime down the road Spyro has to fight Cynder again and she is turned small again (I add this only to appease Cynder fantards, I would prefer if she died). Spyro also learned that Cynder meant to hurt him, and the relationship ends as soon as he finds out, but I guess they don’t necessarily have to part ways or hate each other. That’s all I can think of right now, but I might expand on it in the future.

Now, before you flame me, don’t get me wrong, I did enjoy the Legend of Spyro including Dawn of the Dragon; I don’t hate either nor do I hate Cynder/CynderxSpyro, I just think many things could be improved upon. Also, this rant is not for the sake of just trashing LOS or promoting Classic Spyro. I am trying to point out the flaws of the game so they can be improved upon in future titles, and also offer some of my own ideas even if they are not used.

I would also like to make it clear that although what I said was stated as fact, it IS just my opinion/theories.

It's a long one, but I hope someone will read it.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:23:28 29/08/2009 by NEW_SpyroLUVA
Lord_of_Sheeps Gold Sparx Gems: 2352
#3 Posted: 02:04:20 29/08/2009
I agree with you on this subject. I've only played the original version of Spyro, but I have seen the gameplay and cutscenes on Youtube and I am very disappointed. Personally I thought the gameplay was too clumsy and very linear to enjoy playing, I'd perfer more puzzles or side quests to loosen up and get away from the main plot for a bit (and maybe some more comedy and parodies).

As for the SpyroXCynder thing, I don't really see Spyro getting together with anyone. Throughout the whole game, I paid very close attention to Spyro's interaction with Cynder and I think, in my personal opinion, he only cared about her as a friend, not as a love interest because, if anyone recalls, new Spyro is suppose to be compassionate and cares very deeply about his friends. Also, in DOTD, the attraction from Spyro to Cynder felt very forced and rushed that it's just unbelieveable and crude (sorry SxC, I'm not buying this). Another I was upset about was how useless they made Sparx, he was the health meter and got gems for you in places you couldn't reach, why do this to the little pixellated guy, WHY!
Meadow Green Sparx Gems: 139
#4 Posted: 02:21:00 29/08/2009
alot of that is true.... i hope the spyro movie clears some things up...
Doppel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1244
#5 Posted: 02:33:58 29/08/2009
This is too long... Didn't read. Please summarize?
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#6 Posted: 09:53:25 29/08/2009
I looked in the dictionary, epic can also mean a movie, film, book or game of a heroic action or story. I would say that TLoS fits that...
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#7 Posted: 10:46:26 29/08/2009
Mm, yes, and original Spyro was epic? All dragons frozen by spell. Spyro unfreezes them. Spyro kills bad guy by flaming him like every other monster he mets.


At least they tried to make Tlos epic.
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#8 Posted: 12:03:04 29/08/2009
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
Considering how easily she changed, it would make sense if she was totally if not partly in control the whole time. I know, I know, just bear with me here. Let’s say that when Cynder was corrupted she was made completely, 100% irreversibly evil. Although Spyro made Cynder small again he failed to completely eradicate the evil in her, because despite his power he was not powerful enough to break such a powerful spell. When she was brought home, she was still evil, two faced, and ultimately back stabbing. (Don’t hate me; no harm will come to her) And throughout the series, she’s been betraying Spyro the whole time and playing him for a sucker. This explains why she ran off in TEN; to lead Spyro to the well of souls where he somehow helped free Malefor. When Spyro met Cynder in Fellmuth Arena that was a fluke; she was captured by pirates on her way back to Gaul, then captured by Gaul’s dreadwings and taken to him. She calls for help to keep Spyro chasing her. As for the cutscene in which Cynder yells at Gaul you can’t go through with this, lets say Cynder was led to believe that she and Gaul would work side by side without Malefor, but he betrayed her and decided to free Malefor and have her enslaved again. Although she is still evil Spyro did grant her her freedom from Malefor, and that will be taken from her if Malefor is resurrected. This being the case, Cynder decides to work with Spyro to destroy Malefor so she can later take the world for herself. Remember what I said about the ease with which Cynder was freed from Malefor again in his lair? Let’s say when Spyro used his fury it left something in her that slowly weakens Malefor’s spell but never breaks it. As we all know purple dragons can control four elements. I’m thinking that on top of the usual four, purple dragons can control the dark energy that turned Cynder evil in the first place (possibly the convexity energy seen at the end of TEN and ANB ), some use it for good, others for evil. Spyro of course uses it for good which is how he manages to weaken Malefor’s spell. But as I said it is unbreakable. Sometime down the road Spyro has to fight Cynder again and she is turned small again (I add this only to appease Cynder fantards, I would prefer if she died). Spyro also learned that Cynder meant to hurt him, and the relationship ends as soon as he finds out, but I guess they don’t necessarily have to part ways or hate each other. That’s all I can think of right now, but I might expand on it in the future.

