darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Role Play > Rainbow Factory: Episode 1: Dashies Escape(retake)
Platinum Sparx
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#201 Posted: 04:26:50 13/08/2013
"Mm?" Theta looked up from her changeling model, wings fluffed out. "Who called? Hang on, answer on the way." She got up in a dignified manner, tossing back her tricoloured mane.
self professed austGAYlian |
Gold Sparx
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#202 Posted: 15:24:18 13/08/2013
"uh, yes, yes there was" Dusty said a little confused. 'he must have been pretty deep in thought to have not noticed' he thought to himself wondering what this doctor could possibly be thinking about.
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride! |
Emerald Sparx
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#203 Posted: 02:37:36 17/08/2013 | Topic Creator
The Doctor nodded, "Ok, who was it then? What did they want? Obviously not much by how long they were here. I hear clicking, doesn't anypony else hear that clicking?" he asked walking over to the door, "Flat wheel, bouncing ball, walking with metal leg, or just a nervous pony eager to see someone of authority," he turned the corner around the next lab to see Steel setting by himself, "Whatever are you tapping so loudly for?" he questioned from the corner.
Lab 42's door slid open and Gulaven stepped out stopping when his eyes caught sight of Steel, "Steel? Have you come in search of me?" The Doctor turned back, "Well I must return to my post then," he trotted off back to Hellena. Patting Ray on the back, "Sorry, the mare must stay here till the exams and tests are through." -- Namomo flew through the refinery finding another pony had fallen from exhaustion, Sodder was one of the inducted few to get work from his group. He always had a creative mind... she dropped down to the scene as the body was being lifted away, being carried off to only Gulaven knows where. She spotted a price of paper was folded under one of the machines that pressed the colors into their glowing ready state. She decided to let it stay for the time being as not to make herself seem suspicious. They had been warned about such suspicious activity could result in color removal and ground into the inmates lunch, if you survived the interrogation. I'll come back after a few days to see if it remains hidden. Then I will look at it's contents, if it has any. No paper in the Factory has been blank, at least what she had seen of deliveries. -- Leading out of the doctor's office, "A unicorn has arrived and a rookie has asked for help. I suggested a more experienced scientists such as yourself," the guard stated as he started back down the hall toward the western doors. This floor too had a third heavy set door that only few held the keys for. These key bearers are not known to any workers except the ones who hold them. -- With simple motor skills tested and nerve reaction tests ended, the Sicolus close nicknamed S1D3 5W1PE for experimental reasons they called him "S". The scientists all huddled in excitement at their now "mastered" efforts, the unicorn turned to Sicolus, "Seeing as your clone has passed the tests in all correct manors, we will have you harvested for further cloning. No guaranty you'll live... What am I kidding, you'll die in intense pain from each of your cells being ripped from your flesh!" he was a overly excited. He looked around at the confused and ridiculing faces, "Ehemm, sorry," he walked away from the suspension tank. "Now, let's wrap this up. Extract another clone for further testing." The clone, S, kept his eyes on Sicolus most of the time, I feel something prying at my mind everytime I look at him... What is it!?
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Platinum Sparx
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#204 Posted: 11:58:55 17/08/2013
"Rookie... I don't recall any rookie doctors hired recently... But a unicorn? Hmm." Theta considered her options quickly as she followed, before asking: "Do you know what type? Sure, the most common nowadays are ponies with simple levitation magic, but I'd rather not risk it."
--- Hellena watched coldly, before returning her attention to Loony. Bear with me. It's been a while since I've dragged you to the real world. The magic's a little rusty. 'It's because you didn't need to.' he responded. 'Take as long as you need.'
self professed austGAYlian |
Gold Sparx
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#205 Posted: 15:01:08 17/08/2013
"sounds like fun, but it seems you are holding a grudge. Is this because I hurt one of your friends? Ruined some of your work? Threatened your family?" Sicolus said and then laughed.
--- Dusty watched the Doctor nervously, he hadn't noticed Steel and now he was running around like a chicken with his head cut off. What was he thinking of? He didn't remember this doctor nor had he ever seen him before, which was strange since he had worked here for 10 years. 'I will just keep my eye on him and make sure he doesn't cause any trouble' he decided to himself, but he still had a question "When did you begin working here?"
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride! |
Gold Sparx
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#206 Posted: 15:15:45 17/08/2013
"What? Oh, I-" he was cut off as the Doctor trotted away. Instead, Steel turned to his boss. "Erm, yes sir. I have the shipping orders for the materials to get started on that remodeling." The pegasus held out the thick packet in his hooves. "It just needs your approval before I send it."
