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Secrets of Eden (Final Fantasy type role play) [CLOSED]
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#301 Posted: 21:03:04 30/12/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Okay, and would you join the Final Fantasy 4 and/or 6 RP if I made one?

Freija walked over to the man. "Excuse me. What did you just say? Did you say, "unlife"?" She asked, feeling like she misunderstood. "Are you saying you're dead?" Arekkusu then flew behind Freija, his yellow pom pom still exposed and let out a scared, "kupo".

Blaise looked up and saw a young child. "Who is that?" He asked and pointed to Grimm. Kane looked back and saw him up on the rafter.

"What are you doing, Grimm?" Kane asked. "Come on down and talk to this Rune Guardian. I've got to admit, your story is quite interesting." He said.

Arianna and Lora both walked back to the Banquet hall and saw only fifteen minutes before the final match. It was getting down to crunch time.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#302 Posted: 21:14:38 30/12/2013
"Yes, unlife. Can you guys explain please? Please?" Asked Skul.

Lorcarane looked at the clock, "Looks like I should be getting ready."

Canis looked at the man, "What do you mean by that? Please elaborate"

Grimm jumped down, "Hello, I'm Grimm, the karateka of this team. And ex-cultist"

Erola looked at Canis and Freija, "He was murdered, and brought to life by a necromancer, who drained him of all emotions but Sympathy and Hatred, isn't that sad?"
Rickinelf: I ship it
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Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#303 Posted: 21:19:03 30/12/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Are you going to answer my question? ):

Kane nodded. "Yes. I can." He said and told Freija and Canis everything he heard down to the last detail.

"I see. Well, then the big question. Would you like to join us on our quest to explore Eden?" Freija asked.

Arianna waved to Lora. "Good luck!" She said. After giving her regards she sat down next to Kane. "I am soo excited to see the fight."

"Me too." Kane smiled. "It should be a good one for sure." He answered.

Arekkusu flew over to Skul and looked at him and flew all around him. "Kupo! Do you like moogles, kupo?" He asked.

Reagan walked over to the social circle. "Well, we have a few minutes, should we head back and prepare our assault?" She asked.

"Oh, yes, I suppose we should." Freija said.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#304 Posted: 21:25:35 30/12/2013
Ooc: Like, a picture of a guy with a surprised face?

"Moogles are awesome! Onne moogle let me have emotions for a day, but that kinda mae me sadder than before when the day ended, but I still am grateful to him? Stated Skul.

Lorcarane walked over to them and asked, "DO we have a strategy?"

Canis looked at her, "Of course! WHy wouldn't we?"
Rickinelf: I ship it
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Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#305 Posted: 21:30:10 30/12/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: No, I meant would you join Final Fantasy 4/6 RolePlay?

"Kupopopo!" The moogle cheered and spun around in the air. "I am one cool moogle, mostly because Freija taught me how to talk while other moogles can't, kupo!" He smiled.

Freija nodded her head. "Yes, Lora. We have a strategy. Is everyone ready?" She asked. The group was and they proceeded down into the break room.
Freija and Canis told everyone about their strategy and Mia walked in.
"Well, I just wanted to say, Good Luck to all of you." Mia smiled. "I can't wait, this will be one intense fight." After her encouraging words she stepped out to go back to her meeting room.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#306 Posted: 21:34:16 30/12/2013
Ooc: Oh, of course!

"Ok, so, hows life been Arrekkusu?" asked Skul, interested by the mogle's ability to talk, "You must be really smart to talk so well." he then stated.

Canis looked around, "SO are you all ready?"

Lorcarane automatically answered, "Canis, we've had quite a long time for preparation."
Rickinelf: I ship it
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Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#307 Posted: 23:17:25 30/12/2013 | Topic Creator
"Well, before I couldn't talk like all of the other moogles. One day I was picking berries with the other moogles and I didn't notice it was the Moogle Migration. I was left alone, kupo. One day, Freija was wandering around and found me. She quickly fell in love with me and took me back to here home, kupo." He said. "After a LONG time of teaching me, I was able to speak human language. It took a lot of months, almost a year, but she succeeded, kupo. I still miss my friends and I hope to see them again, but Freija has been a great friend, kupo." He said.

Reagan nodded. "Only ten more minutes to go until we head on to the field." She said, feeding Seiryu some food. "This is will be a tough fight, but fun because of the challenge level." She stated.

"Yeah, you're right, Reagan. With the way the Bodhum Guardians took care of the other teams, they will be tough." Freija added.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#308 Posted: 23:32:48 30/12/2013
"An intersting story. Maybe not as interesting as mine, but still extremely interesting," stated Skul as the moogle finished his story of his life.

Lorcarane happily stated, "Reagan is correct, the fight will be tough and fun. But we have defeated enemies just as quickly as they did, this should be really fun."

"Lorcarane, sometimes I don't understand your mind."
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#309 Posted: 00:40:34 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
"Kupo!" He smiled. "Well I am only five years old, what do you expect, kupo! Although I am a skilled magician, kupopo!" He said and flew over to Arianna and sat on her lap and was ready to watch the final match.

Reagan looked at Loracarane. "Yes. I imagine it will be fun. Just stick to taking out the assistants. Canis, we're counting on you to cover us while we weaken the defenses." She said.

Freija looked at the clock. "Five more minutes until we are called out. I can't wait! I am so ready. How about you guys?" She asked everyone. "Let's go ago team on three!" She stated and put her hand in the middle of the group. Reagan followed and put her hand in followed by Apollo.

OOC: Final Fantasy 4 is up and ready too.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#310 Posted: 00:43:06 31/12/2013
Lorcarane put her hand into the pile followed by Canis and looked at Freija, "This is gonna be awesome."

Skul walked over and sat next to Arianna to keep talking to Arrekkusu.

