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Tracking Thumpback and Eye Brawl sightings [CLOSED]
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#301 Posted: 06:32:48 18/01/2013
In case you shop in Everett, WA. The Everett Mall Gamestop has a manager that scalps, lies when you call and will lie to your face too. Saw the box in plain sight sealed in their back room today, asked if those were the new ones and was told the box was a console refurb. I asked if he'd check and show me. He reluctantly showed me 1 side of the box that had a sticker on it covering the skylanders type on the box. I said, "Can you flip it over? There should be text saying it's contents." He reluctantly and it WAS the Eye Brawl and Thumpback package with the right serials. I ran my fingers over the box showing him what it said. He flat out said, "Dude, these aren't skylanders, this is a box I am shipping back" (boxes that get shipped back have the ugly brown tape) and I said this and he said, "I don't know what you're talking about dude, let it go" and threw the box down in the storage room and slammed the door knowing he was caught in a lie. Then because I called him a liar and said he was clearly out for his own needs, he refused to sell me the wave 3 they had out and threatened to call security...this was of course after I got out my phone and started looking up corporate's number and let him know I was going to call right then and there. So...long and short of it. This was the manager of the store. Contacted corporate and he will be disciplined by corporate and the district manager. If anyone else has had this type of issue, I apologize. I took one for the team today. Don't bother shopping at Gamestop in Everett Mall. They clearly are scalping and holding products for themselves or other employees/friends. End rant.

EDIT: I did actually wind up with 2 of each so I can't be too's more the principle.
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:46:35 18/01/2013 by xerokills
TheLurk Blue Sparx Gems: 533
#302 Posted: 07:19:26 18/01/2013
Ouch. Well I don't blame you for calling him out! I'dve done the same. AND made him feel very guilty too! Oh I can imagine my mom dealing with him....she has this way of putting people in their place even though she's usually so shy and gentle. But when you do something REALLY bad she WILL call you on it and make you feel like am erring child, and clearly this guy needed some of that!
SF 13 SF, 19 reg, 5 LC, TT, FF, JBB
Got: extra Cynders, 1 Lgd Trigger Happy.
dinoah2005 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3472
#303 Posted: 07:45:44 18/01/2013
Add Lompoc and Santa Maria California to the mix.
Dxtra30 Blue Sparx Gems: 691
#304 Posted: 14:34:40 18/01/2013
As noted before Thumpback and Eye Brawl found in Philadelphia region.. Please update Post #1 when you get a chance OP .. Thanks!
Astchar Red Sparx Gems: 12
#305 Posted: 14:41:45 18/01/2013
I've been calling all Gamestops and Walmarts in the Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Pennsylvania area (Aka Lehigh Valley). All Walmarts were clueless but each GameStop go them in yesterday. I was able to score a set for my 5yo and a set for another friend with a little boy at the GameStop in the South Mall on Lehigh Street in Allentown. Most other Gamestops I called sold out.
Happy hunting!
Skylanders Dad Blue Sparx Gems: 878
#306 Posted: 14:49:53 18/01/2013
Quote: xerokills
In case you shop in Everett, WA. The Everett Mall Gamestop has a manager that scalps, lies when you call and will lie to your face too. Saw the box in plain sight sealed in their back room today, asked if those were the new ones and was told the box was a console refurb. I asked if he'd check and show me. He reluctantly showed me 1 side of the box that had a sticker on it covering the skylanders type on the box. I said, "Can you flip it over? There should be text saying it's contents." He reluctantly and it WAS the Eye Brawl and Thumpback package with the right serials. I ran my fingers over the box showing him what it said. He flat out said, "Dude, these aren't skylanders, this is a box I am shipping back" (boxes that get shipped back have the ugly brown tape) and I said this and he said, "I don't know what you're talking about dude, let it go" and threw the box down in the storage room and slammed the door knowing he was caught in a lie. Then because I called him a liar and said he was clearly out for his own needs, he refused to sell me the wave 3 they had out and threatened to call security...this was of course after I got out my phone and started looking up corporate's number and let him know I was going to call right then and there. So...long and short of it. This was the manager of the store. Contacted corporate and he will be disciplined by corporate and the district manager. If anyone else has had this type of issue, I apologize. I took one for the team today. Don't bother shopping at Gamestop in Everett Mall. They clearly are scalping and holding products for themselves or other employees/friends. End rant.

EDIT: I did actually wind up with 2 of each so I can't be too's more the principle.