The manilla envelope was tucked tightly under his metal wing. "I also have some things of a more...sensitive nature." He said, indicating the envelope. "You know, P.O.N.I.E.S. hardware." That one slipped. What was P.O.N.I E.S.? He couldn't remember. So many things popping,up that shouldn't be,ib his memories. Why?
Be creative! Don't be afraid to try that new thing! Never let anyone drag you down! |
Emerald Sparx
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#207 Posted: 17:55:47 17/08/2013
I walk by the Doctor and my dad on my walk. I wave to them both with my belt of tools fastened around me and my name tag stuck to my uniform. I bow politely to the Doctor and slowly start to walk away.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:59:27 17/08/2013 by Wyrstel
Emerald Sparx
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#208 Posted: 12:56:02 20/08/2013 | Topic Creator
Gulaven had one of those "what the f#$%" faces when Starlight came by, "The P.O.N.I.E.S.(imma mix it up a little here) were a last resort team, trained by our most skilled fighters and technicians... You were one of them last I checked. Sure you were told it was for Celestia, but then many potential ponies wouldn't try to help. Do you not remember Incident 415?" he reached up for the file Steel held.
-- The Doctor froze for a second, (going for tenth doctor reactions by the way)"Uhh, about..." he turned to Dusty, "Fairly recently. Did you know that door is off set on its gears? Not noticeable to those who don't take in what they see," he walked over to the door way, to wave a hoof in front of the sensor. The door slid close, "You see, it has an angle when it opens and closes," a weering noise came from his hidden side, and the panel to the door lit up red. The Doctor turned back to Dusty, "Alright, you are an older worker, one with good memory, or somewhat good memory. You have caught me, now I'm not a spy or "bad guy", I'm here on more of an adventure or exploration of times greatest facilities. Well ones that aren't in operation from my time." he raised his head, pushing a hoof from the back of his artificially colored hair to the front. The color was less visible to reveal a brown underside, "I am the Doctor, and I am a time traveler." -- Rainbow Dash had returned to work to find the other friends, or what she consider friends of the non-violent co-workers, didn't know any John Smith. If anything, they believed he was an insane worker or a spy. The scientists was spotted in the labs as well as the refinery, working all stations of the factory, Somepony with the skill and ability to work in every part of the factory, does Doctor Gulaven know this pony is everywhere? she went on with the controls. The machines continued their tireless job of staging and draining the life from the unfortunate ponies. Though production has slowed on the account of the number of "guests" aren't keeping up with extractions. What are we going to do when we run out? All of Equestria will notice the rainbowless skys. she froze for a minute. "Rainbow Dash," a voice snapped her attention. It was the com system, "Your shift is over in ten minutes... I... I know it is out of the blue... No pun intended," Rainbow Dash held back a smile at the comment, "But I was wondering if you'd like to come up to the station, I could go for a nice chat... Pony to pony?" the com went quiet. Rainbow Dash was blushing at the offer, she lowered the goggles to her eyes to hide part of her face. She placed a hoof on the speaker button, "Hehe, sure, Torch. Would it be just you and me?" "Well... yeah, my brother is off when you are. I kinda choose to work more, makes time go by faster... So yeah?" he replied, "Oh, you know who you're talking to right? I'm Torch Wood(ahhh get it, get it? Oh you get it), the younger brother." "Yeah... I know," she started, "Can... can I ask you something? Can I ask that this doesn't make us more than friends?"
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Gold Sparx
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#209 Posted: 13:27:22 20/08/2013
"oh right, and I am the sandpony and I am a dead guy who hunts tyrants" Dusty said with as much sarcasm as possible. Still there was a small twinge in the back of his head, the same one that lead him to Drench after he had gotten hurt or the same one that showed him the way out of the woods the time he had broken one of his legs and his team was three kliqs away. It was like an instinct in the back of his head that allowed him to survive, it was telling him to trust this mad pony. "I have only met one pony who ever cracked like you, and I put him out of his misery quickly, but if you have a point prove it. otherwise Doctor Gulaven is just outside the door, I don't have to do anything but call". He kept his guard up considering the last madman he met did something unforeseeable and had almost killed him, the proof is the latest scar on his neck.
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride! |
Platinum Sparx
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#210 Posted: 13:29:31 20/08/2013
Time travellers. Again. Hellena thought simply, shifting uncomfortably. No, no. Not again. I'm not going thro-... going through with this. I came here for a reason, nothing more. I've had enough of this time business with the Badlands unicorn and the Nightmare.
self professed austGAYlian |
Gold Sparx
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#211 Posted: 16:47:50 20/08/2013
"P.O.N.I.E.S., P.O.N.I.E.S...."
