OK, so I've made a "tournament" that dS Smash Wii U players can use as a general hub for getting together and having matches in.
This will be open for use for an entire year (and when it ends, another can always be made).
It's not so much designed as a serious competition, just a place for people to stop by whenever they want to get together and play, without having to exchange NNIDs and waiting for that process.
Technically, whoever gets the most wins will be the "winner" of the tournament too. Though, that doesn't matter too much, as it's just meant for us to gather together for sessions, split into groups of 4.
I've also made a pretty open ruleset. No customs or items, but Miis are available, matches are three stock, 8 minutes, and any stage is usable. If people wanted one for different settings like customs and items, we can make those too (though preferably, someone else can make those - you can only have 2 or 3 tournaments open at a time).
We can do actual tournaments if people want, but I'm kinda tired right now and I have a job interview in the morning so I just said I'd make something quick for now. Also, unofficial tournaments don't work as I expected they would, such as not allowing 1v1. So we are gonna have to discuss things for smaller tournaments, I feel.
Hopefully you guys find this helpful. If you do, it might be good to put it in the OP.
Also, here is the Miiverse community for it: