

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Ophelikios Green Sparx Gems: 171
#251 Posted: 07:05:08 06/12/2012
Some of the V4 stuff. Mostly stuff I got from people, as I was in the middle of the sticks, and didn't have access to much of this when this stuff was bigger.

I wish I still had my Alchemist. So awesome looking. D=

That's really cool that you have both sets. I'm jealous. I'd still say I'm a bit of a novice painter, but there's only one way to get better!
Ophelikios Green Sparx Gems: 171
#252 Posted: 07:12:49 06/12/2012
Quote: GamingMaster_76
The Jet-Vac custom is really cool. The armor looks sweet and the color scheme is so original. I've never seen another custom anything like that! smilie
Can we see how he looks lit up? smilie

Thanks! Here's how he looks lit up. When he's not lit up, the lighted areas are slightly tinted red, using the bloodletter GW glaze. However, as the LEDs are very bright and blue regardless, it doesn't show up that way when lit:

[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]
finnsllc Blue Sparx Gems: 902
#253 Posted: 14:32:31 06/12/2012
I guess I could do a L-sidekick collection but my kids only have the four plus two extra snappy. So I'd need dups of the other three and I'm not paying eBay prices to get them. But yea if I had extras it would be fun. Although if there isn't a L regular character to go with it I may not.
NEW JERSEY USA. Ok, go ahead, I've got popcorn now.
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#254 Posted: 18:00:05 06/12/2012
Oh derp, I was gonna take pics of that Glow in the Dark Boomer I posted back on page 2 while he was glowing.

[User Posted Image]
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
Ophelikios Green Sparx Gems: 171
#255 Posted: 18:41:37 06/12/2012
That's neat! It sucks that Glow in the dark paint is difficult to get perfectly solid, but I think it kind of gives it a bit more depth, actually. smilie
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#256 Posted: 21:30:09 06/12/2012
Quote: Ophelikios
Some of the V4 stuff. Mostly stuff I got from people, as I was in the middle of the sticks, and didn't have access to much of this when this stuff was bigger.

I wish I still had my Alchemist. So awesome looking. D=

That's really cool that you have both sets. I'm jealous. I'd still say I'm a bit of a novice painter, but there's only one way to get better!

I even have all of the variants of the V2 figurines (all of the toad types as well as some figurine packs has different figs for a char because they ran out of the "official" one).
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
Ophelikios Green Sparx Gems: 171
#257 Posted: 22:30:38 06/12/2012
I am super jealous, chaosworrier. You should try your hand at some Skylanders and some other figures, and show me some! Maybe shoot me a PM, we can talk more there.

P.S: Washes are still "Liquid Talent."
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#258 Posted: 23:33:24 06/12/2012
My painting was never that great but I had fun.

I have spent so much on SL if I bought duplicates to paint my wife would have a conniption! I actually still have some Talisman figurines I never finished so should do those but just don't seem to have the time to unpack them and set up a painting area again since I moved.
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
Ophelikios Green Sparx Gems: 171
#259 Posted: 03:02:07 07/12/2012
Yeah, my painting space is a table and crap strewn around everywhere.

I get you on the doubles to paint. I'm more hoping I can sell what I paint to recuperate costs for the materials and to buy more stuff to paint. Something like a self-perpetuating hobby. It's cool to look at them, but I'd like to see others enjoy my stuff more!
SparCrux1101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1898
#260 Posted: 05:54:46 07/12/2012
Quote: Ophelikios
Quote: SparCrux1101
all you people and your awesome customs make me jelly, i can't even get the paint to stay on while painting it! with each brush of paint another comes off!

Try either: Painting the figure with a primer paint (usually found in a spray can) or use any paints specifically designed for models. I use paints from Games Workshop myself. That line is relatively easy to find and affordable, but other kinds work, too. Make sure you're using model quality acrylics. Enamel-based paints (They usually come in square jars, and are for different types of models) will ruin your figures, so stay away from those.

yeah, i think my main problem might just be the paints themselves. i do all the prep. work correctly. i think the acrylics i use are just wood/paper based (i that makes sense)
WTB: Molten Hot dog
c/._.c\ Dancin puddin /b._.\b
Ophelikios Green Sparx Gems: 171
#261 Posted: 06:04:24 07/12/2012
Quality paint really makes all the difference. Luckily, when you're getting the model paints, you don't get much (you really, really don't need much at all, and it lasts a long time) and you're only paying about 2.50-5 dollars a pot.

