"Anger." One young demoness called out.
"Good." Bazel responded. "It's also called wrath for the more educated. Anyone else?"
"Pride!" One demon responded.
"Yes, the very first sin ever committed. Good. Anyone else?" Bazel asked.
"Lust." Replied another demon.
"Yes, one of my favorites, and it also has so many branches and categories. We'll be studying that in depth. Anyone else? What about you, there in the back?" Bazel asked, pointing to Ricin.
darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Role Play > Anthro schools for the Righteous and the Damned.
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#101 Posted: 19:27:11 04/09/2013 | Topic Creator
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234 |
#102 Posted: 19:53:40 04/09/2013
(OOC: Oh, I thought Torok was running the classes.)
Benny started to think about her visits on Earth. She could always talk about her super humongous beach resort on Earth that she goes to all the time because she's rich, but... would Jesus really want her to gloat? She just bit her tongue and kept her mouth shut. |
Emerald Sparx
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#103 Posted: 22:31:23 04/09/2013
OOC: We both are. We'll take turns in each of the two schools. So... she'll control the next Angelic School class and I'll control the next Demonic School class. Get it? If you want to know which classes we each control, specifically, you can take a look at our character sheets.
"Care to elaborate?" Chesed asked Des. Des shrank back, not wanting to give more detail. He thought about it for a minute, then decided on what he'd say. "I went down with a group of angels who were fighting on the front lines." He shrugged. "I didn't get to join them, of course, but still, it was pretty impressive to see the fighting up close." ----------------------- Linaria watched Des in shock. A visit to earth? On the front lines?! Why hadn't he said anything?! And how had he gotten the opportunity to do that?! She'd have to ask him after class. -------------------- Chesed stared at Des, quite impressed. Not too many students got to visit the battle raging on earth. The lad was lucky, but also a bit unlucky, to have to witness such brutality up close. Chesed shivered a little, then turned his attention back to his students. "Anyone else? We'll soon have to be moving on to the lesson, but I'd love to hear from all of you!" ----------------------------- Oh, crap! Ricin thought, realizing the teacher was pointing to him. Don't hesitate! Just think of something! "Greed?" He ventured, not having a clue.
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:39:46 04/09/2013 by RumpleLover
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#104 Posted: 23:47:43 04/09/2013 | Topic Creator
"Yes. Greed. Come on, only a few more." Bazel said.
"Envy." Replied another demoness. "Yes." Bazel said. "Come on, just two more. I'll give you a hint, one is a branch of lust and greed." Bazel said. "Gluttony." Said a demon. "Yes, now can anyone tell me why gluttony can go with lust or greed?" Bazel asked, trying to test the students. |
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234 |
#105 Posted: 02:20:55 05/09/2013
"Wait, you actually FOUGHT on EARTH!?" Benny blurted out. She noticed people were staring at her, so she tried to smile and act sweet again. "Woops, sorry. Continue."
Emerald Sparx
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#106 Posted: 04:08:36 07/09/2013
Des glanced to the Tapir and nodded, not really wanting to say much. "I didn't get to fight," he said, simply. "I only got to watch." His tone was cool.
-------------------------------------------- Chesed turned to the Tapir. "And what about you? Did you do anything fun over your time away from school?" He asked her.
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#107 Posted: 04:20:21 07/09/2013 | Topic Creator
"Because you can have a lust for food, as in you have to have it. And, you can also be greedy with your food." Said a demon.
"Yes, very correct. Now, we have one more sin, what is it?" Asked Bazel. He looked at the bat in the back of the room. "You've been quiet lately. Tell me, what is the final sin?" |
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#108 Posted: 03:28:02 09/09/2013
"Umm...." Rhus hesitated. It wasn't that he didn't know. He really was quite smart. It was just that he didn't want to be wrong, and didn't trust that he'd get it right. "Ummm..." "Spit it out, Runt!" Ricin growled quietly to him. Rhus looked to him, still hesitating. He knew Ricin was right. If he kept hesitating, he'd be in trouble for sure. He closed his eyes and took a breath, saying as he let it out, "Sloth?"