"C'mon, Steel. P.O.N.I.E.S." Ripper urged. "Pegasus Operative National and International Emergency Squad." "Incident 415. Remember?" "No, I don't remember." "What about Pepperwing?" "Who?" He responded. "You're talking out,loud,to me in front of Gulaven." Steel blushed,in embarrassment as he hoofed over the order. The schematics, however, remained tightly clamped under his metal wing. "I don't know what you're talking about, Doctor. I used to work in the Cloud Division before a boiler explosion too my limbs." Steel addressed Gulaven.
Be creative! Don't be afraid to try that new thing! Never let anyone drag you down! |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 04:05:35 21/08/2013 by Nyght
Emerald Sparx
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#212 Posted: 05:06:42 22/08/2013 | Topic Creator
Gulaven eyed the remaining paper under Steel's wing, "Is there something you'd like to tell me? Anything at all, maybe something with your conversation with yourself?" he reviewed the received documents as he spoke, "I am here for all my employees," he stacked the papers together neatly on the floor in front of himself.
-- The Doctor smiled at Dusty's reply, "You're not the one to be making threats my friend. You see, we are locked in rather securely, and I've have some time to run over your files and backgrounds Dusty, former operative of a military group known to few, started out week but was built from loss. Started here in the Rainbow Factory around mid spring about ten years ago, almost eleven now. Skilled with hoof to hoof combat and has a particularly bad attitude with even the smallest annoyances. I bet you have flashbacks of your more "rememberable" days or event of your service. Your scare is your weakest exposed point, a simple pinch can have you on the floor, and this lab is rigged to gas if my attempts fail... Too bad I'm the only one in here that can survive it without a mask," he sat, "Enough about you, what would you like to know about me?" -- A scientist, somewhere in the Factory, types in codes and views footage and live feeds of the events. Some are recorded, others discarded. Lab 45 catches his attention, Door is locked tight, and the DF77 gasses are being directed to the room's closed ventilation. I have no access to the systems, nothing is working. Wait, program 5 always reboots a whole lab, but what if this is suppose to happen? Never been locked out of anything, not like this anyway. I'll try more on the firewall and access procedures before I break in program 5. the pony went to work on his keyboard and control. The unicorn watched three screens, one of Lab 45, a computer monitor for Factory access, and another monitor trying to regain control of the gas. -- "You see, Starlight is... Well he sensitive and just being... himself. I know he has feelings for me, but I don't need to get involved in relationships. Even I think I'm too young for that stuff," Rainbow Dash almost continued, but froze for a reply. Torch's voice laughed, "I know I know. Just felt like showing you what it's like up her behind the bigboy controls. You might work here one day. Its way more than just moving ponies, I think it's better seen than heard."
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Gold Sparx
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#213 Posted: 12:38:22 22/08/2013
"Just a bug I suppose." Steel said nonchalantly. "Too much data transfer at once, you know how it goes." He caught Gulaven eyeing his,papers. "Oh, yeah. Here." He hoofed over the flankgun and nuclear warhead schematics. "Your eyes only."
Be creative! Don't be afraid to try that new thing! Never let anyone drag you down! |
Gold Sparx
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#214 Posted: 13:21:41 22/08/2013
Dusty smiled "you know of my work then huh? Well then go ahead put me on the floor, take me out of the game. You won't hear me cry when it all goes black." He said pulling his sword. It is possible that this pony could just be bluffing, then again it doesn't really matter to him. If he were here to do good, then why did he threaten him? Of course in a situation like this tensions are high, always good to have a back up plan, but if he thinks he is intimidating he is dead wrong. Technically according to record Dusty is dead, the fact this pony knew of him and his history says something. But could it be true he was a time traveler? Stranger things have happened, like that incident in Griffon Territory. Dusty still did not know what to make of it. Dusty placed the sword on the ground "fine, if you really are a time traveler, how old is this sword?"
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride! |
Gold Sparx
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#215 Posted: 16:59:49 23/08/2013
OH OH OH CAN I JOIN PICK ME CAN I JOIN PLEASE -waves hoof up in air-
Ok I'll be whatever you need a worker a captive I don't know whatever please can I join PLEEEEEEASSSSEEEEEEEEEE
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a |
Emerald Sparx
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#216 Posted: 21:09:59 23/08/2013
I continue walking through the corridors looking for damages that need repairs. My eyes glisten brightly as I scan for anything out of the ordinary. My wings remain folded at my sides as I walk.
