"Go ahead," Sere answered to Maverick, his attention still being focused on Angora and Shade. "Don't make us wait for you - because we probably will not. Sailors have started coming back, however, so we'll probably wait at least until Latnok has the meal prepared."
Ilasi was noting the somewhat reduced tension in the group - the others didn't seem as hostile to Shade and his companions today, and Leoquin, though still not liking them, wasn't insulting, at least not at the moment. A much more pleasant work environment than she was used to. She only wished something could be done about the awkwardness between her and Maverick.
Maverick nodded in thanks, preparing to walk, but then turned around.
"Better get Dahlia. She'll help me arrive and return faster. Where is the wyvern? I don't want her to get nervous." Maverick asked, not knowing whether Veris was flying off somewhere, in his enclosure or lying around somewhere on the ship. Dahlia was terrified of him, even more so than of Shade, maybe because of his more feral nature.
Angora didn't respond to Sere's comment, knowing he was going to rush. However, applying the antibiotic was very easy, so it wasn't going to take her long. She was glad for Maverick though getting that permission, having feared that Sere was going to deny his request, so she was quite glad he was sensible for once.