

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Personal Thoughts [STICKY]
Vespi Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#43851 Posted: 06:06:17 09/05/2019
[User Posted Image]

this applies to so many people tonight
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12204
#43852 Posted: 17:29:51 09/05/2019
listen bro, you need to chill the heck out, nobody here is judging you as harshly as you do yourself. you can't force yourself to leave, it never works.
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8299
#43853 Posted: 23:18:53 09/05/2019
The more I think about it, the more I believe that I'm actually quite comfortable with myself. I don't have much that I dislike about myself, if anything at all. When I'm happy, I'm genuinely happy. I never feel the need to put on a mask and pretend that I am just so others won't get concerned. I have my pros and I have my cons, but that's OK. That's what makes me, me. I can be impulsive, shy, anxious and a bit lazy, but that stuff has lessened over the years. I've grown into a better me. I love to make people laugh, feel good, and smile. I like to think I'm kind, a good person, funny and attractive, and based on how I interact with people, and how they react to me, I am.

I am happy with who I am, and 100% confident that happiness will grow as I live. Are there things I would want to change about myself? Absolutely, but in the end, I guess I can. And if I can't, that's OK.

Anything that makes me unhappy right now, it's rarely because of something about myself. It's always something outside of my control, something that probably won't be an issue I'll deal with on 5 years (Give or take a few)

And through out our lives, we all grow. We learn from our mistakes and from each other. And I learn every day.

I have a plethora of passions and interest, all are ways to make me smile, and some day truly invest in, and hopefully, in things go the way I'd like them to, help others who need it.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 12:41:51 10/05/2019 by HeyitsHotDog
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#43854 Posted: 00:26:04 10/05/2019
christ on a bike

i keep rereading my old posts circa 2012, and i hate that i was "that kid" for so long

i know i've said this before, but again, to anyone that knew me as the 11-13 year old kid with the personality of a gnat, i'm really ****ing sorry

i'm a lot better now, but i'll never be 100% over the fact that i used to treat the people here like **** because i felt like i didn't fit in anywhere else and just wanted friends

but hey, that was over 5 years ago. most of those people are long gone from here. i just wish they knew that i'm sorry.

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
JCW555 Hunter Gems: 8589
#43855 Posted: 00:28:13 10/05/2019
Welcome back HI. Long time no see. smilie
You gotta believe! Heh heh.
Vespi Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#43856 Posted: 01:44:39 10/05/2019
i wish i didnt feel emotion
itd make everyones lives a whole lot better
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#43857 Posted: 02:50:33 10/05/2019
I have a whole lot of hope now
Johnbonne Yellow Sparx Gems: 1216
#43858 Posted: 19:39:02 10/05/2019
Bear Cavalry sounds really awesome, especially when you preface it with "Dwarven", even though there's no other kind of Bear Cavalry. Try and think of another kind of Bear Cavalry. Human? Elven? Orcish? The only other kind is Russian, but that's stupid. Because it's still Bear Cavalry. Being Russian and/or Dwarven makes it less so, but then the point of Bear Cavalry is missing at that point. It's supposed to be absurd, which it accomplishes, until you think about it.

For starters, it looks great as a still image. Now give that image animation. Bears don't run like a cavalry unit. They bounce, they jiggle, they wobble. They're not the most sociable animal, so having them as a cavalry unit of, say, 500 bears and riders is going to be tough. Getting them to charge in a line without any conflicts, especially where their young are concerned, is also going to be bothersome.
They're not a stampeding animal. While they can run someone down, they use their weight to pin something down. They're slow after making initial close quarters combat, wildly swiping with heavy strikes that can do a lot of damage.... provided they're the only predator. Otherwise a pack of dogs can tear them apart, and they're less dangerous than defenders armed with long pointy weapons or deeply stabbing instruments.

