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Baptism by Lightning (legend of Orion. private) [CLOSED]
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9196
#2051 Posted: 23:43:22 25/03/2020
"But yeah, Shady is better off with the king than those stupid Ishulgites. I just wish he didn't intended to use him as a weapon. There's no telling what that thing can do. If only he could just, I don't know, use Shady as a mount or something. He wouldn't mind." Angora said quickly, still hating the idea of Shade powering up a weapon. He gave rides to her and Maverick very often when they travelled together, so being used as a mount was something he didn't care about. But being used as a battery was just way too much, regardless of what he did.

"Think about it this way-- it's not just the King who has to see Shade, but his people as well. And if they can see that his power can be used for good, perhaps they will be more likely to forgive Shady for his actions. And perhaps that may encourage a quicker path to freedom.," Raclaw responded trying to see things from both perspectives. It was true that a King had to serve his people; and perhaps that played a part.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2052 Posted: 00:03:12 26/03/2020
After leaving, Maverick wanted to do some sightseeing around the city, maybe visit some stores, but Ilasi's silence was impossible to ignore.
"You want to... go back to the ship? Or maybe spend some time at the beach?" he asked, knowing she needed some distraction. He now wondered if it was such a good idea to visit her parents. He was a bit worried about Dahlia, but was certain somebody was keeping an eye on her.

Quote: A Guy
Latnok looked at the stranger, then back at Icestorm, then back at the stranger. "Well, if you're waiting for Godfather Sere, might as well come on board," he said, beckoning her on. "We'll keep an eye on her, Icestorm. Godfather Sere should be back soon." Though Latnok wasn't present to hear the whole engagement, he was more tempted to believe the woman over Icestorm about what happened, given his nature - but he didn't let that reflect in any accusations.

Huntress was glad Latnok allowed her to wait on the ship. It would ridicule Icestorm. Once she arrived, he gave the little best a smirk, a glare, then completely ignored him, all in the span of one second. She then addressed to Latnok.
"Than you sir. I'll wait right here." she said politely, resting her arms on the side rails and continuing to ignore Icestorm, knowing that she would simply stood to his level if she let his rudeness get on her nerves.

Quote: redwes
"Think about it this way-- it's not just the King who has to see Shade, but his people as well. And if they can see that his power can be used for good, perhaps they will be more likely to forgive Shady for his actions. And perhaps that may encourage a quicker path to freedom.," Raclaw responded trying to see things from both perspectives. It was true that a King had to serve his people; and perhaps that played a part.

Angora remained silent for a while, thinking about everything. If the people of Redwater were able to forgive her, a troll, then perhaps Shade too. The only difference was that she was innocent from the very beginning. He was not. It was going to be harder for him.
"Well, he has a lot of work to do either way. He did something... quite severe, but the king knows Shady spent time with me and Maverick, and a dragon with friends is bound to help his cause. It's not like he was a rogue, lone dragon." Angora observed, hoping that could help him a bit. She also prayed he didn't end up in a cage or in chains each time he wasn't powering the weapon. In a way, she was hoping Shade would be treated the same way Latnok treated Raclaw. Regardless of her opinion to the young Guardian, she recognized he was quite a good friend to the fur dragon.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:24:30 26/03/2020 by Felines
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2053 Posted: 00:33:02 26/03/2020 | Topic Creator
Icestorm just gave a sigh at her. He then walked away but kept an eye on her. He didn’t trust her.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2054 Posted: 01:19:27 26/03/2020
Huntress still ignored Icestorm, but she couldn't help feel tempted to kick him and tell him to mind his own business. Whatever his problem was, it wasn't her fault, so he had no right to take it out on her. To avoid causing a fight, she focused on Raclaw nearby, someone she has seen before. She didn't remember where, but it was hard to forget someone like him. And... was that the little troll? The two of them seemed to be close, but of course, they were both freaks, and they usually stick together, except Icestorm, who likely didn't have any friends with that horrible behavior.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2055 Posted: 02:23:01 26/03/2020 | Topic Creator
Soon Crystal came on deck. She walked tows him. “Seems like we have another visitor.”

“A visitor with attitude.” Icestorm said.

“Eh don’t let people like that get to you. I know you’re cautious but relax. She wouldn’t dare try anything with everyone around.” Crystal said.

“You’re right. Just a someone with an attitude.” Icestorm said as he sat down and looked off over the water.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2056 Posted: 02:38:01 26/03/2020
Huntress rolled her eyes, overhearing the conversation. So even Icestorm had someone. No dragon at least, but had to be someone annoying if it could tolerate all his unprovoked rudeness. She really wanted to put Icestorm in his place, but she felt angry, and if she did something right now, Crystal was simply going to mistake her behavior as Icestorm being right, and she wasn't going to give him that pleasure, so she decided to keep ignoring him and act mature to further ridicule him.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1517
#2057 Posted: 03:29:11 26/03/2020
Mischief quietly followed Huntress before rather suddenly asking "So, if you're here to talk to the Captain, may I ask why? Actually, what's your name, Miss? I don't think I've ever seen you before. You have a history with Captain Sere maybe?" The vixen tilted her head curiously as she spouted the series of questions at a rapid pace.
Darkheart stretched and raised her head, quickly noticing Huntress. She felt a sudden vague dread. She didn't know why, but she felt a strange fear. She nudged Raclaw. "Raclaw, love, do... Do we know her? Or at least do you? She seems familiar somehow..."
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2058 Posted: 04:46:45 26/03/2020
Huntress almost drew one of her weapons when Mischief startled her, but resisted just in time. Mischief asking her what she wanted with Sere, or even if she had a history with him added more salt to the wound.
"What is everyone's problem around here? Haven't I made myself clear enough already? What I want to talk with Godfather Sere concerns me and him only! Why can't anyone mind their own business? Look..." Huntress started to say, quite upset, although she never raised her voice at Mischief and took a more passive agressive tone. She didn't know what Mischief was. Wolf? Fox? A weird werewolf? She didn't know how to address Mischief, so she continued.
"Listen... I need to talk to Godfather Sere. The subject doesn't concern any of you, so I would really appreciate if you, and that little thing over there, just stop asking me questions. Please? That's not too much to ask, right?" Huntress said, far more calmer now, but the slight twitch in her eye was a subtle hint that she just wanted to explode. Just what the heck was wrong with the leader of the Guardians? With so many weird creatures, this ship felt more like a freak circus than a vessel with warriors and sailors.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9196
#2059 Posted: 04:56:50 26/03/2020
Angora remained silent for a while, thinking about everything. If the people of Redwater were able to forgive her, a troll, then perhaps Shade too. The only difference was that she was innocent from the very beginning. He was not. It was going to be harder for him.
"Well, he has a lot of work to do either way. He did something... quite severe, but the king knows Shady spent time with me and Maverick, and a dragon with friends is bound to help his cause. It's not like he was a rogue, lone dragon." Angora observed, hoping that could help him a bit. She also prayed he didn't end up in a cage or in chains each time he wasn't powering the weapon. In a way, she was hoping Shade would be treated the same way Latnok treated Raclaw. Regardless of her opinion to the young Guardian, she recognized he was quite a good friend to the fur dragon.
Mischief quietly followed Huntress before rather suddenly asking "So, if you're here to talk to the Captain, may I ask why? Actually, what's your name, Miss? I don't think I've ever seen you before. You have a history with Captain Sere maybe?" The vixen tilted her head curiously as she spouted the series of questions at a rapid pace.
Darkheart stretched and raised her head, quickly noticing Huntress. She felt a sudden vague dread. She didn't know why, but she felt a strange fear. She nudged Raclaw. "Raclaw, love, do... Do we know her? Or at least do you? She seems familiar somehow..."