Grimm and Erola sat with Kane and Blayse.
Rickinelf: I ship it
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Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#311 Posted: 00:56:09 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
"Break!" Freija said and the announcer's voice boomed over the arena.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! It is the moment of truth. These two teams have come a long way to battle it out for the crown title of the Omis Battle Banquet champions! Now put your hands together for the Bodhum Guardians and the Seekers of Eden!" He shouted.

Freija and the group ran out, weapons drawn and were shouting to the audience and smiling and waving to them as were the Bodhum Guardians. People all over were cheering and screaming as their excitement levels were bursting.

Reagan walked up to the White Knight in The Bodhum Guardians. They clashed weapons and jumped back, the battle had begun.

(Battle Theme)

OOC: This battle is going to last a LONG time. No defeating people in one post.

"Alright, like we planned guys!" Freija said, "Let's go, Canis, good luck!" She said and ran over to one of the Sages and began to poison him with her rapier spells and Apollo kept spamming his spells to try and debilitate his foes but only Imperil seemed to work, but it helped none-the-less.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#312 Posted: 01:04:17 31/12/2013
Lorcarane summoned Yamato0-Takeu, and cast flame on the enemy conjuror as Yamato blasted light at the sorceror. She watched as the two pladins battled, and she cast flame to help Reagan out.

Canis stood in front of all the rangers and attacked anyone who got to close, which was mostly Mia, because their Knight was distracted by Freija attacking his companions, and Reagan distracted the paladin.
Rickinelf: I ship it
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Avatar by CG
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#313 Posted: 01:22:21 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Reagan quickly jabbed and swung her mighty spear around trying to block and parry the Paladin's quick attacks. "Quite a fast one! Try this!" She said and twirled the spear around his sword and knocked the Paladin to the ground and jumped up and tried to land a direct blow but the White Knight quickly moved out of the way, he was fast for being a knight in armour. "Damn." Reagan said as she missed. "Seiryu, Icy Mist, now!" She said and the dragon aimed for the Paladin's feet and blew an icy breath and successfully froze the White Knight to the ground but one sword slash and it was shattered and he swung his sword and used Windstorm to launch Reagan in the air but quickly noticed he screwed himself over when Reagan landed down with her spear, hitting the opposing Paladin and knocking him back.

Freija was focusing on the Conjurer to prevent him from boosting his allies. She used Enholy to boost the power of everyone's weapons and used Heat Blitz to attack the Conjurer and quickly attack him after he cleared the smoke. Freija swung and stabbed the Conjurer and kicked him down to the ground but quickly got back up and used Chain Lightning to hit Freija as well as Reagan and Canis, knocking down Freija but she rolled back up and struck him with one more Heat Blitz. The Conjurer had to boost his resistance and casted Veilga on himself and the nearby Sorcerer and Knight.

Apollo was busy trying to degrade the power and defenses of the enemy and was using Deprotect on the White Knight so Reagan would have an easier time, while using Deshell and Imperil on the Sages so Freija and Loracarane would have increased power against them.

Arianna and Arekkusu were very into the battle as was Blaise and Kane.
"Wow, look at them, kupo!" Arekkusu pointed out. "They're both sooo good, kupo." He said and clapped his little hands and shouted for Freija.

"C'mon, Lora!" Arianna cheered, trying to raise the spirit of her friend. "You can do this, Freija!" She hollered.

Blaise watched in amazement as the two teams were fiercely battling. "Wow. I hope I get to participate in one of these sometime." He said. "What about you, Kane?" The Time Mage asked.

"You bet I would." Kane smiled. "I hope the next town over has one and we can join in. We could really deal some damage together, with my sword skills and your magic we could be unstoppable." He stated.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#314 Posted: 01:26:51 31/12/2013
Lorcarane cast flame once again on the enemy conjuror before replacing Yamato with Faery, and Faery healed all the damaged team members. Lorcarane then cast geyser on the enemy pladin, then electrocute on the paladin.

Canis dashed forward, and slammed his shield into the paladins face, before leaping to his original guarding position.
Rickinelf: I ship it
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Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#315 Posted: 01:33:59 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Don't forget, you can control the enemies too, it adds more to the story and detail.

Reagan leapt into the air and focused her aim on the White Knight. "Wait! Go!" She said and dove towards the knight, spear at the ready and crashed into him, knocking the Paladin down but he quickly countered with Judgement Blade and knocked Reagan to the ground and she rolled over to Mia who used Earth Blitz damaging Reagan quite a bit but luckily she was able to avoid most of the damage.

Apollo began to focus all debilitations on Mia as she was the main threat. He was lucky and inflicted her with Imperil and Deprotect, but she seemed to be immune to Poison. "Crap." He mumbled. "Figures she would be immune to poison." He readied an arrow and fired it at Mia but she quickly knocked it out of the air with a wild swing while hitting Reagan with a basic sword attack.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#316 Posted: 01:38:45 31/12/2013
Lorcarane commanded Faery to focus most of her attention to Reagen, and quickly did her spell combo on the enemy paladin, knocking him to the ground, and he didn't get up.

Canis defended Lorcarane and Apollo from most attacks, but was taking quite a bit of damage. Faery heled him, and he focused dome attention to Mia, she just wouldn't stop trying to attack Lorca and Apollo.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#317 Posted: 18:31:47 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Reagan thanked Lora once again for the healing and focused her attention to Mia who was a major threat to everyone, not just Reagan. The Dragon Knight jumped high in the air and threw her spear at Mia but she quickly moved and Reagan dove down and flipped to try and hit Mia but failed and was knocked over to the ground. "Ugh, we gotta get her out quick!" She commanded.

Freija was busy focusing on the Conjurer and brutally attacking while trying to avoid the magic spells being targeted at her. "Not so fast!" She said and enchanted her rapier with Silencing magic and thrust it into the Sage who became inflicted with Silence and was unable to cast any spell and was forced to physically attack as the other Sage was too busy trying to debilitate Canis and Reagan. "Take this!" She shouted and charged at the Sage, spinning around an Explosion aimed at her and slashed the Sage, inflicting him with Silence. "Now, you're both quiet, why not try to say something and hit them both with a Heat Blitz and launched both in the air where Apollo fired an arrow at Conjurer and knocked him down only to greet a slash from Freija's Holy blade.

