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Guardian High School [Open, always accepting] [CLOSED]
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#401 Posted: 03:25:05 28/03/2013
Darkness walked back into the room. "Hey does anyone want their weapons to have extra power?" She asked as she sat down with a cup of coffee.
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#402 Posted: 11:31:56 28/03/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Hmm, it seems two people want Pierce as their friend today, well I guess I can allow it.

Pierce put his arms around Felix's and Rocky's shoulders and walked out the door.
"Alright, so let's go to the movies! I got a free voucher there from a contest for 3 free movies, this is my first so I will take you guys. Oh, and don't be mindful, the card doesn't count people, I could bring everyone in the dorm and they would only take off 1 point. Anyway let's go!"

Felix and Rocky spent the day with Pierce and got to see his interest in Action movies.
Felix feels a faint friendship forming between him and Pierce
Established the Moon Relationship with Pierce

Rocky got to know Pierce a little more today.
Moon relationship increased!
Lv. 3/10

Rowan walked up to Darkness.
"Hii. Um, I guess I can tell you why I want to go to Yomotsu Hirasaka." He said, "I want to look for my sister, Mae. She is very dear to me and I want to find her, I think she may be lost in there. Will you come with me tonight? I will let you think about it and tell me tonight after Serah's meeting."
Rowan walked out of the room.

Darkness feels Rowan's sense of trust in her. Darkness's Sun relationship leveled up!
Sun ~ Lv 2/10

That night in the lounge.
Everyone was sitting on the couch and Serah was looking out the window.
"Everyone, I called this meeting because tonight, I am leaving for Europe." Serah said, wiping a tear.

"I remember you spoke of this before. Your Mother I presume?" Freija asked.
Serah turned around. "Yes. She is in critical condition. I couldn't set aside this matter any longer. My flight leaves in two hours." She started to cry.

"It'll be okay, Serah. We will miss you dearly. Now, we should get going, we will all go to the airport with you. One last goodbye until you return." Saffron said.

"Thank you." Serah said and took Rocky upstairs.

"Take this. A memento to remember me when I am not here."

Received the Revere bracelet.
"You will always be my best friend. I am sorry to leave you, but this bracelet, I made it. You can always text, call or e-mail me anytime. I will always write back. I guess I finally found out what it is like to have a first friend. I have been lonely for sometime now. You are that friend, I am glad I met you." Serah said, crying her eyes out and left to pack the rest of her clothes.

Rocky feels Serah's grand friendship towards her. Rocky feels she has made her "First" friend.
The Temperance Relationship has MAXED

You can now fuse Zodiark The final form of the Temperance Arcana.
Zodiark* (Temper.) [Must Complete Temperance Relationship: Current Lv 10/10]
Nul: Fire, Water, Earth , Wind / Wk: Dark
*Panta Rhei

Everyone took the bus to the Airport and saw Serah off. Rocky had tearful eyes and clutched the Reverie Bracelet. The group was silent the way back and started decided not to go to Yomotsu Hirasaka, all but August, Darkness, and Rowan.
In the 2nd floor hallway near the vending machines, August, Darkness, and Rowan were geared up and ready for the trip into Yomotsu Hirasaka.

"I thank you... For this aid." Rowan said. "I feel like, I could only count on you."
August patted Rowan's shoulder. "We wouldn't let you down kid. We will help you find your sister and maybe find my sister too."
"You had a sister too?" Rowan asked.
"Yes, Autumn was her name. I received a call from the police two days ago, saying that she was missing. Maybe, I can find her at Yomotsu Hirasaka." August replied.

"I hope so." Rowan said and smiled.
"Alright, Darkness. Are you ready?" August asked.

Check the first page, added more info on PHysical skills, now are 3 types, Slash. Strike, Pierce. Each physical skill has a 2 letter prefix to denote the type. Sl = Slash. Pi = Pierce. St= Strike.
Added Tetrakarn/Makarakarn/Dekunda/Dekaja skills.
Absorb Pierce/Slash/Strike/ And also RIDDLE please change your Guardian's weakness to specific ones or if you want him weak to all, stay PHysical. Same with those with Physical Resists/Weaknesses. Change them if you need to.
Here is Character Weapon types, change if you want, but based on weapons, here is types.
Serah ~ Katana > Slash
Pierce ~ Javelin > Pierce
Freija ~ Bladed Boa > Slash
Rocky ~ Sword > Slash
Darkness ~ Bow > Pierce
Ward ~ Blades > Slash
Rowan ~ Axes > Strike
Cesas ~ Knives > Slash
Felix ~ Wakazashi (Don't Know if spelled right) + Scabbard) > Strike (We need another strike, if you want slash or so, lemme know)
August ~ Greaves > Strike

Rowan's Guardian is this.

Prometheus (Sun) - Rowan
Str: Fire, Slash / Wk: Water, Elec
*Mustard Bomb
*Fire Boost

New Wild Card Guardians for Maxing a relationship.

Ananta (Aeon)
Nul: Light / Wk: Wind
*Absorb Wind

Athena (Chariot)
Nul: Pierce / Wk: Elec
*Akasha Arts
*God's Hand

Anubis (Judge.)
Nul: Light, Dark / Wk: None
*Poison Arrow
*Hama Boost

Surt (Magician)
Nul: Fire / Wk: Ice , Dark
*Fire Amp
*Null Ice

Loki* (Fool) [Must Complete Fool Relationship: Current Lv 2/10]
Nul: Ice | Str: Wind / Wk: Fire
*Null Fire

Seiyru (Temper.)
Nul: Elec / Wk: Wind
*Virus Wave
*Elec Amp

Arahabaki (Hermit)
Rpl: Strike. Slash | Str: Light, Dark / Wk: Fire, Ice
*Repel Strike
*Virus Wave
*Poison Arrow
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 20:00:11 29/03/2013 by Crescent Wing
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#403 Posted: 21:51:56 28/03/2013
Darkness gripped her bow. The glow from the enchanting from the paint had lit up her face. "I'm ready" She said
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#404 Posted: 00:02:04 29/03/2013
Rocky was crying in her dorm, She already was missing Serah. Serah was almost like a sister to Rocky. "Pull it together Rocky..." Rocky said to herself
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#405 Posted: 01:21:59 29/03/2013 | Topic Creator
Augus, Rowan and Darkness arrived at The School within minutes it transformed and became Yomotsu Hirasaka and they went in it.

"I know it! Mae is here!" Rowan said and ran to the left and August and Darkness followed.

After avoiding traps and shadows the group saw Rowan standing behind a girl looking through a stained-glass window. The girl was wearing a blue velvet dress, praying.

"So you both came." The girl said.
"Both?" August wondered.

"Mae? Is that you?" Rowan asked.

The girl turns aaround.
"Rowan!? August!?" She said in Shock.