"Agreed--.," Raclaw began to say as Darkheart nudged him. "We do.. or at least I do. Latnok and I once ran into her on the streets of Redwater. I believe she tried to buy me; or at least she thought about buying me. Now that I think about it, I don't know if Latnok knew about that.," he then said turning his glance towards the black dragoness and thinking out loud. 'That was when I had that nightmare..," he shuddered as he internally recalled the incident.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2060 Posted: 05:12:42 26/03/2020 | Topic Creator
“I’m a Dwarf Kaiju. I would like it if you didn’t insult me.” Icestorm said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2061 Posted: 06:15:06 26/03/2020
"And I am suppose to know that... how?" Huntress said sarcastically, believing Icestorm intended for her to know his species out of the blue. She was starting to think it was a bad idea to arrive to the ship.
"Oh forget it! I'll just wait for Godfather Sere at the port like I intended! I'm not staying here if I'm going to be badgered by you lot!" she finally said, having enough of this freak show. She felt like she was being ganged up, so she stormed out of the ship, intending to wait for Sere in the port like the original plan was. Chances were he was going to arrive by wyvern, so she was going to know. And to think it all started because she had the audacity to ask that little red dragon creature a small favor. Dragon, kaiju, whatever he was, she should've known it was just a tiny monster.

Angora didn't like how Darkheart interrupted their conversation. She expected that from Latnok, not her. She failed to overhear the commotion behind them after being distracted so much with her little talk with Raclaw. She took a glimpse behind her to see what was going on, and spotted Huntress right before she stormed off. Was Raclaw talking about her? Buying? It was all so confusing.
"That woman... hey, that woman is the one who paid for our meals. Mine and Maverick's. We went to a restaurant earlier and she paid everything. What is she doing here?" Angora asked, wondering why she visited the ship, but above all, why was she angry? Angora had a good enough glance at her before leaving that she could tell she was furious. But why? Or better question, why was she here? Did she followed Maverick? Many women were quite attracted to him, but this was quite ridiculous.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2062 Posted: 06:27:11 26/03/2020 | Topic Creator
“She is waiting for the captain.” Icestorm said. “I did nothing wrong and she has got an attitude towards me.” Icestorm said. “All I’m doing is being cautious.”
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2063 Posted: 15:39:02 26/03/2020
Latnok, who may have given a more angry condemnation before, just put his hands up in the air and gave a frustrated sigh. "You know, if you want to leave a good impression on humans and other folks here, your first idea shouldn't be doing your damndest to drive them away, especially after I invite them onboard. Leave the interrogation to me next time," he warned.
Whatever the deal was, at least she would still be waiting around for Sere. Driving her away completely would have been potentially disastrous if she had anything important to say to him. He didn't know what the business was, but if it was with Godfather Sere specifically, he figured he'd find out in due time.

Ilasi pulled herself back to the moment when Maverick asked what was wrong - she didn't mean to make him worry about anything involving the visit. "Oh, sorry. It's no big deal," she assured Maverick, giving the best smile she could muster for the time. "I'll be fine. Just thinking about my parents. Didn't expect them to care so much about seeing their failure of a daughter again. Well, then... Let's get going. I can go anywhere right now." As long as it occupied her, Ilasi wouldn't care what she did.
I'm just... a guy...
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1517
#2064 Posted: 16:01:52 26/03/2020
Mischief recoiled when Huntress clearly showed her frustration. She had no idea what she did wrong, and simply surrendered. Those soft blue eyes watered slightly before the vixen turned away and walked away (somewhat hurriedly) from this woman who was so angry at everyone. She curled up in a quiet little corner. If her robes hadn't been ruined by her sudden evolution she'd have covered herself, as it was she simply looked down at the deck silently. Was it her appearance? Did she say something wrong? She made a mental note to use her illusion before entering town.
Darkheart watched the somewhat chaotic confrontation, eyes displaying a hint of sadness at Mischief's being upset. "Well, whoever she is it seems she's got a grudge against everyone on board. I've only seen one other person look ready to murder Mischief, and that's Latnok." She shook her head. "I recommend just keeping your distance. Something about her gives me chills."
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2065 Posted: 16:03:17 26/03/2020
Angora was about to say something to Icestorm when the naturally angry Latnok beat her to it. She hated to admit it, but perhaps he had a small point. She waited for him to talk before addressing to the little kaiju.
"I can understand you wanting to be cautious around strangers, but perhaps she took your caution the wrong way?" she asked, knowing that Icestorm was very similar to like how she was years before. Untrusting and rubbing people the wrong way. Mischief was there too, and she seemed worried, and very sad. Since Angora didn't see what happened, she didn't know if she had anything to do about driving the woman away, and wished she could've been present to prevent the unpleasant display. The woman saw her earlier and didn't seem to mind her presence, so perhaps she could've helped calm things down. Even Darkheart, who didn't get in trouble often, seemed to dislike her.

