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DarkSpyro: Character Catastrophe REDUX
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#201 Posted: 01:52:47 13/06/2016
"I have, for now." I simply cut in without any form of care. I gave everyone a stare before getting up. "And if you so choose not to believe me, I can demonstrate it to you again." I continued before simply walking away. I threw the remains of the apple into a random direction, then hopped in a tree without issue. It was getting dark anyways, I could even see the light of my own eyes starting to shine in Storm's armor.
"Well, seems we got our light for night exploration solved, too..." i bluntly remarked before hanging upside down in a treebranch and closing my eyes.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#202 Posted: 02:05:09 13/06/2016
Quote: ShadowMewX
OoC: Shade, where are you? O.o You seem to be all over the place!

I listened to NINJAsk carefully. She seemed to be really in character! Her colder façade seemed to be second nature for her. If I didn't know her well, I would've been terrified she was secretly plotting our demises or something. But it was possible that it might've been her own avatar exerting an influence over her. We'd toyed with that concept in the Avatar Mishap RP. And as I'd mentioned before, even if Shadmé the angel influenced me in some way, it would be for the better. Our personalities were quite similar, except for the fact Shadmé was braver and stronger than me.
"Yes, I meant training to understand our powers," I elaborated. "Shadmé might have the skill to shoot a bow, but since my mind is intact, I'm not sure I myself have the knowledge. I feel it'd be best to figure that out before anything major happens." Letting that simmer in the air, I watched NINJAsk curiously as she tried to test her own power. I was able to figure out her character had telekinesis pretty quickly. Not because she had any physical signs of moving towards a rock to try or something, but because I was flung off my feet at her. I hadn't done that! I yelped, curling my wings in to protect myself. Thankfully, I had directed my landing to the softer grass rather than NINJAsk, and she escaped without injury. I stretched, gingerly finding my footing again. "You alright there?" I asked. "Telekinesis will sure take some getting used to, huh?"
I took a few steps in another direction, making 100% sure I was uninjured. Nothing felt damaged, not even my wings. I breathed a sigh of relief. A close call. Hopefully all risk would be eliminated if we could find a more open area...
My thoughts were taken on a different track as soon as someone began running up to me. I didn't recognize this male, but he sure recognized me, as indicated by his correct identification of my DarkSpyro username as well as my OC's name and fandom. Wow.
"I have a fan!" I joked, despite the situation and how sketchy the dude looked. I seriously wished I could identify him, but I was drawing a blank. "You're absolutely right, by the way, but you can call me Shadmé. Much less bulkier than ShadowMewX." And more outdated. "Sorry for the inability to reciprocate, but...who might you be?"

ooc: well me and Sharu left the volcano and came back to the forest. being so big it wouldn't take long for me to run into you guys again.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#203 Posted: 02:06:30 13/06/2016
(("Into". I hope you mean "towards" because the first one would hurt most of us. smilie))
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9532
#204 Posted: 02:37:37 13/06/2016 | Topic Creator
Angels and dragons and foxes... oh my! This was turning out to be quite the odd experience as I managed to catch up to Prex. She was conversing with someone else that appeared mostly human, though one thing tipped me off that she was anything but: she had wings. Feathery black wings kind of like... well, an angel's. She looked very familiar too; her face, voice, and clothes were ones I'd seen/heard before, and I'd recognize that black and red hair anywhere. That's Shadmé! So not only were Austin and Prex here, but Shadmé too? This had to be more than a coincidence. This whole thing was bringing to mind a certain RP I had participated in a while back...

Regardless, I decided to introduce myself at the very least. "Uh, hey there?" I asked Shadmé rather awkwardly. "I feel like I know you from somewhere."
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#205 Posted: 03:39:49 13/06/2016
ooc: I don't mean literally run into you guys lol

with a few thuds of my foot steps I approach Shadme, Prex, and Sky.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#206 Posted: 03:43:20 13/06/2016
((And I'm forgotten again xD))

I open my eyes, shining a dim light on Shade. I curiously look at the dragon from inside my tree. I pulled yet another poker face. This time, it looked rather dark with the shining blue eyes.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#207 Posted: 03:45:53 13/06/2016
ooc: who said you were forgotten? I just didn't know were you were.