"Autumn!" August shouted out.
"Wait a minute! Autumn is Mae!?" Rowan panicked.

"It is time you learned the Truth Rowan." The girl spoke.
"I am not your sister Mae. She was an adopted girl who died. I was a close by neighbor, living with August and I told your parents that I could be Mae, to help you. But I guess in the long run, it didn't work as planned. I am just Autumn." She replied.

"Rowan..." August said, holding him.
"It's okay. I realize you did it to help me. Thank you. It is good that I know the truth, and to be honest, I am not mad." Rowan said.
"Really!?" Autumn and August said.

"Yes." Rowan smiled.
"There is something I must tell you." Autumn said softly. "I seemed to acquire this power, and I can summon a Guardian, Pandora. Also I can fuse different Guardians."

"Serah could faintly fuse Guardians." August said.
"A friend could do so?" Autumn asked. "Interesting. Would you mind doing me a favor Rowan?"
Rowan looked up. "What is it?"

"I want you to pass some trials for me. But your friends must leave to do so." Autumn said.
"I will. I feel like I am up for it." Rowan responded.

"Are you sure Rowan?" August asked. "You don't have to do this."
"Maybe one of the trials is my shadow, but maybe one isn't. Either way, I want to do it."
"I can't stop you. Proceed." August said and she and Darkness walked away.

"Pass this door and when you make it out, rather winning or running, return to your house." Autumn said and went with August and Darkness.

Darkness, August, and Autumn arrived at the dorm and all went to bed.
"I hope Rowan is okay." August thought. "But, my sister is here. I do remember Rowan as a kid now. When he was young."

New Character!
Name: Autumn
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Weapon: Cross Rod(Strike)
Arcana: Hierophant
Guardian: Pandora
Element: Almighty
Weakness: Dark
Resistance: Nul: Wind, Light.
Appearance: [User Posted Image](Credit)
History: Nothing... If she is who she says she is.

Marin Karin

Day: Monday
Time: 7:13AM
Weather: Rainning

The group was at the table, eating breakfast. Not much to talk about. Then, Autumn came downstairs.
"Hello all." Autumn said.
"Greetings. You must be Autumn huh?" Ward asked.
"How did you know?" She responded.
"You look like Augusts' twin." Saffron interrupted.
"Yeah, that." Ward said.

"August and I are a year apart. But we got that a lot. I heard that your friend, Serah, could fuse Guardians." Autumn wondered.

"Yes, but she is gone for awhile." Saffron said.
"I see, I won't budge into personal affairs. But, I can fuse them too, so if the "Wild Card" Holder needs to fuse, talk to me. I can also assign some "Unique" Skills upon fusion. Example.

Phoenix(Sun) ~ Fused by Serah

Phoenix(Sun) ~ Fused by Autumn
Resist Ice

I can add some more skills depending on the Arcana." Autumn said.
"Wow, that's cool." Saffron said.

Rowan walked into the dorm.
"Rowan! There you are!" Freija said in relief.
"I passed the trials Autumn. I woke up in the Gym hall, luckily a janitor let me out, I told him I was at practice and I fell asleep." He laughed.
"Glad you are okay. So what happened?" Autumn asked.

"My friend Prometheus and I got through them!" Rowan cheered.
"Is Prometheus your guardian?" Saffron asked.
"Yess! I found this sun rock and I held it and it glowed and Prometheus appeared and he was mine."
"Interesting, he never fought his shadow." Freija said.

"He is young still. He couldn't possess much repressive thoughts, so his shadow coulnd't emerge it seems." Agust said. "It seems like a logical thing, considering your shadows were opposites kind of."

"Yes, you are right." Ward said.
"Enough of this. We will be late for school, so don't dilly-dally." Freija said.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#406 Posted: 01:24:16 29/03/2013
Darkness got up from the table and went to her room to grab her bag and her jacket.
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#407 Posted: 15:38:27 29/03/2013 | Topic Creator
Over lunch the group spoke of Rowan's newly acquired Guardian and how it will help them get one step closer to the truth.

F.E.S. Relationship Leveled up!
F.E.S. Lv 2

Autumn walked up to Rocky in the hall. "Um, excuse me. I must tell you something. It's regarding my Fusion skills. I can fuse Guardians to a much greater extent than Serah and give them skills based on their Arcana. Here. I want you to take these Guardians. I fused them last night.

Received the Guardians:
Athena (Chariot)
Nul: Pierce / Wk: Elec
*Akasha Arts
*God's Hand
*Dekunda (Removes all -unda skills from the party : Tarunda, Rakunda, Sukunda)

Melchizedek (Justice)
Nul: Strike, Light / Wk: Dark
*God's Hand

Niddhoggr (Aeon)
Nul: Pierce | Str: Fire / Wk: Light, Wind
*Virus Wave

Rocky apprechiates Autumn for crafting Guardians for her to use. Rocky feels a faint bond between them.
Established the Hierophant Relationship
Hiero. ~ Lv. 1/10

Day: Monday
Time: 3:38PM
Weather: Rainning

Available relationships
Saffron (Priestess)
Rocky ~ Lv 1
Darkness ~ Lv 1
Felix ~ Lv 1
Cesas ~ Lv 0

Pierce (Moon)
Rocky ~ Lv 3
Darkness ~ Lv 1
Felix ~ Lv 1
Cesas ~ Lv 0

Freija (Empress)
Rocky ~ Lv 0
Darkness ~ Lv 0
Felix ~ Lv 2
Cesas ~ Lv 0

Rocky (Judgement)
Darkness ~ Lv 1
Felix ~ Lv 0
Cesas ~ Lv 0

Darkness (Moon)
Rocky ~ Lv 1
Felix ~ Lv 0
Cesas ~ Lv 0

Felix (Strength)
Rocky ~ Lv0
Darkess ~ Lv 0
Cesas ~ Lv 0

Cesas (Star)
Rocky ~ Lv 0
Darkness ~ Lv 0
Felix ~ Lv 0

Rowan (Sun)
Rocky ~ Lv 0
Darkness ~ Lv 2
Felix ~ Lv 0
Cesas ~ Lv 0

August (Aeon)
Rocky ~ Lv 0
Darkness ~ Lv 2
Felix ~ Lv 0
Cesas ~ Lv 0

Autumn (Hierophant)
Rocky ~ Lv 1
Darkness ~ Lv 0
Felix ~ Lv 0
Cesas ~ Lv 0

These will always be the available links, I will copy/paste next time and change numbers if thy leveled.
OOC: Cesas I will PM You about your Guardian.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:07:30 29/03/2013 by Crescent Wing
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#408 Posted: 21:33:03 29/03/2013
Rocky grabs her journal and sword and left a note in the usual meeting place
It read:
Hey guys, I went out exploring, be back tomorrow
~ Rocky

SHe left the note and walked out to the forest
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#409 Posted: 14:05:05 31/03/2013 | Topic Creator
In Venice, where Serah's family lived.
Serah's mother was laying on the bed, hooked up to life support. She was only 38 and the only thing Serah held dear. Her father died in a car crash and she never had any siblings.
Serah was sitting in the velvet chair in the bedroom.
"Oh mother, please. You musn't go yet. Please, be strong. I don't *sniff* want to lose you." Serah said and started to cry.
"......Serah... I don't have much time left... You have to be strong too though.. ack ack... Sweetie, I will always be with you if I don't make it out.." Her mother said.

