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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The New World [always open] [CLOSED]
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#101 Posted: 19:01:01 25/11/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: sorry guys, I couldn't find the topic out of all the numerous RPs. smilie

@MugoUrth: just say you got separated from them in some way. that's probably the best o can think of at the moment. if anyone else thinks of something, let MugoUrth know.
Cool cool.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#102 Posted: 22:37:18 26/11/2013
OOC: I got an idea, but... sorry Eevee.

But before they could pull her up, Pitri did something alarming. Pitri... did EXACTLY what he was told not to do. He burned the rope. "Ha ha ha! Stupid Eevee. Cower before me!" He cried before running off. This pissed Raticate off royally. "PITRI, YOU BUTT-HOLE! WHAT THE F DID YOU DO THAT FOR! HEY, GET BACK HERE! I'M GONNA GNASH YOU LEG OFF!"
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#103 Posted: 00:30:36 28/11/2013 | Topic Creator
As soon as the four barged into the room, Dizzy was mysteriously glowing. Sean began to freak, not knowing what was going on.

"Tom! Liam!" Sean shouted, "What is happening to Dizzy?"

Liam quickly went up to Dizzy. "Dizzy, you alright?"

Tom stood back, but suddenly realized what was going on. "Guys, I think Dizzy is evolving."

Everyone else looked at Tom in awe. "How can you tell?" Soul and Sean asked curiously.

"This exact same thing happened to me when I was a Charmander. Evolution for a Pokémon can affect them in various ways. It's possible that it's very hard for Dizzy to process the evolution stage right now. Liam, stand back and give him a second."

"But Tom, what if you're wrong?" Liam shouted. "We can't just leave Dizzy there!"

"Liam, trust me, I know what I'm doing!"

"No you don't! For all we know, something bad could be happening to Dizzy!"

"Dizzy's fine, he just needs time!"

"WOULD YOU TWO STOP FIGHTING?" Soul shrieked. at that moment, Dizzy stopped glowing, but he looked different.

"Dizzy, you okay?" Sean asked as he went up to help him.

"I'm fine, but I feel different." Dizzy said. When he got up, he was definitely not a Kricketot anymore.

"Told you, Liam," Tom said. "Dizzy is now a Kricketune."
Cool cool.
StalkerSnake Yellow Sparx Gems: 1926
#104 Posted: 18:20:51 01/12/2013
(Hello. I would love to join, but is this RP alive?)
Чем больше вы знаете, тем больше вы знаете
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#105 Posted: 05:21:13 02/12/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: yes, it is still alive. just that no one's been posting in it recently.
Cool cool.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#106 Posted: 19:23:58 02/12/2013
OOC: I have no idea what to do. With Eevee gone AWOL, I can't interact with her characters so I have to think of something else.
Darchangel Blue Sparx Gems: 627
#107 Posted: 19:23:52 03/12/2013
OOC: @MugoUrth Where are you? Maybe we could collaborate?
>N< "Everyone knows I'm in over my head."
I'll Start Trying In September
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#108 Posted: 21:32:22 04/12/2013
OOC: @Darchangel mostly out in the middle of nowhere, but somewhere between Apple City and Steelville.
Darchangel Blue Sparx Gems: 627
#109 Posted: 19:33:51 05/12/2013
(OOC: @MugoUrth, I'm at New Angeles, but if you can think of a way for us to meet up, whether that means I have to move from location to location, is fine.)
>N< "Everyone knows I'm in over my head."
I'll Start Trying In September
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#110 Posted: 20:25:14 05/12/2013
(OOC: I got an idea. What if Pitri and Raticate get arrested and shipped off to New Angeles. After all, they both committed the crime of trying to solve a mission without a license, and Pitri left an Eevee in a crevice. I bet it could work out.)
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#111 Posted: 22:50:30 05/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Dizzy quickly got used to his new body. "Wow, I feel much stronger!"

just then, The Pikachu known as Tika burst into the room with a Dewott. "Is everything okay!?"

"Everything's good, Tika," said Tom, "Dizzy just needed to evolve."

"Thank goodness, too!" exclaimed Sean. "And you know the best part? Now that Dizzy is evolved, we can start a Rescue Team! You can join us, April, and so can you!" Sean motioned to Soul.

April immediately spoke up. "I'd love that! yippee!"

Soul thought about it. "I guess I should. After all, I can figure out what exactly happened to me in the process."

The Dewott suddenly got serious. "What are you talking about?" he asked.

Soul looked over all the Pokémon. "Look, I know this is going to sound crazy, but I'm not a Pokémon. I'm a human transformed into a Pokémon. I don't have any memory except for my name. I really want to find out what's-"

"You're STILL on that?" Sean asked. "I told you, you probably hit your head. there's no such thing as humans. What proof do you have that you were previously human?"

"Just my words, but..."

"Get it together!" Dizzy said, "You lost your memory, we can believe that. But there's no way you're human, Soul!"

The Dewott suddenly spoke up. "Sean, Dizzy, trust me on this. Soul is telling the truth. Contrary to what you believe, there actually are humans-turned-Pokémon."