Interesting story...I ended up going out on my lunch hour to get Eye/Thumpy at the Gamestop near my work. My wife called the one near my home yesterday before I took matters into my own hands and they confirmed they had received UPS shipments. She asked them if she came over if they could open them. They refused. They told her they'd open them when they'd open them and per company policy nobody could be around when they did so.

She had stopped by the store a few times this week looking so she suspects that the employees may have thought she was a scalper looking to make a buck. LOL My guess is that the Gamestop employees were probably just holding them for their buddies. Either way, just glad the hunt is over. All my best wishes to all that are still looking.
Here we go again...!
X-Treme Ripto Gems: 360
#307 Posted: 15:38:23 18/01/2013
Getting mine in less than 1 hour. Add lansing MI to the list.
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#308 Posted: 15:40:59 18/01/2013
Sucks, but some Gamestops are like that. Fortunately, I don't think we have any scalper employees at the stores I frequent. I've found quite a few rare ones, at Gamestop in particular - notably several Wham Shells right when they first came out, and those were PRIME scalping material.

The best you can do is report them to corporate, like you did. If they were hoarding them, they will be dealt with - especially if they buy them using their employee discount. Confronting them may feel better, but in the end they do not have to open the boxes right then, and if you cause a scene, they can have you removed from the store. It's best to let the company deal with it, they aren't fond of their employees taking advantage of their position and making customers mad.

It isn't always feasible to unload shipments when customers are in the store, but most Gamestop employees will be nice and do it for you - but they are doing you a favor by doing that. Unloading shipments are supposed to take a back seat to customers or when they are the only employee since they have to stay on the floor. They do need to get to them in a timely manner, but not at risk of theft or loss of a sale.

Now, it IS possible that was a shipment going out. They DO reuse boxes. And the packing tape can vary, there isn't a "standard" kind they use. If they run out, they usually just buy some locally. That's why it is best to let the company handle it if he refused to open it. They have that stuff tracked. They know when those figures are sold, and if it is an employee sale, and which employee rang them up. Back in college when I worked at EB (part of Gamestop now), it was forbidden to ring yourself up. Even the manager had to have another employee ring their stuff up. If he is smart and scalping, he would not ring it up as an employee, and ring them over over several transactions and use cash.

In the end, he isn't going to make much money. That window is fast closing. Thumpback and Eye Brawl EBay and Amazon Marketplace prices are dropping fast since they are so widespread now. He will be lucky to turn $15 a figure after auction fees, shipping and time spent. Since they are 4 new giants per box, that is maybe $60 that he is risking his job over - less than a day's pay.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:42:03 18/01/2013 by defpally
Eggman1115 Green Sparx Gems: 183
#309 Posted: 15:43:08 18/01/2013
Erie, PA Gamestops got them. Unfortunately I did not because one store lied to me and said they didn't, even though I was pretty sure the Crusher and Hothead they just put on the shelf would be from the same shipment, so I didn't bother checking the GS up the road. I then found out later in the day that a regular at the store I work at scooped the last/only Thumpback at that location. So I'm pretty sure the lying employees were understocking, and I'm really hoping TRU or my Wal-Mart gets them in soon, cuz I don't wanna give GS my money now.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#310 Posted: 16:36:31 18/01/2013
There are 3-4 Gamestops in my area that does the same thing, Xero. The others are just lazy and lie about what is coming in. Only two Gamestops help me.

The one I now shop at, has a kick *** manager, who called me and told me he had eye brawl and thumpback in, when I had no idea they were even getting them. I now reserve my games with him, to help out his store.

I used to help out another store, but I knew I shouldn't have from the start. Back when Cynder first came out, I called the store I was formerly shopping at. I talked to a manager and told him my kids and I were looking for the character Cynder, and he stated "Yeah, I unboxed her in the back and kept those for myself." I said, "can't you get in trouble for that, and what about the customers?" He stated, "At the end of the day, it's my word against anyone who calls in on it, and it's just a perk of the job." I let him go. He never knew that was me.

I started shopping and reserving games there, to help them out, when he told me he would call when new figures came in. He never called once, and even though I got EB and TB from my new store, he still never tried to call to tell me he got them in. Why? Because, he's probably doing with new figures, what he did with Cynder.

Another shady thing about this store, is that they will tell customers what they have on the floor, is all they got, which is always a bunch of LC Drobots and Eruptors, and Dragonfire Canons. However, if one goes over to the Wii U section, and looks inside their back room, you always see the unique newlanders from each wave. They refuse to put them out, but insist on putting out the Shelflanders (ie shelf warmers).