I notice the light and look at the sorce. "you can come out from hiding in your tree. as big as I am I'm harmless."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#208 Posted: 03:50:24 13/06/2016
((Keep it slow guys, Prex cant be on too much.))

I give Shade a blunt, emotionless stare. "I have no means of moving. This tree will serve as my resting spot." I still hang upside down as I face Shade. "Are you a user as well, if I may be so... impolite... to ask." I made minor gestures with my arms. Though if someone said I was evil and secretly plotting their demise I wouldn't blame them. I couldn't act as myself anymore. I was Delta, period. I'm stuck with her personality and I got to deal with it wether I like it or not.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:54:57 13/06/2016 by BlackWing116
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#209 Posted: 03:52:57 13/06/2016
I nodded "yes I am. I was turned into my primary oc Durza. my user name is ShadeTheDragon but my friends just call me Shade."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#210 Posted: 07:02:34 13/06/2016
"I'm also from Darkspyro, I'm 'Shagaru Magala'. I also discovered that I can explode things with my slime!"
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100
#211 Posted: 20:52:49 15/06/2016
OOC: Hey guys! Sorry that I pretty much abandoned my part in this RP. I just kinda forgot about it and everytime I thought about picking back up again, I just wasn't happy with my choices for avatars. I really want to start over with a more diverse selection. I've already picked them out (which honestly was the hardest thing to do in my life smilie). So, if you don't mind, do you think I could start over? I really like this RP and I'd hate to just leave it like this.
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9532
#212 Posted: 02:28:54 16/06/2016 | Topic Creator
[@Starlight Alright, but just this once.]
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100
#213 Posted: 04:05:10 16/06/2016
OOC: Thank you, Sky.

Here they are:

1. Starlight 2.0

2. Cynder

3. Shiny Eevee

4. Underfell Sans

5. Splat

6. Tsunami
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#214 Posted: 04:08:18 16/06/2016
ooc: wow that's convinent since my current form is my oc Durza and his blood mother is Cynder.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#215 Posted: 12:57:24 16/06/2016
[[Heh.. I'm simply waiting...]]
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#216 Posted: 20:05:28 16/06/2016
"Shadme!" I said with a smile as I walked up to her still carrying sticks. "Its me, Austin! I know I don't look like it though"
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#217 Posted: 20:30:06 16/06/2016
(hey i'm waiting on you blackwing)
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:39:05 17/06/2016 by ShadeTheDragon
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100
#218 Posted: 01:19:42 17/06/2016
OOC: So, um, do I need to be accepted again or can I go ahead and start?
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9532
#219 Posted: 02:29:01 17/06/2016 | Topic Creator
[Accepted! Sorry, I was a little busy today.]
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100
#220 Posted: 03:13:45 17/06/2016
OOC: Not a problem, Sky! Alright, I skimmed through a majority of the past posts, so I think I know everyone's current avatar at the moment. Though, it'd help me a bunch if you use extra detail as to who you are if you decide to approch me or anything like that. On another note, I used a generator to randomly pick my first avatar to make this a slightly more interesting experience. I got Sans first, so that's who I'm gonna use. I'm also kind of tired, so bear with me if this short and not as detailed. All that aside, here we go...


