I love all your dragons/dragonflys!
They'r all so cool!
Here's my dragon:
Name: Ryssa
Age: 15
Side: Good
Apearence: Grey scales, 8 long, golden horns, 1 red horn on the snout,
red belly, red wings with golden membrans(the upperset of Spyro), a red tail, and golden claws. She is a little larger than most dragons her age.
Element: Fire and ash.
History: She had a pretty tough childhood, since she didn't had many freinds. Her best freind has always been the dragonfly Leafy, but he had many freinds and he didn't always had time to be with her, even thoug he wanted to. But when he found out how bad she felt he begun to stay with her all the time, and he still does, even now when she has gotten new freinds.
Others: Ryssa has an EXSTREAM temperment, but is usually able to control it. Besides of that she can be very emotional, and easily get hurt.
She dosn't give a heck in what other people think, but is always willing to help the ones who needs her, unless they can handle it themself.
She's also very loyal, and can be overprotective at times.
That was my dragon, and here is my dragonfly:
Name: Leafy
Age: 15
Side: Good
Apearence: Bright green, with white wings.
History: Leafy has always been pretty popular among other dragonflys,
but has always liked Ryssa, the dragon, better than them, so when he found out that she was lonely when he was gone, he desided to stay with her, like Sparx stays with Spyro.
Others: Leafy can be childish, and a little naive at times, but he is still compleatly loyal to Ryssa.