So, now I deal with a truly kick butt guy. He has called me twice to let me know EB and TB are in. I told him the second time I was good, and I would be coming to reserve more games soon (soon as income tax comes in), and I know he will hook me up when wave 4 streets. It's those Gamestop employees that make me have faith in that company.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#311 Posted: 17:02:25 18/01/2013
Yeah, but what really stinks is when you have a Gamestop that has a mix of awesome and crappy employees. Then you are at the mercy of the schedule when a shipment comes in. One Gamestop I go to has a couple really great employees, one that is helpful if asked, but doesn't go out of his way, and another that seemed annoyed that I interrupted their other efforts to ask about the shipment.

Another Gamestop I have been to as far as I can tell takes the phone off the hook when popular items are due in. The day Thumpy was due, their phone was busy from 10am until I stopped trying. I've never been able to get a call through when something big is coming out, and they aren't THAT busy of a store.
Murkwyrm Blue Sparx Gems: 751
#312 Posted: 20:06:39 18/01/2013
Just picked up one of each at GameStop Bonney lake, Washington they didn't have any more left and they won't hold them good luck all
cloaknpoke Red Sparx Gems: 82
#313 Posted: 20:08:07 18/01/2013
Salt Lake City, UT Gamestops got them in 1/17/13
Sent from my R2 unit!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:08:36 18/01/2013 by cloaknpoke
czs716 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1440
#314 Posted: 20:12:38 18/01/2013
Checked GameStop today. I was there Tuesday and the manager said he knew nothing about them. I called yesterday, and he told me again there was nothing new. Went in today, and the other manager told me that two of each came in on Wednesday... The one day I didn't check. Called all the other Gamestops... Still either know nothing or sold out.

Checked Walmart as well. All they had was a restock of Wave 1 and they had a giant box of the SSA starter packs they were putting out. Now instead of having 20 on the shelf just sitting there, they have 30.
Available for trade: NIB Walmart Exclusive Drill Sergeant (Not Red), NIB Granite Crusher. PM if interested.
TheMalgadar Red Sparx Gems: 49
#315 Posted: 22:27:32 18/01/2013
Thumpback and Eye Brawl are in Philadelphia PA. Called a bunch of Gamestops and most were either sold out or didn't recieve them yet. However Gamestop on the Blvd and Adams Ave had both. The associate was nice enough to hold one of each for me until i got there. They also had another Thumpback on the shelf, but i didn't see another Eye Brawl. My kids were super excited to get them to say the least. Good luck everyone.

BTW: So when is Ninjini coming out? lol
Why do I keep spending so much money on Skylanders? And why is my wife not yelling at me for it?
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#316 Posted: 22:35:34 18/01/2013
Got mine in Chula Vista.
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6654
#317 Posted: 22:41:30 18/01/2013
Anything bout Ny, manly around chataqua county.....more like jamestown?
Gay 4 GARcher
GhostRoaster617 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3963
#318 Posted: 22:51:59 18/01/2013
Oh you got them Zap? Well congratulations Zap I'm very happy for you and please respond back if you enjoy playing as smilie.
Grave Clobber is back to bury you!
Imaginators smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie Villains smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Skylanders Dad Blue Sparx Gems: 878
#319 Posted: 22:57:59 18/01/2013
Quote: ZapNorris
Got mine in Chula Vista.



J/K...Had to do it.
Here we go again...!
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#320 Posted: 23:19:46 18/01/2013
eye do.
GhostRoaster617 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3963
#321 Posted: 23:43:10 18/01/2013
Well glad to here you are impressed by the results and are satisfied. He is without a doubt my favorite giant and new Skylander in this game.
Grave Clobber is back to bury you!
Imaginators smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie Villains smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Mirdir Green Sparx Gems: 155
#322 Posted: 01:10:37 19/01/2013
Still nothing for us. But since there are no postings on craigeslist i'm just going to assume they are not here yet which is a shame because our stores desperately need stock. I was in a walmart today and they and they had a single ssa chop chop.
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#323 Posted: 01:15:30 19/01/2013
Add Avondale AZ and Glendale AZ to the list. Called both gamestops there, they got Thumpback and Eyebrawl but sold out immediately
words. letters. filler.
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#324 Posted: 08:03:09 19/01/2013
I am glad I know of 2 stores that actually let them hit the shelves...that's all that matters. I've always known that store was shady GM...I've never actually gotten a single one I needed there, yet had plenty of scores literally 2 minutes away at the plaza store, I just couldn't let it go when he lied straight to my face. Plus there was some satisfaction gained to know that his conduct will be investigated. I rarely get that amped, but this guy was the spitting image of the "Shady" type of manager. I just rule that store out unless I am at the mall for some God forsaken reason...dirty mall quality mall.