You may also want to look up mixing techniques and wet vs dry brushing. Some model paints may be much higher pigment (Rule of thumb, the closer to white, or lighter the shade, the thicker the paint) and will be clumpy unless you wet brush or water down the paints. I had a lot of trouble with the Sprocket I did recently due to chunky white.

It's a little bit of an investment, but it's well worth the results! Most model paint lines (like the Games Workshop lines) have upwards of 150+ colors of various types so if you don't trust your paint mixing abilities, you can get the exact colors you need. Otherwise, if your painting experience and color theory are confident, you can save money by getting blacks/greys/whites/whatever and mixing your pigments to custom hues.
SparCrux1101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1898
#262 Posted: 06:38:11 07/12/2012
Quote: Ophelikios
Quality paint really makes all the difference. Luckily, when you're getting the model paints, you don't get much (you really, really don't need much at all, and it lasts a long time) and you're only paying about 2.50-5 dollars a pot.

You may also want to look up mixing techniques and wet vs dry brushing. Some model paints may be much higher pigment (Rule of thumb, the closer to white, or lighter the shade, the thicker the paint) and will be clumpy unless you wet brush or water down the paints. I had a lot of trouble with the Sprocket I did recently due to chunky white.

It's a little bit of an investment, but it's well worth the results! Most model paint lines (like the Games Workshop lines) have upwards of 150+ colors of various types so if you don't trust your paint mixing abilities, you can get the exact colors you need. Otherwise, if your painting experience and color theory are confident, you can save money by getting blacks/greys/whites/whatever and mixing your pigments to custom hues.

yeah, ill start buying those. found out these acrylics aren't made for plastic painting.
WTB: Molten Hot dog
c/._.c\ Dancin puddin /b._.\b
t7gga Yellow Sparx Gems: 1726
#263 Posted: 13:47:57 07/12/2012
just finished him today. more like he was supposed to be ...

[User Posted Image]
StarNinjini Green Sparx Gems: 381
#264 Posted: 13:49:07 07/12/2012
Omg glew hayndz
Hoot Loop :3
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#265 Posted: 13:56:58 07/12/2012
Quote: t7gga
just finished him today. more like he was supposed to be ...

[User Posted Image]


Sell him on eBay to get a FORTUNE, or use it for ToyWinner..
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
t7gga Yellow Sparx Gems: 1726
#266 Posted: 14:00:35 07/12/2012
this one is for my sons for christmas.
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#267 Posted: 14:04:08 07/12/2012
You'll get an extremely happy reaction from them! smilie
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Mistimp Red Sparx Gems: 97
#268 Posted: 15:30:41 07/12/2012
Quote: Ophelikios
Sure thing. Has anyone removed paint on a model before? Most really awesome products for removal seem to only be available in the UK. I have an idea for a method, but if anyone has any tried and true methods, feel free to share!

The best thing to remove paint from minis is Simple Green. You can find it at Walmart. You will need to pop the Skylander off his base. Then drop in a jar of the Simple Green and let soak overnight. Note this will not help for the colored plastic, but is great for when you decide you don't like your custom scheme and want to redo it. If you have added any custom bits they will come off using this method, this stuff also dissolves CA glue.
smilie**smilie**smilie**smilie**smilie**smilie**smilie**smilie**smilie**smilie smilie**smilie**smilie**smilie**smilie smilie**smilie**smilie**smilie**smilie**smilie**smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#269 Posted: 17:19:07 07/12/2012 is what I've been currently working on... This is rendition 2 of Zombie Swarm that is sold and the proceeds are going to charity. It is about 25% done at the moment. But thought I'd share as I haven't been posting stuff of late.

[User Posted Image]
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#270 Posted: 17:45:55 07/12/2012
Wow! I think if you sell just that, you'd get a lot for it!
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#271 Posted: 17:50:39 07/12/2012
Sadly the market to resell these as repaints is not that big. The last one I did only fetched 35 on ebay. I think people spend so much on the figures that they can't afford to buy the repaints unless they are just throwing money around. This one sold for 50 dollars to go towards charity. I might fetch more for them if I modded them as Jin does. But I have a fulltime 40-60 hour a week job and life obligations that prevent me from putting the hours Jin puts into his work. These are for fun. I do have a few extras from starter packs I need to do repaints of though and I'm looking forward to doing a TRULY GNARLY Tree Rex. smilie Wait till you see the final product. It's gonna be pretty sweet...I do plan to do some carving and some damage to the figure to give it a truly zombied out version...including bullet holes, gouges, and slices.

"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
Ophelikios Green Sparx Gems: 171
#272 Posted: 18:09:29 07/12/2012
Well...I'm just going to throw the Swarm I was going to paint in the garbage now, no point in competing...

