
Spyro: A Hero's Tail


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Ember [CLOSED]
Crush Gold Sparx Gems: 2812
#101 Posted: 20:18:50 02/01/2008
I don't think Ember and Nanny look like each other, just because they have the same color.
You can lie... *Smirks* But your bladder can't. Ha ha ha!
Quote: dark52
Dragongyrl1000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1939
#102 Posted: 03:02:11 03/01/2008
Me either.
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who do matter don't mind." - Dr. Suess
Spyrothedragon Fodder
#103 Posted: 00:24:19 04/01/2008
Spyro's also annoying and coky but he does save his homeland against all evil
Spyrothedragon Fodder
#104 Posted: 00:25:31 04/01/2008
what's wrong with Ember
Spyrothedragon Fodder
#105 Posted: 00:32:34 04/01/2008
well spyro's just shy around Ember
Spyrothedragon Fodder
#106 Posted: 00:37:41 04/01/2008
Ember was supposed to sound like a teen as well but they made her sound like a little girl when she's supposed to be 13 years old so she's not 5 or 6 she's 13
Spyrothedragon Fodder
#107 Posted: 00:47:31 04/01/2008
in the legend of Spyro the eternal night

Spyro's 17 years old spyro's my favorite character
Spyrothedragon Fodder
#108 Posted: 00:55:29 04/01/2008
cynder is also 17 they could be twins
Spyrothedragon Fodder
#109 Posted: 01:01:53 04/01/2008
Cynder is Spyro's birth sister
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14456
#110 Posted: 01:13:23 04/01/2008
Please don't post so many times in a row, thank you.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Spyrothedragon Fodder
#111 Posted: 01:13:48 04/01/2008
I support spyroXember
Spyrothedragon Fodder
#112 Posted: 01:15:02 04/01/2008
sorry i can't help my help myself
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#113 Posted: 01:57:34 08/01/2008
Quote: dark52
Please don't post so many times in a row, thank you.

I'll support you dark52 can you also turn me into a gold sparx PLEASE?????
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
Aqua-Dragoness Gold Sparx Gems: 2851
#114 Posted: 19:29:00 08/01/2008
Quote: SD-King
Quote: dark52
Please don't post so many times in a row, thank you.

I'll support you dark52 can you also turn me into a gold sparx PLEASE?????

I think you need to be turned into a golden Sparx is when you have reached your 1,000 post.

And please don't get offtopic. <.<;
Twilight Blue Sparx Gems: 742
#115 Posted: 12:49:38 10/01/2008
Ember would make a funny (yet interesting) addition to TLoS. (and here come the flames).
As long as I don't have to do anything, I'm kool with it.
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#116 Posted: 18:03:57 20/01/2008
no matter what you say spyro is mine! die ember go date your brother flame!
Spyrothedragon Fodder
#117 Posted: 03:54:38 30/01/2008
Ember's cute
emberelora Emerald Sparx Gems: 3059
#118 Posted: 07:54:53 30/01/2008
Quote: SD-King
Quote: dark52
Please don't post so many times in a row, thank you.

I'll support you dark52 can you also turn me into a gold sparx PLEASE?????

you turn a gold sparx when you get 1000 gems.
"This is the most musically inclined situation I've ever found myself in and I've played guitar hero!"
Denri Green Sparx Gems: 269
#119 Posted: 21:17:29 07/02/2008
Quote: Volteer
hve you noiced embers nose is really short, and flames you could like....sail a boat with that thing! lol

I know. Flame has teh schnozz of doom!
RAWR! I have ADHD. *cough42cough*
My Gallery: Click!
Denri Green Sparx Gems: 269
#120 Posted: 21:18:45 07/02/2008
Quote: Twilight
Ember would make a funny (yet interesting) addition to TLoS. (and here come the flames).

I soo agree. *snickers with very thought*
RAWR! I have ADHD. *cough42cough*
My Gallery: Click!
Denri Green Sparx Gems: 269
#121 Posted: 21:19:18 07/02/2008
Quote: Spyrothedragon
Cynder is Spyro's birth sister

Actually, it has been comfirmed that they are NOT.
RAWR! I have ADHD. *cough42cough*
My Gallery: Click!
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#122 Posted: 03:25:36 14/02/2008
*point at first topic*Ralations?
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
Anonymous Fodder
#123 Posted: 12:27:56 23/05/2008
i think they both suck, spyro UGLY and ember UGLYER!!!!
DragonFriend244 Blue Sparx Gems: 767
#124 Posted: 20:20:58 23/05/2008
[quote=Anonymous]i think they both suck, spyro UGLY and ember UGLYER!!!![/quote]

GET OFF THE SITE. If you don't like Spyro in the first place then why are you EVEN HERE in the first place.
Dragon Lover Emerald Sparx Gems: 4710
#125 Posted: 13:20:01 24/05/2008
spyrorocks Fodder
#126 Posted: 11:46:07 31/05/2008
Spyro and Cynder are related because they are from the same batch of eggs. but they might not be because it depends on who is they're mum and dad.
dragonlover Yellow Sparx Gems: 1122
#127 Posted: 13:05:36 04/10/2008
Maybe Nanny's her mother?
Supernatural is the key to the world of hot guys......
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#128 Posted: 21:05:23 05/10/2008
Yeah! I think she is. Ember is so cute! smilie
ignitusforever Ripto Gems: 1788
#129 Posted: 02:57:14 06/03/2009
Quote: Spyro Fanatic
*snaps emebers neck* SPYRO IS MINE!!!! *hisses*

HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!
ignitusforever Ripto Gems: 1788
#130 Posted: 03:00:16 06/03/2009
Quote: Spyrothedragon
Cynder is Spyro's birth sister

No she is not!!!!!! If they were brother and sister and they are in love, that's gross!!!!!!!!!! Spyro and Cynder are NOT brother and sister
ignitusforever Ripto Gems: 1788
#131 Posted: 03:02:09 06/03/2009
Quote: spyrorocks
Spyro and Cynder are related because they are from the same batch of eggs. but they might not be because it depends on who is they're mum and dad.

They did come from the same batch of eggs, but that doesn't mean their brother and sister! Give it up!
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#132 Posted: 16:20:50 06/03/2009
Quote: Tango
no matter what you say spyro is mine! die ember go date your brother flame!

OMG! I was such a Noob back then...
Ice Bane Emerald Sparx Gems: 3200
#133 Posted: 00:05:05 08/03/2009
what exactly was ember's importance in this game?
Facti sunt tenebrae et lux
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#134 Posted: 10:57:03 08/03/2009
Just a side character along with Flame to show that other young dragons lived in Dragon Village I guess.
C1nder Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10603
#135 Posted: 05:51:11 08/07/2009
Ember is pretty cool! But she's also annoying. By the way, when you play as Ember, what breath do you have?

[User Posted Image]

Flame and Spyro:
[User Posted Image]

Thericadragon Red Sparx Gems: 45
#136 Posted: 03:55:44 26/07/2009

They are ALMOST the same but Flame has a longer snout, wings are golden, Flame acts all mister cool, and he is RED NOT ORANGE.

But I am a big fan of Flame so I like him.
When you have nothing to live for, when your heart has failed you, run. You must
find who you are and throw away your past.
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