So they're not good at lining up and moving amonst one another, they're not particularly good at charging, they're not going to be much use beyond breaking the initial shield wall (assuming there is one), and leave the rider vulnerable from the start of combat until the inevitable and timely death. This is all assuming the enemy has little to no ranged capabilities, with siege weapons that would hit them easier than a horseman. If it's mounted ranged infantry, they're done for. And good luck learning how to aim and shoot on bear-back (ooh matron).

More assumptions have to be made as well; that bears are easily domesticated, which they're not. They go where food is. Recently I learnt that a guard dog was being bribed by a bear with deer bones in order to get to the guard dog's owner's trash. This was successful, meaning they'll do what it takes for food. They can be quite crafty, as we've seen with things like getting honey from a bee hive unharmed, or being excellent hunters of fish. Domesticating them is possible, but for how long? How much food must one bear consume each day? I don't know the exact figures, but it's between "more than you can offer" and "more than you can offer". Then multiply that by however many bears you need for an effective cavalry force (enough so that you've got plenty left by the time they reach the enemy, which won't be many, because Bear Cavalry's stupid).

Bears also hibernate, so you can forget fighting during winter or other cold conditions where they'll need extrordinary amounts of rest and plenty of food in their bellies to help them survive during that time. There's no food they can access in the winter, and if they can't get it with their long claws and snouts, a Dwarf isn't going to with their stubby little hands living in a cave won't either.

That's another thing; what on God's green tiramasu are you doing with bears in the first place? Why not something local? Because bears don't grow in caves. They grow in trees, and Dwarves don't have trees unless they're Dwemer (which aren't Dwarves in the typical fantasy sense but another kind of elf). They're not suited to cave-like structures where no berries grow or where there's no waterborne food sources; they need wooded areas with winter-killed prey animals and areas with lots of water. Some caves might have this, but mine don't, so Bear Cavalry isn't going in my D&D setting.

And what does one get from Bear Cavalry, exactly? Furs from the killed ones? Not if their pelts are ruined in combat. And are their pelts so good that they're worth the amount of food you have to get for them, and the risk to your own life? What about entertainment? Dwarves have plenty of ways to entertain themselves. You want to see a bear dance, go to a city or a travelling circus, a bear isn't going to last five minutes in a Dwarven hovel. You get no milk, and their meat tastes like their last meal because they're need to get as much nutrition per meal as possible. And because it's a large prey animal, horses will have a lot more meat on their bones. There's simply more creatures that yield better produce all year around, dead or alive, than bears.

You want to do something better than Bear Cavalry? Goat Cavalry. They live near and on mountains, can be domesticated, produce milk and apparently taste quite nice. They have horns, which are good for charging and perhaps even steering them. Because they excel in travelling up mountains, you can escape non-Dwarven attackers who have less proficiency in that environment, even with equipment. A mountain goat can go up with no problems at all, and you've just got to feed them grass, berries and tin cans. A lot less than a bear, I might add. And they're fast. And they hit hard, so they're great for cavalry. Because we're talking about cavalry.

There's a case to be made for Giant Spiders, as seen in Warhammer Fantasy with its Night Goblin Spider Riders. These guys excel in cavernous environments, able to crawl upon walls silently to ambush, having venomous bites and stings, and have a meat-based diet so you can feed friend and foe alike to keep them happy. I can hardly call it domestication, but if food is plentiful and its home goes relatively undisturbed (or you can make a bargain with the Spider Queen), they won't move away. Problem is they're squishy, and Dwarves excel at making weapons that squish squishy things. As for what they produce, they can create silk, venom (poison), and should they lose limbs they too can be used as spear weapons. I'm sure their innards are good for alchemy.

I'm of the belief that fantasy isn't an excuse to go ham and expect the consumer to suspend all disbelief. There are certain things you can't make them change their mind on. Some people would be fine with Bear Cavalry. It's fun, but I can't look at it seriously and wouldn't go through the bottom ache of trying to stat and balance it. Even for a single character to travel with/on, do I really want to look at the stats for a horse and try and balance it, taking into account its speed, health, damage, diet and lifestyle? Nope. You don't either, because you've got more important things to do.

