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The Answers to Past Memories (Guardian High Sequel) [PRIVATE] [CLOSED]
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#401 Posted: 07:34:53 31/12/2013
Rocky shook her head "I don't have a clue" She said as she looked through her book

Dahilia looked at Saffron confused, but shrugged her shoulders. "Uh.. Alright then." Dahilia said. "I wonder what about..." Dahilia thought as she looked to the teacher.

Elicora looked down to read her book.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#402 Posted: 18:22:22 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Serah sighed. "I see. Well, shall we get started on this paper?" She asked and smiled and turned the pages to find the review questions and answers. "I wonder how Dahilia will take the news." She wondered, tapping her pencil's eraser on the desk reading through the book.

Saffron patted Dahilia's shoulder. "August or Serah will explain it to you, just be back at the dorm at 7:30 o'clock." Saffron smiled and continued to pay attention to the teacher's lecture. "Elicora, don't forget too, the meeting at 7:30."

Korra looked at Storm. "What happened!?" She panicked. The teacher ceased his lecture and ran over to Storm.
"Are you alright?" He asked, trying to bring Storm back to consciousness. The teacher called 911 and luckily, the hospital was only about ten minutes away. The students all waited and worried about Storm.

Serah and Rocky heard the roar of sirens coming down the street and they both looked out the window and saw an ambulance pulling into the parking lot. "What do you think happened?" Serah asked Rocky. "Did something happen? Like a fight or what, I wonder..." Serah thought.

Saffron, Elicora, and Dahilia all looked at the ambulance and saw a few men taking out the stretcher and rolling it into the building.
Saffron asked Dahilia. "What is going on?" Nobody knew, the teacher walked out of the room to see where they were going but didn't see them go down the hall and walked back in the class.

Korra looked at Storm, her eyes tearing up. "Please be okay." She cried as the EMTs put Storm on the stretcher and carried him out of the building. The teacher walked up to the desk.
"What an unfortunate turn of events. Well, I suppose just finish your assignments and that's all." The teacher said, looking a bit distraught.

Korra sat at her seat, her eyes tearing up and unable to think or do anything... Everything on her mind was blank except for Storm.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#403 Posted: 23:24:08 31/12/2013
"I havent' a clue" Rocky said as she heard the sirens. She looked up from her paper in confusion. "I haven't seen an ambulance come to this school in.. well... forever" She said

Dahilia looked out at the ambulance, very confused. "Jeez" She said

Elicora nodded. "Very odd. I never would have expected this to happen today" She said with a shake of her head.

Calilia heard the faint sirens from her home. "My... I wonder what happened" She said.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#404 Posted: 01:20:37 01/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Serah looked at Rocky and leaned back in her chair. "Well, normally the school doesn't call the hospital as the nurse can normally cure like fatigue or nausea." She then looked back out the window and saw Storm was the one on the stretcher. "Rocky, look, it's Tony!" She said and they both looked at the window and then at each other. "What do you suppose happened?" Serah asked.

Saffron wasn't able to see who was on the stretcher as it was quick to load on the ambulance and peel away and get to the hospital. "Wow... I feel bad for that person. I wonder who it was." After setting down her pencil and leaning back she closed her eyes then stretched and proceeded to do her work.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#405 Posted: 01:40:22 01/01/2014
Rocky shrugged her shoulders. "I don't have a clue. I sure do hope Tony's alright." Rocky said as she looked to Serah. "Korra must be worried out of her mind though" She said.

Dahilia nodded "I hope they're alright." She sad as she worked on her paper.

"Maybe someone in our group knows what happened? We can ask later on at the meeting, maybe." Elicora said setting down her book to get to work on her paper.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#406 Posted: 01:51:22 01/01/2014 | Topic Creator
"Well, we have study hall next, and I think Korra does too." Serah stated. "Maybe we should go find her and see how she is feeling... What do you think?" The worried student asked Rocky. "It feels like the right thing to do. I mean, she loves him. You're right too, she must be terribly worried."

Saffron continued to work on her paper too and the bell had rung shortly after she began writing the first few answers. She packed up her books and smiled at Elicora and Dahilia. "I shall see you guys later then," and left the room, going to her next class. While walking the halls she noticed Korra walking. "Hey, Korra." She smiled but quickly noticed the saddened face of Korra. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Korra looked over at Saffron who was soon joined by Maea and Ward. "Oh hi. Well, you probably noticed the ambulance right?"

