

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Official Headcanon Topic
spyrocrash Platinum Sparx Gems: 5012
#301 Posted: 17:22:07 10/10/2016
I got another one for Imaginators:

The Sensei's are the only Skylanders the Doomraiders and redeemed villains can get along with. The Trap Team and others are still a little hostile toward the villains for their past crimes, but the sensei's see the good in them as they train the Imaginators of their respective class.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#302 Posted: 19:46:53 10/10/2016 | Topic Creator
Mysticat has a crush on both Scratch and Trap Shadow, and can't decide between them. Scratch has a crush on Mysticat, and Trap Shadow doesn't really like either of them and is actually asexual. It's very confusing.

When the some of the other Skylanders tease Mysticat about his voice, King-Pen will always rush in to help. He'll always stand up for his best friend.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 19:17:42 11/10/2016 by Chompy-King257
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8310
#303 Posted: 23:27:20 11/10/2016
Pain-yatta and Fiesta formed a strong friendship after the former became a Skylander. Pain-yatta says that Urocorn and Fiesta would also become great friends, and unsurprisingly, once Urocorn was found (Which he was eventually) Urocorn and Fiesta become just as close of friends. They are referred to a "The Three Amigos."

Grave Clobber was the oldest of his brothers, and had a very close relationship with his father, as a result, he was chosen as the next Pharaoh. He shared the same more peaceful ideals his daddy had and this angered his brothers, who wanted the power and wanted to increase the sand covered land of which they ruled.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:16:06 12/10/2016 by HeyitsHotDog
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10104
#304 Posted: 15:11:27 13/10/2016
Bad Juju's kid spell came from one of Dreamcatcher's many collective nightmares in Cloudcracker. The floating head thought it'd be an amazing prank if she made everyone dream that Cuckoo Clocker and Pepperjack got married and looked for the witch doctor in help of getting a child... But, turns out, she's a bit of a sleepwalker.

Cloudcracker Prision now is the first fortress to have an alarm clock system tied to Realm of Dreams activity.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:12:10 13/10/2016 by Bifrost
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#305 Posted: 15:36:43 13/10/2016
Tidepool is, at least on missions, basically Bayonetta, she flaunts her stuff, she's full of sass, and she's also highly flirtatious. Particularly with Ember, who she likes to tease. Whether it's from attraction of her or just to be annoying... the jury is still out. Tidepool also does have trust issues, as evidenced by her backstory, and if she thinks you have a secret to hide, you bet she'll interrogate you, even if it's something not worth the effort. Because of this the Quickshot Imaginators actually prefer Krankcase's classes because he's a lot more forgiving or easier to pull a fast one on.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
MekakuCityPKMN Yellow Sparx Gems: 1516
#306 Posted: 15:24:28 14/10/2016
Krankcase was really excited for the plant experiment, and believed it would easily boost him directly into the history books. Needless to say, when the now-sentient plants rebelled, he was more than a little surprised and very, very saddened. After Boom Bloom blew up his factory and ran for it, he figured he would never see her again- that is, until he joined the sensei program. She has made it a point to avoid him at all costs, and ignore everything he says- after all, she's hated him since she became sentient. He, on the other hand, wants to make up for his past wrongs- whether this is because of nostalgia of the semi-successful experiment or some form of fatherly love has yet to be seen.
"KRANK up the Sky-Chi!"

might be making a soft continuation of the series, idk
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#307 Posted: 15:17:02 15/10/2016 | Topic Creator
Pop Fizz and Trigger Happy are cousins. Trigger Happy was the one that recommended Pop Fizz to Eon, and now he's really happy to see his family member, who is also his best pal, fighting alongside him. They both love destruction, and enjoy racing each other with their vehicles.