"Quit talking like you're already giving up! C'mon, WE can do this. Just please don't leave me."
Her mother held Serah's hand. "......Don't worry. If the Lord says that it is my time, I surely must not let him down. Can I?"
Serah held her mother's hand tightly. "I guess not....."

There was a long moment of silence...
Saffron walked into the dorm and saw the note on the secretary desk.
"Where could she be going? It is too early to go to Yomotsu Hirasaka. It is only... 4:12. This doesn't fit right with me. I am worried about her."

August and Autumn walked in a half an hour later.
"What's wrong Saff?" August asked.
Saffron turned away from her laptop and looked at August. "Rocky went out somewhere. I checked her room and her sword and her journal were gone. I don't know where she is." She said. "I am worried."

"Hmm, do you think she wanted to test those new Guardians I fused for her? But, you can't summon a Guardian outside the Dark Hour without intense mental focus, and that can be fatal." /-\utumn said.

"I am worried. I am going out to find her!" Saffron said and closed her laptop and walked towards the door.
"I will come too." August said, "She is our leader ya know. We can't let anything bad happen. I couldn't live with that. Let's go, Saffron." August said.

"Be careful, I will stay here in case she returns by chance. But the note even said, tomorrow." Autumn responded.
"What if she goes to Yomotsu Hirasaka when the dark hour emerges though!?" Saffron panicked. "We have to find her."

Saffron and August ran out the door.

"Hmm, maybe she just needs some contemplation. I mean, from what I've heard, Serah was Rocky's best friend. Maybe she needs to vent or something."

For Cynderluv8801
I want Jessica to evolve into Marianne while Rocky is in the forest if you didn't think of it already! I can't wait! I want peoples' Guardians to evolve so we can get to a very key point.

Rocky: [F.E.S.(Fool)Lv. 2] [Serah(Temper.) Lv. 10.] [Saffron (Priestess) Lv. 1.] [ Pierce (Moon) Lv. 3.] [Darkness (Moon) Lv. 1]
Darkness: [August (Aeon) Lv. 2] [Lv. 1. Rowan (Sun) Lv. 2] [F.E.S. Lv.2] [Serah; Lv. 1] [Pierce; Lv. 1.] [Saffron; Lv. 1.] [Rocky;(Judgement) Lv. 1]
Jacob: F.E.S. Lv. 2 Serah; Lv. 1
Jericka: Serah; Lv. 1
Felix: [F.E.S. Lv. 2] [Freija (Empress) Lv. 2] [Serah; Lv. 2.] [Saffron; Lv. 1] [Pierce: Lv 1]
Cesas: [F.E.S. Lv. 2]

Guardians! [Skills in () are what are what is going to replace the one that is lower or obsolete]

Jessica (Judgement) - Rocky
Str: Light / Wk: Elec
*Fire Amp
*Akasha Arts
*Marin Karin (Hama Boost)
*Mind Charge

Formality (Moon) - Pierce
Str: None / Wk: Light, Wind
*Mudo Boost
*Power Charge
*Megidola (Megidolaon)
*Mind Charge

Seth (Moon) - Darkness
Nul: Wind | Str: Fire / Wk: Light
*Maragion (Maragidyne)
*Magarula (Magarudyne)
*Cruel Attack (Wind Break)
*Virus Wave

Penthesilea (Empress) - Freija
Str: Ice / Wk: Fire
*Ice Boost (Ice Amp)
*Mabufula (Mabufudyne)
*Ice Break
*Spirit Drain

Nihil (Fortune) - Ward
Str: Earth / Wk: Water
*Materazi (Materadyne)
*Teradyne (Ruin)
*Megidola (Megidolaon)
*Heat Wave (Agneyastra)
*Earth Amp
*Auto-Sukukaja (Enduring Soul)
*Mind Charge

Yojimbo (Strength) - Felix
Str: None / Wk: Fire, Ice
*Magarula (Magarudyne)
*Cruel Attack (Vile Assault)
*Tarukaja (Matarukaja)
*Diarama (Diarahan)
*Heat Wave
*(Wind Amp)
*(Tempest Slash)

Prometheus (Sun) - Rowan
Str: Fire, Slash / Wk: Water, Elec
*Maragion (Maragidyne)
*Masukukaja (Auto-Masuku)
*Mustard Bomb (Myriad Arrows)
*Fire Boost (Fire Amp)
*(Absorb Water) *Helios*
*(God's Hand) *Helios*

Orgilabeus (Aeon) - August
Str: None / Wk: None
*Mediarama (Mediarahan)
*Tempest Slash (Ice Amp)
*Marakukaja (Mind Charge)
*Power Charge
*(Akasha Arts)
*(Wind Amp)
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#410 Posted: 17:57:25 31/03/2013
Rocky was wandering the forest when Jessica appeared and started to evolve "Woah..." Rocky said shocked.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#411 Posted: 17:58:21 31/03/2013
ooc i have a question...was i ever accepted?
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#412 Posted: 20:56:37 01/04/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: You told me about your character but you never assigned an arcana or guardian or such. I will PM you about it but character sheets are:
OOC: Why is my profile pic changing for me?! One is Meganium (Current) others are like Cynder and Terrafin! Suggestions?

Guardian: A first and second form (Sorta like a pokemon evolution)
Element: (Physical [slash,strike,pierce] Fire,Ice,Elec,Wind,Water,Earth,Light,Dark)
Resistance: (1-2 resistance)
Weakness: (1-2 Weakness, must have 2 weaknesses if you have 2 resistances.)
Back story( A vague one is fine)

A few hours later Saffron and August returned to the dorm. Still, Autumn was the only one there.
"No luck." Saffron said.
"Let's just wait a while more, like the note said, she will be back tomorrow." Autumn said.
Rocky felt a surge of energy. It appeared that she acquired a 2 new Guardians. Marianne and a Wild Card Guardian, Yurlunger of the Temperance Arcana, Serah's arcana.

Yurlunger (Temper.)
Nul: Ice, Wind / Wk: Elec, Dark
*Repel Light
*Null Elec
*Akasha Arts
*Ice Amp

New Wild Card Guardians for Jessica evolving into Marianne.

