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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Toys and Merchandise > Our Collections so far :) *Post Pics and brag about your Skylanders!!!* updated
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Our Collections so far :) *Post Pics and brag about your Skylanders!!!* updated [STICKY]
Deandria Green Sparx Gems: 304
#351 Posted: 12:02:51 18/04/2012
That's a really nice shelving unit. Impressive.

I once tried to make a bookshelf at school... it was just terrible. I couldn't get it even and ended up sanding it too much. I could never make anything that nice... I can't even build Ikea furniture without tightening the screws too much so they end up damaging the wood >.<
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Really Want: smilie smilie
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#352 Posted: 18:07:44 18/04/2012
I tried making a Wooden Catapult at school, it wasn't too bad, but it wasn't good. The arm would fire things more towards the ground than air, and the frame was wonky.
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
trentd78 Ripto Gems: 914
#353 Posted: 22:11:49 18/04/2012
^ thats way off topic. but a really cool idea!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:28:20 28/04/2012 by trentd78
BadKityZimFreak Red Sparx Gems: 21
#354 Posted: 23:10:46 18/04/2012
Here is the Skylander display I made for my son. This is his first "collection" and I wanted to make it something to be proud of. : )
[User Posted Image]
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:24:45 18/04/2012 by BadKityZimFreak
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#355 Posted: 23:59:47 18/04/2012
^Thats Awesome!
I really liked how you added pictures for each element in the back
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#356 Posted: 01:27:13 19/04/2012
Quote: BadKityZimFreak
Here is the Skylander display I made for my son. This is his first "collection" and I wanted to make it something to be proud of. : )
[User Posted Image]

DUDE! Very nice. Mad props.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
syzygy333 Green Sparx Gems: 361
#357 Posted: 03:52:22 19/04/2012
Awesome cabinet!...
On another our legendary triple pack today! Woohoo!!!
Own: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
bl bash
Stealth Elf 32 Green Sparx Gems: 176
#358 Posted: 11:37:17 19/04/2012
Quote: BadKityZimFreak
Here is the Skylander display I made for my son. This is his first "collection" and I wanted to make it something to be proud of. : )
[User Posted Image]

cool elemental backgrounds!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I posted! smilie My Other Site, although I rarely use it. I love Godsmack! Its a rock band.
Rich246 Green Sparx Gems: 243
#359 Posted: 12:27:48 19/04/2012
Wow, there are a lot of amazing collections on here, and heres me owning 3 and waiting for my triple pack in the mail *smiliesmiliesmilie*
I'll post some pics when the triple pack arrives.
I own:
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Wolffe Red Sparx Gems: 86
#360 Posted: 18:34:06 19/04/2012
Quote: BadKityZimFreak
Here is the Skylander display I made for my son. This is his first "collection" and I wanted to make it something to be proud of. : )

That looks awesome! As the others said the background pictures are a GREAT touch... congrats on a nice job...
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#361 Posted: 17:31:53 20/04/2012
Just repeating on what everyone else is saying, but those back pictures are a very nice little add-on.
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
StormbringerGT Green Sparx Gems: 162
#362 Posted: 17:36:53 20/04/2012

Great job!
I'm currently: Awaiting Dragon's Dogma and listening to Old Linkin park. Bite me, their old stuff is better than their new stuff. smilie
StormbringerGT Green Sparx Gems: 162
#363 Posted: 23:36:19 20/04/2012
Here's my collection I challenge you find a cooler way to show off your Skylanders!

I'm currently: Awaiting Dragon's Dogma and listening to Old Linkin park. Bite me, their old stuff is better than their new stuff. smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:55:56 20/04/2012 by StormbringerGT
SpyroTek Blue Sparx Gems: 516
#364 Posted: 23:54:48 20/04/2012
Quote: StormbringerGT
Here's my collection I challenge you find a cooler way to show off your Skylanders!