Kidding, kidding. But really, nice work! I can't wait to see the finished product! I hope you can fetch a pretty penny for your charity with it. smilie

Awesome work on the Hot Head, too! Rewiring and modding like that scares me. haha.
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#273 Posted: 18:17:23 07/12/2012
Hot Head was done by Tigga! Tigga is more the tinkerer than the painter. Though I am gonna tear apart my extra Hot Head and make purple ice version of him with blue LED lights or white. smilie I want to do the modding, but that requires me purchasing tools for home use and a nice shop area...which means building a shop. I have so many to do things on my list it makes my head

But thank you for the praise. Your figures look really good. Been enjoying looking at your have a good touch and I liked the bone details you did on fright rider especially.
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
finnsllc Blue Sparx Gems: 902
#274 Posted: 19:06:36 07/12/2012
Cant wait till my extra Whisper Elf shows up next week. Then Ill post pics of all the Legendary Sidekicks and L counterparts. Also I think I may Paint up a tree rex for my daughter in pink or purple, her favorites. we will see. def a S2 cynder soon after Christmas as well as a jet vac. Perhaps the reciepiant of my L Snappy will post a pic in his new home.
NEW JERSEY USA. Ok, go ahead, I've got popcorn now.
Ophelikios Green Sparx Gems: 171
#275 Posted: 19:07:20 07/12/2012
Haha, I understand that feeling. I tend to try and do lots of things at once and I get a lot of partial projects. Thanks for the complements! I might do some more Fright Riders at some point. I haven't tried selling much yet, so we'll see.

The Swarm I'm going to do is going to keep more of an insect theme, I think. I think I'll do something along the lines of a colorful praying mantis or grasshopper.
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#276 Posted: 19:49:46 07/12/2012
Quote: finnsllc
Cant wait till my extra Whisper Elf shows up next week. Then Ill post pics of all the Legendary Sidekicks and L counterparts. Also I think I may Paint up a tree rex for my daughter in pink or purple, her favorites. we will see. def a S2 cynder soon after Christmas as well as a jet vac. Perhaps the reciepiant of my L Snappy will post a pic in his new home.

*raises hand*

Can't wait!
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Thumpterra12 Ripto Gems: 120
#277 Posted: 21:07:21 07/12/2012
i like modding my guys. my dad doesnt have the drill bit needed, so i have to improvise. i wonder why jin didnt do slam bam, he seems like the perfect model for posable limbs...
SparCrux1101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1898
#278 Posted: 04:24:38 08/12/2012
Quote: Matteomax
Quote: finnsllc
Cant wait till my extra Whisper Elf shows up next week. Then Ill post pics of all the Legendary Sidekicks and L counterparts. Also I think I may Paint up a tree rex for my daughter in pink or purple, her favorites. we will see. def a S2 cynder soon after Christmas as well as a jet vac. Perhaps the reciepiant of my L Snappy will post a pic in his new home.

*raises hand*

Can't wait!

HEY! he's gonna be mine!
WTB: Molten Hot dog
c/._.c\ Dancin puddin /b._.\b
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#279 Posted: 17:09:01 08/12/2012
[User Posted Image]

I got him! Looks amazing in person!
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
terrafan Blue Sparx Gems: 699
#280 Posted: 19:27:02 08/12/2012
Make a legendary terrabite or whisper elf!
Awaiting: Disney Infinity, Batman Arkham Origins, Pokemon Y
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#281 Posted: 19:50:25 08/12/2012
Final edition of v2 Zombee Swarm! ENJOY!!!

[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]

"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#282 Posted: 20:01:39 08/12/2012
Wow, that is one of the best custom paint jobs I've seen on a Giant, Xero!

Quote: terrafan
Make a legendary terrabite or whisper elf!

I didn't make it, finnsllc did.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:02:56 08/12/2012 by Matteomax
finnsllc Blue Sparx Gems: 902
#283 Posted: 22:32:38 08/12/2012
Looking good Matteomax. Now you'll have to change your signature! Ha lol. That will throw a monkey wrench into the system.
NEW JERSEY USA. Ok, go ahead, I've got popcorn now.
SparCrux1101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1898
#284 Posted: 08:28:40 09/12/2012
Quote: Matteomax
[User Posted Image]

I got him! Looks amazing in person!

i hate you so much. lol, nice find.
WTB: Molten Hot dog
c/._.c\ Dancin puddin /b._.\b
terrafan Blue Sparx Gems: 699
#285 Posted: 16:06:47 09/12/2012
Oh, Well still, I wish it was like it in game
Awaiting: Disney Infinity, Batman Arkham Origins, Pokemon Y
Ophelikios Green Sparx Gems: 171
#286 Posted: 18:09:49 09/12/2012
I need a vote. I'm not sure how to paint my Swarm. Do I want to go for:

A colorful Praying Mantis or Grasshopper scheme (Think mostly green, with browns, purples, pinks)

Or do I want to go something like Zerg-ish? (Think brown, with purples, darker hues, maybe a little green and pink accenting).