Mia turned all of her focus to Canis. "I believe it's time we had a little break from all this guarding now?" She taunted and ran towards Canis and readied her rapier and used Tidal Blitz to hit Canis with a powerful water attack and knock him down to the ground with a powerful force. "Now try this on for size!" She said and used Aero Blitz to send Canis high in the air where Mia jumped up and struck multiple times with a Dark enchanted sword and finally sending Canis down to the ground with a mighty blow.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#318 Posted: 18:38:03 31/12/2013
"NOO!" yelled Lorcarane as she summoned Yamato , had him blast Mia with light, and she started to attack MIa with all of her spells in a row multiple times. Geyser, Electrocute, Flame, Geyser, Electrocute, Flame.

Canis was really woozy, and attempted to crawl away before Mia lifted her rapier and swiped him with her sword. (This was before the previous sentence) And Canis was down for the count.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#319 Posted: 18:49:25 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
"Canis!" Apollo called out. "He's out guys!" He shouted. The Bard readied and arrow and fired it at the opposing Rune Fencer who lunged towards him and was met with an Ice Blitz that knocked him down and froze him. Apollo was out in a flash. Mia scanned the room and looked at Loracarane, her next target and ran towards her, readying a Tidal Blitz. She struck and sent Lora flying straight into a wall but luckily Freija was there to help Lora and picked her up off the ground and nodded and ran towards Mia, Heat Blitz at the ready and slashed Mia, sending her back a few inches, but not able to knock her down. Mia jumped into the air and slashed Freija down and attempted to do so to a grounded Freija, but she rolled out of the way and used Wound Blade to inflict Mia with a slight wound and succeeded and reduced her health even more, giving Freija an upper hand.

Reagan jumped and stabbed the Paladin, knocking him out and was heading towards the Sorcerer and quickly dispatched him with a single jump, the Conjurer was just as easy and the main target was Mia. Reagan jumped into the air but Mia quickly intercepted the attack with Ice Blitz, attempting to freeze Reagan but failed as she crushed the ice with her spear.

"Lora, go focus on the Knight, it's just him and Mia now, and he is gonna try and block her with all of his might. Keep him busy, we're counting on you." Reagan commanded and Lora got up and went towards the Knight, magic ready.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#320 Posted: 18:54:38 31/12/2013
Lorcarane summoned Faery and healed herself, before summoning Yamato, "Yamato will aid you two, I'll take out the knight, " she stated as she ran off and did a spell combo on the knight, before dashing up close, slamming him in the face with her guarterstaff, jumping back, casting another spell combo, and he was out. "Now, may I help you with Mia?"
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#321 Posted: 01:28:38 01/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Reagan nodded and proceeded to attack Mia but she was quick, almost like lightning, dodging every single one of Reagan's attacks. "I can't hit her, she is too fast for me to hit. We have to predict her movements." Reagan called out. "Be careful!" The Paladin said. Mia jumped into the air and landed down on Reagan and taking her down with one Earthen Blitz. Reagan tried to get up but didn't have to strength to do so, and it was up to Freija and Lora to try and take down Mia.

"Alright, Lora, we gotta do this!" Freija smiled and ran up to Mia, rolling forward and getting a hit on Mia's leg, but was countered by a Poison Blade and she was inflicted with a potent toxin. "Ugh, not good, I gotta defeat her before this defeats me." Freija quickly ran up, zig zagging to try and block Mia's onslaught of Heat and Ice Blitz to try and wear here down.

Arianna and Arekkusu were trying to get the others to try and cheer for Lora and Freija but the only person trying was Kane.
"Let's go Freija!" Arianna shouted. "You gotta win!"

"Kupo Kupo!" The moogle cheered on. "Freija is the best, there's no contest!" He smiled.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#322 Posted: 02:18:35 01/01/2014
As Freija bobbed and weaved, Daddy was paying close attention, ready to heal her at any moment, and Lorca was casting spells on Mia multiple times. Mia dodged Freija's blade and hit her with a tidal blitz, but Freija quickly recovered. Mia then jumped.over her head nd struck afaery down, forcing llLorca to switch her out for Yamato, who blasted Mia months ground and finished her with sword of light.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#323 Posted: 02:34:08 01/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: Daddy? Do you mean Faerie?

Freija and Lora went over to eachother but Freija noticed Mia wasn't down, she slowly got back up and swung her rapier down to the ground and rushed towards Loracarane and used Tidal Blitz, following Electric Blitz to severely damage her, knocking Lora down out of the fight. "It's just you and me now, let's see how your training has taught you... En guarde!" She called and Freija tried to use Heat Blitz only to get doused by a Tidal Blitz and sent flying by Aero Blitz, causing Freija to hit the wall and fall down. She was unable to get up.

Arianna shouted. "C'mon Freija! Get up! You came so far!" She said. "Please!"

Freija tried with all of her might. Mia stood there, a slight worried look on her face. "I know she is tougher than that... But did I overdo it? I will help her. She though. Mia then sheathed her rapier and walked over to Freija and held out her hand. "Come, get up, kid." She smiled. Freija slowly grabbed her hand and was pulled up by Mia.

"What's this!?" The announcer called out. "It seems the Bodhum Guardian's Mia has just helped the Seekers of Eden's Freija to her feet. Is this mercy or what?" He said, somewhat surprised as the rest of the audience was.

"I am sorry if I overdid it." Mia apologized. Freija smiled and hugged Mia and Mia called out to the announcer. "The Seekers of Eden have won! I am forfeiting the match!" Mia then walked off to her break room where her team mates were. "I am sorry. I couldn't stand hurting my sister like that to win a match."