Emerald Sparx
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#217 Posted: 05:59:39 24/08/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: I realized something: I'm not making the Factory dark enough. Lets turn things up a little shall we >:)
Downt the hall from Starlight, an earth pony was runny quickly toward him, fear in her dilated eyes, cuts on her side, bruised legs and face, "Somepony please!" she yelled as she charged for Starlight. To her, seeing another pony in this place made her come to a stop and state at the pony. She watched starlight with tear welled eyes, "No no no no, why?!" she folded over on her legs crying. Further back where she came, dark armored guards were racing after the loose pony. The earth pony stood up at the clanking I've pursuing hooves behind her. She started for Starlight seeing he was only one, younger pony, maybe she could get away again. Instead, she was stopped by something, something behind her had halter her approach. There were several holes in her hind legs with metal spikes poking through, gripping the surface on the other side. The pony hit the floor just in front of Starlight. She was dragged back a few paces to one of the guards who pushed something to her neck and she seized resisting. The pony was then dragged back to where they came from leaving the blood trail behind from the many wounds on the mare's body. The hall camera turned away as she was dragged out of sight to stop on Starlight. -- "Hmhm, alright. I'll be up soon, still got some work to finish up on down here," Rainbow Dash finally accepted Torch's offer to visit his place of work. "Good, will finally get some good company in this little box," Torch replied letting the moment go silent again. -- Doctor Gulaven looked over the schematics, "These have been opened before. Has my best stallion been snooping?" he looked up from the blueprints with dark eyes, "You know I don't like ponies getting into business that is not theirs to be in," he set them down with the rest of the shipment orders, "You aren't going to lie to me, are you?" -- The Doctor looked down at the blade presented, "Well given that the base of the blade is a dead give away that it is over three years, and the loose handle wrap is a replacement cover, the sheath you hold it in creaked upon removal, and the tip is rather dull, I'd say around 6 to 7 years, give or take a few months. Any more less ridiculous questions or should I age the cage the unicorn is in?" -- The guard lead Dr. Theta to the stairwell, "Down in lab 45, somepony needs training and the other to be verified for factory use."
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Gold Sparx
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#218 Posted: 06:21:09 24/08/2013
OH OH ME PLEASE PLEEASE (sorry if it's spam but I really wanna rejoin this.
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a |
Platinum Sparx
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#219 Posted: 09:46:52 24/08/2013
OOC: omy yes :o
"Fair enough." Theta replied with a haughty snicker, tucking her wings against her back. "This sort of thing really does need a proffesional, no?" She openly laughed at this.
self professed austGAYlian |
Gold Sparx
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#220 Posted: 15:16:40 24/08/2013
"Does it really count as snooping if I'm the pony that drew them?" Steel indicated a small imprint of his cutie mark on the top blueprint. "I don't know why I drew these, Gulaven." Steel attempted at a heart-to-heart. "Things are showing up that I feel I should remember, things I feel I've done. Was I really a military pegasus?"
OOC: He was only second in command of the most elite black-ops group in the Equestrian Air Force. ![]()
Be creative! Don't be afraid to try that new thing! Never let anyone drag you down! |
Gold Sparx
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#221 Posted: 15:19:54 24/08/2013
"correct" Dusty said emotionless "okay you have my attention, what do you want?" The blade was actually more of a memory. He often kept his own blade sharp but considering in this place he did not really require one, this was more tradition. The sword had belonged to one of the first privates he lost in the factory. Dusty had already worked there a couple of years when it had happened, he just expected another dull day. Perhaps a few escapees here or there, but nothing he couldn't handle. There was a report of a unicorn escaping his cell, and a call for back up. This was surprising considering one or two guards can handle any situation in the factory. As he arrived Dusty had noticed something, blood all over the floor. The prisoner wasn't trying to escape, he was massacring other guests. He stepped forward in time to see one of the guards lunge forward only to have his own sword sticking out the back his neck a second later. That day, surprisingly there where only two dead bodies a "guest" and a guard, there where some ponys still kicking, but barely. So he kept the sword to remind himself to never let his guard down, and NEVER let that monster escape.