Def Pally, I will say this. I know what the difference is between an opened box, new box and a resealed box. This was fresh. The shipment hadn't been in their hands longer than 1 hour as they opened at 10 and I arrived at 12:20 and their shipments show up around 10:30-11 based on what the other store has told me. He wouldn't have been defensive if he had nothing to hide. I do understand the policy, but I also can ask. There is no law against asking and that's what I did. He didn't like being caught in his lie. I was 10 inches away from the box. The resealed boxes looked like they were sealed back up by a five year old.

I will say that I still like a lot of the managers that I deal with at GS. Most will check stock for me, or let me know if new stuff has come in. I wish my Walmart wasn't so bad about it. That store has 3 guys that work there that ALL seem the type and will refuse to even look up stuff for me. I've found the only way to get info is to ask in another department to look up an item for me by UPC or SKU. Then I get better results. I wish everyone the best for the next round and that we all can avoid the lousy experiences next round.

"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
dinoah2005 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3472
#325 Posted: 08:44:43 19/01/2013
MY GS Manager Sucks...
From Friday - Wednesday I went in to see if they got any TB and EB but he (The Manager) said that they have not received it yet, even though alot of you were posting that they are out. On Thursday I called a different store (20 minutes away) on my way home from work and they said that they just put some on the shelf and he could not hold any for me. I then called the store closer to home, and the assistant manager (Women) answered. She mentioned that they had the side kicks and I asked if they got EB and TB in yet. She reluctently said yes but there was a descreponsy on the shipment. I asked "What descreponsy?". She said that the shipment came in 2 days ago but was not sure why it was inventoried incorrectly and was put away. When I got there she had them out and told me where they were. Got them...

Heres the kicker:
I had a stange suspision of what others have posted earlier in this post, so I asked my wife to check GS today.
My wife went in today after picking up my son from school to see if they got any new shipments and the Manager was there. As they were looking around he asked them if he could help them find anything. My son said "Looking for Thumpback and Eye-Brawl". The manager then said "Oh, We still have not got any of them in yet."
I can see maybe lying to an adult but to lie to a 7 year old kid takes the cake.
I'm ready for a "Manager-Roast". Whos' with me?
dinoah2005 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3472
#326 Posted: 08:52:47 19/01/2013
One other thing about this store:
I have never seen the items below in this store to this day and I go there pretty much 3-4 days a week after work. Its next door to Walmart (were I end up getting most of the Skylanders since the Manager at GS is shaddy (too say the least).

Hot Head
and if the Manager was working that day I still would not have got Thumpback and Eye-Brawl from them.
There are alot of other skylanders that they did not have until months after they were already released and are easy to find:

SunBurn Battle Pack (Months after TRU was done with the exclusive and others (Walmart, BestBuy, Target) were getting stock)
Lightning Rod
Stump Smash
I am glad that they had Hot Dog available for Pre-Order. Otherwise I would be hosed...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:58:17 19/01/2013 by dinoah2005
gamecocksc17 Blue Sparx Gems: 792
#327 Posted: 15:33:12 19/01/2013
Yeah gamestop blows. I went the other day and apparently they were to busy to look up. One girl who was working was looking at her phone trying to act all emo or something. She looked miserable. I wanted to tell her if she hated her job this much their are plenty of people that would gladly take it.

They said none of their stores had the new skylanders (hotdog, thumpback, eyebrawl).

So I walked out and went to Wal-Mart (which I absolutely despise). And their was thumpback and eyebrawl sitting right their. And luckily I had preordered hotdog, so I had already received him.

Sick and tired of Gamestop and their "idea" as to what customer svc is.
Turrible, just turrible - Sir Charles Barkley
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#328 Posted: 15:48:33 19/01/2013
Quote: xerokills
I am glad I know of 2 stores that actually let them hit the shelves...that's all that matters. I've always known that store was shady GM...I've never actually gotten a single one I needed there, yet had plenty of scores literally 2 minutes away at the plaza store, I just couldn't let it go when he lied straight to my face. Plus there was some satisfaction gained to know that his conduct will be investigated. I rarely get that amped, but this guy was the spitting image of the "Shady" type of manager. I just rule that store out unless I am at the mall for some God forsaken reason...dirty mall quality mall.