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#109 Posted: 11:54:53 09/09/2013 | Topic Creator
"Yes, finally you say the right word. Sloth, the sin we get so many Christians hooked on. They get sluggish, no longer wishing to go out and evangelize, we give them the alternative of sitting at home watching TV all day long. We get them so slothful that they don't even want to get on their knees and pray, pride has something to do with that too, but it's mostly sloth. Well, it seems like you all seem to know something about the sins we tempt humans with. Tell me, what are the sins that can be done through thought?" Bazel asked.
"Lust." Said a demon. "Yes, another one?" Bazel asked. "Lying?" Asked a demoness. "Well, in a way yes. You can deceive yourself." Bazel said. He pointed to the back of the class to Rhus and Ricin. "Can you two tell me one?" |
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#110 Posted: 16:50:49 09/09/2013
Rhus sighed in relief, but it was short lived. Once again, he hesitated. "Um...." Ricin looked at his friend, slightly worried for him. "Pride!" He called out, answering for both of them.
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#111 Posted: 17:28:41 09/09/2013 | Topic Creator
"Yes, that's right. Anything else?" Bazel asked.
"Murder." Said a demoness. "Yes, also known as hate, murder in the heart." Bazel said. OOC: RL, go on with the Bible study class. Continue with it. |
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#112 Posted: 20:34:25 09/09/2013
OOC: Gothca! Will do!
"Well, it certainly sounds like you've all had some interesting and fun summers, but I guess we should get on with the lesson before we run out of time." "Yes, I'd hate for you to miss your one chance to teach for awhile," Lavi said, grinning. Chesed frowned, but chose to ignore his other half. "Yes, well... We'll go back to what the young stoat and rabbit were talking about. Jesus. Can anyone tell me why He's so important?" He looked to the class, waiting.
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#113 Posted: 21:18:27 09/09/2013 | Topic Creator
"Because He's the son of God." Suzie said.
"Because He died for the mortals and for the universe." Xavier said. "Because He is God." Anthony said. "Greed." Said a demon. "Yes, coveting something in private, being jealous about it. Well, I think that covers everything. Everyone take out your textbooks that are in your desks." Bazel said. The class did as they were told. The textbooks were big, on the covers there were images of the seven deadly sins, rather graphic ones too. |
Emerald Sparx
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#114 Posted: 23:24:54 10/09/2013
"Yes, to all three!" Chesed said. "But it goes deeper than that.... Anyone know how?" He looked over the students and caught sight of Linaria, a young snow leopard he knew well, and whom he liked. "How about you, Linaria?" He asked with a smile. He watched he think for a bit before speaking.
"Because he changed the way things worked." She said. "In dying for the mortals, he changed the law, creating a new one, and now the mortals are free from the burden of their sin if they'll only turn to him and repent. He made a new way - a better way..." She paused, shrugging. "It was the only way." "Yes," Lavi said, with a huff, returning to his former state of unhappiness. "Which is exactly why we should be studying the Old Testament! Without it, none of us would know how well off we are now! Why what Jesus did is sooo extremely important!" Chesed looked to his other half and nodded. For once they were in agreement, and for once he saw Lavi's point of view as never before. Maybe this would be the year they could finally teach together without arguing. He smiled. "You're right! And that's why we'll start with the Old Testament lessons after today!" He could tell Lavi was completely taken off guard as he turned back to the students. "But first, we'll start with the basics. Take out your Bibles and turn to the New Testament, and while we're doing that, can any of you recite John 3:16?" He looked out eagerly at his students, waiting. ----------------------------- Ricin rolled his eyes as he pulled out his textbook and leafed through the pages, hardly caring what they said. Beside him, Rhus pulled out his textbook, as well, eager to start learning, though it was only the first day of school. Ricin rolled his eyes again, trying not to let a groan escape his lips.
