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Tracking Thumpback and Eye Brawl sightings [CLOSED]
MotionPotion Red Sparx Gems: 51
#201 Posted: 23:37:38 16/01/2013
Went to my local Gamestop in Birmingham Alabama an hour ago and they had only gotten one of each which are the ones I picked up! smilie

Link for proof!
blackmass Green Sparx Gems: 101
#202 Posted: 23:40:37 16/01/2013
Purchased @ gamestop garden Grove Ca..aprox 2pm [User Posted Image]
BlazinBlackMage Gold Sparx Gems: 2021
#203 Posted: 23:57:26 16/01/2013
Here we go! I always expect the Giants to be a little bit bigger for some reason haha.

[User Posted Image]

What I find funny is I kept calling every day since Tuesday and getting the same person each time, who I'm pretty sure I've annoyed by now, and he said he was sure they were coming out in two months/March.
I also got a Terrabite and Trigger Snappy out of it, I don't really need them so hopefully I can find someone who still does. :<
Skylanders Collection: Completely lost count. OTL
WiiU ID: BlazingBlackMage (I accept all friend requests!)
Lost Islands Activate: BBMage
Littleguy Green Sparx Gems: 115
#204 Posted: 00:01:43 17/01/2013
Called all GameStop in Aurora / Naperville Ill. area . All said they had them , about 3 of each. (Eye-Brawl , Thumpback ) . No luck on getting them. The sales person said a new shipment on Friday.
JerryPants Green Sparx Gems: 234
#205 Posted: 00:24:12 17/01/2013
Called all over central Florida and the Gamestops confirmed that they had them and sold out almost immediately. I got lucky and called a Gamestop in Kissimmee, FL -- they had gotten to their shipment late. They held them for me and I just got back from over there. Drove 25 miles for these guys... So happy. My advice, keep calling. A late night run wouldn't be so fruitless.... Some of these Gamestops open their shipments late.

Anyways.... They are indeed in Florida, starting today.
JerryPants Green Sparx Gems: 234
#206 Posted: 00:35:56 17/01/2013
Here is a pic. Purchased from Kissimmee, FL Gamestop. 407-846-3092
Trigger Fizz Blue Sparx Gems: 931
#207 Posted: 00:43:04 17/01/2013
Are these out in the U.S.? I asked an employee at my local game stop ad he told me they wouldn't be out until February...
smilie NO POTIONS, NO GLORY! smilie
JerryPants Green Sparx Gems: 234
#208 Posted: 00:43:52 17/01/2013
I just have to thank each and every one of you guys! And whomever made this thread. It has been so helpful in the quest to find these two.

Vortimous Blue Sparx Gems: 561
#209 Posted: 01:09:36 17/01/2013
You can add New Orleans, LA to the list... walked out today with both Thumpback and Eye Brawl from gamestop. Called all of them yesterday and nothing.. today, they got them in....

Good luck hunting everyone...
"Winning isnt everything, but losing is NOTHING!!!"
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#210 Posted: 01:11:38 17/01/2013
Hexin_Wishes Yellow Sparx Gems: 1522
#211 Posted: 01:15:40 17/01/2013
Quote: ZapNorris

LOL after seeing all these pics this is my reaction exactly.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#212 Posted: 01:16:48 17/01/2013
I checked one of the gamestops in my area. No dice. Going to check the other soon.
Hexin_Wishes Yellow Sparx Gems: 1522
#213 Posted: 01:19:06 17/01/2013
Quote: ZapNorris
I checked one of the gamestops in my area. No dice. Going to check the other soon.

Try checkin' up on 5 and getting nada. T-T
btfsame Green Sparx Gems: 110
#214 Posted: 01:19:26 17/01/2013
I can't find them anywhere as well!!! I WANT MY EYE BRAWL!!!
Littleguy Green Sparx Gems: 115
#215 Posted: 01:22:24 17/01/2013
Just came back from Game Stop . Talked with the sales person , I guess at this point call every day around 11-noon . He said gets shipments every day , but of what they don't know. This is for everyone in Aurora/Naperville Ill. Good Luck , Happy Hunting!
Hexin_Wishes Yellow Sparx Gems: 1522
#216 Posted: 01:22:31 17/01/2013
I'm just so over the Skylanders hunt. Can't they just make it a bit easier like a release date or some pre-orders instead of having a panic induced sped run to the nearest store at the faintest hint of release.
dinoah2005 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3472
#217 Posted: 01:27:17 17/01/2013
No go in Santa Maria/Lompoc California. Not all the West Coast is getting them in yet.
Fernandez2 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1119
#218 Posted: 01:47:56 17/01/2013
Well it's the first time in a long time that my kids are all caught up.....found about 4 Thumpbacks and 4 Eyebrawls at local Gamestops. Was able to grab an Eyebrawl for each kid and 1 Thumpback for one of them.