Ward answered her question. "I did. Do you know who was on it?"

Korra nodded. "It was Tony." She whimpered and wiped her eyes again after pushing up her glasses. "I am worried sick about him. He was just sitting there in class and talking to me and then he just fell out of his chair and must've fallen unconscious."

Saffron walked over and hugged Korra. "Hey, why don't we go see him after school?" She asked. Elicora and Dahilia walked out and over to the others.
"Um, Elicora? Do you mind if we postpone the Book Club? Tony is in the hospital, he was on the stretcher."

Maea looked at them. "I am so sorry, Korra. He was fine the other day wasn't he?" Maea asked. "That's weird, this could be tied to the full moon incident. I mean, he did have a Guardian, but he seemed to understand it, so he must've had it for a while. I wonder, could he be developing the symptoms of Wild Card? I mean, from what Serah told me about Rocky, Rocky had been feeling strange before she awoke to its power, so maybe, Tony could be developing its power too."
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#407 Posted: 04:50:44 01/01/2014
Meanwhile on the way to the hospital Storm was unconscious while a medic checked his pulse and put an I V in him. "Vitals are stable, breathing is a little slow but normal." The medic then checked Storm's eyes. "Pupal reaction is unresponsive. Driver when we get to the hospital we get him into a CT scan stat!"

(this is inside Storm's head) While unconscious Storm keept seeing frequent flashes of light. Almost like it was trying to communicate with him. Then a voice speaks. "Be not afrade young."

"Huh? Who said that?" Storm said very frightened.

"I've come to tell you of the great feats you must overcome to reach your true power that you seem to have been unable to awaken." The voice said.

"True power? Yet to be awaken? What are you saying?" Storm asked.

"You have the power of the wild card that your friend Maea told you about. This power has yet to truly reveal itself to you because you have yet to unlock your true potential."

"True potential? How do I unlock my true potential?" Storm asked.

"That my friend you'll have to learn for yourself." The voice said as the light began to disappear.

"Wait how can I contact you? I can't do this alone!" Storm asked.

"You will know how in time. And you won't be doing this alone for you have your friends by your side." The voice said as the light completely faded.

"Wait! There is still more questions! Hello? Are is anyone there?! Answer me!!" Storm said. Then back in the real world Storm wines a little and twitches a little.

The medic held Storm's hand. "Easy son. We're almost there." When they got to the hospital Storm is rushed to an emergency CT scan and awhile after he was put in his hospital room with a heart monitor and IV on him.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:59:18 01/01/2014 by Spyroconvexity
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#408 Posted: 02:48:44 03/01/2014 | Topic Creator
As the bell began to ring, the students quickly rushed to their classes, luckily, Korra had study hall this period and asked to leave the school premises and visit the hospital, she was denied as Tony might be still very ill. Korra was very upset at this and just sat at her desk and quietly sat for the period, until it ended.

The day had proceeded as normal and the kids all met up at the front gate.
August walked over to them. "Well, as most of you have heard, Tony was hospitalized for unknown causes. It has been quite a few hours since this, so we thought we would pay him a visit. Does anyone have any objections?" She asked.

"I know I can." Maea said. "I can take a little break, but I will have to come back later and just finish up the stage for the concert, but I can go for an hour or two." She smiled.

August looked around and so did Serah. "So nobody has any problems with going?" Serah asked. Nobody spoke a word so the group proceeded to walk to the hospital. About ten minutes later, they arrived. Serah walked up to the desk. "Excuse me, is a Tony Forge in a room?" She quietly asked.

"Hm, let me see here." The nurse said and looked at her clipboard and check through a few pages. "Ah yes, you can try and go in, he is in room 473, two floors above this and to the right." She smiled and set her board down.

"Thank you." Serah said "Have a great day." She replied and the lady answered back. The group proceeded into the elevators and once everyone had gotten to the third floor, they kept searching rooms and saw an open door with 473 in bold letters on it. They each walked in.