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#115 Posted: 14:53:34 11/09/2013 | Topic Creator
Anthony raised his hand. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in His shall not perish, but have everlasting life."
"Now, all of you, read chapter 1 and answer the questions at the end of the chapter. Tomorrow we will get a more in depth look at what you read." Bazel commanded his class. Chapter one was about the beginning of sin, how Satan created the first sin, pride, and how he applied it in Heaven as well as on Earth with the first mortals. Satan suddenly barged into Bazel's classroom. Everyone suddenly stood up and bowed down low to the ground at his entry. |
Emerald Sparx
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#116 Posted: 01:09:43 12/09/2013
Ricin started to turn to the front of the book when Satan suddenly barged into the classroom. He stood up quickly and bowed low, waiting to hear what he had to say, eager to obey.
------------- "Yes, that's correct!" Chesed said, excitedly. "Next question! What do the gospels all have in common?"
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#117 Posted: 01:42:39 12/09/2013 | Topic Creator
"You!" Satan said, pointing to Ricin. "Get over here now, you sniveling creature!" He commanded.
Xavier raised his hand next. "They all tell of Jesus' life, ministry, death and resurrection." |
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#118 Posted: 01:40:59 13/09/2013
"Yes!" Chesed said. "You're right!" He glanced at the clock. "Everyone take the next few minutes to read one of the Gospels. Pick one, any one, and read as much as you can until I stop you and we'll discuss how they're the same and different."
----------------- Linaria turned to the Gospel of Luke and started reading. Beside her, Eryn and Des started reading their Bibles, as well. ----------------- Ricin stood, rooted to the spot, terror filling him. He knew he had to obey. Not doing so would only bring intense pain. Still, the idea of approaching Satan filled him with dread. He had no idea what he could possibly want, and he hated the words he had called him. It filled him with great anger, which was only slightly silenced by his terror. Still, he knew he had to obey. He forced his leg muscles to work and slowly approached the great man, bowing low before him. "Y... yes, Sir?" He asked, trying not to stutter or to show his fear.
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#119 Posted: 05:23:36 13/09/2013 | Topic Creator
Xavier turned to the book of Mark, a very simplistic Gospel, not full of detail, but just as important as the others.
Anthony turned to the book of John, he enjoyed the way John wrote, it's reflected not only in the Gospel but also in Revelation. Satan grabbed Ricin by the back of the neck and pulled him to his feet. "You think the work I do isn't important!? How dare you spit right in my eye? You worthless wretch!" Satan screamed at him. |
Emerald Sparx
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#120 Posted: 15:02:09 13/09/2013
Ricin tried not to cry out in shock and pain as he felt the firm hand grasp the back of his neck. He trembled in the grasp of Satan, unsure what else to do... or say. Though he wasn't sure if he could do or say anything. Instead, he stayed silent, waiting, not wanting to get in any more trouble, though with Satan, that seemed highly unlikely.
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
Platinum Sparx
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#121 Posted: 23:25:12 13/09/2013 | Topic Creator
"Answer me! Do you think you can handle the sword of a angel if you don't learn to serve me, if you don't know how to fight and bring me the souls of mortals!?" Satan asked, shaking the child a bit.
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#122 Posted: 04:27:24 14/09/2013
"N...n, no..." Ricin replied, hating himself for stuttering in his fear, and hating himself even more for being afraid.
------------- "Okay," Chesed said, turning back to the class, "that's enough. I know you probably didn't get very far, but let's discuss what we've read. How many of you read John?" ----------- Eryn heard Chesed's voice and pried his eyes away from the Gospel he was reading. He raised his paw as he heard Chesed's question.
