darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Role Play > DarkSpyro: Character Catastrophe REDUX
Gold Sparx
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#351 Posted: 20:31:44 12/08/2016
Durza smirked and said having cought his breath "is your character related to Spyro and Cynder? Has your character trained under Goku and co? Is your character also a vizard?"
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100 |
#352 Posted: 22:06:30 12/08/2016
After the momentary awestruck of the shelter being created wore off me, I smirked at Shade and rolled my irises in an amused manner, "Pffft, c'mon Shade, there's no reason for ya to be getting cocky." After that, I decided to look around the shelter a bit myself.
Gold Sparx
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#353 Posted: 22:57:09 12/08/2016
I smiled and said "well i'll admit i could've done better, Durza is one who likes to put a certin finess into things like this but i'm only just trying to get used to his powers. He is after all my second most op oc."
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
Gold Sparx
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#354 Posted: 23:29:44 12/08/2016
I decided to try to shoot some more lightning without burning stuff. I managed to shoot one bolt without any incidents, but another came dangerously close to hitting someone. "Oops. I need to work on that," I apologized.
Emerald Sparx
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#355 Posted: 23:34:08 12/08/2016
That someone that the bolt almost hit was me, luckily I was able to dodge it. "I-It's ok," I added, still a little shaken up about the dangerous misfire. I was a anime character now, but from a anime that takes injuries VERY seriously. I was basically just a very talented human being compared to what everyone else was here. I might be fast and strong, but that doesn't mean that I'm more defensive than the others. Most of the group could probably take the hit better than I would...
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Gold Sparx
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#356 Posted: 23:39:37 12/08/2016
I sighed. "I'm really sorry. I'm trying to work on controlling that so that if I need it I don't mess up. It's harder than I thought it would be," I admitted. I floated back down towards the group.
Emerald Sparx
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#357 Posted: 23:44:29 12/08/2016
I thought for a moment, "Why don't we go and practice our abilities after?" I asked her, "I mean, I still have to practice getting used to all this speed and strength, trust me it's a big difference compared to five foot one normal me," I then added, "And at the same time you could practice your thunder wielding powers?" I then suggested, "We could find a safe place a little ways away from the grounds where the shelter'll be. At the same time we could even try and hunt for resources," I then responded. "I have some knowledge on hunting, where I came from there's a lot of it, and I know how to set a few traps too for food,"
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Gold Sparx
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#358 Posted: 23:46:58 12/08/2016
I nodded. "Well first of all, it's not thunder, it's lightning. There's a very large difference," I clarified, because that's just how I am. "Second, sounds like a plan!"
Emerald Sparx
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#359 Posted: 00:05:47 13/08/2016
((I have a plan and this'll bring out darx's time to shine lol))
I couldn't help but crack a smile at that, "Ok ok, we'll go practice our abilities and you'll practice your Lightning powers," I joked, and then looked back at the group, who seemed pretty caught up in what they were doing, I looked back at FuryBeam, "We could go now," I added, "Everyone else seems pretty caught up in what they're doing,"
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Gold Sparx
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#360 Posted: 00:08:01 13/08/2016
I smiled. "Sure. Let's go then!" I said cheerfully. I flew out the opening and waited just outside, flying in loops and circles. I was enjoying the ability to fly.
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100 |
#361 Posted: 00:15:48 13/08/2016
Exploring a bit, I slightly overheard their conversation and then felt a strong urge of need. I walked over to Prex and Fury, a bit shyly at first, but my paced quickened. "Hey, you guys don't mind if I come with, do you? I've... Kinda been wanting to try my powers out a bit myself!"
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:20:59 13/08/2016 by Starlight_Shine
Emerald Sparx
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#362 Posted: 00:20:19 13/08/2016
((Ok, sounds crazy but after we get away from the group I need to to accidentally hit my character with lightning
![]() I nodded, and followed the floating user, I smiled, happy to see that everything was going OK for now. I looked back at the others, "We won't be long!" I called out to them. I soon heard the UF Sans user speak up, and I nodded, "Yeah sure, feel free to tag along if you like," I told them with a smile. Little did I know that this little experiment with our newfound abilities might unleash a darker force... Upon getting far enough from the group, we had both ran into a perfect place, a small clearing surrounded by trees. I could test my new athletic abilities by the trees around, simply by seeing how good I was by climbing them and maybe a few jumps, while Fury could use the clearing by aiming at targets that we could draw in the dirt on the ground, "This seems good to me, Should we draw out some targets for you to aim at?" I asked her curiously. EDIT: Added a part in because I got ninja'd!