Pretty happy to being caught up
ali117major Blue Sparx Gems: 571
#219 Posted: 01:52:16 17/01/2013
nice topic but if there are sightings in CANADA can you plz like write Canada and then like the towns like you did plz? would rly help thank you
XBOX 360 GAMERTAG- ali117major : 11063G, full of games and BADASS!!! HALO 4 IS THE BEST GAME EVAR WOOT WOOT!!!!!!
scottiedog Blue Sparx Gems: 723
#220 Posted: 02:01:44 17/01/2013
its so annoying how these are released...a book has a release date and it comes out that day, if a local store doesnt have it, you can at least order it online. these just trickle in. Some people get them, some people don't. Stores don't even know when they're available. I had one today too, saying not til february.
DrillSarge Gold Sparx Gems: 2327
#221 Posted: 02:05:58 17/01/2013
Don't worry if you haven't got them yet. Everyone will have plenty by next weekend. DO NoT buy on eBay show these scalpers that hording all of the skylanders is a waste of their money. They will only be hard to find if people keep buying them off eBay. Its simple if u want them stop buying on eBay and scalpers will realize skylandera is a waste of their time and money.
darkchylde28 Gold Sparx Gems: 2175
#222 Posted: 02:07:44 17/01/2013
3 of each came into the Bristol, VA GameStops today. I snagged my set as well as an extra Sidekick!

SSA: Complete, SG: Complete, SSF: Complete, STT: Complete (Save Yawn Traps), SSC: Complete (To Date) + Various Chase/Promotional Variants
avidgardener Red Sparx Gems: 10
#223 Posted: 02:11:46 17/01/2013
Searched all over western long island ny today, nothing. They don't even have it in their shipping manifest as coming soon.
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#224 Posted: 02:11:58 17/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Hey guys, I just threw all the sightings so far into a Google Map. I *think* I've fixed the settings so that anyone can edit it. Feel free to star a location (basically search for it, click the "A" pointed and hit the star)

For those that are on there already, you should also be able to edit details of the locations so you can either put what you've found or even drag the marker over top of the actual store you found it in.

Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#225 Posted: 02:15:26 17/01/2013
Quote: ali117major
nice topic but if there are sightings in CANADA can you plz like write Canada and then like the towns like you did plz? would rly help thank you

Haven't seen ANY reports of Canada sightings. But, keep in mind that the reviewer packages included one more figure we haven't seen yet. Legendary Lightcore Chill. And Canada has always gotten new Legendaries first. Small consolation, I know, but you might be able to use some of those in a trades if the new giants don't show up by then. I know Gamemaster would probably hook you up if you found Chill early.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:17:59 17/01/2013 by defpally
ali117major Blue Sparx Gems: 571
#226 Posted: 02:20:10 17/01/2013
oh ok cool smilie
XBOX 360 GAMERTAG- ali117major : 11063G, full of games and BADASS!!! HALO 4 IS THE BEST GAME EVAR WOOT WOOT!!!!!!
TheLurk Blue Sparx Gems: 533
#227 Posted: 02:32:20 17/01/2013
I love that people have seen them in Washington when I haven't. So far it's, what, just Walmart? I've been told by the local TRU that they're checking their inventory or something. They've said they haven't gotten these due to Snoqualmie Pass being closed. But I thought it was open now...same complaint from the GSs I called. I seriously wonder why Walmart is able to get these things when TRU and GS can't. Are they simply using another route? And why oh why are they claiming they'll recieve these in February? I was told that they "weren't out yet" and "wouldn't be till February". When I told them that they were already out they asked me if I had proof and I told them about all the on hand pictures. They were surprised! I'll keep calling them. Just so you know, I've been looking in the Redmond/Bellevue area of Washington so if anyone has more info in those areas, please post.
SF 13 SF, 19 reg, 5 LC, TT, FF, JBB
Got: extra Cynders, 1 Lgd Trigger Happy.
swohh4work Yellow Sparx Gems: 1226
#228 Posted: 03:08:31 17/01/2013
Pueblo, CO is now getting them. I had been calling all three Walmarts and GS's in town ever since I heard they were released. I called the South Side GS today at 4 and they had one of each. I was greedy and bought both of them. Sorry to those who don't yet. They will be everywhere soon I am sure. Good luck to all on this site.
Dmcrocks Gold Sparx Gems: 2182
#229 Posted: 03:25:03 17/01/2013
Quote: GhostRoaster617
Barboursville WV BlAckhawk. Also Cleveland and Fairborn.

