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The Haven Legends: Prosperity [CLOSED]
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#2401 Posted: 18:11:18 15/03/2017
Crocux says "actually Cairo I don't think you need to. call it a hunch that its being taken care of."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2402 Posted: 19:55:56 15/03/2017 | Topic Creator
"Still, I want to make sure." Cairo said, as he still headed to Hunted island. He already left when the brothers noticed Crocux near them.
"Oh hey Crocux. Why so alone?" Ricky greeted cordially, with Rumble too upset to talk to anybody. He had Sybil on his back, who was resting. Rumble was so disappointed in being scolded that he was returning Sybil to the Haven and look for someone more sturdy that could tolerate his strength. Sybil was trying to convince him to continue playing as long as he went a little more easier, but that was no deal for him. As she spoke, she noticed whom Ricky was talking to, and wondered why Crocux was there alone.
"Wait Rumble, leave me with Crocux." Sybil said, as the orca slides her onto Crocux's own back and left with his little brother towards the Haven to look for another resident.

"Crocux... where are you going?" Sybil asked coldly, still upset with him for what happened. Crocux was facing the general direction of Hunted island, so she assumed he was heading to Whirlpool's burrow to see how Yodel was doing, an idea she wasn't keen to. If Yodel woke up and saw him there, it was going to be a disaster.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2403 Posted: 20:23:12 15/03/2017
"That's reasonable with me. Take it easy on her. Have fun." Jet said as he swam away.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#2404 Posted: 20:26:55 15/03/2017
Crocux cheerfully says "I was playing with Cairo but he left make sure y were ok with Ricky and Rumble. so..." he turns around and swims over to Haven. "I get your still mad at me so I'll just drop you off at a safe spot and leave you be."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2405 Posted: 23:06:32 15/03/2017 | Topic Creator
Sybil simply lied down, not sure on what to say. Since there was quite a fair distance between the Haven and Hunted island, so she decided not to spend the trip on silence.
"So... what did Guardian told you last night?" Sybil asked, wanting to make sure the incident with Yodel never occurrs again. If the warbler managed to recover consciousness, there was no doubt he was going to blurt out how Crocux attacked him, which will cause panic at the Haven. The python fear was more than enough. It was going to be disastrous if the rest of the native birds start to fear somebody that was suppose to be on their side.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9196
#2406 Posted: 23:43:18 15/03/2017
Quote: Spyroconvexity
Rose followed Sayan and soon they reached his den then the beach. "Oh we are going to get it today."

"Indeed. Be prepared for anything.," Sayan said as they approached the water.

In the wetlands, Naga was striking a poor pigeon that was dumb enough to laterally be a stone's throw away from where he had entered. Part of him enjoyed the easy meal, but part of him also hoped for just a little bit more of a challenge. 'These pigeons are practically begging to be devoured.,' he thought as he swallowed his meal.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2407 Posted: 23:46:23 15/03/2017
ooc: almost time to make a new one!

Soon Rose and Sayan reached the beach.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2408 Posted: 00:40:58 16/03/2017 | Topic Creator
OOC: Indeed. Remember that ideas are welcomed smilie

The orcas were waiting, among them the brothers. Ricky was anxious to try his luck with Rose or Sayan, but Rumble had other plans.
"Hey bro. Crocux was alone. He is the only prey worth it." he said to his unenthusiastic brother, whom despite his disappoint, followed Rumble without question, leaving open a higher chance for the rest to get the pair.

Quote: redwes
Quote: //
In the wetlands, Naga was striking a poor pigeon that was dumb enough to laterally be a stone's throw away from where he had entered. Part of him enjoyed the easy meal, but part of him also hoped for just a little bit more of a challenge. 'These pigeons are practically begging to be devoured.,' he thought as he swallowed his meal.