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
Platinum Sparx
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#123 Posted: 00:54:48 15/09/2013 | Topic Creator
"I put my own effort and time into this school to teach you! I put my soldiers here who I know can be fighting in the war right now! You treat my work like a damn joke!" Satan screamed as he threw Ricin to the floor and snarled savagely.
"I did." Anthony said as he raised his paw. |
Emerald Sparx
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#124 Posted: 02:06:00 16/09/2013
Ricin let out a grunt of pain as he rolled to a stop. "I... I'm sorry!" He stuttered as he got to his knees and bowed low before Satan again. "I'll work harder, I promise!" He didn't really want to keep that promise, but he did want to fight in the war, and getting through this school was the only way to do that. If Satan was so angry, he might just kick him out of the school, and then what would he do? This was a promise he had to keep whether he wanted to or not.
-------------------- Chesed nodded, looking at the raised hands. "Good... Okay, how many of you read Mark? If you have your hand raised now, remember the hands that are raised with yours."
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#125 Posted: 11:45:18 16/09/2013 | Topic Creator
Satan hissed at the child groveling before him. "It seems as if you don't mean that." He said.
Ludavah stood up. "Master, you can't expect a child to take any of this seriously. They just don't know what's really going on." "I've had humans take me more seriously than this brat does!" Satan said, he lashed Ricin with his tail out of anger. Xavier raised his hand. Anthony lowered his, but took a mental note of who had their hands raised. |
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#126 Posted: 16:05:12 16/09/2013
"I do! I do!" Ricin shouted. "What can I do to prove myself?!" He was answered by the lash of Satan's tail and cried out in pain, though he tried to muffle it. He really didn't want to seem weak, especially not in front of Satan.
---------------- "Okay," Chesed said, nodding. "And who read Luke? Once again, make a mental note of who's raising their hand with you." He looked around the room at the raised hands, noticing that Linaria had hers raised. "And finally, who read Matthew?" He asked. "Okay. Now, you all remember who raised their hands with you, right?" He paused to grin. "Okay, then, pick someone who read a different Gospel than you and split into pairs. Discuss what you've each read and how they're the same and different. Preferably with someone you don't know yet. What better way to start the school year then getting to know new faces?" He smiled, watching the students break off into pairs. -------------- Linaria had noticed that Des had raised his hand last, which meant he had read Matthew. She was really excited, wanting to talk to him, but she sighed, knowing Chesed was right. She should partner up with someone who she didn't know. She glanced around the room, trying to remember who had read something different than her besides her two best friends.
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#127 Posted: 16:35:12 16/09/2013 | Topic Creator
"Get PERFECT grades in your classes! Do you understand!? I will follow up with your teachers to see what you have done. If you screw up expect an unpleasant visit from me!" Satan said.
Xavier, Anthony and Suzie went to their individual pairs. Anthony sat down next to Suzie and began disscussing what they read. Xavier walked over to Linaria. "Hello, I'm Xavier." |
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#128 Posted: 18:42:59 16/09/2013
"Hi," Linaria said, extending a paw. "I'm Linaria. You read Mark, right?"
--------------------------------- Ricin nodded. "Yes... yes, I'll do that." The though sickened him, but now the pressure was on. Well, at least he had Rhus to tutor him, though he'd much rather be practicing his fighting skills. He quickly bowed again to Satan, hoping to prove his sincerity.
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#129 Posted: 13:43:57 17/09/2013 | Topic Creator
"Yes." Xavier said, shaking her paw. "I'm Xavier." He said.
"Good! Though, I get the feeling all you want to do is fight, you don't care about books, right?" Satan asked. |
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#130 Posted: 22:10:27 17/09/2013
Linaria shrugged. "So, what did Mark have to say about Jesus?" She asked.
----------------- Ricin lifted his eyes to meet Satan's. For a second, he forgot his place. "Well, yeah," he said. "That's the most important thing, isn't it?! Of course I want to fight!"