Def Pally, I will say this. I know what the difference is between an opened box, new box and a resealed box. This was fresh. The shipment hadn't been in their hands longer than 1 hour as they opened at 10 and I arrived at 12:20 and their shipments show up around 10:30-11 based on what the other store has told me. He wouldn't have been defensive if he had nothing to hide. I do understand the policy, but I also can ask. There is no law against asking and that's what I did. He didn't like being caught in his lie. I was 10 inches away from the box. The resealed boxes looked like they were sealed back up by a five year old.

I will say that I still like a lot of the managers that I deal with at GS. Most will check stock for me, or let me know if new stuff has come in. I wish my Walmart wasn't so bad about it. That store has 3 guys that work there that ALL seem the type and will refuse to even look up stuff for me. I've found the only way to get info is to ask in another department to look up an item for me by UPC or SKU. Then I get better results. I wish everyone the best for the next round and that we all can avoid the lousy experiences next round.


Yeah, this new Gamestop I picked has a really cool manager, who always keeps his shelves filled with the latest Skylanders. Been in there twice, and they're stocked full of wave 3.

The dude looks like Logan (ie Wolverine) seriously. He has his beard cut out that way. But, he and his son play it as well. I would have never known about EB and TB, and to tell my friend Derek (ie Crazyace) to message you guys so you could all start looking, had it not been for this manager.

After I had the 4 I needed, plus a set for my neighbor across the street (he works from 4:30 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon so I try to help him whenever I can), and a friend of mine from Gamefaqs, the manager still called me to make sure I didn't need one more set they got in the next day. That was mighty kind of him.

Gamestops with greedy employees can stick their Skylanders you know where. Gamestop employees who lie to the customer for self gain, will get what's coming to them, when they really need help and it isn't there. What goes around, ALWAYS comes around.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#329 Posted: 16:24:03 19/01/2013
Quote: GameMaster78
Quote: xerokills
I am glad I know of 2 stores that actually let them hit the shelves...that's all that matters. I've always known that store was shady GM...I've never actually gotten a single one I needed there, yet had plenty of scores literally 2 minutes away at the plaza store, I just couldn't let it go when he lied straight to my face. Plus there was some satisfaction gained to know that his conduct will be investigated. I rarely get that amped, but this guy was the spitting image of the "Shady" type of manager. I just rule that store out unless I am at the mall for some God forsaken reason...dirty mall quality mall.

Def Pally, I will say this. I know what the difference is between an opened box, new box and a resealed box. This was fresh. The shipment hadn't been in their hands longer than 1 hour as they opened at 10 and I arrived at 12:20 and their shipments show up around 10:30-11 based on what the other store has told me. He wouldn't have been defensive if he had nothing to hide. I do understand the policy, but I also can ask. There is no law against asking and that's what I did. He didn't like being caught in his lie. I was 10 inches away from the box. The resealed boxes looked like they were sealed back up by a five year old.

I will say that I still like a lot of the managers that I deal with at GS. Most will check stock for me, or let me know if new stuff has come in. I wish my Walmart wasn't so bad about it. That store has 3 guys that work there that ALL seem the type and will refuse to even look up stuff for me. I've found the only way to get info is to ask in another department to look up an item for me by UPC or SKU. Then I get better results. I wish everyone the best for the next round and that we all can avoid the lousy experiences next round.


Yeah, this new Gamestop I picked has a really cool manager, who always keeps his shelves filled with the latest Skylanders. Been in there twice, and they're stocked full of wave 3.

The dude looks like Logan (ie Wolverine) seriously. He has his beard cut out that way. But, he and his son play it as well. I would have never known about EB and TB, and to tell my friend Derek (ie Crazyace) to message you guys so you could all start looking, had it not been for this manager.

After I had the 4 I needed, plus a set for my neighbor across the street (he works from 4:30 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon so I try to help him whenever I can), and a friend of mine from Gamefaqs, the manager still called me to make sure I didn't need one more set they got in the next day. That was mighty kind of him.

Gamestops with greedy employees can stick their Skylanders you know where. Gamestop employees who lie to the customer for self gain, will get what's coming to them, when they really need help and it isn't there. What goes around, ALWAYS comes around.