Huntress couldn't see what was going on up there the ship being so tall, but she had a thing or two to talk to Sere when she sees him. She couldn't believe that the leader of all the Guardians, a man her dear king respected so much, accepted such horrible beasts into his ship. He wasn't the highly respected man she thought to be. All she ever heard about the Guardians was how they saved people and exterminated creatures that were a threat to humanity, but there he was, in the company of such weirdo monsters. She had quite a bit to say to him before their business.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:05:03 26/03/2020 by Felines
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2066 Posted: 16:38:56 26/03/2020 | Topic Creator
Icestorm looked to Latnok and then Angora then back. He knew they both had a point. He felt bad for his reaction. “Sir May I apologize to the lady? I feel bad making her unwelcomed here.” Icestorm said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2067 Posted: 16:44:36 26/03/2020
Angora smiled, nodding in approval. She didn't see what Icestorm did to make the woman storm off like that, but it seemed pretty bad. For what she could look, the woman left while Icestorm was directly at her, so he must've said or did something that made her leave so suddenly like that. Since the permission was for Latnok, Angora took the time to get to Mischief.
"Hey. What's wrong? Hey, don't worry about it. Icestorm is about to apologize to the woman. Whatever happened there, it wasn't your fault." Angora assured, not having seen what happened, but. Is chief wasn't the type to offend anybody, at least on purpose.
"I know things are bad here, but once we finally deal with the Ishulgites, it's a whole new world out there." she then assured, feeling so weird consoling someone, but Maverick did it for her often, so she used his experience to try it herself.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1517
#2068 Posted: 18:28:51 26/03/2020
Mischief looked up at Angora and managed a weak smile. She returned to looking almost sulky as she stared at the deck. "I need to remember to activate my illusion before we enter town. What with how those HERE see me, ordinary humans would likely panic at the sight..."
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2069 Posted: 21:29:08 26/03/2020
Latnok shook his head. "Don't worry about it now. Our best bet is for you to just stay away from her until her dealings with Godfather Sere are over," he advised. "Hopefully it's nothing that her impressions of you would affect."
Far in the sky, the familiar sight of a large, dark wyvern approaching could be seen. As it grew larger, Latnok was able to clearly identify it as Sere. A team of smaller wyverns began approaching him, but soon changed course - possibly because they identified him.
It would take several minutes, but Veris was soon close enough to begin descending. He broke the rapid flight to slow down as he touched down on the deck. He lowered himself and Sere roughly hopped off - opening the door to the wyvern pen to allow Veris to refresh himself with the water.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2070 Posted: 21:38:19 26/03/2020 | Topic Creator
Icestorm looked at Huntress. “I guess you’re right.”
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2071 Posted: 22:14:17 26/03/2020
Quote: A Guy
Ilasi pulled herself back to the moment when Maverick asked what was wrong - she didn't mean to make him worry about anything involving the visit. "Oh, sorry. It's no big deal," she assured Maverick, giving the best smile she could muster for the time. "I'll be fine. Just thinking about my parents. Didn't expect them to care so much about seeing their failure of a daughter again. Well, then... Let's get going. I can go anywhere right now." As long as it occupied her, Ilasi wouldn't care what she did.

"Aww mi amor. Why do you say that? You have done so many amazing things. You're a healer. And you purify water so we can all drink it safely. You even helped Angorita when she was in that prison. I thank you so much for that. And your parents. They're just worried about you. Give them at least that. Come on. Let's go to the beach. Maybe you can add me a merman tail made of sand. That's as closest as I'll get." Maverick said jokingly, wanting to make her feel better and looking forward to some time at the beach.

Quote: darknessdawn
Mischief looked up at Angora and managed a weak smile. She returned to looking almost sulky as she stared at the deck. "I need to remember to activate my illusion before we enter town. What with how those HERE see me, ordinary humans would likely panic at the sight..."

Angora chucked, still not getting used to her ability.
"Heh, not all of us have the facility to hide in plain sight, but if you have to hide all the time, you'll never be happy." Angora stated, knowing too well how that was.
"Don't worry about the woman. I'm sure she's just stressed, and maybe Icestorm acidentally offended her. Leave your illusions to the enemy." she then recommended, not wanting Mischief to have to rely on her ability to live. She cringed a little when she saw Sere returning, believing Veris would bestow upon her another one of his forceful displays of affection, so she was quite relieved when Sere lead him directly to the pen.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 22:24:02 26/03/2020 by Felines
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2072 Posted: 20:54:40 27/03/2020
Of course Maverick would know what to say to cheer her up. "That sounds like an absolutely lovely idea. Just... try not to swim away and find another mermaid," she jokingly requested. Taking one of the waterways to the beach shore would probably be the quickest way to get there - so she led Maverick on the way. Some of the pathways had currents - they would help the two travel very quickly.

Latnok reported to Sere the moment he was free. "Godfather Sere, there's a visitor here to see you," he informed the older Guardian. "Younger, smaller woman. The crew here didn't exactly give her the best first impression. Something that may be worth considering."
"Thank you," Sere said. "Where is she?"
"She's on the dock somewhere. If she has any idea who you are, she should know you just came in. Unless you want me to look for her?"
"We'll just wait here," Sere answered. "As for the trip... we have a plan set up. I'll explain more about it once the time is right and the details come together..."
I'm just... a guy...
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1517
#2073 Posted: 21:02:17 27/03/2020
Mischief just gave a half-hearted shrug at Angora, then raised her head to look at Sere when he passed her. Her claws twitched slightly and she shifted into a slightly more upright position. Her head tilted and her ears twitched as she tried to listen in, with some success.
Darkheart gave Sere a respectful nod.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2074 Posted: 22:02:27 27/03/2020
Sere didn't have to wait much longer though, for as soon as Huntress saw Veris landing, she knew it was the old Guardian arriving. She didn't wait for Latnok to call her this time. She was already making her way up the ship from the gangplank.
"Ah, greetings Godfather Sere. I gather you had a safe trip?" Huntress said in the most polite of voices.
"Pardon me for entering like this. I was waiting for you at the ship, but... well, there were some complications." she said, wondering if Latnok told him already how she was treated. She wanted Icestorm to be punished, or at least scolded for his dastard behavior.