"Don't sweat it. We understand, it was a nice thing. Hey, there is always the next one too!" The one Sage smiled.

The announcer roared. "Well I guess the Seekers of Eden are hereby named the champions of the Omis Battle Banquet!"

The audience cheered and roared and howled.

Arianna and Arekkusu and Kane were all jumping. "Yeah! We did it!" Arianna celebrated. "C'mon we have to go see them!" She said and the rest of the group went down to see the champions.

Arianna, Arekkusu, Erola, Grimm, Blaise, Kane, and Skul all came to congratulate their friends who were fully healed by the medics nearby.

"Great job, kupo!" Arekkusu shouted and flew to Freija and gave her a hug.

"Thank you." Freija smiled. "It was rough, but I had fun."

Mia then walked into the room, holding a bracelet in her hand, it was a pure blue heaven color. "Here is your prize." She smiled handing Freija the Reverie Guard. "I will be seeing you all later, hopefully at the next Battle Banquet. I do not know where it is, but one day we will meet again on the arena field." She said and waved goodbye and walked out with her team and claimed their prize and left Omis to find the next Battle Banquet.

(The Seekers of Eden winning and Mia saying goodbye)

"So how should we celebrate?" Reagan asked.

"Behemoth meat, kupo!" The moogle stated happily. Freija and Arianna and Canis all laughed.

Freija held Arekkusu, "If you keep eating of all that meat you're not going to be able to fly long, you silly moogle!" She said and poked his cheek.

"Kupopopopo!" He smiled and giggled as was ordinary.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#324 Posted: 03:00:37 01/01/2014
"We won!" Lorcarane stated halfheartedly. She was dissapinted in herself for getting tricked so easily by Mia. She looked at Freija, the girl she had looked up to since the beginning of the journey. Was she stronger than the rest? Or was it just that a team doesn't let their leader die....

Canis hugged Freija, "You did it!! I knew you would! " he stated, and after a few minutes let go.

Skul looked at the team, "A battle well fought!" he stated and looked around. "Do you know where Grimm went?"

Ooc: Was on phone, I hate spell correct
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#325 Posted: 03:25:20 01/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: It's quite alright and guess what!? NEEWWW CHARACTER!!! AGAIN!

Freija looked at Lora and smiled. "You were awesome and if it weren't for Yamato Takeru and Faerie, we wouldn't have come close to winning without their support." She said and hugged Loracarane. "We couldn't have done it without you. Same to you Reagan, your power along with Seiryu's came a long way. Apollo, your aim and power was most indeed helpful and finally, Canis, without you, nobody would be standing for that long in the fight without your superior defense skills." She said.

Apollo walked over to Skul. "Thank you very much. By the way, save the introductions, I am Apollo. Pleasure to meet you." He said and shook Skul's hand.

(The mysterious girl's theme)

Clapping was heard from the doorway and a girl with a feathered mask was grinning and clapping. "A great fight. You sure are quite the warriors. I doubted you at first, but you showed me." She said and walked over to Skul. "Do you remember me? I was that nice girl who followed you here. I have some big news on you. Remember that nice sheriff who killed you? Well I am his daughter!" She stated.

Blaise interrupted. "Wait, you're the guy who killed Skuls daughter?"

"Yes," she chuckled. "Don't worry. I am not out to get you, actually, Skul is quite the warrior here. I want to join him but he seems quite interested in you so if he joins I am coming to, despite my father's orders. My mother certainly didn't care, my father had other words to say, but that doesn't matter." The girl laughed. "Now, Skul, are you joining them or not?" She asked and leapt onto Skul's shoulder and sat there and forced his arm to her to help keep her balanced.

"Who are you?" Arianna asked. "Also, to anyone who didn't know, here is the lowdown on Skul." She said and explained to those who were unsure of his death and revival. She also answered questions and got down to business with the girl.

The girl smiled. "I am Roxanna!" She smiled. "A famed Chocobo Knight in the city of Rolante."

Name: Roxanna
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Role: Chocobo Knight
Weapon: Chakram
Crisis Trance: Zenniage (Throw gold at the enemy/ Amount of gold = damage)
History: Roxanna was always a rebellious girl to her father was who the sheriff of Rolante. One day, she stumbled across a Chocobo farm outside of Rolante and fell in love with Chocobos, soon visiting the farm everyday. One day, a man walked into town whom her father had killed. This man was Skul. Roxanna was intrigued by the man before he was killed and was angry at her father for killing the man without a good enough reason for her. After bearing the guise as the Chocobo Knight, she vowed to be a vigilante like Skul and once she was riding a chocobo she saw Skul being revived by a necromancer who vanished and instantly followed Skul until he reached the Battle Banquet.
Appearance: [User Posted Image] (Credit. Stumbled upon this on google while searching Choco Knight. Love it soo much, mind the artwork as it was rough I believe, none-the-less I like it. So major props to you the artist)

Abilities: None
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#326 Posted: 03:35:14 01/01/2014
"I remember you! Your the girl that brought me cookies the day before I died right? Oh yeah. of course I''m joining." Skul stated.

"THe fact that you can say that is quite perturbing." Lorcarane stared as she looked at the Chocobo Knight on the mans shoulder, and shuddered.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#327 Posted: 04:19:32 01/01/2014 | Topic Creator
"Uh huh." Roxanna said. "That was me. I looked up to you, I admired how you always helped those and fought those who tried to hurt those that were innocent. I don't kill my victims though, only knock them out for my daddy's friend to put them in the prison, and my mask helps conceal my identity, but you folks seem okay."

Freija walked over and crossed her arms. "Well Lora, what do you mean about her is perturbing? The fact she is rebellious against her father? Or that fact she is a fan of Skul?" She then turned away. "Well, a Chocobo Knight could prove useful, along with a Rune Guardian."

Arianna stood up and walked over to Roxanna. "Well, you obviously appreciate Skul and want to join him and if he joins us well you come too, so it only adds to the fun and joy of traveling. Have you ever wanted to go to Eden?" She asked.