Marianne stats.:
Marianne (Judgement) - Rocky
Nul: Light / Wk: Elec
*Fire Amp
*Akasha Arts
*Hama Boost
*Mind Charge
Wild Card Guardians

Atropos (Fortune)
Nul: Wind / Wk: Elec

Lachesis (Fortune)
Str: Wind / Wk: Elec
*Dodge Elec

Clotho (Fortune)
Str: None / Wk: Elec

Jubilee (Empress)
Nul: Water / Wk: None
*Marin Karin

Daisoujou (Hiero.)
Nul: Light | Str: Fire / Wk: Dark
*Divine Grace

Yomato Takeru (Star)
Nul: Light, Dark | Str: Slash / Wk: None
*Tempest Slash

(Note: To fuse the Final Arcana Fortune, Norn, a Special fusion of the 3 Moirae sisters must be done. Clotho x Lachesis x Atropos = Norn)
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#413 Posted: 20:58:38 01/04/2013
Darkness sat in her room listening to her ipod while drawing with the room door closed.
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#414 Posted: 01:53:32 02/04/2013 | Topic Creator
August knocked on the door and went in to Darkness's room without her permission and closed her door.
"Thank you..." August said, sniffling. "I apprechiate you helping me in Yomotsu Hirasaka, again."
August was holding something in her hand and gave it to Darkness.
"It's a star charm."

The charm had a picture of a golden star. Under it, a golden bird, perhaps, Orgilabeus.
"I have one too." August smiled, holding up her own. "It isn't much but, this is something I could give you to make up for finding my sister in Yomotsu Hirasaka."

August had begun to cry a little.
"You're a good friend Darkness."

August seemed to look a little pale.

Orgilabeus had appeared in the room as a spirit and transformed into Pandemona!
August's greatful attitude to Darkness for finding her lost sister has caused her Guardian to be reborn into Pandemona.

"This is my new power. It is all to the thanks to you." She smiled. "Hey, let's spend a little more time together, I can go get some Coffee."
August left the room

August has given Darkness a charm that she holds dear and used it as a token of helping her find her sister. Darkness feels like she got to know August a little more.

The Aeon Relationship has leveled up!
Aeon Lv 3!

Footsteps came up and August brought some coffee.
"What should we talk about?" August asked.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#415 Posted: 01:59:08 02/04/2013
"I don't know" Darkness said
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#416 Posted: 23:27:06 02/04/2013
Rocky was still wandering around in the forest, gathering flowers and berries and killing the occasional animal. She found a nice rock and sat. She ate a few berries and game. She decided to sit and rest for a while.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#417 Posted: 02:01:53 03/04/2013 | Topic Creator
The clock was just minutes away from being midnight.
"I wonder if Rocky will be okay..." Saffron wondered.
"Well actually, Full Faze is almost over, if anyone has paid attention so rather the Shadows will get stronger or weaker." Ward said, scratching his head.

Freija looked out the window.
"Hmm, 11:57PM, almost 12:00. Ward, I don't think the shadows are going to get weaker. It seems probable that something will happen on Wednesday, and it is already Monday." Freija replied.
"You're right, we can't back down. We have to make up for Serah 's lost power." Ward answered.

All the power was down, due to the dark hour.
"Hmph. What was that!?" Saffron asked.
"There it is again!" Ward panicked.
Freija examined the room and saw something through the window.
"Out there!" Freija said and pointed to the creature.
"Lune! Analyzing the enemy!" Saffron said.

"That creature has a number on its mask. It looks like it's 0, but look, another one next to it. It's 1." Ward said.
"It seems the left one is the Fool Arcana while the Right is the Magician!" Saffron said.
"Everyone get ready!" Freija shouted.

Saffron's voice echoed. "Be careful, it seems to have many powerful skills and they are coordinating their attacks!"
Analysis Complete:
Arcana Fool
-Weakness: NONE
-Nul: Light, Dark, Elec
*Cruel Attack

*Arcana Magician
-Weakness: Water
-Nul: Fire, Light, Dark
*Poison Arrow
*Myriad Arrows

"Penthesilea! Bufudyne!" Freija called out!
A Giant ice block shattered on Arcana Fool.

"C'mon Nihil! Megidola, let's go." Ward said.
A Pillar of earth erupted from the ground and struck Arcana Fool.

"Guys! This isn't working!" Saffron said through Lune. "We need to lead Arcana Fool away from Magician so it can't combine attacks!"

"Alright, let's see, who is available to use." Freija said, quickly looking at everyone.

"Okay, four go lead Fool from Magician, us four will focus on Magician!" Freija said.
Arcana Fool Party:
Freija : Leader

Arcana Magician Party:
Darkness: Leader

"Let's go!" August shouted.
Freija's team went downtown with Arcana Fool following it while Darkness's team kept Magician from following.

"Pandemona! Garudyne!" August yelled out.
Pandemona appeared and caused a tornado to strike at Arcana Magician.

"mmggmmemgr." Arcana Magician mumbled.
Then it used Poison arrow on Pierce and poisoned him.
"Ugh, this isn't good! If only Rocky and Serah were here!"
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#418 Posted: 02:59:26 03/04/2013
"Seth!" Darkness yelled. Seth appeared.
"MUDOON!" She yelled. Seth attacked the magician.
Darkness ran over to Pierce while Seth was distracting for a moment.
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#419 Posted: 19:49:15 03/04/2013 | Topic Creator
The Mudoon spell didn't affect The Magician at all.
"If only Rocky was here with a Guardian that had water spells, this wouldn't be too hard." Saffron said.

Zodiark has Maelstrom, the 4th Tier water skill, IT is powerful

"This is when something good should happen right? When the enemy nullifies an element but is weak to a certain one?" Rowan panicked.

"Pierce! Take this!" August shouted, throwing him a Dis-Poison pill.
"Much thanks!" Pierce said, and charged towards the enemy. "You're gonna pa--"

Arcana Magician had used Skewer to impale Pierce's lower abdoman.
"Oh God!" Saffron panicked. "Look! He jumped in front of Darkness to save her and attack the enemy but it unexpectedly used Skewer!"

"Darkness! Can you have Seth use Diarahan on Pierce to save him?" Saffron asked.
"C'mon Pierce! You gotta stay strong and live!" Rowan shouted.

"You dare attack my best friend!" Ward said, raging with anger. "You will pay the ultimate price!"

Nihil had began glowing.
"Is he evolving?" August wondered.
"Yes, Nihil is being reborn." Saffron said.

Nihil transmorgrified into a dark faced creature with a blue robe around him with a dark bluish-purple aura around him and carried a scepter with a crown on it, the middle having the Fortune symbol. Nihil has become "Mephisto"!

"Alright, everyone, let's get this thing!" Ward shouted, in victory. "Megidolaon, Mephisto!"