In my campaign setting, there's a mad Dwarven King who - amongst many things - used bear cavalry, which ruined the economy, cost the lives of a lot of his soldiers, were unruly and ultimately ended in his death. The battle quickly led to a tactical withdrawal to their mountain home, where they successfully held out a siege. Since then, their military treatise was revised and their culture saw a rapid change, going from upholding the honour of the clan first and foremost to doing the right thing for yourself, within the bounds of the law. Most things I've banned will likely be relegated to "because the mad Dwarven King did it, and everybody hated it".

If you want to change the rules of a single animal for your campaign setting or game, go ahead. If you go crazy with it, I'd like to see how you make it work. And if you can make the world work with that in mind, even better.

Besides, who ever said "a bear, a bear, my kingdom for a bear"? People who eat Corn Flakes with a fork, I'd imagine.
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#43859 Posted: 21:06:41 10/05/2019
Quote: Johnbonne
Bear Cavalry sounds really awesome, especially when you preface it with "Dwarven", even though there's no other kind of Bear Cavalry. Try and think of another kind of Bear Cavalry. Human? Elven? Orcish? The only other kind is Russian, but that's stupid. Because it's still Bear Cavalry. Being Russian and/or Dwarven makes it less so, but then the point of Bear Cavalry is missing at that point. It's supposed to be absurd, which it accomplishes, until you think about it.

For starters, it looks great as a still image. Now give that image animation. Bears don't run like a cavalry unit. They bounce, they jiggle, they wobble. They're not the most sociable animal, so having them as a cavalry unit of, say, 500 bears and riders is going to be tough. Getting them to charge in a line without any conflicts, especially where their young are concerned, is also going to be bothersome.
They're not a stampeding animal. While they can run someone down, they use their weight to pin something down. They're slow after making initial close quarters combat, wildly swiping with heavy strikes that can do a lot of damage.... provided they're the only predator. Otherwise a pack of dogs can tear them apart, and they're less dangerous than defenders armed with long pointy weapons or deeply stabbing instruments.

So they're not good at lining up and moving amonst one another, they're not particularly good at charging, they're not going to be much use beyond breaking the initial shield wall (assuming there is one), and leave the rider vulnerable from the start of combat until the inevitable and timely death. This is all assuming the enemy has little to no ranged capabilities, with siege weapons that would hit them easier than a horseman. If it's mounted ranged infantry, they're done for. And good luck learning how to aim and shoot on bear-back (ooh matron).

More assumptions have to be made as well; that bears are easily domesticated, which they're not. They go where food is. Recently I learnt that a guard dog was being bribed by a bear with deer bones in order to get to the guard dog's owner's trash. This was successful, meaning they'll do what it takes for food. They can be quite crafty, as we've seen with things like getting honey from a bee hive unharmed, or being excellent hunters of fish. Domesticating them is possible, but for how long? How much food must one bear consume each day? I don't know the exact figures, but it's between "more than you can offer" and "more than you can offer". Then multiply that by however many bears you need for an effective cavalry force (enough so that you've got plenty left by the time they reach the enemy, which won't be many, because Bear Cavalry's stupid).

Bears also hibernate, so you can forget fighting during winter or other cold conditions where they'll need extrordinary amounts of rest and plenty of food in their bellies to help them survive during that time. There's no food they can access in the winter, and if they can't get it with their long claws and snouts, a Dwarf isn't going to with their stubby little hands living in a cave won't either.

That's another thing; what on God's green tiramasu are you doing with bears in the first place? Why not something local? Because bears don't grow in caves. They grow in trees, and Dwarves don't have trees unless they're Dwemer (which aren't Dwarves in the typical fantasy sense but another kind of elf). They're not suited to cave-like structures where no berries grow or where there's no waterborne food sources; they need wooded areas with winter-killed prey animals and areas with lots of water. Some caves might have this, but mine don't, so Bear Cavalry isn't going in my D&D setting.