"Well, honestly, I never thought about it." Roxanna said. "But from what I've heard, it seems like a wondrous place. Sure, I guess I could take a break and join ol' Skul here. Whaadaya say?" She asked.

Arianna walked over to Lora. "Hey," she whispered. "We better get ready for your special night. I will tell Apollo to go there without giving you the hint."

Freija looked at the clock. "Well, I think it is best we go back to the inn and save the celebration for tomorrow, I mean it is getting late." She said.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#328 Posted: 08:14:16 01/01/2014
Lorcarane looked at the group, "I was talking to Skul. And your mask kinda creeps me out, no offense."

Canis looked at Lorcarane, "Your being pretty rude you mnow tha right?"

Skul looked around, "Guys, it's perfectly normal for people to think I'm a bit creepy."
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#329 Posted: 14:57:52 01/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Freija understood what Lora meant when she said, "oh". "Well I guess he isn't ashamed of it, he is still "alive" in some form. I think a Rune Guardian would be a nice addition to the team, even if he is shrouded in darkness, I think there is light in him somewhere still... God, that sounded really good in my head but when it came out it was super corny." She shook her head in disappointment at herself.

Roxanna smiled at Lora. "It's not actually made out of chocobo feathers or hide if that's what bothered you. It is all artificial and hand-crafted by me."

Arekkusu flew over to Roxanna and examined her mask. "I think its cool looking, kupo. You're pretty cool if you made that yourself, kupo." He said.

Roxanna chuckled. "Yes. It took me about a week to get it, but I think it turned out okay. Now Skul, are you joining them or not?" She asked.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
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#330 Posted: 20:17:06 01/01/2014
"Thank goodness. That is actually the reason it creeped me out. A few towns back we saved a few Chocobos from a monster, and now I can't stand to think of them being harmed," explained a relieved lorcarane.

Skul stated, "Of course I am! These are a very sufficient team, and I would be erm..... symapthetic? to work with them? Sorry, I'm feeling a new emotion....."

Canis looked at Roxanna, "Hows your dad?"
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#331 Posted: 20:24:08 01/01/2014 | Topic Creator
"Umm, Skully, I think the word you're "feeling" is happy or excited. I know I am excited."

Freija and Apollo smiled. "Well welcome to the team then. Glad to have you both aboard." Apollo stated.

"Likewise." Freija said looking at the Chocobo mask. "I can't wait to see a Chocobo Knight in action."

"Also, I have a question, is that the REAL Reverie Guard? If it is, that is one heck of an accessory you got, especially for a town like Omis. I hear it absorbs all elemental damage. Pretty unique I say, congrats on getting it." Roxanna asked.

Freija looked at the bluish green armband. "I suppose it is." She said, wearing it as a bicep bangle. "Fits perfectly." She smiled.

Roxanna then looked at Canis. "My dad is fine. Do you know my dad?"
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
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#332 Posted: 21:12:36 01/01/2014
"No, I thought Skul did. SKul said he would get his emotions back oce the person that killed him died, and I thought him being happy was a sign." explained Canis

Lorcarane looked at SKul, "So her dad killed you? Saying that still makes me feel like a zombies gonna pop pout from no where. Or a vampire. Hate vampires, their my worst fear."
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#333 Posted: 02:28:24 03/01/2014 | Topic Creator
"Oh yes, of course. Anyway, Skul..." Roxanna stated and continued, "Would you ever kill my father if it bring back your emotions?" She asked. "So by doing that, you gain something but I lose something, and vice versa if he is alive."

Freija looked at the clock. It was late out, maybe eight or nine., about an hour away after the group had been talking for quite awhile. "Well, I am afraid I am quite tired, but as I stated before, you're more than welcome to join us at the inn, an I think Arekkusu is getting pretty tired too." She smiled and looked at the moogle who was dozing off slowly. "Well, good night everyone." She smiled and walked out of the arena hall.

Arianna then went over to Apollo. "Say, you mind coming over to that restaurant? The one next to the store shop? Well stop by there at around nine, that gives you about an hour and a half or so." She whispered. "Don't tell anyone though, it's a secret. Just between you and me, and dress fancy." Arianna smiled and walked to Lora. "Let's go!" She said and grabbed her hand to go help Lora get ready for her romantic encounter with Apollo.

Apollo stretched and began to walk for the exit, "Well, I am going back to the inn and rest up a bit, I will see you all later then." He stated and left.

Blaise and Kane looked at each other. "Hey, Wanna go to the pub and check out some posts?" Blaise asked.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go." Kane said and the two headed for the pub. The only ones left were Skul, Erola, Grimm, Reagan, Roxanna, Canis and Makinzie.

"I hope you join us, great to have you apart of the group." Reagan nodded and headed off to the inn with the others.

Roxanna hopped off Skul's shoulder. "Well big guy, I am going to the inn, what about you?"
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
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#334 Posted: 22:40:50 03/01/2014
"Yeah, I'm going to. The arena batle was exhausting just to watch!" he exclaimed as the pair began to walk back towards the inn, "By the way, I never planned on killing your father...."

Lorcarane rushed beside Arianna, "So which restaurant is it again?" She asked as she began to put use a small band in her pocket to put her hair into a ponytail.

Canis looked at Freija, "Hey, want to go eat somewhere?"
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#335 Posted: 23:26:50 03/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Roxanna looked at Skul. "Thank you... I may rebel against my father quite often, but I love him. Won't you ever want your emotions back one day though? Or, isn't there a way to get them back? I miss when I was younger and saw you and you laughed and smiled back then. I wish they were here again..." They arrived at the inn and both got a room together as it was cheaper to get a single room. "Well, I am heading up to go to bed, I don't know about you, but I am tired." She stated and walked up the stairs.

