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Personal Thoughts [STICKY]
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12215
#38801 Posted: 03:40:15 21/11/2016
i'm a goblin
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#38802 Posted: 03:41:10 21/11/2016
So you can't be called edgy even though you call me that all the time? I mostly stay quiet now because if I try to talk you mostly attack me and I try to defend myself. I guess I shouldn't say anything then.
Spyro Lover122 Gold Sparx Gems: 2147
#38803 Posted: 04:13:43 21/11/2016
it's 4 am again and why does this keep happening to me
Whenever you reach too high, life smacks you down!
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862
#38804 Posted: 05:12:56 21/11/2016
All I got to say is k.

Might as well leave calls when you join.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:14:34 21/11/2016 by willspyro
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#38805 Posted: 02:29:02 22/11/2016
A month, its not long but Im gonna miss her so much. I know she said she'd keep in contact but I know she will be so busy... I already miss her even though we just said goodbye.
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7569
#38806 Posted: 06:38:00 22/11/2016
maybe im taking this assignment to seriously but OH MY GOOOOD this is gonna be fun to write about <3
looks like ive got some things to do...
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#38807 Posted: 08:53:41 22/11/2016
SoulFly Emerald Sparx Gems: 4660
#38808 Posted: 10:32:54 22/11/2016
^but thy wizardhood man
Spyro Lover122 Gold Sparx Gems: 2147
#38809 Posted: 17:10:21 22/11/2016
I need a break from all of this negativity. I just can't take it anymore.
Whenever you reach too high, life smacks you down!
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3328
#38810 Posted: 20:33:32 22/11/2016
I want my life to get better soon

i really need some good luck
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3328
#38811 Posted: 22:11:05 22/11/2016
I don't know what I want. I go back and forth because of my mood swings and depression, i don't know who the real me is. I hate it.

I want to get friends here, I never had a real group of friends like tv shows that would get together all the time and have wacky adventures, i want friends who love me and accept me and think im hilarious
but im new here and i dont do anything
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Spyro Lover122 Gold Sparx Gems: 2147
#38812 Posted: 22:27:20 22/11/2016
****, I really don't know what I'm doing anymore. What am I even trying to accomplish? I've never reached the goals I aimed for in the past, so I don't even bother thinking about it now. I've lost all motivation, and now my whole life is just confusing me. What is it that I'm waiting for? Is the future even worth waiting for? I just sit there waiting for a miracle, waiting for my life to change for the better. I can't keep living like this. I don't even want to keep living like this, but I don't have the energy to fight it either. My life seems like some cruel joke at this point, and I want change. I want to become a better person. But I still can't find a meaning to this. Maybe there isn't one, but I just want it to make sense. I want our lives to be better. But I don't know what I have to do to fix it. I've been told multiple times that I shouldn't feel responsible in counselling, but I still can't quit it. I'm tired of being stuck in one place. I need something good to happen for once, I want all of us to be happy for once. And I need more positive thinking.

Whenever you reach too high, life smacks you down!
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7365
#38813 Posted: 23:44:21 22/11/2016
Whilst looking back, I noticed what I filled my past with. I didn't think about it much at first but I am ashamed and not proud of this past. But it's time I let go of it, I learn from it, I start anew. Clean myself of this, and clean myself of the pain I've had for so many years. I'm broken and I accept this, but it will be fixed and the pieces I've lost returned to me, I'll move on and slowly come back out of my solitude, try and take more risks of talking to people to get closer to them. Last Sunday, it fulfilled me so much, it made things so peaceful, made me feel different. A rebirth inside that I truly wasn't expecting, I am so happy with myself right now.

I'll take this, what I have, and use it. It's time to light up these shadows that have fallen on me and make them brighter. I will burn, like a star, like a flame. If things become bleak, I just have to remind myself that... I'm not alone, that this pain and falling down is all apart of being Human, that I am Human. That I don't need to be perfect, I just need to be Human, that I have a soul, isn't that enough? Isn't that enough?

Because I think so.
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#38814 Posted: 15:16:28 23/11/2016
Man, I'm the happiest I've been in ages! Band is going great (though I still think we should have won state), I've got an amazing boyfriend, and I've lost a lot of weight, thanks to marching season.

Why do I feel like it's all about to fall apart?
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5415
#38815 Posted: 18:08:32 23/11/2016
I've had such a near flawless track record as of late that little things like missing the bus make me feel so defeated and even furthermore violated.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3328
#38816 Posted: 19:19:43 23/11/2016
There are certain people here who i just dont understand

presumably most users here are socially awkward and have been bullied

But then they come here and themselves bully others.