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:21:50 13/08/2016 by prextail202
Gold Sparx
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#363 Posted: 00:22:16 13/08/2016
I nodded. "Sounds like a good idea. It'll give me something to aim at, I guess."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:23:42 13/08/2016 by FuryBeam136
Emerald Sparx
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#364 Posted: 00:38:35 13/08/2016
((Made a little photo gallery thingy for easy access to my avatar appearances and Darx's appearances, it's linked on my post on the front page too! http://sta.sh/2xdwfcevs2d ))
I nodded, before taking a stick and drawing a few targets in the dirt for her, "And by aiming here, the electricity should be put out by impact with the ground and hopefully not hit anything too serious," I told her, before going to look and see if Starlight had followed like I offered.
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Platinum Sparx
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#365 Posted: 00:43:27 13/08/2016
"If that's your second most OP character, I don't want to see your first," Storm joked. "But nice job making a shelter. I don't really have anything really useful like this—" sparks erupted from the dragon's paw. "My powers beg to differ." She ground her paw into the dirt and let the electricity surge into the ground. "I'm still trying to figure out how it can be used. Maybe to charge someone's phone?"
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX |
Gold Sparx
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#366 Posted: 00:44:31 13/08/2016
I concentrated and aimed at the targets. I was doing pretty well, considering lightning was difficult to control. I missed the targets a lot, but didn't hit anything important. I tried again and gasped as the lightning hit Prex. "Oh gods nonono!" I mumbled.
(Happy birthday, you got your wish of getting struck by lightning!) |
Diamond Sparx
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#367 Posted: 00:47:18 13/08/2016 | Topic Creator
"Oh, okay," I commented on Austin's leg situation, hearing something about some users wanting to test out their powers. That was something I was curious about, too. While not a god or anything, Foxtail had some pretty good tricks up his furry sleeves, and if I could harness them, that'd make this significantly easier. "Hey, guys, wait up! I wanna practice too!"
Holy ****! I caught up to them just in time to witness Prex get struck by lightning! If that's not enough to surprise someone, I don't know what is! I frantically ran up to the trio of users. "What happened!?" I asked with a panic-laced trembling voice. [Yay, ninjas. Some things never change, do they?] [Also, thanks, Prex. I wanted someone else to have a doppelganger appear before I revealed my own...]
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 00:52:31 13/08/2016 by Skyhunter
Gold Sparx
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#368 Posted: 00:52:57 13/08/2016
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" I cried. I was really worried and felt guilty.
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100 |
#369 Posted: 00:54:14 13/08/2016
(Wow, first time I ninja'd someone.
![]() Following Prex and Fury into the forest gave me a nice little area to try something I've always wanted to do, even before Undertale: Teleport. I'd always thought it'd give me a nice convenience to leave bad/awkward situations and that was definitely something Sans could do. I slightly wandered from them, but not out of view. I then thought for a moment before I got ahead of myself. I should probably start simple... Even if I didn't have experience with it, it was obvious that teleporting wasn't easy. So I decided to set my skills on a more simple task: Levitation. That had to be easier that teleporting, right? So, I looked around for a small object of some sort. Aha! There was a perfectly sized stick that had fallen out of a tree. That would definitely work! I walked over to it and set myself down on the grass. I mumbled to myself as I tried to focus, "Alright... Let's just..." I held my hand out and directed my full attention to the stick. I felt a slight burning sensation in my left eye. Whatever I was doing was going well so far... C'mon.... I thought with a little anxious urgency. Then... Ding! Darkness. SMACK! I then felt like I'd been forced into a brick wall. Then I realized... I teleported, but... Not in the way I intended to. I teleported into the tree that the stick was next to. Somehow. I put a hand to my head as I slowly fell back onto the ground. I just lie there motionless for a second, but then fiery anger bursted out of nowhere, "CRAP!" I plain out yelled. When I opened my 'eyes', my lone was iris still burning bright red, now with fury. Last time I was going to make that mistake. At least I was making progress... |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:07:28 13/08/2016 by Starlight_Shine
Emerald Sparx
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#370 Posted: 00:55:39 13/08/2016
Soon seeing Sky run up to us made me smile, I'd love to see his OC's powers in action. However, that smile was short lived as I soon got a shocking surprise from behind, and it was painful. Luckily I was still alive, but that luck had a bad case of bad luck tagging along.