Arianna helped Loracarane with her hair and it looked nice when they finished and Arianna laid the dress down on the bed with the necklace on top of it for Lora to change in. "You stay here once you're already, I am gonna go check on Apollo real quick." She stated and closed the door and ran down the hall and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Apollo stated. Arianna opened the door and saw Apollo, dressed in pure white armour. "I never really wore it, how does it look?"
(Just picture his normal appearance and armor, but it is white)

"It looks nice on you." Arianna smiled. "Are you all ready to go to the restaurant?" She asked.

"I am, I was just leaving now." Apollo said.

Arianna smiled heavily. "The whole restaurant back is reserved. Just tell them you are Apollo."

"Will do." He stated and left. Arianna then ran back to Lora's room and saw her in her dress and necklace. "You, look gorgeous. Now, for the finishing touch." Arianna smiled. "Lip rouge!" She said and pulled out some lip balm in a pinkish colour. "Now, go try that on." She smiled.

Apollo walked into the restaurant and saw three people with their dates inside. "Uh, excuse me? Is there a reservation for Apollo?"

The man turned around. "Ah, yes, come this way. No other guests arrived yet, so you must be early. Also, congrats to you and your team for winning the arena match."

"Thank you." Apollo said as they reached the table. "Well, thanks again." He said and pulled out a chair and patiently waited for the others.

Arianna yelled to Lora. "You better hurry, he is probably there by now."

Freija looked at Canis. "Maybe tomorrow?" She asked, "Also, I was planning on telling everyone tomorrow. But... I am taking a trip by myself back to Hyrien to visit my parents. I suppose you guys can go to the next town, Maldaenna and after my visit I shall return there."
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#336 Posted: 00:00:02 04/01/2014
"Cool! I wish I could visit my parents. But that's just the way it works I guess." Canis depressedly wished.

Lorcarane walked into the restaurant and looked towards the back, and saw Apollo. She walked up to him and stated, "Hey handsome. How are you?" In a "I love you" tone of voice.

Skul quickly bounded up the inn''s stairs, "I'm just as tired as you are!" he stated as they walked towards their room.
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#337 Posted: 00:40:58 04/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Freija looked at Canis. "Are your parents still alive?" She asked calmly. "Forgive me if this is too personal for you."

Apollo got up and was shocked to see Loracarane. "Lora..." He blushed. "You, look gorgeous." He said and kissed her. "Please, join me." He said and pulled out the other chair and she sat in it and he pushed it in for her. Then he sat down. "You're beautiful, and I love that necklace of yours."

Arianna quietly crept behind the restaurant and looked in the window which was facing Apollo's back so Lora could see her. She smiled through the glass and she turned her head and saw a man. Her eyes got big and saw someone and she hid. "Who is this person, seems like a bounty hunter to me..." She gasped. "Is he after Roxanna or Skul?"

The big man slammed into the inn. "IS there a girl wearing a Chocobo mask in here?" He asked. "That's my daughter and I've come to take her back home."

Roxanna heard a familiar roar downstairs. "Oh no, it can't be." She panicked. "That's my father, oh Skul, what do we do?" She asked.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#338 Posted: 02:04:11 04/01/2014
Lorcarane automatically turned around, "Sorry Apollo, I have to do something real quick," she then walked toward the man, "And what if she doesn't want to go home big guy?" She asked.

Skul looked at Roxanna, "That sounds like your dad!" he exclaimed before hiding in the closet, "DOn't let him find me dont let him find me, don't let him find me, don't let him find me...."

Canis looked at Freija, "Yes, it's a bit personal, but I'll answer. No, their not dead, but they left the continent. TO find something they've been looking for a long time they said.

Grimm walked up behind Kane, "Heello Mr. Paternity!"
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#339 Posted: 03:44:47 04/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC : Do not forget to post in Fate of the Brave, we are waiting for you. Also, Loracarane and Apollo aren't aware of Roxanna's dad and they cant hear him.

Roxanna glared at Skul. "I thought you were this big heartless warrior. Why don't you confront him you imbecile!? You should be the one out there and I should be fighting. She opened the closet and grabbed Skul and hid where he previously was. "Now go down there and get him out of here!"

Freija looked at Canis. "I apologize for that rude comment. So they are archeologists? How long has it been since you last saw them?" She asked.

Kane was sitting at the table in the pub with Blaise and saw Grimm. "Why hello, Grimm. What's going on?" Kane asked.

Blaise looked at Grimm and then Kane. "Mr. Paternity?" He began to chuckle a little.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#340 Posted: 03:54:41 04/01/2014
Ooc: I thought he was in the restaurant

"Nothing, just makig conversation. I'm a bit new on socializing with someone that's not Erola." GRimm stated as he sat down besides Kane, "SO, hows being a legend going for ya?"

Skul grabbed the knob of the door and shakily opened it. He then walked over to the sheriff and stated, "And what if she doesn't want to go with you?"

Lorcarane looked at the necklace, then Apollo, "It is beautiful isn't it! I bought this beofre the final match of the tournament."

Erola was watching Skul and the sheriff from a distanme
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#341 Posted: 04:33:53 04/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: No, the restaurant is quite a ways from the inn.

Kane looked at Grimm. "I see. I hope Erola isn't alnoe, if you left her alone... Anyway, it is going. Nobody around these parts seems to notice that I am the Legion of One or if they do, they honestly don't care, and I don't either, as I am not the person addicted to fame and notoriety. Why the sudden interest in chatting up with me now? Did someone put you up to this?"

The sheriff gasped at Skul. "You! You are alive!? How is this possible!? This is preposterous!" He shouted and withdrew a large flintlock pistol. "Do we need you to be killed again!?" He asked, his eyes glowing with a fiery red rage.

Upstairs, Roxanna heard everything and saw her father from behind the wall and saw his look. "That isn't my father!" She said. After turning the corner she saw her father. "Who are and what have you done with my father?" She asked.

"Why, darling, it's me, Rikar." He smiled.