I don't know about that one. And I guess that makes one huge plot hole in DOTD. But it could be true, but still, cynder did say "YOU'RE LIEING!". But I guess she could off said that to make Spyro not tern against her. But that doesn't explain why she also said "No! I don't know! I don't know anymore..." smilie
The Doom Song
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NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#9 Posted: 13:54:09 29/08/2009 | Topic Creator
Quote: Tango
Mm, yes, and original Spyro was epic? All dragons frozen by spell. Spyro unfreezes them. Spyro kills bad guy by flaming him like every other monster he mets.


At least they tried to make Tlos epic.

My point was that LOS was not epic, not that old Spyro is epic.

I agree with Lord of Sheep.

@Doppel: Oh just read it!
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:54:38 29/08/2009 by NEW_SpyroLUVA
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#10 Posted: 20:31:05 29/08/2009
I like rants.... not
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#11 Posted: 21:34:36 29/08/2009 | Topic Creator
Then why are you looking at this topic cornys?

@Cynder_543 I have an idea about the I don't know thing Cynder said. She was unsure as to weather or not she was in control, but rather than thinking she was being used for evil when she is good, she is upset that she was in Malefor's control when she wanted to rule all evil/darkness.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#12 Posted: 22:43:28 29/08/2009
lol.. sorry.. I started reading and had to get off... lol... I'll say what I was going to now... lol

ok... now I have read it... lol

ep·ic [éppik]
n (plural ep·ics)

NO 1. poetry long narrative poem: a lengthy narrative poem in elevated language celebrating the adventures and achievements of a legendary or traditional hero, for example, Homer’s Odyssey

NO 2. poetry epic poetry: epic poetry as a genre
This term we’ll cover epic, romance, and allegory.

YES 3. arts large-scale production: a work of literature, cinema, television, or theater that is large-scale and expensively produced and often deals with a historical theme

YES 4. long series of events: a long series of events characterized by adventures or struggle
Our trek across town turned out to be an epic.

YES 5. very large or heroic: impressive by virtue of greatness of size, scope, or heroism
A scandal of epic proportions

Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Acording to this besides it not being a poem it is not Epic.... It was trying to be epic and it ruined it.... You backed that up perfectly..... not that is failed to be epic.. lol

I wanted to see what the rant ws about smilie that's why I was here smilie lol

Also.. Why make Sparx not the helth Meter? Because that would not be realistic....

The Pentical of a fantacy Story is to make it seam as real as possable.... make it seam real... that just can't be explained by any reach of the immagination...

(That's why Sci-Fi has excelled.. It is all backed by theoretical Science... if you understand what is being said you will beable to fully understand why these things are possable)

Anyhow... I'm done... my post is nearly too long

Edit: You are partialy right though... things could have been improved...
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:45:33 29/08/2009 by cornys
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#13 Posted: 23:30:07 29/08/2009
Did not read the rant, but if people could put this much effort into something as pointless as a video game (especially if they're not working in the entertainment industry) as they could in real life situations, then we might be able to get out of the economic rut and stop animal cruelty...