When the lightning struck me, I was knocked down to the ground, but not without a few black pixels flying in the air away from where the lightning had struck me, in the back. The black pixels seemed to disappear, but they didnt. As if they were atoms, and once a small distance away from the group, these pixels formed into a darker, more sinister version of my current appearance. The now doppleganger opened his eyes, looking at his surroundings, and then chuckled. He hid in the trees and watched the scene unfold as he saw his 'original' on the ground, unconscious. He was curious how this would play out... What was this evil being's name? None other than DARX.
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Gold Sparx
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#371 Posted: 00:57:11 13/08/2016
"I'm so sorry..." I murmured again, floating to Prex's side. "I didn't mean to... It was an accident..."
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100 |
#372 Posted: 00:58:18 13/08/2016
(Wow, I'm so slow.
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Emerald Sparx
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#373 Posted: 00:59:25 13/08/2016
((Hahah it's ok, I know what that's like sometimes
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Gold Sparx
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#374 Posted: 01:00:22 13/08/2016
(Me too.)
Diamond Sparx
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#375 Posted: 01:06:59 13/08/2016 | Topic Creator
"Oh my god, Prex, are you okay!?" I asked the unconscious user, still in a hysteric state. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a cloud of dark pixels floating away from the scene, and knew that that couldn't lead to anything good. But I didn't have time to worry about that, I had an electrocuted friend to tend to! "Are you okay?" I asked again, knowing the answer was probably "no"- I mean, who in the history of forever gets struck by lightning and winds up okay?
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:14:13 13/08/2016 by Skyhunter
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100 |
#376 Posted: 01:19:08 13/08/2016
I shakily got up, now with a headache. I was mumbling angrily to myself, "Crap... How did I even manage that?" I held a hand to my head. Well... At least I did something... I shook off most of my pain. I guess I was so distracted by my own affairs that I hadn't even noticed that Prex was hurt. "Prex!" I called out, running over to her and Fury. I kneeled down examining her and then I looked up at Fury in pure concern, "What happened?"
Emerald Sparx
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#377 Posted: 01:19:28 13/08/2016
My hand twitched slightly, and then my eyes slowly opened. I cringed, I was in quite a bit of pain, my back hurt like hell, and I don't know if I could get up or not. I looked up at the other users weakly and gave a reassuring smile, "Heh, I-I'll be o-ok, I-I think..." I added, "...But my back ****ing hurts like hell..." I muttered. I tried to get up but that was a bad idea and just gave up on that, "Agh, that REALLY hurts!" I said, a pained look on my face. "..B-But hey, I'm alive, right?" I asked both the users, trying to brighten up the mood.
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:21:48 13/08/2016 by prextail202
Gold Sparx
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#378 Posted: 01:21:55 13/08/2016
"I'm sorry!" I felt like I was getting annoying at this point, but when I apologize for something I generally don't stop until someone calls me out on it. "I'm really, really sorry!"
Emerald Sparx
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#379 Posted: 01:24:16 13/08/2016
"L-Like I said Fury, I-I'm alive, you didnt kill me..." I added, "Other than the pain, I-I feel different, and I-I cant put my mind to what it is.." I added, not knowing that any negative energy I had, that was the pixels that escaped me and became Darx. He was dangerously close to the group now, still hidden, and observing the group, plotting how to make a mess of things, worse than they are now.
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100 |
#380 Posted: 01:25:54 13/08/2016
"Wait, you did this?" I asked Fury, looking down at Prex as she was waking up. I looked back up at Fury, "It was an accident, right?" My mind was full of questions now, but I only managed that one for now.
Gold Sparx
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#381 Posted: 01:26:37 13/08/2016
I stopped, but only because I knew I'd get yelled at at some point. "Wait, you feel different? Was that me too?" I was panicking. What had I done?
Diamond Sparx
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#382 Posted: 01:29:28 13/08/2016 | Topic Creator
I felt a weight lift off of my chest when Prex confirmed that she was okay, albeit badly injured. "Oh, thank heavens..." I sighed with relief, giving a sympathetic wince as she yelled in agony. Well, there's another injured user to tend to. She mentioned feeling... different. Maybe it was linked to those pixels? "Um, I hate to tell you this now, but... I think I saw something come from you, Prex."