Everyone except the Dewott's Rescue Team got a suspicious look. "And how would you know this?" Soul asked.

The Dewott looked down. "Because I am one myself."
Cool cool.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#112 Posted: 01:31:44 06/12/2013
"PITRI WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU, I'LL... I'll..." Raticate was starting to lose steam after running back into Apple City. "Oh yeah, those adorable little things? What are you gonna do with those?" Pitri asked. Raticate had just about enough of him. ...But eventually, Pitri turned around and stared him down. "Huh? You wanna fight me? You think you're tough enough, tiny arms?" Pitri taunted. "I... I... I don't know..." Raticate cried. Raticate started to cower in fear of his master. "That's what I thought!" Pitri said. "No one's not afraid of Pitri the Miserable!"

"I beg to DIFFER!" A voice boomed right behind Pitri as a pair of hand-cuffs were slapped on him. "You're under arrest for taking a mission without a license and leaving a girl to her death!" The Pokemon was a huge Blastoise, and a huge Blastoise who was hauling Pitri off in a vehicle. "What! Curse you! Unhand me at once or feel the wrath of Pitri the MISERABLE!!" Raticate kind of felt happy inside as he was thrown into the vehicle. "Ha, kind of serves you right," Raticate said.

"And you too," the Blastoise said. "I'm afraid YOU are an accomplice to the crime of taking a mission without a license." Raticate dipped his head down. "Awwwww..." he said as he was dragged off into the vehicle as well. "Next stop, the New Angeles Jail system."
chained skull Gold Sparx Gems: 2971
#113 Posted: 23:49:58 06/12/2013
Uhh hey could I join?
What do I even write here? Lmao
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#114 Posted: 20:59:36 13/12/2013
OOC: Bump?
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4533
#115 Posted: 22:15:05 13/12/2013
OOC: *sigh* I guess I might as well quit
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#116 Posted: 00:46:21 14/12/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: @chained skull- yeah, you can join.
@Eevee88- how come?
"Let me explain," said the Dewott. "My name is Heart. Like Soul, I was once a human as well. I was sent here by a Pokémon named Lugia, who missioned me with stopping a Pokémon named Yveltal."

Dizzy, April, and Sean got wide eyed. "That was you?"

"Indeed. Basically, this Yveltal had gone power-crazy. It had almost utilized some power known as the "Wishing Power". Lugia chose me to stop Yveltal from figuring out where this power was. thankfully, we fought and captured him, and thanks to Lugia, we could calm him of his crazy mind. Lugia told me the reason I was chosen is because humans have an aura that cannot be matched by the Pokémon of this world. Only our aura can stop something as evil and spiteful as the crazed Yveltal. Soul, if what you are saying is true, then that means a Pokémon sent you here for something. it may take a while to figure it out- it took us years to figure out why I was here- but some day you'll make connection with the Pokémon that sent you. It could be tonight, it could be months from now. what I can say is that you'll be here awhile."
Cool cool.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#117 Posted: 02:51:24 14/12/2013
OOC: No, you can still follow up with that.

Eventually, the van with Pitri and Raticate in it drove by the pit with Maria and Flame. Raticate jumped up and grabbed onto the cage and saw Flame. "Vulpix. Help me! Me and that jack-half are being arrested!"
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4533
#118 Posted: 06:41:53 14/12/2013
OOC: Flame is a Charmander smilie

"Oh no, Maria how do we save them?!?!" Flame panicked. I could say we were rescuing someone but they escaped. Then we got in a ditch.... Maria thought for a second. Maria jumped up and down to get there attention to stop. "I.... We can explain. Right Pitri and Raticate?"
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#119 Posted: 14:17:26 14/12/2013
But the vehicle didn't stop for a second. They might have to follow them to New Angeles. Besides, did they really WANT to save Pitri?
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4533
#120 Posted: 03:39:49 15/12/2013
"Great," mumbled Maria "just great." "Don't worry Maria, everything will be fine!" Flame tried to cheer her up. "Why don't we follow them?'' Maria nodded then ran to catch up. "Wait up!" Flame was soon running by Maria.
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#121 Posted: 03:38:44 16/12/2013
Finally, Pitri and Raticate made it to New Angeles where they were escorted to cells and locked in. "This is all your fault, minion!" Pitri cried out. "Ugh, why do I even hang around you?" Raticate asked. "Sometimes I think maybe you have a heart underneath, but what you did back there to the Eevee was ROTTEN!" Pitri wasn't swayed. "Blah blah blah. What do you expect? I'm evil!" Pitri answered. "No you're not!" Raticate said. "You're just an attention seeker, and I'm done being intimidated by you!" Pitri looked at Raticate, and his smile started to warp a bit. He then turned away. It was obvious Raticate got to him.
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4533
#122 Posted: 03:41:36 16/12/2013
Maria and Flame made it to New Angeles. They went to the poilice staition. "Hi, I am Maria, and this is Flame. We are a Mystery Dungeon team, we want to see a Pigknite and a Raticate please."
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#123 Posted: 03:46:16 16/12/2013
"Yeah, the scoundrels are in the back," the jailor, who was also a Blastoise, told the two. "Where does that stupid Raticate come from where Pokemon don't have actual names?"
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4533
#124 Posted: 03:50:31 16/12/2013
"I have no clue" said Maria. They followed the Blastoise. Finaly they all got there, "Pitri! Raticate!" Flame said. He lowwered his voice to a whisper.
"We are here to save you."
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#125 Posted: 03:52:16 16/12/2013
Raticate went over to the cage and smiled. "It's nice to see you here, but... Do you really want to save HIM?" Raticate asked, refering to Pitri. "He left you down in that hole."
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4533
#126 Posted: 03:54:40 16/12/2013
Maria half smiled. "From where I come from, I always get treated like that!"