It's not just one user in specific, a few come to mind, and I just don't understand it. There's a difference between an argument or a fight based on a solid reason, and just plain bullying and being an asshole.

I sometimes don't understand why others don't see it.

I wish i was a mod sometimes, and i also wish i had ability to gnorc and maybe even ripto, cuz there are some users that definitely deserve it.

I just dunno why there's any form of evil in this world, i dont know why we cant all just get along tbph
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:23:19 23/11/2016 by Lunarz
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#38817 Posted: 19:26:08 23/11/2016
Quote: Lunarz
I just dunno why there's any form of evil in this world, i dont know why we cant all just get along tbph

I wonder this myself nearly every day, buddy. You're not alone.
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5550
#38818 Posted: 22:28:47 23/11/2016
I completely messed up. That's all that needs to be said.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7027
#38819 Posted: 04:28:33 24/11/2016
Of all the ridiculous ideas....
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3847
#38820 Posted: 04:38:48 24/11/2016
What the ****? Why do you have to sneak up behind me and terrify me like that? I shouldn't have to worry about you sneaking up behind me every second of the day asshole. But nah, he's family, if you don't love him you're literally hitler

Can't wait until I move out :)))))))
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3328
#38821 Posted: 06:10:30 24/11/2016
i wanna get back together but sometimes my depression makes me not want to and then i worry we'd break up again or we'd never decide on a place to live that we'd both be happy with

but i guess youre right that we shouldnt but i wanna someday but also i dont want you to date anyone else cuz itll hurt
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:29:03 24/11/2016 by Lunarz
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7569
#38822 Posted: 06:56:46 24/11/2016

[User Posted Image]
looks like ive got some things to do...
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3328
#38823 Posted: 19:13:21 24/11/2016
I've been lying.
Even to myself.

I thought if I told myself i was getting better and i was okay then i would be

i thought by telling you and myself we shouldnt be together it would help

but it didnt

i am hurting so badly, i am so miserable and i want to die, i cant stand the pit in my stomach. I love you so much, I can't explain how much I love you. I know this is my fault, I've made mistakes in the past, and if i could change them i would because they were mistakes and i regret them and i have to live now knowing that i messed things up. I just wish you could forgive me.

Because I can't be happy without you. I won't be. I want to be dead. Because without you there is nothing, no reason, no point.

I just want you to take me back but you keep saying you don't want that.

What's worse is I know you want to get back together, and you hate not being together, but you don't think we should, you think there's too much hurt.

But what hurts more? Getting together for a possibility of a lifetime of happiness with hurt in the past, or never trying and having it hurt for forever.

I love you. You are my soulmate. I have failed you.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#38824 Posted: 19:33:17 24/11/2016
My father has done his stereotyping and hints of issues in the past but today he came out and admitted a full blown racist opinion and I don't know how to take that.
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#38825 Posted: 20:51:42 24/11/2016
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#38826 Posted: 22:42:56 24/11/2016
you do this every holiday
literally why are you like this

- - -
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#38827 Posted: 23:36:34 24/11/2016
I wish I could make everyone happy.

I know it's ridiculous, because other people's happiness can't be dependent on me, but I feel inadequate and useless when I can't make somebody feel better. What else can I do? What else am I good for?

I hate seeing that I can't make people's lives easier. Most of the time I feel like I make them harder.

Everyone says that I'm a big help, but I'm having a very hard time seeing the truth of it.

Am I a good friend?
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#38828 Posted: 01:07:04 25/11/2016
Im so excited and so nervous for tomorrow, its going to be awesome


Everyone is moving along with their lives and becoming what they want to be, and I am still here... the same as always and rotting away. I'm going to be forgotten soon and then I will die, no one will care and the world will keep turning. That day is coming soon.
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:35:20 25/11/2016 by Riolu-Blue-247
Spyro Lover122 Gold Sparx Gems: 2147
#38829 Posted: 01:22:50 25/11/2016
Every day is either way too short or far too long. And every single one is uneventful. When I don't have things to distract me or keep me busy, that's when my mind tends to focus on the negative side to things. And I really don't like that.

Please can someone give me a better life? Oh, if only it were that simple.
Whenever you reach too high, life smacks you down!
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#38830 Posted: 10:47:42 25/11/2016
...Did that just happen?
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#38831 Posted: 11:52:49 25/11/2016
**** Nintendo. This false scarcity bull**** needs to ****ing end right the **** now.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3328
#38832 Posted: 00:31:45 26/11/2016
have the stickied topics always moved based on which got posted last?
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#38833 Posted: 00:35:46 26/11/2016
^Yes they have
Spyro Lover122 Gold Sparx Gems: 2147
#38834 Posted: 00:59:57 26/11/2016
You know what? Today was better than I expected it to be. I went for a really long walk out in the fields to get my mind off things, then got 5 hours of work done. I actually feel at peace right now, but I doubt I'll be getting to bed any earlier tonight. Insomnia never leaves.
Whenever you reach too high, life smacks you down!
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#38835 Posted: 01:27:40 26/11/2016
Everything I do seems subpar. I'm either not good at something or fairly decent. All these people tell me "your art/music is so good" but I don't see it. I can't freaking see it. How can my work be considered good when there's so many people, who are much younger than me and have been drawing less years than me, who's art is so mind-blowing and amazing? What's the point of even trying to reach that level if I'm just slowly trudging along?