And what does one get from Bear Cavalry, exactly? Furs from the killed ones? Not if their pelts are ruined in combat. And are their pelts so good that they're worth the amount of food you have to get for them, and the risk to your own life? What about entertainment? Dwarves have plenty of ways to entertain themselves. You want to see a bear dance, go to a city or a travelling circus, a bear isn't going to last five minutes in a Dwarven hovel. You get no milk, and their meat tastes like their last meal because they're need to get as much nutrition per meal as possible. And because it's a large prey animal, horses will have a lot more meat on their bones. There's simply more creatures that yield better produce all year around, dead or alive, than bears.

You want to do something better than Bear Cavalry? Goat Cavalry. They live near and on mountains, can be domesticated, produce milk and apparently taste quite nice. They have horns, which are good for charging and perhaps even steering them. Because they excel in travelling up mountains, you can escape non-Dwarven attackers who have less proficiency in that environment, even with equipment. A mountain goat can go up with no problems at all, and you've just got to feed them grass, berries and tin cans. A lot less than a bear, I might add. And they're fast. And they hit hard, so they're great for cavalry. Because we're talking about cavalry.

There's a case to be made for Giant Spiders, as seen in Warhammer Fantasy with its Night Goblin Spider Riders. These guys excel in cavernous environments, able to crawl upon walls silently to ambush, having venomous bites and stings, and have a meat-based diet so you can feed friend and foe alike to keep them happy. I can hardly call it domestication, but if food is plentiful and its home goes relatively undisturbed (or you can make a bargain with the Spider Queen), they won't move away. Problem is they're squishy, and Dwarves excel at making weapons that squish squishy things. As for what they produce, they can create silk, venom (poison), and should they lose limbs they too can be used as spear weapons. I'm sure their innards are good for alchemy.

I'm of the belief that fantasy isn't an excuse to go ham and expect the consumer to suspend all disbelief. There are certain things you can't make them change their mind on. Some people would be fine with Bear Cavalry. It's fun, but I can't look at it seriously and wouldn't go through the bottom ache of trying to stat and balance it. Even for a single character to travel with/on, do I really want to look at the stats for a horse and try and balance it, taking into account its speed, health, damage, diet and lifestyle? Nope. You don't either, because you've got more important things to do.

In my campaign setting, there's a mad Dwarven King who - amongst many things - used bear cavalry, which ruined the economy, cost the lives of a lot of his soldiers, were unruly and ultimately ended in his death. The battle quickly led to a tactical withdrawal to their mountain home, where they successfully held out a siege. Since then, their military treatise was revised and their culture saw a rapid change, going from upholding the honour of the clan first and foremost to doing the right thing for yourself, within the bounds of the law. Most things I've banned will likely be relegated to "because the mad Dwarven King did it, and everybody hated it".

If you want to change the rules of a single animal for your campaign setting or game, go ahead. If you go crazy with it, I'd like to see how you make it work. And if you can make the world work with that in mind, even better.

Besides, who ever said "a bear, a bear, my kingdom for a bear"? People who eat Corn Flakes with a fork, I'd imagine.

does darkspyro have an upvote button yet

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7803
#43860 Posted: 00:12:20 11/05/2019
Quote: hardcoreignitor
christ on a bike

i keep rereading my old posts circa 2012, and i hate that i was "that kid" for so long

i know i've said this before, but again, to anyone that knew me as the 11-13 year old kid with the personality of a gnat, i'm really ****ing sorry

i'm a lot better now, but i'll never be 100% over the fact that i used to treat the people here like **** because i felt like i didn't fit in anywhere else and just wanted friends

but hey, that was over 5 years ago. most of those people are long gone from here. i just wish they knew that i'm sorry.

