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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Toys and Merchandise > Our Collections so far :) *Post Pics and brag about your Skylanders!!!* updated
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Our Collections so far :) *Post Pics and brag about your Skylanders!!!* updated [STICKY]
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#301 Posted: 18:44:42 05/04/2012
Coloring it silver first was like less than an half hour. I just used a silver sharpie!

Coloring it red took probably about 45 minutes or so. A lot of the time was looking for smaller and smaller brushes. I used 2 paints from Walmart, one was a Red and the other was a metallic red. I combined them together to make a more crimson sheen color.
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
dragon_fang21 Green Sparx Gems: 363
#302 Posted: 02:51:41 07/04/2012
Heres a pic of the display i just finished putting together with my collection on it.

[User Posted Image]

Havent really decided how i want to have em on there yet
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:56:00 07/04/2012 by dragon_fang21
chopchop Blue Sparx Gems: 552
#303 Posted: 03:39:14 07/04/2012
Quote: dragon_fang21
Heres a pic of the display i just finished putting together with my collection on it.

[User Posted Image]

Havent really decided how i want to have em on there yet

OMG I wish I had all of them I don't have any collection pics but see my profile for my skylanders. good luck cuz whammy is out!
This user has died
chopchop Blue Sparx Gems: 552
#304 Posted: 03:40:38 07/04/2012
How did u get the parts for that anyways?
This user has died
dragon_fang21 Green Sparx Gems: 363
#305 Posted: 03:49:21 07/04/2012
I asked my local walmart if i could have the display when they were done with it. I went there today and there were only a few things left on it. i asked if i could just move the remaining skylanders to the main aisle where they usually go and the lady said yes. so i took it apart, brought it home, then put it back together (wasnt easy cause i couldnt remember how the pieces went lol)
Archae Emerald Sparx Gems: 4192
#306 Posted: 22:46:25 07/04/2012
I think I have enough now.

[User Posted Image]
Gunter glieben glauten globen...
ghostfury Gold Sparx Gems: 2397
#307 Posted: 08:53:54 08/04/2012
My collection is allmost done 4 more to get all the rest on preorder and still waiting two 3 packs coming 2 more adventures also ordered got all 4 and a single whamshell
Corroded Arceus Green Sparx Gems: 390
#308 Posted: 11:53:46 11/04/2012
My collection so far. The dragons get a special position at the back.
Vayn Red Sparx Gems: 61
#309 Posted: 16:14:23 11/04/2012
Compared to some of the collections here mine is kind of small, but nonetheless these guys are mine and Im rather proud of them:

[User Posted Image]
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#310 Posted: 17:55:20 11/04/2012
Quote: Vayn
Compared to some of the collections here mine is kind of small, but nonetheless these guys are mine and Im rather proud of them:

[User Posted Image]

One Skylander is better than none. So, by default, anyone with at least 1, has just as good of a collection as someone with with all of them.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
AJAwesome Platinum Sparx Gems: 6755
#311 Posted: 20:42:53 11/04/2012
My L-rod cynder zook 3pk just came in!
I'm a girl. My name is Reese. :3
MoonlitCynder Gold Sparx Gems: 2589
#312 Posted: 02:26:23 12/04/2012
Quote: dragon_fang21
Heres a pic of the display i just finished putting together with my collection on it.

[User Posted Image]

Havent really decided how i want to have em on there yet

I love this!!
37/37 + BsmilieTF+GITDsmilieRsmilieE3smilieFlockedsmilieGITDsmilieAsmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
48/48 + 6/6 Legendary+smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie+ smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#313 Posted: 16:26:16 12/04/2012
Quote: AJAwesome
My L-rod cynder zook 3pk just came in!

Where from?
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
AJAwesome Platinum Sparx Gems: 6755
#314 Posted: 20:47:24 12/04/2012
Online! smilie but I think my l-rod has a misprint base (its half shaded in)
I'm a girl. My name is Reese. :3
Wolffe Red Sparx Gems: 86
#315 Posted: 02:54:50 13/04/2012
Started collecting about three weeks ago... I had no idea what I was getting into. Now I'm down to the last three (I'm not really interested in the clear/crystal figures). Got most of these from Toys 'R' Us and a couple from EB Games.