"Hey Blastoise?" Flame asked, "Can you give these guys one more chance. Please?"
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#127 Posted: 04:04:18 16/12/2013
"Perhaps I should treat my subjects better," Pitri said. "Fine, I will not do that again. ...For now." Raticate smiled. "I think I might have hit a nerve earlier, and he might be trying to say he's sorry. ...Now... How do we get out?"
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4533
#128 Posted: 03:11:21 21/12/2013
"Hey Blastoise?" Flame asked again, "Can you give these guys one more chance. Please?"
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#129 Posted: 03:25:15 21/12/2013
The Blastoise thought. "Well... The Raticate's sentence won't be long, but... Attempted endangerment on the Pignite's part... Buuuuuut... Perhaps we could arange something. How does Community Service sound? You can accompany them if you want."
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4533
#130 Posted: 03:59:35 21/12/2013
"Accompany Service? What is that?" asked Flame.
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#131 Posted: 12:32:19 04/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Soul began to process the whole thing from Heart. "so you're saying i've been sent here to save everyone from something big, i have no clue what or who it is, i don't know when the time will be right to help, and it's because of some Pokemon that i'm here in the first place?"

Heart sighed. "Well, that's what Lugia told me, but he said it's why they send humans, they being Lugia, Darkrai, and Mewtwo. the Pokemon that sent you is one of those last two: Darkrai or Mewtwo. Plus, Lugia told me another human would be coming at some point, one sent by Darkrai, the other by Mewtwo." Heart put his hands on Soul's shoulders. "Look, I don't know why they're doing this. and for all I know, I could be wrong about your fate. but it's at least a lead to something. So I suggest trying to find Darkrai and Mewtwo and figure out if you're the one sent by them. seeing as how Darkrai and Mewtwo are gone to places unknown, however, it will be awhile before you see either of them."

Soul started getting drowsy. "That's... a lot to process..." and right after saying that, Soul passed out.
Cool cool.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#132 Posted: 13:24:17 05/01/2014
"Ugh, Community Service! Serve the community! Do stuff, help out! Not that hard of a concept," The Blastoise said frustratedly.
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#133 Posted: 13:09:43 11/01/2014 | Topic Creator
When Soul woke up, he noticed no one was in the room except Sean.

"Ugh, what happened?" he asked.

Sean walked over. "You passed out when Heart gave you all that info. You've been out for quite a few hours now. You ok?"

"Yeah, i'm good. Where's Dizzy and April?"

Sean got a bright look. "Oh, that's what i wanted to tell you! We're headed for Apple City to become an official Rescue Team now that Dizzy's evolved."

"You mean an official team? Like that Team Sun?"

"Yep! Team Sun is by far one of the best, let alone the most famous Rescue Team out there. it was so awesome that we even saw a glimpse of them!"

Soul thought. "But what about me? After what Heart said, there's still a lot of things i need to go through."

Sean took a deep breath. "Soul, i know that, and i know that we haven't known each other for so long, but... do you want to join our Rescue Team?"

Soul looked surprised. "You want ME to join?"

"Well, you're not sure what your purpose is for being here yet, maybe traveling with us on rescues could help! Plus, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have managed to save those Starlys. It's like you were born to be on a Rescue Team!" Sean lost his excitement and sighed. "But, if you say no, Heart said he would be willing to help you."

Soul smiled. "Are you kidding? There's all kinds of Pokemon that need us! And it's our job to save them! I may not know why i'm here just yet, but maybe i will find it along the way. so my answer is yes. I'm joining!"

Sean never looked happier. "Really!? That's aweome! I'll tell the others!" he quickly ran outside.

Soul thought to himself. Who knows, maybe THIS is my purpose. and if it is, then i'm going to love being here.
Cool cool.
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#134 Posted: 13:36:14 20/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: bump.
Cool cool.
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#135 Posted: 01:12:07 05/02/2014
Occ: Hey can I join? Or has this RP died??
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#136 Posted: 21:07:20 06/02/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: @Sky the Dragon- No, it hasn't died. At least i hope it hasn't. Either way, you may still join if you'd like.
Cool cool.
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#137 Posted: 01:03:10 07/02/2014
Occ: Ok thanks I'll make my character sheet right after I finish making my character sheet on my Pokemon RP
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
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