Sir Hoodington was the first Imaginator made, created by Eon himself to demonstrate to the Skylanders how Imaginators work. Now, he's treated like any other Skylander, and acts like a personal assistant to anyone around the Academy, such as his fellow Skylanders, Eon, Hugo and, in some cases, Flynn, but the pilot only ever asks him to eat enchiladas with him, not to actually complete a chore. Sir Hoodington is constantly rushing around to complete tasks, and is good friends with Blackout. When Eon was creating him, he wanted to make a Light Swashbuckler, as Light is his favorite element and Swashbuckler is his favorite class, but he didn't his niece to feel like she was being replaced, so instead he created an Imaginator in his second favorite element and class.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:43:19 15/10/2016 by Chompy-King257
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#308 Posted: 20:14:14 15/10/2016
Haven't done this in a while-

Ember is a no-nonsense person. She’s extremely strict, and will snap back at you if you goof off. Most of the sentinel students dislike her, and show a fondness for Barbella. Barbella’s not much better than Ember in strictness, but since Hood Sickle is physically frightening, Barbella is the preferred. Ember is actually a nice person when you know her. Her honor-based family values set a very stern and solid personality in her. The only person who’s ever really seen the nicer side of Ember is Barbella. Barbella, being another sentinel sensei, hung out with ember a lot in the earlier days of the sensei program. Whereas Ember brushed away every other sensei who came her way, she was actually quite thrilled to do things with Barbella after classes. This went on for a while! Ember eventually told Barbella that she had feelings for her. Ember never liked boys, but she found Barbella’s bravery and personality attractive. Barbella and Ember then began to date. They actually learned a few things from each other- Barbella learning when to get serious, and Ember learning that sometimes it’s okay to relax for a little bit. Ember instantly brightens up when Barbella enters a room. She calls Barbella her “Bae-bella”- and Barbella calls Ember her “Embae.” They really like each other!
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8310
#309 Posted: 21:39:43 15/10/2016

I'm bi and I think this is too much. >.<
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#310 Posted: 03:28:51 16/10/2016
Tri-Tip is a child at heart. He might seem threatening with his deep voice, but he really likes things such as sleep, donuts, hugs, and japanese animation. King Pen reluctantly hangs out with Tri. King Pen finds Tri-Tip’s childish behavior annoying, but won’t say anything to avoid sounding rude. The one time he did say something though, Tri responded with this.

“Yeah, I know I screw up. I’m immature, and i’m not proud of it. But what I am proud of is that I can always get back up, and try again. It might take a while to pound stuff into my head.. But this head was made for pounding.”

King Pen just hugged him in response.
isaac343018s Emerald Sparx Gems: 4478
#311 Posted: 04:34:58 16/10/2016
No one messes with Wild Storm. They all heard the story of him becoming 3 times bigger and nobody ever tries to get him angry. Wild Storm notices and finds it funny.

Birdie is essentially a cat, leaving all day if he wants, but really only coming back to Air Strike for missions or if he wants food. Air Strike doesn't notice Birdie just isn't there most days.

Tidepool is James Bond. Nuff said.

There isn't really a leader to the new Senseis, but King Pen assumes he is. Only because he was the first chosen. Really every Sensei leads themselves nicely.

Flarewolf is Joker levels crazy. Not crazy kill someone crazy (too soon) but crazy as annoy everyone around him crazy

It's been said before, but yes, Ember is definitely always training and never stops.

Barbella trains with her, but far less rigorously

Tri Tip is best friends with Chopper. Dino buds! Dino Rang considers himself their friend too, but that's a different headcanon

Mysticat is teased by his voice, but he doesn't care, and asks everyone he encounters riddles. Think of him as The Riddler only not so deadly

Buckshot is a little show-offy, but Ro Bow knows how to put him in his place.

Pit Boss is always away someplace really far and only Eon knows how to reach him when he's needed. He takes his classes with him.

Chopscotch is the strictest of the Smasher class teachers, even if she's significantly shorter than her students, she'll take on the tallest one and win.

Aurora tries to avoid Eon as much as possible. She loves him, but she knows he'd embarrass her.

Chain Reaction considers himself friends with everyone, even if they don't associate with him all that much. He can be hard to comprehend.