Sholeh observed from a distance how easy it was for the python to capture the silly bird. She was even feeling sorry for the dumb critter. Naga didn't seemed to bother killing prey first, but of course, the Haven's pigeons were weak and their struggling didn't do much for them. It wasn't for nothing they were the main source of meat on the island. She felt quite disgusted about the way the python ate, but at the same time curious. She was too far away from the scene to appreciate it better, so making sure she used some of the gathered pigeons and what little foliage she had to stay hidden, she approached the feeding python until she was only about twenty meters away. It surprised her how monstrously big that thing was, and why was it even bothering with miniature meals like the warblers. Not that she cared though. She never liked them, but still, it was quite a curious event.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2409 Posted: 01:26:32 16/03/2017
Ooc: I have my planes. smilie

Rose stayed alert to the warter. She was waiting for an orca to make it's move.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2410 Posted: 01:48:00 16/03/2017 | Topic Creator
OOC: Oh boy, there you go again smilie

The orcas didn't waited too long to strike, not even waiting for either Rose or Sayan to lower their guards. Six of them stroked at the same time, two of them even crashing into each other, but it was only one that managed to beach himself enough to reach where the pair was. It was evidently Gustave, who still wanted more after cutting the game short yesterday. He was big and quite rough himself, but unlike Rumble, he did put himself some limits. He tacked the pair wildly, ready to lift his head in case either of them jumped away...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2411 Posted: 02:04:07 16/03/2017
Rose quickly jumped back away further. "Oh not even waiting huh? Nice try guys but it going to be quite a challenge today."
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2412 Posted: 02:12:10 16/03/2017 | Topic Creator
"Hey, give the old orca a chance." Gustave said jokingly, retreating to get more impulse, thus leaving the chance of the other, younger orcas to give it a go. Gustave was around middle aged, not exactly old, but he did use his age to excuse his rare failures.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2413 Posted: 02:19:36 16/03/2017
Rose chuckled. "Come on guys you can do better."
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2414 Posted: 02:58:33 16/03/2017 | Topic Creator
Just then, one orca after the other took turns in trying to catch the lair. But who were going to be the lucky ones to get it? It was uncertain?

But far, far away from the islands, the selected group of warblers, seagulls, pelicans and keas tasked with looking for the special wildflower that will destroy Shadow were in a tiresome and desperate attempt to get information from the locals. It was hard to find wildlife that meant them no harm, especially since that young kea back at the Haven that got attacked by a saltwater crocodile caused quite a paranoia. The group was somewhere along the Solomon Islands, near the Colemon Seamount volcano to be exact, and they were searching restlessly around. Volcanoes weren't exactly a perfect place to live, so finding wildlife that could help them was proving difficult. It turns out the volcano did have a few flowers growing, but they looked like different species. Not knowing which was the one needed, they picked different flowers and were ready to send them to the Haven. A few pelicans were tasked to fill their beaks with fresh water so that the plants could be alive when they arrived. Since there was no guarantee the correct flowers were among the ones being brought, the rest of the searching party was going to continue their travels and search for more flowers...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#2415 Posted: 03:16:56 16/03/2017
Crocux says "try what didn't he talk about. he kept going about what I did and how it wasn't worth it and blah blah blah. but honestly dad wasn't the one that got through to me really." Crocux seemed much more relaxed compared to before it was almost like he was a new croc or something. "In fact it was Shi actually. I was so temperamental because I just expected more from myself then what's even possible and thought those were the standards everyone held me at. and those false standards only got more ridicules since dad died. I mean Dad trusted me to help you administrate the Haven in his place. now not only do I have that to deal with but I'm basically the new head f the family since Jack isn't responsible enough to take care of a fake plant let alone make sure our family doesn't get shot to hell because someone makes a stupid mistake. it's a lot to deal with and the stress of just thinking about all that responsibility well that much stress times like 20 is at those imaginary standards were. but now that I know how I've been screwing up I can feel a lot more relaxed. its like the weight of the world got lifted off of me. I still have to make up for what I've done wrong and I probably never will. but I need to start somewhere. so if you ever need me for anything just ask. ok?" by then they were half way there.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2416 Posted: 03:44:29 16/03/2017
"Ha! Getting clever are we?" Rose said dogging left and right. "I'm not the little tiger anymore."
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2417 Posted: 04:34:25 16/03/2017 | Topic Creator
Many orcas tried to capture the pair, but they were good at dodging. Sayan was already hard to catch from the very beginning, but Rose was a young adult, and even though she was bigger and heavier, she was agile and with trained reflexes. Most of the orcas were young, which is why it was harder for them to beach themselves...