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride! |
Yellow Sparx
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#222 Posted: 04:41:41 25/08/2013
Name: Amber Rain
Species: Unicorn Gender: Female Age: Young Mare (human equivalent to 17) Appearance: A purple unicorn with a wily mess of reddish brown curls for a mane and tail. Her mane is much better kept than her tail, and she has side bangs that cross over her forehead and in front of her horn. Her eyes are bright emerald green and her cutie mark is that of a paint palette with a pencil and paintbrush crossed in the background. This signifies her great creativity. Sometimes she is seen wearing a white lab coat and copper-rimmed glasses. Personality: Caring and kind, pities those who die to become rainbows. Usually tries her best to stay on the positive side of things, and tries to keep those around her positive too. If threatened, her personality takes a complete 180, and she will become incredibly hostile. Location: Worker; usually an assistant in the labs. Whenever she isn't needed there, she'll go help out in the infirmary, or try to cheer up those in the cells. Basically she can either be found in the labs or wandering about. Other: Because she has been in constant need of a spell to let her walk on clouds, her magic has slowly become very strong. She is also very skilled in levitating many things (related to her creativity/art talent), and is able to do a teleportation spell every now and then. - Name: Thistle Whistle Species: Pegasus Gender: Female Age: Filly (equivalent of 8 human years) Appearance: A turquoise filly with celery green eyes. The top half of her mane is pink and the bottom half is yellow, while her tail is only pink. Blank flank. Personality: Erratic and worrisome, as well as a tad annoying. Has a stress-related speech quirk that causes her to stutter and whistle after every sentance. Location: Cell Other: Shares a cell with Lemon Leaf. - Name: Lemon Leaf Species: Pegasus Gender: Male Age: Colt (equivalent to 7 human years) Appearance: Bearing a bright yellow coat, Lemon Leaf can almost be hard to look at sometimes. His mane and tail are dark green with pale green highlights, and his eyes are dark green. Cutiemark of (ironically enough) an orange and a pitcher of orange juice. Personality: Quiet, calm, and clever. Location: Cell Other: Shares a cell with Thistle Whistle. OOC: Would anyone be nice enough to give me a recap? ;P |
Gold Sparx
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#223 Posted: 05:47:58 25/08/2013
Name: Sage
Age: around 20 Gender: Female Species: Unicorn Appearance: Dark blue coat, black mane and tail and red eyes. Her cutie mark is a Discord silhouette. Personality: Sage is Very dark, evil and has a twisted sense of humor. Location:Worker:Extraction Other: She was corrupted by Discord when she was 6 and has nightmares about it each night. Name: Berry Bounce Age: 16 Gender: Female Species: Earth Pony Appearance: Light blue coat and pink mane. Her cutie mark is a berry with a heart. Personality: Very scared and nervous all the time. Location: Cell Other: Her sister is Berry Punch.
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a |
Emerald Sparx
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#224 Posted: 17:41:53 25/08/2013
I shutter with fear as I see the mare dragged off with the trail of blood behind her. Shaking myself I continue on my way trying to forget about what I saw. I walk slowly watching out for any more surprises.
Gold Sparx
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#225 Posted: 22:56:10 25/08/2013
OOC: SpyroD where should Sage start?
Edit: Horseapples. Offline. Well I'll just start myself. -------- Sage woke up from the horrible dream she had. "Oh my god." She gasped in fear. She got up and grabbed her lab coat. Sage walked out of her room and walked to the extraction room. -------- Berry Bounce was on her bed, tears fell from her eyes, but she didn't cry. She only thought. Why. Why am I here? What are they going to do to me? And when?A She was too scared to ask anyone.
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:25:57 25/08/2013 by dinorang67
Yellow Sparx
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#226 Posted: 02:52:20 26/08/2013
OOC: dinorang, you should probably wait until SpyroD accepts you before you start rping...
Platinum Sparx
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#227 Posted: 03:05:10 26/08/2013
OOC: Yeah, I don't think it really leaves a good impression to beg to join, then start RPing without an acception.
self professed austGAYlian |
Gold Sparx
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#228 Posted: 04:17:57 26/08/2013
OOC: No SpyroD PMed me saying I could post my sheet and start
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a |
Emerald Sparx
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#229 Posted: 05:43:00 27/08/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: yeah, you all be accepted... Nice to see ya again Solemn ^_^
The Doctor's smile creased to a flat line, "Well nothing really, just that you not speak of me until I am done here. Maybe you could do something for me," he walked over to the front of the carrier, "But it should wait till after this process," he then turned to Ray, "You may step aside now sir, a scientist will be here shortly to conduct what test are needed," he pushed his hoof through his mane and the artificial color filled in again, "I'll have more proof later, just lay low until I say." -- Doctor Gulaven looked over the prints again, "Hmm, must have mistaken the mark as a requested maker," he smiled, "Even I make mistakes... Though less often than others, but they are there," he switched to the nuclear print, "What in the name of Celestia is this? Large atom collider centered in the middle of a shell filled with active copies? This device would level a mountain," he looked up to Steel, "Very clever, but costly. The materials required for the shelling alone is rather expensive, and the accelerators for the collider would have to be hoof built every time. This project cannot be funded by the Factory at this time," he folded the blue-prints and stuffed them in a coat pocket, "These flank guns however would require either a strong fighter of half a pony to use. To be concealed, the pony would have artificial hind legs and flank. A pony would have to give up their hind end for weapons we would not truly require... I'm sorry Steel, they are fantastic ideas, just not meant for the Rainbow Factory," the print was folded as well. He picked up the shipment orders and started off toward the stair well, "Get some rest, I'll see you later if you request help." -- Gift Wing followed the black coats to the stair well as they took the strange rainbow to the