Ro Bow is constantly building something. Usually with Sprocket. He forgets he has to teach Bowslinger Imaginators a lot though.

Starcast is always hiding. No one knows where. He just sorta, shows up whenever and wherever he's needed. His students are constantly surprised when he shows up behind them in class

Boom Bloom is the most fun out of all of the Ninja Senseis. She likes to entertain her students more than lecture so her students don't learn as much. Her weapon is vastly different from theirs, so they are automatically interested in whatever she's doing.

Ambush does so alone and with his classes, but he meditates a lot. Like, a lot. His students can't explain how they learn stuff from meditating so much, they just do.

As hinted through various headcanons, I see the Senseis each teaching a group of Imaginators of their Battle Class techniques, tips, and tricks that will come in useful in the field. At the end of a month or so, there is a battle between two random classes to see who has learned better. Aurora's class always loses to Starcasts' despite how good of a teacher she is.

I'll do villains later.
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#312 Posted: 13:43:33 16/10/2016
Barbella is more like a gym teacher than the rest of the Senseis. As such she tends to discipline her students more. If they lose focus, 50 push-ups. Mess up a technique, 100 push-ups. She once had one of her Imaginators do a thousand push-ups for being late for class. Since then everyone's been right on time for her classes.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#313 Posted: 21:14:39 18/10/2016 | Topic Creator
Cortex is REALLY good on the piano. Some other Senseis encourage him to try and perform professionally, but he says that would be to nerve-racking for him.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#314 Posted: 00:56:17 19/10/2016
Mysticat is not very friendly with strangers, just like real cats. He also has a fear for Hot Dog that not even him understands. Lastly, he generally tries to mantain distance from Water Skylanders, so she can't get wet.

(Next one is a little innapropriate).

Mysticat generally doesn't like to think about sexuality, that's why he doesn't like when people call him a "pussy".

Quote: Chompy-King257
Cortex is REALLY good on the piano.

That's actually true. But I'm pretty sure you know that.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#315 Posted: 00:59:24 19/10/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: Crash10
Mysticat is not very friendly with strangers, just like real cats. He also has a fear for Hot Dog that not even him understands. Lastly, he generally tries to mantain distance from Water Skylanders, so she can't get wet.

(Next one is a little innapropriate).

Mysticat generally doesn't like to think about sexuality, that's why he doesn't like when people call him a "pussy".

Quote: Chompy-King257
Cortex is REALLY good on the piano.

That's actually true. But I'm pretty sure you know that.

Ayyyyyy you got my Crash Of The Titans reference.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#316 Posted: 15:52:47 19/10/2016
Cortex has some unfinished business with King-Pen, that's why he tries to avoid the penguin.

Try to get the reference.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#317 Posted: 19:07:07 19/10/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: Crash10
Cortex has some unfinished business with King-Pen, that's why he tries to avoid the penguin.

Try to get the reference.

To continue this, he once offered King-Pen fish, but that made him mad, so he zapped the penguin and runs away.

Hehehehe...see what I did there?
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#318 Posted: 21:37:35 19/10/2016
Why I never talked to you about Crash before?

Anyway, new headcanon...

All bulky Skylanders are impressed by Barbella, since she's the first bulky female Skylander. So they decided to train and make more muscles with her training.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#319 Posted: 21:40:40 19/10/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: Crash10
Why I never talked to you about Crash before?

Anyway, new headcanon...

All bulky Skylanders are impressed by Barbella, since she's the first bulky female Skylander. So they decided to train and make more muscles with her training.

I don't know, why haven't you? I'm the biggest fan of the series.

Also, what about Head Rush?
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3847
#320 Posted: 21:41:14 19/10/2016
Quote: Crash10
Why I never talked to you about Crash before?

Anyway, new headcanon...

All bulky Skylanders are impressed by Barbella, since she's the first bulky female Skylander. So they decided to train and make more muscles with her training.