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GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#316 Posted: 03:04:53 13/04/2012
See, I wouldn't mind having the Stanley Sortmasters (not Jr.) there, but they don't snap together. That's one benefit of the Jr. versions. They snap together for easy travel. I guess those ones would be neat, if you're just keeping them at home.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Wolffe Red Sparx Gems: 86
#317 Posted: 03:14:41 13/04/2012
Couldn't find the Jr's anywhere. They do fit the figures PERFECTLY though! They do take up considerable space, and I won't have enough to fill the third... but maybe that will be the excuse to hunt down the clear/crystal figures I have no interest in... smilie
Gaiaknight Blue Sparx Gems: 792
#318 Posted: 03:22:06 13/04/2012
not bad for only 3 weeks congrats and i hope you get the last 3 soon smilie
Wolffe Red Sparx Gems: 86
#319 Posted: 11:23:51 13/04/2012
I have to admit that I waited for a few store openings when I knew they were getting new releases. That's how I nabbed Sunburn/Dragon's Peak right away (haven't seen it since).

Then, I walk into TRU one day during lunch and they just started unpacking a huge shipment. After the early morning lineups, small mobs, and barren shelves, here I was standing knee-deep in Skylanders and not a single person around me. That's when I got lucky and got one of the first (of only two) Zook, Lightning Rod and Cynder three-packs.

I caved and bought the Legendary three-pack off someone when I finally saw an ad that wasn't asking for an insane amount. At that point, it just wasn't worth my time searching for those anymore.
vinzclortho37 Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#320 Posted: 12:18:21 14/04/2012
[User Posted Image]

Blue Bash isn't pictured due to his worthlessness, but this is a top down look at our coffee table and ALL THE SKYLANDERS (except Wham-Shell, we've got all the rest). The top is glass, but the Skylanders sit under it.

Wolffe - those cases are pretty awesome. Bravo! I couldn't do that myself; ruining my stickers is out of the question. But awesome idea!
Skylanders Plugs!
Pics coming soon!
AJAwesome Platinum Sparx Gems: 6755
#321 Posted: 12:33:34 14/04/2012
There is a skylander in the bottom right corner being covered, what is it?
I'm a girl. My name is Reese. :3
vinzclortho37 Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#322 Posted: 12:45:19 14/04/2012
Damn. That's plain old Spyro in the corner.
Skylanders Plugs!
Pics coming soon!
AJAwesome Platinum Sparx Gems: 6755
#323 Posted: 12:47:31 14/04/2012
I'm a girl. My name is Reese. :3
Wolffe Red Sparx Gems: 86
#324 Posted: 13:52:45 14/04/2012
Quote: vinzclortho37

Blue Bash isn't pictured due to his worthlessness, but this is a top down look at our coffee table and ALL THE SKYLANDERS (except Wham-Shell, we've got all the rest). The top is glass, but the Skylanders sit under it.

Wolffe - those cases are pretty awesome. Bravo! I couldn't do that myself; ruining my stickers is out of the question. But awesome idea!

Nice collection! And you scored two of the last three -- awesome!

I really want to get this hunt over with. It sounds like not only are the last three going to be hard to come by... but they're making that last one (Wham-Shell) even tougher... just... great...

I was safely storing all the cards and stickers as soon as I opened any of the packages. When I got the cases I really debated whether I should actually use the stickers, but ultimately it came down to the fact that I'm just doing this for fun. I had the same feeling opening the Legendary three-pack when I finally got my hands on it.

I actually like the treasure hunt aspect of stumbling on a new Skylander or being one of the first to score a new one. I know that even though I am collecting them, I have no intention of ever selling them. Even after all of the money and energy spent... they're probably going to end up stored in the basement in a few months once my son and I get tired of playing with them.

That being said, my son (he's five) just loves organising his Skylanders and making sure they go in the right place. The best is when I hear him instructing his mother on how you have to look at the picture to know where each one goes! That alone made it worth it... smilie
vinzclortho37 Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#325 Posted: 15:27:23 14/04/2012
Quote: Wolffe
Quote: vinzclortho37

Blue Bash isn't pictured due to his worthlessness, but this is a top down look at our coffee table and ALL THE SKYLANDERS (except Wham-Shell, we've got all the rest). The top is glass, but the Skylanders sit under it.