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#131 Posted: 00:37:21 18/09/2013 | Topic Creator
"I didn't get very far, but at the start he was talking about how John was living in the wilderness and how he spoke very highly of Jesus almost to the point of making himself seem like nothing." Xavier said.
"Very well then, I want you to show me your skills! Prove yourself." Satan said, he grabbed Ricin by the arm and disappeared with him. Ricin was in a different place now, Earth. He was in a church, a single man was in that church but he was surrounded by five, ten foot tall, fully armored angels. |
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#132 Posted: 03:51:36 19/09/2013
Linaria nodded. "Luke is like a historical account of everything that happened," she said, "which is why I love it so much!" She smiled.
---------------------------------- Ricin stared in shock. He wasn't quite sure what happened, but as his eyes caught on the angels, and Satan's words continued to ring in his ears, he grinned in joy. Yes! This was exactly what he wanted! He gripped his sword tightly, ready for the fight! Without stopping to think, he drew his sword, let out a fierce cry, and rushed at the two nearest angles, swinging his sword in a wide arch, slicing at the first angel's stomach and continuing toward the second angel's chest.
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#133 Posted: 12:04:03 19/09/2013 | Topic Creator
"Yes, while Mark is a more simplistic writer, getting right to the point." Xavier said.
The first angel screamed in pain as the sword cut him a bit as it went through his armor. The second angel blocked with his own sword. A third angel pulled out a mace and whacked Ricin in the back with it. Bazel stood up and walked over to his daughter. "NEVER ever talk being in favor of anyone but lord Satan! I don't care if he's wrong, or you think he's wrong! Is that understood!?" Ludavah nodded, showing a bit of fear at her father's scolding. |
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#134 Posted: 03:42:49 21/09/2013
Ricin cried out in pain as the mace hit him in the back. He regained his balance, ignoring the pain as his father always taught him to, and leaped to the side, turning to face both angels. Anger fueled him now. Growling, he sliced at the wrists of the angel with the mace.
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#135 Posted: 11:44:57 21/09/2013 | Topic Creator
The angel got hit, but the sword only grazed his armor as he jumped back. An angel with a flail swung the weapon at Ricin's hands, attempting to disarm him.
Bazel looked at his students as they all stood up. "Let me remind you all to never ever talk back to our lord, you saw what happens. Anyway, turn to the person next to you and discuss what you read." He said as he went back to his desk. |
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#136 Posted: 03:58:23 23/09/2013
Ricin saw the flail coming at him and jerked his hands away, but it still grazed his right arm. Ignoring the pain, he charged at the angel with the mace, swinging relentlessly at his chest armor.
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#137 Posted: 12:26:15 23/09/2013 | Topic Creator
His armor was damaged, the sword nearly cut through but the angel blocked with his mace. One other angel stabbed Ricin with a dagger in the side.
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#138 Posted: 15:40:59 23/09/2013
Ricin fell to the side, the pain much to immense. Catching his breath while holding his wound, he looked to the angels. He couldn't give up. He was small and agile, he had that going for him. His injury would slow him down, though. He rushed toward the angel with the mace, leaping under his legs and coming up behind him. He winced at the sudden pain from the movement, but still managed to bring his sword down hard on the angel's back. After doing so, he quickly spun around, ready to block any attacks that might come from behind.
OOC: Do you want me to go back to my characters in the class, or just keep going with this until the bell rings?
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#139 Posted: 17:16:23 23/09/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Go back to the class.
The angel yelled in pain as he fell to the ground. Four other angels went for Ricin, attacking on all sides. |
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#140 Posted: 03:51:04 24/09/2013
"So, what do they have in common," Linaria asked Xavier, turning to her Bible.
--------------------- It was too much. Ricin knew he was done for. But he wouldn't give up without a fight! He frowned, determined, blocking the angel's attack coming toward his front with his sword. He pushed the angel back as best he could, then crouched low and suddenly leaped up and backwards, trying to flip away from the angels. His injury was jarred and pain shot through him. He wasn't able to finish his arch and crashed to the floor. It was then that he realized two of the angels' weapons had also grazed his legs. He caught his breath, growing furious at himself for losing.