Quote: A Guy
Of course Maverick would know what to say to cheer her up. "That sounds like an absolutely lovely idea. Just... try not to swim away and find another mermaid," she jokingly requested. Taking one of the waterways to the beach shore would probably be the quickest way to get there - so she led Maverick on the way. Some of the pathways had currents - they would help the two travel very quickly.

Maverick enjoyed the small ride as he replied Ilasi.
"Hah! Another mermaid? Not likely! My heart has been ensnared by yours." Maverick assured, determined to be a one woman man even if he knew he would probably have to deal with more women after him like it has happened often. With his comment, he imagined Angora making fun of him if he had heard what he just said.

Quote: darknessdawn
Mischief just gave a half-hearted shrug at Angora, then raised her head to look at Sere when he passed her. Her claws twitched slightly and she shifted into a slightly more upright position. Her head tilted and her ears twitched as she tried to listen in, with some success.
Darkheart gave Sere a respectful nod.

Angora looked at Mischief, and believed her new behavior was we trying to eavesdrop. She has done it herself before, so she knew the cues.
"Hey. Just take it easy, alright? Things look dire now, but they will get better." the troll assured, though was almost certain Mischief was ignoring her to try to listen. She didn't mind though, for Angora herself had many things in her head, like what would Sere's strategy be against the Ishulgites be or how would she deal with his job offering and Veris himself. Having arrived to Redwater, she didn't think she had to feed him anymore... at least yet. But they still had plenty to talk about...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2075 Posted: 22:26:38 27/03/2020
Sere gave a slight nod, with his chin resting on a fist. "I've been informed of potential complications, though I do not know the specifics," he acknowledged. "But I'm still in one piece, as you can see. I don't believe I'm familiar with you - what is it you require my attention for?" Sere rremained slightly suspicious, though it wouldn't be the first time some random person wanted an autograph or the like from him. Though he loathed doing such things - feeling that they trivialized the meaning of his job - he recognized that he was easily enough to identify to make such matters inevitable (even if they only rarely happened), and would typically oblige the person.

Ilasi's cheeks grew flush with Maverick's declaration of devotion. "Well, we're mutually entangled then," she replied. She still couldn't believe she just happened to find such a great man while doing a random job... and almost threw it away because of her own cynicism and insecurities. She tried to avoid thinking back on that time.
The waterway led to an underwater rocky wall, which the two left through. From there, the beach was only a little bit of a swim away. Ilasi wondered if Maverick picked the beach in consideration for her - moving around in the aquatic form was much smoother on sand than dry land.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2076 Posted: 23:08:35 27/03/2020
After reaching the surface, Maverick allowed Ilasi to remove the bubble. He could swim the rest of the way, but he always forgot one little detail.
"Whew, these hairs may be soft and adorable to you Ilasi, but they get quite heavy when wet. Hah, I don't need barbells when exercising. Just splash my arms with water and they'll do the trick." Maverick said jokingly, the hair in his arms gaining a couple of pounds when wet. They were just a slight burden to Maverick though, for he could still swim just fine.

Quote: A Guy
Sere gave a slight nod, with his chin resting on a fist. "I've been informed of potential complications, though I do not know the specifics," he acknowledged. "But I'm still in one piece, as you can see. I don't believe I'm familiar with you - what is it you require my attention for?" Sere rremained slightly suspicious, though it wouldn't be the first time some random person wanted an autograph or the like from him. Though he loathed doing such things - feeling that they trivialized the meaning of his job - he recognized that he was easily enough to identify to make such matters inevitable (even if they only rarely happened), and would typically oblige the person.

Huntress saw Sere back then in the arena when he talked to the king, though she could understand why he didn't remembered her. He probably saw too many faces on a daily basis.
"Sir. I won't take much of your time. I'm here on urgent business. King Seraos trusts you, and I want to help him. And I've heard you've come to help..." Huntress started to say, but before proceeding, she had to take something off her chest.
"But before we do business, pardon my boldness, but you have an abysmal taste in companions. Here I come, in peace and strictly to talk to you, and I get badly treated and interrogated like some vulgar criminal." Huntress complained, giving a glare to Icestorm just a few feet away. Mischief also couldn't mind her own business, immediately asking her what was her business with Sere was when it was none of her concern, but at least she used a kinder, more polite voice when addressing to her, so Huntress was more wiling to forgive her specifically.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2077 Posted: 00:12:35 28/03/2020
Though Sere found Huntress somewhat brusque in her manner of address, he always made sure to maintain a calm, professional attitude. "I apologize for the difficulty you have had," he politely offered. "We have been out for months, fighting the Ishulgites with all of their trickery and other monsters - and we came here knowing that Rigel was planning to initiate a civil war. They are on edge after such occurrences - though I will see that such behavior is adjusted in the future."
Sere gave a quick glance at Icestorm and Mischief before looking back. "Now, it's excellent that you want to help. We could use all the help we can get right now. What are you able to offer?" As Sere couldn't recognize her, he had no way of corroborating her stated desires - it would be careless of him to bring her directly to him if it was some trick by the Ishulgites to assassinate him.

Ilasi wouldn't really be able to empathize with Maverick on that issue; merfolk had a pittance of body hair compared to humans (especially a fawn hybrid), and it wasn't even an issue for most humans. In addition, their skin was a bit better at repelling water. Of course, this had the side effect of making sweating less effective, and hot days were harder to deal with.
"Is that an invitation? Maybe we'll just give that a try. It'd be a surprise, though," Ilasi jested. A potential practical joke - was that the term? She never had the opportunity to be involved in many jokes or much playing growing up.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2078 Posted: 00:45:41 28/03/2020
Satisfied and convinced that Icestorm will be punished, Huntress began to talk, even though she didn't like they were around others. It wasn't exactly a private matter, but she still hated when others eavesdropped on her conversations.
"All I can say sir is I have travelled most of the city, trying to keep morale among the people. But if you can tell, it hasn't been easy. People are full of doubt, and the winter didn't make it easy. Needless to say, I am very sure the winter was caused by sorcery to further eliminate the people's hope. If you plan to recruit soldiers to dethrone this... Rigel you said his name was? Anyway, if you plan to stop him, DON'T recruit humans. As you know, humanity is, sadly... rather weak willed. I have heard much talking. Too much I must say, and I'm afraid it can be easy to be betrayed." Huntress warned, not expecting any reward, but expecting Sere to take her words to heart.