Quote: ShadeTheDragon
Crocux says "try what didn't he talk about. he kept going about what I did and how it wasn't worth it and blah blah blah. but honestly dad wasn't the one that got through to me really." Crocux seemed much more relaxed compared to before it was almost like he was a new croc or something. "In fact it was Shi actually. I was so temperamental because I just expected more from myself then what's even possible and thought those were the standards everyone held me at. and those false standards only got more ridicules since dad died. I mean Dad trusted me to help you administrate the Haven in his place. now not only do I have that to deal with but I'm basically the new head f the family since Jack isn't responsible enough to take care of a fake plant let alone make sure our family doesn't get shot to hell because someone makes a stupid mistake. it's a lot to deal with and the stress of just thinking about all that responsibility well that much stress times like 20 is at those imaginary standards were. but now that I know how I've been screwing up I can feel a lot more relaxed. its like the weight of the world got lifted off of me. I still have to make up for what I've done wrong and I probably never will. but I need to start somewhere. so if you ever need me for anything just ask. ok?" by then they were half way there.

Sybil was sorry she asked, since that was a lot to process. Just what were these fantasy expectations Crocux set to himself? What's what more, that had nothing to do with what happened to Yodel. Now Sybil was starting to believe that Crocux was quite unstable with so many disturbing thoughts like that, so she decided not to press the matter any further.
"Right now, I need nothing. Just a little rest and I'll return to the game. But Crocux, tomorrow afternoon, after the game, you and I are going to do some meditation. Some exercise that will help your temper. You're a saltwater crocodile that is still growing, and any little outburst can turn deadly." Sybil explained, still determined to go through that.
"Listen, all the talk in the world doesn't always work. The problem is with your body, your mind, your impulses. It may not happen again for a long time, but I can't risk it. I'm not one to judge or stereotype, but I know your species is characterized for being too easily angered. I need to train you to be calmed in stressful situations while you're still young." Sybil expressed serenely, not wanting Crocux to be feared or hated just because of what he was.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#2418 Posted: 16:26:46 16/03/2017
Crocux nodded "I completely understand. I don't blame you for being cautious. honestly if I was in your place I would be cautious too." the soon arrive at the beach and Crocux dropped her off somewhere safe. "there you go. you rest easy I'm gonna see if I can get Ricky and Rumble's attention."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2419 Posted: 22:20:09 16/03/2017 | Topic Creator
Sybil knew Cairo wasn't going to like that, since Crocux was already captured by him. But she knew Crocux was the only resident who could tolerate those two brother's rough play, so it would be for the best. She was going to compensate to Cairo herself after a long and well deserved rest.
"Well, see you later then... I... yes, see you later." Sybil said, wanting to say something sense, but desisted. She was about to suggest sleeping in his cave again like she often use to, but due to the Yodel incident, plus her starting to fear him again, she didn't want to give Crocux false hopes.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#2420 Posted: 01:58:48 17/03/2017
Crocux says "hey you're welcome in my home any time. after all you did tell Jack you would spend some time with him." and with that he was off ready to make himself a target yet again.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2421 Posted: 02:15:33 17/03/2017 | Topic Creator
"Oh, right." Sybil replied, having forgotten about meeting with Jack, and now glad that she had an open excuse to visit Crocux's home.
"Alright. Goodbye then. I'll see you this afternoon." Sybil them commented, waving at him and lying down to rest. It was going to be hard for her to visit Crocux's cave after knowing what happened there, but she was only going to do it for Jack's sake. She has barely bonded with the chimpanzee after all, and she needed to do it, even if it meant being exposed to Crocux's presence as well.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:34:43 17/03/2017 by Felines
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#2422 Posted: 02:20:41 17/03/2017
ooc: omg you spelled Jack wrong Felines smilie

Crocux was at the water and made himself an easy target keeping an eye open for Rumble and Ricky.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2423 Posted: 02:40:11 17/03/2017
Rose dogged yet again. "Getting slow are we?"
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2424 Posted: 02:42:41 17/03/2017 | Topic Creator
Rose managed to dodge for a while longer, but with every dodge, she was getting close to capture. And finally, after a while, she got caught, by none other than Ellen, Dagger's mother. She didn't usually participated in the game, but she needed the distraction.

