

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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The End [CLOSED]
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#1851 Posted: 22:05:10 11/11/2013
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#1852 Posted: 22:06:41 11/11/2013
Shut up! smilie

No...I'm serious....

The Windies (that's what I call us...) are a little uninvolved....they don't really ever post or make a topic on things e___e
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
RumpleLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3067
#1853 Posted: 22:08:31 11/11/2013
Quote: Starfire Dragon
^Oh really, so are you denying stalking my personal thoughts smilie

Yes, yes I am... And you can't prove anything! smilie

Quote: IsisStormDragon
Guys, I'm 27! *crawls away, feeling suddenly very out of place*

No! COME BACK! *chases*

Thanks Isis. I feel so loved! smilie
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know."
"But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:10:46 11/11/2013 by RumpleLover
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#1854 Posted: 22:16:38 11/11/2013
I'm thinking of raffling a few nests so I can buy genes/breed scrolls.
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#1855 Posted: 22:18:29 11/11/2013
I need 25K. My eggs hatch tomarrow and I don't have enought lair space D:
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#1856 Posted: 22:19:26 11/11/2013
I can loan it to you Bash.
Darkrai Doll Platinum Sparx Gems: 5026
#1857 Posted: 22:20:09 11/11/2013
I was just poking around in my Flight's forum for a bit, and then I saw

[User Posted Image]

Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#1858 Posted: 22:20:21 11/11/2013
I'm alright. I know it's hard for you to get $...
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#1859 Posted: 22:20:35 11/11/2013
7 more posts until I have 900 gems and 9000 posts!
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#1860 Posted: 22:21:05 11/11/2013
Quote: Bash28
I'm alright. I know it's hard for you to get $...

It's would be a loan, and I won't be needing it for a while.
Spyro-Fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5325
#1861 Posted: 22:21:44 11/11/2013
Quote: Darkrai Doll
I was just poking around in my Flight's forum for a bit, and then I saw

[User Posted Image]


What's wrong with having spiders as pets? 8<

Though I don't like spiders either. I'd much prefer to have a gecko or a snake.
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#1862 Posted: 22:21:59 11/11/2013
I'm alright. Save up your money for something C:
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
Darkrai Doll Platinum Sparx Gems: 5026
#1863 Posted: 22:22:54 11/11/2013
Quote: Spyro-Fan
Quote: Darkrai Doll
I was just poking around in my Flight's forum for a bit, and then I saw

[User Posted Image]


What's wrong with having spiders as pets? 8<

Though I don't like spiders either. I'd much prefer to have a gecko or a snake.


anything that involves spiders and is not about murdering them is wrong
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#1864 Posted: 22:28:01 11/11/2013
i have a phobia of spiders
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#1865 Posted: 22:31:01 11/11/2013
I want a rainbow dragono D:
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
Cynderfyre Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#1866 Posted: 22:39:32 11/11/2013
Warning for arachnophobic people but... Just look at this.

I had chocolate and now I feel ill...

Looks like I can breed my iridescent shimmer ridgebacks on sunday though, looking forwards to that.
Sitan ali dinamitan
RumpleLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3067
#1867 Posted: 22:43:47 11/11/2013
Did you eat chocolate because your dragon was making you think of candy? smilie

Wow, that picture... It's pretty neat! I like the colors in it...
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know."
"But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are."
Cynderfyre Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#1868 Posted: 22:59:30 11/11/2013
There was just some chocolate in the house! A bag of malteasers and half a bar of aero bubbles. I was feeling peckish.
Sitan ali dinamitan
Spyro-Fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5325
#1869 Posted: 23:02:22 11/11/2013
Quote: Cynderfyre
Warning for arachnophobic people but... Just look at this.

I had chocolate and now I feel ill...

Looks like I can breed my iridescent shimmer ridgebacks on sunday though, looking forwards to that.

What about this little dude? :3
RumpleLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3067
#1870 Posted: 23:05:34 11/11/2013
^ Awwww!

Quote: Cynderfyre
There was just some chocolate in the house! A bag of malteasers and half a bar of aero bubbles. I was feeling peckish.

I do that whenever I'm bored... (more with chips or something rather than chocolate, though)
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know."
"But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are."
Cynderfyre Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#1871 Posted: 23:05:44 11/11/2013
Quote: Spyro-Fan
Quote: Cynderfyre
Warning for arachnophobic people but... Just look at this.

I had chocolate and now I feel ill...

Looks like I can breed my iridescent shimmer ridgebacks on sunday though, looking forwards to that.

What about this little dude? :3


Cutest spidey of the year
Sitan ali dinamitan
Darkrai Doll Platinum Sparx Gems: 5026
#1872 Posted: 23:07:48 11/11/2013
Quote: Cynderfyre
Quote: Spyro-Fan
Quote: Cynderfyre
Warning for arachnophobic people but... Just look at this.

I had chocolate and now I feel ill...

Looks like I can breed my iridescent shimmer ridgebacks on sunday though, looking forwards to that.

What about this little dude? :3


Cutest spidey of the year

eww it's so hairy

The only spider I sort of like is that one yellow spider with the smiley face on it.
Cynderfyre Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#1873 Posted: 23:09:06 11/11/2013
Quote: Darkrai Doll
Quote: Cynderfyre
Quote: Spyro-Fan

What about this little dude? :3


Cutest spidey of the year

eww it's so hairy

The only spider I sort of like is that one yellow spider with the smiley face on it.