"You got it wrong. My father's name is Ricard. Obviously you didn't pay enough attention, and so we need to fix this! You better tell your boss, that this girl isn't going home. She is staying with her guard, Skul." She defiantly stated.

The false father laughed. "Well, how about I just kill you and say that you murdered by a monster. It seems reasonable." He said and raised his hand-cannon up to Roxanna. He fired but Roxanna jumped out of the way. The citizens at the inn screamed and ran off to hide. Blaise heard the noise, but apparently Kane and Grimm hadn't heard it over the talking. Blaise stood up and walked out, Kane noticed it.

"Where're you going, Blaise?" He asked.

"Don't worry, I am just going to the bathroom real quick." He said and walked out the door and towards the inn. "Will this be my first taste of a real battle and real action?" He said as he was building up excitement.

Apollo looked at the necklace. "It is nice. So this is what you did during that hour before the finals huh. Well you made this a nice night. Shall we eat this nice dinner?" He asked, looking at the platters of food.

Roxanna looked at Rikar. "Time for you to leave now!"
(Boss Theme vs. Rikar the Cannoneer)
Roxanna jumped over to the side and looked at Skul. "I don't have any Chocobos to ride or any Chocobo shards to use their abilities, so I have to rely on basic attacks, try using those Saber spells of yours."

Btw Skul is level 15 with these skills
Saber -
Dark Saber
Flame Saber
Ice Saber

Lumina -
Roxanna put her arm back and threw the chakram as hard as she could and it slashed the Cannoneer in the arm and returned to Roxanna. "Direct hit!" She cheered and jumped out of the way and tried to make a run for the outside for a more advantageous fight.

Rikar readied his cannon and loaded a shell in it. "Barrage shot ready!" He said, loading a second shell in the cannon and focused his aim on Skul. "Alright, take this!" He said and fired two shells at quick succession at Skul, knocking him down with pure force.

"Skul!" Roxanna called. "Are you alright?" She asked and ran over and helped him up.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#342 Posted: 04:48:37 04/01/2014
"I'm ok!" he stated, and jumped towards the phony father, automatically dealing damage before lashing the man. "And yes, I'm back from the dead!" he stated after as he jumped out of the way of the next bullet.

Erola quickly reacted by casting shadow shade on the gun user, and after ran around distracting the man, throwing chairs at him a few times.
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#343 Posted: 17:49:13 04/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Roxanna looked at Erola. "I don't know who you are but thank you." She said and the chair caused him to lose aim at Roxanna when he fired, it narrowly missed her. "Alright, time for another strike!" She said and threw her chakram at lightning speed and before Skul could see it, it was back in her hand. "Skul, try using Flame Saber and try and blow up the gun. Just trust me, I know it'll work." She said.

Blaise finally reached the inn and saw the large gunman. "Not so fast!" He said and focused his magical energy, "Gravity." He called out softly and a large black transparent sphere that slowly crushed him towards the ground reducing a 1/4 of his health.

Arianna joined and called forth a series of thorny vines to grab Rikar's feet and body and wrap around him and crush him.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#344 Posted: 18:56:44 04/01/2014
Skul quickly switched to fire saber, and to his delighted surprise, the not-a-sheriff's gun blew into many peices. Skul then switched back to drkness and lashed out at the sheriff.

Erola continued to throw chairs, mugs, (small children), and knives at the sherif, and one knife went through the skin of his ear. SHe quickly threw another mug, which shattered in trhe sheriffs face.

( )= joke
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#345 Posted: 09:41:38 05/01/2014
Ooc: I found Images for characters without:




Grimm: [User Posted Image]

(Imagine Grimm wearing less, as he's a karateka
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#346 Posted: 16:44:29 05/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: Okay, great. Erola is child abuser hahaha. I like Lora's design, but I thought Canis would be a heavily armoured knight as that is what a Defender is. Kind of like Skul, they were heavy armour. If you wanna get a picture similar to that, search Gatrie from Fire Emblem, he is what a Defender would look like armour wise.

After Rikar's gun exploded he quickly thought of Plan B. "Well, folks, I guess I need to call on assistance!" He chuckled and threw a bomb on the ground and he disappeared out the door, Roxanna noticed him and shouted to the group to follow him.

(Vs. Rikar and his group)

Roxanna threw her chakram around his feet and slashed his heel causing him to trip, but she noticed two people were next to him. A girl wearing a coat and small shorts and a man in a robe-like shirt and pants with headband. "Who are they?" She wondered. The girl was wearing the grab of a Mime, the man, a Trickster. "Guys, be careful, I am sure that girl is a Mime, be wary as she can do anything you can do!" She threw her chakram at the Mime and tried to ricochet it off her to Rikar. The Mime smiled and a magical chakram appeared which she threw at Skul, who's shield deflected it.

Blaise readied another spell and cast Reflect on Skul, Roxanna, Erola and Himself so if the Mime tried to mimic his magic onto the group it would reflect.
"Alright Skul, get ready." Blaise said as the Mime countered and casted Reflect on herself. "We gotta take her out first." Skul nodded to Blaise and began to target her.

"Oh, why hurt a poor little girl?" She chuckled. "Rikar!"

"What is it Lise? Also, Brand, start using those special skills of yours." Rikar called.

The Trickster smiled evilly. "My pleasure, Hypochondria!" He said and used a special aura to try and poison Skul.

Lise laughed maniacally and casted Reflect on her group as well. "Teehee, silly Time Mage."

"Oh, really?" Blaise grinned. "Skul, take this!" He stated and readied a Gravity spell. Skul looked at Blaise and thought he was crazy but Blaise let loose the force but it bounced off Skul's magical barrier and hit Lise.

"Owwy." She said and got up. "That wasn't very nice!" She yelled, but was soon dropped to her feet again by tanglevines grabbing her and throwing her down.