Yep...pretty much. I get better service from the female manager at the one...she is at least fair. I am glad I have 4GS in about a 15 minute span. That saves a bit of pain with the jerk stores. I reported it to corporate and requested a follow up with them. They have my info. So we'll see what happens, but he will at least be getting a warning, which should go on their record. I don't want people losing their jobs, but at the same time, if you are not doing it properly, then you don't deserve it in the first place. Tempted to stop in the store today just for giggles...make him squirm a bit. smilie

I do enjoy the good employees that I can chit chat with about games and actually know their stuff. Always a bonus when it's a girl.
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
Hexin_Wishes Yellow Sparx Gems: 1522
#330 Posted: 18:06:16 19/01/2013
I took yesterday off from searching. can't be arsed to do it everyday tbh. Hopefully, my search next week will prove fruitful.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:06:38 19/01/2013 by Hexin_Wishes
triggernut Emerald Sparx Gems: 3483
#331 Posted: 18:18:55 19/01/2013
Thumpback and Eye Brawl have been spotted at other cities in Michigan that aren't listed here yet. Lansing, Jackson, and Saginaw, those are the three that I know of for sure.
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6654
#332 Posted: 18:22:16 19/01/2013
Add lakewood NY. I asked the people at gamestop and they said they jad a shippment of thumpback and eyebrawl earlier in the week
Gay 4 GARcher
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#333 Posted: 19:03:03 19/01/2013
I will give you guys a hint. It works all of the time. Sometimes, to get employees to do their jobs (Walmart, Toys R Us, Target), or to get sometimes scalping employees (SOME Gamestops) to assist you, you have to play the kid card.

Anytime I call and ask as if I were looking for myself, it was always "NOPE" or "Hang on. *2 seconds later* Don't have them."

However, anytime I've called and done this -

"Yes, my kids are looking for a couple of those Skylanders figures. I was wondering if I could give you the names of two they are looking for, and maybe you can see if you have them?"

They ALWAYS say, "Sure. Which two are you looking for?"

I then say, "My kids are looking for a couple of those bigger ones, the Giants (blatantly acting oblivious so they know I'm some parent looking for a kid). They're like 14 dollars or something."

Sure enough, they help.

It's sad people would have to do that, but it seems employees sympathize when it comes to kids... somewhat.

Thankfully, with this new manager friend of mine, I don't feel as if I will ever have to do that. Once my income tax comes in, I am going to be reserving a lot of games with him, because he went above and beyond what most other Gamestop employees do, which is either be lazy all of the time, or just keep these things to themselves.

Seriously. If you have kids, mention that you're looking for the figures for them, to a Walmart employee on the phone. They will end up helping more than you could possibly imagine.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
czs716 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1440
#334 Posted: 19:29:23 19/01/2013
^I use this tactic. I say "yeah my nephew is looking for ......" It also helps that he's with me about 95% of the time I go hunting.
Available for trade: NIB Walmart Exclusive Drill Sergeant (Not Red), NIB Granite Crusher. PM if interested.
X-Treme Ripto Gems: 360
#335 Posted: 19:33:00 19/01/2013
Thats too bad, what do i say if I'm 12? They just go: "NOEP" and hang up.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#336 Posted: 19:54:44 19/01/2013
i called my gamestops. they didn't suspect a thing.
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6654
#337 Posted: 20:10:12 19/01/2013
Gay 4 GARcher
Skylanders Dad Blue Sparx Gems: 878
#338 Posted: 20:17:41 19/01/2013
Quote: GameMaster78
I will give you guys a hint. It works all of the time. Sometimes, to get employees to do their jobs (Walmart, Toys R Us, Target), or to get sometimes scalping employees (SOME Gamestops) to assist you, you have to play the kid card.

Anytime I call and ask as if I were looking for myself, it was always "NOPE" or "Hang on. *2 seconds later* Don't have them."

However, anytime I've called and done this -

"Yes, my kids are looking for a couple of those Skylanders figures. I was wondering if I could give you the names of two they are looking for, and maybe you can see if you have them?"

They ALWAYS say, "Sure. Which two are you looking for?"

I then say, "My kids are looking for a couple of those bigger ones, the Giants (blatantly acting oblivious so they know I'm some parent looking for a kid). They're like 14 dollars or something."

Sure enough, they help.

It's sad people would have to do that, but it seems employees sympathize when it comes to kids... somewhat.

