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The Legend Of Spyro Fanfic III: The Dragons Of Shadow [CLOSED]
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#301 Posted: 02:00:32 02/11/2008 | Topic Creator
Dragonhope... A decision must be made...


Chapter 46: Tower Of Death

Spyro and Cynder walked towards the door to the tower as it opened wide for the two of them. All that was in the room was a large hole in the middle with spikes around the edge. "Spyro, what is this?" Cynder asked. Spyro walked closer to it. "Convexity designed it himself, it was intended as a base for the army of the night. 'A place were they could celebrate after there vicory', Conevxity had always said." Spyro said as he walked around the hole. "So, how do we stop this?" Cynder asked. Spyro turned his head to her and then back to the hole. "I don't know, I need time to think." He said angry with himself. Cynder sighed. "There isn't enough time." She said as she looked down at the floor. The light shone in the distance through the large windows. "Its almost here..." Cynder whispered. Spyro looked at Cynder worridly.

"Spyro, what do we do!" She yelled. Spryo shook his head. "Please Spyro, you must know something?" Cynder asked. Spyro looked up at Cynder. "Yes... But... No! I can't do it!" He said. Cynder walked up to him as he lowered his head. "I can stop this yes, but it comes with a price, a price that I should never have to pay." Spyro said. Cynder shook her head. "What price, what do you have to do?" Cynder asked. She began to feel worried. Not just for her, not just for the future but for Spyro. "I could stop this, but I have to go to the other realm in exchainge." Spyro said. Cynder sighed. "Spyro, what differene does it make if you don't stop this? Whats one more war compared to all of the others?" Cynder aksed. Spyro shook his head as he began to feel more worried. "Because this isn't just the night of eternal darkness, this is more! This will make all good consead to there side." Spyro said. Cynder looked down.

"You shouldn't be forec to make a decision! Its not meant to be like this! Nothing is!" Cynder yelled. Spyro turned around and looked at Cynder. "Im sorry Cynder, but I have to. Its for the best." Spyro said. He walked towards the doors on the entrance to the tower and opened them to see the light. He still had a while left to go. "Only a few more hours." Spyro whispered. Cynder walked behind Spyro. "Please don't do this Spyro..." Cynder said. Spyro turned around and looked at Cynder. "Cynder, there is something I need to do. Before I go..." He said. He walked closer to her and kissed Cynder on her black beack like mouth. "I love you Cynder, and you will be in my memories always." He whispered to her as he walked towards the large hole in the ground. He began to cry as his tears dripped into the hold in te ground. "Theres got to be another way!" Cynder yelled. But Spyro knew there wasn't.

To Be Continued...

No more answers from me...
spyrorockforeva Green Sparx Gems: 391
#302 Posted: 02:16:27 02/11/2008

plzzzzzzzzzzzz continue!!! smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
spyro rocks foreva
spread the word to the world
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 02:21:11 02/11/2008 by spyrorockforeva
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#303 Posted: 02:30:27 02/11/2008 | Topic Creator
spyrorockforeva Green Sparx Gems: 391
#304 Posted: 02:33:51 02/11/2008
ohhhhh only 2 more!
i am soooooooooooooooooo excited!
i can't keep my eyes off the computer!
spyro rocks foreva
spread the word to the world
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#305 Posted: 02:33:52 02/11/2008
More! I wanna see what will happen!
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#306 Posted: 02:44:41 02/11/2008 | Topic Creator

Chapter 47: Spyros End

Spyro closed his eyes and he lowered his head. He tryed to stop himself from crying. He didn't want to think about having to go, having to go to the other realm without her. He sighed as Cynder walked up behind her. "Spyro... No... You won't do this... No now..." She said. Spyro lifted his head and turned around to face Cynder. He shook his head. "No, Cynder. Your not doing it for me, I can do it. I can handle." He said nerviously. Cynder shook her head. "But you can't you won't! You said it yourself, the crack will only be open for a short while and then there shut for all eternity. Can you realy last that long?" Cynder asked. Spyro shook his head. "No, but its worth it. I've had a life that Im proud of with you and now I want you to continue your life, continue a life thinking of me." Spyro said. Cynder shook her head. "No, I want a life with you! I can't bare it!" She said.