Head Rush says hi.
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#321 Posted: 23:04:07 19/10/2016
Well, she is bulky? I tough she was just fat...
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#322 Posted: 02:00:54 20/10/2016
It's muscle.

Ro-Bow is pretty serious, and likes to keep things in line. The laziness of Buckshot and the rudeness of Wolfgang makes him mad. Since he pretty much learned everything he ever knew from a USB drive, the idea of a hero being lazy or edgy is an alien concept to him.

Boom Bloom is only 4'3.

Tidepool is pretty much bayonetta. She's sassy, edgy, and sometimes flaunts herself around. It also makes sense, since the moon has relations to tides, and bayonetta is synonymous with the moon. Thus, Tidepool is synonymous with the Tides and Water.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#323 Posted: 02:05:50 20/10/2016 | Topic Creator

Mysticat was never been great with love. He had feelings for Tuff Luck the longest time and was going to act on them, but then Grilla Drilla started dating her. A long while later, he had eventually developed a crush on both Scratch and Trap Shadow, and was having a really difficult time deciding who he wanted to be with. He asked King-Pen, his best friend, about it, but the Water Sensei didn't help much. He then asked the advice of Eon, who, after some thought, decided that it might help to send Mysticat and Trap Shadow on a mission together, and then send Mysticat on another mission with Scratch. On the mission with Trap Shadow, the Magic Swap Force Skylander was very rude and aggressive to him, and wanted nothing to do with him at all during the entire journey. However, on the mission with Scratch, the two had a great time together, and shared a lot of laughs and fun. By the end of it, Mysticat had reached his decision. That evening, he asked Scratch out to dinner, which she accepted immediately, as she also had had a crush on him for a long time. Now, the two are dating, and Mysticat knows he made the right decision to be with Scratch, and the two are really happy together.

Ever since he appeared, Stealth Elf has had a crush on Wild Storm. She disregards it as a silly little thing, but she does like training with him. Spyro can read her body language around him, and can tell by the way she looks at him when he walks by how she feels. He talks about it in private to her about it, but she's so embarrassed when he tries to that she just denies it.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#324 Posted: 02:35:02 20/10/2016
Quote: Drawdler
Tidepool is pretty much bayonetta

We should have a game where we take a shot every time this headcanon appears in this topic.

Jayzus, she can be hot and weild guns without having to be compared to Bayonetta constantly.

As well as be British and have similar poses in their artwork and have the ability to summon creatures...
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#325 Posted: 03:06:54 20/10/2016
Wild Storm has a crush on Golden Queen. Him being a noble, honorable knight and all- he wants to please her. GQ thinks this is funny, and has no feelings for him. her beetles and money are all she needs.

Ambush has broken english. He has been taught how to dab by his students, however.

Buckshot is pretty fluffy. He feels like a chinchilla. So he always gets asked how he gets his fur to be so soft.

Chain Reaction and Eon share beard tips.

Pit Boss rarely ever says "ssssss" after every "s". He only does it on special occasions.

Chopscotch got dared my Flarewolf to do a rap album once. She accepted the dare, and produced a 5 track album called "This Bone In Da Zone!" It was so good, Flarewolf tried to get Eon to make her a fire element. One of her tracks was a Flynn diss track. Wolfgang provided instrumentals for that one.
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8310
#326 Posted: 03:19:44 20/10/2016
Similar to Zap Norris' headcanon, the Snake Skylanders don't prolong their s-es. Sometimes they're put a bit of emphasis on them but nothing more. In fact all 3 have stated that the prolonged sssssss is a offensive stereotype, but Rattle Shake finds it not as offensive as Cobracadabra does. Pit Boss takes it similar to RS, as they're close friends.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#327 Posted: 03:27:49 20/10/2016
Stealth Elf's master for the longest time lead everyone to believe she was a tree person. For no reason in particular actually. She's just kinda nuts. She only revealed her true self recently.