Quote: ShadeTheDragon
ooc: omg you spelled Jack wrong Felines smilie

Crocux was at the water and made himself an easy target keeping an eye open for Rumble and Ricky.

OOC: I guess I was typing fast smilie

The pod watched as Crocux swam away, and some of them were desperate. A few approached him, but got intimidated by his size. He has certainly grown up, and soon, he was probably not going to be good prey material.

Ricky and Rumble were nearby, but they were simply pacing. Since Crocux was already taken, they had no interest in the game. Cairo was nowhere to be seen. Poor guy was still probably looking for that pair, worried sick about Sybil...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:44:45 17/03/2017 by Felines
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#2425 Posted: 02:51:22 17/03/2017
Crocux noticed the twins and decided to take a nap. falling into a light sleep he just floated.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2426 Posted: 03:09:21 17/03/2017 | Topic Creator
The brothers noticed Crocux and found it strange and curious how he just floated around there, all exposed and without a care in the world. And where was Cairo anyway?
"Rumble... I think he's asleep..." Ricky commented after observing Crocux more carefully.
"Really? Well in that case, this calls for a little prank." Rumble said, almost as if he has forgotten about the scold earlier. Both brothers swam to Crocux quietly, and after whispering to each other, they put their plan into motion; Rumble tacked Crocux from below and when he came down, Ricky splashed water to his nostrils. That was bound to wake him up. They were determined to have fun with him until Cairo would come to reclaim him...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2427 Posted: 10:33:53 17/03/2017
"Wah! You finally caught me!" Rose said laughing. "Oh boy I'm going to get it now."
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#2428 Posted: 17:27:13 17/03/2017
Crocux smirked and death rolled out of the way then said "I had a feeling pretending to be asleep would work." he opened his eyes and says "you two almost had me but I could hear your whispering as you got closer."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2429 Posted: 17:42:41 17/03/2017 | Topic Creator
"Pretending, riiight." Rumble said sarcastically, believing Crocux was lying. Since Cairo was still missing, they decided to rough play the cocky crocodile.

The reason Cairo still hasn't returned was because on the way to Hunted island, the cockatoo cousins spotted him, and they couldn't resist the temptation to tease him. Even though he was still very worried about Sybil, he couldn't deny those young hooligans a chance to play with a mighty orca. The two of them pecked his head whenever they had the chance, while the slightly annoyed former leader of the orcas chased them around, determined to capture them and teach them a little lesson.

Quote: Spyroconvexity
"Wah! You finally caught me!" Rose said laughing. "Oh boy I'm going to get it now."

"Don't worry about it younger Mistress. I'm not going to be harsh." Ellen assured, though she had a small grin.
"Not by much though. I have to teach my son how it's done." she then said, as she went to Dagger and prepared herself for the intense play...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#2430 Posted: 21:34:01 17/03/2017
Crocux smirked "well then bring it on. if you give me a good time I'll tell you more about my friend that had the same name as you Rumble."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Wyrstel Emerald Sparx Gems: 4341
#2431 Posted: 21:42:38 17/03/2017
AJ: After some time, I reach the rendezvous place where my second family comes to pick me up. Yawning tiredly, I curl up at the base of the tree and fall asleep. My deep, dark midnight blue eyes sparkle for just a moment in the fading light. A male dingo is patrolling the Outback, when he comes across my sleeping form. This dingo is none other than Jackal, a friend of Odette and the other male that cared for me so long ago and are like a second family to me. Carefully picking me up by the scruff of my neck, he carries me quietly and quickly into Odette's den and sets me down right next to her sleeping form. He smiles and stands guard by the entrance of the cave, not about to let anyone or anything disrupt or disturb this bonding time between us.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2432 Posted: 22:12:34 17/03/2017 | Topic Creator
Sholeh was still at the wetland, spying on the feeding python, and completely forgetting why she was there in the first place. She has been trying to know what AJ was always up to, but for now, the python was a more interesting topic to pursue.

Quote: ShadeTheDragon
Crocux smirked "well then bring it on. if you give me a good time I'll tell you more about my friend that had the same name as you Rumble."