3 Purple spheres circled down to the ground and exploded into 1 giant sphere.
Arcana Magician was destroyed completely.

"Pierce! Stay with us, at least keep your eyes open!" August panicked.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#420 Posted: 20:50:13 03/04/2013
"Seth! Diarahan on Pierce!" Darkness yelled as she fired an ice arrow at the magician.
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#421 Posted: 21:04:11 03/04/2013 | Topic Creator
Pierce had recovered and stopped bleeding.
"I feel amazing! Darkness I can't ever thank you enough!" Pierce said and kissed Darkness on the Lips.

Darkness felt Pierce get closer her.
Moon Lv. 3

"This enemy is dead now, it is fading away. Let's go check on the other group." Saffron suggested.

"Ya that would be gre--" August got cut off.

A Giant cyclone of Rainbow colored Water swirled and smashed into Arcana Fool.

"It can't be!" August said, looking at the colors.

A Girl ran up to August and it was Serah!
"I came back. But my mother told me that she didn't want me to see her like this and to go home. She died but luckily, the life support machine came back after a power surge and she barely recovered, but the doctors said that she would make a full recovery, but fear of losing the last person in my family caused Leviathan to be reborn into Reverie" Serah said. "She will visit when she recovers but now, let's go get that shadow!"

The other group reached Freija's group.
"Serah!" Freija shouted. "You came back?"
"Yes, let's talk about this tomorrow."

"Reverie, Aquadyne!"
Arcana Fool to a lot of damage and fell over and the group tackled it but it didn't die.
"Persistant!" Autumn said. "Megidola!"

"This will end now!" Freija said and summoned Penthsilea but she apparently evolved into Artemisia.
"Must've happened when I saw you. MY mind was so happy, but I didn't show it. I thought you would never come back! Anyway, Artemisia, Bufudyne!"

Arcana Fool was heavily damaged by the onslaught of attacks but hadn't died.
"Where is Rocky!?" Serah asked. "She should be here."
"She left for the forest this morning, a note was left." August said. "We tried to find her but no luck."
"Maybe with the full moon she will help us!" Saffron said, trying to be positive.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#422 Posted: 21:08:16 03/04/2013
Rocky came back and saw all the fighting
"Wow... Well... I should really leave my sword next time I go exploring..." Rocky said a little shocked
"Just tell me what to do" Rocky said ready
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#423 Posted: 21:18:23 03/04/2013 | Topic Creator
"ROCKY!" Serah said, hugging Rocky. "Let's finish this guy up."

Serah looked at Rocky, "I have an Idea, but could use send a Mahamaon light up through this Water cyclone?" I think it will work.

Marianne used Mahamaon and Reverie used the skill, Aqual Reverie and a giant Light of blues, greens, yellows, purples, and other colors splashed through the air, and Arcana Fool was nowhere in sight.

"Rocky, that was amazing. I missed you." Serah said.

*Clap Clap*
"Who's there?" Freija asked.

"Guardians too huh?" A voice said.
A Woman in a blue velvet coat and blue velvet pants appeared.
"If you don't mind, I wish to partake in a battle with you four!"
The woman pointed to Rocky, Serah, Freija, and August.

"I guess I should show you what I will use for this battle." The woman said.

Just then, Guardian cards flew out of the book she was carrying, titled, Le Grimoire.
The Guardians:
Ara Mitama
Nigi Mitama
Saki Mitama
Kusi Mitama
Masakado (Tower)
Neko Shogun
Mokoi (Devil)
Shiva (Tower)

"What!?" Serah said.
"She possesses the Wild Card too?" Saffron wondered.

Who was this mysterious girl?
"Now, I will let you prepare for the fight." The woman said and flipped through her book.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#424 Posted: 21:22:04 03/04/2013
"I have a bad feeling about this..." Rocky said quietly looking at the guardians
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#425 Posted: 02:26:44 04/04/2013
"Hey why do you want to fight them?" Darkness yelled. She stood next to pierce. Seth was behind the two growling.
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#426 Posted: 19:43:24 04/04/2013
"Darkness has a point..." Rocky said quietly again. SHe didn't want to fight really, but then again, she doesn't want to back down.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#427 Posted: 21:23:47 04/04/2013 | Topic Creator
"Alright let's begin." The girl said. "My name is, Maea. Pleasure."

Saffron's voice echoed. "Here is the analysis of her guardians!
Ara Mitama - Chariot
Nul: Fire / Wk: Wind
*Fire Amp
*Fire Boost
*Fire Break

Nigi Mitama - Temper.
Nul: Ice / Wk: Elec
*Ice Amp
*Ice Boost
*Ice Break

Saki Mitama - Priestess
Nul: Elec / Wk: Fire
*Elec Amp
*Elec Boost
*Elec Break

Kusi Mitama - Strength
Nul: Wind / Wk: Ice
*Wind Amp
*Wind Boost
*Wind Break

Masakado - Tower
Nul: Physical, Light, Dark / Wk: None
*Myriad Arrows
*Divine Grace

Neko Shogun - Star
Nul: Ice, Elec, Light, Dark / Wk: None
*Marin Karin
*Evil Smile
*Anima Freeze
*Old One
*Poison Mist
*Primal Force

Mokoi - Devil
Nul: Light, Dark / Wk: Ice
*Fire Break
*Ice Break
*Elec Break
*Wind Break
*Earth Break
*Aqua Break
*Ghastly Wail
*Evil Smile

Shiva - Tower
Nul: Physical / Wk: None
*God's Hand

Pixie - Magician
Str: All / Wk: None
*Mind Charge

"These Guardians are too strong!" Ward said

"Alright, Ara Mitama! Maragidyne now!"
Ara Mitama appeared and blasted the group with a Heavy fire spell.
"Yikes, how can we beat her at this rate?" Serah panicked.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#428 Posted: 21:30:53 04/04/2013
"I'm going to try and fight..." Rocky said
"Marianne! Fire Amp" Rocky yelled
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#429 Posted: 23:11:14 05/04/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Amp/Boost/Angelic Grace/Divine Grace are passive and always active.

"We might not win but we must try!" Freija said.

"Or not!" Maea said and summoned Kusi Mitama "Magarudyne!"

The large wind blast heavily hurt everyone.
"This is pointless!" August said. "We can't win!"

August began emitting a blue aura from her guardian.
"Orgia Aura!" August shouted.
(Orgia Aura is a mode where August can cast spells/use physical attacks without harm to her and with 2.5x more power, but she falls unconscious after a few minutes.)

"Maea, what is the point of this?" Rowan asked.
"To test your skills!"

"I think you deserve a nice ice blast!" Maea shouted. "Nigi Mitama! Mabufudyne!"

Ice blocks froze everyone but Freija and Rocky.
"Hang in there!" Freija said. "Artemisia! Diarahan on Serah!"