Blank. That was pretty much the only thing that was going on inside my head at the moment. I felt like I just passed out. I hardly remember anything that had happened. Though, there were some words floating around in my clouded mindscape. Words like 'avatar' 'glitch' and 'pixles'. These all kind of reminded me of something, but my mind just couldn't reach it. It was almost like a certain memory was locked away. And to add on top of that, I had a horrible headache. Something definitely wasn't right. When most of my senses started to come back, I felt a gentle breeze blowing. I could hear leaf-like swaying noises, too. I groaned a small bit and squinted my eyes open. Everything was kind of blurred at first, but it slowly cleared up. I saw I was in a forest like area and it was looking pretty late outside. It seemed to be getting darker. From the position I felt myself sitting in, I was definitely sitting down, leaned against a tree. I looked around feeling slightly more paniced, now that I realized that I was in a forest. How in the heck did I end up here...? As I moved around a little bit more, I felt something brushing against my neck. I turned my head to the side to see I was somehow wearing a black and red fluffy hoodie. What the- How did I get that on? This is getting weird... Panic started rising more, this definitely wasn't a dream. My dreams are the definition of insanity and none of them would stay this peaceful for this long. I let out an anxious sigh and decided to look around. I could've sworn I heard nearby voices, but I couldn't jump to conclusions just yet... As I reached out my hands to get myself up, I froze. Those... Those WERE NOT my hands. I fell back again against the tree and my breathing picked up pace. I closed my eyes again and took in a shakey breath. I lifted my hand up again in front of my face. Okay... Okay... That was just a hallucination.... You're fine... When you open your eyes, it'll just be your hand. Nothing special. I slowly opened my eyes again and jumped. My breathing nearly stopped. Everything seemed to darken and slow down. My hand... Was skeletal. I just sat there, staring for a few moments. Then the realization finally hit. What happened next... Well, the most ungodly noise erupted from me that I never knew I could make. It could've passed as a scream, but it could have also sounded like someone being bloodily murdered alive. It lasted for 3 seconds, but, my gosh, the echo that came after it lasted for at least 30 seconds afterwards! I was hypervenalating now, though, I wasn't quite sure how I could do that now! I knew who I was right then. The black and red hoodie and the skeletal hands. It all made sense. I was Underfell Sans.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:14:36 17/06/2016 by Starlight_Shine
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#221 Posted: 13:45:22 17/06/2016
I was about to open my mouth to answer the words Shade had spoken to me, but I was interrupted by a echo of a screa, not far away. I looked at the direction and swing myself back up on the tree-without issue-and stared into the direction of the scream. The dim light of my eyes made seeing far away locations a little easier than it should be. I could be honest, having 100% sight was something I normally could only dream of, but now, I actually had clear vision, perhaps, too clear, but I didn't complain-it's not in my character to complain.

I turned to Shade. "My hightest apologies, but I'm departing." I said, before I leaped off the branch and landed on another tree. This already felt rather natural, because I did so when I was a Greninja before. I began to gain up to the source of the scream. I blended in with the night sky rather well, so only my light-giving, crystal blue eyes could be visable. Much like some creepy owl or something.

Finally, I reach the source of the echoing scream. A skeleton, with a hoodie...

I'm honest with you all, I was only at the edge of the Undertale Fandom. I was litterally on the dge. Not long before this all came down, a friend had dragged me in through a bet, and I was told to watch a Pacifist walkthrough of the game. I knew who Sans whas, and this person looked close to it, but, a little off...
Probably another dS user, but if they were a Undertale character, they probably where one of those weird spinoffs I had no idea about.