Quote: A Guy
Ilasi wouldn't really be able to empathize with Maverick on that issue; merfolk had a pittance of body hair compared to humans (especially a fawn hybrid), and it wasn't even an issue for most humans. In addition, their skin was a bit better at repelling water. Of course, this had the side effect of making sweating less effective, and hot days were harder to deal with.
"Is that an invitation? Maybe we'll just give that a try. It'd be a surprise, though," Ilasi jested. A potential practical joke - was that the term? She never had the opportunity to be involved in many jokes or much playing growing up.

Maverick raised an eyebrow, wondering what she had in mind.
"Well, they couldn't get more wet right now." He commented as they reached the beach, really wanting some fun times before they inevitably had to battle the Ishulgites. Nothing better to do than to take this moment and enjoy it, since they wouldn't be able to have days like this in likely a long while.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#2079 Posted: 01:21:21 28/03/2020 | Topic Creator
Icestorm still felt bad after hearing why she was there. He walked to Sere. “Captain? I’m sorry for interrupting but may I apologize to her?” Icestorm said.

Meanwhile Shade was laying in a corner of his cell. He was curled up only moving every now and then to get in a more comfortable spot. His chains shook and made noise every time he moved. He did not know when he would be moved again.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:41:53 28/03/2020 by Spyroconvexity
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2080 Posted: 02:56:25 28/03/2020
Sere still wasn't completely sure he could trust Huntress, but he gave a small, confident smile nonetheless. "Don't you worry. Everyone I will need is already accounted for," he assured her. "Rigel undoubtedly knows we'll try to stop him, and will be taking countermeasures against that - but if he thinks he's won, he'll soon realize that I've been playing this game for quite a few more years than he has. He will have his zenith - but the sun only sets from there..."

Though she could play in the wet sand, Ilasi had to make sure to avoid being immersed, lest she delay the transformation back to terrestrial locomotion. Even now, there were some others playing - despite the dire situation, the Aelinon rulership did its best to keep things as normal as possible. Sometimes Ilasi felt guilty about enjoying herself while others were working; but did she not also work while others had the chance to enjoy themselves? Regardless of whether the thought was rational, it made her feel uncomfortable at first - Maverick was helping her feel better and better about just having a chance to let loose like any person should be able to.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2081 Posted: 03:48:22 28/03/2020
Maverick was having the time of his life, and was very glad some people were there too. Despite the city's situation, it was good to unwind. He would become playful, even tripping Ilasi but catching her before she hit the sand.
"Fooled." He would say naughtily, sensing Ilasi was still uneasy, but he wanted to give her the best distraction he could so that she would be as stress free as possible for when they faced the Ishulgites.

But as Maverick had fun, Angora was having some severe issues of her own. Facing the Ishulgites was going to be dangerous, but she believed the battle would be brief. The job offer on the other hand was something that will likely affect her for the rest of her life. What she should do? She wanted to visit Veris and tried to talk him out of it... but she already tried too many times. Why would this time be different? It was especially worse since he already knew Sere approved of her to do the job. As she brainstormed, she hated making such a big deal out of this, but the wyvern had her hands tied. If only she had treated him like the rest of his caretakers did, he wouldn't have grown this attached to her, and she wouldn't be facing this problem...

Quote: A Guy
Sere still wasn't completely sure he could trust Huntress, but he gave a small, confident smile nonetheless. "Don't you worry. Everyone I will need is already accounted for," he assured her. "Rigel undoubtedly knows we'll try to stop him, and will be taking countermeasures against that - but if he thinks he's won, he'll soon realize that I've been playing this game for quite a few more years than he has. He will have his zenith - but the sun only sets from there..."

Huntress nodded, then noticed Icestorm trying to apologize and scoffed, not forgiving the way he treated her. She didn't do anything to him, and whatever his problem was, he had no right to be that horrible. Ignoring him, Huntress once again addressed to Sere.
"Well, if you say so. It wouldn't be a bad idea though to teach certain... beings to treat ladies. Can you imagine someone treating others so horribly without even knowing them?" Huntress said dryly, glad Icestorm was there to hear her.

"But anyway, that concludes our business. Seems you didn't need any advice for the battle ahead. Oh, but one more word of caution..." she began to say, clearly not done.
"There is a... certain sailor you have here. Maverick I believe he's called? Perhaps you don't know, but he's the son of Armon Blakes. You remember him, don't you? He eluded even Guardian pursuit. Now I don't blame you. He looks nothing like his father. Acts nothing like him either... but I wouldn't lower my guard. I thought you of all people would know better than to trust someone like him. Blakes blood..." Huntress warned, getting ready to leave. While the business was intentional, the warning about Maverick had been her priority.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2082 Posted: 04:14:55 28/03/2020
"Armon Blakes... that's a name I haven't heard in a long time..." Sere didn't try to stop Huntress as he spent a second thinking on the name. A highly wanted fugitive. An absolutely ruthless pirate. The Guardians considered his actions to be too dangerous to humans as a whole to ignore - but they had few opportunities to catch him on land, and he and his crew were too heavily armed to permit anything more than a quick fly-by with wyverns for a potentially opportunistic strike. Despite their best efforts, such strikes never managed to assassinate their primary target.
"I must consider your words... and see what he has to say. Thank you." Sere left to head back to his own cabin, needing to consider some things. "Latnok, let me know when Maverick gets here," he called out as he left. "We need to have a talk about this deal." Regardless of how Maverick was now, the fact remained that, if the claim was true, he himself would have been guilty of being an accomplice to piracy, were he deemed competent enough to make his own decision on the matter (regardless of how fair it was to expect such a decision from him based on his circumstances.) Sere himself could potentially forgive such a transgression - but Aelinon? There wasn't a chance. War heroes had been executed for crimes they did years ago when they were uncovered. And Ilasi - if Aelinon recognized her relationship with Maverick in that case, she could be depatriated.
Why was he given this information? Why not someone in Aelinon who had power? Did the woman expect him to kill Maverick? Was this all some Ishulgite trick? That had to be it. He would speak with Maverick right after, and the whole deal would just be dismissed as some crazy notion made to sow dissension.
Latnok himself grimaced at the thought. Maverick was rather vague when he told them about his past. He certainly was right about the seaman knowledge - but he just happened to leave out the small detail of participation in a pirate crew. It had to be a lie, though... right? Maverick didn't seem a man capable of such a thing...