Thankfully, with this new manager friend of mine, I don't feel as if I will ever have to do that. Once my income tax comes in, I am going to be reserving a lot of games with him, because he went above and beyond what most other Gamestop employees do, which is either be lazy all of the time, or just keep these things to themselves.

Seriously. If you have kids, mention that you're looking for the figures for them, to a Walmart employee on the phone. They will end up helping more than you could possibly imagine.

I would agree this has to work. It makes sense why it works because most of us love kids and remember being a kid and how much little things like this meant to us. I've never actually used it as a tactic, though. Ha ha. I AM actually looking for my kid (or wife) when in this kind of "hard to find item" predicament.

I'm actually considering bringing my kid in to the Gamestop that sold me Eyebrawl/Thumpback/Hot Head to thank the folks (one young man in the evening before telling me what time shipments came in and when to call and the guy who took the call/sold me the figures when I got there the next day). They were SO HELPFUL. (Not like the one my wife went to near my home, but I'm not one to place blame on Gamestop...This truly is a person to person thing IMO...Heck, sometimes it might just be an employee having a bad day too, you never know).

My only fear is that I'm holding Thump and Hot Head back for an awesome Easter basket and I don't want to have them blow the surprise by accident if they remember everything I purchased and say "So how do you like Hot Head" etc. Ha ha.

I couldn't thank the young man behind the register enough when I was there though and was sure to inform him how my kid has wanted Eye Brawl since day one, asked Santa for him and that he just made his year with that sale. It's been a real joy watching my kid play since Thursday night. He worked up all of Eye's upgrades himself on Friday (Kids were off school) and couldn't wait to show me when I got home that evening...and when we went out to eat, he refused to not take him with us to dinner and sat there gawking over him every moment he wasn't eating. Best 15 bucks I've ever spent and why those of us parents who fail to score one in these things suck it up so many times and eat the Ebay money I'm sure.

This is really a special game. He's gonna remember this stuff the way I remember Transformers/GI Joe/He Man/Nintendo when I was a kid.
Here we go again...!
Shroomy_Boomy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1143
#339 Posted: 20:32:28 19/01/2013
Quote: GameMaster78
I will give you guys a hint. It works all of the time. Sometimes, to get employees to do their jobs (Walmart, Toys R Us, Target), or to get sometimes scalping employees (SOME Gamestops) to assist you, you have to play the kid card.

Anytime I call and ask as if I were looking for myself, it was always "NOPE" or "Hang on. *2 seconds later* Don't have them."

However, anytime I've called and done this -

"Yes, my kids are looking for a couple of those Skylanders figures. I was wondering if I could give you the names of two they are looking for, and maybe you can see if you have them?"

They ALWAYS say, "Sure. Which two are you looking for?"

I then say, "My kids are looking for a couple of those bigger ones, the Giants (blatantly acting oblivious so they know I'm some parent looking for a kid). They're like 14 dollars or something."

Sure enough, they help.

It's sad people would have to do that, but it seems employees sympathize when it comes to kids... somewhat.

Thankfully, with this new manager friend of mine, I don't feel as if I will ever have to do that. Once my income tax comes in, I am going to be reserving a lot of games with him, because he went above and beyond what most other Gamestop employees do, which is either be lazy all of the time, or just keep these things to themselves.

Seriously. If you have kids, mention that you're looking for the figures for them, to a Walmart employee on the phone. They will end up helping more than you could possibly imagine.

I don't know that you have to mention kids... I'm in my 20's (definitely no kids, I'm still a kid at heart myself! lol) and I've just been very nice and polite and have always received lots of help over the phone or in person from the employees... I think as long as you're nice and polite and let them know they're doing you the favor they're more than happy to help! Basically, as my mom would say, you get more bees with honey than you do with vinegar!! smilie Treat them how you'd want to be treated and you can't really go wrong!!
67/67+GITD:smiliesmiliesmilieAEsmilie ROCKsmilie&smilieGLITTERsmilie&smilieSNOWsmilie

37/37+All Sidekix~WERDS~Blusmilie~Flockedsmilie~GITDsmilie~GREENsmilie~CLEARsmilie~CHROMEsmilie
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#340 Posted: 20:47:51 19/01/2013
Well, in my state, to get help over the phone when it comes to Skylanders, you have to mention kids, or else they think you're a collector, scalper, or some little kid who is bugging them.