Spyro looked behind Cynder and looked at the light as it got closer. "Only two more hours Cynder..." Spyro said. He sighed and looked back at Cynder. She looked at him with a sad face. "Cynder, cheer up. I don't want to have to live my life knowing I've let you down. You need to promise me that you will be happy with your life." Spyro asked. Cynder nodded. "Alright then, I promise Spyro." She said trying to turn her sad face into a smile. She turned her head behind her and sighed. "This is is then... Its been good thoe, everything we did together..." Cynder said. Spyro nodded. He felt the ground rumble as the crack spread closer towards the tower. "What will happen to the tower?" Cynder asked. Spyro looked confused. "What do you mean?" He asked curiously. Cynder turned her head back to Spyro. "Well, if the crack can break the hard rock of the mountain then what will it do to this?" Cynder aksed. Spyro looked at her with his mouth wide open.

"Of course! He never thought of that!" Spyro said. Cynder looked confused. Spyro walked up to the six corners of the room they were in. A small orb was placed on each corner. "What is it?" Cynder asked. Spyro smiled and looked at her. "The portal to the other realm can onyl work if these orbs are all charged up by the energy of the well of souls coming from the mountain. But if these orbs are smashed then the whole plan falls apart." Spyro said. Cynder began to smile. "So then, smash them..." She said. Spyro shook his head. "Its not as simple as that, these orbs are made of the strongest of diamonds that there is. Nothing can break them, the only time we can break them is when the energy has traveled through them. But even then we only have a splt second until the portal opens." Spyro said. Cynder began to feel more worried after this. According to Spyro they had one chance, but if that failed then the whole world would be at risk.

To Be Continued...
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#307 Posted: 02:47:31 02/11/2008!!!!!!
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#308 Posted: 02:49:21 02/11/2008 | Topic Creator
Im writing the final one! It may take absolutly ages so don't expect it to be a few minutes...
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#309 Posted: 02:50:31 02/11/2008
*cries* Don't Spyro! Live! Please! LIVE!!!!!
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
spyrorockforeva Green Sparx Gems: 391
#310 Posted: 02:55:24 02/11/2008
oh i like chapter plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz continue i can't wait for the chapter smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
spyro rocks foreva
spread the word to the world
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#311 Posted: 03:41:31 02/11/2008 | Topic Creator
Well everyone, its been fun. All of the times I've had, all of that five months and now it must come to an end. Here it is, the moement you've all been waitig for! The end of The Legdend Of Spyro Fanfic sieries! Enjoy... whist you can...

Chapter 48: Resterection Day

Spryo watches and waited as the ground began to shake more rappidly and the light shone brigter, as it neared closer to midnight. "Are you ready Cynder?" Spyro asked. She nodded in fear. "Spyro! Good luck!" She yelled to him. He nodded as the tower began to crumble at both sides as the crack began to reach closer to the centre of the room. "Now!" Spyro yelled. Both Spyro and Cynder began to break the orbs as they glowed with the energy of the well. Spyro looked puzzled as the orbs energy suddenlt traveled towards the portal in the centre. He tryed smashing them but it didn't work. "No, were too late!" Spyro yelled as the cracks in the ground reached the hole in the centre of the room. A bright light shone through the hole as the two cracks collided. 'Come Spyro, join us in the day of reserection! Return to use master!' A voice echoed in Spyros head.

"No! No I won't!" He yelled. He heard a loud high pitched noise as it screamed in his ears. The portal started pulling the two of them in. It was too strong for the two if them. "Cynder! Hold on!" Spyro yelled. She grabbed hold of an empty window frame that had been smashed by the pull of the portal. Spyro help onto a large rock tucking his front legs behind it and digging his claws into the stone. 'Join us... Both of you... Live with us in peace for all eternity!' The voice continued. Cynder and Spyro both looked at eachoter from the other side of the room. "Cynder! What ever you do don't let go! Don't listen to the voices!" Spyro yelled. Cynder couldn't hear him well over the sount of the windows breking around her and rocks being pulled in by the force of the portal. Cynder felt herslef slipping.