HA! Good one.
Stealth Elf 32 Green Sparx Gems: 176
#365 Posted: 00:02:38 21/04/2012
Quote: Vhraina

Triple Packs
[User Posted Image]
(yes, I know we are missing one of them... :/ )
[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]
Missing which one smilie
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I posted! smilie My Other Site, although I rarely use it. I love Godsmack! Its a rock band.
trentd78 Ripto Gems: 914
#366 Posted: 12:43:15 21/04/2012
eruptor bash and chop chop
ramster1221 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1957
#367 Posted: 20:49:23 21/04/2012
Just found 2 Wham Shells and a Camo at Walmart. Chalk me up for the 100% collection completion.
Erica0680 Red Sparx Gems: 40
#368 Posted: 00:47:47 24/04/2012
Wham shell is the last one i need, have it preordered from amazon; but just managed to snag an order from gamestop so should have my last in hand soon!

I will include some picks as soon as I finish my display. I was inspired by the custom display joker made, and so mine will look almost identical as i have no shame :-)
Erica0680 Red Sparx Gems: 40
#369 Posted: 00:48:17 24/04/2012
gamestop link:
MoonlitCynder Gold Sparx Gems: 2589
#370 Posted: 22:45:39 24/04/2012
[User Posted Image]

Finished Collection :]
37/37 + BsmilieTF+GITDsmilieRsmilieE3smilieFlockedsmilieGITDsmilieAsmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
48/48 + 6/6 Legendary+smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie+ smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Inkie566 Green Sparx Gems: 223
#371 Posted: 23:21:09 24/04/2012
Cool smilie

Sorry for no pics, but I have Spyro, Trigger Happy, Gill Grunt, Dino-rang, Hex, Zap, Wrecking Ball, Stealth Elf, Whirlwind, Ignitor, Double Trouble, and Drill Sargent.

Not very big, but it's something. I'll post pics asap.
Skylanderportal Green Sparx Gems: 461
#372 Posted: 00:32:30 25/04/2012
Quote: MoonlitCynder
[User Posted Image]

Finished Collection :]

Nice Raikou, Entei, and Suicune
All SSA but smilie
SG: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Sidekicks: none
MoonlitCynder Gold Sparx Gems: 2589
#373 Posted: 00:39:27 25/04/2012
^ Thanks those are shiny, I have a regular Raikou too :]
37/37 + BsmilieTF+GITDsmilieRsmilieE3smilieFlockedsmilieGITDsmilieAsmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
48/48 + 6/6 Legendary+smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie+ smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#374 Posted: 00:46:13 25/04/2012
Me thinks Tash and Vhrai need to update their collection photos. smilie
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Skylanderportal Green Sparx Gems: 461
#375 Posted: 00:54:30 25/04/2012
I need to do so too...

All SSA but smilie
SG: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Sidekicks: none
nintendofreak Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#376 Posted: 19:28:20 26/04/2012
Didn't know Camo was out, but i'll be sure to hunt for now since that's my last one to find. But I have the 3 that come with the game. Cynder, whirlwind, zap, * just ordered sunburn* ,drobot, bash, and sonic boom.
DantheDragonBoy Green Sparx Gems: 404
#377 Posted: 22:20:06 26/04/2012
Just got smilie and smilie in the mail today smilie
Very happy I am smilie
Just have to take their pic in my collection now!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:21:26 26/04/2012 by DantheDragonBoy
Lex0314 Red Sparx Gems: 46
#378 Posted: 23:58:12 26/04/2012
[User Posted Image]

Hope this post works, haven't tried to post a picture on the forums before; and the dark spyro is missing because my son has it... somewhere :/
That's okay though, it's his collection :-)

I did say I was inspired by joker :-)
37/37, plus a blue bash and volcanic vault!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:59:09 26/04/2012 by Lex0314
sfaiella Blue Sparx Gems: 821
#379 Posted: 02:19:56 27/04/2012
Hey guys, just finished this. Didnt want to wait on Giants articulation. I have pics from the process and the finished product, let me know what you think!
[User Posted Image]

Uploaded with
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Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#380 Posted: 02:39:35 27/04/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
Me thinks Tash and Vhrai need to update their collection photos. smilie

Methinks we are right now. Should be up tonight. smilie
Lex0314 Red Sparx Gems: 46
#381 Posted: 14:50:18 27/04/2012
Tash ya got my hopes up and then there's nothing to look at smilie
37/37, plus a blue bash and volcanic vault!
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#382 Posted: 15:49:42 27/04/2012
I was hoping it would be up, but V is still working on them. smilie
trentd78 Ripto Gems: 914
#383 Posted: 00:26:18 28/04/2012
wish i could post pics
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#384 Posted: 01:10:26 28/04/2012
Quote: trentd78
wish i could post pics