Ward looked at Storm. "Doctor?" He whispered.
The doctor turned around. "Oh, yes, he is awake, you may chat with him... My there are a lot of you, good to know he has plenty of friends who care for him." He smiled and walked out of the room. Saffron walked over near the bed.

"Hey, Tony?" She whispered. "How are you feeling?"

Maea quietly walked over and placed a card on the desk. "During study hall I went over to the small mart and picked up the nicest card I could find, I signed everyone's name in it." She said.

Korra sat on the chair next to Storm's bed and held his hand and just smiled.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#409 Posted: 03:01:53 03/01/2014
OOC: Is it after school?

Rocky stood in the room as she watched everyone go and talk to Storm.She didn't think it would be wise to join in and crowd around. She didn't really know Tony all too well, anyway.

Dahilia was happily standing near Storm, looking to make sure he's alright. "Poor guy" She said with a frown.

Elicora was leaning up against a wall as she read a book she had brought along. Every once in a while she would look up to see how Storm and everyone was doing, but for the most part was just reading.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#410 Posted: 03:17:41 03/01/2014
"I'm feeling just fine Saffron." Storm said. He looked around the room and gave a light smile to everyone. Storm laughed a little. "Heh heh, it's good to know that friends care for you." He then looked at Korra. He held her hand as well. "Hey Korra how are you doing?" Storm asked.
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#411 Posted: 03:51:02 03/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: Yep it's after school.

Saffron smiled. "That's good. So did the doctors find out what happened? The teacher said that you just collapsed during class?"

Maea decided to be the first to break the ice and checked to make sure nobody else was around. "I have an assumption as to this. Rocky? Do you remember back to when you first felt the effects of the Wild Card? Well, I have a feeling that Tony may be feeling the same effects, thus he must've somewhere along the line, picked up the potential to utilize it. What do you think? Any opinions would be appreciated."

"Hmm, yeah, Rocky, do you remember? From what I can remember, you didn't seem to act very well during the time you developed it. Where did you come up with that thought Maea?" Serah asked.

Maea closed her book, "Well, back during Full Faze, I developed the Wild Card, and I felt effects like dizziness and passing out. To anyone wondering, I gave up the power of the Wild Card as I felt I couldn't contain its power. As a result I was granted the Guardian, Monarch. Although, I do not know who heard my plea to remove the ability and also bestow me my Guardian... I hope to find the answer."

Korra looked at Storm and put her head down near his, "I'm fine. Please get better soon, will you?" She asked quietly.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#412 Posted: 04:02:33 03/01/2014
"I just remember not feeling well. Boy it wasn't a nice feeling though, I'll say that" Rocky said, trying to remember back to when she developed the ability of the Wild Card.

Elicora looked up from her book to listen to the conversation that was going on.

Calilia was walking into the entrance of the school, looking for the office. "Hmm... Ahh, here it is" Calilia said, looking at the sign above a large door. She stepped inside and asked for the Headmaster. The office attendant nodded and called the Headmaster.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#413 Posted: 05:33:00 03/01/2014
Storm lookred at Saffron. "No the doctors couldn't find anything wrong with me." Storm then looked at Korra and smiled. "I'll be fine my love. The doctor said I'll be out by tomorrow." Storm said. He then remembered the voice that spoke to him in his unconscious state. "It's strange I felt something just before I went unconscious, like this power suddenly let lose then after that a voice came to me."
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#414 Posted: 17:26:33 03/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Serah looked at Rocky. "I remember you didn't look so well either. Oh, yeah, I forgot, I have to go to the school! I have to help the headmaster with orientation of a new student! I believe her name is Calilia, Dahilia might've told you that she was her friend and that she would be coming to Guardian High. Well, Tony, get better soon, hope you get out tomorrow... Well, see you all later." She smiled and walked out the door and proceeded to the school.

Maea's face lit up a bit. "A voice huh? Can you tell us what it said, if you can remember it?" She asked.

Korra smiled. "That's good to hear, I hope you're out tomorrow."

A teenage boy walked into the room. "Hey, I just got off school, how is he?"

"Oh, he is fine, Rowan. Tony, have you met Rowan? He is our youngest Guardian user, I texted him to come over here after he got out of school."