lower labs. He was blocked from entering through the large metal door. The camera watched closely as Gift Wing peered through the closing door; he spotted a familiar red mare on the other side. She was holding something, completely covering her hoof. Three prongs stood off in symmetrical positions, and a small blue light near the middle of the ovular(holly crap! That's a real word!?) device. It was mostly white, but the three curved prongs had the same glow on the ends of their paths. It seemed very high tech, and the red mare was shooting an odd form of energy from it. It hit somewhere out of sight, but made a light sound, not like any gun he had heard before(ahh more game references). The door shut before anymore could be seen, How is it that Raptor works down here when I've been working longer? he questioned himself. He looked up at the camera, tucked his ears for a second, then walked out into the stair well. That turret really creeps me out. -- Rainbow Dash was distracted by Sage's entrance that the machine pulled down on the newest pony's chest, causing a large hole and a loud crack of ribs being severed. "Well we can say were were pre-tenderizing," her co-worker joked. -- S took a short step back, His words are confusing, but it sounds very similar to responses to my thoughts. How? "Alright S, I think it's about time we took you to see Doctor Gulaven. He should be excited about this success," the pegasus scientist exclaimed, "But first, the second clone must be produced and tested.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Yellow Sparx
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#230 Posted: 05:57:27 27/08/2013
OOC: You can still call me Lems if you wanna
![]() Amber Rain was trotting down the corridor leading to the infirmary, humming a soft tune to herself that seemed to go with the rhythm of her hooves. She'd been standing around in the labs for a good ten minutes with nothing to do, so she figured she'd go to see if there were any patients in need of her assistance. She hated feeling useless. - Thistle Whistle was fast asleep in her cell, a few bruises starting to show on her back. Lemon Leaf was awake, but stayed beside his cellmate, his ears perked and alert. |
Gold Sparx
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#231 Posted: 06:21:44 27/08/2013
Sage stepped back a bit, and then approached. "Ha, uh. Sorry Dash. Reporting for duty?" She said to her nervously. She wasn't sure if a worker could put another worker into the machine. It wouldn't work anyways. She was all darker colored.
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a |
Gold Sparx
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#232 Posted: 23:26:58 27/08/2013
'blood drops on carpet, ponies ripe for the killing, fear drenched voices, they die kneeling, dead corpses tied up on strings, these are a few of my favorite things. death cries and warm blood soaked hooves, intestines and gore and a mare hanging by a noose, crying pegasi with feathers torn from their wings, these are a few of my favorite things. fillies crying with no mothers, a pony tries to escape while smothered, stomachs all tied into one great big ring, these are few of my favorite things. When the guard threatens, when the doctors freak, when I am just mad, I simply remember my favorite things, and dieing ain't so bad.' Sicolus sung the melody in his head as he sat suspended.
--- Dusty didn't like the idea of just sitting around and waiting. He looked back at Hellena to make sure she would not tell anypony about the encounter with this mad doctor, but remembered it didn't really matter what happened at this point, and frankly he didn't care. He picked the sword back up and placed it in its sheath.
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride! |
Emerald Sparx
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#233 Posted: 03:20:12 28/08/2013 | Topic Creator
The Doctor aimed the strange large pen at the metal door panel. The weering noise from before was emitted once more from this device with a blue light on the end. The panel turned green again and the door creaked from the releasing locks, "I think it'd be best if I left soon. If one pony caut on, no telling how long it would take before the next one does."
-- Rainbow Dash face-controls(face-desk) when the pony was broken, "My shift will be over in about 15 minutes," she looked up skidding the goggles down to her neck, "If you'd like to stick around, it'd be no problem?" -- S shook his head, How am I hearing this? Is this me, or is it him? Whatever it is, its driving me mad! he turned away sharply. "Tissue sample," the machine pulled away another piece of Sicolus, "Aquired. Coming process commenced," the unicorn tapped a key and the cylindrical machine light up again. The doors opened after the creation was complete. This one stepped out a little wobbly, "Clone successfully born," he walked over with a floating light to check pupil reaction, and a bracelet similar to S's. This clone was a little more uneasy, looking about the room rather quickly. "Memories... flashing. Pain, feeling, anger..." he spoke slowly. His legs shook as he lowered to the floor, "Death, death, death... All I see is nothing, not even a reason, not even an answer... There... There is no true meaning... Just fun... No cares, no feelings, not even fear... of or for death..." "This one may be corrupt... Sounds like old Sicky here," the earth pony scientist pointed to Sicolus, "Give him another minute before judgment." S walked over to the new clone, Can, can he hear me too? The new clone shot up to his hooves, "Who said that?" he paced in what space he was allowed, "Somepony just asked about being heard," his eyes were larger with confusion and fear, "Oh no, I'm not crazy! Did you hear it?" he asked the Pegasus, who shook his head. "That..." S started, "That was me. I was wondering if you could hear my thoughts," he as in front of the new clone, "I've been designated the name "S", short for S1D3 SW1P3. I think you would be "T" if I'm S..." he looked to the scientists. OOC: ok, I'm usually better with the more active posters, especially who have posted frequently since the beginning, so give me something to go with around your characters. I wasn't prepared for more players. The "more active" part was mainly for Wyrstel, idk what to do with your character at the moment, mainly because Starlight hasn't really done anything on his own except fix stuff in few posts.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Yellow Sparx
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#234 Posted: 03:33:04 28/08/2013
Amber arrived at the infirmary door. She gently pushed it open with a hoof and peered in. "Does anypony need any assistance in here?" she asked, stepping inside a bit.