"You are pretty strong, I like it." Maea cheered.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#430 Posted: 00:26:01 06/04/2013
"And I don't like you..."Rocky said to herself under her breath will this ever end
"Marianne! Agidyne!" Rocky shouted
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#431 Posted: 03:43:48 06/04/2013
Darkness watched what was happening from the ice. "I gotta break the ice somehow" she thought
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#432 Posted: 16:39:47 07/04/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Umm, well for the next parts in the story we are going to need another character, so would one of you mind making another? We need one more, that is all. Thanks, btw, they may have their guardian when you make them. : )

"So, you are very powerful against me but, what about each other?" Maea asked.

"What do you mean?" Freija asked.
"We have to fight each other?" Saffron wondered. "I won't! I can't hurt my friends!"

Lune began glowing. Saffron couldn't go on with her life if she had to fight her friends and kill them. Saffron has seen the hardships that having a Guardian has brought, but also the bright new paths. Saffron thinks if she can drive out Maea, she can save her friends. Lune has been reborn into Amiti!

"Now, if I can help get you away then we don't have to fight eachother." Saffron said.

"Amiti! Oracle!"

A symbol appeared and shattered.
Maea is now weak to Everything!

"That should help you." Saffron cheered.
"Thank you so much." Freija said. "Now, before we continue, why must we face each other?"

Maea turned around. "A dire thing is going to happen soon, in about two to three months, a great power will awaken, that power is... Genesis."

"What is Genesis?" Freija asked.

"Genesis is the leader of the shadows in Yomi. But, the overlord is created by Genesis fusing himself to the shadows in Yomi, its name, Chronodia."

"You must battle each other in Colosseo Purgatorio to acquire keys to lead to the chambers of Yomi." Maea continued. "Here."

Masakado appeared and slashed the ice blocks and everyone was free.

"I will leave you now, until you all come and go to Colosseo Purgatorio.

"I-I can't lose. Not Now!" Pierce said.

Pierce began losing control of himself.

"PIERCE!" Rowan shouted. "Take these!" he said and threw him some pills.
Pierce swallowed the pills.

"What just happened?" August asked.

"Nothing." Pierce said. "Just... I am fine. Let's go back and talk about this Colosseo Purgatorio thing."

Maea had walked towards Autumn.
"You can fuse Guardians yes?"

Autumn nodded.
"How would you like to make your power of fusing even greater?"

Autumn looked at Maea with wide eyes. "How?"
"You must make a sacrifice first." Maea said.

"What sacrifice?"
"You must sacrifice your Guardian."

"Well, I never liked to fight. So, I will." Autumn said. "To Help Rocky and them, I will Sacrifice my Guardian."

Pandora appeared.
"August, you are my sister and I wish for Pandora to merge with Pandemona." Autumn said.
"Is that possible?" August replied.

"I can make it so." Maea said.
"Then do so, if Autumn says to." August said.
"Merge them."

Pandora and Pandemona became one and have been reborn into Divinity
Divinity (Aeon) - August
Nul: Light, Dark / Wk: None
*Ice Amp
*Mind Charge
*Power Charge
*Akasha Arts

"Thank you, Autumn." August said. "You too Maea."
"Your welcome." Maea said and walked over to Rowan.

"Nice to see you again." She said.
"Hi Sis." Rowan said.
"I am surprised you remember me." Maea said. "I am leaving again but don't get mad, take this."
"Thanks, and I am not mad. I am glad I got to see you again." he said and smiled.

Maea had given Rowan a sun shard and Prometheus had evolved into Helios.
"Wow." Rowan said and hugged Maea.

"I will see you all in Colosseo Purgatorio then." Maea said and walked towards Yomotsu Hirasaka.

The Dark hour ended minutes later and Yomotsu Hirasaka had disappeared.

"Let's go back to the dorm and discuss Colosseo Purgatorio." Pierce said.

The Group returned.
Day: Tuesday
Time: 2:33 AM
Weather: Cloudy

"After we discuss this, we can return to bed, and luckily, we don't have school because of Petal Day." Freija said.

"Alright, so, we are going to face each other to stop this Chronodia from doing something." Pierce said.
"I believe the matches will be two vs two. So tomorrow we will see who will be with who." Saffron said.

"So we agree to face each other to save the world?" Freija asked.
"I guess so. Ward said."

"Alright, goodnight everyone."

The short lived Yomi Investigation squad had come to an end and created a new team.
The F.E.S. Relationship has maxed. Lv 10/10

The Colosseo Purgatorio Judgement Relationship has formed.
Colosseo Purgatorio [Judge] Lv 1/10 ALL characters.

"Darkness, can I speak to you in Private?" Pierce asked.

EVeryone had gone upstairs but Felix and Freija.
"Good luck Felix. And one other thing." Freija said and Kissed Felix on the lips. "Don't let us down."
Felix has gotten very close to Freija.
The Empress relationship has grown a lot. Freija seems to trust and love Felix.
Empress Lv 7/10

For Windroc only!
I want Yojimbo to Evolve real soon.

With the Addition of the Colosseo Purgatorio Relationship, everyone gains a few skills only useable in Colosseo Purgatorio.

Reverie (Temperance) - Serah
Drn: Water | Nul: Fire / Wk: Dark
*Wind Amp (Megidolaon) Colosseo Purgatorio
*Magarudyne (Myriad Arrows) Colosseo Purgatorio
*Aqual Reverie
*Aqua Amp
*Mind Charge

Marianne (Judgement) - Rocky
Nul: Light / Wk: Elec
*Agidyne (Ragnarok) Colosseo Purgatorio
*Fire Amp (Megidolaon) Colosseo Purgatorio
*Akasha Arts
*Marin Karin (Primal Force) Colosseo Purgatorio
*Mind Charge

Formality (Moon) - Pierce
Nul: Dark, Strike / Wk: Light
*Brave Blade
*Mudo Boost
*Power Charge
*Recarm (Diarahan) Colosseo Purgatorio
*Mind Charge

Seth (Moon) - Darkness
Nul: Wind | Str: Fire / Wk: Light
*Cruel Attack (Vile Assault) Colosseo Purgatorio
*Garudyne (Panta Rhei) Colosseo Purgatorio
*Virus Wave
*Diarahan (Amrita) Colosseo Purgatorio

Artemisia (Empress) - Freija
Nul: Ice / Wk: Fire
*Ice Boost (Vorpal Blade) Colosseo Purgatorio
*Ice Break
*Bufudyne (Niflheim) Colosseo Purgatorio
*Spirit Drain (Megidolaon) Colosseo Purgatorio

Mephisto (Fortune) - Ward
Nul: Earth | Str: Elec / Wk: Water
*Agneyastra *Colosseo Purgatorio
*Earth Amp
*Auto-Rakukaja (Mediarama) Colosseo Purgatorio
*Auto-Sukukaja (Tentarafoo) Colosseo Purgatorio
*Mind Charge

Glacies (Star) - Cesas
Str: Water / Wk: Strike, Fire
*Ice Break
*(Megidolaon) Colosseo Purgatorio
*(Primal Force) Colosseo Purgatorio