I mean, yeah, they changed it, but big deal, what about the next 10 years in life? Activision owns Sierra, and Sierra owns Spyro. The folks at Sierra can do what they want to insure they can please their fanbase of whoever as well as to be able to put food on their table as long as the big wigs at Activison say it's okay and it puts fine French food on their massive tables in their big fancy houses (that is if even anyone in the gaming industry is actually a corrupt corporate executive like most people assume). It's not like I created the franchise, and Spyro wasn't a big factor in my life, so I don't have to worry too much.

And then what about the time we've reached 2050?
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
Visit my DA pagesmilie
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#14 Posted: 23:48:18 29/08/2009 | Topic Creator
The purpose of the rant was to get things off my chest and out of my mind and also this was posted on the activision forums so that the makers, should the peek in on the conversations can see what I think and perhaps agree and make a game in accordance with what I said there.

Not to definition three, Spyro is a game not a work of theater, cinema, television or literature and does not deal with a historic event.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#15 Posted: 01:22:27 30/08/2009
It is a work of Television and Cinima actually. Those Parts are tied together by video game peices.

And it has a historical Theme.... (Malefor is born, Malefor becomes powerful, Malefor Goes Evil, Temple Raided, Ignitus Saves Spyro, then the events of tLoS)

What is says there simplified is that it is a Production of the arts that lies down a historical importance to it's events....

And that is my personal Definition of Epic.... anyhow.... It really doesn't matter....
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#16 Posted: 02:41:35 30/08/2009 | Topic Creator
Another thing Tango, Yes the enemies were defeated the same as any other enemy, but so were Cynder and Malefor. Basically all you had to do was attack them with your usual abilities then finish them with a special end game fury.

In Year of the Dragon you had to use power ups and projectiles to defeat the enemy. This was also true when fighting Gulp and Ripto in Spyro two.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#17 Posted: 03:21:46 30/08/2009
But the Year of the Dragon was just as much of a button mash fest as Dawn of the Dragon, so who cares?

Besides, with how everyone is acting about this, Spyro could never be a true dragon game anyway.
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
Visit my DA pagesmilie
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#18 Posted: 03:25:29 30/08/2009
yeah... lol... no kidding.... or actually... mabey it could be and it would get loads of free publicity... lol

I don't really care what happenes with Spyro... As long as I can see, play or read it.... I'm good smilie
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
Lord_of_Sheeps Gold Sparx Gems: 2352
#19 Posted: 03:34:40 30/08/2009
It's not meant to be a true dragon game like Reign of Fire, it's suppose to be a game for all ages to play and enjoy with parodies from fairytales, nursery ryhmes, and shakespeare, it was suppose to be silly and fantasy like, not a Beowulf/Eragon game ripoff (and both of those were terrible movies).
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#20 Posted: 04:15:56 30/08/2009
yeah... lol.. I know that but you see how people are reacting at this don't you? lol.. imagin the fall out if they moved to something like that... lol
The USS Tiger Tank
General (3)
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#21 Posted: 11:10:41 30/08/2009 | Topic Creator
Again, I agree with Lord_of_Sheeps.

What do you mean AJ? There was no button mashing in YotD.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#22 Posted: 12:00:08 30/08/2009
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
Another thing Tango, Yes the enemies were defeated the same as any other enemy, but so were Cynder and Malefor. Basically all you had to do was attack them with your usual abilities then finish them with a special end game fury.

In Year of the Dragon you had to use power ups and projectiles to defeat the enemy. This was also true when fighting Gulp and Ripto in Spyro two.

M, yes, tactics. Pick up bomb. Throw at Gulp. He dies.

You needed tactics in DOTD boss fights to stop yourself dying. You can't just fly up to Malefor and spam attack him because then he'll kill you in two seconds. Sometimes you have to wait for the right moment. And what about TEN aborick?(sp?) you certainly needed tactics to kill him. Ravage rider? Yep. And normal enimies to, like death hounds and blunder tails.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#23 Posted: 13:37:26 30/08/2009 | Topic Creator
Quote: Tango
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
Another thing Tango, Yes the enemies were defeated the same as any other enemy, but so were Cynder and Malefor. Basically all you had to do was attack them with your usual abilities then finish them with a special end game fury.