You can get a photobucket account upload your pics them post them here with the link you copy from your photobucket account its all that easy.
joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
#385 Posted: 22:00:44 28/04/2012
Left side of my skylanders on my desk.
[User Posted Image]

Sory, its blurry.
[User Posted Image]

Right side
[User Posted Image]

Thats my collection.
the road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantime☠
trentd78 Ripto Gems: 914
#386 Posted: 23:14:54 28/04/2012
Quote: joerox123
Left side of my skylanders on my desk.
[Image Unavailable]

Sory, its blurry.
[Image Unavailable]

Right side
[Image Unavailable]

Thats my collection.

cool customs!!!
RadMagicShadow Green Sparx Gems: 496
#387 Posted: 00:05:27 29/04/2012
Wow! Nice collections. If you feel like writing some stories about the Skylanders check out my forum, Skylander Fan-Fiction.
I regret nothing.
AJAwesome Platinum Sparx Gems: 6701
#388 Posted: 00:19:03 29/04/2012
Blue eruptor?
I'm a girl. My name is Reese. :3
sykotek Yellow Sparx Gems: 1262
#389 Posted: 00:40:44 29/04/2012
^It's the most noticable, but it seems like he's painted a few things...possibly has a fondness for blue.
Volcanic Vault World Tour is temporarily on hold...waiting on dwattzdrummer
Stealth Elf 32 Green Sparx Gems: 176
#390 Posted: 00:41:56 29/04/2012
Quote: joerox123
Left side of my skylanders on my desk.
[User Posted Image]

Sory, its blurry.
[User Posted Image]

Right side
[User Posted Image]

Thats my collection.

How did you get blue eruptor and spyro...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I posted! smilie My Other Site, although I rarely use it. I love Godsmack! Its a rock band.
joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
#391 Posted: 00:52:23 29/04/2012
I used paint. My eruptor darkspyro and flameslinger glow in the dark
the road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantime☠
sykotek Yellow Sparx Gems: 1262
#392 Posted: 01:05:05 29/04/2012
^Should also mention the guns on Trigger Happy and Flameslinger's bow...that's why I think maybe he's into blue.
Volcanic Vault World Tour is temporarily on hold...waiting on dwattzdrummer
joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
#393 Posted: 03:29:40 29/04/2012
I am not actually. It was the onlympaint I could find.
the road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantime☠
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2262
#394 Posted: 20:09:11 29/04/2012
my colection yay

[User Posted Image]
joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
#395 Posted: 22:41:28 29/04/2012
Here is the other side:
[User Posted Image]
the road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantime☠
trentd78 Ripto Gems: 914
#396 Posted: 23:09:15 30/04/2012
Quote: zook it up
my colection yay

[Image Unavailable]

is it me or did that not work???
Wiseman Green Sparx Gems: 333
#397 Posted: 03:07:17 01/05/2012
Didnt work.
** Avatar Creator - nitendofan92 **
Kurui Ripto Gems: 191
#398 Posted: 23:00:25 01/05/2012

My tiny collection smilie;;;
Skylanderportal Green Sparx Gems: 461
#399 Posted: 00:55:11 02/05/2012
^Something is better than nothing smilie
P.S. And Wham-Shell WOW
All SSA but smilie
SG: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Sidekicks: none
Kurui Ripto Gems: 191
#400 Posted: 01:14:33 02/05/2012
That was the only ones they had the store. None else just the big red one to the left of the portal there lol I'm searching for a Hex or Stealth Elf but that's must be hard to find here. Sadly.

All I can find is: Bash, some blue creature with clouds I think or maybe earth (I forget the name but I think its like Tornado xD), another purple dragon but not spyro (I think Cynder?) and the drill one. smilie And I went to Target, K-mart, Walmart, and just little random game shop (and at the game shop all they had was those big red whammer shell ones smilie and nothing else lol just a whole line of them, but for like 7 bucks so I bought one since it was cheap ).

Skylands must not be very popular in Arkansas~
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:15:11 02/05/2012 by Kurui
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