"Spyro! I... I can't hold on... Much longer!" Cynder yelled. Spyro dugg his claws further into the rock "No Cynder! Don't let go! What ever you do!" Spyro yelled. 'Why disscourgae her Spyro? Can't you see it, she wants to be with us.' The voice continued. Spyro shook his head. "No! No she doesn't!" Spyro yelled in anger. 'Never the less Spyro, no matter whether she wants to or not she shall, and you shall bare whitness to her end...' The voice continued. 'No... No...' Spyro thought to himself shaking his head in fear. "Spyro! Spyro help!" Cynder yelled as she lost grip from one of her hands. 'So weary, so desperate to be with you Spyro...' The voice ehcoed. Spyro turned his head to face Cynder. "No! Take me! Don't do anything to her just take me instead!" Spyro yelled. The voice began to laugh in triumph.

'It seams our Master will return...' The voice echoed. Spyro began to shake in fear. "Cynder! Grab on!" He shouted to her. She nodded as she reached her left front leg back for the window frame. "Im on!" She shouted back to him. Spyro took a deep breath as he tryed to let go. But he couldn't, he felt something holding him down. He reached his hea over the edge to see two of the ghostly Dragons holding his claws down. "Don't worry Spyro... Your not going anywhere." The Dragon said. Spyro looked down at the two of them. "Malefor! Im sorry, both of you." He said. Cynder looked forwards as she grabbed hold of the window frame to see the other two Cynders holding her down just like Spyro had the two Malefors holding him down. 'What! What is this!' The voice echoed to the two of them.

"Oh, Im sorry. Oh Im realy sorry Convexity! But you won't be getting anywhere near us anymore! Its over!" Spyro yelled. The light from the portal began to fade away. 'No! What are you doing!' Convexity said in anger. '[/i]Noooooooo...[/i]' He said as his voice faded into nothing. The light eventualy faded as did the force of the portal pulling them in. Spyro and Cynder both let go of what they were grabbing hold of and turned to look at each other. Cynder ran up to Spyro as he stood infront of the rock that he had been grabbing hold of. "Spyro! We made it!" Cynder said. Spyro still didn't look happy. He shook his head. "Whats wonge?" Cynder asked. Spyro looked up at her. "Its just, it just seems like that everything he did, everything he did to us was a plan, a plan from the beginning so he could bring about his destruction, we are all to blame for that." Spyro said.

Cynder nodded. She didn't want to face it but she knew he was right. Spyro smilied to her. "Anyway, its over now and thats all that matters to me." Spyro said grinning to Cynder. Spyro opened the door that left the tower. The grass below there feet was a bright green, the sky above there head had turned back to its normal blue. There was not one trace of destruction or darkness. It was over now, and that was a hopefull thought. Spyro stepped out of the gate as he felt the summber breeze on his scales, as he felt the heat of the sun beat down on him. He turned around to see Cynder folowing him out of the door. She smiled to him just before they took off the ground and into the air above them, it was a long journey for the two of them to take, but it would be a happy journey and most of all it was there journey back home.

Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#312 Posted: 03:44:39 02/11/2008
Phew! It is the unthinkable!
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#313 Posted: 03:52:13 02/11/2008 | Topic Creator
Wait... Is it me or did you say that you hadn't seen the very last scene after the end of the credits of DOTD in some other topic?
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#314 Posted: 03:53:32 02/11/2008
No! What makes you think that? I watched half of the ending but didn't got to the very last scene!!!
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#315 Posted: 03:55:33 02/11/2008 | Topic Creator
Oh right, I thought you did say that smilie, never mind. Anway, plan B (AKA plan IV) was the unthinkable. Also out of 10 what would you rate this story and then the whole series?
spyrorockforeva Green Sparx Gems: 391
#316 Posted: 03:56:27 02/11/2008
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that was such a sweet ending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it makes me want to cry (in a good way)
and i can't wait to see yar new project smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
spyro rocks foreva
spread the word to the world
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#317 Posted: 03:58:25 02/11/2008