"I don't really think we met much." Rowan said and walked close to Storm. "Well, I am Rowan, pleased to meet you."
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#415 Posted: 19:32:08 03/01/2014
Storm looked at Maea. "I can't remember much but it was like a dream and being in the real world all at once; but I do remember one thing that the voice said. It said that I must overcome great feats of honor in order to reach my true potential." Storm said. He then looked at Rowan when he came in the room. "My name is........uh....umm....." Storm hesitated when he was going to introduce himself. "Can I trust this guy with my real name? Maybe I should ask the others." Storm thought to himself. He then looked at Korra seeing if he should tell his real name to Rowan.
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#416 Posted: 19:50:15 03/01/2014 | Topic Creator
"His name is Storm." Korra whispered to Rowan, "But everyone calls him Tony Forge."

"Alright." Rowan said. "I won't tell, plus Storm sounds like the superhero lady, and I think Tony sounds a lot better... No offense or anything to you." Rowan said, scratching his head at his blunder.

Maea looked in her blue bound book. "Feats of honor to reach your full potential? All I can think of this statement is that maybe your Wild Card ability isn't as advanced as Rocky's perhaps... That is all I can think of."

Serah had been walking for a while now and was almost at the school, a few minutes later and she walked inside and to the main office, she saw a girl sitting in a chair, waiting for the headmaster probably. "Hello, are you Calilia?" Serah asked, smiling.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#417 Posted: 20:04:25 03/01/2014
Rocky silently shrugged as she leaned against a nearby wall.

Elicora returned to her book, quicky reading through the pages.

Dahilia listened to the conversation intently.

"Oh, yes I am. Who are you, might I ask?" Calilia said with a polite smile. "Oh wait, are you one of the students here? Someone told me your name, but I seemed to have forgotten" Calilia laughed as she tried to remember Serah's name.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#418 Posted: 20:15:50 03/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Serah smiled at Calilia. "I am Serah." She stated. "I am one of the students, a senior here at Guardian High." As she said that the headmaster walked in and smiled at both of them.

"Ah, you must be... Cecilia?" He asked.

"Calilia." Serah corrected for her. "She is the new transfer student. I was told to show her around the premises."

"Oh yes, that's right, well if I could take a look at your paper work and Serah here can show you around the school."

Serah looked at Calilia. "Is it okay if I take you on the school tour?"
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#419 Posted: 20:24:03 03/01/2014
Calilia nodded as she took out her papers from her bag and gave them to the headmaster. She turned to Serah with a smile. "Sure, it sounds like fun. It'd be nice to know where I'm going when I attend" She laughed as she slung her bag back over her shoulder. "Nice to meet you Serah" Calilia said with a cheerful smile.

Elicora had quickly finished her book, and was now a little annoyed she didn't have anything to read.

Rocky silently dozed off.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#420 Posted: 20:28:44 03/01/2014
"None taken my friend." Storm said. Then the doctor came in. "Sorry to intrude but visiting hours are now over. Your friend should be released sometime tomorrow."
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#421 Posted: 22:04:48 03/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: Spyro, we need you to post more than one liners. Please add more as it is a rule, if you have trouble, describe the scene or add another character.

Serah smiled. "Pleasure to meet you too." The two walked out of the large office and proceeded down the first hall. "So, this is the first year's hall. This is for Freshman. All in this hall are the freshman classrooms. Then you can go left or right. Left takes you to the courtyard and right will take you to the second year hall, for Sophomores. Let's head down this way as the courtyard can be reached from every hall. So Calilia, what grade will you be in?" She asked as they turned down into the next hallway.

The group heard the doctor's words and one by one they walked out and Korra was last out, smiling at Storm. Everyone decided to head back to the dorm and have dinner and study.

"Well, I should head back to finish up the Quad stage for the concert." Maea said as the group stopped in front of the school.

"Okay, we will see you back at the dorm later. Will you be back in time for the meeting for Dahilia?" Ward asked.

"Yes, I will be." Maea said and headed for the doors. As she was walking she saw Serah and Calilia. "Hey Serah!" She said.

Serah was talking to Calilia and heard her name and saw Maea. "Oh hello. How was the visit?"

"It was fine, I will discuss it later when you get back. Is this Calilia?" Maea asked.

The girl nodded.