Happy face spider?
Sitan ali dinamitan
Darkrai Doll Platinum Sparx Gems: 5026
#1874 Posted: 23:09:58 11/11/2013
Yeah that's the one

look at it it's just looking at the camera all like ":D :D :D"
Cynderfyre Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#1875 Posted: 23:11:34 11/11/2013
Looks like ::D
Sitan ali dinamitan
RumpleLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3067
#1876 Posted: 23:13:37 11/11/2013
I never knew a spider could make me wanna smile. smilie
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know."
"But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are."
Darkrai Doll Platinum Sparx Gems: 5026
#1877 Posted: 23:15:55 11/11/2013
Quote: Cynderfyre
Looks like ::D


Anyways, someone wanna buy these? The last one has a name, though.

[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#1878 Posted: 23:17:44 11/11/2013
id take the last one. whats the name...
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
Darkrai Doll Platinum Sparx Gems: 5026
#1879 Posted: 23:20:15 11/11/2013
Clicking on the dragon links to it, y'know.

Her name's Skyseeker. If you don't like it, buy a renaming scroll because I'm dirt poor and can't afford 6k to buy one for you.

She's 7k because she's level 4.
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#1880 Posted: 23:28:16 11/11/2013

Spyro-Fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5325
#1881 Posted: 23:31:40 11/11/2013
Quote: HotDogAndZap

CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#1882 Posted: 23:36:12 11/11/2013
So, today I was talking about FR with a friend at school, since he's quite new, he dosen't know the names of the Flight Leaders, so he came up with this smilie

Plaguebringer (He knows this one)
Shadowbinder (He's in shadow, so he knows)
Earthshaker (He knows because I'm earth.)
The SplashyBringer (Water Flight, I burst out laughing smilie )
The Windblower (I don't know where he got this from)
The Arking (Arcane Flight, again, I'm confused.)
Canadastormer (Ice Flight, quite fitting I guess.)
The Light Demon (i dont even)
Sparx (Lightning Flight, OH HI DER SiA!)
Applejack (Nature Flight, and thus I learned he is a brony *sigh*)
We forgot Fire existed e_____e
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#1883 Posted: 23:38:50 11/11/2013
Quote: CommanderGame
So, today I was talking about FR with a friend at school, since he's quite new, he dosen't know the names of the Flight Leaders, so he came up with this smilie

Plaguebringer (He knows this one)
Shadowbinder (He's in shadow, so he knows)
Earthshaker (He knows because I'm earth.)
The SplashyBringer (Water Flight, I burst out laughing smilie )
The Windblower (I don't know where he got this from)
The Arking (Arcane Flight, again, I'm confused.)
Canadastormer (Ice Flight, quite fitting I guess.)
The Light Demon (i dont even)
Sparx (Lightning Flight, OH HI DER SiA!)
Applejack (Nature Flight, and thus I learned he is a brony *sigh*)
We forgot Fire existed e_____e

RumpleLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3067
#1884 Posted: 23:45:44 11/11/2013
Quote: HotDogAndZap

This one's enjoyable, as well:
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know."
"But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are."
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#1885 Posted: 23:49:22 11/11/2013
Quote: RumpleLover

that was beautiful
RumpleLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3067
#1886 Posted: 23:53:18 11/11/2013
Oh, then there's this one:

And this:
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know."
"But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are."
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#1887 Posted: 23:58:54 11/11/2013
speaking of Lion king II, this clip:

Simba: But they...
Kiara: them? us? look at them. they are us! what differences do you see?
Me: They use more eyeliner!
RumpleLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3067
#1888 Posted: 00:02:31 12/11/2013
^ ha, ha, ha! smilie You make me laugh! smilie Hilarious! *Goes off to find more Croatian Lion King songs...*
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know."
"But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are."
Spyro-Fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5325
#1889 Posted: 00:10:51 12/11/2013
rumple i love you too

scar is sexy in croatian
Darkrai Doll Platinum Sparx Gems: 5026
#1890 Posted: 00:19:25 12/11/2013
take the F out of Flamecaller
Spyro-Fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5325
#1891 Posted: 00:20:33 12/11/2013
^ heheheh

I just realized that a Cro version of My Lullaby sounds darker.
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#1892 Posted: 00:47:48 12/11/2013
Hey guys.
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#1893 Posted: 00:51:51 12/11/2013
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
Cynderfyre Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#1894 Posted: 00:58:53 12/11/2013
Croatian Scar's evil laugh omg

I think you are all forgetting the most important one

Sitan ali dinamitan
Sky Airglow Yellow Sparx Gems: 1136
#1895 Posted: 00:59:05 12/11/2013
'Sup! smilie
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#1896 Posted: 01:00:37 12/11/2013
Holy cow. I leave FR for 1 1/2 hrs and I get 6 notifications smilie
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#1897 Posted: 01:03:33 12/11/2013
It's been a while since a page hasn't been claimed for the almighty Earthshaker!
So I declare this page territory of Earth Flight!

When it comes to getting pages, I stalk this topic like a ninja ~_~
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:04:18 12/11/2013 by CommanderGame
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