"You liar. Nobody has my name." Rumble replied, trying to sound playful, but it sounded more like anger. He has always been proud of his name, and believed nobody else could have it with dignity.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9196
#2433 Posted: 00:13:03 18/03/2017
Quote: Felines
Sholeh observed from a distance how easy it was for the python to capture the silly bird. [...] she approached the feeding python until she was only about twenty meters away. It surprised her how monstrously big that thing was, and why was it even bothering with miniature meals like the warblers. Not that she cared though. She never liked them, but still, it was quite a curious event.
Naga continued to feed, seeming unfazed by the closer albeit distant presence of the mongoose. 'This meal was too easy..,' he thought as consumed the poor creature. He had been raised on eating such small creatures-- perhaps because the humans were too lazy to find something more worthwhile or perhaps because they had simply enjoyed watching the poor birds die. These days reminded him more and more of the past-- how easy things were but also how boring at the same time. It was an interesting dilemma-- practically having everything handed to you, but wanting more at the same time.

Quote: Spyroconvexity
"Wah! You finally caught me!" Rose said laughing. "Oh boy I'm going to get it now."

As Rose was captured-- Sayan continued to dodge and avoid the orcas knowing that it would soon be his turn...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2434 Posted: 00:34:07 18/03/2017
"Oh boy!" Rose said playfully.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2435 Posted: 01:01:10 18/03/2017 | Topic Creator
While most orcas loved the shaking, Ellen's method of playing was slightly different. She only shook for a few seconds before throwing them onto her tail, where she catapulted her captives very high into the air. Very few orcas had the aim she had, so whenever she threw a resident, they always landed right back into her mouth, repeating the process over and over again. Dagger was quite impressed, and wished he had a tail as strong as his mother. It was no wonder why she was one of the fastest swimmers of the pod with a tail like that.

Quote: redwes
Quote: Felines
Sholeh observed from a distance how easy it was for the python to capture the silly bird. [...] she approached the feeding python until she was only about twenty meters away. It surprised her how monstrously big that thing was, and why was it even bothering with miniature meals like the warblers. Not that she cared though. She never liked them, but still, it was quite a curious event.
Naga continued to feed, seeming unfazed by the closer albeit distant presence of the mongoose. 'This meal was too easy..,' he thought as consumed the poor creature. He had been raised on eating such small creatures-- perhaps because the humans were too lazy to find something more worthwhile or perhaps because they had simply enjoyed watching the poor birds die. These days reminded him more and more of the past-- how easy things were but also how boring at the same time. It was an interesting dilemma-- practically having everything handed to you, but wanting more at the same time.

Quote: Spyroconvexity
"Wah! You finally caught me!" Rose said laughing. "Oh boy I'm going to get it now."

As Rose was captured-- Sayan continued to dodge and avoid the orcas knowing that it would soon be his turn...

Sholeh still observed with some fascination and disgust how the python fed on the poor pigeon, too stupid to care for it's own life. It really was weird how such a humongously enormous animal would prefer such small prey. Warblers were even smaller, so it was no wonder their numbers were reduced so drastically. An animal that size needed large amounts of food to survive, so it was quite lucky for the small birds that Sybil managed to convince this snake to hunt pigeons instead, otherwise they would've probably gone extinct by now. It didn't surprise Sholeh one bit how Sybil managed to convince the python though, since it already happened with Jet. It was still beyond her how that annoying civet could charm many rogue animals to her side, so she decided not to think about it.
To keep the thoughts away, Sholeh remembered how Sybil and Rose visited the python in his own territory and he left them unharmed, so Sholeh wondered if it would be a good idea to introduce herself. Having a python as a friend was surely bound to get you some respect. But she was one to never take unnecessary risks, so quietly, she decided to back away and return home, trusting that her usual stealth would help her leave that place without the python noticing her...

At the beach, with just one Haven resident left, there was a heavy debate among the orcas. Many tried to get Sayan. He was quite the challenge, so he was always a joy to capture. Since most of them we're out of practice, not to mention that it wasn't the same hunting a cat than a seal, many of them got distracted, leaving Gustave an opening. He almost missed Sayan, but he got lucky when he managed to clamp his mouth to his tail, leaving the others to realize their miss...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:08:49 18/03/2017 by Felines
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9196
#2436 Posted: 01:26:33 18/03/2017
Naga soon finished his meal, but seemed to let the mongoose go without any issue-- or at least it seemed at first. "Wait... mongoose.! I know... I know you have been watching me-- come here for a second.," a slithery voice came just as Sholeh was almost out of sight.