"Well I am Maea, Dahilia told me so much about you. I can't wait to get to know you... Well if you excuse me, I have to go do stage maintenance." Maea smiled and walked down the hall to the Quad.

Serah looked at Calilia. "She is the head of the Golden Week concert. She is always doing stage crew and stuff like that, but she puts in a lot of effort from what I hear. After the tour wanna go see how the stage is coming along?"
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#422 Posted: 22:38:40 03/01/2014
"11th" Calilia replied. "And sure, that sounds like fun." Calilia smiled. She had a small notepad with her and was drawing little halls and taking note of where everything is. "I'm very excited to attend here. Dahilia has been telling me about how great this place is. She also told me there's a dorm?" Calilia asked

Rocky sat in a chair in the lounge area silently staring at the ceiling and humming a song.

Elicora had raced upstairs to get a new book to read. "I'll have to go get a new book soon.." She mumbled as she walked to the lounge area and began to read her book.

Dahilia was in the kitchen, preparing fruit salad for a small snack.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#423 Posted: 23:30:07 03/01/2014 | Topic Creator
"Oh yes." Serah said. "The dorm. That is where most of us friends live. If you wish to live there, you can come check it out after the tour. It is very nice. Dahilia is right, Guardian High is a great place and I am sure you will make a lot of friends and have fun here. I have had a great time, and many students have come here already."

Freija walked over to Elicora and she was holding a card. "Hey, would you like to come with me to the strip mall bookshop? I new to get some new material and I know how much you like to read, so care to join me?" She asked.

August walked over to Rocky. "So, what do you think will happen if Storm also gets the Wild Card? That would sure help out the group, but he doesn't seem to have a full grasp on it as you do."
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#424 Posted: 23:38:41 03/01/2014
ooc: I try. I'm sorry.

As the day went on Storm thought about what he saw in his dream and every now and then a nurse would come in and check his vitals.. He didn't know what the voice was trying to say to him. "Reach my true potential?" He thought to himself. "Hummm......." He looked out the window. "I will try.......I'll try." Later that night he went to bed with still many more questions.

ooc: I kind of hade to think hard for this one. lol! smilie
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#425 Posted: 00:01:21 04/01/2014
Calilia nodded "I may as well come. My mother wants me to start to socialize and make friends, instead of sitting at home all day." Calilia laughed.

Elicora looked up and nodded. "Sure. I need to get some more books to read. I've read all of the ones I have already" Elicora laughed as she stood up.

"I do think it'd be helpful. Maybe soon he will. It'd be helpful, I'll say that. Oh speaking of which, I have to talk to Maea later" Rocky said with a small smile.

Dahilia moved to the table, carrying a small bowl of fruit salad
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#426 Posted: 00:50:42 04/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Serah smiled at Calilia. "Alright, well the tour is almost to the end, I will take you to the courtyard and that will conclude the tour, then we can stop by the Quad and check out the stage. And you figure, friends are always there for you... Well "true" friends are that is. I am sure you will make a LOT of friends here." Serah chuckled.

Freija looked at Elicora. "Well, shall we head out then?" And opened the door and the duo headed out for the bus stop and Saffron ran over to them.

"Are you guys heading out?" She asked.

Freija looked at her. "Yes we are. We are going to the bookstore. Care to join us?" Freija asked

"If it isn't too much trouble I would like to see if the new volume in my manga series is out yet." Saffron smiled. "But, if I am a burden I won't come."

"Nonsense. Elicora, mind if Saffron tags along?" She asked.

August looked at Rocky. "I see. Maea huh? Questions about the concert stage?" She asked. "Or wait, the Wild Card?"

Ward came down and saw the fruit salad. "Hey, Day, do you happen to have some extra of that? It looks really good."
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#427 Posted: 01:00:21 04/01/2014
Calilia smiled "Alright. I am very excited to start making friends. I have a feeling there's a lot of people I will meet at the dorm too, right?" Calilia asked

"Fine by me. The more the merrier" Elicora said excitedly as she happily bounced out the door and walked towards the door.

"Wild Card" Rocky said with a cheery smile.