hahaha you're fine dude. people forgave me for my pre-2013 days
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Vespi Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#43861 Posted: 04:19:04 11/05/2019
mental health is called watching the fire emblem anime english dub on youtube 2 hours before your birthday hits
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8190
#43862 Posted: 16:56:53 11/05/2019
I wish I was a lot less clumsy, maybe then my body wouldn't be hurt from being caught on or randomly hitting furniture.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7569
#43863 Posted: 17:09:16 11/05/2019
Oh sweet rest.
Find me at my home.
looks like ive got some things to do...
Vespi Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#43864 Posted: 04:31:09 12/05/2019
today went probably just as awful as it could have gone
i had such a nice streak of good things happening to me, why did it all have to come crashing down on my birthday of all days?
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5528
#43865 Posted: 15:38:19 12/05/2019
Well as of last night it’s been a full year since I last heard from you now

I hope things get/have gotten at least slightly better for you
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#43866 Posted: 03:55:10 13/05/2019
I got to work on myself if I want it
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#43867 Posted: 06:26:49 13/05/2019
i just want this to be done. i want to be a different person. as in an entirely different person from my actual identity.
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5375
#43868 Posted: 18:01:59 13/05/2019
Ok, you know what? I've been holding this in for a while, but with recent events, I feel the need to say this. You've become a lot more bitter nowadays. I really want to stay friends, but nearly any element of interaction I've seen has been at least a bit toxic. I barely feel like I can talk to you on the site anymore.

- - -
Vespi Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#43869 Posted: 03:43:20 14/05/2019
nice to know you were only ever in it for the things i buy/make for you
jesus christ this is why i dont make friends, they always ****ing want something out of me

- - -
BroGuy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1079
#43870 Posted: 19:55:44 15/05/2019
S & C community: please please give us remakes of our beloved classics, please!

*gets remakes*

S & C community: FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST- no more remakes! jeez!

[User Posted Image]

Why'd you peeps ask then?
Vespi Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#43871 Posted: 07:03:29 16/05/2019
do you actually enjoy anything, or are you just a professional hardass?
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7569
#43872 Posted: 18:23:04 16/05/2019
i wish i could just disappear
looks like ive got some things to do...
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#43873 Posted: 08:08:34 17/05/2019
still get those feelings of inadequacy and that im going to be a broke, perpetual failure ...
focus on little goals, they say. what if those "goals" are the wrong decisions that eventually just get me nowhere, huh?
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
TheFlyingSeal Diamond Sparx Gems: 8537
#43874 Posted: 11:29:23 17/05/2019
Spoiler'd for language:

Don't!! Ruin my vacation with my boyfriend!! We were having such a wonderful and happy time until you sent that Gaslighting Nuclear Bomb. How dare you make me sob for ten whole minutes after having such a cute, lazy day. How dare you tell it to me over text literally a week after it happened, instead of confronting me about it as soon as it happened like an actual adult. How dare you treat me like a stranger, an enemy, instead of a friend who you know won't do something like that, and then won't hear my side of the story because you're too stubborn to be proven wrong.
Gharlant Green Sparx Gems: 479
#43875 Posted: 12:51:12 17/05/2019
I just typed a long post and deleted it but it can be summed up as saying I guess I really haven't moved on after all.
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12204
#43876 Posted: 18:16:54 17/05/2019
it's actually pretty amazing how much my mental state has improved in the past month after our last conversation. i've finally let it go.
Gharlant Green Sparx Gems: 479
#43877 Posted: 04:35:47 19/05/2019
Friendly reminder that people change and sometimes deserve second chances. This isn't about me btw.
Vespi Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#43878 Posted: 20:15:30 19/05/2019

- - -
Vespi Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#43879 Posted: 01:44:28 21/05/2019
is this going to continue to push the limits of my morals? because if so, im out
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7569
#43880 Posted: 08:29:39 21/05/2019
lol i wish school was done with for the summer
looks like ive got some things to do...
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5528
#43881 Posted: 15:11:13 21/05/2019
Happy 20th birthday. I miss you
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
kardonis Platinum Sparx Gems: 6366
#43882 Posted: 02:52:12 22/05/2019
Just laugh. Just laugh it off. Only thing I can do anymore.