I just know that in my city, it works more than it doesnt. I'm not lying to them, though, because at the same time I am getting these for me, I am getting them for my kids as well.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Shroomy_Boomy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1143
#341 Posted: 20:58:32 19/01/2013
^ That's true, location can defiantly make a huge difference... I'm in the Midwest so I guess that helps!! People here, in general, are very helpful and friendly!! At least you figured out how to get them to help you now!! smilie
67/67+GITD:smiliesmiliesmilieAEsmilie ROCKsmilie&smilieGLITTERsmilie&smilieSNOWsmilie

37/37+All Sidekix~WERDS~Blusmilie~Flockedsmilie~GITDsmilie~GREENsmilie~CLEARsmilie~CHROMEsmilie
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#342 Posted: 22:25:25 19/01/2013
I always use the kid card as well. I say I am hunting for my nephew, which I am, and I am hunting for other parents who collect for their kids, but have had no luck or live in a small town. I did get a nice experience today at Target. The guy that worked there who I was always weary to approach got into a discussion with me and another parent about the figures as I helped educate them both on what was out. He seems pretty good. Though the other lady I met today collects for someone in Texas who can't find Lightcore Shroomboom. I suggested online or pretty much out of luck right now. Wave 3 seems abundant right now minus the Giants. I can't complain right now. I visited "that" gamestop again today. He wasn't working...wanted to make him squirm a bit... smilie Helped a dad at Best Buy. Feel like I did my job today as a hunter in educating. Mission accomplished! Now on to painting figures.
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#343 Posted: 00:40:42 20/01/2013
I totally play the kid card when I suspect an employee isn't going to be helpful. And act ignorant of the figures, too. They definitely put in more effort when they think they are helping a frazzled parent that is just trying to make their kid happy. Which I am, so it isn't totally dishonest, but when you come off as a know it all, kids or no kids, employees tend to give you the brush off if they aren't in the mood to be helpful. And honestly, I get that - retail employees tend to be low paid and treated like they are easily replaceable, especially at Walmart - having some smart butt tell them what to do isn't the highest on their list of "desirable things".

In the end, being nice and understanding will works better in 90% of the cases. If you act like a jerk, they will make no extra effort. When it comes to tracking down these figures you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Another very useful thing to do, especially when you are standing in line for new releases, is networking. Exchange numbers so you can work a larger area. I have this one guy that texts me anytime he finds something out. I got Blue Bash that way. We tag teamed Gamestops and Walmarts to find Thumpy and Eye Brawl. Turns out I found them first at a nearby Gamestop, and bought them for both of us. He later met me and paid for his and picked them up (I also gave him both the Sidekicks since we already have them). Two people end up happy, and I know that I have someone that will call and pick up a figure for me if he finds one I don't have, and I will do the same for him.
BOOM Yellow Sparx Gems: 1265
#344 Posted: 03:53:12 21/01/2013
can some1 tell me what stores they were found in Anaheim
why are you reading this? your wasting your time...
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#345 Posted: 04:47:14 21/01/2013
Boom...if you haven't found em yet, then you can expect your stores are all dried up at this point. Start keeping an eye on Target and Best Buy.
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#346 Posted: 04:48:04 22/01/2013
Surprise AZ Walmart on 303 and Waddell at Prasada Gateway is STOCKED with Eyebrawls and Thumpbacks. Hotheads and crushers. Just Got Thumpback there, and maybe Eyebrawl at a later time.
words. letters. filler.
FLEIJA Green Sparx Gems: 395
#347 Posted: 11:02:53 22/01/2013
to all westcoast portal master please keep us updated regarding the 2nd wave/batch of stock for Thumpback and Eyebrawl, so we can anticipate the release here in the eastcoast for us who missed it the first wave/batch that were released. thanks all. happy hunting.
MIA: Volcanic Vault & Gnarly Tree Rex
minecrafter Blue Sparx Gems: 852
#348 Posted: 03:45:39 23/01/2013
NYC?!??!?!? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
riggidy Red Sparx Gems: 99
#349 Posted: 04:46:46 23/01/2013
Bestbuy - Pinole Ca
There he was, all by himself. A single Eye-Brawl. As I was paying I noticed the guy in front of me was buying a Thumpback....I just missed him.

So bestbuy must be getting their shipments.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#350 Posted: 04:49:47 23/01/2013
Quote: Skylanders Dad
Quote: ZapNorris
Got mine in Chula Vista.



J/K...Had to do it.

Broadway and Oxford GameStop.
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