Yojimbo (Strength) - Felix
Str: None / Wk: Fire, Ice
*Vile Assault (Hassou Tobi) Colosseo Purgatorio
*Tarukaja (Matarunda) Colosseo Purgatorio
*Akasha Arts
*Power Charge
*Wind Amp

Helios (Sun) - Rowan
Drn: Fire | Nul: Slash / Wk: Aqua
*Fire Amp
*Absorb Aqua
*God's Hand
*Fire Break

Divinity (Aeon) - August
Nul: Light, Dark / Wk: None
*Ice Amp
*Mind Charge
*Power Charge
*Akasha Arts

All skills labeled Colosseo Purgatorio can ONLY be used there.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#433 Posted: 16:42:23 07/04/2013 | Topic Creator
New Wild Card Guardians!
(Skills in () Are what are added when fused.)
(Recommended you obtain some of these for Colosseo Purgatorio as they will help.
*cough* Alilat for Repeling all physical types *cough*

Masakado (Tower)
Nul: Slash, Strike / Wk: Dark
*Myriad Arrows
*Power Charge
*(Arms Master)

Mara (Tower)
Nul: Fire, Dark / Wk: Light
*Fire Amp

Sandalphon (Moon)
Nul: Light, Dark / Wk: None

Abaddon (Devil)
Nul: Dark, Fire / Wk: Light

Myriad* (Aeon) [Must Complete Aeon Relationship: Current Lv 0/10]
Nul: Light, Dark, Water, Elec | Str: Strike / Wk: Fire, Earth
*Myriad Arrows
*Ice Amp
*Mind Charge
*Power Charge
Barong (Emperor)
Str: Pierce / Wk: Dark
*Kill Rush

Rangda (Magician)
Str: Fire / Wk: Earth
*Poison Mist

Genbu (Temper.)
Nul: Wind / Wk: Elec
*Wind Boost
*(Panta Rhei)

Suzaku (Temper.)
Nul: Fire / Wk: Ice

Parvati (Priestess)
Drn: Ice / Wk: Fire
*Ice Amp

Nata Taishi (Chariot)
Nul: Strike / Wk: Dark
*Power Charge

Melchizedek (Justice)
Nul: Strike, Light / Wk: Dark
*God's Hand

Saturnus (Star)
Drn: Fire, | Str: Light, Ice / Wk: Water
*Fire Amp

Raphael (Lovers)
Nul: Ice, Light / Wk: Wind
Niddhoggr (Aeon)
Nul: Pierce | Str: Fire / Wk: Light, Wind
*Virus Wave

Helel* (Star) [Must Complete Star Relationship: Current Lv: 0/10]
Nul: Fire, Light, Dark, Slash, Strike, Earth / Wk: Wind
*Morning Star
*God's Hand
*Repel Wind
*(Repel Ice)
*(Repel Elec)
*(Repel Aqua)
*(Repel Pierce)

Trumpeter (Judge.)
Nul: Ice, Elec, Light, Dark / Wk: None
*(Heat Riser)

Byakko (Temper.)
Drn: Ice | Str: Elec / Wk: Fire

Alilat (Empress)
Drn: Ice | Nul: Pierce / Wk: Dark
*(Repel Slash)
*(Repel Strike)
*(Repel Pierce)

Kohryu (Hiero.)
Drn: Elec | Nul: Light / Wk: None

Thanatos (Death)
Nul: Dark / Wk: None
*Tempest Slash
*(Ghastly Wail)

Oukunushi (Emperor)
Drn: Elec. | Nul: Light, Fire / Wk: Dark
*Brave Blade
*Mind Charge
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#434 Posted: 16:45:51 07/04/2013
Rocky was sitting in her dorm still mad about the whole battle thing "I want to go into the forest... But I just went..." Rocky said trying to decide what to do

OOC: I might make a new character later
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#435 Posted: 16:54:16 07/04/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Could we try and make our posts maybe 5-7 lines long please?
Okay Cynder, thanks.

Serah knocked on Rocky's door.
"Can I come in?" Serah asked. "It is regarding Colosseo Purgatorio. I want to ask you something important about it, and Autumn says she can fuse a bunch of Guardians for you, but you can only contain 12 she said."
EVeryone but Rocky, Darkness, Pierce, and Serah had gone to bed.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#436 Posted: 18:09:27 07/04/2013
OOC: Making new character now!
Name: Elicora (Ee-lie-core-a)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Arcana: Death
Guardians: Esmer > Entago
Weapon: 2 swords than can be combined into one
Guardians element: Electricity
Gurdians weakness: water
Guardians resistance: Darkness
Appearance: [User Posted Image](credit)
Backstory: Elicora is a new student to Guardian High and is Rocky's old friend. Elicora decided to come to Guardian High because she heard Rocky was going there

"Come in" Rocky said"The doors open as usual". Rocky got up off her bed and grabbed her journal which was on the table. It would be way to hard to sleep with so much on Rocky's mind Too much going on... with the dark hour... and everything Rocky thought. Stop stressing out Rocky Rocky said to herself trying to calm down and stop stressing out.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:10:22 07/04/2013 by Cynderluv8801
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#437 Posted: 18:30:28 07/04/2013
"Sure Pierce. We can talk in my room" Darkness said as she led Pierce to her room
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#438 Posted: 21:40:39 07/04/2013 | Topic Creator
Rocky's Room~
"Thanks." Serah said as she walked into Rocky's room. "Would you be my partner for the Colosseo Purgatorio battles? I wish to be your partner."

Serah sat down and waited for a response.
"I know you have a lot going on right now, sorry if this is asking too much."
Darkness's Room~
Pierce sat down next to Darkness on her bed.
"It is time to tell you why I needed those pills. I want you to keep my secret." he said.

He waited a long moment in silence.
"I use those pills because my Guardian is an artifical Guardian. And if I don't take them, my Guardian goes berserk and tries to kill me."

He looked away.
"I was an experimental test subject. Scientists were trying to create Guardians after word got out about Freija acquiring hers." He said, sighing. "I was the only one of 14 who survived being infused with an artificial Guardian, but it had consequences like I said earlier."

Pierce pulled out a capsule.
"Here, take these, I trust them to you." Pierce said and handed Darkness a capsule of suppresants for his Guardians.

Formality appeared and began evolving.
Formality has been reborn into Punishment!

"Hm, I guess my truth being revealed was making my head so foggy about this, I feel much better telling someone, but please. I want you to keep it a secret. Rowan knows because he found my old test subject papers. I didn't get mad because he is my cousin too but, he swore not to tell. If you could please keep this a secret. I would greatly apprechiate it." Pierce said and kissed Darkness on the cheek.

Pierce left the room.
Darkness has been entrusted a great secret from Pierce. The Moon Relationship has grown!"
Moon ~ Lv 1 > 4.