Wolffe - those cases are pretty awesome. Bravo! I couldn't do that myself; ruining my stickers is out of the question. But awesome idea!

Nice collection! And you scored two of the last three -- awesome!

I really want to get this hunt over with. It sounds like not only are the last three going to be hard to come by... but they're making that last one (Wham-Shell) even tougher... just... great...

I was safely storing all the cards and stickers as soon as I opened any of the packages. When I got the cases I really debated whether I should actually use the stickers, but ultimately it came down to the fact that I'm just doing this for fun. I had the same feeling opening the Legendary three-pack when I finally got my hands on it.

I actually like the treasure hunt aspect of stumbling on a new Skylander or being one of the first to score a new one. I know that even though I am collecting them, I have no intention of ever selling them. Even after all of the money and energy spent... they're probably going to end up stored in the basement in a few months once my son and I get tired of playing with them.

That being said, my son (he's five) just loves organising his Skylanders and making sure they go in the right place. The best is when I hear him instructing his mother on how you have to look at the picture to know where each one goes! That alone made it worth it... smilie

Huh. Never thought about it that way. I think you may have just convinced me to do the same!
Skylanders Plugs!
Pics coming soon!
alexandros2011 Green Sparx Gems: 441
#326 Posted: 19:08:37 14/04/2012
can anyone tell me how to post pics from my hard drive onto a message? thx smilie
smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie on PS3
need smiliesmilie
Gaiaknight Blue Sparx Gems: 792
#327 Posted: 19:35:24 14/04/2012
Skylanders Collection Update 36/37 almost done smilie

[User Posted Image]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:37:17 14/04/2012 by Gaiaknight
DantheDragonBoy Green Sparx Gems: 404
#328 Posted: 19:38:06 14/04/2012
Lucked out smilie
Nice collection smilie
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2262
#329 Posted: 01:24:19 15/04/2012
im building a shelf for my skylanders its half way done
Wolffe Red Sparx Gems: 86
#330 Posted: 17:07:30 15/04/2012
A minor modification to the third case to accomodate the portals. I figured I would make use of all the extra space since I really only expect to be getting three more (the last three) Skylanders anyway.

[User Posted Image]

The bottom left quadrant wouldn't fit the full size portal because of the handle, but it fits the 3DS portal nicely and the upper quadrant fits the full size perfectly.
Stealth Elf 32 Green Sparx Gems: 176
#331 Posted: 01:04:56 17/04/2012
I have them all exept Sun Burn Warnado Camo and Cynder.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I posted! smilie My Other Site, although I rarely use it. I love Godsmack! Its a rock band.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:20:51 20/04/2012 by Stealth Elf 32
ransledsky Green Sparx Gems: 364
#332 Posted: 05:36:04 17/04/2012
Finished. Finally...
[User Posted Image]
AJAwesome Platinum Sparx Gems: 6755
#333 Posted: 11:44:21 17/04/2012
That looks so small it barely seems like 32.
I'm a girl. My name is Reese. :3
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#334 Posted: 16:58:36 17/04/2012
^ That's what i thought.
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
Joker Bingo Green Sparx Gems: 407
#335 Posted: 17:19:24 17/04/2012

[User Posted Image]
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#336 Posted: 17:55:07 17/04/2012
Quote: Joker Bingo

[User Posted Image]

Wow, looks like lots of effort's gone into that! Are you going to do something else/more with that area with just Dark Spyro & Volcanic Vault, also, are you going to unbox Wham-Shell and Warnado?
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 17:56:41 17/04/2012 by reventon777
Joker Bingo Green Sparx Gems: 407
#337 Posted: 18:24:45 17/04/2012
Opening the m when the kids get home from school. I left extra space for when the Giants come out later :-)
reventon777 Green Sparx Gems: 258
#338 Posted: 18:27:59 17/04/2012
Quote: Joker Bingo
Opening the m when the kids get home from school. I left extra space for when the Giants come out later :-)

You really have thought of everthing. You must be quite the then!
Join my mates Minecraft server!!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:28:12 17/04/2012 by reventon777
Stealth Elf 32 Green Sparx Gems: 176
#339 Posted: 20:37:27 17/04/2012
Quote: Joker Bingo