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#141 Posted: 11:40:05 24/09/2013 | Topic Creator
"They both basically said the same thing, right? Mark says it simplified though." Xavier said.
The angels surrounded him. Some were wounded as their armor were damaged. Ricin suddenly disappeared and reappeared in a hallway of the school in front of Satan. |
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#142 Posted: 03:14:10 25/09/2013
"Pretty much," Linaria replied. "What Jesus did is so amazing! And even God allowing him to. Can you imagine? It was his only son?"
------------------------ Ricin was shocked at first, then slightly annoyed. He wanted to finish the fight, even though he was pretty sure it would end with his death. As he came face-to-face with Satan, his anger gave way to fear, and he bowed low, having no idea what to say, besides, "My Lord..."
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#143 Posted: 18:06:48 25/09/2013 | Topic Creator
"Yes, I know, it was so incredible! Yet the mortals don't see it. I don't understand how." Xavier said.
"You did surprisingly well, child. Perhaps you are of some use to me..." Satan said and put his hand on Ricin's head, his wounds were healing, but with great pain shooting through him. |
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#144 Posted: 05:00:08 28/09/2013
Linaria hung her head, sadly. "They're being deceived and blinded," she said.
---------------------------- Ricin hardly noticed the pain as Satan's words ran over and over in his head. To have Satan, his master, speak favorably of him was more than he could handle. He tried to suppress his delight and keep his face solemn and reverent. The pain soon overtook his emotions and he tried to hold out against it, proving his strength.
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#145 Posted: 12:33:15 28/09/2013 | Topic Creator
"Yeah, may Jesus open their eyes." Xavier said.
Satan took his hand off Ricin. "Maybe such a fighter shouldn't be squandered in that classroom. With some more training you can be used as a soldier to take out the angels so the temptation demons can get to the mortal we're trying to tempt." |
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#146 Posted: 16:35:45 28/09/2013
Ricin couldn't believe what he was hearing. Excitement coursed through his body. He tried to keep calm as he answered, keeping his head bowed. "Whatever you think best, Master."
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#147 Posted: 11:20:58 29/09/2013 | Topic Creator
"I will have a close friend of mine train you in the art of combat as well as pain tolerance. Your training will begin today, as soon as the bell rings at the main training hall, not the school's training hall." Satan said.
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#148 Posted: 03:46:34 30/09/2013
Ricin nodded. "Yes, master." He tried to control the giddy excitement that was welling up inside him. He couldn't believe his fortune. He silently hoped Satan would leave soon, for he wasn't sure how much longer he could contain his great joy.
---------------- "Yes," Linaria agreed, her sadness deepening as she hung her head. Just then Chesed's voice rang out over the class. "Alright, class, what have you learned from your discussions with each other? Do the Gospels all correlate and agree with one another?"
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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#149 Posted: 13:00:15 01/10/2013 | Topic Creator
Satan turned away and started to walk away. He stopped and turned again to Ricin. "You may celebrate now." He said as he disappeared down the hall.
"I would say they do. Sure, they may leave out a few things, or start and end at different points but they basically say the same thing." Anthony said. "Yeah, and some summarize while others are detailed." Xavier added. |
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#150 Posted: 04:19:00 02/10/2013
Ricin allowed his grin to spread wide on his face and did a silent celebratory dance right there in the hall. This was shaping up to be his best school year ever!
------------- "Yes!" Chesed almost shouted, growing excited. "You're both absolutely correct. So what we should take away from this is that it is absolute truth. I know we all know this, but the mortals don't. They need to understand. If four Gospels in one book, all written by different people, can communicate and agree on the same thing, then how can it be disputable?"
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know." "But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are." |
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