Mags has secretly had a crush on Dr. Krankcase since he was a villain. Now that he's a Sensei, whenever he's around, she gets all jittery and spouts whatever random nonsense is off the top of her head. But no one finds anything unusual about it since she usually says nonsensical things and so no one suspects a thing. The only one she confessed it to was Cali, who tries to help her with her courage around him.

(I think I already posted this one, if I did I apologize)
The reason why Luminous isn't a Sensei is because when he was asked to join, he declined, saying that he's "too good to teach others". Ever since finding out a robot from the future took his place, he's been incredibly salty about it, but tries not to show it on future encounters with the Skylanders.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#328 Posted: 16:34:18 20/10/2016
Stealth Elf and Boom Bloom are close friends since their mission together in the Enchanted Elven Forest. They share many similarities, like their stealth style of combat and connection with nature.

Stealth Elf was much more serious at the time of Spyro's Adventure. However, with when Spyro became a Skylander, she started to open herself more. She now makes fun and jokes around with the rest of her friends, like Spyro and Eruptor, but she's still a little tough with new students.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#329 Posted: 21:35:40 20/10/2016 | Topic Creator
The youngest Senseis are Boom Bloom and Flarewolf, who are both 17, and Chopscotch, who's in her very early 20s.

Flarewolf enjoys working with Cortex on science projects. While Cortex is much smarter than him and the scientist can find him irritating, they can work together well and Cortex is impressed by Flarewolf's intelligence.

Cortex LOVES showing off his intelligence, and really loves working with technology and machinery. Once, the Skylanders had to take down a rampant Guacamole Monster, so they came to him and asked him to build a weapon capable of doing so. He got so excited when assigned with this task that he started shaking and giggling like a little kid as he started making the blueprints. The final product, which took only an afternoon to put together, ended up being a giant laser cannon that made a whole right through the Guacamole Monster, destroying it instantly.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:54:11 20/10/2016 by Chompy-King257
Spyro Lover122 Gold Sparx Gems: 2147
#330 Posted: 22:40:31 20/10/2016
Crash's speech skills improve with each passing day. Nobody ever sees him actually practice, he just kind of picks it up from other people. He can speak just a few things almost clearly, such as his name. His language is still very garbled, and the other Skylanders still can't understand him. His speech can sometimes sound like nonsensical blabbering. Sometimes this can make Crash frustrated, as he really wishes to speak his mind.

Whenever Cortex is around, he translates what Crash has a hard time saying. He's become great at understanding what he means, and can usually help him out. Aku Aku can do this too of course, but he doesn't really hang around with him when he's with the Skylanders. Since the celebration, it's mostly just been Crash and Cortex without the Aku Uka brothers. It will probably stay that way until everything else is back to normal. Until then, the two only aid them in battle. There are times Crash nearly gives up on ever being able to speak English fluently, but how far he's come is what keeps him trying.
Whenever you reach too high, life smacks you down!
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 22:42:07 20/10/2016 by Spyro Lover122
Spellslamzer75 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1333
#331 Posted: 23:52:04 20/10/2016
Nightfall is a professional at fighting games. The only one who can come close to beating her in a fighting game is Starcast.

When they're not busy with Sensei work, Tae Kwon Crow and Starcast can often be found playing Skystones together. They're friendly rivals.
Strength, courage, and evil
Maenta Green Sparx Gems: 150
#332 Posted: 00:30:29 21/10/2016
I always thought that Jet Vac and Sonic Boom would get on very well together. D'awww.
Newest: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#333 Posted: 14:15:10 21/10/2016
Bad Juju and Sonic Boom attend a meet-up for single mothers, and are the only Skylanders in their group. They've become really good friends, and likewise, Jujunior likes playing with Sonic Boom's babies.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#334 Posted: 20:10:51 21/10/2016
No one in the Mushroom Kingdom believes in Bowser when he talks about his adventures as a Skylander. Only Bowser Jr. believes him.
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8310
#335 Posted: 01:38:43 22/10/2016
Hood Sickle is quite a big fan of classical music and Opera and is often listening to it when at home.