I stared at them, but forgot about my own dim light as it shone down on the persons head, thought, they'd only see my eyes, not me.
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100
#222 Posted: 16:39:54 17/06/2016
I was panicking more than ever. This day was NOT normal. I should have suspected it the moment I opened my... Um... Eyes...? Whatever, the fact was now, I was an edgy skeleton and I was loosing it! I was hypervenalating rapidly and clutching the temples of my head, trying to get myself together. Though, thinking clearly was probably the last thing I'd be able to do in a situation like this one. In short, I was pretty screwed. This... This... Isn't NORMAL! Heck, none of this is! I mean, why- My bumpy train of thought was pulled to a halt when some blue light pierced my vision. I squinted a bit, taken a tiny bit aback for a moment. I started panicing again as I realized they were eyes. Crapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrap... My breathing stifled to a slow. I can't die... Not today. Seeing as I pretty much had the most threatening appearance possible at the moment, might as well put it to use. I made a quick mental sigh and stood up hastily. I cut my 'eyes' to slits, somehow, and glared in the direction of the light. I could barely see a red glow emit from the two red pinpricks that served as my pupils. Not quite sure how I was doing that, but if it makes me look scary, I'm not complaining. "Stay back..." I stiffed up a bit at how different I sounded, but I didn't waste anytime to mope about it. I just had to cope for now and get away, "Get away now... Or... I'll snap you." I shivered a bit at the last part. I sounded a lot more bloodthirsty than I intended. It sounded much more like a threat than a warning, but I didn't know who I was even dealing with here, so that could have possibly been a good thing. I just stayed scilent and kept the act up for now.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:26:32 17/06/2016 by Starlight_Shine
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#223 Posted: 16:51:54 17/06/2016
This person was clearly dealing with a similair fact: In-Character play.
I made a mental sigh before I decided to jump down, throwing away the shield of the night-sky, thus revealing myself. Their red eyes would clash with my blue eyes, but I didn't bother.
"Your threat marely sounds like a panicked cry." I stated. Truth to be told, I wasn't so afraid to get attacked, knowing I was more or the less a "Perfect Human"-or, well, I transformed into one. I made another mental sigh.
"You seem like you just woke up. By any chance..." I began. I was near cartain this was yet another DarkSpyro user. I mean, everything out of order of a forest was considered a DarkSpyro user by me, including dragons, angels, foxes... name it...
"-A DarkSpyro user?" I finished my sentence, keeping my calm, though I sounded more dark than I wished to be. I better apologize. "I'm sorry if I'm... intimidating... I'm dealing with In-Character issues myself." I said, before I realized I forgot to introduce myself completely. "And.. my apologiez. You don't even know who I am. I'm BlackWing116. Otherwise known as NINJAsk11, but, for preference, call me Delta... That's the character I am anyways."
I gave a slight smile, hoping it would calm down the newcomer. Though I wasn't sure if my aproach was even good...
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100
#224 Posted: 17:16:08 17/06/2016
I immediately went numb at the mention of darkSpyro. She... What?! When she mentioned her name... I immediately remembered something. Oh! That user... The one with the character Delta! I remember her, she seemed nice... I immediately jumped out of my thoughts as I realized I was zoning out a bit. I looked back at her, still shivering at all the events that had just escalated to now. Something she said caught my attention... In-character issues...? I stuttered out a little bit when speaking genuinely for the first time tonight, "U-Uh... Actually... I'm not having 'In-character issues'... T-That was just an attempt to scare you off... I-I'm actually not even that threating. In all honesty, that last part I said back there kinda caught me off guard alone... Um, sorry about that, by the way..." I then remembered the question she asked me, "And um... Yeah... I'm from darkSpyro. I've been here only for a few months, but... Does... Does Starlight ring a bell?" I scratched my neck on instinct out of anxiety. I was glad this person wasn't going to hurt me, but this whole situation still didn't make much sense, even now. I just hoped I would get some answers sooner or later.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:20:01 17/06/2016 by Starlight_Shine
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#225 Posted: 17:25:48 17/06/2016
I gave Starlight a simple stare. Yes, sure, Starlight sounded rather familiar to me. I stared into the night sky for a bit, zoning out into my own sea of thoughts. Seeing how such a transformation could get to someone like me. I blinked before turning back to Starlight.

