Quote: SkyqueenQuote: DarkCynder_543
But he has to do something to trigger it. And it has to be something really bad. I doubt fighting original Spyro will trigger it.
I'm just going to point out as much things as I can in this post.... so... yeah. xD
People keep on saying that TLOS has more powers, but I think they're equal.
TLOS Spyro has earth, ice, electricity and fire. Original Spyro has Electricity, fire, ice, water AND bubble. He can trap Sparx in a bubble. 8D
TLOS Spyro has secondary attacks for his breaths, and so does original Spyro. Just play AHT.
TLOS Spyro has all thoughs melee moves. Original Spyro has head bash, charge.... he can SWIM as well as climb and he can spin around on a poll. And I'm pretty sure there are other moves that I've missed.
TLOS Spyro's breaths are limited. Once he has run out of power, he can't use them anymore, and he is helpless. Only original Spyro's secondary attack is limited. He can still use his breaths.
TLOS Spyro can fly (which killed a joke in the Spyro games. Spyro wasn't supposed to fly). But original Spyro can drive a UFO.
Original Spyro can use his horns. TLOS can't. You might as well just rip TLOS Spyro's horns off since they are no use.
TLOS has to attack over and over to take down ONE enemy. Plus he has to do a long dance in the air. Original Spyro and take down one enemy by simply charging into them. By the time original Spyro takes down 5 enemys, TLOS would have only taken down two.
Heck TLOS Spyro won't even fight Original Spyro. He is too soft.
Actually, original spyro is more powerful then TLOS.
Well, original Spyro only got ice, eletricity, water and bubble from the stone thingys (ETD) and from the faires in AHT.
TLOS also has fury atttacks, too.
I think LOS would win.
So? He could still use them, and it's unlimited. TLOS Spyro's breaths are limited.
TLOS Spyro can only use his fury if he collects enough purple gems. Original Spyro just has to destroy the purple crystals around the field, if there is any, and TLOS Spyro can't use his furys. Even if he did have enough power to do a fury, he wouldn't do it. He would just say, "I wouldn't fight you!" or something around thoughs lines, giving original Spyro the chance to kick his ass.
Wow... I'm actually ENJOYING this. O.o *sips ice tea, then walks away* .........
EDIT: *Facepalm* Sorry for double posting. I keep on forgetting that there is a multy quote button underneath anyone's post. >.>
I know, but...I still think LOS would win.