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100 |
#383 Posted: 01:34:40 13/08/2016
I just stopped asking questions now. Everyone was so worried now and the situation itself seemed to answer my questions, anyway. There was a new concern that came to mind now... "Something came from her?" I asked blankly. What was that supposed to mean? I couldn't think straight. This situation was going zero to a hundred really fast...
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:38:11 13/08/2016 by Starlight_Shine
Gold Sparx
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#384 Posted: 01:37:52 13/08/2016
(I got Ninja'd by you earlier, so I didn't answer the question. Oops.)
I was really worried now. Had I messed something up? Had I done more than I realized? Was I going to end up hurting someone else? It was too much, I had to get away from everything. I floated higher as quickly as I could, trying to calm down. |
Emerald Sparx
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#385 Posted: 01:41:01 13/08/2016
I blinked, "Something...Coming from me..?" I asked, confused and a bit concerned, "S-Sky, what do you mean by that exactly?" I asked, hoping he'd know what it was that came from me, I was just worried of what it was, very worried.
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Diamond Sparx
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#386 Posted: 01:45:55 13/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Now that things had settled- for the most part, I more calmly recapped what I witnessed. "When you got hit by that lightning strike, there was this weird flurry of dark- pixels? I'm not too sure. They floated away in that direction," I said, pointing in the opposite direction from where she was struck. "It looks like they disappeared, but I'm not so sure about that... Whatever it was, it didn't look good."
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Gold Sparx
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#387 Posted: 01:49:23 13/08/2016
I chuckle "i never use my most op oc because he's basically god modded. He's no fun so i don't use him. But right now i need some rest." then i begin to get smaller and i revert to Durza's human form. Standing at 6 feet tall i fall to the ground and fall asleep. If anyone tryed to pick me up i would be to heavy due to Durza's heavy training gear.
I am the Ultimate Dragon first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open |
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100 |
#388 Posted: 01:49:42 13/08/2016
I looked in the direction that Sky had claimed where the dark pixles had gone. I was scared as heck now, but curiosity took over at this point, "Do you think we should investigate?" I looked back at Prex, "Well... Uh... If you're okay, at least, Prex..." I finished, feeling a little guilty for not considering her condition.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:08:12 13/08/2016 by Starlight_Shine
Gold Sparx
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#389 Posted: 01:51:58 13/08/2016
I was higher than I should technically have been able to go at this point, but I didn't care. I needed to do something to calm myself down. Would my panic and worry cause any crazy lightning stuff? I seriously hoped not.
Emerald Sparx
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#390 Posted: 02:12:36 13/08/2016
Before I could say another word, a voice spoke up from in the distance, in a very similar voice to my current one..
"Pfft, wow, you guys really are pathetic." The voice said with a chuckle. Upon looking for such source of where the hell the voice came from, one would see someone very similar to me leaned up against a tree, looking at the group with a smirk on his face, "Now, if any of you don't know who I am, then that's even worse. Fuzzy over there should know, unless he's stupid," The figure responded, so called 'Fuzzy' was Sky. Sky was in previous RPs that I had made and where Darx had made an appearance, so having my memories, Darx recalled this. "...And stop whining about goodie two shoes on the ground over there, she'll be fine," he then grumbled, annoyed at how his other half could allow herself to get hit like that...
di ****n molto or whatever I guess |
Gold Sparx
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#391 Posted: 02:16:58 13/08/2016
I managed to calm down enough that I told myself I wouldn't hurt anyone by returning to the ground. When I saw tha clearly more evil Prex, I froze. Was it me who had created that? I hit her with lightning, and that thing had clearly been created shortly after. My panic was returning and I stared, unmoving, at the clone.
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100 |
#392 Posted: 02:22:59 13/08/2016
I looked up in alarm as a new voice joined our conversation. I looked up to find a darker version of Prex's character... That was all it took for me to loose it. Instantly, a giant wave of fear crashed over me. My breathing picked up pace and my thoughts scattered to the point I couldn't manage a full sentence, "W-what...?!" I whimpered out, breathlessly. My red irises slowly flicked out and I was trembling helplessly.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 02:47:31 13/08/2016 by Starlight_Shine
Diamond Sparx
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#393 Posted: 02:26:20 13/08/2016 | Topic Creator
[Sorry guys, but I gotta get up early tomorrow, so I'm going to bed. I'll post a new response later.]
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Diamond Sparx
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#394 Posted: 04:52:34 13/08/2016
OoC: Wow, over 40 new posts!