"I understand. Things like those come along with the character fate has forced us into. I'm not as dark and 'edgy' as I might sound or look. I honestly am used to it, so it feels rather natural." I explained. I walked a bit closer so I could reduce the sound of my voice. It gave me the ability to see Starlight a bit better. They looked like Sans indeed. Though this wasn't a Sans I knew off, so I was left stuck here figuring out who they had turned into. "I'm familiar with the character you are for only a little. Any idea who or what you are?" I asked curiously before turning around. "-and lets not remain here... There are more users up ahead." I said, jumping back in the trees, then jumping into the direction I came from.
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100
#226 Posted: 17:45:20 17/06/2016
I was about to answer Delta, but when she ran off I just cut my sentence off entirely. I felt paniced again, I didn't want to be left alone, especially in the now dead of night. "H-hey! Delta! Wait!" I started chasing the direction she was going. I took a quick moment to wonder if she always knew how jump through trees like that... I shook the thought away for now and fought through the darkness. I was already getting tired, between it being night and just being a lazy person in general - Sans or not Sans - it doesn't take much to get me exhausted. I spoke in between my tired panting, "Hey! Hah hah hah... Slow down! Hah hah hah... DELTA!" Despite everything, though, I kept going. I didn't need to stop. I needed help.
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#227 Posted: 17:48:46 17/06/2016
I stopped.
Whoops... they're not at high stamina as I am... I thought to myself before jumping down again. "Sorry. I... have rather high stamina and high physical skill... I need to get used to it." I said, waiting for Starlight to catch up. I watched them pant as they caught up. Sure, even I knew Sans was lazy, but this was simply Sans times 2. Surpisingly though, this person kept going despite the tiredness. I gave a weak nudge to the direction of the otthers. "It's not far... " I said before continuing walking. No tree-jumping for now, that would make them lose paste.
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100
#228 Posted: 17:57:29 17/06/2016
Finally catching up after a few seconds, I held in most of my exausted panting and just nodded in thanks, "Alright... Thank you. Sorry about that..." I sighed in disappointment with myself. Come on! Just keep going. You'll get your rest, so stop making this a more difficult situation for yourself! After silently scolding myself, I nodded to Delta a second time. "I... I'm alright now. Just lead the way..." I simply shrugged and let Delta take the reigns from here. I didn't know what much else I could do for myself tonight. It's not like I could do much anyhow...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:31:56 17/06/2016 by Starlight_Shine
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#229 Posted: 18:33:53 17/06/2016
after he left I noticed him returning with someone, or at least I think it was a him. anyways I waited patently for Delta to return and was lying down.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100
#230 Posted: 19:11:00 17/06/2016
As Delta and I approached our possible destination, I felt the sickening, horrible, all-to-familiar feeling of fear rise back up. There, in the clearing, was a dragon. Not just a 'normal' sized dragon, this one was HUGE. The first moment it caught my sight, it caused my non-existent heart to skip a beat. According to what I learned from Delta, darkSpyro users were apparently turning into fictional characters. I knew all too well this dragon would have a high chance of being one of them, but it didn't change the fact this building of a dragon was horrifying to see at a first glace. And with being such a short character now, it didn't help on my side one bit. I simply tried to remain calm, but I could slightly feel small beads of sweat on the back of my head.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#231 Posted: 19:21:39 17/06/2016
I could feel the skeletons tension and begin radiating a calming energy with the spirit element to calm them. I say gently "hello their. you have no need to be afraid, I'm a friend. I'm assuming you're a darkspyro user as well? if that's the case on DarkSpyro I'm known as ShadeTheDragon."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100
#232 Posted: 19:31:59 17/06/2016
Strangely, I felt like I was calming down. That was actually the first time tonight that I felt calm. I felt a little better and took a few steps closer to the dragon. As he introduced himself my 'eyes' widened and my little red pinpricks shrank with shock, "SH-SHADE?!" I knew this user. He was the one with the dragon OC Durza. I remember us becoming friends through an old dragon RP. Now that I thought about it, he was Durza! I was glad to see someone I was slightly more aquatined with. "Hey! We know each other! You probably don't recognize me at the moment, but I'm Starlight Shine. Remember that RP, Dragon Malfunction? I was in that, I used my OC, Midnight." That moment was also the first time I genuinely smiled that night. I guess seeing an old friend kind of enlightened me of my anxiety.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#233 Posted: 21:14:01 17/06/2016
I smile "yes I remember that all right. it's good to see you Starlight, even if you're Sans right now."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#234 Posted: 21:25:45 17/06/2016
"So what now?" I say
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100
#235 Posted: 21:44:57 17/06/2016
I eyed the odd creature before sitting down on some grass. I held my knees close to my chest and held a distant look in my eyes, "What are we gonna do now? I'm still confused on a lotta things at the moment. I don't even understand why this happened..." I sighed out. My parents must be worried sick right now... I sadly remembered that I wasn't home. Lots of events had occurred, taking my mind away from my family. I had been gone long enough for them to start being worried now. I faught my tears back and forced myself to change the subject of thought. My red pinpricks edged back up to everyone else and I spoke out, "So... Uh... Do you guys have some kind of camp set up or... Is this pretty much it?" I casually twirled some of the fluff in my hoodie with a finger as I spoke. It was pretty dark out and we'd probably need some kind of light source, like fire, pretty soon.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 21:51:36 17/06/2016 by Starlight_Shine
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#236 Posted: 23:26:21 17/06/2016
I shrugged "I honestly don't know right now. all I know is that some how I got turned into my oc Durza in his dragon form after I-! after I made it my avatar."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100
#237 Posted: 01:10:07 18/06/2016
"Made it your avatar...?" My little pinpricks shifted down. I put a hand to my head, why did something about that statement remind me of something? I slowly stood up and looked back towards Shade curiously, "Shade... What're you getting at?"
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#238 Posted: 02:59:43 18/06/2016
Shade says "it could be pure coincidence but I'll only know for sure if I try something." I get up and focuse, letting Durza's memories and instincts do the work in my attempt to change to human form. my body gets engulfed in magical fire but its short lived as I remain the same. "just as I thought. I can't switch to human form. apparently I'm stuck in dragon form which was what I made my avatar but I can't go to human form for some reason."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100
#239 Posted: 03:22:26 18/06/2016
I sighed and remained silent. There were a few memories that I had lost today, but now I was getting sleepy and lost all care for remembering. I guess I just can't remember... Guess there's no point in trying to remember how this happened now... I looked around and shrugged, there wasn't much material that I could use to sleep on so... "Well, I'm gonna attempt to get some sleep... We can try and figure things out in the morning, I guess..." I took off my jacket and carefully placed it on the ground. Best I could do... I mentally shrugged then attempted to get comfortable on the ground. "Let me know if you guys have any better ideas on where to rest, for now I'm goin' with the ground." I called over one last time to the others. I rested my head on the fluffy part of the hoodie and closed my eyes. I fell asleep pretty quickly after that.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:24:23 18/06/2016 by Starlight_Shine
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#240 Posted: 06:31:39 18/06/2016
"Yeah, but how were we brought together? I'm from England and other could be from America or Australia!" I start think how it could be possible
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#241 Posted: 15:11:59 18/06/2016
I silently listened along with the conversation. I stood beheind, like usual. Eventually, the strange creature brought up a interesting question.