Barboursville?! I live litterally 20 minutes from there! We go to that mall all the time!
if you're looking to get in contact with me, please go through
darkchylde28 Gold Sparx Gems: 2175
#230 Posted: 03:49:24 17/01/2013
Quote: spyroflame0487
Hey guys, I just threw all the sightings so far into a Google Map. I *think* I've fixed the settings so that anyone can edit it. Feel free to star a location (basically search for it, click the "A" pointed and hit the star)

For those that are on there already, you should also be able to edit details of the locations so you can either put what you've found or even drag the marker over top of the actual store you found it in.


Well, I've got mine, but I added both sites that I made sightings at today. Hopefully it'll give someone else hope and/or a chance!

SSA: Complete, SG: Complete, SSF: Complete, STT: Complete (Save Yawn Traps), SSC: Complete (To Date) + Various Chase/Promotional Variants
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#231 Posted: 04:09:19 17/01/2013
We're have they been spotted in Chula Vista?
Daxious Gold Sparx Gems: 2392
#232 Posted: 04:28:11 17/01/2013
Made a few calls today for all my fellow Georgians. Looks like Alpharetta, Gainesville, Dawsonville, Flowery Branch, Buford and Canton all received shipments. Alpharetta seemed to have the most quantity (4 EB and 4 Tsmilie and surprisingly they didn't have many people interested as of 6pm today. I wonder if people even knew they were out.

Called a few Walmart sites as well. Nothing there, and sadly no one knew what I was talking about. On a somewhat positive note, most of them did have the single pack Wave 3 characters in stock.
tsnowman Blue Sparx Gems: 864
#233 Posted: 08:10:14 17/01/2013
Just got Thumpback and Eyebrawl at Walmart in Katy, TX. Only 1 of each on the shelves with 2 Crusher and 1 Hot Head which only counts as 5 I have no idea where the other Giant went. Good thing I couldn't sleep tonight.
chained skull Gold Sparx Gems: 2971
#234 Posted: 14:10:05 17/01/2013
Grr i cann't stand people have em' what sores in hawaii i'll be touching down from the sky later on and can any one help me?!!!???!!?!!?
What do I even write here? Lmao
Verrous Yellow Sparx Gems: 1574
#235 Posted: 15:34:44 17/01/2013
Hickory, nc got them this morning.
janderik Green Sparx Gems: 129
#236 Posted: 15:35:16 17/01/2013
Picked up both at Ames, IA Wal-Mart this morning. Couple of Hot Heads as well.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#237 Posted: 15:53:28 17/01/2013
Quote: tsnowman
Just got Thumpback and Eyebrawl at Walmart in Katy, TX. Only 1 of each on the shelves with 2 Crusher and 1 Hot Head which only counts as 5 I have no idea where the other Giant went. Good thing I couldn't sleep tonight.

Means someone - or multiple people - must have gotten there before you and picked up an EB, TB, and 1 Hot Head, because this is how the case breaks down -

2 Thumpback
2 Eye Brawl
1 Crusher
1 Hot Head

If you saw 2 Crushers, that means they got two boxes of these, which means that store had 4 Eye Brawl and Thumpbacks, 2 Crushers, and 2 Hot Heads.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Meliawn Red Sparx Gems: 13
#238 Posted: 16:22:25 17/01/2013
I got Thumpback and Eye Brawl yesterday at Gamestop. They were at the Mall of America 3rd floor Gamestop (2nd floor hadn't seen any).
Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#239 Posted: 16:27:13 17/01/2013
Quote: Meliawn
I got Thumpback and Eye Brawl yesterday at Gamestop. They were at the Mall of America 3rd floor Gamestop (2nd floor hadn't seen any).