Am I just bad? Do I just not have the right tools and materials to really refine my art? I don't feel like I learned anything I needed in all the art classes I took in high school. Just how to copy other artists' styles, which I DIDN'T need.

Maybe it's my fault, because I've fallen into the habit of only drawing simple sketches and never finishing anything. When I first started drawing in 2010 I colored and inked every drawing I made. My goal for each little doodle was to complete it. And now I struggle mustering the inspiration to make a finished piece. And every time I do, I'm rarely happy with it.

I don't know what happened. I used to think I was good, used to be really proud of what I did. Maybe being in art communities and looking at other people's work is bad for me. I compare myself to others too easily and start getting depressed, like now.

I really want to show more of my art, but I can only do traditional art well. And all I have is an IPhone that takes crappy, low-res pictures, which makes everything look awful. When I show what I can muster, I feel ashamed.
I'm trying to do digital art, but I don't have the money to buy any of the programs that everyone seems to use. Everything I draw with my mouse is sloppy and shaky. I don't have the money for a tablet, either. How do those things even work?

I've become afraid of my art being featured on one of those YouTube channels that points out all the terrible art on DeviantArt. It's probably never going to happen, though. It's not like I'm making crappy MSPaint drawings or fetish art. I still fear that, though. I can't stand the thought of getting loads of hate comments, with no helpful commentary or criticism. I already feel bad enough about my work, I don't need someone telling me that it's bad and leave it at that.

Is this how all artists feel? Do they always feel like this all the time?
I see amazing artists say stuff like "My art is far from amazing" when it isn't true. It's really discouraging to see that, because it looks like all these feelings of self-hate and disgust never go away, no matter how much you improve.
I know we should never feel truly "satisfied" with our work, and strive for constant improvement, but... I just want to feel... GOOD... for once.

I don't know what to do. Just keep trying, I guess. It's all I can really do right now, anyways.
Spyro Lover122 Gold Sparx Gems: 2147
#38836 Posted: 02:18:47 26/11/2016
I should have known the day wouldn't have stayed good all the way though. Please, please, please don't say that I have to deal with these palpitations again. They scared me so much last year, and I really don't want more things to worry about. I've been feeling them for the pas hour, and it's starting to worry me...
Whenever you reach too high, life smacks you down!
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#38837 Posted: 04:21:42 26/11/2016
Today was honestly, the best. The only thing that could possibly make it better is hearing her voice again
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#38838 Posted: 04:24:46 26/11/2016

- - -
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#38839 Posted: 01:02:41 27/11/2016
I always feel that no one actually wants to talk to me, they only ever do when I talk first, and then they always tend to talk to me very minimally even when I do talk first. Alongside this, others will frequently interrupt a conversation with me to talk to someone else, which in and of itself is a bad thing, but would be lessened if they extended that to me as well if the civility should remain.

edit: *insert obligatory meant at irl people, not online people line here*
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:28:44 27/11/2016 by weebbby
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#38840 Posted: 01:35:22 27/11/2016
I hate this part of being a girl, these cramps are terrible and I hate how gross it all feels.

Gross stuff


I shouldn't feel this way but I do, I feel left out because I know that by the time I catch up you will all have moved on and I want to be around but I cant because I want to have a fresh experience and you all keep spoiling things. Even though its stupid little things it still ruins it for me.
I wish I could hang around, because I'm so lonely these days, but I can't because its making me feel worse about other things.
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:43:01 27/11/2016 by Riolu-Blue-247
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3847
#38841 Posted: 01:42:51 27/11/2016
Yes, let's move to the middle of the goddamn woods now. Have you actually lost your ****ing mind now? No, we'll live next to a river so we have fresh water and we'll catch all our own food, it'll be fantastic, we'll not even have electricity. SWEET **** BALLS NO. Please realize what a stupid idea this is. I already can't stand you people, having to live with you as the only people to talk to for literally years wouldn't destroy my life. Hell, how do you go to college when you're a thousand miles into butt**** nowhere and you have no internet?

I think you made a new record for the worst idea you've ever had.
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