OOC: IDK where everyone is |
Gold Sparx
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#235 Posted: 03:40:30 28/08/2013
Steel shot Gulaven a half-smile. "Alright, Doc." He turned to leave before turning his head. "I know you're a busy stallion, but you should really get some fresh air. A little sun might do ya good too, bring back a little color to your coat." With that, he waved his metal hoof and trotted toward the infirmary. His joints were beginning to ache again.
Be creative! Don't be afraid to try that new thing! Never let anyone drag you down! |
Gold Sparx
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#236 Posted: 04:18:47 28/08/2013
"Alright then." Sage said with a smile. She approached Dash. "I had one of those crazy nightmares again." She said to her, walking towards the extraction machine's controls. "It's my past reborn or something. It's just, Discord and... Agh. I'd better not remind myself." Sage explained, staring at her cutie mark.
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a |
Emerald Sparx
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#237 Posted: 05:03:56 28/08/2013 | Topic Creator
Gulaven glared at Steel as he left, "If only it were that easy," he muttered and continued through the stairwell. He came out in the cell block, and the few ponies in their cells ran to the backs of their rooms as he came into view. Only one mare stood staring at the doctor from her cell bars, her face wet with fresh tears. She seemed a little older than the other "guests", very similar to Gulaven's age. She followed the doctor as he passed by, not giving her a single glance. Only a few steps away from her cell visual range, she called out, "He needs you..." this made Gulaven stop, but only for a few seconds. He flew up to the third floor catwalk where he turned around and looked about the large, almost empty room.
In silence, Gulaven stood up there taking in the scene. The dusty ceiling above the lights, the cameras on each floor over looking the cells. Three guards patrolled the floors, mentally torturing the prisoners. A door a ways in front of him, another just behind him. Taking a deep breath, These ponies will die... No pony can prevent it, and why would they. These ponies obviously do not have what it takes to survive... These low numbers will not satisfy the hoard, we need some way to collect more guests. he thought as he turned away and entered the door he stood by. -- A medical unicorn rushed over to the infirmity door to Amber, "Yes, a guard slipped in some liquids and cut his side on a broken vent blade. The liquid has infected the area, and I need somepony's help to keep him still, and to help seal the wound," he had bandages and medicines floating about, sagged eyes from lack of sleep, and a good cut on his own cheek. -- Rainbow Dash lowered herself into the small chair, "I don't know this "Discord", and I sure hope we never meet," she touched the control board softly, "The Factory alone is scary enough... I don't know how many time I though Doctor Gulaven wanted me gone. Thought he was going to experiment on me a few times," she turned back to her co-worker, "Please don't tell him that I fear him." The Pegasus laughed, "No promises," he grinned as he continued the operations on the controls.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Yellow Sparx
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#238 Posted: 05:08:14 28/08/2013
"Oh dear!" Amber cried. She quickly trotted alongside the other unicorn, feeling slightly relieved that she could help and also that she wasn't the only unicorn around. "I can help hold him still, but I'll need some guidance with sealing the wound." she quickly informed.
- Lemon Leaf could hear the sound of a mare crying, but didn't dare move out of fear of waking up Thistle Whistle. |
Gold Sparx
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#239 Posted: 17:18:31 28/08/2013
"You don't want to. Trust me." Sage said to Dash. "So what's in store for me today? What do I do today I mean." Sage looked up at the broken-ribbed pony.
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a |
Gold Sparx
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#240 Posted: 20:52:21 28/08/2013
'stand straight little soldier' Sicolus thought 'don't let them think you have lost your head, if they do you are as good as dead. I don't expect you to fear that, but before you go you might as well accomplish something'. "hey doc, I have to pee" Sicolus said.
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride! |
Gold Sparx
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#241 Posted: 23:08:22 28/08/2013
Berry stopped crying and looked at Lemon. "H-Hello? I- I'm... Berry. Bounce. You are?" She stammered. She couldn't resist thinking of Ponyville, of her sister Berry Punch, or of the safety there. She swore if she ever got back alive she would exploit the factory to the mayor and lead the Equestrian Army into it.