OOC: All Magic (Destruct, Lumina, Saboteur, Dimen, Lore(Scholar magic), Saber (Skul's magic) will be affected by reflect. Terrain and Summon's are not.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#347 Posted: 18:25:52 05/01/2014
Ooc: I couldn't find any heavily armored images that looked quite right for Canis

Skul then used Dark Saber on Blaise, but the effects were warded off, and hit Lise, "Hows it going, being a Mime?" he calmy asked the enemy as he slashed at her wiith his sword.

Erola conntinued to throw stuff, as the mime could probably do that in the first place, and they didn't need her learning any new skills.
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#348 Posted: 13:39:35 06/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: I see, here are some pictures that Defenders would look like. It's just that the design he has, just doesn't look like a Defender much, due to lack of armour he has.


Lise chuckled and countered by hitting Skul with a magical replica sword of Skul's and bashed him with the blade, dealing minimal damage. Lise then mimicked one of Erola's earlier spells can casted Shadow Shade on her entire group which in return hit everyone with the Dark energy.

Arianna used Water Ball on Brand but he countered by throwing a boomerang bladed card with a Queen of Hearts, which she narrowly avoided.

Blaise readied another round of Gravity on Skul which hit Brand and lowered his health and Roxanna followed up with another throw of her chakram, hitting the Trickster, almost knocking him out.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#349 Posted: 20:30:06 06/01/2014
Skul then blasted Blaise and Erola, and through Reflection, Brand and Rikar were damaged. Brand fell to the ground. "I see, Lise as more of a problem, and take out the minions first is always a good plan!" Skul stated as he repeatedly slashed Rikar.

Erola dashed forwards, "Two can do that Lise!" and cast Shadow Shade on her team, damaging Rikar and Lise.

"SO I'm proud of how well you fought in the arena. I got so angry when Mia took out you and Canis." Lorcarane stated, completely oblivious to the battle.
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#350 Posted: 01:43:26 07/01/2014 | Topic Creator
A new character is going to permanently join, but will have a special class... Spoilers! It is....... Teehee

Brand couldn't take anymore beatings and looked at Rikar, "I gotta back down!" He said and held up a crystal which shattered, causing him to teleport away.

Lise also looked at Rikar. "They're too strong, ser. We have to retreat!" She cried and did the same as Brand and vanished.

Rikar's expression became foul. "I don't need you anyway." He shouted, almost loud enough to scare a few birds away from their nests. "Imbeciles..." He muttered and readied a bomb and hurled it at Roxanna who Blaise pushed out of the way in time so they both avoided the blast.

"Thank you." Roxanna smiled. "Now, why did you come here?" She asked as she threw her chakram at Rikar's feet.

"To take you back to your father. He misses you dearly and just wants you to stop causing mischief."

Roxanna looked at Rikar. "Are you crazy!?" She yelled. "Why would I go back to him, and I am causing mischief, he sent a spy to capture me. You tell him that daddy's little girl isn't coming home." She stated and turned around and crossed her arms.

"Well, I guess I will tell him the news, I can't take anymore of this." He frowned and used a teleport crystal of his own."

Blaise jumped for joy, "Alright!"

Roxanna leveled up ~ Level 15 > 17

Arianna leveled up ~ Level 9 > 17
Skills learned: Windslash(17)

Blaise leveled up ~ Level 16 > 17

Erola leveled up ~ Level 9 > 17
Skills learned: Rime Bolt(12)

Skul leveled up ~ Level 15 > 17
Current Levels:
Freija - 16
Apollo - 16
Arekkusu - 9
Arianna - 17
Kane - 16
Blaise - 17
Reagan 16
Roxanna - 17

Varai - 5

Canis - 16
Skul - 17
Erola - 17
Lora - 16
Grimm - 15

Makinzie - 9

Apollo smiled at Lora and tried to cheer her up. "Hey, we were doing our job at least, and we all did a job well done. Great job to you- you showed them all." He said and continued to eat his chicken and bread.

Freija looked at Canis. "I just need some time off. I mean, I need to check on Hyrien Academy and see how it is going and I have a personal affair I must tend to. So tomorrow I will be heading to Hyrien while you begin towards Maldaenna."

Roxanna heard a noise and heard the rustling of a Chocobo. "The sound... It's tame, and the color I think is... Blue!" She said and as sure as she was, a Blue Chocobo came running to where the battle was, a man riding it.

"I am looking for Reagan." He said. "Do you know her?" The man then got off his mount. "Found this guy, but it seems that you might be able to use him." The man stated pointing at Roxanna.

"You bet, I am a Chocobo Knight after all. I just gotta tame it and then capture the monster shard, so I can summon him in battle." She said and walked over to the Chocobo. "Hey Buddy..."

The man walked over to Erola. "Do you happen to know Reagan? I am her brother, Stragus." (Pronounced Stray-Gus)

Name: Stragus
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Role: Blue Mage*
Weapon: Naginata (Slashing Spear)
Crisis Trance: Gungnir (Throw Odin's magical lance into the air and cause a light beam to shine on the enemy and the spear to fall, dealing heavy Light damage)
History: Stragus was born a few years before Reagan but during his younger years, he fell short of becoming a Dragon Knight. He seemed to possess the rare gift to utilize the powers of monsters and enemies, a rare trait. He still practiced his spear training with his sister daily, but at night would practice his magical abilities with the Valia mages. He outdid all of them and eventually his gift became a tool of war. He regretted doing everything his parents forced him to and finally, it was the day Reagan ventured out to collect the Dragon shards when he overheard his parents talking about the exilation of Reagan, he quickly left to warn her but could not seem to track her down. With no sign of life, Valia declared him Missing in Action.
Appearance: [User Posted Image] (Credit)

Level: 18
Attack - Blue - Jump - Item

Blue Magic Spells:
-Aqua Rake - Water/Wind Spell
-Vampire - Absorb enemy HP
-Jet Flare - Fire/Wind Spell

*He is a special class but is a permanent character, but retains a skill of Dragon Knight due to being trained originally as one before he encountered his gift.
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