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Pyro's Art Topic! [CLOSED]
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#1651 Posted: 04:37:53 14/05/2012
k) No I can't! smilie
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1652 Posted: 04:50:26 14/05/2012 | Topic Creator
@greenlantern- Captain America? Ohh boy, well, I could try! Any particular pose/scene you want him in?
l) Oh YES! smilie
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#1653 Posted: 14:34:32 14/05/2012
m) Nu-uh! smilie
miniquiny999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4260
#1654 Posted: 20:57:07 14/05/2012
I can. I'm a girl. I'm older Than her.
im not dead but only in theory since i never use this heckin site anymore. send me a pm if you want i'll try to get back to ya this century
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1655 Posted: 21:43:53 14/05/2012 | Topic Creator
n) Imagine, her telling your parents: "Mom! Dad! I saw this vampire that fell on top of a lady with no clothes on, and he started pushing her into the wall! It looked like it hurt, but she seemed to like it! Why??" Hahaha.. Oh gosh.. smilie
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#1656 Posted: 15:54:22 15/05/2012
o) Then parents will bury me alive... smilie
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1657 Posted: 22:17:51 15/05/2012 | Topic Creator
p) LOL. (And yes..that's an option.. smilie)
PICTURE DUMP.. Get ready for some randomness, but some artwork too! smilie

My doggy! She's so adorable.. :3

[User Posted Image]

More of my doggy. smilie <3

[User Posted Image]

Here's something I made in art class. It's huge, it's about 4' tall. It's supposed to represent teenage emotions and desires. (Hahaha yeah I know, hush.. smilie)

[User Posted Image]

Tiger that I drew. It was shown at an art show in a college, so I'm pretty--ecstatic about that. smilie

[User Posted Image]

Here's our retarded musical costume we had to build..
Remember, it was Beauty and the Beast, and our task was to build Cogsworth, the talking clock dude..
THIS THING DROVE ME NUTS!!! I got to take it home, and I'm going to BURN IT.. smilie

[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]

Lastly, I found this ADORABLE baby bluejay outside in my yard yesterday! I wanted to show you guys. :3

[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#1658 Posted: 01:25:17 16/05/2012
They are all cute, sweetheart!! I love them! smilie Blue bird <3
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1659 Posted: 01:27:52 16/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Ahh, tis not a blue bird, tis a Bluejay! Completely different. Bluejays are annoying as hell when they're older, they make loud screeching noises. Dx
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#1660 Posted: 01:43:02 16/05/2012
Awww... But look at it!! How could such adowable bird make such annoying noises? x3
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1661 Posted: 01:55:28 16/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Ohh.. Don't be fooled! Once I was out feeding the chickens and one of them screeched in a tree right behind me, scared the HELL out of me!! It sounds like a demon-possessed little girl screaming. O.o

See? Bluebird (Eastern one to be exact smilie)-

[User Posted Image]


[User Posted Image]

^ ^ ^ ****ING ANNOYING!!
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#1662 Posted: 02:03:30 16/05/2012
But don't you just wanna cuddle and snuggle them anyways? Maybe it's annoying, but cuteness is unlimited! x3 (Sorry I'm weird today... smilie)
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1663 Posted: 02:09:45 16/05/2012 | Topic Creator
LOL! They are cute, but---no... xD (lol I was wondering what was up.. smilie)
greenlantern511 Ripto Gems: 270
#1664 Posted: 03:03:53 16/05/2012
Quote: Pyro-Spyro
@greenlantern- Captain America? Ohh boy, well, I could try! Any particular pose/scene you want him in?

Like in the Avengers movie poster!!!!
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#1665 Posted: 12:20:13 16/05/2012
Enoigh of that! Let's change the topic! smilie
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1666 Posted: 20:23:29 16/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Okay.. So today we had to write a paper in History... My friend's pretty much on the verge of being lazy at school, since Friday's our last day! Well, my last day's Friday, since I don't have to take Finals! (Hehee cause I'm smart-ical.. smilie) Anyway, her paper was all about bashing the teacher, but it's okay, because our teacher's funny and awesome. He actually finds enjoyment in getting bashed, but let me tell you what my friend wrote... It's--hilarious!! smilie
(Oh, btw, the topic we were supposed to write about was Education as a Current Issue.)

"We do not get very educated in History class because you talk about baseball, goin' back, nothing, etc. Education is important, but apparently not to you. We are one of the dumbest countries. Our class is equivalent to that of Kindergarten."