IV? I've heard of that but Spyro2008 ruined all of that, no?
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#318 Posted: 04:03:51 02/11/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: spyrorocksforever
and i can't wait to see yar new project

Oh you will... Because I lied...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:04:43 02/11/2008 by bionicle2809
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#319 Posted: 04:04:48 02/11/2008
*twitches* What ya mean, fanfic-Spyro-maker-boy?
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
spyrorockforeva Green Sparx Gems: 391
#320 Posted: 04:05:58 02/11/2008
spyro rocks foreva
spread the word to the world
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#321 Posted: 04:06:53 02/11/2008 | Topic Creator
Soz, I meant to put a quote. Anyway project IV was mean to be a sort of never ending story line, when it ended and someone died ECT but there was so sequal or anything. But plan A gives me the chanse to add a sequal. Also IV was gonna be my new fanfic that I may still write... Like a fanifc set after DOTD.
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#322 Posted: 04:07:30 02/11/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: spyrorockforeva

I meant I lied that I said Im not making anymore smilie Soz
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:08:24 02/11/2008 by bionicle2809
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#323 Posted: 04:11:04 02/11/2008
Quote: bionicle2809
Soz, I meant to put a quote. Anyway project IV was mean to be a sort of never ending story line, when it ended and someone died ECT but there was so sequal or anything. But plan A gives me the chanse to add a sequal. Also IV was gonna be my new fanfic that I may still write... Like a fanifc set after DOTD.
Then, Spyro's gone on that time...I plan to make an unofficial sequel to DotD. Let's say...I'm going to call it

*wink, wink*
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#324 Posted: 04:12:46 02/11/2008 | Topic Creator
I like your thinking there... But anyway, Im wiritng... Chapter 49...
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#325 Posted: 04:13:38 02/11/2008
*smiles and relaxes*
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
spyrorockforeva Green Sparx Gems: 391
#326 Posted: 04:25:44 02/11/2008
OK so yar still making more storys!
good! smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie

by the way you 2 are confusing me with yar codes like plan b and VI and spoilers i am rly confused!

and now my head hurts! smilie
spyro rocks foreva
spread the word to the world
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#327 Posted: 04:27:08 02/11/2008 | Topic Creator
This is a one off, this realy is the last chapter of 'The Dragons Of Shadow' introducing my new fanfic 'Malefor and Senka and the Reics Of Darkness'

Chapter 49: The Relics Of Darkness

Spyro and Cynder looked down at the two eggs that lay in the nest. One of them was a bright purple that glowed in the daylight sun, whist the other was dark with a smooth surface to it. Cynder and Spyro both smiled at each other and then turned there head back to the two eggs. "It's been a long time Spyro..." Cynder said. Looking down at the eggs. "Don't worry, remeber what Ignitus had said. It may take time." Spyro said. He knew what she was thinking. "Cynder, don't worry, it'll be fine..." Spyro said as the walked away from the nest. "Im not sure, it wouldn't usualy take this long. Would it?" Cynder asked. Spyro looked at her confused. "Cynder Im as puzzled as you are, now lets forget about that for now and just focus on the future..." He said as the two of them walked into the sleeping chamber.

Want more? You'll have to wait for 'Malefor and Senka and the Reics Of Darkness', coming soon...
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#328 Posted: 04:29:14 02/11/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: spyrorockforeva
OK so yar still making more storys!
good! smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie

by the way you 2 are confusing me with yar codes like plan b and VI and spoilers i am rly confused!

