Hey everyone just settledown. I found out my daughter had a seizure and is being rushed to the hospital. She's only 11 and episodes that last over 5 minutes usually result in death. Her's lasted about 10 so I'm lucky to still have her. Sometimes things are more important. We will all get ninjini for 15 bucks eventually. Just be glad you have healthy children and let the heartless money hungry scalpers and companies worry about what is most important to them. Money. I'm going to be away from this Site for however long it takes my child to recover and find out what is going on in an 11 year old brain to cause this. Please send your thoughts and prayers my way as I am entering uncharted waters. Suddenly skylanders do not seem that important anymore. I wish you all the best in hunting for your skylanders and I'm glad u didn't make the trip bc I don't know what would've happened if I was all the way in new york and this had happened. I hope the scalpers feel good about themselves for taking advantage of parents who want nothing more than to put a smile on their children's faces. My child is not selfish and can wait till the actual release the only thing I wish is that she is around another day let alone months. You all have been really helpful and I appreciate everything but now it is time for me to go. Good luck to you all.
my heart goes out to you and your family in this time of need buddy hope your daughter will be ok as i nearly lost my daughter when she was two to Pneumonia another hour the doctor said and she would have been dead so i know exactly where your coming from good luck and keep us all updated fingers crossed. Alex.