Thanks to Maverick, Ilasi was able to just unwind in preparation for the major battle. After this, they would have a day to make final preparations... and then the ceremony. They had to be ready by then. For now, though, everyone had to be in a good state of mind - herself included. She would remember to return the favor as best she could and help Maverick ease when he was stressed or worn out - but she had to be careful. A bit of medicine could help, but she didn't want to drug him to the level she did the first time.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2083 Posted: 04:49:26 28/03/2020
With her business concluded, and believing Sere would do what she wanted done a long time ago, she left... but not before looking at Mischief and Angora.
"Huntress. Just call me Huntress. Just to answer your previous question. And that's all you'll need to know." she said, being vague on purpose. Angora has been so deep in thought that she didn't overhear the conversation between the woman and Sere, and didn't even noticed her presence until she talked. Huntress? Seriously? She looked like anything but that. Clearly it was just a nickname and not her real name, just like her three silly friends. What was it with some humans and their weird nicknames anyway?

Quote: A Guy
Thanks to Maverick, Ilasi was able to just unwind in preparation for the major battle. After this, they would have a day to make final preparations... and then the ceremony. They had to be ready by then. For now, though, everyone had to be in a good state of mind - herself included. She would remember to return the favor as best she could and help Maverick ease when he was stressed or worn out - but she had to be careful. A bit of medicine could help, but she didn't want to drug him to the level she did the first time.

After a while of having fun, Maverick sat with Ilasi on the sand, enjoying the breeze.
"You know mi amor, after all this madness is over, we should choose some beautiful, rural place to live. I mean, I'm a traveling merchant, but I could easily change jobs. Traveling around is fun... but I think we should settle someplace in a long while. And we can have a few of our friends living nearby if they have nowhere else to go." Maverick stated, having so many plans for the future. He knew they still had too much to do before their happiness could be reached, but he was certain a positive attitude would help him focus better.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1517
#2084 Posted: 16:43:40 28/03/2020
Mischief nodded carefully. Beneath her fur all the blood had drained from her face at what the woman had said about Maverick. "Thank you, Miss Huntress..." It was deja vu. Once again a packmate was being accused. The vixen's ears twitched slightly as she tried to make a decision on how to approach it. It wasn't like THIS accusation could be torn apart, and it had just as little basis... And just a grave a consequence if it were trusted. She hoped Sere wouldn't turn on Maverick... He was a person who was kind without expecting anything in return. When Huntress was out of earshot she'd have to see what Angora had heard, if anything.

Darkheart, rather bored, formed a ball of solidified shadow (Digi or Star would've likely had a quip about it) and lazily tossed it in the air, catching it and throwing it back up. She was anxious to strike the Ishulgites down. "I wonder what she told Sere? I'm sure it was important, whatever it was... I just wish I knew why she makes my blood run cold... Metaphorically, I mean."
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2085 Posted: 17:29:16 28/03/2020
Despite having mostly lived in city areas her whole life, Ilasi always appreciated the quiet, peaceful atmosphere of the more rural areas - perhaps due to how the tranquility contrasted with her own usually busy routine. "It's a lovely idea, dear... Somewhere we can live in peace. We would have to find the right place - but I would very much like it," she said. "As for others - if they will live with us too, we will have to account for their own accommodation. But I think it's something we can manage." Ilasi had a sliver of a doubt that Angora would choose to live with her, but she was still willing to help out a friend in need.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2086 Posted: 18:33:57 28/03/2020
Angora wanted to ask Sere something, but he already left. She then looked at Mischief.
"Is everything alright? Just think about what I said." she said, thinking her face showed concern about what she was going to do next and not figuring it had to do with Huntress.

Quote: A Guy
Despite having mostly lived in city areas her whole life, Ilasi always appreciated the quiet, peaceful atmosphere of the more rural areas - perhaps due to how the tranquility contrasted with her own usually busy routine. "It's a lovely idea, dear... Somewhere we can live in peace. We would have to find the right place - but I would very much like it," she said. "As for others - if they will live with us too, we will have to account for their own accommodation. But I think it's something we can manage." Ilasi had a sliver of a doubt that Angora would choose to live with her, but she was still willing to help out a friend in need.

"Sure we can manage. Even if we don't live in the same house, we can still build another one. We will have money from this voyage. I still have plenty of money from past sales. And no olvides, Angorita still has all the money she won in the arena." Maverick reminded, still upset that he missed the moment. He really thought that Angora was going to die back then, but if he had known she was going to get out of there alive, he would've gone there. Now he felt guilty for not having a little more faith in her.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1517
#2087 Posted: 18:46:27 28/03/2020
Mischief nervously stroked her mane, anxious. "Angora... Did you hear what she claimed about... Maverick? Apparently he's related to an infamous criminal, Armon Blake or something. I've never heard the name before myself, but it doesn't sound like this will go well for him... Or Miss Ilasi, come to think of it." She anxiously shifted. "Whether her claim is true or not, this is bad for him. Rumors spread, expand, and often get worse at a stunning rate. Kinda like weeds." She turned her head to look towards the land. "Humans have a habit of being easily swayed, even Huntress stated such. They could easily be convinced Maverick is a monster. If so... I can't protect him forever." She shivered, scared for her friend. "The rest of what she said seemed genuinely well intentioned, but what would telling US such things possibly help? It's not like we can help who our family is... We don't get a choice in what our birthright is..." Her mind wandered. She couldn't let herself dwell on this, oh no.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2088 Posted: 21:12:31 28/03/2020
Maverick was right - money wouldn't be a concern for a while to come. "Finally finding a place to settle down... I never thought I would ever be able to see the day. There's still plenty to be done - but it's finally in sight now," she said. "We just have to finish the job - yes, just finish the job... we have to. We will."
After all, a world devoid of individuality would not be a world with people worth knowing.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2089 Posted: 21:34:09 28/03/2020
"We will make it Ilasi. We will. Even if we take a while. We will stop this society. We even have Orion's blessings, and I know that will make our success even more possible than it was the previous times." Maverick assured, ever optimistic. At that moment, he could feel like he was being watched... but there were plenty of people on this beach, and they were talking about the Ishulgites, so it had to be his imagination...