"Gah... you got me.," Sayan said as the huge orca dragged him away.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:30:19 18/03/2017 by redwes
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2437 Posted: 02:20:55 18/03/2017 | Topic Creator
Sholeh was disappointed to have been caught spying, having been the queen of stealth in her youth. She didn't let that discourage her though, since she blamed the wetland for being unable to provide a good hiding place. She approached Naga, but far enough from him so that, just in case he decided to strike, he wouldn't be able to reach her.
"Oh, talking to me sir? I beg your pardon. I ended up here after getting lost, so I took the opportunity to bully these silly birds." Sholeh said after a deep breath, acting cordial and politely, deciding it was better to tell him the truth, of course, leaving the spying bit out.

Gustave was glad with his victory, knowing the prize Sayan represented. He didn't speak this time, so he simply took the leopard away to a solitary place so that he could play within the few hours that were left of the activity.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2438 Posted: 02:36:47 18/03/2017
"You're actually more gentle than the others Ellen." Rose said.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#2439 Posted: 02:41:48 18/03/2017
Crocux smiles and says "don't believe me? well give me a good time and I might surprise you." Crocux playfully darted past the brothers ready for the games to begin.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2440 Posted: 02:52:17 18/03/2017 | Topic Creator
While Ricky was more interested in playing, Rumble instead wanted to hear the story.
"Alright then. Do tell." Rumble said sarcastically as he circled Crocux, almost creating a vortex below him...

Quote: Spyroconvexity
"You're actually more gentle than the others Ellen." Rose said.

"Well, we need to. You land mammals are slightly more delicate than our usual catches." Ellen said, trying to use gentle words.
"Besides, I need to teach my son how to go easy on all of you." Ellen then whispered, wanting Dagger to see how you could have fun, but at the same time avoid injuries. Orcas were animals too powerful, that sometimes caused injuries even without meaning it, so it was quite a miracle there hasn't been any major injuries during the game.

At the beach, Sybil witnessed from a distance how Rose and Sayan were captured. She knew she would still be shaken off mercilessly by Rumble if Jet hasn't come to the rescue. At least she now knew how sturdy she was, and hoped Rumble didn't have any hard feelings for her for being a little more delicate than the rest. She wanted to rejoin the fun after seeing the orcas that failed disappointed at their loss, but decided it was best to rest, at least for a few minutes more. She did, after all, got the orcas too used to this routine, so it was only fair that she participated in the game, even if deep inside all she wanted to do was go to her tree and sleep for the rest of the day.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#2441 Posted: 03:14:57 18/03/2017
Crocux chuckled "play first then I'll tell you." he then dived below the vortex and came up out of its reach. "you'll have to do better then that Rumble"
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2442 Posted: 03:58:19 18/03/2017 | Topic Creator
Quote: ShadeTheDragon
Crocux chuckled "play first then I'll tell you." he then dived below the vortex and came up out of its reach. "you'll have to do better then that Rumble"