Also, if anyone likes my Jet-Vac and wants to see it to a good home, let me know. I REALLY hate Evil-Bay, and I'd like to avoid it, if I can!
finnsllc Blue Sparx Gems: 902
#287 Posted: 18:30:17 09/12/2012
i'd say grass hopper because the head shape would be closer to a grasshopper.
NEW JERSEY USA. Ok, go ahead, I've got popcorn now.
Ophelikios Green Sparx Gems: 171
#288 Posted: 19:00:33 09/12/2012
Yeah, that's fair.

Here's some example color inspirations, to better show off what I mean:


ThePunchPopFizz Green Sparx Gems: 258
#289 Posted: 06:32:12 10/12/2012
Question for finnsllc. What specific colors did you use for the legendary colors? They match perfectly and I've been thinking about repainting some as legendaries.
Ravens Nation.
Activate: PunchPopFizz
finnsllc Blue Sparx Gems: 902
#290 Posted: 17:25:46 10/12/2012
Started L-whisper elf today along with L- Snappy. Will post em when done
NEW JERSEY USA. Ok, go ahead, I've got popcorn now.
Ophelikios Green Sparx Gems: 171
#291 Posted: 21:29:25 10/12/2012

Hey Guys

Guys listen

What if

What if I made a Bouncer with a Gizmoduck paint-theme.


Right in the nostalgias.
t7gga Yellow Sparx Gems: 1726
#292 Posted: 22:24:58 10/12/2012
so, 5 led's will fit into 1 lightcore drobot smilie

final stage will be a refresh of the paint

[User Posted Image]
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#293 Posted: 22:38:02 10/12/2012
WOW! smilie

Nice fix-up!

Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#294 Posted: 04:09:48 11/12/2012
What exactly could you add to Eruptor's lightcore? I could I guess modify his fists by hogging out them and creating a glowing lava fist, but other than that...I wouldn't mess with his eyes...
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
Thumpterra12 Ripto Gems: 120
#295 Posted: 15:35:24 11/12/2012
Quote: t7gga
so, 5 led's will fit into 1 lightcore drobot smilie

final stage will be a refresh of the paint

[User Posted Image]

i know you attach wires inside the figures and the lightbulbs, but what do you connect the wire to? i would lke to make my Lignitors head light up.
t7gga Yellow Sparx Gems: 1726
#296 Posted: 15:48:16 11/12/2012
you will need to use the chip from a lightcore to connect the led's to
Thumpterra12 Ripto Gems: 120
#297 Posted: 19:21:42 11/12/2012
Quote: t7gga
you will need to use the chip from a lightcore to connect the led's to

so i need to buy a lightcore? that stinks. so, lemme get this straight:
1. I open up L ignitors head
2. I thread wires to a lightcore chip?
3. I insert the lightbulb
4. its good to go? hmmmm, i need a little guide to help me. have you seen one SPECIFICALLY for making lightcore skylanders?
Imada Green Sparx Gems: 488
#298 Posted: 20:02:50 11/12/2012
I will be submitting some soon. With all my leftover Warhammer Paints.
Really good paint jobs to all,
Im so proud of you
t7gga Yellow Sparx Gems: 1726
#299 Posted: 20:20:04 11/12/2012
Quote: Thumpterra12
Quote: t7gga
you will need to use the chip from a lightcore to connect the led's to

so i need to buy a lightcore? that stinks. so, lemme get this straight:
1. I open up L ignitors head
2. I thread wires to a lightcore chip?
3. I insert the lightbulb
4. its good to go? hmmmm, i need a little guide to help me. have you seen one SPECIFICALLY for making lightcore skylanders?

well, basically that's it. you will also need to remove the original lightcore rfid wafer (the silver part on ther chip) and replace it with the normal flameslinger one
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#300 Posted: 23:21:20 11/12/2012
Quote: xerokills
What exactly could you add to Eruptor's lightcore? I could I guess modify his fists by hogging out them and creating a glowing lava fist, but other than that...I wouldn't mess with his eyes...

Yup, what I meant.

Or, you could make a Silver LightCore Eruptor with white lights?
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
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