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a |
Yellow Sparx
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#242 Posted: 23:13:15 28/08/2013
The little colt returned her look. "I'm Lemon Leaf." he said quietly. He then glanced down at his sleeping friend, then back at Berry Bounce. "This is Thistle Whistle."
Gold Sparx
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#243 Posted: 23:49:13 28/08/2013
"H-Hi... Do you know what they do to ponies in here? I swear this place is all filly. I don't know. That guard comes around every day and takes one or two of us. It's just mad." Berry said to Lemon.
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a |
Green Sparx
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#244 Posted: 00:46:55 29/08/2013
OOC: my apologies everyone but I have been very sick lately and am just starting to recover and my mind has been all over the place so far i have made thirteen mistakes and fixed them on this post just saying i should be back into full rp mode by Thursday.
Yellow Sparx
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#245 Posted: 01:19:53 29/08/2013
"I'm not sure..." Lemon answered. "All I know is that I heard horrible screaming when they first brought me here."
Gold Sparx
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#246 Posted: 02:14:17 29/08/2013
Berry shivered. "Well, that's comforting." She looked at Thistle Whistle. "When's he waking up anyways?" Berry Bounce looked worried. She thought the guards would take them in their sleep. "How did you get in here? I was a lost filly at the fair looking for my older sister Berry Punch, when I saw two hooded Pegasi slowly trotting towards me. They flew me to Cloudsdale and I screamed the whole way. I saw them above earlier, thinking they were Wonderbolts. They scanned the crowd and seemed to look away from the darker colored ones. I-I think it's my color..." Berry said to Lemon.
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a |
Yellow Sparx
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#247 Posted: 02:52:18 29/08/2013
"Thistle? You should be glad she's asleep, she usually has panic attacks when she's awake. I never thought about the whole color thing..." Lemon Leaf murmured, looking at his own bright yellow coat. "I ran away from my foster parents home. They thought I was a freak after I got my cutie mark, and they made me feel bad about myself. I fell asleep in the park in Cloudsdale, and I woke up to someone stuffing me in a bag and carrying me off somewhere..."
Gold Sparx
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#248 Posted: 22:28:59 29/08/2013
Dusty walked by the cells of "guests" mind full of thoughts. How could he make the stay easier on them? He was, in a word he was not used to, sympathetic towards them. Kindness usually came easy, unless in a time of war. It was how he was raised and being a soldier didn't change that. He lived by a motto: be kind, be polite, be prepared to kill everypony you meet. He stepped into the break room to see two guards drinking coffee and chatting. It was obvious they hadn't slept in a while and where merely trying to get themselves going again. He couldn't help but feel proud of that. A smile appeared on his face as he went to grab some coffee himself and join in on the conversation.
At this point, life is just one hell of a ride! |
Emerald Sparx
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#249 Posted: 03:45:54 30/08/2013 | Topic Creator
The unicorn scientists looked at Sicolus, "You won't have to when you don't have skin," he grinned as he clapped his hooves together, "Now, if you don't mind being quiet."
S stood still as Sicolus channeled his thoughts, his mind. Wait, this wasn't his mind, it was his mind. S put a hoof on the other clone's shoulder, "Just relax, they aren't going to hurt you. A few tests and a small prick of the skin and you're done," he gave a rental smile. The second clone turned worried eyes to S, "That... That wasn't you, not that time," he looked up to Sicolus, "It was him... I can," he was stopped by a hoof over his mouth. "Alright, maybe we should try being quiet for a minute then," S nodded to the clone who returned the nod. He released the clone so the scientists could continue their work. -- Gulaven stood behind his desk, looked at the camera mounted above the rear southern corner, and pressed a small button on the bottom of the desk. The camera rose into the ceiling behind a now closed panel. Setting out the papers, he moved them around, Where is the conducting module, and the pressure fluxuator? He questioned in his mind. Pushing it all off onto the floor, "This isn't what I ordered!" he shouted just before gripping hard on his front right leg, "Ahh!" he gritted as he started pounding on his right shoulder. Not enough... Think... Hah! The wall! Getting up the best he could with a dead front right leg, he charged quickly at the northern wall beyond his desk. Jumping up just before the wall to slam it hard into the wall at a tilted angle. Dropping to the floor after the impact, he rested there for a second, This cannot be happening... Not to me!
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW. |
Platinum Sparx
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#250 Posted: 14:55:29 30/08/2013
Hellena looked around restlessly, shifting her legs. This was ridiculously tedious, and the unicorn didn't have the leisure of time. There were still deadlines to be met, and everything was already going wrong.
"Hhh- hhhh..." she wheezed, trying to at least bring some sort of attention.
self professed austGAYlian |
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