That mall is ridiculous. It's funny that you have to distinguish between the 2nd floor and 3rd floor GameStop stores.
scottiedog Blue Sparx Gems: 723
#240 Posted: 16:33:59 17/01/2013
Quote: Himewad
Quote: Meliawn
I got Thumpback and Eye Brawl yesterday at Gamestop. They were at the Mall of America 3rd floor Gamestop (2nd floor hadn't seen any).

That mall is ridiculous. It's funny that you have to distinguish between the 2nd floor and 3rd floor GameStop stores.

One of the malls near me is not even that big of a mall and it has two gs
ukalimbe Red Sparx Gems: 23
#241 Posted: 16:47:53 17/01/2013
Found them at GameStop in Cary, NC. Only got in 2 of each, and I snagged the last pair.
Huntrz2 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#242 Posted: 16:58:02 17/01/2013
Got them at GS in Culpeper, VA today.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:01:24 17/01/2013 by Huntrz2
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#243 Posted: 17:10:24 17/01/2013
Quote: ZapNorris
We're have they been spotted in Chula Vista?

- - -
vinzclortho37 Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#244 Posted: 17:19:11 17/01/2013
Quote: SSj3 Derek
You can add Atlanta to the list. I picked up Thumpback and Eye Brawl today at Gamestop.

Which one? I got mine yesterday at the GS on Howell Mill, though the two people in line behind me each bought a set and they only got one box. That means they sold out within minutes of the single box being opened. Maybe your GS got more... I'm sure people would like the info.

Also, just as an FYI, it seems as though none of the Walmarts in the area have seen either new giant yet. I've already got one each and I wouldn't DARE buy any additional figures - gotta leave them on shelves so everyone can get what they want. But I thought the info might help someone else. So yeah, if you're in or around Atlanta, GA, don't waste your time checking Walmart. GameStop is the only game in town as of right now.
Skylanders Plugs!
Pics coming soon!
Cquinlan07 Blue Sparx Gems: 513
#245 Posted: 17:28:44 17/01/2013
They are in the VA !

Scored my duo in Ashburn.walked in 2 minutes before the UPS truck.
Gamestop is the best.
Double Trouble Green Sparx Gems: 243
#246 Posted: 17:40:56 17/01/2013
Got Eyebrawl at bottom floor Gamestop at the Pheasant Lane Mall in New Hampshire. Girl at the counter said that they only got him and Bouncer and Swarm in, so checked the top floor Gamestop, which had not got their shipment yet. Went across the street to the Tyngsborough store, which did not get a shipment today due to having too much backstock. Went back to the mall just as they were opening the shipment and got a Thumpback there, as well as another Eyebrawl and Gill Runt for a friend who needs them. Long story short, they have hit New Hampshire!
posreject Yellow Sparx Gems: 1331
#247 Posted: 17:41:12 17/01/2013
Got one of each in Carrollwood/Tampa, FL - last 2. Unfortunately, they rang up to 29.98 so I had to buy a Terrafin stylus to get a free Sidekick.
S:SA: 37/37, 3 variants & 4 SK
S:G: 54/54, 14 variants & 4 SK
S:SF: lost count...
PinkWater Yellow Sparx Gems: 1059
#248 Posted: 17:53:26 17/01/2013
I called a GS in Fayetteville, North Carolina and Eye Brawl was in. I know I've posted this info about 4 times, but I just wanna help the cause. He IS out in NC

I DARE YOU TO PROVE ME WRONG! ...Actually don't. I'm quite biased.
snowman5373 Red Sparx Gems: 40
#249 Posted: 17:55:10 17/01/2013
Got the only one of Eye Brawl and Thumpback that came in at Gamestop in Victor NY.
chadomac Green Sparx Gems: 350
#250 Posted: 17:55:33 17/01/2013
Picked mine up in Eastgate Ohio which is a sub burb of Cincinnati. I bought 1 of each and left 1of each for the next. guy.
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