"I asume we're connected due to us all being darkSpyro users. It could be the cause of this event." I said casually before leaning back onto a tree.
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#242 Posted: 15:52:31 18/06/2016
"And how did the person who did this turn us into different things? None of this makes sense!"
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#243 Posted: 22:53:49 20/06/2016
((Woah recap? smilie))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#244 Posted: 23:12:32 20/06/2016
(well Starlight redid her characters, everyone's talking trying to figure out what's going on. and that's it)
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#245 Posted: 23:16:40 20/06/2016
((Indeed. I transformed into my 2nd character but yeah thats it.))
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8453
#246 Posted: 18:03:29 21/06/2016
OoC: @Prex
Quote: Shadmé
My thoughts were taken on a different track as soon as someone began running up to me. I didn't recognize this male, but he sure recognized me, as indicated by his correct identification of my DarkSpyro username as well as my OC's name and fandom. Wow.
"I have a fan!" I joked, despite the situation and how sketchy the dude looked. I seriously wished I could identify him, but I was drawing a blank. "You're absolutely right, by the way, but you can call me Shadmé. Much less bulkier than ShadowMewX." And more outdated. "Sorry for the inability to reciprocate, but...who might you be?"
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#247 Posted: 19:06:29 23/06/2016
I smiled slightly, "I've been calling you Shadme for ages," I told her, "If I told you, It'd be hard to believe..." I added and paused for a moment, before speaking again and this would probably come to a very big surprise to her, "I-I'm Prextail202, Aka Prex, aka Felis." I told her and sighed, "Being changed into someone so different is such a hassle to get used to, being gender swapped, the much deeper voice, being so tall, it's all foreign to me,"
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
Shagaru Magala Blue Sparx Gems: 850
#248 Posted: 19:37:57 23/06/2016
"I am Shagaru Magala on darkspyro"
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#249 Posted: 17:46:44 24/06/2016
I frowned and put the sticks down. "Down here!" I said before looking at Prex "Hi buddy"
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
Dragonsrcool Red Sparx Gems: 28
#250 Posted: 23:54:25 26/06/2016
(Is an avatar with 2 characters in it allowed?)
Name:has real name but called Dragonsrcool, or just Dragon
1: Nightmare Foxy
[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]
3: Yuma and Astral
[User Posted Image]
4: Dark Pit
[User Posted Image]
5: Agent P
[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]
Dragons are the best!
Edited 6 times - Last edited at 15:04:53 29/06/2016 by Dragonsrcool
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