In Year of the Dragon you had to use power ups and projectiles to defeat the enemy. This was also true when fighting Gulp and Ripto in Spyro two.

M, yes, tactics. Pick up bomb. Throw at Gulp. He dies.

You needed tactics in DOTD boss fights to stop yourself dying. You can't just fly up to Malefor and spam attack him because then he'll kill you in two seconds. Sometimes you have to wait for the right moment. And what about TEN aborick?(sp?) you certainly needed tactics to kill him. Ravage rider? Yep. And normal enimies to, like death hounds and blunder tails.

What?! Apparently DotD was hard for you, because I COULD spam attack Malefor and I managed to defeat him after just a couple tries by using meele and breaths. Arboric did require a little strategy, but because Spyro hopped around auto matically all you had to do was steer left and right and spit fire. Though you did have to aim and be quick about it or he threw the fire back at you. As for blundertails yes strategy was needed (use horns to expose belly, strike belly) But all I had to do to the death hounds was use breaths and meele. Yeah, I sometimes doged when they charged, but it wasn't a big deal if I got hit.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#24 Posted: 15:05:00 30/08/2009
(Not quoting due to long post)

The only hard part of Dotd for me was burned lands, how many tries did you need? 3-5? I beat him first try because I quickly lernt from my mistakes and used stratigy(Sp?) to destroy him without being in the slighist bit worried I'd die.
And jump, and do dragon time. Arboric needed you to think. When should I jump? Should I go left or right for his next attack(Can make a differance)? Should I try to hurry up because he'll gain health soon or will rushing make it worse?
It can be if your surrounded by enimies, one hit by death hound, your rolling on the floor with no time to get up and dodge the next attack which will be followed by many and ends up with one dead dragon.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#25 Posted: 15:46:03 30/08/2009 | Topic Creator
I see what you mean but I found it more fun to not use dragon time.

I think when I died against Malefor it was due to a silly mistake, like failing to do something that you don't know you have to do until you reach the time it is needed and die because you didn't know. Like when he had that bubble, I thought it would go away on its own but in fact you had to pound on it till it was weakened and fell.

Though I find the combat in LOS to be tiresome due to endless hoards of enemies, I did enjoy button mashing and meele.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#26 Posted: 17:50:51 30/08/2009
As much as I agree, this has gone on too long. Can't someone stop begging for TloS to continue or for the originals to return and accept the fact that they could make something better that both?

Personally, I think they might continue with something more AHT-ish, which would be okay.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#27 Posted: 18:49:16 30/08/2009 | Topic Creator
I agree BlinktheCookie, AHT was awesome for the most pard. Didn't like Spyro or Sparx's voice though.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#28 Posted: 19:55:02 30/08/2009
I didn't like Bently's voice.
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#29 Posted: 10:51:29 31/08/2009
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
Then why are you looking at this topic cornys?

@Cynder_543 I have an idea about the I don't know thing Cynder said. She was unsure as to weather or not she was in control, but rather than thinking she was being used for evil when she is good, she is upset that she was in Malefor's control when she wanted to rule all evil/darkness.

It could be true. But I guess we would have to find out in the next game. If they do make another TLOS game.
The Doom Song
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NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#30 Posted: 11:25:41 31/08/2009 | Topic Creator
It's gonna be set in the LOS universe.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#31 Posted: 11:57:24 31/08/2009
I'm sick off people saying that there going to continue TLOS when they haven't got any proof! smilie
The Doom Song
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Please read my story!
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#32 Posted: 13:02:28 31/08/2009 | Topic Creator
Well it was said (officially) that LOS was made to redefine/restablish Spyro. It was a reboot of the franchise. As much as I would love old Spyro to return as he was when Insomniac left (save for better graphis), or for LOS and Classic to be combined, I agree with ppl who say it doesn't make sense to just pick up where insomniac left off, or after Shadow Legacy/A Hero's Tail after all that effort and time went into LOS (despite its many downfalls).
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
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