I am rapidly losing myself, I can't take much more of this
I used to be THE Bowser, now I'm just an awkward girl
Gharlant Green Sparx Gems: 479
#43883 Posted: 04:49:52 22/05/2019
I wonder if anyone ever sees me and thinks "hey I remember him, he used to be so happy. I wonder what happened to make him this way?"
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7569
#43884 Posted: 04:54:08 22/05/2019

i want some of these clothes...

i wish i had more money
looks like ive got some things to do...
Gharlant Green Sparx Gems: 479
#43885 Posted: 04:56:34 22/05/2019
Oh also there was someone I was having a conversation with a month or so ago and I never replied because I was having a hard time staying on topic of our conversation but then I deleted my inbox and sent box for some reason so if that person was you I apologize and also sorry for not using any punctuation in this post
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#43886 Posted: 06:37:53 22/05/2019
I hate how I feel like everything I do annoys everyone, and that I constantly analyse every single micro interaction. I feel like everyone hates me.
I'm angry at myself. Incredibly angry. I want to be further ahead. I want to do more. I want to be somewhere with my life. But instead I'm stuck in that transition period. Stuck studying, stuck working for a degree that, in the long run, probably won't get me anywhere. I'd be off working in the mountains if I could ****ing drive by myself. I'd have left this all behind and just gone up to the mountains. I'm sick of it here. I'm sick of being stuck here. I want out.

Also I hate that you're the highlight of my week, and that it ruins everything when I find out that you won't be there. I hate it. I hate the way you make me feel. I don't want to feel this. It's incredibly selfish of me to want to spend time with you because you're so busy and time poor, and I hate it. I know you've said you love me, but I honestly can't help thinking that you actually find me incredibly annoying and you'd prefer it if I weren't around.
Why does me not seeing you for one (1) week make me feel like this?
Screw me lol.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
Iceclaw Hunter Gems: 10049
#43887 Posted: 18:10:30 22/05/2019
That reminds me, I might as well just close my story server. It's just the same two people that post and I get the feeling everyone else doesn't even bother reading, it makes me feel pretty terrible and anxious since obviously it seems no one is interested in my story. The whole idea was for discussions with multiple people but there's no point if it's just the same two people participating. Might as well just remake it for just those two.
Twinkies and 2hus
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:12:04 22/05/2019 by Iceclaw
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7365
#43888 Posted: 20:18:09 23/05/2019
I feel like trash

Please don't throw me away...
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#43889 Posted: 22:09:34 23/05/2019
sometimes i hate my family :))))))


i need to talk to someone
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5375
#43890 Posted: 22:12:01 23/05/2019
I get it now. It’s always been her fault why I’m so insecure.
fyra Platinum Sparx Gems: 6471
#43891 Posted: 22:18:34 23/05/2019
Wondering why people snap at anything I say even when I just feel worried about the state of the fandom...also I’m past any hating on Skylanders.
Life may be harsh in such a dark year, happy new year we said an eternity ago it seem now, but it's far from over, we will survive.
Project_Unnamed Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10269
#43892 Posted: 22:04:59 25/05/2019
I guess that this was a case of nothing after all. It is not like anybody is to blame. The fact of the matter is that I may not be the best person to be associated with by any personal means. The only things left are to move forward and indulge in endeavours that bring authentic feel-good sensations to one's own life and to kill some time. The sand in the hourglass is running, damn it.
I might give you more opinions... for a small fee of course.
emeraldzoroark Platinum Sparx Gems: 5375
#43893 Posted: 00:24:17 28/05/2019
stop copying me
Gage Platinum Sparx Gems: 6654
#43894 Posted: 02:44:07 28/05/2019
This topic is like a bottle, filling up with raw human emotion for the past seven years.
It's a truly amazing topic.

After reading a few pages though, sometimes I wish I could hug all of you and support you all.
Through whatever tough times you're all having.

...But alas, my arms aren't long enough.
Wish you all the best in whatever difficulties stand in your way.
Got it Memorized?
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#43895 Posted: 21:51:04 28/05/2019
God I feel so much better
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