Quote: darknessdawn
Mischief nervously stroked her mane, anxious. "Angora... Did you hear what she claimed about... Maverick? Apparently he's related to an infamous criminal, Armon Blake or something. I've never heard the name before myself, but it doesn't sound like this will go well for him... Or Miss Ilasi, come to think of it." She anxiously shifted. "Whether her claim is true or not, this is bad for him. Rumors spread, expand, and often get worse at a stunning rate. Kinda like weeds." She turned her head to look towards the land. "Humans have a habit of being easily swayed, even Huntress stated such. They could easily be convinced Maverick is a monster. If so... I can't protect him forever." She shivered, scared for her friend. "The rest of what she said seemed genuinely well intentioned, but what would telling US such things possibly help? It's not like we can help who our family is... We don't get a choice in what our birthright is..." Her mind wandered. She couldn't let herself dwell on this, oh no.

Angora was quite confused. How come this woman, who so kindly paid everything she and Maverick consumed earlier, come here and all of the sudden claim Maverick wasn't to be trusted? Even more, how come she knew who his father was?
"She actually said that? That's... rather shocking. Maybe the woman just hate pirates and somehow knew about Maverick's heritage?" she said, though it was more out of thinking out loud than telling it to Mischief.

She addressed to her fox friend more directly this time after some pondering.
"Well whatever the case, I wouldn't worry Mischief. Yes, it's true. Maverick is the son of a ruthless pirate, but the guy is long dead now. Maverick left that life behind years ago. He even confessed to Ilasi the truth already, and she didn't care. That's true love there. Not sure if Sere knows Maverick is the son of Armon Blakes, but even if he doesn't he shouldn't care either. I mean, who would? Everyone has seen the kind of person Maverick really is. It's not like he purposely choose that father. He was born into the pirate life. He didn't choose it. But he had a chance to leave it and took it, and look at him now. That's what matters." Angora assured, hoping that was enough to give Mischief some peace of mind... though the information deeply disturbed her. Why would this woman treat Maverick so kindly before and then suddenly say such things about him. And how did she know who was his father?

While Angora wanted to keep talking with Mischief, she was now afraid the woman could've planted some seeds of doubts in Sere's mind. She wanted to trust he was much smarter than that, but she had to be certain.
"Wait here Mischief. Go play with Chester or something like they are doing..." she said, pointing at the three crazy friends.
"Or wait for Maverick and Ilasi to come back." she then stated as she ran toward Sere's office, assuming he was there. Even if he was busy, this was urgent. She gently knocked on the door, needing to speak with him...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:56:32 28/03/2020 by Felines
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2090 Posted: 00:31:17 29/03/2020
Sere came to the door quickly, not being occupied with much more than writing a missive. Opening the door, he looked own to see Angora.
"Greetings, Angora. i take it this is about Veris?" he asked, while motioning for her to come in. He knew she had some reluctance about the whole offer - though Veris would undoubtedly be happier if she accepted. What could he do...
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2091 Posted: 00:43:18 29/03/2020
"Ve... oh no. It has nothing to with him sir... at least... not yet." Angora stated, knowing that was a subject she couldn't escape from and would be touched upon later. But right now, she had another priority.
"I heard about that woman. And... well, I don't know how much Maverick ever told you, but I sincerely hope you aren't doubting him." Angora said meekly, not even bothering to enter his office and getting straight to the point. She didn't know what the woman's deal was, but she wanted to make sure nothing made Sere doubt the man that did so much to the ship and that couldn't be any more good.

At the beach, Huntress was watching...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2092 Posted: 00:50:58 29/03/2020
Sere sat back at his desk as they continued the conversation. "Naturally, I cannot just take some stranger at their word," he told Angora as he clasped his hands. "Besides the possibility of lying... there is always a chance that some nuance is lost. Depending on the validity of her accusations, they may complicate some matters - but I must speak to Maverick first before I am able to make a decision on the matter." That was the main issue - the incomplete picture. He really wished he knew where Maverick was at the moment...
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2093 Posted: 01:06:10 29/03/2020
Now Angora feared she might have made things worse by going to him. If Sere was taking that woman as a liar, she could've left it at that. But if he was planning on talking to Maverick, if likely would've been futile. He was a terrible liar, and after so much time of serving Sere and knowing how honest he was, Maverick was likely going to tell him the truth. Whatever happened, she hoped Sere wasn't too quick to judge for something that happened years ago and that wasn't even his fault, especially after all Maverick has done.
"Alright sir. Just wanted to be certain..." she said sincerely, and since she was already there, she wanted to get over the next subject.
"As for Veris... did he eat when you took him?" she said quite awkwardly, not ready to touch the employment matter yet. She wanted to believe she was ready, but she wasn't...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2094 Posted: 01:50:13 29/03/2020
Angora was understandably concerned about Maverick. Sere intended to do the best he could to make an impartial judgment. His own judgment wouldn't be the only one that mattered on the subject, however - they would just have to cross that bridge when they came to it.
"Veris ate when he arrived at the first destination, but he hasn't eaten yet," he informed Angora. "if you could feed him, I would appreciate it." Sere was planning to feed Veris himself, but if he could save time in a moment like this, it would be all the better.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2095 Posted: 02:06:51 29/03/2020
Angora nodded, glad to see that Sere was so calm. Maverick wasn't out of the woods yet, but Sere could be far more reasonable than Latnok.
"Alright sir. I will. And... I'll see you later." she hesitated again, clearly not ready to discuss employment with Sere. If she said she didn't want to or was not sure, Sere could tell Veris, and even though he couldn't talk human, she knew he could still understand. She felt so pathetic for being so worried about his reaction. Veris cared for her so much, so why was she so worried?