[User Posted Image]

What a GREAT orginasation!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I posted! smilie My Other Site, although I rarely use it. I love Godsmack! Its a rock band.
Joker Bingo Green Sparx Gems: 407
#340 Posted: 00:14:38 18/04/2012
Final pic with everything opened. I left room in each element row for the 8 new smaller guys (one for each element) when the sequel comes out. The Giants will go along the top.
I organized them to face their opposites. Fire vs water, magic vs tech, air vs ground, and death vs life.
[User Posted Image]
Stealth Elf 32 Green Sparx Gems: 176
#341 Posted: 01:24:26 18/04/2012
Quote: Joker Bingo

[User Posted Image]

Quote: Joker Bingo
Final pic with everything opened. I left room in each element row for the 8 new smaller guys (one for each element) when the sequel comes out. The Giants will go along the top.
I organized them to face their opposites. Fire vs water, magic vs tech, air vs ground, and death vs life.
[User Posted Image]

Question: Why waste the Portal batteries?smilie Just askin'
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I posted! smilie My Other Site, although I rarely use it. I love Godsmack! Its a rock band.
camo1123 Blue Sparx Gems: 613
#342 Posted: 01:34:42 18/04/2012
I want camo sooooo bad
Please call me mad jack
darkchylde28 Gold Sparx Gems: 2175
#343 Posted: 01:53:37 18/04/2012
Here's a photo I took this evening of the collection my wife and I have put together. We lack the Legendary 3 Pack (which we'll hopefully pick up tomorrow) and the final 3 Skylanders. Hopefully we'll find those sooner rather than later! Sorry that it's not of greater quality, it was taken with my phone (which was handy) instead of my digital camera (which was not).

[User Posted Image]
SSA: Complete, SG: Complete, SSF: Complete, STT: Complete (Save Yawn Traps), SSC: Complete (To Date) + Various Chase/Promotional Variants
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:56:17 18/04/2012 by darkchylde28
Joker Bingo Green Sparx Gems: 407
#344 Posted: 04:36:42 18/04/2012
Stealth elf 32. I turned the portal on to make the pic look better. I tried plugging the xbox portal into a USB charger, but it seems to only want to light up with a computer connection.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#345 Posted: 05:39:59 18/04/2012
Here's a suggestion for your shelf, Joker. The huge empty circle up top should be decorated with the cards. There are many options to use, dependin on what your shelf is made of. Thumb tacs or staple gun would do the trick.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
ghostfury Gold Sparx Gems: 2397
#346 Posted: 05:50:26 18/04/2012
only 4 more to get camo warnardo ignitor and whamshell
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#347 Posted: 05:54:39 18/04/2012
Quote: Joker Bingo

[User Posted Image]

Your display is Just Awesome........
You need a custom Skylanders Neon sign curved to fit the top of that bad boy!
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#348 Posted: 05:57:06 18/04/2012
Joker Bingo
Question for you?
How much did it cost and how long to make that?
How much would you charge to make one for someone?
StormbringerGT Green Sparx Gems: 162
#349 Posted: 06:24:56 18/04/2012
Is it made out of foam?
I'm currently: Awaiting Dragon's Dogma and listening to Old Linkin park. Bite me, their old stuff is better than their new stuff. smilie
Joker Bingo Green Sparx Gems: 407
#350 Posted: 11:25:06 18/04/2012
Here is a shot of the shelf in progress. It is very simple to make. I can't tell you the cost since I had the wood left over from a project last year.
Just get a back board (mine was 2feet wide and 3 feet tall). I got all the wood at home depot.
Next I cut some 2x4s (2 for the sides and 2 for the top and base).
I used thinner boards for the shelves.
I used wood screws to hold everything in place through the backboard.
To finish it I used wood stain and two cans of fake rock texture paint from Wal-Mart.
you can assemble the whole thing using only a hand saw and screw driver.
I built it in two days. I cut the wood the first day, stained the shelves, screwed the backboard to the 2x4 frame and painted it with the fake rock spray.
The next day when the paint was dry I screwed the shelves into place.

[User Posted Image]
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