Speaking of homes, all Skylanders have their own homes all around Skylands. For example Spyro lives in Darkwater Cove, Gill Grunt in Oilspill Island with his father, Gurglefin, Rubble Rouser lives in Shimmer Shard Shire and Scorp lives in a dumpster behind the Academy.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3847
#336 Posted: 01:54:40 22/10/2016
Quote: HeyitsHotDog
Hood Sickle is quite a big fan of classical music and Opera and is often listening to it when at home.

Speaking of homes, all Skylanders have their own homes all around Skylands. For example Spyro lives in Darkwater Cove, Gill Grunt in Oilspill Island with his father, Gurglefin, Rubble Rouser lives in Shimmer Shard Shire and Scorp lives in a dumpster behind the Academy.

ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#337 Posted: 15:08:11 22/10/2016
Boom Bloom is a really good Overwatch player.

Stump Smash, Ambush, and Tree Rex tend to avoid Chain Reaction.

Zook and Ambush are best friends.

After becoming a sensei, Pain-Yatta found Trail Blazer, and they worked together to find the Unocorn.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#338 Posted: 17:18:19 22/10/2016 | Topic Creator
Starcast likes listening to sophisticated and complex music. Piano is his favorite type to listen to, and he's really good at playing himself.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#339 Posted: 17:58:43 22/10/2016
Starcast is currently planning a Machamp Halloween costume.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#340 Posted: 00:29:54 23/10/2016 | Topic Creator
After the events of Imaginators, Wolfgang and Sal spoke a bit and worked out their problems. Now, they're close again and perform together.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:39:42 23/10/2016 by Chompy-King257
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#341 Posted: 01:27:15 23/10/2016
Ever since Wolfgang became a sensei he mellowed down a lot and became a lot nicer to others becoming friends with most of the Trap Masters and he won the "Best Musician In Skylands" award at the Skylands Music Awards and he became the biggest musician in Skylands and when he sings he always gets a huge crowd of fan girls.
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#342 Posted: 01:32:29 23/10/2016 | Topic Creator
Tae Kwon Crow has mild depression. He and Flarewolf, who also has depression, talk a bit about it.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#343 Posted: 01:38:30 23/10/2016
Aurora fell in love with Wolfgang at one of his concerts and they kissed on stage while Wolfgang was singing one of his songs and they eventually got married and had three children.
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#344 Posted: 16:02:47 26/10/2016
The Toys For Bob games and Vicarious Visions games exist in two separate canons. They both have the same characters and locations and characters have the same backstories, but certain events are totally different, hence why Kaos was still the main antagonist in Imaginators despite the ending of Superchargers.

Out of all the villain Senseis, the smoothest transition was Pain-Yatta (due to him not really being bad, just getting involved with the wrong crowd) while the roughest was Wolfgang (for obvious reasons). They originally all just agreed to be Senseis to get out of jail, but overtime they grew to legitimately enjoy being good guys - With no traps required.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8310
#345 Posted: 16:34:51 26/10/2016
Quote: AdamGregory03
The Toys For Bob games and Vicarious Visions games exist in two separate canons. They both have the same characters and locations and characters have the same backstories, but certain events are totally different, hence why Kaos was still the main antagonist in Imaginators despite the ending of Superchargers.

Out of all the villain Senseis, the smoothest transition was Pain-Yatta (due to him not really being bad, just getting involved with the wrong crowd) while the roughest was Wolfgang (for obvious reasons). They originally all just agreed to be Senseis to get out of jail, but overtime they grew to legitimately enjoy being good guys - With no traps required.

The bottom one is very likely true, both fit their characters, but the top one doesn't really work. The games have decent consistency with each other and have much better consistency in the comics. Kaos being the main enemy in Imaginators was the biggest one so far.

Sorry to criticize, I just was never fond of alt dimensions with p much the exact same stuff with minor differences. I feel like it can be a bad way to explain inconsistent stuff.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
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