"Oh ho ho, he's asking for it." Rumble said, annoyed. He was hard on Sybil because he was in a playful mood, and since there was no guarantee when will he capture a Haven resident again, he wanted to take advantage of it. But this time, it was Crocux. He could be just as hard on him and knew it wouldn't have the same effect on him as it did with Sybil. He couldn't shake him off as hardly as he did her, so Rumble decided to rely on tackles instead.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#2443 Posted: 17:51:38 18/03/2017
Crocux would doge Rumble's tackles with death rolls and swim past him to give Rumble a teasing splash from behind.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2444 Posted: 20:09:41 18/03/2017 | Topic Creator
Rumble wasn't amused, but it was two against one, so Ricky conspired with his brother to get to Crocux. Since he was lightest, he splashe almost on top of him while Rumble tackled the airborne croc.
"Well, talk..." he said with a playful glare, determined to give him a harsh time.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#2445 Posted: 21:27:30 18/03/2017
Crocux chuckled "oh ok, ok if you insist." Crocux thought back and said "a long time ago back when dad first took me in we ended up in the place the humans called Africa. out in the African wilds we met what was arguably the biggest Rhino that ever lived. he was so big that whenever he would stomp the ground or charge it would start to rumble and shake like a miniature earthquake. his name was Rumble. he was an old Rhino so he had a little trouble seeing but he was still terrifying. human hunters were trying to kill him for his horn but in the end it took a small army of humans armed to the teeth with all sorts of weapons just to bring him down and it took weeks just to do it. he went down the way he wanted, before he died he charged at the humans killing dozens of them, the survivors fled for there lives. he lived but a few hours later his wounds got the better of him. he hoped he could live see haven himself before he died but he didn't get the chance but he went down with no regrets."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2446 Posted: 21:56:10 18/03/2017 | Topic Creator
"Ah yes, a warrior to the end. That's admirable." Rumble expressed, at least glad that his name was special.
"Humans are so stupid. A rhino horn? That's all they take?" Rumble asked, extremely upset. He imagined that whatever they needed the horn for, it was certainly not for consumption.
"In our travels, we know of places where sharks are hunted just for their dorsal fins. Something about a special food the humans have. The rest they just throw away into the ocean, some are still alive after that! We aren't fond of sharks, but not even they deserve such a cruel, inexcusable treatment. Just the dorsal fins? They don't even have the decency to kill the poor beast, or use the rest of his meat! Do humans believe everything is unlimited!? Honestly, and they are the ones ruling the world!?" Rumble said, with quite a large amount of irritation. He couldn't understand why a species as materialistic and cruel as human beings were so ahead in the world.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:28:04 19/03/2017 by Felines
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#2447 Posted: 04:24:12 19/03/2017
Crocux says "I completely agree. some of the humans with more primitive beliefs apparently believe are that Rhino horns have magical healing powers when there horns are basically made of the same stuff as a human toe nail. honestly with only a select few exceptions human's are retarded. no in fact calling humans retarded is in insult to those who are actually retarded. I mean honestly the humans will kill the whole planet with themselves with it and they wont even realize it until its like a few hundred years to late. at least dad was one of those special few that knew better and tried to undo some of the damage."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2448 Posted: 04:35:45 19/03/2017
"Oh I get it." Rose wispered. "He is a little rough."
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2449 Posted: 04:35:53 19/03/2017 | Topic Creator
"Yes he is, but that's just because he's young, and his predatory instincts are just beginning, which is why he'll need supervision for a while." Ellen said, explaining why younger orcas were usually the toughest ones. She knew too that Dagger wanted leadership someday, which is why he was growing up so quickly. He was eating far more often than he use to in order to achieve his goal.

Quote: ShadeTheDragon
Crocux says "I completely agree. some of the humans with more primitive beliefs apparently believe are that Rhino horns have magical healing powers when there horns are basically made of the same stuff as a human toe nail. honestly with only a select few exceptions human's are retarded. no in fact calling humans retarded is in insult to those who are actually retarded. I mean honestly the humans will kill the whole planet with themselves with it and they wont even realize it until its like a few hundred years to late. at least dad was one of those special few that knew better and tried to undo some of the damage."

"Well, Mistress Sybil was taken care of by some humans before arriving here, or so she says. I really don't know what to believe." Rumble said, having heard so many bad thing about humans, it was hard for him to picture a few of them good.
"You know, the Mistress was brought here by some type of dolphin, long before we ever arrived here. And some time later, she saved our former leader Cairo from some human garbage stuck in his throat. He would've suffocated to death if it wasn't for her." Rumble expressed, openly explaining how Sybil managed to befriend a whole pod of orcas.

"We weren't fond of the idea of helping a civet at first, but she grew on us, and well, we orcas have a very strong moral code despite our reputation. She really was noble to make this island a Haven and help animals like you guys get a second chance and live far away from humans." Ricky then suddenly said, joining in the conversation. Unlike his brother, he did believe that there were some good humans out there that truly meant well, but since it was so hard to find them, it was better to live far away from them.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:39:23 19/03/2017 by Felines
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2450 Posted: 04:46:45 19/03/2017
Rose looked to Dagger and smiled. She knew he was watching.
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