![]() I had been investigating the fruit trees so intently that I hadn't noticed Skyhunter, Fury, Prex and Starlight slip away. Yanking one of the fruits off the tree, I thoughtfully tried it. Tasted like peach. Really good peach, to be honest. I waited a moment after swallowing a bite to make sure there were no unfortunate side-effects. Finding nothing wrong, I alerted the rest of the group to the palatable fruit, then finished mine off. I felt instantly rejuvenated, even though it was a mere peach. I wonder if these fruits are based off how food in video games typically works. In many games, a person would eat food to regain health. Perhaps it would be a good thing to bookmark this location. I stuffed as many as I could in my pockets, thinking it would be helpful to keep some on hand. I couldn't have had a better plan. As I turned around to get back to the others, lightning met my eyes in very close proximity. Of course, Fury had continued to test her skills, but I got the feeling that this was no practice session. I snatched my bow up into my hand, then raced off to find the source. I gasped as I realized that four users had separated from the others. I didn't know why they had thought that was a good idea, but now wasn't the time for arguing. Due to Fury's frantic apologies and Prex's shockingly-injured state, I could quickly infer what had happened. "Prex!" I sputtered, overcome with fear. "Are you okay? Oh my Gods, I saw the strike from back there!" My trembling hands dug through my pockets. "Here, take some of this fruit. Trust me, you'll feel a lot better when you eat some." I hadn't yet noticed that we were being watched by a certain doppelgänger of Prex's...
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce! |
Emerald Sparx
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#395 Posted: 08:22:08 13/08/2016
I was sitting in the shelter. "Do you think I have any powers? I have never seen Asriel do anything other than when he was Flowey or the God of Hyperdeath. I don't think I have any way of helping the group..."
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
Platinum Sparx
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#396 Posted: 12:18:15 13/08/2016
"Yeah, it's no fun to one-shot everything," Skyward agreed. "Do you think we should go train with the others, or are you too drained?" She looked over and saw the dragon-turned-human was fast asleep. "Hmm, okay then…"
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX |
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100 |
#397 Posted: 13:11:07 13/08/2016
During all the madness occurring, I noticed someone had also come to our side and before I knew it, I saw that it was none other than Shadmé. Great. Another user that could possibly be in danger now. While still trembling and breathing heavily, I pulled together the first sentence that came to mind, "Sh-shadmé w-what are you d-doing h-here...?"
Diamond Sparx
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#398 Posted: 14:46:00 13/08/2016
I smiled gently at the user-turned-Underfell Sans. It was sort of interesting to see this juxtaposition between her personality and her avatar. Definitely a good thing that Starlight had maintained her personality- in Avatar Mishap, many a user had gone rogue partially due to who their avatar was, and I suspected that was equally likely here. Ah, well. That was a though for another time. I had to answer Starlight, after all. That lightning must've really shaken her up...
"You want one?" I offered her a peach, even though I was clueless as to how a skeleton would eat. It must've been possible, because I knew of original Sans' fixation on ketchup. "I heard a lightning strike, came running over, and immediately figured out what was up. Before that, though, I was investigating the fruit trees we were walking by. I have a hypothesis that these fruits are good for healing. Don't worry, I tried one. Seeing Prex like this, I figured distributing them was worth a shot."
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce! |
Diamond Sparx
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#399 Posted: 15:11:19 13/08/2016 | Topic Creator
"Who said that!" I heard a voice that sounded like Prex's, except- different, somehow. An insulting, condescending voice. I quickly whipped around to try and find the source, and what I found made my blood run cold. It was someone that looked similar to Prextail, but darker and more malicious. He was right; I recognized him on the spot. Darx. Foxtail's primal instincts kicked in as I glared at the doppelganger, growling with my teeth bared and ears pinned back in aggression.
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#400 Posted: 15:11:38 13/08/2016
((69 subs? Thats a joke. Hah. You guys are so forgetfull. I'm technically left dying. Thanks guys xD))
"My head..." I grumbled before getting up. A sudden rumble of lighting had roused me up from my somewhat "dead sleep" I tried walking, but my body was too weak, so I kinda just laid there. I couldn't reach the fruit still, but I could see a dark figure hiding. Maybe he hadn't seen me? "H-hey! Y-you...-" I noticed my voice was reduced to notthing but a mare squack that even the ants wouldn't hear. Again my vision began to falter. "Ugh. I give up." I said before losing it again. |
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