and now my head hurts! smilie

Don't worry about them. As for me Im going to bed. I've been up all night writing fanfics. See ya!
spyrorockforeva Green Sparx Gems: 391
#329 Posted: 04:31:37 02/11/2008
ohhhhhhhhhhh i likeeeeeeeeeee smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
wait then how did ya lie if ya were already working on this!
i think you were trying to trick us!
lol smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
spyro rocks foreva
spread the word to the world
spyrorockforeva Green Sparx Gems: 391
#330 Posted: 04:33:10 02/11/2008
Quote: bionicle2809
Quote: spyrorockforeva
OK so yar still making more storys!
good! smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie

by the way you 2 are confusing me with yar codes like plan b and VI and spoilers i am rly confused!

and now my head hurts! smilie

Don't worry about them. As for me Im going to bed. I've been up all night writing fanfics. See ya!

ok goodnight i don't know but is anyone eleses time 04:32 am!
smilie i like staying up late!
spyro rocks foreva
spread the word to the world
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#331 Posted: 04:33:15 02/11/2008 | Topic Creator
they know my secret... I'll just have to kill them, all!
spyrorockforeva Green Sparx Gems: 391
#332 Posted: 04:33:56 02/11/2008
spyro rocks foreva
spread the word to the world
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#333 Posted: 04:35:32 02/11/2008 | Topic Creator
spyrorockforeva Green Sparx Gems: 391
#334 Posted: 04:38:53 02/11/2008
bye *waves* smilie
see ya when next on!
that better be tomorrow! smilie
spyro rocks foreva
spread the word to the world
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#335 Posted: 15:32:42 02/11/2008 | Topic Creator
Ok, good news. Im planning on realeasing an audio clip of me reading out the final chapter. I'm gonna have to sort it out and stuff but still who cares! Yeah, so Im gonna start making that soon. Its gonna be prety bad cos Im rubish with evil voices, it just sounds normal smilie. So anyway yeah, thats something that will be comming soon, it won't be on forever thoe. Im not willing taking any risks...
spyrorockforeva Green Sparx Gems: 391
#336 Posted: 16:40:23 02/11/2008
oh that sounds cool
smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie i can't wait to hear that evil voice of yours! smilie
i can't wait to hear it.
spyro rocks foreva
spread the word to the world
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#337 Posted: 18:21:29 02/11/2008 | Topic Creator
Im gonna use an audio edditing software for that. Thats also part of my next plan. What Im going to do is get the end of DOTD, record everything that Malefor is saying and try and make it sound like him and then replace the voices of Malefor with the ones that I recorded smilie.
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#338 Posted: 02:36:50 03/11/2008
You evil person! Best of all, you could animate it and ta-dah! But you need permission from Universal first.
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#339 Posted: 16:46:39 03/11/2008 | Topic Creator
I can't actualy animate, all I can do is the evil voices! I think I discovered what happened to make me like evil so much. When I was about 4 I always used to watch scary films, I mean like films that were scary when I was 4. I watched like the Mummy 1 and 2 (You know in I think it was 1, with the bit when the scarab beetles come and eat him, or something like that I can't remember that well) and also I watched the bit at the end of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (You know, the bit when that guy sorta like ages realy quickly and then rotts and stuff) so yeah, I watched both of thoes when I was 4... And I was ****ing myself smilie
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#340 Posted: 00:08:14 04/11/2008
Lol smilie I wonder how you sound like as Convexity smilie
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#341 Posted: 08:13:43 04/11/2008 | Topic Creator
Its like, realy deep... smilie
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#342 Posted: 00:04:13 05/11/2008
Maybe if I take Animation classes I'll animate this if I can remember it smilie
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
Sails_the_fox Ripto Gems: 428
#343 Posted: 02:40:03 06/11/2008
Quote: bionicle2809
Quote: Sails_the_fox
I can't Believe its the end!

Oh S_t_F, I remember when you were just a fodder posting on my fanfics. Then you joined and now look, your a green sparx in 5 months already and you're still the same as ever smilie. As for your second question... *cough*yes*cough*.

Also spyrorockforever, I never like making storys end... Which is why Im going to announce my next project very soon...

Heh Heh Heh, I remember that to. smilie *EDIT* HOLY ***** THATS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 18:06:54 06/11/2008 by Sails_the_fox
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