Dahilia laughed. "Of course, here I'll go make some more for ya" Dahilia said walking back to the kitchen. She began to cut up some more fruits for the salad.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#428 Posted: 14:04:00 06/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Serah nodded. "There are a lot of people at the dorm. I am sure you'll get along with them. Also, it's totally up to you if you wish to stay at the dorm. Well, since the tour is over, shall we head over to the Quad and check out how the concert preparations are going." Serah smiled as the two headed past the beauitful courtyard, filled with trees, plants, fountains and benches. After passing through they walked down the steps to the sounds of hammers and the sound of microphone and sound systems.

Saffron smiled. "Thank you." She said and the three got on the bus. "So are you excited for the Golden Concert at school next week? Well, Elicora, are you going to participate in it? Like in the concert? I am, I will be playing drums."

August looked at Rocky. "I see. Remembering the skills of it to use it once again I see. Well, I will see you later." August left to go upstairs and logged onto her computer and began to work on a paper.

Ward smiled widely. "Thanks so much Day. I can help too." He said and he followed her into the kitchen and help Dahilia prepare the food.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#429 Posted: 14:50:58 06/01/2014
Calilia followed Serah, taking in all of the scenery around them. "Wow... It's so cool.." She mumbled as she looked to the stage that was now in sight. "Oh wow" She said looking at the stage

"Nah... I only read" Elicora laughed

"Alright" Rocky said as she returned to stare at the ceiling and hum.

Dahilia smiled as she gave Ward a small bowl of strawberries. "If you would, can you wash these strawberries?" Dahilia asked
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#430 Posted: 16:39:54 06/01/2014
Ooc: I'm going to wait untill the play is over before I post something for Storm.
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#431 Posted: 01:53:12 07/01/2014 | Topic Creator
(The Quad Stage being built before Serah and Calilia's eyes)

"You said it, wow." Serah said as she looked at the magnificent stage. "I haven't been here, but I will be for practice. I will be participating, I play the Tenor Sax and Violin, playing both for the concert on Friday. I hope you come, it'll be at 7:30, right at sunset."

Saffron chuckled. "Well, actually, I suppose it isn't next week, it is Friday, but I hope you guys come. We've been practicing real hard." She grabbed the paper, here is who is in the band: Maea is playing Bass Guitar, Serah is playing Tenor Sax and then Violin, I am playing Drums, Ward is playing Guitar, and August said she is singing and Rowan is playing Keyboard."

Ward thanked Dahilia for making him food and he took a bite of one of the strawberries and enjoyed it, "Wow, this is amazing, Day." He smiled. "Where did you get these strawberries? The farmer's market? Oh, also, are you coming to the concert on Friday?" He said, pulling out his Guitar tabs. "I am playing Guitar with Maea for it. I hope you come and check it out."
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#432 Posted: 15:00:04 08/01/2014
"I'll surely come. It sound like fun" Calilia said cheerfully. She had a happy smile on her face as she continued to watch the stage be built. "Jeez" She mumbled.

"I'll definitely come. I'll bring a book though, of course." Elicora said with a small laugh. "But I am excited to see you guys perform!!" She said happily.

"Yeah I got them at the Farmer's market." Dahilia smiled "I wouldn't miss it for the world. Especially since my friends are in it" She said with a nod.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#433 Posted: 01:20:05 09/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Serah looked at the stage. "Great, I hope you'll enjoy the show." She then heard Calilia mumble something. "Is everything okay?" She asked.

Saffron chuckled. "It may be kind of hard to read in the dark ya know. Well, I suppose the strobes or maybe a booklight will work too." She said looked out the window of the bus as they boarded and sat down to head towards the bookstore. "Thanks, we have our final practice Thursday too, I am so psyched."

Ward took another bite of the strawberry and looked at the big bowl of them. "I hope you'll like it, and man I can eat all of these strawberries. Next time you go to the farmer's market, take me along." He laughed and continued to eat strawberries.

Maea jumped off the stage, the time was nearly 5:30. "Well, Serah, would you like me to stay around until you get everything settled with Calilia?"

"I don't mind, what about you, Calilia?" She asked.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#434 Posted: 21:48:12 11/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: Bump, If nobody posts, it's going to be closed.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#435 Posted: 22:03:26 11/01/2014
ooc: I'm waiting for the next day to post.
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