Here is Esmer's info.
I Hope you don't mind but, since it is Electric as its element, I made it have an elec resistance too.

Esmer (Death) - Elicora
Nul: Dark | Str: Elec / Wk: Water
*Vile Assault
*Mudoon (Die for Me!) Colosseo Purgatorio
*Elec Break
*Mudo Boost (Primal Force) Colosseo Purgatorio
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#439 Posted: 21:51:40 07/04/2013
"Sure" Rocky said "I would be glad to be your partner" Rocky was still wearing the bracelet Serah gave her. Rocky opened her journal and started to write about everything. You have your best friend. Everything is good now Rocky thought as she smiled a little
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#440 Posted: 22:02:55 07/04/2013
"I'll keep a secret" Darkness whispered. She touched her cheek where Pierce had given her a kiss and smiled. Darkness changed into a tank top and shorts and crawled into bed with the capsule in her hand. She put them in a small box that was under her pillow and locked it. She soon fell asleep
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#441 Posted: 10:39:22 08/04/2013 | Topic Creator
Day: Tuesday (Continued)
Time: 1:32PM
Weather: Sunny

You are free today as there is no school! You amy build up a relationship with someone today.

Available relationships
Saffron (Priestess)
Rocky ~ Lv 1
Darkness ~ Lv 1
Felix ~ Lv 1
Cesas ~ Lv 0

Pierce (Moon)
Rocky ~ Lv 3
Darkness ~ Lv 4
Felix ~ Lv 1
Cesas ~ Lv 0

Freija (Empress)
Rocky ~ Lv 0
Darkness ~ Lv 0
Felix ~ Lv 7
Cesas ~ Lv 0

Rocky (Judgement)
Darkness ~ Lv 1
Felix ~ Lv 0
Cesas ~ Lv 0

Darkness (Moon)
Rocky ~ Lv 1
Felix ~ Lv 0
Cesas ~ Lv 0

Felix (Strength)
Rocky ~ Lv0
Darkess ~ Lv 0
Cesas ~ Lv 0

Cesas (Star)
Rocky ~ Lv 0
Darkness ~ Lv 0
Felix ~ Lv 0

Rowan (Sun)
Rocky ~ Lv 0
Darkness ~ Lv 2
Felix ~ Lv 0
Cesas ~ Lv 0

August (Aeon)
Rocky ~ Lv 0
Darkness ~ Lv 2
Felix ~ Lv 0
Cesas ~ Lv 0

Autumn (Hierophant)
Rocky ~ Lv 1
Darkness ~ Lv 0
Felix ~ Lv 0
Cesas ~ Lv 0

Serah (Temper.)
Rocky ~ 10
Felix ~ 2
Cesas ~ 0
Darkness ~ 1

Freija sat in the lounge reading. "At eight o'clock sharp we are discussing Colosseo Purgatorio, don't be late. But enjoy your day, I do recommend the movie marathon at the Cinema.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#442 Posted: 14:01:12 08/04/2013
"Alright" Rocky said as she went to her dorm to grab her bag. She went outside with her journal and started to write. LEts see here... what to write.. what to write... Hmm.. Rocky thought as she started writing down some ideas for writing.

OOC: I'm bringing Elicora in tomorrow
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#443 Posted: 21:12:09 08/04/2013
Darkness sat in her room watching a shark movie marathon on the Syfi channel.
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#444 Posted: 19:35:01 12/04/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: I want all of you to please post 5+ lines in a post PLEASE!

Later that night in the dorm.
"Alright, so I hope you all have spoke of Colosseo Purgatorio." Freija said.
"Here is what the teams are looking like based on how you go together." Saffron said.
~Rocky + Serah~
~Freija + Felix~
~Darkness + August~
~Ward + Rowan~
~Pierce + ???~

"We haven't found a partner for Pierce." Ward said.
"Maybe one will come if we take time to find out. But tomorrow is the end of Full Faze." Rowan replied.

Everyone sat quietly.
"Well, let's sleep on it." Serah said to everyone. "Let's not go to Yomotsu Hirasaka tonight."

Day: Wednesday (No School)
Time: 3:12PM
Weather: Sunny

Serah and Saffron were in the lounge. Serah was looking through a tattered old book while Saffron was on her computer.
"I can't find it! Surely there must be someone who looks like they could go to Yomotsu Hirasaka and have a Guardian."

"I can't find anyone either. Maybe Pierce can't have a partner." Saffron said.
"I'm not sure, hopefully someone comes."
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Vikky J Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#445 Posted: 20:53:54 12/04/2013
Darkness sat in her room drawing. She wondered about what had happened last night. She smiled as she held Pierce's capsule in her hand. The next thing she knew, she was drawing Seth with her and Pierce riding on his back. She closed her drawing notebook and blushed a little.
AYO It's been a hot minute huh? I finally found my old password lmao
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#446 Posted: 04:01:01 14/04/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: This RP is dying. That sucks, I guess when we beat Colosseo Purgatorio, then it is pretty much over.

Serah was outside, wondering all that would happen to the world, would Colosseo Purgatorio not be fought at.
"So much to wonder on." She thought.
"Don't worry, I will help you." Saffron said to her.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#447 Posted: 04:42:02 14/04/2013
OOC: Aww I don't want it to die!!! I love this RP!!
Introducing Elicora now by the way

Elicora was walking into the dorms and walked over to the secretary desk and picked up a brochure. She read through it and looked around at everything. this place looks pretty awesome Elicora thought. Wonder where Rocky is anyway... Should tell her I'm here Elicora thought as she looked around for Rocky.

Rocky walked into the lounge and saw Elicora wandering around. "Eli?" Rocky said as she moved towards Elicora.

"Rocky! Oh good you're here" Elicora said as she pulled Rocky into a tight hug
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#448 Posted: 04:52:41 14/04/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Nobody posts much anymore :/ Thanks for liking it. We post the most, guess many people don't get it.
You can always join From the Light of the Stars I made.

August walked into the dorm and saw Elicora.
"You must be the new girl. I'm August." She said.

August looks at Elicora.
"Say, you wouldn't happen to know anything about the "Dark Hour" or "Yomotsu Hirasaka?"
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#449 Posted: 04:59:21 14/04/2013
"Hi I'm Elicora, but you can call me Eli" Elicora smiled "Yeah I have heard a little about it"

Rocky smiles as she walked over to a chair and sat down to rest her feet for a while. She took out her journal and starter to write out some things that would help to clear her mind about all
The thing going on lately.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#450 Posted: 05:03:30 14/04/2013 | Topic Creator
"Well, would you mind if the dorm-mates took you with us on a trip tonight?" August asked. "It will be fun, but bring a weapon, sometimes it can get dangerous."

August then walked upstairs.

I wonder if she has a guardian? August thought.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
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