At the beach, Maverick continued spending time with his girlfriend, shaking off any feeling about being watched. He didn't want this moment to end, but he knew sorrowfully that they would have to leave eventually and go back to the ship to get ready to face those dastardly people...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1517
#2096 Posted: 02:23:54 29/03/2020
Mischief nervously drew out her orb, staring into the blue gemstone. Finally she wondered aloud "Where'd my orb even come from?" Eclipse suddenly responded. Little one, its origin lies with me... Are you familiar with kitsune lore? Not particularly. Then this will mean little. Just know you hold my very soul in your hands. Mischief was left incredibly confused. What on Earth did that mean?! She decided to just let the conundrum be and focus on the magick stored within her orb. Calmly, she focused on trying to get a glimpse of the Ishulgites. If she could accomplish this scrying spell it'd make everyone's jobs a lot easier. But it was to no avail, the only visions she was getting were of her past interactions. Grumbling at the uselessness of the efforts, she returned her attention to the shoreline. What did the future hold in store? One thing was certain. This war would become bloody once again.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2097 Posted: 03:12:35 29/03/2020
Ilasi was grateful for a moment to just let all her worries vanish as the two enjoyed their time on the beach. The sun was well past its zenith, however, and dusk was approaching.
No matter. "Well, dear, that's one more day down. This nightmare - it'll be difficult, but I know we will soon put an end to it," she confidently declared - more for herself, admittedly. There would be a few more hours on deck, and they could have a nice sleep when they were done.

Laszur, who had been gone the whole day, came back to the ship as night approached. He just had to find the one fox creature - what was her name? Mischief. An odd name, he always thought. He patrolled the deck, trying to find her - everything they needed for the operation was prepared.
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2098 Posted: 04:20:46 29/03/2020
When Angora reached the kitchen, she had much to think about. The battle ahead, that mysterious woman and her knowledge, Maverick and Ilasi's future, what would Mischief and the rest of her new friends do from now on, and above all, Shade's future. And of course, her own. It was way too much to think about. She wanted so badly to reach dry land, but now she was starting to miss the journey. She couldn't talk to Shade, but at least she could see him every day. Now neither was an option.

Arriving at Veris' pen with various types of meat that remained on the ship, she waited for the wyvern to gobble it all down before speaking.
"Your master was going to feed you, but he is super busy right now, so I did him the favor." Angora specified to make things clear. Despite not being on the journey anymore, she knew that Sere had to be as concentrated as possible with the plan, and feeding Veris would've been a brief distraction. Not to mention nobody but the two of them dared giving Veris' food directly instead of just throwing it at him. Latnok probably could, but she has never seen him interacting with the wyvern much.

Quote: A Guy
Ilasi was grateful for a moment to just let all her worries vanish as the two enjoyed their time on the beach. The sun was well past its zenith, however, and dusk was approaching.
No matter. "Well, dear, that's one more day down. This nightmare - it'll be difficult, but I know we will soon put an end to it," she confidently declared - more for herself, admittedly. There would be a few more hours on deck, and they could have a nice sleep when they were done.

"No te preocupes Ilasi. I know we can do it..." Maverick said, full of hope. He instinctively looked behind him, still having the same eerie feeling, but once again, he ignored it.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#2099 Posted: 19:58:58 29/03/2020
Mischief wasn't hard to identify, being an otherworldly creature. Finding her, Laszur stepped over to draw her attention.
"We have to get going now," he told her. "Our transportation is in order. Come." Indeed, thanks to some help from the Guardians, the risky wyvern flight wouldn't be a necessity.

Veris wasted no time devouring the meat before listening to Angora.. "Thank you!" he answered gratefully, as he laid down again. "Are you tired? Rest with me! What has been happening here? My human took me for a flight today to see the humans who follow him. I think you'll like them!" Veris remained blissfully unaware of Angora's thoughts on the matter of the other Guardians...
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238
#2100 Posted: 20:34:10 29/03/2020
About half an hour before dark, Ilasi and Maverick arrived to the ship, with the latter seeing what remained of the sunset. He looked behind him almost out of instinct, and looked to his surprise that the woman who paid for dinner earlier was there at the port, looking at him. Huntress didn't even bother to conceal herself this time. She waved at him and smiled, in what Maverick would've considered a sinister smile if she didn't look like such a pretty, frail woman. Maverick made sure Ilasi went ahead before turning to wave back... only to see that the woman wasn't there anymore. What's the deal? Was she stalking him? He only hoped his attraction to women hadn't reached a creepy level. He wouldn't know how to explain this to Ilasi.

Sweating, Maverick's nervousness was soon mellowed down thanks to the three friends approaching them.
"Hey hey! Welcome back you two lovebirds. You were gone for quite a while." Sand Dune welcomed, with Random doing a heart gesture with his hands.
"Hey you guys. Still here?" Maverick asked, having expected them to leave like most of the sailors, but then again, the poor men probably weren't getting paid due to the circumstances in which they got to the ship.
"Nah. We decided to stay here. There's nothing for us in the city, especially now with those crazy people threatening it. We decided to stay here and help you guys however we can." Sand Dune explained kindly, not willing to abandon his new friends, a sentiment the other two shared. Maverick was glad to have them on board, though deeply worried about them as well. They weren't given powers like Orion, so they could get easily harmed, unless they stay away from the battle and work at a clinic? That could be a great option for them.

Quote: A Guy
Veris wasted no time devouring the meat before listening to Angora.. "Thank you!" he answered gratefully, as he laid down again. "Are you tired? Rest with me! What has been happening here? My human took me for a flight today to see the humans who follow him. I think you'll like them!" Veris remained blissfully unaware of Angora's thoughts on the matter of the other Guardians...

Angora was tired indeed, and decided to accept Veris' invitation, but only because she had much talking to do with him.
"Not much. Your master paid most of the sailors and they left. He's still planning on what to do." Angora explained briefly, not finding it necessary to go into extreme details. Since she was already there, and Veris himself brought the subject, Angora took the moment to talk to him about the headquarters.
"To be honest Veris, it's not about me liking them. It's the other way around. What if they don't like me? Regardless on your master's orders, the hate is always a possibility. After all, I'm a troll, and both Latnok and your master hated me for a long time when we met. Latnok likely still does. I mean, isn't one of the Guardian's jobs to... eradicate species like me? Trolls are considered dangerous you know..." Angora started to say, certain that the young Guardian still wasn't fond of her and having lived long enough to know her kind was a hated, persecuted race. She has seen Aelinon kill trolls with her very eyes, and the two Guardians they were traveling with have threatened her own life in more than one occasion.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
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