He read that out loud, and was shocked to hear that come from her. Everyone was laughing their asses off, it was great. smilie
miniquiny999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4260
#1667 Posted: 20:25:17 16/05/2012
im not dead but only in theory since i never use this heckin site anymore. send me a pm if you want i'll try to get back to ya this century
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#1668 Posted: 04:22:10 17/05/2012
Lol! smilie If you write the same here you'll be thrown to principal's office right away! smilie
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1669 Posted: 04:28:06 17/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Oh you should be in my History class! The strangest things happen! The teacher passed around these WWII coins that he had, then one of my friends said something to him and he picked up one of the coins and threw it at her! Then he started yelling "I JUST THREW A NAZI COIN AT YOU!" and the principal walks by, stops when he hears the yelling, laughs and just walks on. Yeah... Then today another one of my friends threw her pencil bag at him. Also, our teacher likes to randomly throw his dry erase markers down the hall. Our History class involves alot of stuff being thrown. smilie
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#1670 Posted: 04:37:15 17/05/2012
Wow... Your school seems to be a lot more fun than mines! smilie
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1671 Posted: 04:46:03 17/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Our school... is crazy! We're all nuts I think! smilie Once I recall the Biology teacher flippin out and throwing a METAL STOOL across the room into the WALL... Then last year in my Chemistry class we almost caught the room on fire with the torch. Then in band my classmates were playing baseball, using an expensive percussion tool as the bat. He swung at the paper ball, it somehow snapped in half, and our band teacher was pissed. I have countless weird stories, I'd probably bore you to death though.. smilie
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#1672 Posted: 15:52:48 17/05/2012
Nah, I'd definetely listen to all of them. Fun things here happen really rarely... XP
greenlantern511 Ripto Gems: 270
#1673 Posted: 21:46:46 17/05/2012
Hey, How's the Captain America?
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1674 Posted: 21:47:25 17/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Really?? You aren't gonna ignore a talkative teenage girl?? OMG! That's awesome!! smilie Aw don't worry, sometimes it's good when strange things don't happen to your school... smilie
greenlantern511 Ripto Gems: 270
#1675 Posted: 04:09:34 18/05/2012
Did you read my comment?
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1676 Posted: 04:14:38 18/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Whoops. Sorry bout that, you ninja'd me. smilie
Well... Is it okay if it's a sketch? Because I'm currently having issues again with my tablet.. XP
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#1677 Posted: 04:44:21 18/05/2012
I'd to hear everyrhing from you! I'm a pretty good listener smilie Why so? :3
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1678 Posted: 04:46:50 18/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Aww.. I'm flattered. Lol. smilie Well, idk.. crazy stuff at school isn't always the best thing.. Sometimes things just get TOO weird.. xD
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#1679 Posted: 04:58:48 18/05/2012
Hooray!!! smilie Well a little fun is better than nothing! smilie
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1680 Posted: 05:05:03 18/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Hehe.. smilie Well... Today when I parked my car and was walking towards the school I was attacked by a crazy psycho killdeer. The stupid thing laid eggs in the rocks right in the parking lot, scared the hell outta me when it jumped out. smilie
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#1681 Posted: 05:16:15 18/05/2012
Lol. Another bird? They all seem to like you!! smilie
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1682 Posted: 05:20:36 18/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Yep... The crazy things lay eggs all around the school, and they seem to only attack me the most... smilie
THIS little bugger:

[User Posted Image]
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#1683 Posted: 05:30:00 18/05/2012
You poor girl! *hugs!!* No birds will ever scare when I'm around!! smilie
*gasp* DAT EYES!!! smilie
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1684 Posted: 05:34:46 18/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Th-they---attack me.. *hugs tight and whimpers* smilie
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#1685 Posted: 12:29:21 18/05/2012
I'll protect you!! *holds you tight* smilie
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1686 Posted: 21:03:26 18/05/2012 | Topic Creator
THanks... Dem mean birds.. *sniffs and holds tight* smilie
What? Anorexia? I think you've got the wrong word there! smilie
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#1687 Posted: 21:45:02 18/05/2012
Quote: LTU Spyro
I'll protect you!! *holds you tight* smilie

Thats an eating disorder. smilie
looks like ive got some things to do...
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1688 Posted: 21:48:05 18/05/2012 | Topic Creator
YEAHHH.. I think he's got the wrong word there. I read it and was like "Say whaat?" smilie
greenlantern511 Ripto Gems: 270
#1689 Posted: 03:43:07 19/05/2012
Quote: Pyro-Spyro
Whoops. Sorry bout that, you ninja'd me. smilie
Well... Is it okay if it's a sketch? Because I'm currently having issues again with my tablet.. XP

Yeah, sure!
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1690 Posted: 03:45:06 19/05/2012 | Topic Creator
^Thanks. ^.^
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#1691 Posted: 15:02:19 19/05/2012
Quote: Pyro-Spyro
YEAHHH.. I think he's got the wrong word there. I read it and was like "Say whaat?" smilie

Bird's piercing eyes stole my stomach, so I won't be able to eat anymore. smilie
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1692 Posted: 18:23:41 19/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Oh... LOL.. smilie
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#1693 Posted: 09:51:24 20/05/2012
My logic is awesome. x3
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1694 Posted: 16:24:05 20/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Yes it is. smilie
Ahhhhh it feels so gooood to be off from school.. ^.^
miniquiny999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4260
#1695 Posted: 19:18:49 20/05/2012
I love goofy school jokes and stories! Tell me more about history. And this is the first time I like it more than science! So make it fun.
Also LTU just take me I don't mind.
im not dead but only in theory since i never use this heckin site anymore. send me a pm if you want i'll try to get back to ya this century
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1696 Posted: 20:01:35 20/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Well, once the teacher hid in the closet in the back of the room for about the first 10 minutes of class. All of us were looking around, wondering where he was. All of a sudden he jumps out of the closet with a German army helmet, a rifle and a machete and scared the living crap out of us. smilie
greenlantern511 Ripto Gems: 270
#1697 Posted: 02:03:29 21/05/2012
Once, as a senior prank at another school nearby, seniors took 3 pigs and spray painted them with numbers 1,2, and 4. They let them loose and closed school looking for pig 3.
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#1698 Posted: 02:06:56 21/05/2012 | Topic Creator
^ Ahaha, that's epic. smilie
miniquiny999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4260
#1699 Posted: 11:23:01 21/05/2012
im not dead but only in theory since i never use this heckin site anymore. send me a pm if you want i'll try to get back to ya this century
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#1700 Posted: 14:17:59 21/05/2012
Lol... smilie Awesome!
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